Diary – IOC World Bird List

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href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Screamers, ducks, geese, swans</a></li> <li id="menu-item-9910" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Megapodes, guans, guineafowl, New World quail</a></li> <li id="menu-item-9911" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Pheasants, partridges, francolins</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10047" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Nightjars, Oilbird, potoos, frogmouths</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10008" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Owlet-nightjars, treeswifts, swifts</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10009" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Hummingbirds</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10010" class="menu-item 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menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Sandpipers, snipes, Crab-plover, coursers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10015" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Noddies, skimmers, gulls, terns, skuas, auks</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10016" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Kagu, Sunbittern, tropicbirds, loons, penguins</a></li> <li id="menu-item-11455" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Petrels, albatrosses</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10017" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Storks, frigatebirds, boobies, darters, cormorants</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10018" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Ibises, spoonbills, 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menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Jacamars, puffbirds, barbets, toucans, honeyguides</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10025" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Woodpeckers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10026" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Seriemas, falcons</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10027" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Parrots, cockatoos</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10028" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">NZ wrens, Sapayoa, asities, broadbills, pittas</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10029" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Ovenbirds, woodcreepers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10030" class="menu-item 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href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Whiteheads, sittellas, Ploughbill, Australo-Papuan bellbirds, Shriketit, whistlers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10041" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Vireos, shrike-babblers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10042" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Orioles, drongos, fantails</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10043" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Monarchs</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10044" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Jayshrike, shrikes, crows, mudnesters, melampittas, Ifrit, birds-of-paradise</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10045" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Australasian robins, rockfowl, rockjumpers, Rail-babbler</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10046" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Waxwings and allies, tits, penduline tits</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10048" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Nicators, Bearded Reedling, larks</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10049" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Bulbuls</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10050" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Swallows</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10051" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Cupwings, crombecs, cettiid bush warblers, Streaked Scrub Warbler, yellow flycatchers, hylias</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10052" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Bushtits, leaf warblers, reed warblers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10053" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Grassbirds, Donacobius, tetrakas, cisticolas, allies</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10056" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Sylviid babblers, parrotbills, white-eyes</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10054" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Babblers, scimitar babblers, ground babblers, Alcippe fulvettas</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10055" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Laughingthrushes and allies</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10057" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Dapple-throats, sugarbirds, fairy-bluebirds, kinglets, Elachura, hyliotas, wrens, gnatcatchers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10058" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Nuthatches, Wallcreeper, treecreepers, spotted creepers, mockingbirds, starlings, oxpeckers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10059" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Thrushes</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10060" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Chats, Old World flycatchers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10061" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Dippers, leafbirds, flowerpeckers, sunbirds</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10062" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Old World sparrows, snowfinches, weavers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10063" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Waxbills, parrotfinches, munias, whydahs, Olive Warbler, accentors, pipits</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10064" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Finches, euphonias, longspurs, Thrush-tanager</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10065" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Buntings</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10066" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">New World sparrows, bush tanagers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10067" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Caribbean “tanagers”, Wrenthrush, Yellow-breasted Chat</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10068" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Oropendolas, orioles, blackbirds</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10069" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">New World warblers, mitrospingid tanagers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10070" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Cardinals, grosbeaks and “tanager” allies</a></li> <li id="menu-item-10071" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Tanagers and allies</a></li> </ul></li> <li id="menu-item-374" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-has-children fl-has-submenu"> <div class="fl-has-submenu-container"> <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">English Names</a><span class="fl-menu-toggle"></span> </div> <ul class="sub-menu"> <li id="menu-item-198" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Principles</a></li> <li id="menu-item-199" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-has-children fl-has-submenu"> <div class="fl-has-submenu-container"> <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Spelling Rules</a><span class="fl-menu-toggle"></span> </div> <ul class="sub-menu"> <li id="menu-item-172" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Capitalization</a></li> <li id="menu-item-184" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Patronyms &amp; Accents</a></li> <li id="menu-item-171" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">British vs American</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1274" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Geographical Nouns vs Adjectives</a></li> <li id="menu-item-174" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Compound Names</a></li> <li id="menu-item-409" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Hyphens</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li id="menu-item-204" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-has-children fl-has-submenu"> <div class="fl-has-submenu-container"> <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">The Project</a><span class="fl-menu-toggle"></span> </div> <ul class="sub-menu"> <li id="menu-item-181" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">History</a></li> <li id="menu-item-183" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB">Original Participants</a></li> </ul></li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> <div id="fl-main-content" class="fl-page-content" itemprop="mainContentOfPage" role="main"> <div class="fl-content-full container"> <div class="row"> <div class="fl-content col-md-12"> <article class="fl-post post-1363 page type-page status-publish hentry" id="fl-post-1363" itemscope itemtype=""> <header class="fl-post-header"> <h1 class="fl-post-title" itemprop="headline">Diary</h1> </header><!-- .fl-post-header --> <div class="fl-post-content clearfix" itemprop="text"> <div class="fl-builder-content fl-builder-content-1363 fl-builder-content-primary fl-builder-global-templates-locked" data-post-id="1363"> <div class="fl-row fl-row-full-width fl-row-bg-none fl-node-ipw6lnecyak4 fl-row-default-height fl-row-align-center" data-node="ipw6lnecyak4"> <div class="fl-row-content-wrap"> <div class="fl-row-content fl-row-fixed-width fl-node-content"> <div class="fl-col-group fl-node-bc9woyf1rhne" data-node="bc9woyf1rhne"> <div class="fl-col fl-node-bt6g58e4nd7j fl-col-small" data-node="bt6g58e4nd7j"> <div class="fl-col-content fl-node-content"> <div class="fl-module fl-module-rich-text fl-node-403ugv17tlfd" data-node="403ugv17tlfd"> <div class="fl-module-content fl-node-content"> <div class="fl-rich-text"> <table class="table"> <tbody> <tr> <th>AL</th> <td>Accepted lump</td> </tr> <tr> <th>AS</th> <td>Accepted split</td> </tr> <tr> <th>ENG</th> <td>English name change</td> </tr> <tr> <th>EXT</th> <td>Extinct taxon</td> </tr> <tr> <th>NEW</th> <td>Newly described taxon</td> </tr> <tr> <th>PHY</th> <td>Phylogenetic issue</td> </tr> <tr> <th>PL</th> <td>Proposed lump</td> </tr> <tr> <th>PS</th> <td>Proposed split</td> </tr> <tr> <th>SEQ</th> <td>Modification in linear sequence</td> </tr> <tr> <th>SSP</th> <td>Subspecies issue</td> </tr> <tr> <th>TAX</th> <td>Taxonomic or nomenclatural issue</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fl-col fl-node-6wqg3t1ncb2d" data-node="6wqg3t1ncb2d"> <div class="fl-col-content fl-node-content"> <div class="fl-module fl-module-rich-text fl-node-5fb413854be52" data-node="5fb413854be52"> <div class="fl-module-content fl-node-content"> <div class="fl-rich-text"> <p><strong>2025</strong></p> <p>Feb 3 Split Yellow-mandibled Sparrow from Pectoral Sparrow.</p> <p>Jan 14 Split Eastern Rockhopper Penguin from Western (Southern) Rockhopper Penguin.</p> <p>Jan 12 Split Black-hooded Tanager from Black-headed Tanager.</p> <p>Jan 12 Split polytypic Little Heron from monotypic Striated Heron.</p> <p>Jan 4 Recognize families Oxyruncidae and Onychorhynchidae distinct from Tityridae.</p> <p>Jan 1 Revise genera and linear sequence of species within Pardirallini and Laterallini of Rallidae.</p> <p><strong>2024</strong></p> <p>Dec 26 Lump Dodson's Bulbul, Somali Bulbul and Dark-capped Bulbul with Common Bulbul.</p> <p>Dec 24 Re-lump Burmese Bushtit with Black-browed Bushtit.</p> <p>Dec 23 Lump Enggano Hill Myna with Common Hill Myna.</p> <p>Dec 20 Lump Madagascar Stonechat with African Stonechat.</p> <p>Dec 19 Re-lump White-bellied Whipbird with Black-throated [Western] Whipbird.</p> <p>Dec 17 Re-lump Perplexing Scrubwren with Large Scrubwren.</p> <p>Dec 15 Lump Brown-mandibled Aracari with Ivory-billed Aracari.</p> <p>Dec 13 Lump Chaco Puffbird with Caatinga (Spot-backed) Puffbird</p> <p>Dec 13 Lump Grant's Wood Hoopoe with Violet Wood Hoopoe.</p> <p>Dec 12 Lump African Hoopoe with Eurasian Hoopoe.</p> <p>Dec 12 Lump Red-chested Goshawk with African Goshawk.</p> <p>Dec 12 Lump White-breasted Cormorant with Great Cormorant.</p> <p>Dec 12 Re-lump Foveaux Shag with Otago Shag as Stewart Island Shag.</p> <p>Dec 11 Lump Siamese Partridge with Chestnut-headed Partridge.</p> <p>Dec 11 Lump Rubeho Forest Partridge with Udzungwa Forest Partridge.</p> <p>Dec 9 Lump Cinnamon-breasted Tit with Rufous-bellied Tit.</p> <p>Dec 9 Lump Agulhas Long-billed Lark with Cape Long-billed Lark.</p> <p>Dec 7 Lump Annobon Paradise Flycatcher with Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher.</p> <p>Dec 7 Lump Providencia Vireo with Mangrove Vireo.</p> <p>Dec 7 Lump Reichenow's Batis with Forest Batis.</p> <p>Dec 6 Lump New Guinea Friarbird and Hornbill Friarbird with Helmeted Friarbird.</p> <p>Dec 3 Multilingual list upgraded to include revised Norwegian bird names.</p> <p>Dec 1 Re-lump Double-collared Crescentchest with Collared Crescentchest.</p> <p>Dec 1 Re-lump Red-throated Parakeet with Green Parakeet.</p> <p>Nov 30 Re-lump Velasquez's Woodpecker with Golden-fronted Woodpecker.</p> <p>Nov 25 Split the forest robin complex into three species,</p> <p>Nov 24 Split Bougainville Thrush from New Britain (Black-backed) Thrush</p> <p>Nov 22 Split Tboli Sunbird from Apo Sunbird.</p> <p>Nov 22 Split extinct Amaui from Olomao.</p> <p>Nov 22 Post split of Samoan Myzomela from Cardinal Myzomela.</p> <p>Nov 20 Re-lump African Crimson-winged Finch with (Asian) Crimson-winged Finch.</p> <p>Nov 19 Lump Hofmann's Sunbird with Shelley's Sunbird.</p> <p>Nov 18 Lump of White-crowned Cliff Chat with Mocking Cliff Chat.</p> <p>Nov 16 Lump Miombo Blue-eared Starling with Lesser Blue-eared Starling.</p> <p>Nov 13 Lump Rubeho Warbler with Winifred's Warbler.</p> <p>Nov 13 Lump Black-faced Prinia with Banded Prinia.</p> <p>Nov 13 Lump Placid Greenbul with Cabanis's Greenbul.</p> <p>Nov 12 Lump Athi Short-toed Lark with Somali Short-toed Lark.</p> <p>Nov 12 Re-lump prematurely split Northern Mouse-colored Tyrannulet with (Southern) Mouse-colored Tyrannulet.</p> <p>Oct 11 Multilingual list upgraded to include revised Dutch bird names.</p> <p>Oct 7 Revise linear sequence of genera and species within Accipitridae.</p> <p>Aug 30 Transition to IOC 14.2 complete.</p> <p>Aug 18 Begin posting links to IOC 14.2 spreadsheets.</p> <p>Aug 14 Begin transition to IOC 14.2</p> <p>Aug 6 Recognize the family Salpornithidae for the two Spotted Creepers.</p> <p>Aug 6 Accept lump of Olive-headed and Stripe-faced Greenbuls.</p> <p>Aug 5 Revise English name of reconfigured <em>Coracina javensis</em> to Oriental Cuckooshrike.</p> <p>Aug 3 Post newly described Timor Nightjar.</p> <p>Aug 2 Split <em>Accipiter</em> into five genera.</p> <p>Aug 1 Revise sequence, subspecies allocations, and English names of cicadabird species within the revised Common Cicadabird complex.</p> <p>Aug 1 Post splits of Central Melanesian, Rossel, and North Melanesian Cicadabirds from Common (Sahul) Cicadabird.</p> <p>Jul 31 Post split of South Moluccan Cicadabird from Common (Sahul) Cicadabird.</p> <p>Jul 27 Post extinct Marquesan Swamphen.</p> <p>Jul; 26 Post split of Pale-throated Greenbul from Yellow-gorgeted Greenbul (Yellow-throated Leaflove).</p> <p>Jul 25 Post split of Mongolian Gull from Vega Gull.</p> <p>Jul 24 Post lump of Bougainville Monarch with Chestnut-bellied Monarch.</p> <p>Jul 21 Post splits of Southern House Wren, Cozumel Wren, Kalinago Wren, St. Lucia Wren, St. Vincent Wren and Grenada Wren from (Northern) House Wren.</p> <p>Jul 20 Post lumps of Lesser and Arctic Redpolls with (Common) Redpoll.</p> <p>Jul 19 Post split of Siberian Pipit from American (Buff-bellied) Pipit.</p> <p>Jul 19 Post split of St. Lucia Thrasher from Martinique (White-breasted) Thrasher.</p> <p>Jul 19 Accept split of Guatemalan Flicker from Northern Flicker.</p> <p>Jul 19 Post split of Cocos Booby from Brown Booby.</p> <p>Jul 13 Post split of Northern Plain Xenops from (Amazonian) Plain Xenops.</p> <p>Jul 13 Post lump of extinct Macquarie Parakeet with Red-crowned Parakeet.</p> <p>Jul 12 Post lump of Ash's Lark with Somali Lark.</p> <p>Jul 12 Post splits of Highland Lark, Sentinel Lark, Plains Lark and Plateau Lark from Rufous-naped Lark.</p> <p>Jul 12 Post split of Kidepo Lark from Red-winged Lark.</p> <p>Jul 12 Revise genera and species within Alaudidae.</p> <p>Jul 10 Accept lump of Barlow's Lark with Dune Lark.</p> <p>Jul 10 Accept lump Foxy Lark with Fawn-colored Lark.</p> <p>Jul 10 Post lump of Japanese Tit with Cinereous Tit.</p> <p>Jul 9 Post split of Malaita Cicadabird from Solomons Cicadabird (Solomons Cuckooshrike).</p> <p>Jul 7 Post split of Sangihe Cicadabird from Sulawesi Cicadabird.</p> <p>Jul 5 Post re-lump of Sulawesi and Seram Swiftlets with Halmahera (Moluccan) Swiftlet.</p> <p>Jul 5 Post lump of Buff-chested Babbler with Rufous-fronted Babbler.</p> <p>Jul 5 Post lump of Germain's Swiftlet with Edible-nest Swiftlet.</p> <p>Jul 4 Post lump of Salvadori's Eremomela with Yellow-bellied Eremomela.</p> <p>Jul 3 Post split of Sandhill Grasswren from Rufous (Pilbara) Grasswren</p> <p>Jul 2 Post split of Grey-browed Wren from Plain-tailed Wren.</p> <p>Jul 2 Post split of Island Thrush complex into seventeen species.</p> <p>Jun 29 Accept split of Taczanowski's Brushfinch from Slaty Brushfinch.</p> <p>Jun 29 Accept split of Maranon Sparrow from Black-capped Sparrow.</p> <p>Jun 29 Post split of Maranon Gnatcatcher from Tropical Gnatcatcher.</p> <p>Jun 29 Post split of Huambo Cisticola from Lazy (Rock-loving) Cisticola.</p> <p>Jun 29 Post lump of Rock-loving Cisticola with Lazy Cisticola. Use Rock-loving Cisticola for the name of the combined species.</p> <p>Jun 29 Post split of Philippine Jungle Crow from Large-billed Crow.</p> <p>Jun 26 Post splits of Timor, Banggai, Obi and Geelvink Cicadabirds from Common Cicadabird.</p> <p>Jun 25 Post split of Selayar Whistler from Rusty-breasted Whistler.</p> <p>Jun 25 Post split of Pied Bronze Cuckoo from Little Bronze Cuckoo.</p> <p>Jun 25 Move the Australasian cuckoos formerly attributed to <em>Chrysococcyx</em> to <em>Chalcites.</em></p> <p>Jun 24 Post lump of Striated Swallow with (Eastern) Red-rumped Swallow.</p> <p>Jun 24 Post lump of West African Swallow with African Red-rumped Swallow.</p> <p>Jun 24 Post splits of European Red-rumped Swallow and African Red-rumped Swallow from (Eastern) Red-rumped Swallow.</p> <p>Jun 22 Post split of Kafa White-eye from Heuglin's White-eye.</p> <p>Jun 22 Post split of Maratua Shama from White-crowned Shama.</p> <p>Jun 22 Post splits of Larwo Shama, Kangean Shama, and Sri Lanka Shama from White-rumped Shama.</p> <p>Jun 22 Post split of Yellow-throated Fiji Whistler from (White-throated) Fiji Whistler.</p> <p>Jun 22 Post revisions to the <em>Coracina macei/javensis</em> complex including the merger of Javan Cuckooshrike into Large Cuckooshrike and the recognition of Indian Cuckooshrike to a much restricted <em>C. macei</em>. Note required scientific name change for the revised Large Cuckooshrike.</p> <p>Jun 21 Post split of Malaysian Cuckooshrike from Large Cuckooshrike.</p> <p>Jun 20 Post split of Karimui Owlet-nightjar from Barred Owlet-nightjar.</p> <p>Jun 20 Post splits of Flores, Sumba and Timor Flowerpeckers from Blood-breasted Flowerpecker.</p> <p>Jun 20 Accept White-tailed Tityra as a valid species.</p> <p>Jun 19 Accept split of Red Grouse from Willow Ptarmigan.</p> <p>Jun 18 Accept split of Northern Red-fronted Tinkerbird from (Southern) Red-fronted Tinkerbird.</p> <p>Jun 17 Post split of Mindanao Cuckooshrike from Bar-bellied Cuckooshrike.</p> <p>Jun 16 Post split of Maasai Apalis from Karamoja Apalis.</p> <p>Jun 15 Post split of Red-eyed Scimitar Babbler from Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler.</p> <p>Apr 14 Post revised link to Multilingual version of IOC 14.1 to include newly added Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish names.</p> <p>Mar 21 Split Mindoro, Visayan, and Sulu Cuckooshrikes from Bar-bellied Cuckooshrike.</p> <p>Mar 20 Post lump of Dyaul Flycatcher with Velvet Flycatcher (<em>Myiagra eichhorni</em>).</p> <p>Mar 17 Conversion to IOC 14.1 now complete with publication of BOW pages and family index.</p> <p>Mar 17 Post splits of Nendo Whistler and Utupua Whistler from Vanikoro (formerly Temotu) Whistler.</p> <p>Mar 16 Post split of monotypic Tahiti Swallow and polytypic Pacific Swallow.</p> <p>Mar 16 Post split of Babar Whistler from Yellow-throated Whistler.</p> <p>Mar 15 Post split of Vella Lavella Monarch from Kolombangara Monarch.</p> <p>Mar 15 Post split of Malaita Monarch from Solomons Monarch.</p> <p>Mar 15 Accept&nbsp;split of Western Yellow-billed Barbet from (Eastern) Yellow-billed Barbet.</p> <p>Mar 14 Post split of Sierra Madre Crow from Samar (formerly Small) Crow.</p> <p>Mar 14 Post split of Sulawesi Crow from Slender-billed Crow.</p> <p>Mar 14 Post split of Southern Nutcracker from Northern (Spotted) Nutcracker.</p> <p>Mar 11 Post split of Red-throated Rock Martin from (Large) Rock Martin.</p> <p>Mar 11 Post split of Mentawai Malkoha from Chestnut-breasted Malkoha.</p> <p>Mar 9 Post split of Angola Greenbul from White-throated Greenbul.</p> <p>Mar 9 Post splits of Manus Brush Cuckoo and Solomons Brush Cuckoo from (Australian) Brush Cuckoo.</p> <p>Mar 9 Post split of Sulawesi Brush Cuckoo from Sunda Brush Cuckoo (formerly Rusty-breasted Cuckoo).</p> <p>Mar 7 Post split of Olive-capped Coua from Red-capped Coua.</p> <p>Mar 7 Post split of Gorgeous Sunbird from Beautiful Sunbird.</p> <p>Mar 7 Post split of Angola White-eye from Northern Yellow White-eye.</p> <p>Mar 4 Post proposed split of Western Yellow-billed Barbet from (Eastern) Yellow-billed Barbet.</p> <p>Mar 3 Post proposed split of Taczanowski's Brushfinch from Slaty Brushfinch.</p> <p>Mar 3 Post proposed split of Maranon Sparrow from Black-capped Sparrow.</p> <p>Mar 3 Post split of Northern Chestnut-breasted Wren from (Southern) Chestnut-breasted Wren.</p> <p>Mar 2 Post split of Grey-crowned Goldfinch from European Goldfinch.</p> <p>Mar 2 Accept split of Qilian Bluetail from Red-flanked Bluetail.</p> <p>Mar 2 Accept split of Taiwan Bush Robin from White-browed Bush Robin.</p> <p>Jan 7 Post link to XML version of IOC 14.1</p> <p><strong>2023</strong></p> <p>Dec 29 Conversion to IOC 14.1 nearly complete, but due to winter vacation schedules, we do not anticipate completing the BOW pages for IOC 14.1 until March, 2024.</p> <p>Dec 24 Line to IOC 14.1 Multilingual Version downloaded.</p> <p>Dec 23 Links to IOC 14.1 Life List+, Master List, Full Subspecies, and Comparison with other Lists downloaded to Master Lists page..</p> <p>Dec 17 Link to IOC spreadsheet downloaded to Master Lists page.</p> <p>Dec 17 Begin transition to IOC 14.1</p> <p>Nov 30 Split Short-tailed Babbler into three species: Mourning Babbler, Glissando Babbler and Leaflitter Babbler.</p> <p>Nov 30 Split White-chested Babber into two species: Malayan and Bornean Swamp Babblers.</p> <p>Nov 18 Revise linear sequence of genera and species in Ardeidae.</p> <p>Nov 17 Revise linear sequence of genera and species within Glareolidae.</p> <p>Nov 17 Revise linear sequence of genera and species within Scolopacidae.</p> <p>Nov 16 Revise linear sequence of genera and species within Laridae.</p> <p>Nov 15 Modify the linear sequence of genera and species within Hirundinidae.</p> <p>Nov 14 Revise linear sequence of genera and species within Acanthizidae.</p> <p>Nov 13 Revise linear sequence of genera and species within Cacatuidae.</p> <p>Nov 9 Withdraw split of split of monotypic North Papuan Pitta from polytypic (South) Papuan Pitta. Repost as a PS.</p> <p>Nov 4 Revise linear sequence of genera within Lybiidae. Recognize genera <em>Cryptolybia</em> and <em>Pogonornis</em>.</p> <p>Nov 1 Revise linear sequence of genera within Trogonidae.</p> <p>Oct 31 Revise linear sequence of genera and species within Sulidae.</p> <p>Oct 31 Revise linear sequence of species within Fregatidae.</p> <p>Oct 31 Revise linear sequence of genera and species within Diomedeidae.</p> <p>Oct 31 Revise linear sequence of genera and species within Alcidae.</p> <p>Oct 31 Revise linear sequence of species within Stercorariidae.</p> <p>Oct 30 Revise linear sequence of species within Turnicidae.</p> <p>Oct 30 Revise linear sequence of genera and species within Jacanidae.</p> <p>Oct 30 Revise genera and linear sequence of species within Burhinidae.</p> <p>Oct 15 Post lumps of Northern and Pacific Royal Flycatchers with Amazonian (now Tropical) Royal Flycatcher.</p> <p>Oct 13 Revise genera and linear sequence of species within Charadriidae.</p> <p>Oct 11 Recognize the night heron genera <em>Calherodius</em> and <em>Oroanassa</em>.</p> <p>Oct 11 Re-lump Luzon Sunbird and Bohol Sunbird with Metallic-winged Sunbird.</p> <p>Oct 10 Post proposed lump of Little Spotted Woodpecker with Little Green Woodpecker.</p> <p>Oct 9 Split Rufous-backed Dwarf Kingfisher from Oriental (now Black-backed) Dwarf Kingfisher.</p> <p>Oct 8 Spit Rufous Fantail into six species.</p> <p>Oct 7 Split Supertramp Fantail from Arafura Fantail.</p> <p>Oct 7 Split Hooded Pitta into five species.</p> <p>Oct 4 Split Olive-backed Sunbird into eight species.</p> <p>Oct 2 Split Pink-breasted Flowerpecker from Mistletoebird.</p> <p>Oct 2 Split Cambodian, Sumatran, and Fire-throated Flowerpeckers from Fire-breasted Flowerpecker.</p> <p>Oct 1 Split Streaked Fantail into three species: New Caledonian, Vanuatu, and Fiji Streaked Fantails.</p> <p>Oct 1 Split Guadalcanal Fantail from Brown (now Bougainville) Fantail.</p> <p>Oct 1 Split White-gorgeted Fantail from Cockerell’s (now White-winged) Fantail.</p> <p>Sep 30 Post lumps of Siau Pitta and Sangihe Pitta with Sulawesi Pitta.</p> <p>Sep 30 Post split of monotypic North Papuan Pitta from polytypic (South) Papuan Pitta.</p> <p>Sep 28 Accept split of Eye-ringed Parrotbill from Brown-winged Parrotbill.</p> <p>Sep 28 Accept split of Madagascar Martin from Brown-throated Martin.</p> <p>Sep 28 Post split of Black Dwarf Hornbill into Western and Eastern Dwarf Hornbills.</p> <p>Sep 27 Split Blue-eared Barbet and Black-eared Barbet.</p> <p>Sep 27 Split Eastern Long-tailed Hornbill from Western Long-tailed (White-crested) Hornbill.</p> <p>Sep 26 Post four-way split of Black-throated Trogon complex.</p> <p>Sep 26 Accept splits of Yellow-billed Egret and Plumed Egret from Intermediate (Medium) Egret.</p> <p>Sep 19 Multilingual list upgraded to include revised Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese and Chinese names.</p> <p>Aug 28 Transition to IOC 13.2 is completed.</p> <p>July 22 Link to HTML version of IOC 13.2 posted.</p> <p>July 17 Link to IOC 13.2 Life List+Full Subspecies spreadsheet posted.</p> <p>July 16 Links to IOC 13.2 Life List+, Master List, Multilingual Version and Comparison with other Lists successfully downloaded.</p> <p>July 12 IOC spreadsheet downloaded to home page.</p> <p>July 11 Accept lump of Black-dotted Piculet with Scaled Piculet as a junior synonym of <em>P. s. obsoletus.</em></p> <p>July 11 Begin transition to IOC 13.2.</p> <p>July 7 Split Antillean Euphonia into three species.</p> <p>July 7 Lump Cordilleran Flycatcher with Pacific-slope Flycatcher as "Western Flycatcher" for the recombined species.</p> <p>July 4 Note change of English names for <em>Dryobates cathpharius</em> and <em>Dryobates pernyii</em>.</p> <p>June 28 Note change of English name of <em>Cacatua citrinocristata</em> from Orange-crested Cockatoo to Citron-crested Cockatoo.</p> <p>June 27 Note change of English name of <em>Serilophus rubropygius</em> from Grey-browed to Grey-lored Broadbill.