Measures introduced to ensure better protection for online gamblers | News item |
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The measures are a result of the Regulation on Spending Limits and More Conscious Gambling Behaviour (Regeling speellimieten en bewuster speelgedrag)."/> <meta name="DCTERMS.description" content="On 1 October 2024 measures came into force to make players more aware of their gambling behaviour. The aim is to protect people from the risks of online gambling. Among other things the measures cover the setting of a responsible spending limit and the obligation of contact with the gambling provider whenever a player wants to increase the deposit limit. Another new measure ensures that players fill in a spending limit in a neutral environment, without any pre-filled options or advertising. In addition, all the amounts have to be displayed in euros. The measures are a result of the Regulation on Spending Limits and More Conscious Gambling Behaviour (Regeling speellimieten en bewuster speelgedrag)."/> <meta property="og:image" content=""/> <title>Measures introduced to ensure better protection for online gamblers | News item |</title> <meta name="DCTERMS.title" content="Measures introduced to ensure better protection for online gamblers - News item -"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Measures introduced to ensure better protection for online gamblers"/> <meta property="og:description" content="On 1 October 2024 measures came into force to make players more aware of their gambling behaviour. The aim is to protect people from the risks of online gambling. Among other things the measures cover the setting of a responsible spending limit and the obligation of contact with the gambling provider whenever a player wants to increase the deposit limit. Another new measure ensures that players fill in a spending limit in a neutral environment, without any pre-filled options or advertising. In addition, all the amounts have to be displayed in euros. The measures are a result of the Regulation on Spending Limits and More Conscious Gambling Behaviour (Regeling speellimieten en bewuster speelgedrag)."/> <meta property="og:type" content="website"/> <meta property="og:url" content=""/> <link rel="canonical" href=""/> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/> <meta name="DCTERMS.language" title="XSD.language" content="en-GB"/> <meta name="DCTERMS.creator" title="RIJKSOVERHEID.Organisatie" content="Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid"/> <meta name="DCTERMS.identifier" title="XSD.anyURI" content=""/> <meta name="DCTERMS.available" title="DCTERMS.Period" content="start=2024-10-01;"/> <meta name="DCTERMS.modified" title="XSD.dateTime" content="2024-10-03T17:12"/> <meta name="DCTERMS.issued" title="XSD.dateTime" content="2024-10-01T09:31"/> <meta name="DCTERMS.spatial" title="OVERHEID.Koninkrijksdeel" content="Nederland"/> <meta name="DCTERMS.publisher" title="RIJKSOVERHEID.Organisatie" content="Ministerie van Algemene Zaken"/> <meta name="DCTERMS.rights" content="CC0 1.0 Universal"/> <meta name="DCTERMS.rightsHolder" title="RIJKSOVERHEID.Organisatie" content="Ministerie van Algemene Zaken"/> <!--<meta name="OVERHEID.authority" title="RIJKSOVERHEID.Organisatie" content="Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid"/>--> <meta name="DCTERMS.subject" content="Games of chance"/> <meta name="DCTERMS.type" title="RIJKSOVERHEID.Informatietype" content="nieuwsbericht"/> <script nonce="NmVkMzM4ODIyNmYzNGYxMjhlZWFkYmFhMDQxOGRjYWU="> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ "page_type": "Nieuws", "ftg_type": "Informatiegever", "subjects": "Games of chance", "country": "Nederland", "issued": "2024-10-03T09:45:21.550+02:00", "last_published": "2024-10-03T17:12:47.111+02:00", "update": "2024-10-01T09:31:00.000+02:00", "publisher": "Ministry of Justice and Security", "language": "en-GB", "uuid": "fbc956b4-5333-456f-9bc4-eaf270196412", "search_category": "", "search_keyword": "", "search_count": "" }); </script> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/binaries/content/assets/government/iconen/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/> <link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" href="/binaries/content/assets/government/iconen/touch-icon.png"/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/binaries/content/assets/government/iconen/apple-touch-icon.png"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/webfiles/1737314280605/presentation/responsive.css" type="text/css" media="all"/> <link rel="preload" href="/webfiles/1737314280605/presentation/responsive.css" as="style" > <link rel="stylesheet" href="/webfiles/1737314280605/presentation/themes/logoblauw.css" type="text/css" media="all"/> <link rel="preload" href="/binaries/content/gallery/government/channel-afbeeldingen/logos/beeldmerk-rijksoverheid-desktop.svg" as="image"> <link rel="preload" href="/webfiles/1737314280605/behaviour/core.js" as="script"> </head> <body id="government" data-scriptpath="/webfiles/1737314280605/behaviour" class="portalclass" data-showsurveybar="true" data-surveybody="Help us improve {sitenaam}" data-surveyaccept="Fill in the questionnaire." data-surveydecline="No, thanks." data-hartbeattrackingtimer="0" data-word-counter="true" data-visit-timer="true" data-scroll-depth-dim-id="1" data-scroll-depth-marks="0;25;50;75;100" data-cookieinfourl="cookies" data-cookiebody="{sitenaam} uses cookies to analyse the use of the website and to make it easier for you to use. 