parkrun | parkrun Privacy Policy

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width:100%!important; padding:15px;"> <h1 class="page-title">parkrun Privacy Policy</h1> <div class="wysiwyg"><div class="privacy-policy"> <span>This policy is effective as of 4 June 2024</span><p> <strong>Index</strong> </p> <ol> <li>Introduction</li> <li>Definitions and interpretations</li> <li>Why we need your data</li> <li>Categories of data</li> <li>What data we collect</li> <li>What data we share</li> <li>How we contact you</li> <li>How we protect your information</li> <li>Retention periods</li> <li>Automated decision making and Profiling</li> <li>Your rights</li> </ol> <h2 id="section_1">1 - Introduction</h2> <p>“<strong>parkrun and/or parkrun Global</strong>” refers to parkrun Global Limited. A UK based charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, (<a target="_blank" href="">charity number 1175062</a>) and with Companies House (<a target="_blank" href="">company number 09411750</a>). Registered office at Frameworks, 2 Sheen Road, Richmond, Middlesex, England, TW9 1AE.</p> <p>parkruns are volunteer and community led 5k and 2k events that take place every weekend, at locations all around the world, where people of all abilities, and backgrounds, are able to participate for free by walking, jogging, running, or volunteering.</p> <p>Our events are socially-focussed and community-led, with an emphasis on regular participation rather than performance, and <strong>our mission</strong> is <strong>to transform health &amp; happiness by empowering people to come together, to be active, social &amp; outdoors.</strong> </p> <p>We are committed to respecting and protecting your personal data and online privacy. This includes your right to know what we do with the personal information you share with us. It also guides our policies regarding the management of your data, including how the information is collected, how it is processed and for what purposes.</p> <p>It is important to us that we communicate our policies and procedures with you clearly and in a manner that provides clarity to all participants who have registered with parkrun and those who have used our other services, for example a parkrun shop and/or donation platforms.</p> <p>parkrun Global collects, manages, and processes all associated data and is therefore considered the data controller for all parkrun group companies and all parkrun events worldwide.</p> <p>If there is a significant change to this Privacy Policy you will be notified by email. Previous versions <a target="_blank" href="">can be found here</a>.</p> <h2 id="section_2">2 - Definitions and interpretations</h2> <ul> <li>“<strong>Company/we/us/our/group</strong>” refers to parkrun global and/or any subsidiary or organisation operating under licence from parkrun. The parkrun group structure can be <a target="_blank" href="">found here</a>.</li> <li>“<strong>Data Controller</strong>” refers to the meaning defined in Article 4 of the UK GDPR</li> <li>“<strong>Data Processor</strong>” refers to the meaning defined in Article 4 of the UK GDPR</li> <li>“<strong>Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA)</strong>” refers to the regulation parkrun Global complies with as a UK based Charity</li> <li>“<strong>Data Protection Officer (DPO)</strong>” refers to the designated person appointed by parkrun to monitor data protection compliance within the company</li> <li>“<strong>Donation Platforms</strong>” are the official providers and websites that allow people to make monetary donations towards the continued operations of parkrun Global</li> <li>“<strong>Event team</strong>” refers to the volunteers who organise and carry out the individual parkrun events</li> <li>“<strong>Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO</strong>)” refers to the UK based independent regulator of information rights.</li> <li>“<strong>Internet Protocol (IP) Address</strong>” refers to a unique string of characters that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network</li> <li>“<strong>Milestones</strong>” refers to the when someone registered with parkrun reaches an <a target="_blank" href="">individual number of participations</a> since registering at parkrun</li> <li>“<strong>parkrun ID</strong>” refers to the registrants individual registration number and barcode provided upon registration</li> <li>“<strong>parkrun Profile</strong>” refers to the registrant’s personal account provided by parkrun upon registration</li> <li>“<strong>parkrun Shop</strong>” refers to the official parkrun online retail services available to all participants globally</li> <li>“<strong>parkrun Support</strong>” refers to our official dedicated support team who assist all participants and event teams, and the online resources provided by them.</li> <li>“<strong>Personal data</strong>” refers to the meaning defined in Article 4 of the UK GDPR</li> <li>“<strong>Profiling</strong>” refers to the processing of personal data to evaluate certain things about an individual</li> <li>“<strong>Online privacy</strong>” refers to the level of protection afforded to an individual and their personal data in relation to parkrun operating systems</li> <li>“<strong>SMS results service</strong>” refers to SMS participants may receive (in some countries only) on their mobile phone to confirm the completion time of the parkrun event they completed.</li> <li>“<strong>Terms &amp; Conditions</strong>” refers to the Terms and Conditions an individual agrees to when registering to participate at parkrun and any newer version of said terms and conditions as and when they are updated. These can be <a target="_blank" href="">found here</a>.