</p> <p>June 27 Revise English names of the Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner splits.</p> <p>June 26 Temporarily withdraw split of Forest Robin complex pending reassessment of taxonomy and nomenclature.</p> <p>June 25 Split Western Olivaceous Flatbill from (Eastern) Olivaceous Flatbill.</p> <p>June 24 Revise English names of the Tawny Antpitta splits.</p> <p>June 24 Split Chirruping Nightjar from Savanna Nightjar.</p> <p>June 23 Note change of proposed English name of <em>Meiglyptes tristis </em>from White-rumped Woodpecker to Zebra Woodpecker.</p> <p>Jun 10 Accept split of Streaked Dacnis from Tit-like Dacnis.</p> <p>Jun 10 Accept split of New Hanover Mannikin from Mottled (Hunstein's) Mannikin.</p> <p>Jun 10 Accept split of Vilcabamba Spinetail from Marcapata Spinetail.</p> <p>Jun 10 Accept lump of Western Ground Parrot with (Eastern) Ground Parrot.</p> <p>Jun 10 Accept split of Buff-rumped and Zebra Woodpeckers.</p> <p>Jun 10 Accept split of Splendid Woodpecker from Crimson-bellied Woodpecker.</p> <p>Jun 10 Accept split of Crimson-breasted and Scarlet-breasted Woodpeckers.</p> <p>Jun 10 Post split of Cryptic Becard from Black-and-white Becard.</p> <p>Apr 30 Accept re-lump of Glossy-backed Drongo with Fork-tailed Drongo.</p> <p>Apr 28 Accept lumps of Desert Whitethroat and Hume's Whitethroat with Lesser Whitethroat.</p> <p>Apr 28 Accept re-lump of Vermiculated Screech Owl with Middle American Screech Owl.</p> <p>Apr 28 Accept lump of Itombwe Flycatcher with Chapin's Flycatcher.</p> <p>Apr 28 Accept splits of Olive-backed Forest Robin and Yellow-breasted Forest Robin from (Orange-breasted) Forest Robin</p> <p>Apr 27 Post proposed split of Splendid Woodpecker from Crimson-bellied Woodpecker.</p> <p>Apr 27 Re-post proposed split of Guatemalan Flicker from Northern Flicker.</p> <p>Apr 25 Post proposed split of Crimson-breasted and Scarlet-breasted Woodpeckers.</p> <p>Apr 25 Post proposal to re-lump Velasquez's Woodpecker with Golden-fronted Woodpecker.</p> <p>Apr 23 Post proposed re-lump of Glossy-backed Drongo with Fork-tailed Drongo.</p> <p>Apr 22 Accept split of Short-tailed Drongo from Balicassiao.</p> <p>Apr 22 Accept lump of Western Square-tailed Drongo with Sharpe's Drongo.</p> <p>Apr 22 Accept lump of Fanti Drongo with Velvet-mantled Drongo.</p> <p>Apr 18 Accept split of West African Pied Hornbill from Congo (African) Pied Hornbill.</p> <p>Apr 17 Accept splits of Northern and Southern Tawny Antpittas from (Western) Tawny Antpitta.</p> <p>Apr 17 Accept splits of Carriker's Mountain Tanager and Streak-crowned Mountain Tanager from Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager.</p> <p>Apr 17 Accept split of Northern Golden Bulbul into six monotypic species.</p> <p>Apr 17 Accept lump of Scaly-breasted Woodpecker with Waved Woodpecker.</p> <p>Apr 17 Accept split of Grey-browed Broadbill from Silver-breasted Broadbill.</p> <p>Apr 16 Accept the re-lump of Greyish-crowned Leafbird with Orange-bellied Leafbird.</p> <p>Apr 16 Accept "White-chested Tinkerbird" as an aberrant individual of Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird</p> <p>Apr 16 Accept split of Orange-crested Cockatoo from Yellow-crested Cockatoo.</p> <p>Apr 16 Accept proposal to re-lump of Northern Mealy Amazon with (Southern) Mealy Amazon.</p> <p>Apr 16 Accept proposal to re-lump Tres Marias Amazon with Yellow-headed Amazon.</p> <p>Apr 16 Accept split of Grand Cayman Bullfinch from Cuban Bullfinch.</p> <p>Apr 16 Accept lump of Northern Mountain Cacique with (Southern) Mountain Cacique.</p> <p>Apr 16 Accept lump of Ochre Oriole with Orchard Oriole.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept lump of Tschudi's Woodcreeper with Ocellated Woodcreeper.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept split of American Goshawk from Eurasian (Northern) Goshawk.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept splits of Little and Southern Long-tailed Woodcreepers from (Northern) Long-tailed Woodcreeper.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept split of polytypic Plain Xenops (<em>Xenops genibarbis</em>) and monotypic White-throated Xenops (<em>X. minutus</em>).</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept lump of Brigida's Woodcreeper with Uniform Woodcreeper.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept splits of Tapajos Scythebill and Xingu Scythebill from Curve-billed Scythebill.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept split of Northern Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner from (Southern) Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner. English names tentative.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept lump of Puna Canastero with Streak-throated Canastero.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept split of Araguaia Spinetail from White-lored Spinetail.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept of Pale-eyed Bulbul from Stripe-throated Bulbul.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept <em>Sp. nov</em>. Ibera Seedeater.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept lump of Vincent's Bunting with Cape Bunting.</p> <p>Apr 15 Accept split of polytypic Black-and-Crimson Oriole and monotypic Javan Oriole.</p> <p>Apr 14 Revise linear sequence of species within Muscicapidae based on Zhao et al. (2023).</p> <p>Apr. 14 Post proposed splits of Olive-backed Forest Robin and Yellow-breasted Forest Robin from (Orange-breasted) Forest Robin</p> <p>Apr 12 Begin long overdue revisions to Muscicapidae.</p> <p>Apr 12 Post proposal to lump Itombwe Flycatcher with Chapin's Flycatcher.</p> <p>Apr 11 Post proposal to lump Desert Whitethroat and Hume's Whitethroat with Lesser Whitethroat.</p> <p>Apr 11 Revise parrotbill genera to follow Cai et al. (2019).</p> <p>Apr 9 Post proposal to re-lump Vermiculated Screech Owl with Middle American Screech Owl.</p> <p>Apr 8 Post proposed lump of Red-chested Goshawk with African Goshawk.</p> <p>Mar 28 Post proposal to re-lump Tres Marias Amazon with Yellow-headed Amazon.</p> <p>Mar 28 Merge <em>Porphyrospiza</em> with a more expansive <em>Rhopospina.</em></p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposal to split Northern Golden Bulbul into six monotypic species.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Vilcabamba Spinetail from Marcapata Spinetail.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed lump of Tschudi's Woodcreeper with Ocellated Woodcreeper.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of New Hanover Mannikin from Mottled (Hunstein's) Mannikin.</p> <p>Mar 26 Post proposed split of Short-tailed Drongo from Balicassiao.</p> <p>Mar 26 Post proposed split of West African Pied Hornbill from Congo (African) Pied Hornbill.</p> <p>Mar 26 Post proposed lump of White-chested Tinkerbird with Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird.</p> <p>Mar 25 Post newly described <em>Buccanodon dowsetti</em> tentatively as a subspecies of Yellow-spotted Barbet <em>B. duchaillui</em>.</p> <p>Mar 25 Post proposed split of Orange-crested Cockatoo from Yellow-crested Cockatoo.</p> <p>Mar 25 Post proposed <em>Sp. nov.</em> Ibera Seedeater.</p> <p>Mar 23 Repost link to Multilingual version to include revised Czech names for non-passerines, and Dutch and Swedish names for all species.</p> <p>Mar 13 Post proposed lump of Puna Canastero with Streak-backed Canastero.</p> <p>Mar 12 Post proposed lump of Fanti Drongo with Velvet-mantled Drongo.</p> <p>Mar 11 Post proposed lump of Vincent's Bunting with Cape Bunting.</p> <p>Mar 11 Post proposed lump of White-backed Stilt with Black-necked Stilt.</p> <p>Mar 10 Post proposed lump of Greyish-crowned Leafbird with Orange-bellied Leafbird.</p> <p>Mar 4 Post proposed lump of Northern Mealy Amazon with (Southern) Mealy Amazon.</p> <p>Mar 4 Post proposed lump of Lemon-rumped Tanager with Flame-rumped Tanager.</p> <p>Mar 4 Post proposed split of Grand Cayman Bullfinch from Cuban Bullfinch.</p> <p>Mar 3 Post proposed lump of Scaly-breasted Woodpecker with Waved Woodpecker.</p> <p>Mar 3 Post proposed split of Grey-browed Broadbill from Silver-breasted Broadbill.</p> <p>Mar 1 Post proposed splits of Carriker's Mountain Tanager and Streak-crowned Mountain Tanager from Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager.</p> <p>Feb 27 Post proposed split of Streaked Dacnis from Tit-like Dacnis.</p> <p>Feb 19 Post proposed lump of Western Ground Parrot with (Eastern) Ground Parrot.</p> <p>Feb 19 Resequence Laniidae and revise genera for Yellow-billed and Magpie Shrikes to <em>Lanius</em>.</p> <p>Feb 18 Post proposed lump of Ochre Oriole with Orchard Oriole.</p> <p>Feb 18 Post proposed lump of Northern and Southern Mountain Caciques.</p> <p>Feb 18 Post proposed lump of Scarlet-rumped Cacique and Subtropical Cacique.</p> <p>Feb 15 Post proposed lump of Western Square-tailed Drongo with Sharpe's Drongo.</p> <p>Feb 14 Post proposed split of Northern Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner from (Southern) Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner. English names tentative.</p> <p>Feb 14 Accept five-way split of Common Chaffinch into Eurasian, African, Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands Chaffinches.</p> <p>Feb 13 Post proposed lump of Brigida's Woodcreeper with Uniform Woodcreeper.</p> <p>Feb 13 Post proposed splits of Tapajos Scythebill and Xingu Scythebill from Curve-billed Scythebill.</p> <p>Feb 12 Post proposed split of polytypic Plain Xenops (<em>Xenops genibarbis</em>) and monotypic White-throated Xenops (<em>X. minutus</em>).</p> <p>Feb 12 Post proposed splits of Little and Southern Long-tailed Woodcreepers from (Northern) Long-tailed Woodcreeper.</p> <p>Feb 12 Accept split of Lesser Sand Plover into Tibetan Sand Plover and Siberian Sand Plover.</p> <p>Feb 11 Post revised link to Multilingual version of IOC 13.1 to include Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Greek, Hebrew, Korean, Macedonian, Malayalam, Persian and Romanian bird names.</p> <p>Feb 9 Post proposed lump of extinct Macquarie Parakeet with Red-crowned Parakeet.</p> <p>Feb 9 Post proposed lump of extinct Lord Howe Parakeet with Norfolk Parakeet.</p> <p>Feb 7 Post proposed lump of Balearic Shearwater with Yelkouan Shearwater.</p> <p>Feb 7 Post proposed split of polytypic Black-and-Crimson Oriole and monotypic Javan Oriole.</p> <p>Feb 7 Post proposed split of Pale-eyed Bulbul from Stripe-throated Bulbul.</p> <p>Feb 6 Post proposed splits of Northern and Southern Tawny Antpittas from (Western) Tawny Antpitta.</p> <p>Feb 6 Post proposed split of Araguaia Spinetail from White-lored Spinetail.</p> <p>Feb 5 Accept split of Ventriloquial Oriole from Dark-throated Oriole.</p> <p>Feb 5 Post proposed split of American Goshawk from Northern Goshawk.</p> <p>Feb 5 Transition to IOC 13.1 is complete.</p> <p>Jan 22 Begin transition to IOC 13.1</p> <p>Jan 22 Accept newly described species Principe Scops Owl.</p> <p><strong>2022</strong></p> <p>Dec 3 Accept splits of Black-fronted and Dusky-cheeked Fig Parrots from Blue-fronted (Orange-breasted) Fig Parrot.</p> <p>Dec 2 Accept lump of Singing Bush Lark with Horsfield's Bush Lark.</p> <p>Dec 2 Accept split of Sharpe's Lark from Rufous-naped Lark.</p> <p>Dec 1 Accept lump of Malaita Dwarf Kingfisher with Guadalcanal Dwarf Kingfisher.</p> <p>Nov 30 Revise the proposed split of Orange-breasted Fig Parrot into three, not four, species.</p> <p>Nov 28 Accept split of Black-billed Hanging Parrot from Philippine Hanging Parrot.</p> <p>Nov 27 Accept split of White-bellied Tanager from Turquoise Tanager.</p> <p>Nov 27 Accept lump of Red-backed Mannikin with Black-and-White Mannikin.</p> <p>Nov 27 Accept lump of Abyssinian Waxbill with Fawn-breasted Waxbill.</p> <p>Nov 21 Post proposed split of Coxen's Fig Parrot from Double-eyed Fig Parrot.</p> <p>Nov 21 Post proposed split of Orange-breasted Fig Parrot into four species.</p> <p>Nov 21 Post proposed split of Black-billed Hanging Parrot from Philippine Hanging Parrot.</p> <p>Nov 21 Add extinct Oceanic Electus to the list.</p> <p>Nov 21 Accept split of Electus Parrot into four species.</p> <p>Nov 21 Post proposed restoration of White-belled Tanager as a split from Turquoise Tanager.</p> <p>Nov 21 Post proposed lump of Red-backed Mannikin with Black-and-white Mannikin.</p> <p>Nov 20 Post proposed lump of Abyssinian Waxbill with Fawn-breasted Waxbill.</p> <p>Nov 20 Post proposed lump of Malaita Dwarf Kingfisher with Guadalcanal Dwarf Kingfisher.</p> <p>Nov 19 Post proposed lump of Cape Verde Buzzard with Common Buzzard.</p> <p>Nov 19 Reassign nine owl species from <em>Bubo</em> to <em>Ketupa</em>.</p> <p>Nov 18 Accept deletion of extinct Gould's Emerald.</p> <p>Nov 18 Accept split of Malawi Batis from Cape Batis.</p> <p>Nov 18 Accept lump of Black-fronted Spurfowl with Chestnut-naped Spurfowl.</p> <p>Nov 18 Accept split of Tenggara Hill Myna from Common Hill Myna.</p> <p>Nov 10 Post proposed split of Tenggara Hill Myna from Common Hill Myna.</p> <p>Nov 8 Post proposed deletion of extinct Gould's Emerald <em>Riccordia elegans</em> as a doubtfully valid taxon following AOS.</p> <p>Nov 7 Reassign five species in Muscicapidae from <em>Cyornis</em> to <em>Eumyias</em>.</p> <p>Nov 7 Reassign Grey-winged Robin-Chat from the genus <em class="SciName notranslate">Cossypha </em>to <em class="SciName notranslate">Sheppardia</em><em class="SciName notranslate">.</em></p> <p>Nov 7 Post proposed lump of Singing Bush Lark with Horsfield's Bush Lark.</p> <p>Nov 7 Post proposed split of Sharpe's Lark from Rufous-naped Lark.</p> <p>Nov 7 Post proposed lump of Barlow's Lark with Dune Lark.</p> <p>Nov 6 Post proposed lump of Foxy Lark with Fawn-colored Lark.</p> <p>Nov 6 Post proposed lump of Agulhas Long-billed Lark with Cape Long-billed Lark.</p> <p>Nov 6 Post proposed lump of Benguela Long-billed Lark with Karoo Long-billed Lark.</p> <p>Nov 6 Post proposed lump of Beesley's Lark with Spike-heeled Lark.</p> <p>Nov 6 Post split of Kalao Blue Flycatcher from Mangrove Blue Flycatcher.</p> <p>Nov 6 Post lump of Tanahjampea Blue Flycatcher with Sulawesi Blue Flycatcher.</p> <p>Nov 5 Move Abbott's Starling to the resurrected monotypic genus <em>Arizelopsar</em>.</p> <p>Nov 5 Restore Sharpe's Starling to the monotypic genus <em>Pholia</em>.</p> <p>Nov 5 Accept split of Enggano Imperial Pigeon from Green Imperial Pigeon.</p> <p>Nov 5 Accept splits of Western and Southern Crested Guineafowl from (Eastern) Crested Guineafowl.</p> <p>Nov 5 Accept split of White-throated Piping Guan from Blue-throated Piping Guan.</p> <p>Nov 4 Post proposed re-lumping of Ruaha Chat with Arnot's Chat.</p> <p>Nov 4 Accept split of Vinous-breasted Myna and Burmese Myna (note revisions of English names).</p> <p>Nov 4 Accept lump of Sunda Bush Warbler with Aberrant Bush Warbler.</p> <p>Nov 4 Post proposed split of Malawi Batis from Cape Batis.</p> <p>Nov 4 Accept the re-lumping of Himalayan and Dalat Shrike-babblers with White-browed (Blyth's) Shrike-babbler.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept splits of Mouse-grey Flycatcher and Rufescent Flycatcher from Bran-colored Flycatcher.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept split of Bahia Wagtail-Tyrant from Lesser Wagtail-Tyrant.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept lump of White-bellied Tyrannulet with White-crested Tyrannulet.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept lump of Landana Firefinch with African Firefinch.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept split of Red-cowled Widowbird from Red-collared Widowbird.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept split of Olive-naped Weaver from Black-necked Weaver.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept split of Red Weaver from Red-headed Weaver.</p> <p>Nov 3 Restore Amber Mountain Rock Thrush as a split from Forest Rock Thrush.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept split of Rufous-breasted Blue Flycatcher from Blue-breasted Blue Flycatcher.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept split of Rufous-crowned Prinia from Black-throated Prinia.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept three-way split of Crested Shriketit.</p> <p>Nov 3 Accept split of Rufous-browed Chat-Tyrant from Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Northern Tropical Pewee from (Southern) Tropical Pewee.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Choco and Amazonian Elaenias from Grey-headed (Grey) Elaenia.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Maranon Tyrannulet from Tumbesian Tyrannulet.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Northern and Southern Mouse-colored Tyrannulets.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Olive-streaked and Olive-striped Flycatchers. See Updates for English names.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Black-breasted Gnateater from Chestnut-belted Gnateater.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Choco Manakin from Green Manakin.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept lump of Thick-billed Honeyguide with Lesser Honeyguide.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Sangihe Dwarf Kingfisher from Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Malayan Blue-banded Kingfisher from Javan Blue-banded Kingfisher.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Copper-tailed Hummingbird from Green-bellied Hummingbird.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept splits of Perija Starfrontlet and Golden-tailed Starfrontlet from Golden-bellied Starfrontlet.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept splits of Green Inca and Gould's Inca from Collared Inca.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Whyte's Francolin from Shelley's Francolin.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Sabah Partridge from Chestnut-necklaced Partridge.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept lump of Black-shouldered Nightjar with Fiery-necked Nightjar.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Malayan Crested Fireback from Bornean Crested Fireback.</p> <p>Nov 2 Accept split of Bornean Crestless Fireback from Malayan Crestless Fireback.</p> <p>Nov 1 Accept split of Rusty-breasted Wheatear <em>Oenanthe frenata&nbsp;</em>from Buff-breasted (Red-breasted) Wheatear <em>Oenanthe bottae</em>.</p> <p>Nov 1 Accept split of Izu Robin from Japanese Robin.</p> <p>Nov 1 Accept split of Comoros Blue Vanga from Madagascar Blue Vanga.</p> <p>Nov 1 Accept split of split of African Woolly-necked Stork from Asian Woolly-necked Stork.</p> <p>Nov 1 Accept split of Chestnut-and-black Weaver from Vieillot's Black Weaver.</p> <p>Nov 1 Accept split of Brown-crowned Scimitar Babbler from Black-crowned (Coral-billed) Scimitar Babbler.</p> <p>Nov 1 Reassign Congo Bay Owl from <em>Phodilus</em> to <em>Tyto. </em>Change English name to Itombwe Owl.</p> <p>Nov 1 Post proposed lump of Landana Firefinch with African Firefinch.</p> <p>Nov 1 Post proposed lump of Sunda Bush Warbler with Aberrant Bush Warbler.</p> <p>Nov 1 Post proposed lump of Black-fronted Spurfowl with Chestnut-naped Spurfowl.</p> <p>Nov 1 Post proposed split of Olive-naped Weaver from Black-necked Weaver.</p> <p>Oct 29&nbsp; Post proposal to restore Amber Mountain Rock Thrush <em>Monticola erythronotus</em> as a full species.</p> <p>Oct 28 Post proposed split of Izu Robin from Japanese Robin.</p> <p>Oct 28 Accept split (PS 9.1, PS 13.1) of Ethiopian Thrush from Groundscraper Thrush.</p> <p>Oct 28 Accept split (PS 9.2) of White-browed Shortwing complex into Philippine, Bornean, Sumatran, Javan and Flores Shortwings.</p> <p>Oct 27 Post proposed split of Black-breasted Gnateater from Chestnut-belted Gnateater.</p> <p>Oct 26 Post proposed split of Copper-tailed Hummingbird from Green-bellied Hummingbird.</p> <p>Oct 26 Post proposed split of Enggano Imperial Pigeon from Green Imperial Pigeon.</p> <p>Oct 26 Post proposed splits of Western Crested Guineafowl and Southern Crested Guineafowl from (Eastern) Crested Guineafowl.</p> <p>Oct 26 Post proposed split of White-throated Piping Guan from Blue-throated Piping Guan.</p> <p>Oct 26 Post proposed split of Sabah Partridge from Chestnut-necklaced Partridge.</p> <p>Oct 25 Post proposed split of Red-cowled Widowbird from Red-collared Widowbird.</p> <p>Oct 25 Post proposed split of Chestnut-and-black Weaver from Vieillot's Black Weaver.</p> <p>Oct 25 Post proposed split of Red Weaver from Red-headed Weaver.</p> <p>Oct. 25 Post proposed split of Kalao Blue Flycatcher from Mangrove Blue Flycatcher.</p> <p>Oct 25 Post proposed split of Rufous-breasted Blue Flycatcher from Blue-breasted Blue Flycatcher.</p> <p>Oct 25 Repost proposed split of Ethiopian Thrush from Groundscraper Thrush.</p> <p>Oct 24 Post proposed split of Burmese Starling <em>Acridotheres burmannicus&nbsp;</em>and Vinous-breasted Starling <em>A. leucocephalus.</em></p> <p>Oct 24 Post proposed split of Brown-crowned Scimitar Babbler from Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler.</p> <p>Oct 24 Post proposed split of Rufous-crowned Prinia from Black-throated Prinia.</p> <p>Oct 24 Post proposed split of Comoros Blue Vanga from (Madagascar) Blue Vanga.</p> <p>Oct 24 Post proposed lumps of Himalayan Shrike-babbler and Dalat Shrike-babbler with White-browed (Blyth's) Shrike-babbler.</p> <p>Oct 24 Post proposed splits of Northern Shriketit and Western Shriketit from Eastern (Crested) Shriketit.</p> <p>Oct 23 Post proposed split of Rufous-browed Chat-Tyrant from Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant.</p> <p>Oct 23 Post proposed split of Northern Tropical Pewee from (Southern) Tropical Pewee.</p> <p>Oct 23 Post proposed splits of Mouse-grey Flycatcher and Rufescent Flycatcher from Bran-colored Flycatcher.</p> <p>Oct 23 Post proposed split of Bahia Wagtail-Tyrant from Lesser Wagtail-Tyrant.</p> <p>Oct 23 Post proposed lump of White-bellied Tyrannulet with White-crested Tyrannulet.</p> <p>Oct 23 Post proposed splits of Choco Elaenia and Amazonian Elaenia from Grey-headed (Grey) Elaenia.</p> <p>Oct 23 Post proposed split of Maranon Tyrannulet from Tumbesian Tyrannulet.</p> <p>Oct 23 Post proposed split of Northern Mouse-colored Tyrannulet from (Southern) Mouse-colored Tyrannulet.</p> <p>Oct 21 Post proposed split of polytypic Olive-striped Flycatcher and monotypic Olive-streaked Flycatcher.</p> <p>Oct 21 Post proposed split of Choco Manakin from Green Manakin.</p> <p>Oct 20 Post proposed 4-way split of the Eclectus Parrot complex.</p> <p>Oct 20 Post proposed addition of extinct Oceanic Parrot <em>Eclectus infectus</em>.</p> <p>Oct 20 Post proposed lump of Thick-billed Honeyguide with Lesser Honeyguide.</p> <p>Oct 19 Post proposed split of Sangihe Dwarf Kingfisher from Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher.</p> <p>Oct 19 Post proposed split of Malayan Blue-banded Kingfisher from Javan Blue-banded Kingfisher.</p> <p>Oct 19 Post proposed split of African Woolly-necked Stork from Asian Woolly-necked Stork.</p> <p>Oct 19 Post proposed splits of Perija Starfrontlet and Golden-tailed Starfrontlet from Golden-bellied Starfrontlet.</p> <p>Oct 18 Post proposed splits of Green Inca and Gould's Inca from Collared Inca.</p> <p>Oct 17 Post proposed split of Whyte's Francolin from Shelley's Francolin.</p> <p>Oct 17 Post proposed split of Malayan Crested Fireback from Bornean Crested Fireback.</p> <p>Oct 17 Post proposed split of Bornean Crestless Fireback from Malayan Crestless Fireback.</p> <p>Oct 15 Post proposed lump of Black-shouldered Nightjar with Fiery-necked Nightjar.</p> <p>Oct 13 Post newly described Wangi-wangi White-eye.</p> <p>Sep 22 Post proposed split of Qilian Bluetail from Red-flanked Bluetail.</p> <p>Sep 22 Post proposed split of Taiwan Bush Robin from White-browed Bush Robin.</p> <p>Sep 22 Post proposed split of Northern Red-fronted Tinkerbird from (Southern) Red-fronted Tinkerbird.</p> <p>Sep 22 Post proposed split of Northern Fish Owl from Blakiston's Fish Owl.</p> <p>Sep 22 Post proposed split of Tenerife Robin and Gran Canaria Robin from European Robin.</p> <p>Sep 22 Post proposed split of Crimson-crested Turaco from White-cheeked Turaco.</p> <p>Sep 18 IOC 12.2 XML spreadsheet sucessfully linked. Conversion to IOC 12.2 is now complete.</p> <p>Aug 23 BOW pages for 12.2 and their links to the Family Index completed.</p> <p>Aug 7 Post links to IOC 12.2 spreadsheets..</p> <p>Aug 3 Split Chihuahuan Meadowlark from Eastern Meadowlark.</p> <p>Aug 3 Lump Long-tailed Sabrewing with Curve-winged Sabrewing.</p> <p>Aug 3 Split Tres Marias Hummingbird from Broad-billed Hummingbird.</p> <p>Aug 3 Change English name of Doubleday's Hummingbird to Turquoise-crowned Hummingbird.</p> <p>Aug 3 Split Antillean Mango into two species, Hispaniolan Mango and Puerto Rican Mango.</p> <p>July 25 Transfer Rufous Potoo from <em>Nyctibius</em> to <em>Phyllaemulor</em>.</p> <p>July 25 Transfer Tiny Hawk and Semicollared Hawk from <em>Accipiter</em> to <em>Microspizias</em>.</p> <p>July 25 Split Blue-crowned Manakin <em>Lepidothrix coronata&nbsp;</em>into two species, Velvety Manakin and Blue-capped Manakin.</p> <p>July 21 Initiate transition to IOC 12.2.</p> <p>June 27 Change English name of Sillem's Mountain Finch to Sillem's Rosefinch.</p> <p>June 16 Post proposed split of Common Paradise Kingfisher into six species.</p> <p>June 15 Post proposed split of Ventriloquial Oriole from Dark-throated Oriole.</p> <p>June 14 Accept lump of Eastern and Western Ospreys. Restore English name to simply "Osprey".</p> <p>June 14 Accept split of Tagula Manucode from Glossy-mantled Manucode.</p> <p>June 14 Accept lump of Abbott's Sunbird with Souimanga Sunbird.</p> <p>June 14 Accept lump of Pere David's Owl with Ural Owl.</p> <p>June 14 Accept split of Kangean Tit-babbler from Grey-cheeked Tit-babbler.</p> <p>June 7 Move Brazilian Ruby from <em>Clytolaema</em> to <em>Heliodoxa</em> with the merger of the genera.</p> <p>June 7 Accept lump of Caqueta Seedeater with Wing-barred Seedeater.</p> <p>May 22 Post proposed lump of Eastern Osprey with Western Osprey as Osprey.</p> <p>May 18 Accept lump of African Reed Warbler with Eurasian Reed Warbler as Common Reed Warbler.</p> <p>May 17 Accept lump of Chinese Cupwing with Scaly-breasted Cupwing.</p> <p>May 17 Accept newly recognized and redescribed New Caledonian Storm Petrel.</p> <p>May 17 Accept split of MacGillivray's Prion from Salvin's Prion.</p> <p>May 16 Accept splits of Anjouan and Moheli White-eyes from Malagasy White-eye.</p> <p>May 15 Accept lump of Usambara Eagle-Owl with Fraser's Eagle-Owl.</p> <p>May 15 Accept split of Tasmanian Boobook from Morepork.</p> <p>May 15 Accept lump of Archer's Buzzard with Augur Buzzard.</p> <p>Apr 27 Post proposed lump of African and Eurasian Reed Warblers as Common Reed Warbler <em>Acrocephalus scirpaceus</em>.</p> <p>Apr 23 Post proposed lump of Pere David's Owl with Ural Owl.</p> <p>Apr 23 Post proposed lump of Chinese Cupwing with Scaly-breasted Cupwing.</p> <p>Apr 21 Restore Congo Serpent Eagle to <em>Dryotriorchis</em> from <em>Circaetus</em>.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed lump of Usambara Eagle-Owl with Fraser's Eagle-Owl.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Tasmanian Boobook from Morepork.</p> <p>Apr 20 Post proposed lump of Archer's Buzzard with Augur Buzzard.</p> <p>Apr 20 Change the English name of <em>Caridonax fulgidus</em> from Glittering Kingfisher to the nearly universally used White-rumped Kingfisher.</p> <p>Apr 19 Post proposed split of Kangean Tit-Babbler from Grey-cheeked Tit-Babbler.</p> <p>Apr 17 Move Pale-footed Bush Warbler and Neumann's Warbler from <em>Urosphena </em>to <em>Hemitesia.</em></p> <p>Apr 11 Change English names of <em>Lophophanes cristatus</em> and <em>L. dichrous&nbsp;</em>to Crested Tit and Grey-crested Tit, respectively.</p> <p>Mar 26 Move Calayan Rail from <em>Gallirallus</em> to <em>Aptenorallus</em> gen. nov. Kirchman et al. 2021.</p> <p>Mar 23 Post proposed resurrection and redescription of New Caledonian Storm Petrel <em>Fregetta lineata</em>.</p> <p>Feb 23 Post proposed split of MacGillivray's Prion from Salvin's Prion.</p> <p>Feb 20 Latest Multilingual version including updated Dutch, Danish, and Norwegian bird names uploaded.</p> <p>Feb 20 Post proposed split of Subdesert Jery from Stripe-throated Jery.</p> <p>Feb 20 Post proposed split of Madagascar Plain Martin from Brown-throated Martin.