CiNii 図書 - Römisches Staatsrecht
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Originally published: Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer / von Joachim Marquardt und Theodor Mommsen. Leipzig : Verlag von S. Hirzel, 1871-1888\nPart I. Die Magistratur: 1. Die Auspicien der Magistrate; 2. Amt und Amtsgewalt; 3. Die einzelnen magistratischen Rechte; 4. Magistratisches Verbietungsrecht und magistratische Intercession; 5. Magistratische Emolumente; 6. Die Dienerschaft der Beamten; 7. Insignien und Ehrenrechte der fungirenden Magistrate; 8. Lebenslangliche magistratische Ehrenrechte; 9. Qualification fur die Magistratur; 10. Antritt und Rucktritt.\nTheodor Mommsen's influential multi-volume work, first published between 1871 and 1888, is a systematic treatment of the intricate workings of the Roman state. The renowned German scholar proposed an original and sometimes controversial understanding of Roman institutions, based around the categories of nineteenth-century constitutional law. The Romans themselves never actually codified their complicated body of law, but by applying a historical approach to describe the development of Roman law Mommsen succeeds in making it more accessible to the reader. He systematises the many diverse legal elements upon which the Roman constitution was based and offers a coherent reading of it. In Volume 1 Mommsen focuses on the system of local government and describes in detail how it functioned. He explains the protection offered by the Pontifex maximus and the authority held by the civil and criminal courts, as well as the civil rights given to each community.\nPart II. Die einzelnen Magistraturen: 1. Das Koenigthum; 2. Die magistratische Befugniss des Oberpontifex; 3. Das Consulat; 4. Die Dictatur; 5. Das Reiterfuhreramt; 6. Die Provinzialstatthalterschaft; 7. Der Volkstribunat; 8. Die Censur; 9. Die Aedilitat; 10. Die Quastur; 11. Magistratische Offiziere; 12. Die magistratische Geschwornenleitung; 13. Der Vigintisex-, spater Vigintivirat; 14. Ausserordentliche Beamte fur die Reservatrechte der Gemeinde; 15. Ausserordentliche Aushulfsbeamte; 16. Die Senatsboten; 17. Die ausserordentlichen constituirenden Gewalten.\nTheodor Mommsen's influential multi-volume work, first published between 1871 and 1888, is a systematic treatment of the intricate workings of the Roman state. The renowned German scholar proposed an original and sometimes controversial understanding of Roman institutions, based around the categories of nineteenth-century constitutional law. The Romans themselves never actually codified their complicated body of law, but by applying a historical approach to describe the development of Roman law Mommsen succeeds in making it more accessible to the reader. He systematises the many diverse legal elements upon which the Roman constitution was based and offers a coherent reading of it. In Volume 2, Part 1 the author focuses on individual roles and appointments within the legislature, from the pontifex and the consuls to the tribune and the questors, as well as legates and other officials.\nPart II. Die einzelnen Magistraturen (cont.): 1. Der Principat.\nTheodor Mommsen's influential multi-volume work, first published between 1871 and 1888, is a systematic treatment of the intricate workings of the Roman state. The renowned German scholar proposed an original and sometimes controversial understanding of Roman institutions, based around the categories of nineteenth-century constitutional law. The Romans themselves never actually codified their complicated body of law, but by applying a historical approach to describe the development of Roman law Mommsen succeeds in making it more accessible to the reader. He systematises the many diverse legal elements upon which the Roman constitution was based and offers a coherent reading of it. In Volume 2, Part 2 Mommsen explains the origins and development of the Principate (the office of the Roman emperor), and describes the role of the imperial household. He also covers the tribunal court and the institutions responsible for governing Rome and Italy.