</li> <li>“<strong>UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)</strong>” refers to regulation parkrun Global complies with as a UK based Charity</li> <li>“<strong>Websites</strong>” refers to all websites and/or applications operated by or on behalf of parkrun and/or licensors with permission to operate from parkrun</li> <li>“<strong>You/your/participant/individual</strong>” refers to the living individual whose personal identifiable information is stored by parkrun</li> </ul> <h2 id="section_3">3 - Why we need your data</h2> <p>In order to support our global network of parkrun events it is critical we understand who is participating so we request specific information be provided as part of the registration process. We then use this data for multiple purposes from providing participants with information about their participation through to more complex challenges including measuring the impact of our events within different communities by monitoring physical activity levels and social engagement.</p> <p>The UK GDPR and DPA require that all information collected must be done so under a specific lawful basis. There are <a target="_blank" href="">six clearly defined lawful bases for processing personal information</a> and we categorises the majority of our data processing under three of these:</p> <ul> <li>Contract</li> <li>Legitimate interests</li> <li>Consent</li> </ul> <h3 id="section_3_1">3.1 Contract</h3> <p>Our registration Terms and Conditions confirm the information required for us to provide you with a “parkrun ID” to allow us to provide you with accurate records of your parkrun participation history and details of your milestones.</p> <p>This lawful basis also includes any administrative or service-related emails, for example, to confirm that you have registered with us or taken part in one of our events, or to alert you of an update to this Privacy Policy or other policies that are relevant to you.</p> <p>These therefore do not offer an option to unsubscribe as they are necessary to provide the services you requested. We require this information in order to provide you with records of your participation.</p> <h3 id="section_3_2">3.2 Legitimate Interests</h3> <p>Outside of your direct participation we also wish to develop the reach and impact of our events and as such have a legitimate interest to process certain information with this aim. This includes carrying-out research to further understand who is or isn’t participating in our events (in order to understand our ability to impact those most in need) or capturing and sharing images of our events taking place, helping us to inspire other people to engage in physical activity and redefine what it means to be active.</p> <p>We make sure we consider and balance any potential impact on you (both positive and negative) and your rights before we process your personal data for our legitimate interests. We do not use your personal data for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you (unless we have your consent or are otherwise required or permitted to by law).</p> <h3 id="section_3_3">3.3 Consent</h3> <p>Above and beyond simple participation as a walker, runner, or volunteer, there are a number of ways you can help us to ensure our events positively impact the health and happiness of their local communities, and remain free to participate in.</p> <p>One of the best ways to support us in this way is by consenting to receive emails regarding event profiles, offers, competitions and emails from our partners, training tips, and more. We therefore provide the opportunity at registration, and via your profile, to opt in to these communications. You can opt out at any time.</p> <p>Due to UK GDPR requirements for providing consent, we do not process any data on children under the age of 13 if it would require consent as the lawful reason for processing. For this reason, children under the age of 13 do not have the option to opt in to the above emails.</p> <h3 id="section_3_4">3.4 Other Lawful Bases</h3> <p>There may be occasions where we are required to process information under one of the other three lawful bases:</p> <ul> <li>Legal Obligation - for example, this is where we are required to process data to comply with law</li> <li>Vital Interest - for example, if we are required to use an individual's data to assist with emergency medical care but they are unable to provide consent</li> <li>Public Task - for example, if we are required to carry out a specific task in the public interest which is laid out in law</li> </ul> <h2 id="section_4">4 - Categories of data</h2> <p>We utilise the following definitions for the types of data we collect:</p> <h3 id="section_4_1">4.1 Profile &amp; Identity</h3> <p>For an individual registered with parkrun we utilise profile login information including password, parkrun ID, participation instances (walking, jogging, running and/or volunteering), date of birth, self identified gender, full name, postcode (not used for purposes of contact), marketing preferences, third party linking information and emergency contact (ICE) including your chosen point of contacts name and contact phone number.</p> <p>Individuals who use the parkrun donation platforms will be required to provide additional personal information. Please refer to Section 5.6 for more information.</p> <h3 id="section_4_2">4.2 Contact</h3> <p>For an individual registered with parkrun we utilise email address, mobile phone number (SMS results service).