</p> <p>Feb 12 Post proposed split of Lesser Sand Plover into two species: Siberian Sand Plover <em>Charadrius mongolus&nbsp;</em>and Tibetan Sand Plover <em>C. atrifrons.&nbsp;</em></p> <p>Feb 12 Post proposed splits of Anjouan White-eye and Moheli White-eye from Malagasy White-eye.</p> <p>Feb 5 Post proposed lump of Abbott's Sunbird with Souimanga Sunbird.</p> <p>Feb 3 Post proposed lump of Caqueta Seedeater with Wing-barred Seedeater.</p> <p>Feb 2 Accept recently described Inti Tanager.</p> <p>Jan 27 Post proposed split of Red Grouse from Willow Ptarmigan.</p> <p>Jan 27 Post proposed split of Tagula Manucode from Glossy-mantled Manucode.</p> <p>Jan 27 Post newly described species Meratus White-eye and Meratus Blue Flycatcher from se Borneo.</p> <p>Jan 16 Post links to IOC 12.1 Multilingual version and Comparison of IOC 12.1 with other World Lists.</p> <p>Jan 15 Post links to IOC 12.1 Life List Plus, Master List, and Full Subspecies spreadsheets.</p> <p>Jan 14 Post statement regarding range updates on Home Page and Ranges sections.</p> <p>Jan 11 Post link to draft (red) 12.1 spreadsheet.</p> <p>Jan 8 Begin conversion to IOC 12.1.</p> <p>Jan 8 Restore&nbsp;Sundaic and Philippine subspecies of <em>Acrocephalus stentoreus</em> back to that species<em>.</em> Revert English name of <em>Acrocephalus australis</em> back to Australian Reed Warbler.</p> <p><strong>2021<br></strong></p> <p>Dec 30 Move Sulawesi Thrush from the monotypic genus <em>Cataponera</em> to <em>Turdus</em>.</p> <p>Dec 24 Accept&nbsp;lump of Arabian Accentor with Radde's Accentor.</p> <p>Dec 20 Accept split of Arabian Sunbird from Shining Sunbird.</p> <p>Dec 20 Post proposed lump of Arabian Accentor with Radde's Accentor.</p> <p>Dec 20 Accept split of Australian Zebra Finch <em>T. castanotis</em> from (Sunda) Zebra Finch <em>T. guttata.</em></p> <p>Dec 19 Accept split of Rufous-crowned Bee-eater from Blue-throated Bee-eater.</p> <p>Dec 19 Accept split of Brown-breasted Kingfisher <em>Halcyon gularis </em>from <em>Halcyon smyrnensis.</em></p> <p>Dec 19 Accept split of Wetar Scops Owl from Moluccan Scops Owl.</p> <p>Dec 18 Accept split of Elgon Francolin from Moorland Francolin.</p> <p>Dec 11 Post proposed splits of “Savanna” Nightjar <em>Caprimulgus monticolus </em>and <em>“</em>Kayumanggi” Nightjar from “Allied” Nightjar <em>C. affinis.</em>. English names under discussion, and some differ from those suggested in the publication (Sangster et al. 2021).</p> <p>Dec 11 Change English name of Raja Shelduck to Radjah Shelduck.</p> <p>Dec 7 Revise the linear sequence of the family&nbsp;<em>Aegithalidae.</em></p> <p>Dec 4 Post proposed split of Elgon Francolin from Moorland Francolin.</p> <p>Dec 4 Decline proposed split of Kermadec Storm Petrel from White-faced Storm Petrel.</p> <p>Dec 3 Move White-tailed Flycatcher from <em>Cyornis</em> to the newly described genus <em>Leucoptilon</em> (Sangster et al. 2021). Note change in gender ending to neuter.</p> <p>Dec 3 Change English name of <em>Pterodroma defilippiana</em> from De Filippi's Petrel to Masatierra Petrel.</p> <p>Dec 2 Change English names of Henderson's, Biddulph's, Pander's, and Pleske's Ground Jays to Mongolian, Xinjiang, Turkestan, and Iranian Ground Jays, respectively.</p> <p>Dec 2 Change English name of Hornby's Storm Petrel to Ringed Storm Petrel.</p> <p>Nov 29 Post proposed split of Kermadec Storm Petrel <em>Pelagodroma albiclunis </em>from White-faced Storm Petrel.</p> <p>Nov 29 Change English name from Carolinian Reed Warbler to Caroline Reed Warbler.</p> <p>Nov 29&nbsp; Change English name of <em>Mayrornis versicolor</em> from Versicolored Monarch to more geographically specific Ogea Monarch.</p> <p>Nov 27 Accept split of Louisiade Monarch from Spectacled Monarch.</p> <p>Nov 20 Change&nbsp;English name of <em>Oedistoma iliolophus</em> from Dwarf Longbill to Spectacled Longbill</p> <p>Nov 20 Post proposed split of Tagula Manucode from Glossy-mantled Manucode.</p> <p>Nov 20 Accept split of Huon Bowerbird from MacGregor's Bowerbird.</p> <p>Nov 16 Post proposed split of Huon Bowerbird from MacGregor's Bowerbird.</p> <p>Nov 8 Post proposed split of monotypic Louisiade Monarch from Spectacled Monarch.</p> <p>Nov 7 Post newly described species Inti Tanager on Updates/PS.</p> <p>Oct. 21 Accept Ruvu Weaver as a distinct species.</p> <p>Oct 20 Accept split of <em>Tanygnathus everetti</em> (Blue-backed Parrot) from <em>Tanygnathus sumatranus</em> (Azure-rumped Parrot). Note that the English name Blue-backed Parrot follows the split species.</p> <p>Oct 20 Accept split of Masked Bunting from Black-faced Bunting.</p> <p>Oct 20 Accept split of Chinese Long-tailed Rosefinch from (Siberian) Long-tailed Rosefinch.</p> <p>Oct 20 Accept split of Guadalcanal Thicketbird from Melanesian (Santo) Thicketbird.</p> <p>Oct 20 Accept split of Flores Leaf Warbler from Timor Leaf Warbler.</p> <p>Oct 20 Accept lump of Indonesian Honeyeater with Brown Honeyeater.</p> <p>Oct 20 Accept split of Bacan Myzomela&nbsp;<em>M. batjanensis </em>from Sulawesi Myzomela.</p> <p>Oct 20 Accept split of Malabar Flameback from Greater Flameback.</p> <p>Oct 17 Post proposed split of Brown Wood Owl <em><i>Strix indranee </i></em>and Sunda Wood Owl <em><i>Strix leptogrammica. </i></em>Note the English name Brown Wood Owl would follow the split taxon.</p> <p>Oct 17 Post proposed split of Wetar Scops Owl from Moluccan Scops Owl.</p> <p>Oct 6 Change English names of four island-endemic <em>Symposiachrus</em> monarchs; Black-chinned, White-tailed, White-tipped, and Black-tipped Monarchs, to Boano, Kai, Tanahjampea, and Buru Monarchs.</p> <p>Oct 5 Post proposed lump of Indonesian Honeyeater with Brown Honeyeater.</p> <p>Oct 3 Post proposed split of Brown-breasted Kingfisher from White-throated Kingfisher.</p> <p>Oct 2 Post proposed split of Rufous-crowned Bee-eater from Blue-throated Bee-eater.</p> <p>Sept 28 Post proposed split of <em>Tanygnathus everetti</em> (Blue-backed Parrot) from <em>Tanygnathus sumatranus</em> (Azure-rumped Parrot). Note that the English name Blue-backed Parrot follows the split species.</p> <p>Sept 28 Post proposed split of Eastern Rockhopper Penugin from Southern Rockhopper Penguin.</p> <p>Sept 26&nbsp; Post Peter Kovalik's update of the Multilingual Version of IOC 11.2 by adding the latest version of the Dutch and Swedish names for all IOC bird species. Dutch: Vercruijsse, P., 2021: Vogelnamenlijst IOC V29. Swedish: Markus Lagerqvist, Erling Jirle och Gustav Asplund, BirdLife Sverige, Tk. Officiella listan över svenska namn på alla världens fågelarter - 26 juli 2021. Also Portuguese names including, for the first time ever, all bird species (Paixão, P. Os Nomes Portugueses das Aves de Todo o Mundo: Projeto de Nomenclatura, 2.ª ed., a separata, n.º 1, suplemento d’«a folha» n.º 66 — verão de 2021).</p> <p>Sept 22 Post proposed split of Bacan Myzomela from Sulawesi Myzomela.</p> <p>Sept 19 Post move of Crested Jay from Family Corvidae to newly recognized Family Platylophidae (see Taxonomic Updates for details). Proposed English name change to Crested Jayshrike.</p> <p>Sept 18 Post proposed splits of African, Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands Chaffinches from Eurasian (Common) Chaffinch.</p> <p>Sept 17 Post proposed reinstatement of Ruvu Weaver as a species distinct from Eastern Golden Weaver.</p> <p>Sept 16 Post proposed split of Indochinese Babbler from Scaly-crowned Babbler.</p> <p>Sept 16 Post proposed split of <em>Pellorneum macropterum</em> (Bornean Swamp Babbler) from <em>P. rostratum</em> White-chested Babbler (Malayan Swamp Babbler) based on vocal and genetic differences (Eaton et al. 2021). English names tentative.</p> <p>Sept 16 Post proposed splits of Glissando Babbler <em><i>Pellorneum saturatum </i></em>(Sarawak. w Kalimantan)&nbsp;and Leaflitter Babbler<em><i> Pellorneum poliogene </i></em>(Sabah, Brunei, e Kalimantan) from Short-tailed (Mourning) Babbler <em>P. malaccense </em>(Malay Pen., Sumatra) based on pronounced vocal and genome-wide differences (Eaton et al. 2021). English names tentative .</p> <p>Sept 16 Post proposed split of Palawan Tit-Babbler from Pin-striped Tit-Babbler.</p> <p>Sept 13 Post proposed splits of Modest Flowerpecker and Tenggara Flowerpecker from Thick-billed Flowerpecker.</p> <p>Sept 13 Post proposed split of <em>Pomatorhinus phayrei&nbsp;</em>(Brown-crowned/Phayre's Scimitar Babbler, five subspecies) from monotypic <em>P. ferruginosus </em>(Coral-billed/Black-crowned Scimitar Babbler). English names under discussion.</p> <p>Sept 12 Re-post proposed splits of Yellow-billed Egret (Africa) and Plumed Egret (Australasia) from Intermediate Egret (Asia).</p> <p>Sept 12 Post proposed split of Walden's Scops Owl <em>Otus modestus</em> (Andaman Is.) from Oriental Scops Owl.</p> <p>Sept. 12 Post proposed split of Flores Leaf Warbler from Timor Leaf Warbler.</p> <p>Sept 12 Post proposed split of Malabar Flameback from Greater Flameback.</p> <p>Sept 12 Change English name of Stejneger's Stonechat to Amur Stonechat to align with Clements/eBird (2021).</p> <p>Sept 12 Post proposed split of Sunda Zebra Finch and Australian Zebra Finch.</p> <p>Sept. 12 Post proposed split of Orange-lined Sunbird from Purple-throated Sunbird.</p> <p>Sept. 11 Transfer Sundaic and Philippine subspecies of <em>Acrocephalus stentoreus</em> to <em>Acrocephalus australis.</em> Change English name of the latter from Australian Reed Warbler to Australasian Reed Warbler.</p> <p>Sept. 5 Transfer subspecies&nbsp;<em>permista</em>&nbsp;from&nbsp;<em>Campethera cailliautii</em>&nbsp;to&nbsp;<em>Campethera maculosa. </em>Change English name of <em>C.</em> <em>cailliautii</em> from Green-backed Woodpecker to Little Spotted Woodpecker with reassigment of subspecies.</p> <p>Sept 1 Post proposed split of Chinese Long-tailed Rosefinch from Siberian Long-tailed Rosefinch.</p> <p>Sept. 1 Post proposed splits of Roving Cuckooshrike and Visayan Cuckooshrike from Bar-bellied Cuckooshrike.</p> <p>Aug 31 Change English name of Cuckoo Roller to Cuckoo-roller.</p> <p>Aug 31 Change English name from Sangihe Shrikethrush to Sangihe Whistler with change of genus from <em>Colluricincla</em> to <em>Coracornis</em>.</p> <p>Aug 31 Split Fulvous-faced Scrub Tyrant from Fulvous-crowned Scrub Tyrant (formerly Tawny-crowned Pygmy Tyrant).</p> <p>Aug 31 Change English name of South American Snipe to Pantanal Snipe.</p> <p>Aug 31 Replace the scientific name of Yellowish Pipit from <em>Anthus lutescens</em> Pucheran, 1855 to <em>Anthus chii</em> Vieillot, 1818.</p> <p>Aug 30 Move Caatinga Antwren from the genus <em>Herpsilochmus</em> to monotypic <em>Radinopsyche</em> gen. nov.</p> <p>Aug 30 Move Silvery-cheeked Antshrike from the genus <em>Sakesphorus</em> to monotypic <em>Sakesphoroides</em>.</p> <p>Aug 30 Change English names of <em>Euscarthmus</em> species from Pygmy Tyrant to Scrub Tyrant.</p> <p>Aug 12 Transition to IOC 11.2 complete.</p> <p>Aug 11 Post proposed split of Masked Bunting from Black-faced Bunting.</p> <p>July 22 Change English name of Kessler's Thrush to White-backed Thrush to align with other major checklists.</p> <p>July 22 Accept split of Sangihe Lilac Kingfisher from (Sulawesi) Lilac Kingfisher.</p> <p>July 21 Post proposed split of Guadalcanal Thicketbird from Melanesian (Santo) Thicketbird.</p> <p>July 21 Restore Angolan Cave Chat to <em>Xenocopsychus</em> from <em>Cossypha</em>. Placed in <em>Cossypha</em> in error.</p> <p>July 21 Change English names of Black-faced Friarbird and Flame-breasted Flowerpecker to Buru Friarbird and Buru Flowerpecker.</p> <p>July 20 Replace region code EU (Eurasia) with region code PAL (Palearctic). As previously with EU, PAL includes the entire Middle East but not North Africa (included in AF).</p> <p>July 20 Begin posting changes for IOC 12.1</p> <p>July 20 Transition to 11.2 complete except for BOW pages.</p> <p>July 10 11.2 spreadsheets all posted.</p> <p>July 4&nbsp; Posted link to draft (red) 11.2 spreadsheet.</p> <p>June 30 Begin transition to IOC 11.2.</p> <p>June 29 Move the "blue-hooded" euphonias from <em>Euphonia</em> to <em>Chlorophonia</em>.</p> <p>June 29 Recognize the genera <em>Padda</em> and <em>Mayrimunia</em> for four species of estrildid finches formerly attributed to <em>Lonchura</em>.</p> <p>June 29 Revise linear sequence of Family Regulidae.</p> <p>June 29 Change genera of Jamaican Owl, Flammulated Flycatcher, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Five-striped Sparrow.</p> <p>June 29 Split extinct St. Kitts Bullfinch from Puerto Rican Bullfinch.</p> <p>June 29 Split West Mexican Euphonia from Scrub Euphonia.</p> <p>June 29 Split Chestnut-capped Warbler from Rufous-capped Warbler.</p> <p>June 29 Split White-browed Gnatcatcher from Tropical Gnatcatcher.</p> <p>June 29 Split Bahama Nuthatch from Brown-headed Nuthatch.</p> <p>June 29 Split Short-billed Gull <em>Larus brachyrhynchus</em> from Common Gull (<em>L. canus</em>). Change English name of <em>L. canus</em> from Mew Gull to Common Gull.</p> <p>June 27 Revise the generic classification of the family Phalacrocoracidae.</p> <p>June 27 Restore Pale Rockfinch to Passeridae pending further clarification of its phylogenetic status.</p> <p>June 26 Split Small Crow <em>Corvus samarensis</em> (including <em>sierramadrensis</em>) from Slender-billed Crow.</p> <p>June 26 Accept split of Calabarzon Babbler <em>Sterrhoptilus affinis</em> from Visayan (Black-crowned) Babbler <em>Sterrhoptilus nigrocapitatus</em>.</p> <p>June 26 Accept multiple splits of Rufous Antpitta complex.</p> <p>June 26 Accept split of Greyish Saltator into Cinnamon-bellied, Olivaceous, and Blue-grey Saltators. English names provisional pending SACC.</p> <p>June 26 Accept split of Pied Myna into three species.</p> <p>June 25 Provisionally accept newly described species Satin Berrypecker.</p> <p>June 25 Revise the English names of the splits of <em>Athene jacquinoti</em> from 'boobook" to "owl".</p> <p>June 22 Move Pale Rockfinch from Passeridae to Motacillidae.</p> <p>June 22 Revise linear sequence of Passeridae.</p> <p>June 22 Revise linear sequence and generic classification of Phasianidae.</p> <p>June 21 Split Yellow-cheeked Lorikeet <em>Saudareos meyeri</em> from Sula (Citrine) Lorikeet <em>Saudareos flavoviridis</em>.</p> <p>June 21 Split Stella's Lorikeet <em>Charmosyna stellae</em> from monotypic Papuan Lorikeet <em>Charmosyna papou.</em></p> <p>June 21 Revise linear sequence and generic classification of Loriini.</p> <p>June 20 Revise linear sequence and generic classification of Vireonidae.</p> <p>June 19 Revise linear sequence of <em>Scytalopus</em>.</p> <p>June 19 Revise the linear sequence of Euphoninae.</p> <p>June 19 Revise the linear sequence of Polioptilidae.</p> <p>June 18 Revise the linear sequence and generic classification of the tribe Xolmiini.</p> <p>June 18 Accept splits of Maghreb Wheatear and Basalt Wheatear from Mourning Wheatear.</p> <p>June 18 Accept split of Arabian Lark from Dunn's Lark.</p> <p>June 17 Accept split of Brown-tailed Apalis from Yellow-breasted Apalis.</p> <p>June 17 Accept newly described Kilombero Cisticola and White-tailed Cisticola.</p> <p>June 16 Accept split of Delicate Prinia from Graceful Prinia.</p> <p>June 16 Post proposed split of Arabian Lark from Dunn's Lark.</p> <p>June 16 Post proposed splits of Maghreb Wheatear and Basalt Wheatear from Mourning Wheatear.</p> <p>June 16 Accept split of Tanzanian Illadopsis (initially proposed as Grey-breasted Illadopsis) from Pale-breasted Illadopsis.</p> <p>June 16 Accept split of Short-tailed Akalat from Bocage's Akalat.</p> <p>June 16 Accept split of Stripe-breasted Seedeater from Reichard's Seedeater.</p> <p>June 13 Post newly described species Satin Berrypecker on Updates/PS.</p> <p>June 2 Change English names of Swinhoe's Prinia and Deignan's Prinia to Striped Prinia and Brown Prinia, respectively.</p> <p>May 24 Change English name of <em>Idiopsar brachyurus</em> from Short-tailed Finch to Boulder Finch following SACC.</p> <p>May 24 Change English names of <em>Forpus crassirostris</em> and <em>Forpus xanthopterygius</em> following SACC.</p> <p>May 24 Accept splits of African Green Bee-eater <em>Merops viridissimus&nbsp;</em>and Arabian Green Bee-eater <em>Merops cyanophrys&nbsp;</em>from Asian Green Bee-eater <em>Merops orientalis</em>.</p> <p>May 24 Accept split of Ethiopian Bee-eater from Blue-breasted Bee-eater.</p> <p>May 23 Accept split of Geelvink Imperial Pigeon from Spice Imperial Pigeon.</p> <p>May 23 Accept split of Malabar Imperial Pigeon from Mountain Imperial Pigeon.</p> <p>May 23 Accept split of Geelvink Fruit Dove from Yellow-bibbed Fruit Dove.</p> <p>May 23 Accept split of Raiatea Fruit Dove from Grey-green Fruit Dove.</p> <p>May 23 Accept reinstatement of Kai Coucal as a split from Pheasant Coucal.</p> <p>May 23 Accept split of extinct New Caledonian Buttonquail from Painted Buttonquail.</p> <p>May 23 Accept split of Ryukyu Green Pigeon from Taiwan (Whistling) Green Pigeon.</p> <p>May 23 Accept splits of Guadalcanal Owl, Malaita Owl and Makira Owl from (West) Solomons Owl (formerly "Solomons Boobook").</p> <p>May 23 Accept split of Comoros Black Parrot from Lesser Vasa Parrot.</p> <p>May 23 Accept split of Chinese Vivid Niltava <em>N. oatesi</em> from Taiwan Vivid Niltava <em>N. vivida</em>.</p> <p>May 23 Accept splits of Biak, Red-tinged and Moluccan Myzomelas from Dusky Myzomela.</p> <p>May 23 Accept split of Reddish Myzomela <em>Myzomela erythrina</em> (including <em>lavongai, cantans, vinacea</em>) from Red Myzomela.</p> <p>May 22 Accept split of Long-billed Myzomela from Red-collared Myzomela.</p> <p>May 22 Accept split of Rennell Gerygone from Fan-tailed Gerygone.</p> <p>May 22 Accept split of Yellow-crowned Flowerpecker <em>Dicaeum anthonyi</em> and Flame-crowned Flowerpecker <em>Dicaeum kampalili</em>.</p> <p>May 21 Accept split of Palawan Fairy-bluebird from Asian Fairy-bluebird.</p> <p>May 18 Accept split of Burmese Collared Dove from Eurasian Collared Dove.</p> <p>May 18 Accept split of Philippine Collared Dove from Sunda (Island) Collared Dove.</p> <p>May 18 Accept split of Banggai Scops Owl from Sulawesi Scops Owl.</p> <p>May 18 Post newly described Kilombero Cisticola and White-tailed Cisticola on Updates/PS.</p> <p>May 17 Accept split of Olive-brown Oriole into Timor Oriole and Wetar Oriole.</p> <p>May 17 Accept split of Obi Paradise-crow from Halmahera Paradise-crow.</p> <p>May 17 Accept split of Black Magpie into Malayan Black Magpie and Bornean Black Magpie.</p> <p>May 15 Accept split of Sunda Bulbul into Javan Bulbul and Sumatran Bulbul.</p> <p>May 15 Accept split of split of Greyish-crowned Leafbird <em>Chloropsis lazulina </em>(including <em>melliana</em>) from Orange-bellied Leafbird <em>Chloropsis hardwickii.&nbsp;</em></p> <p>May 10 Accept split of Javan Leafbird <em>Chloropsis cochinchinensis</em> and Blue-winged Leafbird <em>C. moluccensis</em>.</p> <p>May 9 Accept split of Visayan Shama from White-browed Shama.</p> <p>May 9 Accept split of Mindanao Serin from Indonesian (Mountain) Serin.</p> <p>May 9 Accept split of Crocker Jungle Flycatcher from Rufous-tailed (Philippine) Jungle Flycatcher.</p> <p>May 8 Accept split of Sulu Jungle Flycatcher from Rufous-tailed (Philippine) Jungle Flycatcher.</p> <p>May 7 Accept split of split of monotypic Southern Sooty Woodpecker <em>Mulleripicus fuliginosus</em> from polytypic Northern Sooty Woodpecker.</p> <p>May 7 Accept split of Simeulue Parrot from Blue-rumped Parrot.</p> <p>May 7 Accept split of Tanimbar Monarch <em>Carterornis castus</em> from White-naped Monarch.</p> <p>May 7 Accept split of Palawan Crow from Slender-billed Crow.</p> <p>May 6 Accept split of Camiguin Bulbul from Yellowish Bulbul but tentatively retain Sulu Bulbul (<em>haynaldi</em>) as a subspecies of <em>Hypsipetes everetti</em>.</p> <p>May 6 Accept split of Sunda Scimitar Babbler <em>Pomatorhinus bornensis</em> (including <em>occidentalis</em>) from Javan (Chestnut-backed) Scimitar Babbler.</p> <p>May 6 Accept split of Visayan Rhabdornis from Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis.</p> <p>May 6 Accept split of Sumba Jungle Flycatcher from Flores (Russet-backed) Jungle Flycatcher.</p> <p>May 6 Accept split of Usambiro Barbet from D'Arnaud's Barbet.</p> <p>May 6 Accept split of Sumatran Woodpecker from Grey-headed Woodpecker.</p> <p>May 5 Accept split of Thick-billed Berrypecker <em>Rhamphocharis crassirostris</em> and Spotted Berrypecker <em>Rhamphocharis piperata</em>. Note transfer of original English name to the split species.</p> <p>May 5 Accept split of Western Crested Berrypecker <em>Paramythia olivacea</em> from Eastern Crested Berrypecker <em>P. montium</em>.</p> <p>May 5 Accept split of Biak Triller from Black-browed Triller.</p> <p>May 5 Accept split of West African Batis from Fernando Po Batis.</p> <p>May 5 Accept split of Biak Fantail from Northern Fantail.</p> <p>May 5 Accept three-way split of Velvet Flycatcher.</p> <p>May 5 Accept split of Giant Grey Shrike from Chinese Grey Shrike.</p> <p>May 4 Transfer <em>Eutrichomyias rowleyi&nbsp;</em>from Monarchidae to Rhipiduridae (within the subfamily Lamproliinae). Change English name from Cerulean Paradise Flycatcher to Cerulean Flycatcher following BLI.</p> <p>May 2 Restore Yunnan Parrotbill <em>Sinosuthora ricketti </em>from AS to PS status pending further analysis of the <em>S. brunnea</em> complex.</p> <p>May 2 Post proposed split of African Woolly-necked Stork from Asian Woolly-necked Stork.</p> <p>May 1 Post proposed split of monotypic Southern Sooty Woodpecker <em>Mulleripicus fuliginosus</em> from polytypic Northern Sooty Woodpecker.</p> <p>May 1 Post proposed split of monotypic Mindanao Dwarf Kingfisher <em>Ceyx mindanensis</em> from Luzon Dwarf Kingfisher <em>Ceyx melanurus</em>.</p> <p>May 1 Post proposed split of Sangihe Lilac Kingfisher <em>Cittura sanghirensis</em> from Sulawesi Lilac Kingfisher <em>C. cyanotis</em>.</p> <p>May 1 Post proposed split of Simeulue Parrot <em>Psittinus abbotti</em> from Blue-rumped Parrot.</p> <p>May 1 Post proposed split of Tanimbar Monarch <em>Carterornis castus</em> from White-naped Monarch.</p> <p>May 1 Post proposed split of Palawan Crow <em>Corvus pusillus</em> from Slender-billed Crow.</p> <p>May 1 Post proposed splits of Camiguin Bulbul and Sulu Bulbul from Yellowish Bulbul.</p> <p>May 1 Post proposed split of Chestnut-backed Scimitar Babbler into Sunda Scimitar Babbler <em>Pomatorhinus bornensis</em> and Javan Scimitar Babbler <em>Pomatorhinus montanus</em>.</p> <p>May 1 Post proposed split of Visayan Rhabdornis from Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis.</p> <p>Apr 30 Post proposed split of Sumba Jungle Flycatcher from Flores (Russet-backed) Jungle Flycatcher.</p> <p>Apr 30 Accept split of Black-capped Robin <em>Heteromyias armiti&nbsp;</em>from Ashy Robin <em>Heteromyias albispecularis</em>.</p> <p>Apr 30 Accept split of Yunnan Parrotbill <em>Sinosuthora ricketti</em> from Brown-winged Parrotbill <em>Sinosuthora brunnea</em>.</p> <p>Apr 30 Accept split of Grey-hooded Babbler <em>Cyanoderma bicolor</em> from Chestnut-winged Babbler <em>Cyanoderma erythropteru</em>m.</p> <p>Apr 30 Accept split of Malayan Black-capped Babbler and Bornean Black-capped Babbler from Javan Black-capped Babbler.</p> <p>Apr 29 Accept split of Okinawa Robin <em>Larvivora namiyei</em> from Ryukyu Robin <em>Larvivora komadori</em>.</p> <p>Apr 29 Accept split of Ryukyu Flycatcher <em>Ficedula owstoni</em> from Narcissus Flycatcher <em>Ficedula narcissina</em>.</p> <p>Apr 28 Post proposed split of Delicate Prinia <em>Prinia lepida</em> from Graceful Prinia <em>Prinia gracilis</em>.</p> <p>Apr 28 Accept split of Atlas Wheatear <em>Oenanthe seebohmi&nbsp;</em>from Northern Wheatear.</p> <p>Apr 27 Accept split of Yellow-chinned Sunbird <em>Anthreptes rectirostris</em> and Grey-chinned Sunbird <em>A. tephrolaemus</em>.</p> <p>Apr 25 Post proposed splits of Moluccan (Sultan's) Myzomela <em>Myzolmela simplex</em> and Obi (Red-tinged) Myzomela from Dusky Myzomela <em>M. obscura</em>.</p> <p>Apr 23 Post proposed splits of African Green Bee-eater <em>Merops viridissimus&nbsp;</em>and Arabian Green Bee-eater <em>Merops cyanophrys&nbsp;</em>from Asian Green Bee-eater <em>Merops orientalis</em>.</p> <p>Apr 23 Post relisting of Kai Coucal as a proposed split from Pheasant Coucal.</p> <p>Apr 22 Post proposed split of Red-necked Falcon <em>F. ruficollis</em> (including <em>horsbrughi</em>) from Asian <em>Falco chicquera</em>, renamed Red-headed Falcon.</p> <p>Apr 22 Post proposed split of Comoros Black Parrot <em>Coracopsis sibilans&nbsp;</em>from Lesser Vasa Parrot.</p> <p>Apr 22 Post proposed splits of Grand Comoro Sunbird <em>Cinnyris moebii</em> and Moheli Sunbird <em>Cinnyris voeltzkowi&nbsp;</em>from Madagascar (Malagasy) Sunbird.</p> <p>Apr 22 Post proposed split of Arabian Sunbird <em>Cinnyris hellmayri</em> (including <em>kinneari</em>) from Shining Sunbird.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Snow Mountain Tiger Parrot <em>Psittacella lorentzi</em> from Painted Tiger Parrot.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Reddish Myzomela&nbsp;<em>Myzomela erythrina </em>(including<em> lavongai, cantans, vinacea</em>) from Red Myzomela <em>M. cruentata</em>.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Biak (Red-brown) Myzomela <em>Myzomela rubrobrunnea&nbsp;</em>from Dusky Myzomela. English name under discussion.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Long-billed Myzomela<em> Myzomela longirostris</em> Red-collared Myzomela.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Rennell Gerygone <em>Gerygone citrina&nbsp;</em>from Fan-tailed Gerygone.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Comoros Blue Vanga <em>Cyanolanius comorensis</em> (including <em>bensoni</em>) from Madagascar Blue Vanga <em>Cyanolanius madagascarinus</em>.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Vanuatu Streaked Fantail <em>Rhipidura spilodera&nbsp;</em>and Fiji Streaked Fantail <em>Rhipidura layardi</em> (including <em>erythronota </em>and<em> rufilateralis</em>) from New Caledonia Streaked Fantail <em>Rhipidura verreauxi</em>.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Guadalcanal Fantail <em>Rhipidura ocularis</em> from Brown (Bougainville) Fantail <em>R. drownei.&nbsp;</em></p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Brown-tailed Apalis&nbsp;<em>Apalis flavocincta</em>&nbsp;(including&nbsp;<em>viridiceps</em>) from Yellow-breasted Apalis <em>A. flavida.</em></p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Huambo Cisticola <em>Cisticola bailunduensis</em> from Rock-loving Cisticola <em>Cisticola emini</em>.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Snares Fernbird from New Zealand Fernbird.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Madagascar Plain Martin <em>Riparia cowani&nbsp;</em>from Brown-throated Martin <em>Riparia paludicola</em>. English name under discussion.</p> <p>Apr 21 Post proposed split of Angola (Green-crowned) Greenbul from White-throated Greenbul. English name under discussion.</p> <p>Apr 20 Post proposed splits of Malayan Black-capped Babbler <em>Pellorneum nigrocapitatum </em>and Bornean Black-capped Babbler <em>P. capistratoides</em> from Javan Black-capped (Rufous-browed) Babbler <em>P. capistratum</em>. English names under discussion.</p> <p>Apr 18 Post proposed split of Chinese Vivid Niltava from Taiwan Vivid Niltava. English names tentative.</p> <p>Apr 18 Post proposed split of Short-tailed Akalat from Bocage's Akalat.</p> <p>Apr 18 Post proposed split of Izu Robin from Japanese Robin.</p> <p>Apr 18 Post proposed split of Rusty-breasted Wheatear <em>Oenanthe frenata&nbsp;</em>from Buff-breasted (Red-breasted) Wheatear <em>Oenanthe bottae</em>).</p> <p>Apr 18 Post proposed split of Black-throated Wheatear <em>Oenanthe seebohmi&nbsp;</em>from Northern Wheatear.</p> <p>Apr 18 Post proposed split of Black-breasted Sunbird <em>Cinnyris idenburgi</em> from Olive-backed Sunbird.</p> <p>Apr 18 Post proposed split of Yellow-chinned Sunbird from Grey-chinned Sunbird.</p> <p>Apr 18 Post proposed split of monotypic Grand Cormoro Fody from Red-headed (Comoros) Fody.</p> <p>Apr 18 Post proposed split of Chestnut-and-black Weaver from Vieillot's Black Weaver.</p> <p>Apr 18 Post proposed split of Upemba Masked Weaver from Katanga Masked Weaver.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Malayan Bullfinch from Brown Bullfinch.