\nPart III. Burgerschaft und Senat: 1. Die Burgerschaft der Geschlechter oder der Patriciat; 2. Die Clienten; 3. Die Ordnungen der patricischen Gemeinde; 4. Die patricisch-plebejische Gemeinde; 5. Das Gemeinwesen der Plebs; 6. Die Verwaltungsbezirke der patricisch-plebejischen Gemeinde; 7. Die burgerlichen Rechte und Pflichten der patricisch-plebejischen Gemeinde; 8. Die Frohnden und Steuern der patricisch-plebejischen Gemeinde; 9. Die Wehrpflicht und das Wehrstimmrecht der patricisch-plebejischen Gemeinde; 10. Die Competenz der Volksversammlung; 11. Verlauf der Volksabstimmung; 12. Das zuruckgesetze Burgerrecht insbesondere der Freigelassenen; 13. Die Nobilitat und der Senatorenstand; 14. Die Ritterschaft; 15. Die Halbburgergemeinden; 16. Rom und das Ausland; 17. Der latinische Stammbund; 18. Die autonomen Unterthanen; 19. Die nicht autonomen Unterthanen.\nTheodor Mommsen's influential multi-volume work, first published between 1871 and 1888, is a systematic treatment of the intricate workings of the Roman state. The renowned German scholar proposed an original and sometimes controversial understanding of Roman institutions, based around the categories of nineteenth-century constitutional law. The Romans themselves never actually codified their complicated body of law, but by applying a historical approach to describe the development of Roman law Mommsen succeeds in making it more accessible to the reader. He systematises the many diverse legal elements upon which the Roman constitution was based and offers a coherent reading of it. In Volume 3, Part 1 Mommsen gives a detailed account of the various economic and social categories of Roman citizens and subjects, including senators, patricians, plebs, freed slaves, and non-Roman inhabitants of the empire.\nPart III. Burgerschaft und Senat (cont.): 20. Die attribuirten Orte; 21. Das Municipalrecht im Verhaltniss zum Staate; 22. Das roemische Reich; 23. Der Senat; 24. Zahl der Senatoren; 25. Eintritt in den Senat; 26. Qualification; 27. Dauer der Function; 28. Sonderrechte und Sonderpflichten des Senators; 29. Geschaftsordnung des Senats; 30. Aufzeichung und Aufbewahrung des Senatsbeschlusse und der Senatsprotokolle; 31. Die Competenz des Senats; 32. Bestatigung unf Vorberathung der Volksschlusse; 33. Das Sacralwesen; 34. Rechtspflege; 35. Das Kriegswesen; 36. Das Gemeindevermoegen; 37. Auswartige Verhaltnisse; 38. Die Verwaltung der Stadt Rom und der Burgerschaft uberhaupt; 39. Das Regiment uber Italien und die autonomen Reichsangehoerigen uberhaupt; 40. Das Regiment uber die Provinzen; 41. Crierung der Magistrate und Erweiterung ihrer Competenz; 42. Gesetzgebung; 43. Das consularisch-senatorische Kriegsstandsrecht; 44. Der souverane Senat des Principats; Index.\nTheodor Mommsen's influential multi-volume work, first published between 1871 and 1888, is a systematic treatment of the intricate workings of the Roman state. The renowned German scholar proposed an original and sometimes controversial understanding of Roman institutions, based around the categories of nineteenth-century constitutional law. The Romans themselves never actually codified their complicated body of law, but by applying a historical approach to describe the development of Roman law Mommsen succeeds in making it more accessible to the reader. He systematises the many diverse legal elements upon which the Roman constitution was based and offers a coherent reading of it. Volume 3, Part 2 focuses mainly on the Roman Senate. Mommsen lists the number of senators, the process by which they were elected and their qualifications. He describes the Senate's rights, duties and protocol, and its jurisdiction and influence in various spheres within Rome and across the empire.\n", "url": "", "headline": "Römisches Staatsrecht" } </script></head> <body class="books detail with_sidenavi"> <nav class="navbar navbar-header"> <div class="navbar-topcontent"> <a href="/books/" id="system_ci_jp" class="navbar-brand headerlogo">CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ]</a> <!