</p> <p>Individuals who use the parkrun donation platforms may be required to provide additional personal information. Please refer to Section 5.5 for more information.</p> <h3 id="section_4_3">4.3 Technical</h3> <p>For an individual registered with parkrun and/or an individual using our donation platforms we utilise IP address, login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating systems and platform, records of pages visited and other information about the devices used to access our websites.</p> <h3 id="section_4_4">4.4 Incidents</h3> <p>As part of our continual review of incidents at parkrun events we maintain a record of all relevant incident details as they occur, this may include Special Category Data such as individual medical history, if applicable. See Section 5.9 for further information.</p> <h3 id="section_4_5">4.5 Survey</h3> <p>Any data submitted to us as part of research activities, see Sections 5.7 and 5.8 for further information.</p> <h3 id="section_4_6">4.6 Event Imagery</h3> <p>Filming and photography captured at our events, see Section 5.15 for further information.</p> <h2 id="section_5">5 - What data we collect</h2> <p>There are a number of ways where either you are able to explicitly share data with us or we are able to collect it as a result of your actions:</p> <h3 id="section_5_1">5.1 At registration</h3> <p>We collect information about you in conjunction with the parkrun registration Terms and Conditions and also Section 3.1 of this Privacy Policy. This information can be found in your parkrun profile.</p> <h3 id="section_5_2">5.2 Using your profile(s)</h3> <p>You can update information in your parkrun profile, such as emergency contact information, email address, home event and mobile phone number in order to receive participation notifications via SMS (in some countries).</p> <p>Other personal information can be updated by <a target="_blank" href="">contacting parkrun Support</a> directly.</p> <h3 id="section_5_3">5.3 Anonymity</h3> <p>In exceptional circumstances, such as for our participants within the custodial system, we allow/require participants to register under a pseudonym. Please <a target="_blank" href="">contact parkrun Support</a> directly if you have any questions.</p> <h3 id="section_5_4">5.4 Linking your parkrun account with a third-party account</h3> <p>Such as by connecting your parkrun profile to services that you use. See Section 6.2 for further information</p> <h3 id="section_5_5">5.5 Donating to parkrun</h3> <p>parkrun has<strong></strong>made a commitment that participation in parkrun events will be free, forever, for everyone.</p> <p>To assist in this parkrun has developed and will continue to develop official platforms where individuals have the option to make one off or continuous donations to parkrun Global, or in Ireland and the United Kingdom, donations to a specific parkrun event.</p> <p>When making a donation an individual is required to provide additional personal information to process the payment and also may be required to open up an additional account with the donation platform that is separate from their parkrun profile.</p> <p>We currently have the following fundraising platforms using external providers:</p> <ul> <li>Donations to us via <a target="_blank" href="">JustGiving</a>, registered via Limited, 5 Churchill Place, London, United Kingdom, E14 5HU</li> <ul> <li>JustGiving is the data controller and all data shared and stored with them is through their <a target="_blank" href="">Privacy Policy</a> </li> </ul> <li>Donations to specific parkrun events in the United Kingdom and Ireland via PayPal UK Ltd, Whittaker House, Whittaker Avenue, Richmond-upon-Thames, TW9 1EH</li> <ul> <li>PayPal UK Ltd is the data controller and all data shared and stored with them is through their <a target="_blank" href="">Privacy Policy</a> </li> </ul> <li>Donations to us through parkrun Forever, registered with PFW Holdings Ltd, Suite #300, 4 Blenheim Court, Peppercorn Close, Peterborough, PE1 2DU</li> <ul> <li>parkrun Global Limited is the data controller for this agreement with data</li> <li>PFW Holdings Ltd, who operate parkrun Forever, is the data processor and all data shared and stored with them is through their <a target="_blank" href="">Privacy Policy</a> </li> </ul> </ul> <p>We have the <a target="_blank" href=""> <span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> <strong>parkrun Donations Platform</strong> </span> </a>, which is registered to parkrun and operates within this Privacy Policy. The data is captured to fulfil processes on the website such as enquiries, donations and campaigning.</p> <p>The following information will be provided to parkrun when making a donation:</p> <ul> <li>Individual name including title, first name and surname</li> <li>Individual email address</li> <li>Individual postal address</li> <li>parkrun ID (not compulsory)</li> </ul> <p>Donations made to us will be done through one of the following organisations, dependent on the type of donation:</p> <ul> <li>Stripe Payments UK Ltd, 9th Floor, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN where all data shared and stored with them is through their <a target="_blank" href="">Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li>PayPal UK Ltd, Whittaker House, Whittaker Avenue, Richmond-upon-Thames, TW9 1EH where all data shared and stored with them is through their <a target="_blank" href="">Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li>GoCardless Ltd, Sutton Yard, 65 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7EN where all data shared and stored with them is through their <a target="_blank" href="">Privacy Policy</a> </li> </ul> <h3 id="section_5_6">5.6 parkrun Shops</h3> <p>parkrun operates commercial activities via our online retail websites. Individuals may register an account with these websites and link certain parkrun registration information when making purchases as per Section 6.2.3, however, opening an account with a the parkrun Shop is not the same as registering to participate at parkrun.