Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

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class="text"><hr><b>CURRENT INFORMATION:</b><br /> <!--Vacancy notive for a <a href="/en/688878.html"><b>W2 Professorship in Mathematics and Mathematics Education</b></a> at the Institute of Mathematics<br /> The Faculty is currently running an appointment procedure for a <b>W2 professorship for Algebra / Algebraic Geometry</b>. The public hearings of candidates will take place on Wednesday, May 22nd and Thursday, May 23rd in the Sitzungszimmer of the Institute of Mathematics. Information on the lecture topics can be found <a href="/de/document/download/94fa9cb17b4b9ef7a5205432c038972b.pdf/2024_MI_W2_Algebra_Algebraische_Geometrie_2. Sitzung_Anhörungen.pdf" target="_blank"><b>here</b></a>.<br /> Vacancy notive for a <a href="/en/682558.html"><b>W2 Professorship in Algebra / Algebraic Geometry</b></a> at the Institute of Mathematics--> </section> <hr> <section> <h2 class="headline">The Faculty</h2> <p class="text"><!-- <hr><b>CURRENT INFORMATION:</b><br /> </p><ul class="txtlist"><li class="content">An appointment process is currently underway at the faculty for a <a href="/en/664128.html"><b>W3 professorship "Algebra / Discrete Mathematics"</b></a>.</li> <li class="content">A <b><a href="/de/document/download/36f4e5bb567e9b51ea377f124b7c5397.pdf/Gleichstellungsversammlung_2023_Einladung.pdf" target="_blank">Faculty Equality Assembly</a></b> will be held on March 20, 2023.</li></ul><p class="text"><hr> -->The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science was founded in October of 2008. It is a fusion of the former Faculty of Mathematics and the Institute of Computer Science.<br /> <br /> The faculty offers an attractive study program: Bachelor's programs in Mathematics and Applied Computer Science, Master's programs in Mathematics, Business Mathematics and Applied Computer Science, teacher training programs with the subject combination Mathematics and Computer Science and 17 other combinations with Mathematics or Computer Science. Since 2018, the faculty has also offered Bachelor's programs in Applied Data Science and Mathematical Data Science, and since the winter semester of 2021, also a Master's program in Applied Data Science. There are very good doctoral graduation possibilities joining the doctoral programs in Mathematics, Computer Science and Environmental Informatics of the <a href="/en/563915.html"><b>Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS)</b></a>. For more information, see the <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Mathematics</b></a> and <a href="/en/619480.html"><b>Computer Science</b></a> web pages. <br /> <br /> <b>Information on the course of studies offered by the faculty:</b> <br /> </p><ul class="txtlist"> <li class="content"><a href="/en/473454.html"><b>Mathematics</b></a></li> <li class="content"><a href="/en/619490.html"><b>Computer Science</b></a></li> </ul><p class="text"> </section> <hr> <section> <h2 class="headline">Göttingen Spirit</h2> <img src="/storage/pictures/66ff9e96b9a9df07ba8370bb42b0d5a3.jpg" class="imagefloatleft" alt="Courant_3"> <p class="text">Shortly before his death in 1972, <b>Richard Courant</b> was asked about the unique human and scientific spirit that characterized his Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. Courant's answer was, "It is Göttingen. Göttingen is here." He was referring to the scientific approach and research environment in Göttingen in the period before 1933: numerous exceptional scientists were at work in an atmosphere that supported the free exchange of ideas both within and between disciplines, attracting the best scientists all over the world. Today, <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Göttingen Campus</b></a> stands for a lively exchange of ideas and for a highly productive collaboration in the areas of research and teaching. The Göttingen Campus is constituted by Göttingen University together with eight internationally renowned non-university research establishments - making it a successful centre of research in the middle of Germany. We know that in order to discover new things and gain new insights we have to confront what is known with unconventional ideas and concepts.That is why we need personalities who "think and act against the current". </section> <hr> </article> <!-- Rechte Sidebar --> <aside class="col-sm-4"> <!-- Unterseiten --> <ol class="box"> <li class="separator"> Alumni Göttingen </li> <li> <a href="/en/chapter+mathematik+und+informatik/648394.html"> Chapter Mathematik und Informatik </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"> Alumni Göttingen Portal </a> </li> <li> <a href="/en/alumni+g%c3%b6ttingen+e.+v./571295.html"> Alumni Göttingen e. 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