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Stripe-breasted Seedeater from Reichard's Seedeater.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of monotypic Ishigaki Tit <em>Parus nigriloris</em> from Japanese Tit.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Western Spotted Dove from Eastern Spotted Dove.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Burmese Collared Dove from Eurasian Collared Dove.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Bronze Ground Dove into monotypic Western Bronze Ground Dove and polytypic Eastern Bronze Ground Dove.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Ryukyu Green Pigeon from Taiwan (Whistling) Green Pigeon.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Geelvink Imperial Pigeon from Spice Imperial Pigeon.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Nilgiri Imperial Pigeon from Mountain Imperial Pigeon.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Geelvink Fruit-dove from Yellow-bibbed Fruit Dove.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Raiatea Fruit Dove from Grey-green Fruit Dove.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of New Caledonian Buttonquail from Painted Buttonquail.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Ethiopian Bee-eater from Blue-breasted Bee-eater.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Usambiro Barbet from D'Arnaud's Barbet.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Sumatran Woodpecker from Grey-headed Woodpecker.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed four-way split of Solomons Boobook.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Crested Berrypecker.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Spotted Berrypecker.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Biak Triller from Black-browed Triller.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of West African Batis from Fernando Po Batis.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Biak Fantail from Northern Fantail.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed three-way split of Velvet Flycatcher.</p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Giant Grey Shrike <em>Lanius giganteus</em> from Chinese Grey Shrike <em><i>Lanius sphenocercus.</i></em></p> <p>Apr 17 Post proposed split of Black-capped Robin <em>Heteromyias armiti&nbsp;</em>from Ashy Robin <em>Heteromyias albispecularis</em>.</p> <p>Apr 16 Post proposed split of Yunnan Parrotbill <em>Sinosuthora ricketti</em> from Brown-winged Parrotbill <em>Sinosuthora brunnea</em>.</p> <p>Apr 16 Post proposed split of Grey-hooded Babbler <em>Cyanoderma bicolor</em> from Chestnut-winged Babbler <em>Cyanoderma erythropteru</em>m.</p> <p>Apr 16 Post proposed split of Grey-breasted Illadopsis <em>Illadopsis distans</em> from Pale-breasted Illadopsis <em>Illadopsis rufipennis</em>.</p> <p>Apr 16 Post proposed split of Western (White-winged) Magpie-Robin <em>Copsychus pica</em> Madagascan Magpie-Robin <em>Copsychus albospecularis</em>. English name under review.</p> <p>Apr 16 Post proposed split of Okinawa Robin <em>Larvivora namiyei</em> from Ryukyu Robin <em>Larvivora komadori</em>.</p> <p>Apr 16 Post proposed split of Green-crowned (Ryukyu) Flycatcher <em>Ficedula owstoni</em> from Narcissus Flycatcher <em>Ficedula narcissina</em>.</p> <p>Apr 16 Post proposed split of Sulu Tit-Babbler <em>Macronus kettlewelli</em> from Brown Tit-Babbler <em>Macronus striaticeps</em>.</p> <p>Apr 14 Post proposed split of Sulu Jungle Flycatcher <em>Cyornis ocularis</em> from Rufous-tailed Jungle Flycatcher <em>Cyornis ruficauda</em>.</p> <p>Apr 14 Post proposed split of Philippine Fairy-bluebird into three species, Luzon, Visayan and Mindanao Fairy-bluebirds. English names are under evaluation.</p> <p>Apr 14 Post proposed split of Rusty/Rufous-throated Babbler S<em>terrhoptilus affinis&nbsp;</em>from Black-crowned Babbler <em>Sterrhoptilus nigrocapitatus</em>.&nbsp; English names are under evaluation.</p> <p>Apr 14 Post proposed split of Northern Buzzing (Obscure) Flowerpecker <em>Dicaeum obscurum&nbsp;</em>from Southern Buzzing (White-bellied) Flowerpecker <em>Dicaeum hypoleucum.&nbsp;</em>English names are under evaluation.</p> <p>Apr 5&nbsp; Revise English name of <em>Nucifraga multipunctata</em> from Large-spotted Nutcracker to Kashmir Nutcracker.</p> <p>Apr 4&nbsp; Accept&nbsp;proposed split of Siberian House Martin from Common House Martin.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post accepted split of Dayak Blue Flycatcher from Javan Blue Flycatcher.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Island Collared Dove into Sunda Collared Dove and Philippine Collared Dove.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Banggai Scops Owl from Sulawesi Scops Owl.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Olive-brown Oriole into Timor Oriole and Wetar Oriole.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Paradise-crow into Halmahera Paradise-crow and Obi Paradise-crow.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Black Magpie into Malayan Black Magpie and Bornean Black Magpie.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Sunda Bulbul into Javan Bulbul and Sumatran Bulbul.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Visayan Shama from White-browed Shama.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Crocker Jungle Flycatcher from Rufous-tailed Jungle Flycatcher.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Yellow-crowned Flowerpecker <em>Dicaeum anthonyi</em> and Flame-crowned Flowerpecker <em>Dicaeum kampalili</em>.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Palawan Fairy-bluebird from Asian Fairy-bluebird.</p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Greyish-crowned Leafbird <em>Chloropsis lazulina </em>from Orange-bellied Leafbird <em>Chloropsis hardwickii.&nbsp;</em></p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of monotypic Javan Leafbird <em>Chloropsis cochinchinensis </em>from Blue-winged Leafbird <em>Chloropsis moluccensis.</em></p> <p>Mar 27 Post proposed split of Mindanao Serin from Indonesian (Mountain) Serin.</p> <p>Mar 20 Post proposed split of Northern Double-collared Sunbird into Rift Sunbird <em>C. reichenowi</em> and Volcano Sunbird <em>C. preuss</em>i.</p> <p>Mar 19 Post accepted split of Tenggara Paradise Flycatcher from Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher.</p> <p>Mar 15 Post proposed split of Dayak Blue Flycatcher from Javan Blue Flycatcher.</p> <p>Mar 14 Split Strisores into six orders rather than two. Add Steatornithiformes, Nyctibiiformes, Podargiformes and Aegotheliformes.</p> <p>Mar 14 Post proposed split of Horsfield's Thrush from Scaly Thrush.</p> <p>Mar 14 Split Taiwan Thrush <em>Turdus niveiceps</em> from Island Thrush <em>Turdus poliocephalus.</em></p> <p>Mar 14 Move Boulder Chat <em>Pinarornis plumosus</em> from Muscicapidae to Turdidae.</p> <p>Mar 14 Revise linear sequence and genera of Turdidae.</p> <p>Mar 13 Revise linear sequence and genera of Hirundinidae.</p> <p>Feb 21 Post proposed split of Tenggara Paradise Flycatcher from Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher.</p> <p>Feb 19 Post accepted splits of Oya Tabu White-eye from Capped White-eye and Green-fronted White-eye from Black-fronted White-eye.</p> <p>Feb 19 Post accepted splits of Bougainville White-eye and Guadalcanal White-eye from Grey-throated White-eye.</p> <p>Fer 19&nbsp; Post accepted split of Lompobattang Leaf Warbler from Sulawesi Leaf Warbler and and accepted lump of Alpine Leaf Warbler with Tickell's Leaf Warbler.</p> <p>Feb 17 Post proposed split of Sulawesi Leaf Warbler. The more widespread form, <em>Phylloscopus nesophilus,</em> retains the English name of Sulawesi Leaf Warbler. The more restricted range species, Lompobattang Leaf Warbler, takes on the original species epithet, <em>Phylloscopus sarasinorum</em>.</p> <p>Feb 17 Post&nbsp; proposed lump of Alpine Leaf Warbler with Tickell's Leaf Warbler.</p> <p>Feb 12 Change scientific name of Himalayan Buzzard from <em>Buteo burmanicus</em> to <em>B. refectus</em>.</p> <p>Feb 11 Merge <em>Oceanodroma</em> into&nbsp;<em>Hydrobates.</em></p> <p>Feb 6&nbsp; Post proposed split of Bougainville White-eye and Guadalcanal White-eye from Grey-throated White-eye.</p> <p>Feb 6&nbsp; Post proposed split of Oya Tabu White-eye from Capped White-eye</p> <p>Feb 6&nbsp; Post proposed split of Green-fronted White-eye from Black-fronted White-eye.</p> <p>Feb 5&nbsp; Transition to 11.1 complete</p> <p>Feb 2 Post proposed split of Siberian House Martin from Common House Martin.</p> <p>Jan 31 Change linear sequence of <em>Chaetura</em>.</p> <p>Jan 31 Change English names of <em>Catharus dryas</em> and <em>C. maculatus</em>.</p> <p>Jan 30 Move two species of woodstar from <em>Calliphlox </em>to<em> Philodice</em>.</p> <p>Jan 29 Post potential split of <em>Ortalis remota</em> from <em>Ortalis guttata.</em></p> <p>Jan 24 Change English names of Common Diuca Finch and White-winged Diuca Finch.</p> <p>Jan 24 Post proposed split of Tawny-crowned Pygmy Tyrant.</p> <p>Jan 19 New headers added to webpages.</p> <p>Jan 19 11.1 spreadsheets all posted.</p> <p>Jan 13 Posted link to draft (red) 11.1 spreadsheet.</p> <p>Jan 11 Begin transition to IOC 11.1.</p> <p>Jan 8&nbsp; Recognize newly described antpitta genus <em>Cryptopezus</em>.</p> <p>Jan 5&nbsp; Revise sequence and genera of Strigidae.</p> <p><strong>2020</strong></p> <p>Dec 31&nbsp; Move five species of antbird to <em>Percnostola</em> from <em>Akletos </em>and<em> Hafferia</em>.</p> <p>Dec 31&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Chinchipe Spinetail from Necklaced Spinetail.</p> <p>Dec 31&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Moss-backed Sparrow from Saffron-billed Sparrow.</p> <p>Dec 31&nbsp; Reject proposed lump of Scalloped Woodcreeper with Scaled Woodcreeper.</p> <p>Dec 27&nbsp; Change English names of Hottentot Teal and Hottentot Buttonquail to Blue-billed Teal and Fynbos Buttonquail.</p> <p>Dec 24&nbsp; Accept lump of Northern Crested Caracara with Southern Crested Caracara with English name change of combined species&nbsp; to Crested Caracara.</p> <p>Dec 17 Accept split of Annobon Scops Owl.</p> <p>Dec 16 Post proposed split of Pied Myna into three species.</p> <p>Dec 16 Move proposed split of Saharan Scrub Warbler from Streaked Scrub Warbler to inactive category.</p> <p>Dec 15 Accept lump of Layard's Woodcreeper with Rondonia Woodcreeper with English name change of combined species to Dusky-capped Woodcreeper.</p> <p>Dec 15 Accept split of Rufous-winged Antwren. English names tentative.</p> <p>Dec 15 Make minor changes to the linear sequence of <em>Ara</em> macaws.</p> <p>Dec 15 Move Black-and-gold Cotinga and Grey-winged Cotinga from <em>Tijuca</em> to <em>Lipaugus</em> and requence <em>Lipaugus</em>.</p> <p>Dec 14 Reject proposed splits of of “Northern” Silvery Grebe <em>Podiceps juninensis </em>from "Southern" Silvery Grebe <em>P</em>. <em>occipitalis</em>. (SACC 864); Galapagos Frigatebird <em>Fregata magnificens</em> from Magnificent Frigatebird <em>Fregata rothschildi. </em>(SACC 872); and “Coal-black" Thrush <em>Turdus anthracinus</em> from Chiguanco Thrush <em>Turdus chiguanco</em>. (SACC 871).</p> <p>Dec 14 Accept proposed split of Yungas Guan from Dusky-legged Guan.</p> <p>Dec 13 Accept proposed split of Elegant Pitta into three species.</p> <p>Dec 12 Accept proposed split of Limestone Wren-Babbler into three species with English name changes.</p> <p>Dec 11 Accept proposed split of Turkestan Short-toed Lark from Mediterranean (Lesser) Short-toed Lark.</p> <p>Dec 8&nbsp; Accept proposed lump of Vaurie's Nightjar with European Nightjar, subspecies <em>C. e. plumipes</em>.</p> <p>Dec 4&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Sumatran Blue Robin from Javan Blue (Sunda) Robin.</p> <p>Dec 4&nbsp; Accept proposed splits of Arabian Eagle-Owl, Bonin Greenfinch and Taiwan Bullfinch.</p> <p>Dec 4&nbsp; Reject proposed splits of Common Pheasant and Olive Woodpecker.</p> <p>Dec 4&nbsp; &nbsp;Revise sequence and genera of Musophagidae.</p> <p>Nov 28&nbsp; Post proposed split of Lesser Short-toed Lark with tentative English names.</p> <p>Nov 28&nbsp; Reject proposed splits of Donaldson-Smith's Turaco from White-cheeked Turaco, (Western) Black-billed Turaco from (Eastern) Black-billed Turaco and Reichenow's Turaco from Livingstone's Turaco.</p> <p>Nov 28&nbsp; Post proposed split of Limestone Wren-Babbler with tentative English names</p> <p>Nov 27&nbsp; Change English name of McCown's Longspur to Thick-billed Longspur.</p> <p>Nov 10&nbsp; Revision of website underway.</p> <p>Nov 5&nbsp; Post proposed split of Caatinga Antshrike <em>Thamnophilus capistratus</em> from Barred Antshrike.</p> <p>Nov 3&nbsp; Post proposed split of Elegant Pitta.</p> <p>Oct 19&nbsp; Revise sequence of genera and species within Spheniscidae to reflect Vianna et al. (2020).</p> <p>Oct 17&nbsp; Post proposed lump of Vaurie's Nightjar with European Nightjar.</p> <p>Oct 15&nbsp; Post proposed split of Common Pheasant into three species.</p> <p>Sept 24 Post proposed splits of Annobon Scops Owl <em>Otus feae</em> and Arabian Eagle-Owl <em>Bubo milesi</em>.</p> <p>Sept 20 Activate link to edits to nomenclatural authorities on Updates main page.</p> <p>Sept 3&nbsp; Post proposed split of Rufous Antpitta complex into multiple species.</p> <p>Sept 1&nbsp; Post proposed split of Northern Olive Woodpecker <em>Dendropicos ruwenzori</em> from Southern Olive Woodpecker <em>D. griseocephalus</em>.</p> <p>Sept 1&nbsp; Post proposed split of Chinchipe Spinetail <em>Synallaxis chinchipensis </em>from Necklaced Spinetail <em>S. stictothorax.</em></p> <p>Aug 22&nbsp; Within Galloanseres resequence Anseriformes to precede Galliformes.</p> <p>Aug 18&nbsp; Post proposed split of Taiwan Bullfinch <em>Pyrrhula owstoni</em> from Grey-headed Bullfinch <em>Pyrrhula erythaca.</em></p> <p>Aug 14&nbsp; Post proposed lump of Scalloped Woodcreeper with Scaled Woodcreeper.</p> <p>Aug 12&nbsp; Post proposed split of Greyish Saltator into Northern, Caribbean and Southern Grey Saltators.</p> <p>Aug 12&nbsp; Post proposed lump of Northern and Southern Caracaras.</p> <p>Aug 10&nbsp; Post proposed split of Yungas Guan <i>Penelope bridgesi </i>from Dusky-legged Guan <i>P. obscura</i>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Aug 10 Post proposed split of Moss-backed Sparrow <em>Arremon dorbignii</em> from Saffron-billed Sparrow <em>A. flavirostris.</em></p> <p>Aug 8&nbsp; Post proposed split of Bonin Greenfinch <em>Chloris kittlitzi</em> from Grey-capped Greenfinch <em>C. sinica</em>.</p> <p>Aug 7&nbsp; Accept split of Magellanic Snipe <em>Gallinago magellanica</em> from South American Snipe <em>Gallinago paraguaiae</em>.</p> <p>Aug 7&nbsp; Accept split of Yungas Sparrow <em>Rhynchospiza dabbenei </em>from Stripe-capped (Chaco) Sparrow <em>Rhynchospiza strigiceps</em>.</p> <p>Aug 5&nbsp; Post proposed split of Magellanic Snipe <em>Gallinago magellanica</em> from South American Snipe <em>Gallinago paraguaiae</em>.</p> <p>Aug 5&nbsp; Post proposed split of Yungas Sparrow <em>Rhynchospiza dabbenei </em>from Stripe-capped (Chaco) Sparrow <em>Rhynchospiza strigiceps</em>.</p> <p>Aug 5&nbsp; Post actual lump of Mato Grosso Swift <em>Chaetura viridipennis</em> with Chapman's Swift <em>C. chapmani</em>.</p> <p>Aug 5&nbsp; Post actual split of Ashy-tailed Swift, <em>Chaetura andrei</em> from Vaux's Swift <em>Chaetura vauxi</em>.</p> <p>Aug 4&nbsp; Accept spit of Utcumbamba Tapaculo <em>Scytalopus intermedius</em> from Blackish Tapaculo <em>S. latrans</em>.</p> <p>Aug 4&nbsp; Accept split of Diamantina Sabrewing <em>Campylopterus diamantinensis </em>from Grey-breasted Sabrewing<em> C. largipennis.</em></p> <p>Aug 2&nbsp; Post proposed split of “Northern” Silvery Grebe <em>Podiceps juninensis </em>from "Southern" Silvery Grebe <em>P</em>. <em>occipitalis</em>. (SACC 864).</p> <p>Aug 2 Post proposed split of restricted range Galapagos Frigatebird <em>Fregata magnificens</em> from widespread Magnificent Frigatebird <em>Fregata rothschildi. </em>(SACC 872).</p> <p>Aug 2&nbsp; Post proposed lump of Layard’s Woodcreeper <em>Lepidocolaptes layardi</em> with <em>Lepidocolaptes fuscicapillus</em>. (SACC 868).</p> <p>Aug 2&nbsp; Post proposed split of “Northern” Rufous-winged Antwren <em>Herpsilochmus frater</em> from "Southern” Rufous-winged Antwren <em>H.</em> <em>rufimarginatus</em> (SACC 870).</p> <p>Aug 2&nbsp; Post proposed split of “Coal-black" Thrush <em>Turdus anthracinus</em> from Chiguanco Thrush <em>Turdus chiguanco</em>. (SACC 871).</p> <p>July 30&nbsp; Accept three newly described <i>Scytalopus</i> species, White-winged Tapaculo <em>S. krabbei</em>, Jalca Tapaculo <em>S. frankeae</em>, and Ampay Tapaculo <em>S. whitneyi</em> (SACC 852, SACC 853, SACC 854).</p> <p>July 30&nbsp; Accept split of Loja Tapaculo <i>Scytalopus androstictus</i> from Paramo Tapaculo <em>S. opacus</em>. (SACC 855).</p> <p>July&nbsp; 30 Post correction of an error in the allocation of the <em>Pyriglena</em> subspecies <em>interposita</em> in the Subspcies Updates. Move from Western Fire-eye <em>P. maura</em> to East Amazonian Fire-eye <em>P. leuconota.</em></p> <p>July 25&nbsp; Release final Version 10.2</p> <p>July 25 Revise Multilingual spreadsheet to include new German names</p> <p>July 19&nbsp; Final corrections to posted 10.2 spreadsheets in process. Beginning to prepare HTML lists.</p> <p>July 18&nbsp; Post 10.2 spreadsheets.</p> <p>July 15&nbsp; Final proofing of 10.2 spreadsheet underway.</p> <p>July 14&nbsp; Posted link to draft (red) 10.2 spreadsheet.</p> <p>July 12&nbsp; Begin transition to IOC 10.2.</p> <p>July 7&nbsp; Split polytypic Rufous Grasswren <em>Amytornis whitei </em>from Striated Grasswren (Black et al. 2020). English name follows Black et al. (2020). Includes <em>whitei, oweni</em> and newly described <em>parvus</em> and <em>aenigma</em>.</p> <p>July 7&nbsp; Split Opalton Grasswren <em>Amytornis rowleyi </em>from Striated Grasswren (Christidis et al. 2013; Black et al. 2020). English name follows Black et al. (2020).</p> <p>July 5&nbsp; Split Chestnut-backed Bush Warbler into three species. Sulawesi Bush Warbler <em>Locustella castanea</em>; Buru Bush Warbler <em>Locustella disturbans</em>; Seram Bush Warbler <em>Locustella musculus</em> (Eaton et al. 2016; Rheindt et al. 2020).</p> <p>July 5&nbsp; Accept newly described Taliabu Bush Warbler <em>Locustella portenta </em>Rheindt et al. (2020).</p> <p>July 5&nbsp; Accept newly described Taliabu Myzomela <em>Myzomela wahe </em>Rheindt et al. (2020).</p> <p>July 5&nbsp; Split Solomons Robin <em>Petroica polymorpha</em> from Pacific Robin <em>Petroica pusilla </em>(Kearns et al. 2015; Kearns et al. 2020). Includes subspecies <em>septentrionalis, kulambangrae, dennisi, </em>and<em> polymorpha</em>.</p> <p>July 5&nbsp; Revise sequence and genera in Estrildidae primarily based on Olsson &amp; Alström (2020).</p> <p>July 5&nbsp; Revise the sequence of Phalacrocoracidae to follow Kennedy &amp; Spencer (2014) and Kennedy et al. (2019). Additional generic-level changes suggested by Kennedy &amp; Spencer (2014) and Kennedy et al. (2019) are under active consideration.</p> <p>July 5&nbsp; Post PS of Sumatran Blue Robin <em>M. sumatrana</em> from Sunda Robin (Javan Blue Robin) <em>Myiomela diana.</em></p> <p>July 5&nbsp; Revise sequence in Dicruridae following Shakya et al. (2020) with modifications from Fuchs et al. (2017); Pasquet et al. (2007).</p> <p>July 3 Move PS of Great White Heron and Haida Gwaii Saw-whet Owl to inactive category (AOS Checklist, 61st Supplement Chesser et al. (2020).</p> <p>July 3 Accept AL of Northwestern Crow with American Crow (AOS Checklist, 61st Supplement Chesser et al. (2020).</p> <p>July 2 Revise sequence and genera in Zosteropidae.</p> <p>July 1&nbsp; Revise sequence in Leiothrichidae based on Cai et al. (2019).</p> <p>July 1&nbsp; Recognize the family Alcippeidae composed of the fulvettas remaining in <em>Alcippe</em> (not moved to <em>Schoeniparus</em>) which are separated from the ground babblers (Pellorneidae) due to deep genetic divergence. It is a sister clade to Leiothrichidae (Moyle et al. 2012; Cai et al. 2019).</p> <p>July 1&nbsp; Revise sequence and genera in Pellorneidae based primarily on Cai et al. (2019)</p> <p>July 1&nbsp; Revise sequence and genera in Timaliidae based primarily on Cai et al. (2019)</p> <p>June 29&nbsp; Recognize Paradoxornithidae as a family separate from Sylviidae and revise sequence and genera within that family Cai et al. (2019) and modified by Penhallurick &amp; Robson (2009). In addition to the parrotbill genera, Paradoxornithidae also includes: <em>Myzornis, Moupinia, Lioparus, Chrysomma, Rhopophilus, Fulvetta, </em>and <em>Chamaea.</em></p> <p>June 29&nbsp; Revise sequence and genera in Sylviidae based primarily on Cai et al. (2019)</p> <p>June 28 Move PL of Canary Islands Oystercatcher and PS of Black-headed and Venezuelan Fruiteaters to inactive category.</p> <p>June 28 Accept split of Malaysian Crested Argus <em>Rheinardia nigrescens</em> from Vietnamese Crested Argus&nbsp; <em>Rheinardia ocellata</em>.</p> <p>June 24 Post PS of Malaysian Crested Argus <em>Rheinardia nigrescens</em> from Vietnamese Crested Argus&nbsp; <em>Rheinardia ocellata </em></p> <p>June 22 Accept split of White-faced Plover <em>C. dealbatus</em> from Kentish Plover.</p> <p>July 21&nbsp; Change English name of all <em>Epinecrophylla </em>species to Stipplethroat.</p> <p>June 21&nbsp; Revise the sequence of families in Suliformes.</p> <p>June 21&nbsp; Revise the sequence of species within Cathartidae and within the genera <em>Helopsaltes, Locustella, Progne, Megascops, Forpus, Ara </em>and<em> Dendrortyx</em>.</p> <p>June 16&nbsp; Post PS of Haida Gwaii Saw-whet Owl from Northern Saw-whet Owl (NACC 2020-B-8).</p> <p>June 16&nbsp; Post PL of Northwestern Crow with American Crow (Slager et al. 2020; NACC 2020-C-15)</p> <p>June 15&nbsp; Revise the sequence and genera of Trochilidae.</p> <p>June 14&nbsp; Revise the sequence of Sittidae based on Päckert et al. (2020).</p> <p>June 14&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Pale-faced Bulbul <em>P. leucops</em> from Flavescent Bulbul.</p> <p>June 12 Post proposed split of White-faced Plover <em>C. dealbatus</em> from Kentish Plover.</p> <p>June 12 Post proposed split of Pale-faced Bulbul <em>P. leucops</em> from Flavescent Bulbul.</p> <p>June 6&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Palawan Drongo from Hair-crested Drongo. Shakya et al. (2020).</p> <p>June 4&nbsp; Revise sequence of families and genra in Eurylaimides based primarily on Selvatti et al. (2017).</p> <p>June 1&nbsp; Revise sequence and genera of Rallidae based primarily on Garcia-R et al. (2020); with modifications from Kirchman (2012); Garcia-R et al. (2014); Boast et al (2019); Stervander et al. (2019).</p> <p>June 1&nbsp; Move four species formerly assigned to <em>Rallina</em> in Rallidae to <em>Rallicula </em>in Sarothruridae. (Livezey 1998; Garcia-R et al. 2020).</p> <p>June 1&nbsp; Post proposed split of Palawan Drongo from Hair-crested Drongo. Shakya et al. (2020).</p> <p>June 1&nbsp; Post proposed splits of Donaldson's Turaco from White-cheeked Turaco, (Western) Black-billed Turaco from (Eastern) Black-billed Turaco and Reichenow's Turaco from Livingstone's Turaco. Perktaş et al. (2020).</p> <p>May 29&nbsp; Revise sequence and genera of Passerellidae based primarily on Klicka et al. (2014); SACC 633; NACC 2019-B-9.</p> <p>May 29 List <em>P. r. tallmanorum </em>and<em> P. r. melanolaema</em> (Black-headed and Venezuelan Fruiteaters) as potential splits from Green-and-black Fruiteater <em>Pipreola riefferii. </em>Berv &amp; Prum (2014).<em><br></em></p> <p>May 29&nbsp; Resequence Cotingidae based on Berv &amp; Prum (2014).</p> <p>May 28&nbsp; Accept newly described Peleng Fantail as a full species in the Sulawesi Fantail complex.</p> <p>May 16&nbsp; Completely update and revise the sequence and taxonomy of Thraupidae.</p> <p>May 16&nbsp; Accept synonymization of <em>Picumnus fulvescens</em> with <em>Picumnus limae.</em></p> <p>May 15&nbsp; Revise subspecies of Red-tailed Black Cockatoo following Ewart et al. 2020.</p> <p>May 14. Revise genus of Buff-spotted Woodpecker and Brown-eared Woodpecker from <em>Campethera</em> to <em>Pardipicus</em>.</p> <p>May 14. Split Fine-banded Woodpecker (<em>Campethera taeniolaema, </em>including <em>hausburgi</em>) from Tullberg's Woodpecker (<em>C. tullbergi</em>).</p> <p>May 9&nbsp; Split Grey-cheeked Bulbul (<em>Alophoixus tephrogenys</em>, including <em>gutteralis</em>) from Brown-cheeked Bulbul (<em>Alophoixus bres</em>) with revision of Pycnonotidae. Note English name assigments with the split.</p> <p>May 9&nbsp; Split Penan Bulbul (<em>Alophoixus ruficrissus</em>, including <em>fowleri </em>and <em>meratusensis</em> ssp. nov.) from Ochraceous Bulbul with revision of Pycnonotidae.</p> <p>May 9&nbsp; Revise sequence and genera of Pycnonotidae based primarily on Shakya &amp; Sheldon (2017).</p> <p>May 8&nbsp; Revise the scientific name of Curl-crested Aracari to the original spelling <em>Pteroglossus beauharnaisii </em>Wagler, 1831 from <em>Pteroglossus beauharnaesii</em> Wagler, 1832 which is regarded as an ISS.</p> <p>May 6&nbsp; Split Western Subalpine Warbler from (Eastern) Subalpine Warbler with adjustment of scientific name following Zuccon et al. 2020.</p> <p>Apr 13&nbsp; Revise genera of neotropical "blue grosbeaks."</p> <p>Apr 11&nbsp; Change English names of the two <em>Schistes</em> species from Wedgebill to Daggerbill.</p> <p>Apr 4&nbsp; Move Purple-winged Ground Dove and Maroon-chested Ground Dove from <em>Claravis</em> to <em>Paraclaravis gen. nov</em>.</p> <p>Apr 4&nbsp; Move Sulphur-bearded Spinetail from <em>Cranioleuca </em>to <em>Limnoctites</em> and change its English name to Sulphur-bearded Reedhaunter. Note gender ending of species epithet.</p> <p>Apr 4&nbsp; Move Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner and Chestnut-winged Foliage-gleaner from <em>Philydor</em> to resurrected genus <em>Dendroma</em>. Note gender endings of species and subspecies epithets.</p> <p>Apr 4&nbsp; Move Tawny Tit-Spinetail from <em>Leptasthenura</em> to <em>Sylviorthorhynchus</em></p> <p>Apr 2 Move Chestnut-necklaced Partridge and Green-legged Partridge from <em>Arborophila </em>to<em> Tropicoperdix</em>.</p> <p>Apr 2&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Yellow-eyed Bristlebill from Yellow-lored Bristlebill.</p> <p>Mar 30&nbsp; Post for consideration ten newly described Wallacean taxa described by Rheindt et al. in Science 367, 167 (2020).</p> <p>Mar 30 Post proposed split of Solomons Robin <em>Petroica polymoprha </em>from Pacific (Mayr's) Robin <em>P. pusilla.</em></p> <p>Mar 29&nbsp; Revise species sequence in <em>Ficedula </em>and move Pygmy Flycatcher from <em>Muscicapella</em> to <em>Ficedula</em>. Alter scientific names of Pygmy Flycatcher and Slaty-backed Flycatcher as a result.</p> <p>Mar 28&nbsp; Post proposed splits of <em>Alophoixus tephrogenys</em> and <em>Alophoixus ruficrissus</em>.</p> <p>Mar 27&nbsp; Post proposed split of Yellow-eyed Bristlebill <em>Bleda ugandae </em>from Yellow-lored Bristiebill <em>Bleda notatus</em>.</p> <p>Mar 9&nbsp; Move three species of black cockatoos from <em>Calyptorhynchus</em> to<em> Zanda</em>.</p> <p>Feb 25&nbsp; Accept change of English name of Red Turtle Dove to Red Collared Dove.</p> <p>Feb 25&nbsp; Post proposed lump of Tawny Piculet with Ochraceous Piculet, tentatively as a distinct subspecies of the latter.</p> <p>Feb 25&nbsp; Post proposed lump of Canary Islands Oystercatcher with Eurasian Oystercatcher as a distinctive subspecies of the latter.</p> <p>Feb 25&nbsp; Post proposed three new <em>Scytalopus</em> tapaculo species based on Krabbe et al. 2020</p> <p>Feb 25&nbsp; Accept split White-backed Fire-eye into three species with new and revised English names.