</p> <p>Currently parkrun Shops operating in the Australia, the United Kingdom and South Africa and comply with their separate privacy policies:</p> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">Australia</a> - registered to parkrun Australia, Unit 10 Minnie Central, 82-86 Minnie Street, Southport, QLD 4215. The privacy policy can be <a target="_blank" href="">found here</a>.</li> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">United Kingdom</a> - registered to parkrun Trading Limited, Frameworks, 2 Sheen Road, Richmond, TW9 1AE. The privacy policy can be <a target="_blank" href="">found here</a>.</li> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">South Africa</a> - registered and operated by ICE ID CC, <a target="_blank" href="">based</a> in Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa, where all data shared and stored with them is through their <a target="_blank" href="">Privacy Policy</a>.</li> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">CONTRA Movement</a> - registered to parkrun Trading Limited, Frameworks, 2 Sheen Road, Richmond, TW9 1AE. The privacy policy can be <a target="_blank" href="">found here</a>.</li> </ul> <h3 id="section_5_7">5.7 Research Surveys</h3> <p>On occasion we will send out research surveys, under the lawful basis of Consent and/or the lawful basis Legitimate Interests, that allow us to develop an understanding of parkrun and our participants.</p> <p>Some research surveys may request additional information, specifically Special Category Data. On these occasions, as required by Article 9 UK GDPR, we will ask for your explicit consent prior to starting the survey.</p> <p>Surveys sent by us are done using SurveyMonkey Inc and its affiliates, with data provided by survey respondents held under their <a target="_blank" href="">Privacy Policy</a>. This data is then held under our privacy policy when transferred from SurveyMonkey to our systems.</p> <h3 id="section_5_8">5.8 Partner Surveys</h3> <p>On occasion, to help to support our partners and stakeholders we send out partner surveys, under the lawful basis of Consent, to understand their level of connection with the parkrun communities they support.</p> <p>Surveys sent by us are done using SurveyMonkey Inc and its affiliates, with data provided by survey respondents held under their <a target="_blank" href="">Privacy Policy</a>. This data is then held under our privacy policy when transferred from SurveyMonkey to our systems.</p> <h3 id="section_5_9">5.9 Incident reports</h3> <p> <a target="_blank" href="">Incident reports</a> are compiled by our local volunteer teams in the event of an incident. Relevant data is collected and uploaded directly or via email to our secure online incident reporting system.</p> <p>Additional information may be added by staff to these reports as part of the process of following up on the incidents.</p> <h3>5.10 Cookies</h3> <p>When you visit our websites, cookies will be stored on your computer. Generally, cookies and similar technologies work by assigning to your browser or device a unique number that has no meaning outside of parkrun. We use these technologies to personalise your experience and to assist in delivering content specific to your interests. Additionally, after you’ve entered your parkrun ID and password we save that information so you don’t have to re-enter it repeatedly. Most browsers automatically accept cookies.</p> <p>Some third-party services we use, such as Google Analytics, may place cookies in your browser. This Privacy Policy covers use of cookies by parkrun only, and not the use of cookies by third parties.</p> <p>To manage the collection of information through cookies or other equivalent technology you can use the settings on your browser or mobile device.</p> <h3 id="section_5_11">5.11 Log Files</h3> <p>The collection of information: Every time you connect to parkrun websites your IP (Internet Protocol) address registers on our servers. Your IP address reveals no information other than the number assigned to you.</p> <p>We do not use this technology to obtain any personal data against your knowledge or free will (i.e. automatically recording email addresses of visitors). Nor do we use it for any purpose other than to help us monitor traffic on our website, or (in case of criminal activity or misuse of our information) to cooperate with law enforcement.</p> <h3 id="section_5_12">5.12 Web Beacons</h3> <p>These are small pieces of code that deliver a graphic image on a web page or in an email for the purpose of transferring data back to us. The information collected via this process will include information such as IP Address, as well as information about how you respond to an email campaign (e.g. at what time the email was opened, which links you click on in the email, etc.).</p> <p>We may use web beacons on our websites or include them in e-mails that we send to you. We use this information for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to, site traffic reporting, unique visitor counts, advertising, email auditing and reporting, and personalisation.