Ask MetaFilter

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:admin="" xmlns:content="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:xCal="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcal" xmlns:geo=""> <channel> <title>Ask MetaFilter</title> <link></link> <description>The past 24 hours of questions at Ask MetaFilter</description> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 11:49:38 GMT</pubDate> <lastBuildDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 11:49:38 GMT</lastBuildDate> <language>en-us</language> <docs></docs> <ttl>60</ttl> <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <item> <title>Help with Notes app on old Macbook?</title> <description><![CDATA[Hello, I hope someone can help me with some advice for backing up Notes on my old (2013) Macbook? The issue: I have Notes app notes on "My Mac," and Notes app notes on iCloud, and they are different. I'd like to have the notes on My Mac back up to iCloud. I don't care about preserving the existing iCloud notes at all. How do I make this change? (Normally, I would just try a few things, and usually I can get the results I want, but I'm very worried about losing my existing My Mac notes! They have some irreplaceable info, so I want to be very careful!) Thank you!]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384495</guid> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 11:49:38 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>luckydog</dc:creator> <category>backup</category> <category>iCloud</category> <category>Macbook</category> <category>MyMac</category> <category>Notes</category> <category>NotesApp</category> <category>save</category> <category>sync</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Car fuel door problem.</title> <description><![CDATA[Hi everyone; I have a 2009 Hyundai Sonata GLS. The button that I press to open doesn't work. There is no noise when I press the button,but the trunk button works great. Has anyone had this problem? If so,how was it fixed? Easy fix? Thanks :)]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384494</guid> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 11:25:25 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>LOOKING</dc:creator> <category>FuelDoor</category> <category>GasLid</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Mandela&apos;s beer with Nietsche</title> <description><![CDATA[With the popular resurgence of Canadian patriotism, the "I am Canadian" beer commercial has come back again. However, I remember it a bit differently than everyone seems to describe it. Is this just another example of the Mandela effect?<br/><br/>What I remember is an ad that described a series of Canada-adjacent ideas, and and ad that ended with the spoken line "Why? Because I am" and then the Molson Canadian logo. As I recall, this was later changed to having the spoken "Why? Because I am Canadian" to change it from a quasi-existentialist vibe to a clearly patriotic one; this is the one that seemed to resonate with people as I remember in the early aughts.<br> <br> But am I right in my recollection? When searching for this now all I find is the "Joe Canada" ad which is... neither of the above. Was there ever such an ad campaign? And if there was, did it originally start as a statement of existentialism and pivot to patriotism as I recall?]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384493</guid> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 08:19:22 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>vernondalhart</dc:creator> <category>beer</category> <category>canada</category> <category>molson</category> <category>patriotism</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Who does this singer sound like?</title> <description><![CDATA[Today I heard <a href="">Baptized in Blacklight</a> by Kenna. I've never heard of them, but the singer's voice is <i>so</i> familiar. Who does he remind me of? Help scratch my brain itch!]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384492</guid> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 08:07:22 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>Threeve</dc:creator> <category>music</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Very large recent crowd scenes</title> <description><![CDATA[What are the most recent films with the largest real (not computer generated) crowd scenes?<br/><br/>Since at least Peter Jackson's LoTR series it has been standard to simulate very large numbers of people with computers, rather than go to the expense of hiring huge numbers of extras for battles, or parades, or so on. But was there ever one last glorious Cecil B. de Mille style film where the director said, more, more, more? When did it stop being economical?]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384491</guid> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 05:04:37 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>Fiasco da Gama</dc:creator> <category>crowds</category> <category>Film</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>ELI5: the entropy of carbon capture</title> <description><![CDATA[According to my understanding of thermodynamics, if you get X joules of useful energy from burning a ton of coal, then the amount of energy you'd need to capture the resulting CO2 is <em>more</em> than X, making the whole exercise worse than useless. So how does carbon capture work?<br/><br/>I know this is a naive question that must have been easily answered long ago, but internet searching for "the entropy of carbon capture" did not explain in terms that I could understand. Can someone more physics-savvy than I explain this apparent paradox in simple terms?]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384490</guid> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 03:09:07 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>splitpeasoup</dc:creator> <category>carboncapture</category> <category>entropy</category> <category>physics</category> <category>thermodynamics</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Establishing a non-USA bank account</title> <description><![CDATA[If the US follows in the footsteps of other authoritarian countries, it may not be possible to flee and still access funds in US banks. What countries and banks can accounts be established that will be safe from the USA? 70's spy novels had Swiss banks, is this still true? And what do I have to watch out for in moving the funds? Thinking $50K for now.]