</p> <p>Feb 25&nbsp; Accept revised English name of <em>Campylopterus calcirupicola</em> to Outcrop Sabrewing</p> <p>Jan 29&nbsp; &nbsp;Revisited proposed authorships</p> <p>Jan 27&nbsp; &nbsp;Announced retirement (FG)</p> <p>Jan 25&nbsp; &nbsp;Released IOC website v10.1; corrections welcome</p> <p>Jan 22&nbsp; &nbsp;10.1 spreadsheets available for scrutiny</p> <p>Jan 15&nbsp; &nbsp;Final proofing of 10.1 underway</p> <p>Jan 14&nbsp; &nbsp;Posted link to draft (red) 10.1 spreadsheet</p> <p>Jan 11&nbsp; &nbsp;Revised classification of <em>Oriolus</em> species</p> <p>Jan 11&nbsp; &nbsp;Revise sequence classification of Poecile species</p> <p>Jan 11&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept proposed split of West African Crested Tern</p> <p>Jan 8&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept proposed split of Maghreb Owl</p> <p>Jan 7&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept proposed split of Cryptic Honeyeater</p> <p>Jan 1&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept proposed split of Hudsonian Whimbrel</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>2019</strong></p> <p>Dec 30&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept new species Spectacled Flowerpecker</p> <p>Dec 30&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept new species Alor Myzomela</p> <p>Dec 21&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept proposed split of Butterfly Coquette</p> <p>Dec 18&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Annam Prinia</p> <p>Dec 18&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Burmese Prinia</p> <p>Dec 18&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Swinhoe's Prinia</p> <p>Dec 17&nbsp; Post proposed split of Saharan Scrub Warbler on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 14&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Biak Leaf Warbler</p> <p>Dec 14&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Numfor Leaf Warbler</p> <p>Dec 13&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits Timor Flowerpecker, Sumba Flowerpecker, and Flores Flowerpecker on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 13&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed new species Alor Myzomela on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 13&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed new species Spectacled Flowerpecker on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 12&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Sunda Owlet</p> <p>Dec 12&nbsp; Accept proposed split of Eastern Black-eared Wheatear</p> <p>Dec 12&nbsp; Revise generic classification of Meliphagidae</p> <p>Dec 10&nbsp; Treat Hoogerwerf's Pheasant as a subspecies of Salvadori's Pheasant</p> <p>Dec 7&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Hudsonian Whimbrel on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 8&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed new species Whistling? Long-tailed Cuckoo and Western Yellow-spotted Barbet on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 28 &nbsp; Post proposed split of 'Butterfly' Coquette on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 5&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed splits of Chinese, Burmese, and Annam prinias on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 25&nbsp; Post proposed split of&nbsp; 'Quiet' Honeyeater on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 19&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Sunda Owlet on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Maghreb Owl on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed lump of Deignan's Babbler on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 26&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed lump of Hoogerwerf's Pheasant on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 19&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Website repaired</p> <p>Aug 18&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Resequence Crab-plover to precede Glareolidae relatives</p> <p>Aug 18&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise <em>Pternistis&nbsp;</em>species sequence and subspecies</p> <p>Aug 12&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Rename <em>Pternistis</em> francolins "Spurfowl"</p> <p>Aug 3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed splits of Schuett's and Cranch's Spurfowl on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 22&nbsp; &nbsp; Revise BOW pages</p> <p>June 21&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post 9.2 spreadsheets</p> <p>June 19&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Resequence Orders</p> <p>June 15&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Draft copy of 9.2 Life List+ spreadsheet&nbsp;with updates highlighted in red font.</p> <p>June 12&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Nicholson's Pipit</p> <p>June 10&nbsp; &nbsp; Revise genera of Australasian Robins</p> <p>June 3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Yucatan Gnatcatcher</p> <p>June 1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Pantepui Thrush</p> <p>June 1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Campina Thrush</p> <p>May 28&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Indochinese Flycatcher</p> <p>May 28&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Hill Blue Flycatcher (<em>C. whitei</em>); note ENG</p> <p>May 25&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Wakatobi White-eye</p> <p>May 25&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Morotai White-eye</p> <p>May 25&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Cream-eyed Bulbul</p> <p>May 24&nbsp; &nbsp; Change English names of <em>Epinecrophylla </em>antwrens</p> <p>May 24&nbsp; &nbsp; Lump Yasuni Stipple-throated Antwren</p> <p>May 24&nbsp; &nbsp; Lump Negro Stipple-throated Antwren</p> <p>May 23&nbsp; &nbsp;Post (belatedly!) proposed split of Yucatan Gnatcatcher on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 22&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Blue-throated Hillstar</p> <p>May 19&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Black-eared Wheatears on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 18&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Stejneger's Scoter on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 16&nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Barbary Falcon</p> <p>May 16&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Indochinese Roller</p> <p>May 15&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Little Shrikethrush splits</p> <p>May 14&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed lump of Barbary Falcon on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 13&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept lump of Schouteden’s Swift</p> <p>May 13&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of Malagasy Palm Swift</p> <p>May 11&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Tepui/Pantepui Thrush on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 11&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of Thicket/Small-headed? Elaenia</p> <p>May 11&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of Atlantic/Ceara? Woodcreeper</p> <p>May 11&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed lumps of&nbsp; two Stipple-throated Antbirds with Napo S-t Antbird on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 8&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise generic classification of Petroicidae</p> <p>May 6&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Biak Whistler, previously a shrikethrush.</p> <p>May 6&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of Little Shrikethrush on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Rename Rufous-naped Wren to Veracruz Wren</p> <p>April 28&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Schouteden's Swift on Updates/PS</p> <p>April 28&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Andre's Swift on Updates/PS</p> <p>April 28&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Mato Grosso Swift on Updates/PS</p> <p>April 26&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Atlantic/Ceara Woodcreeper on Updates/PS</p> <p>April 26&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Wakatobi White-eye on Updates/PS</p> <p>April 26&nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of Grey Jay to Canada Jay</p> <p>April 25&nbsp; &nbsp;Separate monotypic Family Falcunculidae from Pachycephalidae</p> <p>April 25&nbsp; &nbsp;Separate Family Cinclosomatidae from Psophodidae</p> <p>April 23&nbsp; &nbsp;Separate Family Philepittidae from Eurylaimidae</p> <p>April 23&nbsp; &nbsp;Separate Family Calyptomenidae from Eurylaimidae</p> <p>April 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Move&nbsp; Green Hylia and Tit Hylia from Family Incertae sedis to new family Hyliidae</p> <p>April 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Move Grauer's Warbler from Family Incertae sedis to Acrocephalidae</p> <p>April 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Morotai White-eye on Updates/PS</p> <p>April 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed revisions of <em>Cyornis</em> flycatchers on Updates/PS</p> <p>April 1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Great White Heron on Updates/PS</p> <p>April 1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Harlan's Hawk on Updates/PS</p> <p>April 1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Pacific Fulmar on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 29&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept proposed split of Green-headed Hillstar</p> <p>Mar 26&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Nicholson's Pipit on Updates /PS</p> <p>Mar 25&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Indochinese Roller on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 24&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Biak Leaf Warbler on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 24&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Numfor Leaf Warbler on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 24&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Great White Heron on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 17&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Malagasy Palm Swift on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 17&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed new species Cream-eyed Bulbul on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 15&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Campina Thrush on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 5&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Change genus of Madagascan Wood Rail (and Tsingy W R) from <em>Canirallus</em> to <em>Mentocrex</em></p> <p>Mar 5&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Move Grey-throated Rail from Sarothruridae to Rallidae</p> <p>Mar 3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change status of Frances's Sparrowhawk (Anjouan) to extant; not extinct</p> <p>Feb 27&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of 'Brazilian' Elaenia from Highland Elaenia.</p> <p>Feb 17&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Back from Colombia</p> <p>Jan 25&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Off to Colombia, return Feb 16</p> <p>Jan 19&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Completed transition to 9.1 website</p> <p>Jan 19&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Posted 9.1 spreadsheets at&nbsp;</p> <p>Jan 15&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Draft 9.1 (red) posted at</p> <p>Jan 15&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;9.1 is under final review and closed to new revisions</p> <p>Jan 15&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Completed revision of Leiothrichidae to follow Cibois et al. 2018</p> <p>Jan 11&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise scrubwrens to follow Norman et al. 2018</p> <p>Jan 10&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of Spotted Scrubwren</p> <p>Jan 6&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Completed Furnariidae revisions and resequencing</p> <p>Jan 3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of 'Green-backed' Hillstar</p> <p>Jan 3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept newly described Dry-forest Sabrewing. ENG provisional</p> <p>Jan 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Glossy-backed Drongo from Fork-tailed Drongo</p> <p>Jan 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Treat Steppe Grey Shrike as a subspecies of Great Grey Shrike</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>2018</strong></p> <p>Dec 26&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Rote Leaf Warbler. Merry Christmas</p> <p>Dec 22&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Chattering Gnatwren</p> <p>Dec 22&nbsp; &nbsp;Revised species taxonomy and phylogeny of African White-eyes</p> <p>Dec 16&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of Philippine and three Indonesian 'White-browed Shortwings'</p> <p>Dec 16&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept proposed splits of three mainland 'White-browed Shortwings'</p> <p>Dec 9&nbsp; &nbsp; Change English names of 3 species of <em>Gymnoris</em> to "Bush Sparrow"</p> <p>Dec 7&nbsp; &nbsp; Revise Oriental and Japanese White-eyes including 2 lumps and 3 splits.</p> <p>Dec 6&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept four proposed Boobook Owl splits</p> <p>Dec 5&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Green-headed Hillstar on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 4&nbsp; &nbsp; Post draft revisions of <em>Zosterops japonicus/montanus/palpebrosus </em>complex on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 26&nbsp; Back from s India</p> <p>Oct 30&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Buru Boobook on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 30&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of&nbsp; Himalayan, Chinese and Taiwanese Shortwings on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 29&nbsp; &nbsp;Post three proposed splits of&nbsp; 'Southern' Boobooks on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 28&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Violet-hooded Starling on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 28&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed new species Rote Leaf Warbler on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 25&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed revisions of African <em>Zosterops</em> on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 9&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed splits of <em>Ramphocaenus</em> gnatwrens</p> <p>Oct 9&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of 'West African" Crested Tern to Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 8&nbsp; &nbsp; Treat&nbsp;<i>Pelecanoides whenuahouensis</i><i>&nbsp;sp. nov. </i>as a provisional subspecies of <i>P. georgicus</i></p> <p>Oct 8&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of Fanti Drongo</p> <p>Oct 8&nbsp; &nbsp; Rename <em>Dicrurus ludwigii</em> Common Square-tailed Drongo</p> <p>Oct 8&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept new species&nbsp;Western Square-tailed Drongo</p> <p>Oct 8&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Sharpe's Drongo</p> <p>Oct 7&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed new species Blue-throated Hillstar on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Preoccupied with textbook 4e, with apologies</p> <p>Aug 24&nbsp; &nbsp;Submitted proposal for an IOU Working Group to construct a consolidated global list</p> <p>Aug 22&nbsp; &nbsp;Round Table Discussion at the IOCongress in Vancouver</p> <p>Aug 8&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Chaco Nothura as subspecies of Spotted Nothura</p> <p>July 6&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Chaco Nothura on Updates/PS</p> <p>July 3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Albertine Sooty Bulbul</p> <p>July 2&nbsp; &nbsp; Lump Passerini’s and Cherrie’s tanagers as Scarlet-rumped Tanager</p> <p>July 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Ethiopian Thrush?</p> <p>July 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Chivi Vireo</p> <p>July 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Rufous-capped Lark</p> <p>July 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Treat Erlanger's Lark as subspecies of Blanford's Lark</p> <p>July 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Tapajos Antpitta</p> <p>July 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Rufous-breasted Antpitta</p> <p>July 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of Chiriqui Foliage-gleaner</p> <p>June 28&nbsp; Post proposed split of Whenua Hou Diving Petrel on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 27&nbsp; Complete transition to 8.2</p> <p>June 22&nbsp; Post proposed split of 'Western' Square-tailed Drongo on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 22&nbsp; Restore White-tailed Hillstar to UPDATES/PS</p> <p>June 19&nbsp; &nbsp;Post 8.2 red</p> <p>June 18&nbsp; &nbsp;Start transition to 8.2</p> <p>June 16&nbsp; &nbsp;Adopt Lophorina as English group name for Superb BoP species complex</p> <p>June 16&nbsp; &nbsp;Treat<em> Lanius meridionalis</em> as monotypic Iberian Grey Shrike</p> <p>June 10&nbsp; Change English names of <em>Pnoepyga</em> Wren-babblers to Cupwings</p> <p>June 9&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of Morelet's Seedeater</p> <p>June 9&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Ethiopian Thrush on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 5&nbsp; &nbsp; Revise English names of Striped Manakins</p> <p>June 1&nbsp; &nbsp; Decline split of Trindade Frigatebird;&nbsp;Stet SSP <em>Fregata ariel trinitatis</em></p> <p>June 1&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Albertine Sooty Boubou on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Banggai (not Peleng!) Jungle Flycatcher</p> <p>May 18&nbsp; &nbsp; Revise Eurasian Magpie species complex, including 4 splits</p> <p>May 18&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Rote Myzomela,&nbsp;new species</p> <p>May 17&nbsp; &nbsp; Lump Baron's Spinetail with Line-cheeked Spinetail</p> <p>May 17&nbsp; &nbsp; Split Rufescent Antshrike from Russet Antshrike</p> <p>May 15&nbsp; &nbsp; Lump Colombian Screech Owl with Rufescent Screech Owl</p> <p>May 15&nbsp; &nbsp; Lump Napo Screech Owl with Roraiman Screech Owl, now Foothill Screech Owl</p> <p>May 8&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Revise classification of Phylloscopidae</p> <p>May 6&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Annotate proposed revisions of Common Cicadabird species complex</p> <p>May 2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Revise classification of cuckooshrikes (Campephaginae)</p> <p>Apr 27 &nbsp; &nbsp; Resequence minivets (<em>Pericrocotus</em>)</p> <p>Apr 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; Revise sequence and PS groups of Little Shrikethrush subspecies<em>.</em></p> <p>Apr 22 &nbsp; &nbsp; Move enigmatic Madanga to <em>Anthus</em></p> <p>Apr 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; Revise Superb Bird-of-paradise species complex w 2 splits (2); English names to follow</p> <p>Apr 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of White-bellied Whipbird</p> <p>Apr 16&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Move Sao Tome Shorttail to <em>Motacilla</em></p> <p>Apr 15&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Add link on Master Files to archive of <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=en-GB&amp;u=">previous versions of xml files</a></p> <p>Apr 15&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Move Bare-faced Bulbul from <em>Pycnonotus</em> to new genus <em>Nok</em></p> <p>Apr 14&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Taliabu Fantail on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 14&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Banggai/Peleng Jungle-Flycatcher on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 8&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Rufous-breasted Antpitta on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 7&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Tapajos Antpitta on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 7&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Rufescent Antshrike; English name provisional</p> <p>Apr 7&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Peruvian' Striped Manakin</p> <p>Apr 7&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Santa Marta Screech Owl</p> <p>Apr 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Rufescent Antbird on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Moved&nbsp;<em>Megabyas</em> and <em>Bias</em> shrike-flycatchers from Platysteiridae to Vangidae</p> <p>Apr 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Revised Vangidae to include helmetshrikes, woodshrikes and allies</p> <p>Apr 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed lump of Baron's Spinetail with Line-cheeked Spinetail on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 28&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits (3) of Fork-tailed Drongo species complex on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 28&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Sharpe's Drongo from Square-tailed Drongo on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 27&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of&nbsp; Viscaino Thrasher on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 27&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of&nbsp; Grey-crowned Ground Sparrow on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 22&nbsp; &nbsp; Back home and catching up</p> <p>Feb 28&nbsp; &nbsp; Off to India</p> <p>Feb 11&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Remove Family Links web page for major revision and update</p> <p>Feb 10&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of 'Mallee' Whipbird on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 27&nbsp; &nbsp; Edited and aligned Family Index</p> <p>Jan 25&nbsp; &nbsp; Installed v8.1</p> <p>Jan 21&nbsp; &nbsp; Post draft copy of&nbsp; v8.1 with updates highlighted in red font</p> <p>Jan 20&nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Purple-backed Fairywren</p> <p>Jan 18&nbsp; &nbsp;Revise and resequence antbird genera (Thamnophilidae)</p> <p>Jan 17&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Yellow-faced Grosbeak on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 17&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of 'Trindade' Frigatebird on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 17&nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Moreleti's ENG? Seedeater on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept newly described species Cordillera Azul Antbird</p> <p>Jan 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Recognize genus <em>Myrmoderus</em> for 4 species of <em>Myrmeciza</em> antbirds</p> <p>Jan 3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed new species Rote <em>Myzomela</em> on Updates/PS</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>2017</strong></p> <p>Dec 30&nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of Southern Crowned Pigeon to Scheepmaker's Crowned Pigeon</p> <p>Dec 30&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of Sclater's Crowned Pigeon</p> <p>Dec 30&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept lump of Ruwenzori Nightjar with Montane Nightjar</p> <p>Dec 25&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed lump of&nbsp; Napo Screech Owl with Roraiman Screech Owl on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 25&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Colombian Screech Owl w Rufescent Screech Owl on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 24&nbsp; &nbsp; Post new species Santa Marta Screech Owl on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 21&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of Puna Pipit from Short-billed Pipit</p> <p>Dec 21&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of Peruvian Pipit from Yellowish Pipit</p> <p>Dec 21&nbsp; &nbsp; Lump (variant plumage) Liberian Greenbul with Icterine Greenbul</p> <p>Dec 21&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed lump of Ruwenzori Nightjar w Montane Nightjar on Updates/PL</p> <p>Dec 14&nbsp; &nbsp; Post new Cordillera Azul Antbird on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec&nbsp; 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits (4) of Eurasian magpies on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec&nbsp; 4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Sclater's Crowned Pigeon on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 21&nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of <em>Laticilla</em> species from Prinia to Grass Babbler</p> <p>Oct 24&nbsp; &nbsp; Flag Purple-backed Fairywren <em>M. l. assimilis</em> as PS ssp based on narrow hybrid zone w <em>M. lamberti</em></p> <p>Oct 23&nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed status of Liberian Greenbul as plumage variant of Icterine Greenbul on Updates/PL</p> <p>Oct 21&nbsp; &nbsp; Announce change to semiannual revision schedule. So no 7.4</p> <p>Oct 13&nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of Spotted Nightingale-Thrush to Gould's Nightingale-Thrush</p> <p>Oct 12&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Western Miombo Sunbird</p> <p>Oct 12&nbsp; &nbsp; Stet Hainan Laughingthrush as subspecies of Black-throated Laughingthrush</p> <p>Oct 12&nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Sclater's Nightingale-Thrush</p> <p>Oct 10&nbsp; &nbsp;Stet Lilacine Amazon as ssp of Red-lored Amazon pending full workup</p> <p>Oct 9&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of <em>Geotrygon purpurata</em> to Purple Quail-Dove</p> <p>Oct 8&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Treat new&nbsp;Dry-forest Sabrewing provisionally as ssp pending review of this species complex</p> <p>Oct 6&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of Peruvian Pipit and Puna Pipit on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 16 &nbsp;Post proposed new species Peruvian/Painted Manakin on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 12 &nbsp;Post proposed new species Dry-forest Sabrewing on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 29 &nbsp;Move Bananaquit from monotypic Coerebidae to Thraupidae, sister to <em>Tiaris</em></p> <p>Aug 29 Move Yellow-green [Bush] Tanager from <em>Chlorospingus</em> to <em>Bangsia</em> (Thraupidae)</p> <p>Aug 29 Move Tanager Finch from Thraupidae to Passerellidae</p> <p>Aug 29 Move Yellow Cardinal&nbsp;from Emberizidae (Passerellidae) to Thraupidae</p> <p>Aug 29 Move Blue Finch from Emberizidae (Passerellidae) to Thraupidae</p> <p>Aug 17 &nbsp;Recognize 10 new families of New World 9-primaried Oscines (see Taxonomic Updates)</p> <p>Aug 11 &nbsp;Move 5 species of <em>Sturnella</em> to <em>Leistes</em></p> <p>Aug 7 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Ecuadorian Hermit on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 3 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Ecuadorian Plumeleteer on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct species tally for Pycnonotidae to 154</p> <p>Aug 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct 7.3 extant species tally to 10,694</p> <p>July 31 &nbsp;Correct Range of Fork-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo</p> <p>July 31 &nbsp;Correct Range of Glossy Swiftlet</p> <p>July 27 &nbsp;Posted draft copies of &nbsp;7.3 spreadsheets at&nbsp;</p> <p>July 26 &nbsp;Transition to 7.3 underway</p> <p>July 26 &nbsp;Accept proposed split of Natewa Silktail</p> <p>July 25 &nbsp;Treat Sapayoa as a monotypic family, basal to rest of Eurylaimides</p> <p>July 16 &nbsp;Resequence species of <em>Sibirionetta, Spatula, Mareca, Anas</em></p> <p>July 15 &nbsp;Resequence Scolopacidae</p> <p>July 15 &nbsp;Post proposed split of Natewa Silktail on Updates/PS</p> <p>July 14 &nbsp;Accept proposed split of Lesser Redpoll</p> <p>July 14 &nbsp;Decline proposed lump of Arctic/Hoary Redpoll w Common Redpoll</p> <p>July 14 &nbsp;Decline proposed split of Calaveras