</p> <p>In some cases we allow our partners to include web beacons in emails served by us on their behalf. In these instances they are only able to collect anonymous data and have no access to personal information.</p> <h3 id="section_5_13">5.13 Local Volunteer Event Teams</h3> <p>In order to support our local event teams’ requirement to manage their volunteers, process results, and record incidents, we created a dedicated online system. This enables event teams to carry out their roles with regards to the safe and appropriate management of their events, without the need for them to hold or have access to sensitive personal data of their participants. For example, they are able to email their volunteers through our online results processing platform without being able to see individual email addresses.</p> <p>It is important to note however that due to the nature of our events, friendships form and as a result event teams are likely to also communicate directly with each other through platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, SMS or email.</p> <h3 id="section_5_14">5.14 Social Media</h3> <p>When you engage with parkrun over social media, it will usually be as a registered user of that social media platform. The use of personal data on social media is governed by your agreement with that platform’s own privacy policy or terms and conditions. parkrun official social media pages are administered by parkrun as a data controller of these pages.</p> <p>These social media platforms may process user personal data to deliver anonymised user statistics to the local administrator of that page or event. We do not use the personal data you have made available on social media outside of that platform, unless you have given us your consent to do so.</p> <h3 id="section_5_15">5.15 Event Photography and Filming</h3> <p>Photography or filming is likely to take place at our events, is common practice, and helps us to inspire other people to engage in physical activity and to redefine what it means to be active. It also provides a means for historical recording of our events over time. Furthermore, our use of images helps to demonstrate diverse groups of people engaging in and enjoying physical activity both during parkrun events but also as part of the wider community.</p> <p>We ensure compliance with safeguarding laws and are supported both in-house through our Safeguarding Lead and externally with the support of other experts in the field of safeguarding. Further details of our Photography Policy are published&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href=""> <span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> <strong>here</strong> </span> </a>.</p> <p>Individuals can submit their own stories, information and/or photos directly to parkrun via our ‘<a target="_blank" href="">Feedback from the Field</a>’ form. Information submitted is stored in line with this Privacy Policy and this is clearly stated on the form, along with the individual's rights in regards to that information.</p> <h2 id="section_6">6 - What data we share</h2> <h3 id="section_6_1">6.1 Publicly available participation information</h3> <p>We do not offer privacy settings in relation to your walking, running, or volunteering participation, and as such our websites display your name, age category, self identified gender, age grade, participation locations, volunteer role history, volunteer roster allocations, and finish times.</p> <p>We do, in some cases, share (under the lawful basis of legitimate interest) publicly-visible data with external third parties. These third parties include but are not inclusive to:</p> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">Power of 10</a> - operated on behalf of UK Athletics by Athletics Data Limited, PO Box 1007, Uxbridge, UB8 9NQ - data held on this site is stored under their <a target="_blank" href="">privacy policy</a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">RunBritain</a> - England Athletics Ltd, Alexander Stadium, Walsall Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 2BE - data held on this site is stored under their <a target="_blank" href="">Privacy Policy</a> </li> </ul> <p>When agreeing to information being shared publicly you consent to parkrun using the data for its own purposes, including, but not limited to training and guidance for any new operating systems.</p> <h3 id="section_6_2">6.2 Third-Party Connections</h3> <p> <strong></strong> <strong>6.2.1 Tracking platforms</strong> </p> <p>Across parkrun territories we offer opportunities for our registered participants to connect their parkrun accounts with other accounts in their name. This could be for the purposes of linking to activity tracking platforms, or sending activity data to incentivised wellness programmes. This can only happen at the request of the user, the specific data shared is clearly defined and the integration can be stopped at any time by the user by opting out. </p> <p> <strong></strong> <strong>6.2.2 Third party partners</strong> </p> <p>By linking your parkrun account with an external third party account, such as connecting your parkrun profile with third party apps and/or partners. You can find more information on these third party partners by going to the partners page on the individual parkrun territory websites.