--トグルボタンの設置--> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle button-menu collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#nav-content"> メニュー </button> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle button-search collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#searchbox"> 検索 </button> </div><!-- end of div.navbar-topcontent --> <div id="nav-content" class="collapse navbar-collapse headermenu"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav menu-service-list"> <li><a href="" onclick="return transferParameterCir(this, '', true, 'cir');" class="menu-service-item"><div>論文・データをさがす</div></a></li> <li 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class="bblp-series ptbtr-ptbno">(Cambridge library collection)</p> <p class="bblp-publish publ-pubdt">Cambridge University Press, 2009</p> <ul class="bblp-vols vlsr clearfix"> <li>v. 1 : pbk</li><li>v. 2, pt. 1 : pbk</li><li>v. 2, pt. 2 : pbk</li><li>v. 3, pt. 1 : pbk</li><li>v. 3, pt. 2 : pbk</li> </ul> <p class="bblp-type gmd"></p> </div> </div><!-- end of div.sectionofdata --> <div class="sectionofdata" id="anc-library-top"> <div class="listheading"> <h2 class="heading" id="anc-library">大学図書館所蔵 <span class="library-fulfillNum"><span id="pNummatches"><span id="numFiltered"></span>件 / </span>全<span class="numoflibrary">5</span>件</span></h2> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var libraryFilteringSource = "<div class=\"library-filtering clearfix\">" + "<p>" + "<select id=\"kcFilter\" class=\"filter-kencode\" onchange=\"onFilterChanged()\">" + "<option filter=\"kc\" selected=\"selected\" value=\"null\">すべての地域</option>" + "<option filter=\"kc\" value=\"01\" 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Originally published: Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer / von Joachim Marquardt und Theodor Mommsen. Leipzig : Verlag von S. Hirzel, 1871-1888</p> </div> </div><!-- end of div.sectionofdata --> <div class="sectionofdata"> <h2 class="headingbar">内容説明・目次</h2> <div class="dataContainer biblio-contents toc"> <dl class="lowlv-section" style="margin: 10px 0"> <dt>巻冊次</dt> <dd> <p> v. 1 : pbk ISBN 9781108009843</p> </dd> </dl> <p class="toc-kind">内容説明</p> <div class="toc-body">Theodor Mommsen's influential multi-volume work, first published between 1871 and 1888, is a systematic treatment of the intricate workings of the Roman state. The renowned German scholar proposed an original and sometimes controversial understanding of Roman institutions, based around the categories of nineteenth-century constitutional law. The Romans themselves never actually codified their complicated body of law, but by applying a historical approach to describe the development of Roman law Mommsen succeeds in making it more accessible to the reader. He systematises the many diverse legal elements upon which the Roman constitution was based and offers a coherent reading of it. In Volume 1 Mommsen focuses on the system of local government and describes in detail how it functioned. He explains the protection offered by the Pontifex maximus and the authority held by the civil and criminal courts, as well as the civil rights given to each community.</div> <p class="toc-kind">目次</p> <div class="toc-body"> <ul> <li>Part I. Die Magistratur: 1. Die Auspicien der Magistrate</li> <li> 2. Amt und Amtsgewalt</li> <li> 3. Die einzelnen magistratischen Rechte</li> <li> 4. Magistratisches Verbietungsrecht und magistratische Intercession</li> <li> 5. Magistratische Emolumente</li> <li> 6. Die Dienerschaft der Beamten</li> <li> 7. Insignien und Ehrenrechte der fungirenden Magistrate</li> <li> 8. Lebenslangliche magistratische Ehrenrechte</li> <li> 9. Qualification fur die Magistratur</li> <li> 10. Antritt und Rucktritt.