Warbler</p> <p>July 14 &nbsp;Correct family name of Bernieridae to Madagascan Warblers</p> <p>July 11 &nbsp;Decline proposed split of Western Willet</p> <p>July 9 &nbsp;Transfer 6 species of 'wigeons' from <em>Anas</em> to <em>Mareca</em></p> <p>July 9 &nbsp;Transfer 10 species of shovelers and teal from <em>Anas</em> to <em>Spatula</em></p> <p>July 9 &nbsp;Transfer Baikal Teal from <em>Anas</em> to <em>Sibirionetta</em></p> <p>July 9 &nbsp;Change English name of Le Conte's Sparrow to LeConte's Sparrow</p> <p>July 9 &nbsp;Change English name of Le Conte's Thrasher to LeConte's Thrasher</p> <p>July 8 &nbsp; Merge <em>Procelsterna</em> into <em>Anous</em></p> <p>July 8 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Lesser Redpoll on Updates/PS</p> <p>July 6 &nbsp; Post proposed lump of Hoary Redpoll on Updates/PS</p> <p>July 6 &nbsp; Accept split of Baird's Junco</p> <p>July 6 &nbsp; Accept split of Cassia Crossbill</p> <p>July 6 &nbsp; Decline proposed split of Grayson's Thrush</p> <p>July 6 &nbsp; Decline proposed split of 'Mesoamerican' Creeper</p> <p>July 5 &nbsp; Accept split of Northern Shrike</p> <p>July 5 &nbsp; Decline proposed split of 'Mesoamerican' Flicker; more data needed</p> <p>July 4 &nbsp; Delete Bogota Sunangel, a hybrid</p> <p>July 4 &nbsp; Accept lump of Thayer's Gull to ssp Iceland Gull</p> <p>July 4 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed Superb Bird-of-Paradise splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>July 2 &nbsp; &nbsp;Change Arcanatoridae to Modulatricidae, which has priority</p> <p>June 30 Move Miniature Babblers (<em>Micromacronus</em>) from Timaliidae to Cisticolidae</p> <p>June 30 Move Malia from&nbsp;Pycnonotidae to Locustellidae</p> <p>June 30 Move sparrow-weavers (<em>Plocepasser) </em>from Passeridae to Ploceidae</p> <p>June 30 Move Rufous-tailed Weaver (<em>Histurgops</em>) from Passeridae to Ploceidae</p> <p>June 30 Move social-weavers (<em>Pseudonigrita</em>) from Passeridae to Ploceidae</p> <p>June 30 Move Sociable Weaver (<em>Philetairus</em>) from Passeridae to Ploceidae</p> <p>June 26 Post proposed split of Sclater's Nightingale Thrush on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 26 Post proposed deletion of (hybrid) Bogota Sunangel on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 25 &nbsp;Post proposed split of Baird's Junco on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 14 &nbsp;Merge emus (Dromaiidae) into Casuariidae to align with consensus treatment as subfamily</p> <p>June 10 &nbsp;Change provisional English name of <em>Geospiza conirostris</em> to Espaniola Cactus Finch</p> <p>June 10 &nbsp;Update English names of Rufous-naped Whistler &amp; Crested Pitohui, now in Oreoicidae</p> <p>June 9 &nbsp; Post potential split of Purple-backed Fairywren on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 5 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Glossy Swiftlet splits</p> <p>May 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Banasura Laughingthrush and Ashambu&nbsp;Laughingthrush</p> <p>May 2 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Drongo-Cuckoos on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 28 &nbsp; Replace missing genus Melilestes</p> <p>Apr 25 &nbsp; Post proposed split of 'Malee' Whipbird on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 22 &nbsp;Transition to 7.2 complete; initiate 7.3</p> <p>Apr 20 &nbsp;Transition to 7.2 nearly complete; please report problems. Thanks</p> <p>Apr 16 &nbsp;Close 7.2, start transition for release Apr 22</p> <p>Apr 12 &nbsp;Post proposed split of Ventania Yellow Finch on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 11 &nbsp;Resequence Sandwich, Cabot's, Elegant terns</p> <p>Apr 11 &nbsp;Revise classification of sandpipers including 5 monotypic genera into <em>Calidris</em></p> <p>Apr 8 &nbsp; Revise classification of Gruidae</p> <p>Apr 7 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Whyte's Double-collared Sunbird</p> <p>Apr 5 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Cachar Bulbul and Charlotte's Bulbul w provisional English names</p> <p>Apr 5 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits (7) of Glossy Swiftlet on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Tatama Tapaculo</p> <p>Apr 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post NACC species proposals on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Cordilleran Parakeet</p> <p>Mar 22 &nbsp; Accept Peruvian Racket-tail and Rufous-booted Racket-tail (incl ssp <em>annae</em>)</p> <p>Mar 21 &nbsp; Accept Blue-vented Hummingbird</p> <p>Mar 20 &nbsp; Accept American Barn Owl</p> <p>Mar 19 &nbsp; Post proposed 'Ashambu Blue Robin' on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 18 &nbsp; Move Kilgiri Blue Robin and White-bellied Blue Robin from <em>Myiomela</em> to <em>Sholicola</em></p> <p>Mar 17 &nbsp; &nbsp;Irish Rare Birds Committee adopts IOC; Happy St Patricks Day!</p> <p>Mar 17 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of 'Banasura' Laughingthrush and 'Travancore' Laughingthrush</p> <p>Mar 17 &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Archbold's Owlet-nightjar with Mountain Owlet-nightjar</p> <p>Mar 17 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Black-fronted Francolin</p> <p>Mar 16 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Cachar Bulbul on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 16 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Charlotte's Bulbul on&nbsp;Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 14 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct English name of&nbsp;<em>Lophotriorchis kienerii </em>to Rufous-bellied Hawk</p> <p>Mar 14 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct English name of <em>Henicorhina anachoreta</em> to Hermit Wood Wren</p> <p>Mar 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of <em>Zoothera margaretae</em> to Makira Thrush</p> <p>Mar 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Black-fronted Francolin on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Resolve English name of <em>T. affinis</em> to Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher</p> <p>Mar 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Archbold's Owlet-nightjar on Updates</p> <p>Mar 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post new Tatama Tapaculo on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb&nbsp;21 &nbsp; &nbsp; Correct English name of <em>Pycnonotus blanford</em>i to Ayeyarwady Bulbul</p> <p>Feb&nbsp;21 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Hainan Laughingthrush to Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 20 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct English name to Asian Crimson-winged Finch</p> <p>Feb&nbsp;18 &nbsp; &nbsp; Return from Philippines</p> <p>Jan 20 &nbsp; &nbsp;BOU adopts IOC list</p> <p>Jan 13 &nbsp; &nbsp; To Philippines</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Test 7.1 website</p> <p>Jan 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 7.1 spreadsheets and web pages posted</p> <p>Jan 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Posted 7.1 (red)</p> <p>Jan 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Transition to 7.1 underway</p> <p>Jan 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Resequence ratites</p> <p>Jan 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed revisions and sequences of Orders (Classification Tab)</p> <p><strong>2016</strong></p> <p>Dec 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Mediterranean Flycatcher</p> <p>Dec 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Table Samoan split candidates pending review of &nbsp;species complexes</p> <p>Dec 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept White-throated/Geoffroy's&nbsp;Wedgebill split; ENG changes</p> <p>Dec 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Merida Sunangel and Longuemare's Sunangel</p> <p>Dec 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Genovesa Cactus Finch, ENG provisional</p> <p>Dec 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Genovesa Ground Finch and Vampire Ground Finch, ENG provisional</p> <p>Dec 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Chinese Rubythroat</p> <p>Dec 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Double-collared Crescentchest</p> <p>Dec 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Scarlet Flycatcher and scientific name change for&nbsp;Vermilion Flycatcher</p> <p>Dec 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Darwin's Flycatcher and San Cristobal Flycatcher</p> <p>Dec 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Foveaux/Otago Shag split</p> <p>Dec 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Stet species status of Barbary Falcon for now</p> <p>Dec 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Montane Double-collared Sunbird on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Eastern Miombo Sunbird on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of "American" Barn Owl on&nbsp;Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Taiwan Thrush on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 29 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed splits of Musician Wrens on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 29 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed splits of [Colombia] parrots on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 29 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Post proposed splits of Racket-tailed Hummingbirds on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 29 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Double-collared Crescentchest on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of &nbsp;'Scarlet' Flycatcher on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 1-22 &nbsp;China</p> <p>Oct 22 &nbsp; &nbsp; Release 6.4</p> <p>Oct 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Chinese Rubythroat on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Chestnut-throated Flycatcher</p> <p>Oct 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Mongolian Short-toed Lark</p> <p>Sept 23 &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Grey-throated Toucanet (with White-throated Toucanet)</p> <p>Sept 23 &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Santa Marta Toucanet (with White-throated Toucanet)</p> <p>Sept 23 &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Violet-throated Toucanet (with Blue-throated Toucanet)</p> <p>Sept 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Streak-eared Bulbul (split from renamed Irrawaddy Bulbul <em>P. blanfordi</em>)</p> <p>Sept 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Baliem Whistler</p> <p>Sept 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Retain African Blue Tit&nbsp;as a single polytypic species w three PS candidates for now</p> <p>Sept 18 &nbsp; &nbsp; Move Black Butcherbird from <em>Cracticus</em> to <em>Melloria</em></p> <p>Sept 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Post proposed lumps of Santa Marta and Grey-throated&nbsp;toucanets with White-throated Toucanet on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed lump of Violet-throated Toucanet with Blue-throated Toucanet on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed splits of Darwin's and San Cristobal&nbsp;Flycatchers on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 27 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits&nbsp;of 6&nbsp;Samoan species on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Decline proposed splits of Tepui and Rufous-necked nightjars (SACC)</p> <p>Aug 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Western Willet on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Sykes's [= Mongolian] Short-toed Lark on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Chestnut-throated Flycatcher on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Baliem Whistler on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 17 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Back home!</p> <p>July 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Off to Gulf of Guinea white-eyes</p> <p>July 21 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 6.3 complete, thanks for corrections</p> <p>July 18 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Transition to 6.3 website underway</p> <p>July 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=en-GB&amp;u=">draft 6.3 red</a> for corrections</p> <p>July 12 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Finalize 6.3 content</p> <p>July 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stet Lilian's Meadowlark&nbsp;SSP</p> <p>July 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Red-backed Flameback</p> <p>July 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Aceh Bulbul</p> <p>July 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Cyprus Scops Owl</p> <p>July 10 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept (extinct) Puerto Rican Parakeet species status</p> <p>July 10&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept NACC ENG &nbsp;Rufous-naped Wood Rail, (stet Grey-necked Wood Rail <em>A. cajaneus</em>)</p> <p>July 10 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept NACC English names Lesson's Motmot, Blue-capped Motmot</p> <p>July 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Lesser Violetear; monotypic Mexican Violetear</p> <p>July 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Canebrake Wren and Isthmian Wren w NACC English names</p> <p>July 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept &nbsp;Townsend's Storm Petrel, Ainley's Storm Petrel</p> <p>July 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Santa Marta Wood Wren</p> <p>July 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Replace LA range codes with MA, SA</p> <p>July 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch from [Tenerife] Blue Chaffinch</p> <p>July 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Caribbean Coot as (white shield) morph of American Coot</p> <p>July 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Stet Grayson's Thrush as ssp of Rufous-backed Thrush for now</p> <p>July 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of African Blue Tits on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 27 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept new genus <em>Pseudopipra</em>&nbsp;for&nbsp;<em>Dixiphia pipra; </em>revise manakin genera.</p> <p>June 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of "Red-backed Woodpecker/Flameback" on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; Restore Santa Marta Wood Wren to Updates/PS; &nbsp;SACC accepted split, ENG?</p> <p>June 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; Treat Sao Paulo Marsh Antwren as a subspecies of &nbsp;Marsh Antwren</p> <p>June 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept provisional names [&nbsp;Western Striolated Puffbird, Eastern Striolated Puffbird]</p> <p>June 22 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Aceh Bulbul on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Move diving petrels to Procellariidae</p> <p>June 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Restore name Pomarine Jaeger</p> <p>June 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Align sequence of geese to their phylogeny</p> <p>June 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise Red-bellied Pitta complex, including 9 splits</p> <p>June 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Otago Shag on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 12 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 12 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of "Mediterranean" Flycatcher on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Merge Snow Goose, Ross's Goose, Emperor Goose from <em>Chen</em> to <em>Anser&nbsp;</em></p> <p>June 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Rename Plain-backed Thrush to Alpine Thrush</p> <p>June 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Himalayan Thrush and Sichuan Thrush</p> <p>June 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stet &nbsp;Campina Thrush and &nbsp;Amazonian Thrush as ssp of&nbsp;Black-billed Thrush pending resolution of (unsampled) ssp&nbsp;<em>ignobilis </em>and&nbsp;<em>goodfellowi.</em></p> <p>June 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Grey-faced Petrel</p> <p>June 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Ayacucho Thistletail</p> <p>May 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed splits of Red-bellied Pittas on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Grey-faced Petrel on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Cyprus Scops Owl on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Back</p> <p>Apr 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;To Jamaica</p> <p>Apr 20 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Transition to 6.2 complete</p> <p>Apr 17 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Transition to 6.2 underway</p> <p>Apr 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Stet subspecies status of &nbsp;[Taiwan] &nbsp;Island Thrush <em>T. p. niveiceps</em></p> <p>Apr 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of <em>Macropygia magna</em> from Bar-necked Cuckoo-Dove to Timor Cuckoo-Dove following&nbsp;splits of Enggano and Barusan Cuckoo-Doves</p> <p>Apr 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of <em>Macropygia amboiensis </em>from Slender-billed Cuckoo-Dove to Amboyna &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Cuckoo-Dove following split of&nbsp;Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove</p> <p>Apr 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept [five] <em>Macropygia</em> cuckoo-dove splits</p> <p>Apr 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed new species Ibera Seedeater on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise species taxonomy of <em>Ailuroedus</em> catbirds, including 7 splits</p> <p>Apr 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of <em>Ailuroedus melanotis</em> from Spotted Catbird to Black-eared Catbird</p> <p>Apr 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Necklaced Barbet</p> <p>Apr 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Turquoise-throated Barbet</p> <p>Mar 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Sula Cuckoo-Dove</p> <p>Mar 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept English name change of Black&nbsp;Dove to Black&nbsp;Cuckoo-Dove</p> <p>Mar 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of White-faced Dove to White-faced Cuckoo-Dove</p> <p>Mar 28 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Taiwan Thrush on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Turquoise-throated Barbet on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise (draft) classification of Orders</p> <p>Mar 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Lilian's Meadowlark on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed splits of Ainley's and Townsend's storm petrels on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Lesser Violetear on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Revise Dendrocopos woodpeckers and allies</p> <p>Mar 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept English name change to Choco Sirystes</p> <p>Mar 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept English name change to Diademed Sandpiper-Plover</p> <p>Mar 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stet Grass Wren subspecies; note proposed splits on 6.2</p> <p>Mar 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Purple-capped Fruit Dove and Kosrae Fruit Dove</p> <p>Feb 29 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Barbary Falcon on Updates/PL</p> <p>Feb 27 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change species name of Grey-throated White-eye from <em>Zosterops ugiensis</em> to <em>Zosterops rendovae</em></p> <p>Feb 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Forest White-eye (<em>Z. stenocricotus</em>); English name provisional</p> <p>Feb 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Stet ssp status of <em>Sinosuthora brunnea ricketti</em> (PS, Yunnan Parrotbill)</p> <p>Feb 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Dark-eyed White-eye</p> <p>Feb 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Rename Zosterops cinerea 'Kosrae White-eye'</p> <p>Feb 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Grey-brown White-eye and Kosrae White-eye</p> <p>Feb 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Purple-capped Fruit Dove on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed <em>Macropygia</em> splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 22 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Temotu Whistler</p> <p>Feb 21 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Complete improvements&nbsp;of Ranges of monotypic species</p> <p>Feb 12 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Move Intermediate Egret from <em>Egretta</em> to <em>Ardea</em></p> <p>Feb 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Dark-eyed White-eye on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Restore species epithet of Bahia Spinetail to <em>S. cinerea</em></p> <p>Feb 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change Burma to Myanmar</p> <p>Feb 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Sula Cuckoo-Dove on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Coopmans's Elaenia</p> <p>Jan 28 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split and new sp of Plain-backed Thrushes on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 28 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Grey-brown/Kosrae White-eyes on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 28 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Kosrae Fruit Dove on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Transition to 6.1 nearly complete&nbsp;including&nbsp;updated spreadsheet and &nbsp;web pages. Please report problems</p> <p>Jan 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Remove red dagger from rediscovered nominate ssp of Jerdon's Babbler</p> <p>Jan 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post draft copy of the &nbsp;6.1&nbsp;Life List+ spreadsheet&nbsp;with&nbsp;Updates highlighted&nbsp;in red font</p> <p>Jan 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of <em>Gallinago jamesoni</em> to Jameson's Snipe</p> <p>Jan 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept 'Western' [Striolated] Puffbird; English name provisional</p> <p>Jan 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept 'Tschudi's'&nbsp;Nightjar; English name provisional. Revision of genera to follow</p> <p>Jan 21 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change species epithet&nbsp;of Mascarene Parrot&nbsp;from mascarin to mascarinus</p> <p>Jan 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of Black-billed Thrush on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 18 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Bundok Flycatcher</p> <p>Jan 17 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Least Vireo on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 12 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of <em>Ailuroedus</em> catbirds on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of&nbsp;Ayacucho Thistletail on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Stet subspecies <em>Melopyrrha nigra taylori &nbsp;</em>[Cayman Bullfinch]</p> <p>Jan 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of NA Sedge Wrens (<em>stellaris</em>)</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stet <em>leucogaster</em> (Mallee Whipbird) as a subspecies of Western Whipbird pending full study</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stet <em>inornata</em> (and <em>iberiae</em>) as subspecies of Subalpine Warbler pending revision of species complex</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post Green Inca on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post Golden Starfrontlet on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post Perija Starfrontlet on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post White-tailed Hillstar (<em>leucura</em>) on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post Longuemare's Sunangel on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post Merida Sunangel proposed split on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post White-throated/Geoffroy's Wedgebill split on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Caribbean Coot on Updates/PL</p> <p>Jan 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stet subspecies of Silvery Grebe pending more info on contact zone</p> <p>Jan 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stet <em>torridus</em> as subspecies of Striolated Puffbird</p> <p>Jan 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stet current subspecies of Northern Fulmar</p> <p>Jan 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stet subspecies status for PS Santa Marta wood wrens</p> <p>Jan 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Merida Brushfinch</p> <p>Jan 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Restore "Common Loon"</p> <p><strong>2015</strong></p> <p>Dec 21 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Revisit &nbsp;'Great Northern Loon'</p> <p>Dec 21 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Treat Roosevelt Antwren as a subspecies of&nbsp;Madeira [Stipple-throated] Antwren</p> <p>Dec 13 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Complete review of suboscine subspecies</p> <p>Dec 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Move Spot-flanked Gallinule to <em>Porphyriops</em></p> <p>Dec 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Move Lesser Moorhen to <em>Paragallinula</em></p> <p>Dec 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Move ssp <em>tunneyi</em> from Subantarctic Shearwater to Little Shearwater; correct Ranges</p> <p>Nov 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Off to NZ, back Dec 4</p> <p>Nov 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Restore&nbsp;"Solitary Eagle"</p> <p>Nov 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Rename Crowned Solitary Eagle, Chaco Eagle</p> <p>Nov 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Rename Hood Mockingbird, Espanola Mockingbird</p> <p>Oct 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Grayson's Thrush on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct range of Omani Owl to "n Oman and e Iran"</p> <p>Oct 28 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Restore &nbsp;spelling of &nbsp;"MacGregor's" to MacGregor's Bowerbird and MacGregor's Honeyeater.</p> <p>Oct 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct&nbsp;remnant spellings of&nbsp;Eulacestomidae to Eulacestomatidae</p> <p>Oct 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Transition to v5.4 complete</p> <p>Oct 22 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;5.4 files loaded, BOW web pages updated.</p> <p>Oct 21 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Start transition to 5.4</p> <p>Oct 16 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Coopmans's Elaenia on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Finalize updates and corrections for 5.4.