</p> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">Australia</a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">Ireland</a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">Japan</a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">New Zealand</a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">South Africa</a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">United Kingdom</a> </li> </ul> <p> <strong></strong> <strong>6.2.3 Affiliated group account</strong> </p> <p>By linking your parkrun profile with another account within the parkrun group, for example, via their website such as providing your parkrun ID as part of a purchase with the parkrun Shop.</p> <p> <strong>6.2.4 Donation platforms</strong> </p> <p>Donors have the option, when making donations via the parkrun Donations Platform, parkrun Forever, donating to event teams and donating via JustGiving, (see Section 5.5), for their name, donation value and/or a message to be made public.</p> <h3 id="section_6_3">6.3 Anonymised participant data</h3> <p>Our vision is to create a healthier and happier planet and, as a result, much of our internal work centres around understanding the health and wellbeing of our communities.</p> <p> <strong>6.3.1 parkrun Surveys</strong> </p> <p>Any data collected in line with parkrun Surveys, (see Sections 5.7 &amp; 5.8), may be shared with official partners. Any data shared will be anonymised and aggregated, with no individual responses and/or personal data shared directly.</p> <p> <strong>6.3.2 parkrun Research Board</strong> </p> <p>We created an exclusive global research partnership with the&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href=""> <span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> <em>Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC)</em> </span> </a>, a UK Government&nbsp;<em>Department of Health and Social Care</em>&nbsp;funded organisation based in Sheffield, England.</p> <p>Under the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest, we pass anonymised &amp; published participant data to the AWRC who are then able to carry out health-focused research using this data. Out of this work we are able to modify our processes to achieve greater health and wellbeing impact, and research articles may be published containing anonymised data.</p> <p>The AWRC also manages the <a target="_blank" href="">parkrun Research Board</a>, a group of independent academics who review incoming requests for health and wellbeing research and advise parkrun to either approve or reject. Approved research requests may receive anonymised and published data directly from parkrun.</p> <p>All research carried out by the AWRC or approved third parties is required to have ethical approval from an independent research ethics board.</p> <h3 id="section_6_4">6.4 Personal Contact Details</h3> <p>We do not share our user’s personal contact details with any third parties except as required by law. All communications sent to our database on behalf of our partners are sent directly by us and only where you have consented for us to do so.</p> <h3 id="section_6_5">6.5 Contact Tracing</h3> <p>As part of parkrun’s commitment to the safety to its volunteers and community, if requested to do so by Authorities in charge of Contact Tracing in the country you are based, and unless there is a compelling reason not to, parkrun will provide them with details of those people who attended the parkrun event in question if the data is available under the lawful basis of Public Task.</p> <p>parkrun will share this information as it is in the interests of public health under the lawful basis of Public task. The information that would be shared will be as required by the relevant Authority who may use this information to contact you.</p> <p>In line with parkrun’s data protection obligations, all requests for disclosure of data will be assessed to ensure that such disclosure is necessary and proportionate.</p> <h3 id="section_6_6">6.6 Imagery</h3> <p>In line with Section 5.15, images shared with parkrun may be used on parkrun Social Media channels and/or our websites, as well as other promotional material, including but not limited to videos and imagery on posters.</p> <h2 id="section_7">7 - How we contact you</h2> <p>The large majority of our outgoing communication, to the parkrun community, is via email. Sending an email to you is a form of data processing, and as such may only be carried out under a specific lawful basis.</p> <h3 id="section_7_1">7.1 Under the Lawful Basis of Fulfilling a Contract</h3> <p>In order to fulfil our obligation to you as a registered parkrunner, to ensure our events are delivered in a safe and appropriate manner, and to ensure the parkrun organisation is managed appropriately, there are some communications we send to everyone.</p> <p>The following communications are not an exhaustive list, but fall into this category:</p> <ol> <li>Confirmation you have registered with us.</li> <li>Updates to key documents, such as this Privacy Policy.</li> <li>Confirmation that your participation (walking, running, or volunteering) has been recorded by the local event team.</li> <li>Notification that you have joined a parkrun milestone club and are eligible to claim any associated items such as t-shirts, wristbands, or certificates.</li> <li>For those who have volunteered at a parkrun event, a regular volunteer update.</li> <li>For those who have signed up to volunteer at a specific parkrun event, emails from that event team relating to that volunteering situation.</li> </ol> <p>As per Section 5.5 if you have registered to make donations via the parkrun Donations Platform we will also contact you under the lawful basis of fulfilling a contract to:</p> <ol> <li>Confirm receipt of donation(s)</li> <li>Any additional communication in relation to your specific donations to this platform</li> </ol> <h3 id="section_7_2">7.2 Under the Lawful Basis of Legitimate Interest</h3> <p>There are some occasions where we may contact you as part of our vision to make the world healthier and happier. For example, where we write to people who’ve registered but not participated, with the aim of understanding why and then being able to create a more supportive environment.