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384489</guid> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 01:48:45 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>Sophont</dc:creator> <category>banks</category> <category>expat</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Does this smoke alarm even exist? </title> <description><![CDATA[In the inspection for our house, the inspector said that to be up to new local code, we need smoke (and CO) detectors that are BOTH: a. interconnected <em>and</em> b. have a 10-year sealed battery. Does anybody actually make these?<br/><br/>Note: there is no real way of hardwiring the smoke detectors. The wires don't exist, and the way of doing it is not reasonable. I am also not an electrician. <br> <br> Does this smoke/CO detector even exist? I see plenty of interconnected battery smoke detectors that have plain 9-volt batteries. I see plenty of 10-year sealed smoke detectors that are not interconnected. I do not see any that are both, even from respectable companies. <br> <br> (I would also love something that runs on zigbee but the field is not that strong or ripe yet. That is a 10-year hope. And let's be clear, I don't trust some random thing sold on Aliexpress.)]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384488</guid> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 01:27:54 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>General Malaise</dc:creator> <category>smokedetector</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Affordable rent in exchange for some dog care</title> <description><![CDATA[I, retired librarian, have a large-ish house in a college town, with a studio wing that I've rented out some years. I also have 3 mid-size dogs that come and go from house to fenced yard. The dogs make it hard for me to take even short trips because of the cost of kenneling the 3; this is a rural area and overnight dog sitting isn't yet really a thing here. I may also need to be across the country for several months, if an old friend's illness enters a terminal phase.<br/><br/>To meet these competing needs, I want to find a housemate who is a "dog person" - who is relaxed, knowledgeable, and good with dogs, who has a day job and wants to be long-term, and who needs or wants a rent much lower than the market level, eg $200-300. And compatible with me, female person, in exchange for committing to dog care during my (few) out-of-town trips.<br> <br> Is this a realistic quest, or does it sound extra risky? I have often lived with housemates over the years. I have asked friends to look out for potential people. But if I end up having to advertise, how to word this clearly but succinctly, in a public-facing way?]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384487</guid> <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:45:31 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>mmiddle</dc:creator> <category>affordablehousing</category> <category>barter</category> <category>dogs</category> <category>Dogsitter</category> <category>Housemate</category> <category>tenants</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Work hole of my making</title> <description><![CDATA[I'm probably not being super upfront with my leadership and burying how bad we're doing in status reports with the client. They know there are issues, ie. (Yellow, missed deadline by a week or two), not red (Missing deadlines by a month). I really need to tell and come to jesus and tell my leadership and be super upfront. What is my script? How do I prepare for this when it's going to make me look super bad for not being upfront? Is there anyway I can couch this to be so not so bad?<br/><br/>I've been leading an offshore India team that I selected and estimated the work (both in a technology I'm not very knowledgeable about), it's not going so well, they are taking way longer on tasks and probably from client perspective, just not good. I know deep down is that my higher ups should have flagged this, said "hey, let someone else do this, or someone else review the work". The higher ups don't love offshore devs anwyay, think they all mostly suck but usually you get by with lots of numbers. I purposely (like I didn't know) just kept the team small since I didn't think they'd be helpful anyway.<br> <br> I'm just super scared, embarrassed, feel like i'm an imposter and I've not been fully upfront with anyone. I've been taking all my effort to help the team in a technology I don't even know, giving them specific instructions that don't work.<br> <br> Several times in the last month I've been ready to talk to my leadership about how bad things are, but I've just said "I'm really worried", "my team is not that good" or "we're going to be a couple weeks late". They either just kind of put it off or just say "Ok, let's talk to this other person, they can figure it out"<br> <br> I put in status reports that it's yellow, which is alarming (wow you guys are the only yellow team), but if I put some slipped dates etc, I dont know how much pressure, I'd get into<br> My team seems to ask basic questions (that I can't answer, but the client can). I have been really distracted at home and it's just in my thoughts all the time (I live in DC, so only thing that pushes it out is DOGE).<br> <br> My leadership doesn't already have a great opinion of me (The contract had some sloppy things, the way we structured the deal was weird and not what he wanted), so i Know thos would crater. If i were him I would be not happy, and be trying to figure out a way to get me off the project and replace me with a better PM and someone with the technical skills to help the team. In reality half of me wants to propose that and lift this load off my chest.<br> <br> In the CBT world, I ask, what's the worst that can happen: The worst is that I get taken off the project, in three months I don't find another (cause economy, just mediocre results in last 4 years) and I get laid off. I get 20 weeks severance and have a couple year nest egg, so really not so bad. Right? I've been working here for 14 years through an acquisition, never got close to getting another job, so part of me does want to get a new job and anyway.]