</p> <p>Oct 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change species epithet of Pacific Robin to <em>Petroica pusilla</em> w split of Norfolk Robin</p> <p>Oct 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Norfolk&nbsp;(Island) Robin</p> <p>Oct 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Highland Rush Warbler</p> <p>Sept 28 &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English Name of Variable Dwarf Kingfisher to Moluccan Dwarf Kingfisher</p> <p>Sept 28 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept (12) Dwarf Kingfisher splits, excluding <em>C. l. uropygiali</em>s</p> <p>Sept 27 &nbsp; &nbsp;Move Sillem's Mountain Finch to <em>Carpodacus</em></p> <p>Sept 26 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Norfolk Island Robin on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept (5) Collared Kingfisher splits</p> <p>Sept 20 &nbsp; Change English name of Asian Paradise Flycatcher to Indian Paradise Flycatcher</p> <p>Sept 20 &nbsp; Accept Asian Paradise Flycatcher splits (Amur, Blyth's/Oriental)</p> <p>Sept 20 &nbsp; Accept new species &nbsp;Cryptic Treehunter</p> <p>Sept 19 &nbsp; Change English name of New Zealand Robin to South Island Robin</p> <p>Sept 19 &nbsp; Accept North Island Robin</p> <p>Sept 19 &nbsp; Correct English name to Paradise Parrot</p> <p>Sept 18 &nbsp; Accept Northern Silvery Kingfisher</p> <p>Sept 18 &nbsp; Change English name of Micronesian Kingfisher to Guam Kingfisher</p> <p>Sept 18 &nbsp; Accept Rusty-capped Kingfisher and Pohnpei Kingfisher</p> <p>Sept 18 &nbsp; Change English name of 'Tuamoto' Kingfisher to Mangareva Kingfisher</p> <p>Sept 18 &nbsp; Accept Niau Kingfisher</p> <p>Sept 17 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Eastern Rush Warbler on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 16 &nbsp; Post proposed split of North/South Island Robins on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 16 &nbsp; Transfer 7 <em>Puffinus</em> shearwaters to <em>Ardenna</em></p> <p>Sept 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed <em>Ceyx</em> splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; Update English names of two New Zealand shags</p> <p>Aug 27 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Papuan Scrub Robin</p> <p>Aug 25 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Perija Tapaculo</p> <p>Aug 25 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Roosevelt Stipple-throated Antbird</p> <p>Aug 25 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Subantarctic Shearwater</p> <p>Aug 25 &nbsp; &nbsp;Stet Black-fronted Francolin as ssp of Chestnut-naped Francolin</p> <p>Aug 23 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept 'Taiwan' Bamboo Partridge</p> <p>Aug 23 &nbsp; Accept Desert Owl; rename Hume's Owl (<em>S. butleri</em>)&nbsp;to Omani Owl</p> <p>Aug 23 &nbsp; Decline proposed new species <em>Strix omanensis</em>, a junior synonym of <em>S. butleri</em></p> <p>Aug 21 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of Asian Paradise Flycatcher on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 20 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Bundok Flycatcher on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 20 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Papuan Scrub Robin on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 19 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed <em>Todiramphus</em> kingfisher splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 18 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct spelling to&nbsp;Eulacestom<span style="color: #ff0000;">at</span>idae</p> <p>Aug 17 &nbsp; &nbsp;Remove 17 species from Active status on Updates/PS; revisit as warranted</p> <p>Aug 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of Plain Wren on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Move Helmeted Woodpecker to <em>Celeus</em></p> <p>July 23 &nbsp; Post proposed Band-winged Nightjar splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>July 22 &nbsp; Transition to 5.3&nbsp;nearly complete; please report link failures and errors.</p> <p>July 15 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of <em>Geospiza</em> spp on Updates/PS</p> <p>July 12 &nbsp; &nbsp;Move Hawaii Creeper (<em>Manucerthia</em>) to <em>Loxops</em></p> <p>July 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; Revise proposed English names of <em>Foulehaio</em> honeyeaters</p> <p>July 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of Pygmy Drongo to Drongo Fantail</p> <p>July 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Rapa Shearwater</p> <p>July 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise American Tree Sparrow genus (<em>Spizelloides</em>)</p> <p>July 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Akepa splits</p> <p>July 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Nukupuu splits</p> <p>July 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Greater Akialoa splits</p> <p>July 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Decline Rosalia Thrasher</p> <p>July 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Decline Western Painted Bunting</p> <p>July 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Inagua Woodstar</p> <p>June 28 &nbsp;Accept Dalat Bush Warbler (<em>L. idonea</em>)</p> <p>June 28 &nbsp;Lump Timor Bush Warbler with Javan Bush Warbler</p> <p>June 28 &nbsp;Accept Sichuan Bush Warbler</p> <p>June 27 &nbsp; Lump Four-colored Bushshrike with Gorgeous Bushshrike</p> <p>June 27 &nbsp; Revise parrot classification including separation&nbsp;of Psittaculidae</p> <p>June 26 &nbsp; Retain&nbsp;<em>avicenniae </em>as a ssp of Grey-necked Wood Rail pending additional data</p> <p>June 26 &nbsp;Accept White-bellied Wood Rail, English name provisional</p> <p>June 25 &nbsp;Change English name of <em>Eugenes fulgens</em> to Rivoli's Hummingbird</p> <p>June 25 &nbsp; Accept Admirable Hummingbird</p> <p>June 24 &nbsp;Rename North Island and South Island&nbsp;Takahes</p> <p>June 23 &nbsp;Post Dave Sargeant's spreadsheet of IOC 5.2 vs&nbsp;Clements 6.9</p> <p>June 22 &nbsp;Change English name of Chinese Hill Warbler to Beijing Babbler</p> <p>June 22 &nbsp;Accept Tarim Babbler</p> <p>June 17 &nbsp;Accept SACC English name Tolima Blossomcrown</p> <p>June 12 &nbsp;Accept <em>Forpus</em> parrotlet splits</p> <p>June 12 &nbsp;Change English name of <em>Porphyrio porphyrio</em> s.s. to Western Swamphen for discussion</p> <p>June 12 &nbsp; Accept Swamphen splits</p> <p>June 12 &nbsp; Change English name of <em>Strix sartorii</em> to Cinereous Owl</p> <p>June 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed <em>Forpus</em> parrotlet splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed swamphen splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 25 &nbsp; &nbsp;Corrected Magnificent Hummingbird names (Updates/PS; footnote 5.3)</p> <p>May 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; Move <em>Madanga</em> from Zosteropidae to Motacillidae</p> <p>May 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; Revisit proposed split of Magnificent/Rivoli's/Admirable Hummingbird (Updates/PS)</p> <p>May 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Move <em>Hylophilus</em>&nbsp;<em>sclateri&nbsp;</em>to genus&nbsp;<em>Vireo</em>; English name to Tepui Vireo</p> <p>May 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of <em>Ramphastos ambiguus</em> to Yellow-throated Toucan</p> <p>May 10 &nbsp; &nbsp; Revise genera of&nbsp;&nbsp;'<em>Geotrygon</em>' quail-doves to follow SACC, NACC</p> <p>May 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Separate <em>Alopecoenas</em> ground doves from Philippine bleeding-hearts &nbsp;:)</p> <p>May 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Lump Red-billed Gull w Silver Gull</p> <p>May 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Move <em>Canirallus</em> rails from Rallidae to Sarothruridae</p> <p>May 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed Bush Warbler split and lump on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post newly described Sichuan Bush Warbler on&nbsp;Updates/PS</p> <p>May 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed Wood Rail splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; Transition to 5.2 &nbsp;complete; thanks all</p> <p>Apr 20 &nbsp; &nbsp; Start transition to 5.2</p> <p>Apr 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Rothschild's Grosbeak; generic revision pending</p> <p>Apr 19 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept 'Ecuadorian' Seedeater</p> <p>Apr 16 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Merge <em>Megalaima</em> spp into <em>Psilopogon</em></p> <p>Apr 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Four-colored Bushshrike on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Decline Asian Rock Thrush</p> <p>Apr 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Decline "Maputaland’ Scrub Robin</p> <p>Apr 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Decline Socorro Warbler</p> <p>Apr 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post potential lump of Red-billed Gull (w Silver Gull) on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 30 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Chinese Blackbird</p> <p>Mar 29 &nbsp; &nbsp;Stet subspecies status of Norfolk Whistler, pending full analysis</p> <p>Mar 27 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Yellow-billed Honeyeater split</p> <p>Mar 27 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept&nbsp;Foulehaio splits</p> <p>Mar 20 &nbsp; Accept Copperback Quail-thrush</p> <p>Mar 20 &nbsp; Accept Naretha Bluebonnet</p> <p>Mar 17 &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Northern Parrotbill with Reed Parrotbill</p> <p>Mar 16 &nbsp; Accept Northern Mealy Amazon</p> <p>Mar 15 &nbsp; Post newly described Perijá Tapaculo on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 15 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Black-fronted Francolin on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 15 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Rapa Shearwater on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 8 &nbsp; &nbsp;Complete IOC/eBird alignment review of nonpasserines</p> <p>Mar 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;Resequence Gould's Hummingbird to precede Brace's Hummingbird</p> <p>Feb 23 &nbsp; Lump Forsten's Megapode (including <em>buruensis</em>) with Dusky Megapode</p> <p>Feb 23 &nbsp; Restore incorrectly split&nbsp;Central Nicobar Serpent Eagle (<em>S. minimus</em>) to&nbsp;ssp of Crested Serpent Eagle</p> <p>Feb 22 &nbsp; Treat newly described Campina Jay as a subspecies of &nbsp;Azure-naped Jay</p> <p>Feb 18 &nbsp; Change English name of Mottled Whistler to Mottled Berryhunter</p> <p>Feb 17 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed Northern Silvery Grebe split on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 17 &nbsp; &nbsp;Decline PS Northern Lesser Woodcreeper per SACC</p> <p>Feb 16 &nbsp; &nbsp;Move Ashy Gerygone to <em>Acanthiza</em>, Change English name to Grey Thornbill</p> <p>Feb 15 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Necklaced Barbet on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 14 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Tarim Babbler on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 14 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of 'Band-backed' Quail-thrush on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 14 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Naretha Parrot on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Chinese Blackbird on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 16 &nbsp; &nbsp;5.1 is now available</p> <p>Jan 12 &nbsp; &nbsp;Begin transition to 5.1</p> <p>Jan 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of &nbsp;'Owston's Flycatcher' on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Withdraw provisional acceptance of Socorro Warbler; sampling of Tropical Parula inadequate</p> <p>Jan 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Desert Tawny Owl on Updates/PS</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-size: 13px;"><strong>2014</strong></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 13px;">Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Black-fronted Brush Finch</span></p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of Fox Sparrow (<em>P. iliaca</em>) to Red Fox Sparrow</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Fox Sparrow splits</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Socorro Warbler (check sampling issues)</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Western Whistler</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Tepui [Sierra de Lema] Flycatcher; English name?</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of Blossomcrown (<em>A. floriceps</em>) to Santa Marta Blossomcrown</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Andean Blossomcrown</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of Plovercrest (<em>S. lalandi</em>) to Green-crested Plovercrest</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Purple-crested Plovercrest</p> <p>Dec 25 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Northern Parrotbill on Updates/PL</p> <p>Dec 23 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Western Whistler on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 20 &nbsp; Decline Tenerife Goldcrest pending full revision of complex</p> <p>Dec 19 &nbsp; &nbsp;Revisit species epithet of Asian Brown Flycatcher (<em>M. dauurica</em> vs <em>M. latirostris</em>)</p> <p>Dec 19 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Sulawesi [Streaked] Flycatcher</p> <p>Dec 19 &nbsp; &nbsp;Treat &nbsp;Sucunduri Flycatcher as subspecies of &nbsp;Zimmer's Flatbill</p> <p>Dec 18 &nbsp; &nbsp;Decline Cuban Amazon splits</p> <p>Dec 18 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Lyre-tailed Woodstar (Inaguan Lyretail?) on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 17 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed Sedge Wren splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Varied Tit spits</p> <p>Dec 15 &nbsp; &nbsp;Stet recognition of Tschudi's Woodcreeper</p> <p>Dec 11 &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name to Congo Peacock to Congo Peafowl</p> <p>Dec 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Socorro Warbler on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Boa Nova Tapaculo&nbsp;<em>Scytalopus&nbsp;gonzagai</em></p> <p>Dec 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Sierra de Lema Flycatcher on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of <em>Atlapetes nigrifrons</em> and <em>A. meridae, </em>respectively on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of <em>Atlapetes latinuchus</em> to Yellow-breasted Brush Finch</p> <p>Nov 24 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post newly described Sulawesi Streaked Flycatcher on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Rosalia Thrasher on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Western Painted Bunting on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 19 &nbsp; &nbsp;Revisit Hornbill Friarbird; post on Updates/PL</p> <p>Nov 19 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of &nbsp;Northern Lesser Woodcreeper on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 15 &nbsp; &nbsp;Divide storm petrels into Oceanitidae and Hydrobatidae</p> <p>Nov 13 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Cliff Parakeet</p> <p>Nov 13 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Blossomcrowns on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 13 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Plovercrests on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 13 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post PK Comparison of &nbsp;IOC 4.4 genera with H&amp;M4 (Passerines)</p> <p>Nov 13 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Louisiade Whistler (includes <em>rosseliana</em>)</p> <p>Nov 12 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct status of &nbsp;Tschudi's Woodcreeper to PL</p> <p>Nov 12 &nbsp; &nbsp;Transfer 4.2 DEL taxa from Updates/PS to Comments on Master List</p> <p>Nov 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;IOC 4.4 installed</p> <p>Oct 30 &nbsp; &nbsp;Transition to 4.4 nearing completion</p> <p>Oct 26 &nbsp; &nbsp;Start transition to 4.4 website</p> <p>Oct 26 &nbsp; &nbsp;Change Santa Marta Warbler to <em>Myiothlypis</em></p> <p>Oct 25 &nbsp; &nbsp;Finalize and proof updates for 4.4</p> <p>Oct 24 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Three-striped Warbler splits</p> <p>Oct 24 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Northern Mealy Amazon on Updates/PS</p> <p>Oct 19 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Bougainville Whistler</p> <p>Oct 19 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post revised <a title="Revised hornbill classification from Gonzalez et al 2013" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=en-GB&amp;u=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">hornbill classification incl corrigenda</a></p> <p>Oct 18 &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump White-throated Whistler with Fiji Whistler</p> <p>Oct 17 &nbsp; &nbsp;Decline Taveuni Whistler</p> <p>Oct 14 &nbsp; &nbsp;Resequence Ceara Gnateater, sister to Ash-throated Gnateater</p> <p>Oct 12 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Palkachupa Cotinga</p> <p>Oct 11 &nbsp; &nbsp;Restore Roraiman Warbler</p> <p>Oct 11 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Pale Baywing</p> <p>Oct 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Riparian Antbird</p> <p>Oct 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; Restore <em>Phibalura</em> to Cotingidae</p> <p>Oct 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; Decline Turquoise-throated Barbet, Gold-faced Barbet splits</p> <p>Oct 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; Decline Eastern Long-tailed Cuckoo split, pending vocals</p> <p>Sept 6 &nbsp; Post Bahian [Mouse-colored]&nbsp;Tapaculo on Updates/NEW</p> <p>Sept &nbsp;1 &nbsp; Post proposed Giant Honeyeater split on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 30 &nbsp;Accept Sooty Barbet and Yellow-eared Barbet splits</p> <p>Aug 30 &nbsp;Decline Striated Grasswren splits pending improved sampling</p> <p>Aug 30 &nbsp;Post proposed Wattled Honeyeater splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 20 &nbsp;Post proposed Striated Grasswren splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 18 &nbsp;Post proposed Asian barbet splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 18 &nbsp;Update xml version of Master List to 4.3</p> <p>Aug 10 &nbsp;Accept King Rail and 'Clapper' Rail splits</p> <p>Aug 4 &nbsp; &nbsp;Completed transition to 4.3, except for xml version of Master List</p> <p>Aug 4 &nbsp; &nbsp;Restore missing genus rows to <em>Melampitta</em> and <em>Megalampitta</em></p> <p>Aug 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;Restore missing genus row&nbsp;to Wattled Ploughbill (<em>Eulacestoma</em>)</p> <p>Aug 2 &nbsp; &nbsp;4.3 spreadsheets added to website</p> <p>Jul 28 &nbsp; Finalizing &nbsp;updates for 4.3</p> <p>Jul 28 &nbsp; Post proposed Varied Tit splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jul 27 &nbsp; Accept lump of Long-tailed Pipit with Buffy Pipit</p> <p>Jul 27 &nbsp; Accept lump of Kimberley Pipit with African Pipit</p> <p>Jul 27 &nbsp; Decline proposed lump of&nbsp;<span style="color: #000000;">Naung Mung Scimitar Babbler&nbsp;</span></p> <p>Jul 27 &nbsp; Accept Silver-backed Butcherbird split</p> <p>Jul 25 &nbsp; Accept newly described Inambari Gnatcatcher</p> <p>Jul 25 &nbsp; Correct species name of Cape White-eye to <em>Zosterops virens</em></p> <p>Jul 24 &nbsp; Lump&nbsp;Lepe Cisticola as ssp of Red-faced Cisticola</p> <p>Jul 23 &nbsp; Change&nbsp;English names of <em>Pheucticus chrysogaster</em> and <em>P. chrysopeplus</em> to Golden Grosbeak and Yellow Grosbeak respectively</p> <p>Jul 22 &nbsp; Accept Lineated Woodcreeper splits</p> <p>Jul 21 &nbsp; Decline proposed revisions of Curve-billed Scythebill species complex pending new SACC proposals</p> <p>Jul 19 &nbsp; Revise genera of cormorants and shags (<a title="Revised genera of cormorants &amp; shags (Draft)" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=en-GB&amp;u=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Draft</a>)</p> <p>Jul 18 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Taiwanese Bamboo Partridge on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jul 18 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Rodgers's/Pacific Fulmar on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jul 12 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Cayman Bullfinch on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jul 12 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Riparian Antbird on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jul 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post newly described Cryptic Treehunter on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jul 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of Yunnan Parrotbill on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jul 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed Three-striped Warbler splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jul 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; Correct switched ranges for Kaka subspecies</p> <p>Jul 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Back from Uganda</p> <p>Jun 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed split of &nbsp;Wakatobi Flowerpecker on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jun 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; Revise classification of Icteridae (draft)</p> <p>May 27 &nbsp;Post proposed split of Palmer's Thrasher on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 27 &nbsp;Post proposed lump of Lepe Cisticola with Red-faced Cisticola</p> <p>May 27 &nbsp;Delete proposed Myrmotherula splits following SACC 618</p> <p>May 27 &nbsp;Delete proposed Barred Woodcreeper splits following SACC 621</p> <p>May 6 &nbsp; &nbsp;Separate Greater Melampitta to monotypic genus&nbsp;<em>Megalampitta</em></p> <p>May 6 &nbsp; &nbsp;Move melampittas from Incertae sedis 3 to new &nbsp;family Melampittidae</p> <p>May 6 &nbsp; &nbsp;Move Blue-capped Ifrit from Incertae sedis 3 to new monotypic family Ifritidae</p> <p>May 6 &nbsp;&nbsp;Move Crested Bellbird from Incertae sedis 2 to new family Oreoicidae</p> <p>May 6 &nbsp;&nbsp;Move Crested Pitohui &nbsp;from Incertae sedis 2 to new family Oreoicidae</p> <p>May 6 &nbsp;&nbsp;Move Rufous-naped Whistler from Incertae sedis 2 to new family Oreoicidae</p> <p>May 6 &nbsp;&nbsp;Move Mottled Whistler from Incertae sedis 2 to new monotypic family Rhagologidae</p> <p>May 6 &nbsp;&nbsp;Move Ploughbill from Incertae sedis 2 to new monotypic family Eulacestomidae</p> <p>May 6 &nbsp; Merge Cracticidae, including <em>Peltops</em>, with Artamidae</p> <p>May 6 &nbsp;Post proposed split of Roraiman Warbler on Updates/PS</p> <p>May 5 &nbsp; Move Pygmy Drongo (<em>Chaetorhynchus</em>) from Dicruridae to Rhipiduridae, after Silktail (<em>Lamprolia</em>)</p> <p>May 5 &nbsp; Resequence Fernwren (<em>Oreoscopus</em>) to follow Goldenface at beginning of Acanthizidae</p> <p>May 5 &nbsp; Resequence Goldenface (<em>Pachycare</em>) to beginning of Acanthizidae</p> <p>May 5 &nbsp; Accept Seychelles Black Parrot</p> <p>May 2 &nbsp; Change English name of <em>Scytalopus rodriguezi</em> to Magdalena Tapaculo</p> <p>Apr 28 &nbsp;Post proposed splits of Bahama Amazon and Grand Cayman Amazon on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 24 &nbsp; Back at &nbsp;desk. 4.2 installed. Thanks for contributions.</p> <p>Apr 11 &nbsp; Post proposed lumps of Kimberley Pipit (=African) and Long-tailed Pipit (=Buffy) on Updates/PS</p> <p>Apr 10 &nbsp; Start transition to v4.2</p> <p>Apr 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; Move Groundscraper Thrush from <em>Psophocichla</em> to <em>Turdus</em>.</p> <p>Apr 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Move Tristan Thrush from <em>Nesocichla</em> to <em>Turdus</em></p> <p>Apr 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Delete proposed <em>Xiphorhynchus</em> splits from Updates/PS following SACC (600)</p> <p>Apr 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Timneh Parrot; recognition of subspecies <em>P.t. princeps</em>&nbsp;under review</p> <p>Mar 25 &nbsp; Delete 20 proposed splits from active consideration on Updates/PS; restore when justified by new data</p> <p>Mar 23 &nbsp; Post proposed Sumichrast's Scrub Jay split on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 19 &nbsp; Separate Spotted Wren-Babbler from Timaliidae/<em>Spelaeornis</em> to Elachuridae/<em>Elachura/'</em>Spotted' Elachura</p> <p>Mar 18 &nbsp; Post proposed Eastern Long-tailed Cuckoo split on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; Change name of <em>Sirystes sibilator</em> from Eastern Sirystes to Sibilant Sirystes</p> <p>Mar 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed&nbsp;<em>Cyanocompsa</em> and <em>Amaurospiza</em> splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Mar 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Helmetcrest splits. Change English name of <em>Oxypogon guerinii</em> to Green-bearded Helmetcrest</p> <p>Feb 27 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Negro Stipple-throated Antwren and Madeira Stipple-throated Antwren; English names tentative.</p> <p>Feb 26 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Snethlage's&nbsp;Antpitta and Alta Floresta Antpitta</p> <p>Feb 25 &nbsp; &nbsp;Retain Yasuni Antwren for now</p> <p>Feb 24 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Dusky Leaftosser as first step to revising this species complex</p> <p>Feb 24 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept splits of Eastern Sirystes (White-rumped, Todd's, Sibilant)</p> <p>Feb 23 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Tropeiro Seedeater</p> <p>Feb 23 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Acre Tody-Tyrant</p> <p>Feb 23 &nbsp; Revise Alaudidae; xls format</p> <p>Feb 22 &nbsp; Post Subantarctic Shearwater on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 16 &nbsp; Change English name of&nbsp;<em>Aulacorhynchus</em> <em>whitelianus</em> from Whitely's Toucanet to Tepui Toucanet</p> <p>Feb 15 &nbsp; Post 'Maputaland' Scrub Robin on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 13 &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise lark genera Updates/Taxonomy</p> <p>Feb 10 &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Sidamo Lark with Archer's Lark</p> <p>Feb 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post Santa Marta Wood Wren on Updates/PS</p> <p>Feb 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post&nbsp;Sao Paulo [Marsh] Antwren on Updates/NEW</p> <p>Jan 27 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post Xingu Cardinal split on Updates/PS</p> <p>Jan 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Edit Ranges of rosefinches (<em>C. pulcherrimus, C. davidianus, C. waltoni</em>)</p> <p>Jan 21 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct Range and Authority of Melanesian Whistler, following split of New Caledonian Whistler</p> <p>Jan 17 &nbsp; &nbsp;Transition to 4.1 complete. Thanks for corrections. &nbsp;Reports of errors, &nbsp;link problems etc welcome</p> <p>Jan 17 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post Peter Kovalik's&nbsp;Multilingual IOC 4.1. Hundreds of Chinese vernacular names are added - &nbsp;for almost all species. These new Chinese names come from the webpage:&nbsp;http://baike.niaolei.<wbr>,&nbsp;which follows IOC taxonomy: number of species, scientific and English names too.</p> <p>Jan 17 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post Peter Kovalik's enlarged &nbsp;(=super!)&nbsp;IOC 4.1 comparison file. It includes not only species but also subspecies (and Clements' group taxa) as well as two older but important checklists: Sibley &amp; Monroe 1993 and all volumes of Peters checklist. &nbsp;Thanks, Peter!