</li> </ul> </div> <dl class="lowlv-section" style="margin: 10px 0"> <dt>巻冊次</dt> <dd> <p> v. 2, pt. 1 : pbk ISBN 9781108009904</p> </dd> </dl> <p class="toc-kind">内容説明</p> <div class="toc-body">Theodor Mommsen's influential multi-volume work, first published between 1871 and 1888, is a systematic treatment of the intricate workings of the Roman state. The renowned German scholar proposed an original and sometimes controversial understanding of Roman institutions, based around the categories of nineteenth-century constitutional law. The Romans themselves never actually codified their complicated body of law, but by applying a historical approach to describe the development of Roman law Mommsen succeeds in making it more accessible to the reader. He systematises the many diverse legal elements upon which the Roman constitution was based and offers a coherent reading of it. In Volume 2, Part 1 the author focuses on individual roles and appointments within the legislature, from the pontifex and the consuls to the tribune and the questors, as well as legates and other officials.</div> <p class="toc-kind">目次</p> <div class="toc-body"> <ul> <li>Part II. Die einzelnen Magistraturen: 1. Das Koenigthum</li> <li> 2. Die magistratische Befugniss des Oberpontifex</li> <li> 3. Das Consulat</li> <li> 4. Die Dictatur</li> <li> 5. Das Reiterfuhreramt</li> <li> 6. Die Provinzialstatthalterschaft</li> <li> 7. Der Volkstribunat</li> <li> 8. Die Censur</li> <li> 9. Die Aedilitat</li> <li> 10. Die Quastur</li> <li> 11. Magistratische Offiziere</li> <li> 12. Die magistratische Geschwornenleitung</li> <li> 13. Der Vigintisex-, spater Vigintivirat</li> <li> 14. Ausserordentliche Beamte fur die Reservatrechte der Gemeinde</li> <li> 15. Ausserordentliche Aushulfsbeamte</li> <li> 16. Die Senatsboten</li> <li> 17. Die ausserordentlichen constituirenden Gewalten.</li> </ul> </div> <dl class="lowlv-section" style="margin: 10px 0"> <dt>巻冊次</dt> <dd> <p> v. 2, pt. 2 : pbk ISBN 9781108009911</p> </dd> </dl> <p class="toc-kind">内容説明</p> <div class="toc-body">Theodor Mommsen's influential multi-volume work, first published between 1871 and 1888, is a systematic treatment of the intricate workings of the Roman state. The renowned German scholar proposed an original and sometimes controversial understanding of Roman institutions, based around the categories of nineteenth-century constitutional law. The Romans themselves never actually codified their complicated body of law, but by applying a historical approach to describe the development of Roman law Mommsen succeeds in making it more accessible to the reader. He systematises the many diverse legal elements upon which the Roman constitution was based and offers a coherent reading of it. In Volume 2, Part 2 Mommsen explains the origins and development of the Principate (the office of the Roman emperor), and describes the role of the imperial household. He also covers the tribunal court and the institutions responsible for governing Rome and Italy.</div> <p class="toc-kind">目次</p> <div class="toc-body">Part II. Die einzelnen Magistraturen (cont.): 1. Der Principat.</div> <dl class="lowlv-section" style="margin: 10px 0"> <dt>巻冊次</dt> <dd> <p> v. 3, pt. 1 : pbk ISBN 9781108009928</p> </dd> </dl> <p class="toc-kind">内容説明</p> <div class="toc-body">Theodor Mommsen's influential multi-volume work, first published between 1871 and 1888, is a systematic treatment of the intricate workings of the Roman state. The renowned German scholar proposed an original and sometimes controversial understanding of Roman institutions, based around the categories of nineteenth-century constitutional law. The Romans themselves never actually codified their complicated body of law, but by applying a historical approach to describe the development of Roman law Mommsen succeeds in making it more accessible to the reader. He systematises the many diverse legal elements upon which the Roman constitution was based and offers a coherent reading of it. In Volume 3, Part 1 Mommsen gives a detailed account of the various economic and social categories of Roman citizens and subjects, including senators, patricians, plebs, freed slaves, and non-Roman inhabitants of the empire.