{"title":"DSLEP (Data Structure Learning Platform to Aid in Higher Education IT Courses)","authors":"Estevan B. Costa, Armando M. Toda, Marcell A. A. Mesquita, Jacques D. Brancher","volume":88,"journal":"International Journal of Computer and Systems Engineering","pagesStart":1143,"pagesEnd":1149,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/9998055","abstract":"<p>The advances in technology in the last five years<br \/>\r\nallowed an improvement in the educational area, as the increasing in<br \/>\r\nthe development of educational software. One of the techniques that<br \/>\r\nemerged in this lapse is called Gamification, which is the utilization of<br \/>\r\nvideo game mechanics outside its bounds. Recent studies involving<br \/>\r\nthis technique provided positive results in the application of these<br \/>\r\nconcepts in many areas as marketing, health and education. In the last<br \/>\r\narea there are studies that covers from elementary to higher education,<br \/>\r\nwith many variations to adequate to the educators methodologies.<br \/>\r\nAmong higher education, focusing on IT courses, data structures are<br \/>\r\nan important subject taught in many of these courses, as they are<br \/>\r\nbase for many systems. Based on the exposed this paper exposes<br \/>\r\nthe development of an interactive web learning environment, called<br \/>\r\nDSLEP (Data Structure Learning Platform), to aid students in higher<br \/>\r\neducation IT courses. The system includes basic concepts seen on<br \/>\r\nthis subject such as stacks, queues, lists, arrays, trees and was<br \/>\r\nimplemented to ease the insertion of new structures. It was also<br \/>\r\nimplemented with gamification concepts, such as points, levels, and<br \/>\r\nleader boards, to engage students in the search for knowledge and<br \/>\r\nstimulate self-learning.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] P. 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