</p> <p>The following types of communications are not an exhaustive list, but fall into this category:</p> <ol> <li>Surveys aimed at developing our understanding of who is participating</li> <li>Surveys for research aimed at understanding the effect of parkrun on global health and wellbeing</li> <li>Local event teams directly contact specific parkrunners using the online results processing platform.</li> </ol> <p>You have a right to object to receiving these emails, to do that please&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="">contact parkrun Support</a> directly.</p> <h3 id="section_7_3">7.3 Under the Lawful Basis of Consent</h3> <p>Individual parkrunners can also opt in to receive local volunteer appeals from the events of their choice. Consent can be withdrawn at any time via your parkrun profile.</p> <p>As per Section 5.5 if you have registered to make donations via the <strong>parkrun Donation Platform</strong> we can also contact you under the lawful basis of consent to help support parkrun.</p> <h2 id="section_8">8 - How we protect your information</h2> <p>We work extremely hard to apply appropriate security measures in order to protect your data from being accessed or disclosed without your permission, or lost. We have a relatively small staff team, who are regularly updated on good practice in data handling, all personal data is password protected and only available to those with a specific need for access.</p> <p>In the event of a data breach we will notify you and any applicable regulator, where legally required to do so.</p> <p>At the local event level we ask our teams to support all participants (walkers, runners, and volunteers) using our online results processing platform and their official email account (which we maintain control of centrally). As such, the only personal information event teams hold on their participants is an email address if an email has previously been sent to the event email account. All event-team email accounts are password protected.</p> <p>Whilst we understand that event teams will also hold files that include parkrun ID barcode numbers of specific participants, this is publicly available information. Should a parkrunner request that their data be deleted from our servers, these barcode numbers will no longer be able to identify specific individuals.</p> <p>Some event teams also use Facebook to communicate with participants, in these cases we retain administrative control centrally and are able to control/remove access when required.</p> <h3 id="section_8_1">8.1 Third Country Data Transfers</h3> <p>parkrun Global is responsible for managing your personal data within the Group.</p> <p>Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the UK, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented:</p> <ul> <li>We will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data. For example, we use a cloud-based server AWS storage and computer services based in Ireland.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Where we use certain service providers, we may use specific contracts approved for use in the UK which give personal data the same protection it has in the UK. These third parties are selected only if they exist in a territory deemed compliant with relevant legislation (<a target="_blank" href="">read more</a>).</li> </ul> <h2 id="section_9">9 - Retention periods</h2> <p>In order to present our data retention periods as simply as possible we have chosen to do so using our definitions of categories of data defined in Section 4.</p> <h3 id="section_9_1">9.1 Profile and identity data</h3> <p> <strong>9.1.1 parkrun Registrants - in perpetuity</strong> </p> <p>Individual parkrun profile data is kept in order to create and maintain our results tables, historic records of participation, allow participants to access their participation records and to allow anyone registered with parkrun to continue to participate at future parkrun events without the requirement to re-register.</p> <p> <strong>9.1.2 Donation platforms - seven years</strong> </p> <p>parkrun will hold the personal information for anybody who has made a donation via the data platforms controlled by this privacy policy for seven years after the last donation made.</p> <h3 id="section_9_2">9.2 Contact data</h3> <p> <strong>9.2.1 parkrun Registrants - ten years from the most recent participation instance</strong> </p> <p>It is common for people to leave significant time periods between walking, running, or volunteering at our events. It is also common for people to enjoy receiving our communications without participating at our events themselves, in relation to parkrun participants the contact data is held for ten years from the most recent participation instance.</p> <p> <strong>9.2.2 Donation platforms - seven years</strong> </p> <p>parkrun will hold the contact information for anybody who has made a donation via the data platforms controlled by this privacy policy for seven years after the last donation made.</p> <h3 id="section_9_3">9.3 Technical data - three years from point of collection</h3> <p>In order to provide the best possible service to our users, to support the administration of our systems and processes, and to comply with legal obligations.