</div> <p class="toc-kind">目次</p> <div class="toc-body"> <ul> <li>Part III. Burgerschaft und Senat: 1. Die Burgerschaft der Geschlechter oder der Patriciat</li> <li> 2. Die Clienten</li> <li> 3. Die Ordnungen der patricischen Gemeinde</li> <li> 4. Die patricisch-plebejische Gemeinde</li> <li> 5. Das Gemeinwesen der Plebs</li> <li> 6. Die Verwaltungsbezirke der patricisch-plebejischen Gemeinde</li> <li> 7. Die burgerlichen Rechte und Pflichten der patricisch-plebejischen Gemeinde</li> <li> 8. Die Frohnden und Steuern der patricisch-plebejischen Gemeinde</li> <li> 9. Die Wehrpflicht und das Wehrstimmrecht der patricisch-plebejischen Gemeinde</li> <li> 10. Die Competenz der Volksversammlung</li> <li> 11. Verlauf der Volksabstimmung</li> <li> 12. Das zuruckgesetze Burgerrecht insbesondere der Freigelassenen</li> <li> 13. Die Nobilitat und der Senatorenstand</li> <li> 14. Die Ritterschaft</li> <li> 15. Die Halbburgergemeinden</li> <li> 16. Rom und das Ausland</li> <li> 17. Der latinische Stammbund</li> <li> 18. Die autonomen Unterthanen</li> <li> 19. Die nicht autonomen Unterthanen.</li> </ul> </div> <dl class="lowlv-section" style="margin: 10px 0"> <dt>巻冊次</dt> <dd> <p> v. 3, pt. 2 : pbk ISBN 9781108009935</p> </dd> </dl> <p class="toc-kind">内容説明</p> <div class="toc-body">Theodor Mommsen's influential multi-volume work, first published between 1871 and 1888, is a systematic treatment of the intricate workings of the Roman state. The renowned German scholar proposed an original and sometimes controversial understanding of Roman institutions, based around the categories of nineteenth-century constitutional law. The Romans themselves never actually codified their complicated body of law, but by applying a historical approach to describe the development of Roman law Mommsen succeeds in making it more accessible to the reader. He systematises the many diverse legal elements upon which the Roman constitution was based and offers a coherent reading of it. Volume 3, Part 2 focuses mainly on the Roman Senate. Mommsen lists the number of senators, the process by which they were elected and their qualifications. He describes the Senate's rights, duties and protocol, and its jurisdiction and influence in various spheres within Rome and across the empire.</div> <p class="toc-kind">目次</p> <div class="toc-body"> <ul> <li>Part III. Burgerschaft und Senat (cont.): 20. Die attribuirten Orte</li> <li> 21. Das Municipalrecht im Verhaltniss zum Staate</li> <li> 22. Das roemische Reich</li> <li> 23. Der Senat</li> <li> 24. Zahl der Senatoren</li> <li> 25. Eintritt in den Senat</li> <li> 26. Qualification</li> <li> 27. Dauer der Function</li> <li> 28. Sonderrechte und Sonderpflichten des Senators</li> <li> 29. Geschaftsordnung des Senats</li> <li> 30. Aufzeichung und Aufbewahrung des Senatsbeschlusse und der Senatsprotokolle</li> <li> 31. Die Competenz des Senats</li> <li> 32. Bestatigung unf Vorberathung der Volksschlusse</li> <li> 33. Das Sacralwesen</li> <li> 34. Rechtspflege</li> <li> 35. Das Kriegswesen</li> <li> 36. Das Gemeindevermoegen</li> <li> 37. Auswartige Verhaltnisse</li> <li> 38. Die Verwaltung der Stadt Rom und der Burgerschaft uberhaupt</li> <li> 39. Das Regiment uber Italien und die autonomen Reichsangehoerigen uberhaupt</li> <li> 40. Das Regiment uber die Provinzen</li> <li> 41. Crierung der Magistrate und Erweiterung ihrer Competenz</li> <li> 42. Gesetzgebung</li> <li> 43. Das consularisch-senatorische Kriegsstandsrecht</li> <li> 44. Der souverane Senat des Principats</li> <li> Index.</li> </ul> </div> <p class="toc-provided-by"> 「Nielsen BookData」 より</p> </div><!-- end of div.dataContainer --> </div><!--end of div#sectionofdata--> <div class="sectionofdata"> <div class="listheading"> <h2 id="ref" class="heading">関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示</h2> </div> <div class="listContainer related-article_list"> <ul> <li class="oddline"> <div class="listitem xfolkentry"> <div class="list_number hidden-xs">1</div> <dl class="book_class"> <dt class="item_mainTitle item_title trd"> <a href="/ncid/BB00083053" class="taggedlink">Cambridge library collection</a> </dt> <dd> <p class="item_subData item_authordata"></p> <p class="item_data item_publishdata"> <span class="pblc">Cambridge University Press</span> </p> <p class="item_data item_bibotherdata"> </p> </dd> </dl> </div><!--end of div.listitem--> </li> </ul> </div> </div><!--end of div#sectionofdata--> </div><!-- end of div.maincontents --> </div><!-- end of div.maincontents --> <div 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