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384486</guid> <pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:56:15 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>sandmanwv</dc:creator> <category>crap</category> <category>doing</category> <category>my</category> <category>of</category> <category>own</category> <category>work</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Design me some information </title> <description><![CDATA[Let's say you are not especially analytical but you are expected to master a complicated decision flow anyway. Fortunately, someone you trust has volunteered to put the decision flow into a series of diagrams, flowcharts, or another design pattern of your choice. Which examples of information design would you point to as having been very helpful to you in the past?<br/><br/>I'm in an environment where most of the people explaining complicated decision processes are lawyers and members of other professions. Not surprisingly the result is suboptimal. I'd like to make things easier for the "kids" in the classroom.]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384485</guid> <pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 22:13:03 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>rabia.elizabeth</dc:creator> <category>Communication</category> <category>Education</category> <category>Flowcharts</category> <category>InformationDesign</category> <category>Process</category> <category>Teaching</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Tangles of voices</title> <description><![CDATA[Seeking vocal music recommendations (small ensemble, solo, and choir).<br/><br/>I love harmony, especially vocal harmony. I'm looking for some recommendations of vocal music to explore with an emphasis on (but not limited to) vocal harmony. I'm particularly interested in duets, trios, quartets, and other small ensemble singing. Also interested in anything a capella, polyphony in general, solo vocalists, vocalists with instrumentalist(s), and choral music. I'd especially love to find some gorgeous baritone voices to listen to. (Extra special points if the baritone is a trans man.)<br> <br> A grab bag of vocal music (some with harmony singing, some without) in the aesthetic neighborhood of I'm looking for: <br> <a href="">Partita for 8 Voices</a> (Roomful of Teeth / Caroline Shaw)<br> <a href="">L&#250;a Descolorida</a> (Osvaldo Golijov / Dawn Upshaw)<br> <a href="">If the Sea Was Whiskey</a> (Chris Thile &amp; the Punch Brothers)<br> <a href="">Anthracite Fields</a> (Julia Wolfe)<br> <a href="">Sacred Harp</a> and other <a href="">shape note</a> singing<br> <a href="">Barstow - Eight Hitchhiker Inscriptions from a Highway Railing at Barstow, California</a> (Harry Partch, microtonal music with singing and invented instruments)<br> <a href="">Cant voi l'aube</a> (Caroline Shaw, Attacca Quartet)<br> <br> Some non-vocal music I like in a similar vein, for more context: <br> <a href="">Evergreen</a> (album; Caroline Shaw / Attacca Quartet)<br> <a href="">Fratres</a> (Arvo P&#228;rt)<br> <a href="">In manus tuas</a> (Caroline Shaw, viola + moments of vocals)<br> <a href="">Sonata for solo violin</a> (Bartok) <br> <a href="">Sarabande</a> from Partita No. 2 in D minor (Bach)<br> <a href="">Captive Delusions</a> (Flecktones)<br> <br> I also love creative jazz, especially Chicago and <a href="">AACM</a> stuff (<a href="">Nicole Mitchell</a>, <a href="">Tomeka Reid</a>, <a href="">Tatsu Aoki</a>) -- not sure if it fits into the scope of this particular question, but I figured (1) it'll add useful additional perspective/dimension to my musical taste to help with other recommendations, or (2) there could be some utterly wild free jazz vocal harmony work out there that I didn't know about and ya'll will recommend it and make my year.]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384484</guid> <pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 20:57:07 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>cnidaria</dc:creator> <category>acapella</category> <category>baritone</category> <category>classical</category> <category>shapenote</category> <category>transvoices</category> <category>vocalmusic</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>I have every symptom of colon cancer except weight loss</title> <description><![CDATA[...and my doctor didn't seem very concerned. Details below:<br/><br/>I'm 30 and female. I haven't had insurance for the last year and finally got back on and met with a new PCP to discuss my increasingly distressing gastrointestinal situation. I tend to alternate between constipation and diarrhea. I'll typically be constipated for about ten days at a time, where if any stool comes at all, it's a lot of straining for a single round pellet. Then after the constipation episodes, I'll start to have pencil-thin stools with lots of mucus, which eventually turn into liquid diarrhea by the end of the day. I will be in the bathroom pretty much all day and still not feel like I've completely voided my bowels by the end of it. During the last two diarrhea episodes, there was red blood in my stool, which is disturbing to me.<br> <br> I'm stressed because even though I'm young, I have every symptom of colon cancer except for weight loss. Actually, over the last year, I've gained a shocking amount of weight without trying. I eat well and exercise a lot (at least an hour daily), and I very rarely go over 1700 calories a day. And yet I've gained over 30 pounds over the last year, which I think is an unsettlingly large gain in such a short time. I'm 5'2" and my weight has historically been in the 130s throughout my adult life. My new weight pushes me into the "obese" category. I know BMI isn't a perfect indicator of healthy weight, but it's still alarming to basically speedrun the "overweight" category within the span of months. Something is wrong. <br> <br> My doctor initially fixated on this complaint and began explaining that Kaiser doesn't cover weight loss drugs like Ozempic anymore. I had to stop her to say that I'm not interested in injecting myself with random drugs to lose the weight if I don't know whether there's some insidious underlying cause first. This made her launch into a rant about how social media influencers have made everyone believe they have hormone imbalances and high cortisol responsible for unexplained weight gain, and that she advised against testing for those things. I had to assure her that I wasn't one of "those" people before she'd drop the subject, and I explained that I mostly want to make sure that I don't have a megacolon or some freaky 30-pound tumor in me causing the weight gain. (Though it is really discouraging to see in action how "obscure" chronic illnesses may be less obscure than people believe, since apparently she's in the business of systematically refusing to test for those illnesses.)