</p> <p>Jan 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Transition to 4.1 underway</p> <p>Jan 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Sequence Falconiformes/Psittaciformes before Passeriformes</p> <p>Jan 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Sequence Anseriformes before Galliformes</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>2013</strong></p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Transfer Grandala to Turdidae</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Manipore Warbling Antbird</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Aripuana and Predicted Antwrens</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Post proposed&nbsp;Curved Scythebill splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Post proposed&nbsp;Lineated Woodcreeper&nbsp;splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Post proposed&nbsp;Barred Woodcreeper&nbsp;splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed Purus Antwren&nbsp;split on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 31 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Post proposed&nbsp;Natterer's Puffbird&nbsp;split on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 30 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post revision of Muscicapidae 4.1 (Draft)</p> <p>Dec 30 &nbsp; &nbsp;Subspecies updates and revisions</p> <p>Dec 21 &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise Beautiful Rosefinch (<em>pulcherrimus</em>) species complex. Link to Summary</p> <p>Dec 21 &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Spotted Great Rosefinch with [Caucasian] Great Rosefinch</p> <p>Dec 21 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Pale Rosefinch</p> <p>Dec 20 &nbsp; &nbsp;Decline Tasmanian Masked Owl.&nbsp;Good subspecies, but case for species is weak. Need a comprehensive review of masked owls</p> <p>Dec 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Bicolored Antbird/White-cheeked Antbird split</p> <p>Dec 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; Restore traditional names with patronyms for Carnaby's Black Cockatoo&nbsp;and Baudin's Black Cockatoo</p> <p>Dec 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; Correct English names of "Angola" Batis, Lark, Swallow and Cave Chat to adjectival forms</p> <p>Dec 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Arabian Scops Owl</p> <p>Dec 13 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Plumbeous Tyrant; change English name of <em>Knipolegus signatus</em> from Andean Tyrant to Jelski's Black Tyrant</p> <p>Dec 13 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed <em>Oxypogon</em> splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Dec 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed <em>Sirystes</em> splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 30 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Gosling's Bunting</p> <p>Nov 30 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Mexican Hermit</p> <p>Nov 26 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post Stipple-throated Antwren splits on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 26 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct genus of three Slaty Flycatchers species from <em>Dioptrornis</em> to <em>Melaenornis</em></p> <p>Nov 26 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct range of Desert Sparrow</p> <p>Nov 12 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Bornean Forktail</p> <p>Nov 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Treat&nbsp;<em>whittakeri</em>&nbsp;as subspecies of Spottted Antpitta pending SACC evaluation of the species complex.</p> <p>Nov 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split(s) of Tawny-throated Leaftosser&nbsp;complex on Updates/PS</p> <p>Nov 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Future updates will be aligned to calendar year, e.g. v4.1 - 4.4 (2014)</p> <p>Nov 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Decline proposed Fig Parrot splits</p> <p>Nov 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Assign DOI numbers to IOC Master List 3.1 to 3.5</p> <p>Nov 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Post proposed splits of Black-fronted Fig Parrot and Dusky-cheeked Fig Parrot on Updates/PS list</p> <p>Oct 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Merge Standard-winged Nightjar and Pennant-winged Nightjar (<em>Macrodipteryx</em>) into<em> Caprimulgus</em></p> <p>Oct 27 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of Golden Whistler complex on Updates/PS list</p> <p>Oct 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept subspecies of New Zealand Plover</p> <p>Oct 20 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post Sargeant's Comparison of IOC 3.5 v Clements 6.8</p> <p>Oct 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Rennell Whistler and New Caledonian Whistler</p> <p>Oct 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change species name of Moltoni's Warbler to <em>Sylvia subalpina&nbsp;</em></p> <p>Oct 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Post Omani Owl on Updates/PS list</p> <p>Sept 30 &nbsp; Transition to 3.5 complete</p> <p>Sept 28 &nbsp; Master List and LifeList+ 3.5 &nbsp;now online (IOC Lists)</p> <p>Sept 27 &nbsp; Post Western Subalpine Warbler on Updates/PS list</p> <p>Sept 25 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post White-cheeked Antbird on Updates/PS list</p> <p>Sept 23 &nbsp; Start transition to 3.5</p> <p>Sept 22 &nbsp; Split (extinct) Mascarene Sheldgoose into Mauritius Sheldgoose and Reunion Sheldgoose</p> <p>Sept 22 &nbsp; Change English name of <em>Ptilinopus insularis</em> to Henderson Fruit Dove</p> <p>Sept 22 &nbsp; Change English names of&nbsp;<em>Robsonius rabori</em>&nbsp;(Cordillera Ground Warbler) and&nbsp;<em>R</em>.&nbsp;<em>sorsogonensis&nbsp;</em>(Bicol Ground Warbler)</p> <p>Sept 22 &nbsp; Accept Sierra Madre Ground Warbler</p> <p>Sept 21 &nbsp; Completed Nonpasserine Range upgrades</p> <p>Sept 19 &nbsp; Accept Mistletoe Tyrannulet, Venezuelan Tyrannulet (<em>petersi</em>), Coopmans's Tyrannulet, Chico's Tyrannulet</p> <p>Sept 19 &nbsp; Change English name of <em>Porzana atra</em> (Red-eyed Crake) to Henderson Crake</p> <p>Sept 17 &nbsp; Accept Zarudny's Sparrow</p> <p>Sept 16 &nbsp; Lump &nbsp;3 species of <em>Ortygospiza</em> into one 'Quailfinch'</p> <p>Sept 15 &nbsp; Post "Sierra Madre" Ground Warbler to Updates/PS List; revisit English names of species</p> <p>Sept 15 &nbsp; Change group name of <em>Robsonius</em> spp from Babbler to Ground Warbler</p> <p>Sept 15 &nbsp; Move <em>Robsonius</em> from Pellorneidae to Locustellidae</p> <p>Sept 15 &nbsp; Decline Paradise Flycatcher splits based on mtDNA tree</p> <p>Sept 13 &nbsp; Merge <em>Finschia </em>into<em> Mohoua</em></p> <p>Sept 13 &nbsp; Recognize Mohouidae, resequence to follow Campephagidae</p> <p>Sept 12 &nbsp; Accept Iberian Green Woodpecker. Decline Zagros Green Woodpecker</p> <p>Sept 10 &nbsp; Accept Pale-blue Monarch</p> <p>Sept 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post 'new' species described in HBW Special Volume on Updates/PS List</p> <p>Sept 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; Revisit taxonomy of 3 species of Quailfinches ; post proposed lump on Updates/PS List</p> <p>Aug 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed lump of&nbsp;Spotted Great Rosefinch with Caucasian Great Rosefinch&nbsp;on Updates/PS List</p> <p>Aug 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Pale Rosefinch&nbsp;<em>Carpodacus stoliczkae </em>from Sinai Rosefinch&nbsp;on Updates/PS List</p> <p>Aug 22 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Taiwan Rosefinch</p> <p>Aug 18 &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct and clarify Ranges of Vermiculated Screech Owl species complex</p> <p>Aug 18 &nbsp; &nbsp;Delete Middle American Screech Owl subspecies&nbsp;<em>M.g. tomlini</em>&nbsp;(=<em>hastatus</em>) and&nbsp;<em>M.g. thompsoni</em>&nbsp;(=<em>guatemalae</em>)</p> <p>Aug 18 &nbsp; &nbsp;Change "Madagascar" in English names to adjectival "Madagascan"</p> <p>Aug 16 &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise generic classification of Paridae to follow Johansson et al 2013</p> <p>Aug 16 &nbsp; &nbsp;Move <em>Cephalopyrus</em> from Remizidae to Paridae</p> <p>Aug 16 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Caspian Tit</p> <p><span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px;">Aug 10 &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of </span><em style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px;">Myrmeciza immaculata</em><span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px;"> to Blue-lored Antbird</span></p> <p>Aug 10 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept newly described species Delta Amacuro Softtail</p> <p>Aug 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Decline split of Tiboli Sunbird to await more data</p> <p>Aug 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Philippine <em>Aethopyga</em> splits (Magnificent, Maroon-naped, Bohol, Luzon Sunbirds)</p> <p>Aug 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Treat newly described Seram Masked Owl as subspecies of <em>Tyto sororcula</em></p> <p>Aug 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Cambodian Tailorbird</p> <p>Aug 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Decline Spotted Boobook, Red Boobook</p> <p>Aug 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Ameline Swiftlet</p> <p>Aug 5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of&nbsp;<em>Artemisiospiza nevadensis </em>to Sagebrush Sparrow</p> <p>Aug 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Taxonomic and authority updates</p> <p>Aug 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of <em>Drymophila caudata</em> to East Andean Antbird</p> <p>July 29 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Mexican Hermit on Updates/PS List</p> <p>July 25 &nbsp; &nbsp;Transfer Swamp Prinia to <em>Laticilla</em> in Pellorneidae; &nbsp;accompanies Rufous-vented Prinia (3.4)</p> <p>July 23 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Junin Tapaculo</p> <p>July 23 &nbsp; &nbsp;Begin upgrades of ranges of monotypic species</p> <p>July 20 &nbsp; &nbsp;Revise Aratinga to four genera</p> <p>July 13 &nbsp; &nbsp; Start <a title="Log of corrections and edits of nomenclature authorities" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=en-GB&amp;u=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">log of corrections and edits of nomenclature authorities</a></p> <p>July 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Chinese Wren-babbler</p> <p>July 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Assign <em>Geomalia heinrichi</em> to <em>Zoothera</em></p> <p>July 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Ochre-backed Woodpecker</p> <p>July 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Zappey's Flycatcher</p> <p>July 3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Correct status of&nbsp;Ua Pou Monarch to Extant</p> <p>June 30 &nbsp; Post newly described Junin Tapaculo on Updates/PS list</p> <p>June 30 &nbsp; Transition to v3.4 is nearly complete; please report problems</p> <p>June 26 &nbsp; Post newly described Cambodian Tailorbird on Updates/PS List</p> <p>June 24 &nbsp; Post new H&amp;M4 splits (Spotted Boobook, Red Boobook, Tasmanian Masked Owl, Ameline Swiftlet) on Updates/PS</p> <p>June 23 &nbsp; Revise generic classification of Meliphagidae to follow Nyári &amp; Joseph 2011</p> <p>June 22 &nbsp; Start transition to version 3.4</p> <p>June 19 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Tropeiro Seedeater on Updates/PS List</p> <p>June 19 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Zappey's Flycatcher on Updates/PS List</p> <p>June 19 &nbsp; Post proposed split of Arabian Scops Owl&nbsp;on Updates/PS List</p> <p>June 16 &nbsp; Accept Rinjani Scops Owl (<em>Otus jolandae</em>)</p> <p>June 14 &nbsp; Accept Lesser Sooty Owl (<em>Tyto multipunctata</em>)</p> <p>June 14 &nbsp; Accept Baja Pygmy Owl &nbsp;(<em>Glaucidium hoskinsii</em>)</p> <p>June 13 &nbsp; Post working revision of Muscicapidae following Sangster et al 2010, Zuccon &amp; Ericson 2010 at&nbsp;<span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="color: #0000ff;"></span></span></p> <p>June 13 &nbsp;Post working revision of Meliphagidae incorporating revisions of <em>Lichenostomus</em> at&nbsp;<span style="color: #0000ff;"></span></p> <p>June 8 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Gosling's Bunting on Updates/PS list</p> <p>June 6 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed split of Lesser Sooty Owl on Updates/PS list</p> <p>June 6 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept 'Raja Ampat' Pitohui &nbsp;and Southern Variable Pitohui</p> <p>June 6 &nbsp; &nbsp;Post proposed splits of Clapper and King Rail populations s on Updates/PS List; address nomenclature and English name issues</p> <p>June 5 &nbsp; &nbsp;Lump Plain-breasted Earthcreeper (<em>Upucerthia jelskii</em>) into Buff-breasted Earthcreeper (<em>U. validirostris</em>)</p> <p>June 4 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Solomons Nightjar (<em>Eurostopodus nigripennis</em>) and New Caledonian Nightjar (<em>E. exul</em>)</p> <p>June 4 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Palau Nightjar (<em>Caprimulgus phalaena</em>)</p> <p>June 4 &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Mindoro Racket-tail (<em>Prioniturus mindorensis</em>)</p> <p>May 19 &nbsp; Correct nomenclature of Orange River Francolin (HM4)</p> <p>May 19 &nbsp; Change species name of Island Leaf Warbler to <em>P. maforensis,</em> which has priority over frequently used <em>P. poliocephalus.</em></p> <p>May 19 &nbsp; Move ssp <em>phaeolaemus</em> from <em>Aulacorhynchus griseigularis</em> to <em>A. albivitta</em></p> <p>May 19 &nbsp; Remove extinct dagger from Ua Pou Monarch (Pratt)</p> <p>May 19 &nbsp; Fix spelling of <em>Falco p. furuitii</em></p> <p>May 18 &nbsp; Revise <em>Pitohui</em> and <em>Colluricincla</em></p> <p>May 11 &nbsp; Accept Sage Sparrow (<em>A nevadensis</em>) split from 'Bell's Sparrow' (<em>A. belli</em>) with English name transfer.</p> <p>May 11 &nbsp;Move <em>Peltops</em> spp to beginning of Cracticidae</p> <p>May 7 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post gender correction for <em>Spinus thibetana</em></p> <p>May 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; Correct spelling of <em>Falco peregrinus fruitii</em> to <em>P.f. furuitii</em>. DD:&nbsp;<i>It’s hard to beat the combined wisdom of the Bird Forum participants. I am quite aware of article 32.5.1 of the Code. But what completely slipped my attention in my review of Momiyama, 1927 were the statements “Collected by Mr. I Furuiti” and, especially, the even more compelling “The subspecific name is given in honour of Mr. I. Furuiti who collected this form for me" incorporated into the paper itself.&nbsp;</i><i>I completely agree with the conclusion that this is sufficient internal evidence to justify the emendation to furuitii in accordance with the Code.</i></p> <p>May 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; Discussion of correct&nbsp;spelling of&nbsp;<em>Falco peregrinus fruitii,&nbsp;</em>vs<em>&nbsp;furuitii </em>to Bird Forum</p> <p>Mar 31 &nbsp; &nbsp;Time out to Myanmar and Eagles Nest; back May 3</p> <p>Mar 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; Add Seram Masked Owl to PS list (Jønsson et al 2013)</p> <p>Mar 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post draft of revised format for IOC Master List spreadsheet for comment</p> <p>Mar 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; Revise &nbsp;<em>Lichenostomus&nbsp;</em>(7 genera) as proposed by Nyári &amp; Joseph (2011)</p> <p>Mar 22 &nbsp; &nbsp; Adopt Sangster et al's (2010) subfamily structure of the Muscicapidae</p> <p>Mar 18 &nbsp; &nbsp; Delete Cipo Cinclodes from PS list (SACC 548); treat as subspecies of Long-tailed Cinclodes</p> <p>Mar 17 &nbsp; &nbsp; Move &nbsp;<em>Myophonus, &nbsp;Heinrichia, Heteroxenicus, Brachypteryx</em> from Turdidae to Muscicapidae/Saxicolinae</p> <p>Mar 17 &nbsp; &nbsp; Move <em>Leonardina</em> from Pellorneidae to Muscicapidae/Saxicolinae (Sangster et al 2010)</p> <p>Mar 16 &nbsp; &nbsp; Lump Green-crowned Woodnymph (<em>Thalurania fannyi</em>) with Violet-crowned Woodnymph (<em>T. colombica</em>). Change English name of <em>T. colombica</em> to Crowned Woodnymph (SACC 558).</p> <p>Mar 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; Post Peter Kovalik's&nbsp;Master Spreadsheet&nbsp;that&nbsp;compares IOC 3.3 with Clements 6.7, TiF 2.85, BirdLife 5 and IBC/HBW list. All in 1 file!!!</p> <p>Mar 12 &nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of <em>Thamnophilus atrinucha</em> to Black-crowned Antshrike (SACC 570)</p> <p>Mar 12 &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Antioquia Wren (Lara et al 2012, SACC 562)</p> <p>Mar 10 &nbsp; &nbsp; Subspecies and authority corrections and updates</p> <p>Feb 28 &nbsp; &nbsp; Review of <em>Zimmerius</em> splits (Rheindt et al 2013) underway</p> <p>Feb 27 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Revision of Muscicapoidea underway (see Sangster et al 2010, Zuccon &amp; Ericson 2010, TIF)</p> <p>Feb 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Defer splits of <em>Elaenia sordida</em> and <em>Elaenia brachypterus</em> pending vocals and more samples</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;">Accept splits of Tepui Elaenia (<em>Elaenia olivina)&nbsp;</em>and Chilean Elaenia (<em>E. chilensis</em>); retain 'Peruvian Elaenia (<em>E. modesta</em>) on PS list.</p> <p>Feb 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept/ADD Pincoya Storm Petrel &nbsp;(Harrison et al Auk 2013)</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;">Update genus (<em>Laticilla</em>) and family (Pellorneidae) of Rufous-vented Prinia (Olsson et al 2013)</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;">Settle English names of <em>Schiffornis</em> splits</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;">Start review of <em>Elaenia</em> PS taxa</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;">Add Philippine <em>Aethopyga</em> spp to PS list</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;">Add <em>Otus jolandae</em> to New/PS list</p> <p>Feb 18 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Final cleanup of 3.3</p> <p>Jan 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Away til Feb 17 (FG Panama/Mexico; DD Morocco, Canaries)</p> <p>Jan 28 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Release 3.3 spreadsheets</p> <p>Jan 28 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Review and Update PS list</p> <p>Jan 26 -27 &nbsp;Update website to 3.3, including Master List web pages, with updates in red.</p> <p>Jan 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Finalize Updates and edit Master spreadsheet &nbsp;3.3, highlighting updates in red</p> <p>Jan 13&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Add taxonomic notes to various subspecies in Master spreadsheet 3.3.</p> <p>Jan 13&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Add ssp<em> holti</em>&nbsp; and nominate subspecies of Pale-browed Treehunter.</p> <p><strong>2012</strong></p> <p>Dec 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Revised Caprimulgidae posted for review and comment</p> <p>Dec 29 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Add Delta Amacuro Softtail to PS list</p> <p>Dec 28 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept split of African Spotted Creeper; &nbsp;Add modifier - Indian Spotted Creeper</p> <p>Dec 28 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Italian Sparrow</p> <p style="text-align: left;">Dec 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Remove Tibetan Grey &nbsp;(Giant)&nbsp;Shrike (<em>L. giganteus</em>) and Northern Grey Shrike (<em>L.borealis</em>) from PS list; await &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;improved resolution of this complex.</p> <p>Dec 18 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Revised Accipitridae out for review</p> <p>Dec 16 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Revised Fringillidae 3.3 posted for comment (Updates/Taxonomy)</p> <p>Nov 29 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept split of Zeledon's Antbird</p> <p>Nov 26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept lumps of Sao Tome and Principe Kingfishers (=Malachite Kingfisher)</p> <p>Nov 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Review Clements 6.7 updates</p> <p>Nov 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Andean Ibis and Two-banded Puffbird splits</p> <p>Nov 24 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Add Schiffornis and <em>Drymophila</em> splits (with provisional English names) and other SACC decisions</p> <p>Nov 22 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Draft &nbsp;of revised Fringillidae classification ready for review</p> <p>Nov 21 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Initial posts of &nbsp;provisional/draft updates for v3.3</p> <p>Nov 17 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Complete release of 3.3, including primary edits of html list pages</p> <p>Nov 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Separate 3.2 web page "Tanagers, Cardinals and allies" from "Buntings, Tanagers and allies"</p> <p>Nov 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Separate &nbsp;3.2 web page "Babblers" from "Old World Warblers"</p> <p>Nov 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Restore &nbsp;missing Scotocercidae, Erythrocercidae, Arcanatoridae to 3.2 web pages</p> <p>Nov 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct Range (3.3) of Elegant Euphonia to include full range of &nbsp;<em>E. e. elegantissima&nbsp;</em>(including&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>E.e. vincens</em>)</p> <p>Nov 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Correct Range (3.3) of Brown-necked Parrot to include ssp <em>suahelicus</em></p> <p>Nov 14 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Restore Scopoli's Shearwater &nbsp;and Philippine Hawk-Owl splits to 3.2 html pages</p> <p>Nov 13 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Address 3.2 html web page issues</p> <p>Oct 16 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;FG off to South Africa, back Nov 11</p> <p>Oct 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Start transition of website to 3.2; Master Files released</p> <p>Oct 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Finalize v3.2 files for release</p> <p>Oct 4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Add Alta Floresta Antpitta and Snethlage's Antpitta to Updates/New, Proposed Split</p> <p>Oct 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Add <em>Zimmerius&nbsp;</em>splits to Updates/Proposed Splits</p> <p>Sept 22 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Scopoli's Shearwater, split from Cory's Shearwater; add to Updates/Species</p> <p>Sept 21 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Reject <em>Terpsiphone incei&nbsp;</em>as Proposed Split from <em>T. paradisi; </em>nDNA data needed to counter possibility of hybridization and introgression with <em>T. atrocaudata&nbsp;</em>(F.Rheindt, P. Rasmussen).</p> <p>Sept 20 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change English name of Philippine Hawk-Owl to Luzon Hawk-Owl</p> <p>Sept 20 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Philippine Hawk-Owl splits and 2 new species; add to Updates/Species</p> <p>Sept 15 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept Shiffornis splits, English names pending</p> <p>Sept 13 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Add Paradise Flycatcher revisions (4 splits, 1 lump) to Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 12 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Accept Green-backed (Trilling?) Tailorbird to Master List; Resolve English Name</p> <p>Sept 11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Add Brilliant Sunangel to Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Add Sao Tome Kingfisher and Principe Kingfisher to Updates/PL</p> <p>Sept 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Add Seychelles Vasa Parrot to Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Add Zeledon's Antbird to Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of Pied Fantail to Malaysian Pied Fantail</p> <p>Sept 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Change English name of Blue Fantail to Mindanao Blue Fantail</p> <p>Sept 8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Accept 4 Philippine fantail (<em>Rhipidura</em>) splits on Updates/PS to Master List</p> <p>Sept 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Correct Blue-capped Ifrita to Blue-capped Ifrit</p> <p>Sept 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Add Brown-streaked Flycatcher to Master List</p> <p>Sept 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Add Philippine Hawk Owl splits to Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Add Long-tailed Antbird splits to Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Add Cipo Cinclodes to Updates/PS</p> <p>Sept 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Add Bahia Spinetail <em>Synallaxis whitneyi</em> to Updates/PL</p> <p>Aug 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Add Mindoro Racket-tail&nbsp;to Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 30? &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Move <em>Scotocercus</em> from Incertae sedis to Scotocercidae, New Family</p> <p>Aug 30? &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Move <em>Erythrocercus</em> spp from Incertae sedis to Erythrocercidae, New Family</p> <p>Aug 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Change Scientific name of Moluccan Cuckoo to&nbsp;<em>Cacomantis</em> <em>aeruginosus </em>Salvadori, 1878</p> <p style="text-align: left;">Aug 30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Reassign ssp aeruginosus from Rusty-breasted Cuckoo to Moluccan Cuckoo; Delete Bronze Brush Cuckoo &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; from Updates/PS</p> <p>Aug 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Revised Ranges of &nbsp;Kentish Plover ssp &nbsp;<em>C.a.alexandrinus</em> and <em>C.a.dealbatus</em></p> <p>Aug 25 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Add Kentish Plover ssp <em>C.a.nihonensis</em> to Master List (Kennerly et al 2008)</p> <p>Aug 23 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Revised Ranges of &nbsp;Clapper Rail ssp &nbsp;<em>R.l.wayne</em>i and&nbsp;<em>R.l.pelodramus</em></p> <p>Aug 20 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Add Cebu Hawk Owl and Camiguen Hawk Owl to Updates/NEW</p> <div> <em>&nbsp;</em> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- .fl-post-content --> </article><!-- .fl-post --> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- .fl-page-content --> <footer class="fl-page-footer-wrap" itemscope itemtype="" role="contentinfo"> <div class="fl-page-footer"> <div class="fl-page-footer-container container"> <div class="fl-page-footer-row row"> <div class="col-lg-12 text-center clearfix"> <div class="fl-page-footer-text fl-page-footer-text-1"> © 2024 | Updated August 17, 2024 with version 14.2<br> IOC World Bird List v14.2 by Frank Gill, David Donsker &amp; Pamela Rasmussen (Eds) is licensed under a <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=en-GB&amp;u=" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License</a>. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- .fl-page-footer --> </footer> </div><!-- .fl-page --> <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=en-GB#" role="button" id="fl-to-top"><span class="sr-only">Scroll To Top</span><i class="fas fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></a> <script src="" id="fl-builder-layout-1363-js"></script> <script src="" id="imagesloaded-js"></script> <script src="" id="jquery-throttle-js"></script> <script src="" id="yui3-js"></script> <script src="" id="fl-slideshow-js"></script> <script src="" id="jquery-waypoints-js"></script> <script src="" id="fl-builder-layout-bundle-23985cfcb3a380794a56f578384f174d-js"></script> <script src="" id="jquery-magnificpopup-js"></script> <script src="" id="bootstrap-4-js"></script> <script id="fl-automator-js-extra"> var themeopts = {"medium_breakpoint":"992","mobile_breakpoint":"768","scrollTopPosition":"800"}; </script> <script src="" id="fl-automator-js"></script> <script>function gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en', 'en', function () {});}</script> <script src=";hl=en-GB&amp;client=wt" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html>

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