</p> <h3 id="section_9_4">9.4 Incident data - in perpetuity</h3> <p>We retain this data in order to keep a historical record of our incident profile, from which we are able to continually review our operating policies in order to enable the safe and appropriate delivery of our events. By collecting this data we are able to comply with legal obligations surrounding health and safety.</p> <h3 id="section_9_5">9.5 Survey data - in perpetuity</h3> <p>This data is used for the purposes of understanding our community in greater detail. Changes over time are of particular interest where comparison of current versus historical data allows us to assess the impact of our events and associated interventions.</p> <h3 id="section_9_6">9.6 Event Imagery - in perpetuity</h3> <p>Event imagery is predominantly processed under the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest, and may be stored securely by event teams in perpetuity as it represents a historical record of that event.</p> <p>Although extremely rare, there can be occasions where we are required to process information conveyed in photographs under another of the lawful bases, such as Legal Obligation, Vital Interest, Public Task.</p> <p>Please refer to our <a target="_blank" href="">Photography Policy</a>.</p> <h2 id="section_10">10 - Automated decision making and Profiling</h2> <p>In some situations we make automated decisions based on various types of data that we hold, this is known as profiling. Examples of where we use this might be to send research surveys to people who have only ever participated once or to market products to specific demographics of people.</p> <p>Whilst our automated decision making processes do not have a legal or similarly significant effect on the individuals concerned, you do have the right to object to us applying these processes to your data.</p> <p>To understand more about automated decision making and profiling please see&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="">this section of the ICO website</a>.</p> <h2 id="section_11">11 - Your rights</h2> <p>parkrun Global is a UK registered charity, under UK GDPR you have certain rights in relation to your personal data.</p> <p>To question, carry out or enquire about any of these rights please <a target="_blank" href="">contact parkrun Support</a>.</p> <h3 id="section_11_1">11.1 Be informed if your personal data is being used</h3> <p>Where appropriate we endeavour to inform you of this at the point where your personal data is collected, however, for circumstances where that is not practicable or possible please refer to this Privacy Policy.</p> <h3 id="section_11_2">11.2 Get copies of your personal data</h3> <p>You are free to request, at any time, a downloadable copy of all the personal data we hold on you.</p> <h3 id="section_11_3">11.3 Have your personal data corrected</h3> <p>If at any time you believe the data we hold on you is incorrect and/or no longer accurate and you are unable to change it via your parkrun profile please <a target="_blank" href="">contact parkrun Support</a>.</p> <h3 id="section_11_4">11.4 Have your personal data deleted</h3> <p>You are free to request, at any time, for us to delete your personal data by <a target="_blank" href="">contacting parkrun Support</a>.</p> <p>Please note that once carried out this can not be undone, as such, we would recommend that, in accordance with section 11.2, you request a downloadable copy of your participation history.</p> <p>Every request is reviewed on a case by case basis and we do not delete volunteer data. This is in order to support potential future challenges, enquiries or investigations where this information may be critical.</p> <h3 id="section_11_5">11.5 Limit how we use your personal data</h3> <p>Where you have previously provided us consent to use your personal data in a specific way, you can remove your consent at any time (or opt out) via your parkrun profile.</p> <p>If you are concerned about how your personal data is being used please <a target="_blank" href="">contact parkrun support</a>.</p> <h3 id="section_11_6">11.6 Data portability</h3> <p>In conjunction with Section 11.2, we will provide you with copies of your data in standard machine readable formats. If required, please <a target="_blank" href="">contact parkrun support</a>.</p> <h3 id="section_11_7">11.7 Object to the use of your personal data</h3> <p>Where we are processing your data under the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest you have the right to raise an objection to this processing. This is not an absolute right to object and we will carry out an assessment on the objection on a case by case basis, balancing out your reasons for your objection in the context of our legitimate interests.</p> <h3 id="section_11_8">11.8 Contact us and/or raise a concern</h3> <p>Any concerns or questions about this privacy policy can be submitted by emailing <a target="_blank" href=""></a> or by post to the address below:</p> <p>FAO: parkrun Data Protection Office<br>℅ Bruce & Butler,<br>Office 18,<br>Neepsend Triangle Business Centre,<br>1 Burton Road,<br>Neepsend,<br>Sheffield,<br>South Yorkshire<br>UNITED KINGDOM<br>S3&nbsp;8BW</p> <p>You have the right to complain to the <a target="_blank" href="">Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)</a>, the UK regulator for data protection issues.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> </article> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="footer col-full footer-push" role="contentinfo"> <div id="inner-footer" class="wrap clearfix"> <ul 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