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The aim is to protect people from the risks of online gambling. Among other things the measures cover the setting of a responsible spending limit and the obligation of contact with the gambling provider whenever a player wants to increase the deposit limit. Another new measure ensures that players fill in a spending limit in a neutral environment, without any pre-filled options or advertising. In addition, all the amounts have to be displayed in euros. The measures are a result of the Regulation on Spending Limits and More Conscious Gambling Behaviour (<span lang="nl" dir="ltr">Regeling speellimieten en bewuster speelgedrag</span>).</p></div> <h2>Spending limit and contact</h2> <p>Online gambling measures to make players more aware while they are gambling have been in force since 1 October. From now on, for example, a monthly deposit limit of no more than €350 will apply to new adult gamblers and no more than €150 for young adult gamblers aged up to 24 years old. If a player wants to set a higher limit, they will only be able to do so after they have had personal contact with the gambling provider. While they have contact the gaming provider is obliged to make the player aware of the consequences and risks of setting a high spending limit and the risk of losing this amount of money. The provider is also obliged to draw the player's attention to the availability of help and support and the possibility of a gamstop via the Cruks exclusion register. Any player who already set a spending limit above €350 (or €150 for young adults) before 1 October will be notified by the gambling provider about this high limit, its risks and the help that is available. The obligatory contact with the gambling provider is intended to lift the player out of anonymity and bring them back down to earth so that they can think more carefully about their gambling behaviour. </p> <blockquote> <p>As State Secretary Struycken explains, "We need to protect players more effectively from the risks of online gambling. The measures which come into effect on 1 October can make a big difference. New rules relating to a spending limit should make players more aware of their gambling behaviour and the risks of losing money. More requirements are also being introduced for gambling providers to warn players and to fulfil their duty of care. In this way we intend to reduce the risk of gambling addiction." </p> </blockquote><h2>Additional protective measures </h2> <p>In addition to the measure relating to the setting of a spending limit and obligatory contact between the gambler and the gambling provider, more measures are going to be introduced to make players more aware of their gambling behaviour before, and also during, a gambling session. For example, players have to determine a spending limit in a neutral environment, without any pre-filled options or advertising. Providers are also obliged to ask whether the player is willing to lose the set amount. Furthermore, all amounts must now be displayed in euros, rather than in the form of tokens or chips. The idea is to make players more aware of the amount they might lose. Gambling providers are obliged to alert players whenever they can choose for a lower bet than the default amount shown. Providers are also required to remind players every 30 minutes via a pop-up about the duration of the gaming session and the applicable limits.</p><h2>Gambling Authority Measures</h2> <p>The Netherlands Gambling Authority also introduced new measures on 1 October 2024. It now requires gambling providers to check whether the player can cope with the financial consequences if they want to deposit more than €700 per month (or more than €300 for a young adult aged up to 24 years old) into their account. If no contact can be made with the player at that point, the gambling provider is required to restrict access to the player's account.</p></div> <div class="fullWidthSection"> </div><aside> <div class="brick linkBlock"> <h2>See also</h2> <ul> <li> <a href="/topics/games-of-chance"> Games of chance</a> <span class="meta"> Topic</span> </li> </ul></div> <div class="brick belongsTo"> <h2>Ministry responsible</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/ministries/ministry-of-justice-and-security">Ministry of Justice and Security</a></li> </ul> </div> </aside><div id="follow-up"> <div class="block"> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="column"> <h2>Service</h2> <ul> <li > <a href="/contact">Contact</a> </li> <li > <a href="/rss">RSS</a> </li> <li > <a href="/sitemap">Sitemap</a> </li> <li > <a href="/help">Help</a> </li> <li > <a href="/archive">Archive</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="column"> <h2>About this site</h2> <ul> <li > <a href="/copyright">Copyright</a> </li> <li > <a href="/privacy">Privacy</a> </li> <li > <a href="/cookies">Cookies</a> </li> <li > <a href="/accessibility">Accessibility</a> </li> <li > <a href="/reporting-a-vulnerability">Report vulnerability</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <nav class="languages" aria-labelledby="languageMenuLabel"> <div class="languages__wrapper"> <p id="languageMenuLabel" class="languages__label">This website in other languages:</p> <ul class="languages__list"> <li class="languages__list-item selected"> English</li> <li class="languages__list-item "> <a href="" class="languages__link" lang="nl">Nederlands</a> </li> <li class="languages__list-item "> <a href="" class="languages__link" lang="pap">Papiamento</a> </li> <li class="languages__list-item "> <a href="" class="languages__link" lang="pap">Papiamentu</a> </li> </ul> </div> </nav> </footer> </div> <!--[if (gt IE 10)|!(IE)]><!--> <script src="/webfiles/1737314280605/behaviour/core.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src="/binaries/content/assets/government/javascript/government-survey-bar.min-20230526.js"></script> </body> </html>