<br> <br> She recommended that I take fiber supplements (I have, they make the constipation worse) and stool softeners (I already do). She said she'd refer me to a gastroenterologist who could see about getting me scheduled for a colonoscopy, but warned me that the doctors in my area (East Bay, California) are really booked up and it might be six months before I'm able to get one. I haven't heard from the gastroenterologist yet.<br> <br> She ordered many blood tests and everything looks completely normal. All I'm supposed to do right now is wait to hear about scheduling a colonoscopy.<br> <br> My question is, if this actually WERE colon cancer, would I have six months to wait? Or should I be frantically advocating to get something sooner? Also, is it normal for a primary care physician to be this blas&#233; about an otherwise healthy 30-year-old pooping blood? Is there some other likely explanation for my symptoms that's more benign (I know YANMD)? I asked her and she shrugged and said, "Sometimes this stuff just happens," which didn't seem like a particularly encouraging response. I would love any input from anyone who has experienced anything remotely similar.]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384483</guid> <pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 17:11:39 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>croooow</dc:creator> <category>bmi</category> <category>constipation</category> <category>Health</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Yellow peas mush. What to do?</title> <description><![CDATA[I have several pounds of over-cooked yellow peas. They're mush consistency. What should I do with them?<br/><br/>- Bonus points if you have a vegan recipe.<br> - Other recipes welcome in case anyone non-vegan is checking this out. I can modify.<br> <br> Thanks.]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384482</guid> <pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 16:27:48 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>mr_bovis</dc:creator> <category>mush</category> <category>recipe</category> <category>vegan</category> <category>yellowpeas</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Can you explain the political emails again? (U.S.)</title> <description><![CDATA[So, I really have two basic questions with more specific detail inside: 1. what does the party mostly spend this money on, and 2. do the big names on these emails write or approve the emails?<br/><br/>1. Where does the money go, that the "Democratic Party" is trying to collect from me? Is this like, mainly advertising? And isn't the advertising money going directly to the pockets of the baddie corporations that run the media that is running the advertising? I mean, the politicians are already being paid for the job they were elected or appointed to, right? So does it pay for like, travel for people or what else kinds of things? (Sorry if this is super obvious) And, <br> <br> 2. do the people whose names are on these emails (Mark Ruffalo! Oprah Winfrey! Other random celebrity! Michelle Obama!) actually write them? (I think Cory Booker may have the highest count in recent months.) Do they at least approve them, when their name is used? I have been swayed to donate by a recent one with Jasmine's Crockett's name. But, did she write and/or approve that?<br> <br> FYI I did watch <a href="">Meet the Writer Behind Those Campaign Fundraising Emails Clogging Your Inbox</a>, (but, it's The Daily Show)<br> <br> I also read <a href="">this article</a> talking about the negative effects of fundraising emails.<br> <br> And <a href="">this one</a> from The Center for Public Integrity (obviously not a federal institution, or it would no longer exist), which maybe suggests the named people may not know their name is being used. ALSO - I realize that sometimes the emails use the name without *actually* being signed by that person - but other ones DO seem to be signed by the named person.]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384481</guid> <pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 15:37:55 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>Glinn</dc:creator> <category>democratsemails</category> <category>fundraisingemails</category> <category>politicalemails</category> <category>politics</category> <category>uspolitics</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> <item> <title>Decommissioned military bases in mid-Atlantic US?</title> <description><![CDATA[I grew up as the child of a U.S. Air Force officer. He just died. I would like to walk around an air force base like the ones I grew up around and be sad. But I haven't had the proper ID in decades. What is the next best thing in the northeast U.S.? Are there decommissioned bases that haven't changed too much and are open to the public? I'm in Philadelphia.<br/><br/>I'm willing to drive a bit for the right vibe. I did try the Philadelphia Navy Yard, but it's been too renovated / expanded and it isn't quite what I was hoping for.<br> <br> (I do not wish to discuss the American military or American foreign policy. I just want to find a place that feels right.)<br> <br> Thanks.]]></description> <link></link> <guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.384480</guid> <pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 14:30:34 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator>catesbie</dc:creator> <category>airforce</category> <category>militarybase</category> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> </item> </channel> </rss>

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