Ping, Trace Route, SNMP Ping and Network Discovery Tools from ManageEngine OpUtils
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id="tt-basics-of-dhcp-server"><a href="" title="Basics of DHCP server">Basics of DHCP server</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-dora"><a href="" title="DHCP DORA process">DHCP DORA process</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-snooping"><a href="" title="DHCP snooping">DHCP snooping</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-fingerprinting"><a href="" title="DHCP fingerprinting">DHCP fingerprinting</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-lease-time"><a href="" title="DHCP Lease Time">DHCP Lease Time</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-reservation"><a href="" title="DHCP Reservation">DHCP Reservation</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-vs-static"><a href="" title="DHCP vs Static IP addressing">DHCP vs Static IP addressing</a></li> <li id="tt-dns-vs-dhcp"><a href="" title="DNS vs DHCP">DNS vs DHCP</a></li> <li id="tt-forward-lookup"><a href="" title="Forward Lookup">Forward lookup</a></li> <li id="tt-forward-vs-reverse-lookup"><a href="" title="Forward vs Reverse lookup">Forward vs Reverse lookup</a></li> <li id="tt-reverse-ip-lookup"><a href="" title="Reverse IP 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The tools can be used to troubleshoot, debug connectivity issues, packet loss and latency in a LAN environment.</p> <p><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/products/oputils/images/snmpscan.jpg"> <picture> <source srcset="images/webp/snmpscan.webp" type="image/webp"></source> <img title="Diagnostic Tools" src="/products/oputils/images/snmpscan.jpg" alt="Diagnostic Tools" /></picture> </a></p> <h2>Key Features of OpUtils diagnostic tools include:</h2> <ul> <li>Checking the availability, route and health of a system in a network using ICMP and SNMP.</li> <li>By drawing a graph with the available details, the tools show the status of a node.</li> <li>The tools scans and checks a range of IPs and come up with their status.</li> </ul> <h2>Tools included in this category are:</h2> <ol> <li><a href="#ping">Ping</a> - Tool to ping a node to check its connectivity status in the network.</li> <li><a href="#snmp-ping">SNMP Ping</a> - Tool to ping a node, for checking if the node is SNMP enabled.</li> <li><a href="#proxy-ping">Proxy Ping</a> - Tool to do a ping test from a remote router to another remote device.</li> <li><a href="#trace-route">Traceroute</a> - Tool to record the route (the specific gateway computers at each hop) through the network from host to the target destination.</li> </ol> <div class="tac"><a class="red-btn" href="/products/oputils/download.html">Download</a></div> <h3 id="ping">Ping</h3> <p>The Ping tool is the graphic representation of the ICMP PING utility. Ping diagnostic tool helps in discovery of the status of a network device, that is whether the device is alive or not. Before you ping a device in ping diagnostic tool, you can configure the ping settings such as number of packets, time to live, size, and timeout. Ping diagnostic tool determines whether a specific IP is accessible in the network.</p> <p><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/products/oputils/images/v1/diagnostic-tools-ping.png"> <picture> <source srcset="images/webp/diagnostic-tools-ping.webp" type="image/webp"></source> <img title="Ping" src="/products/oputils/images/v1/diagnostic-tools-ping.png" alt="Ping" /></picture> </a></p> <h3 id="snmp-ping">SNMP Ping</h3> <p>The SNMP Ping tool of OpUtils checks whether a node is SNMP-enabled or not. SNMP Ping helps the network engineers as a SNMP diagnostic tool to know the availability of a device and provides basic information such as DNS name, system name, location, system type, and system description. Following the SNMP discovery, if required, more details of the node can be retrieved using SNMP ping tools such as <a href="/products/oputils/snmp-tools.html#snmpwalker">SNMP walker</a>, MIB Browser and <a href="/products/oputils/snmp-tools.html#snmpgraph">SNMP Graph</a>.</p> <p><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/products/oputils/images/v1/diagnostic-tools-snmp-ping.png"> <picture> <source srcset="images/webp/diagnostic-tools-snmp-ping.webp" type="image/webp"></source> <img title="SNMP Ping" src="/products/oputils/images/v1/diagnostic-tools-snmp-ping.png" alt="SNMP Ping" /></picture> </a></p> <h3 id="proxy-ping">Proxy Ping</h3> <p>The Proxy ping tool is just like the ping SNMP tool. It enables you to ping a target device but using a Cisco router. The router acts as the proxy for the target device and responds to the SNMP ping request.</p> <p><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/products/oputils/images/v1/diagnostic-tools-proxy-ping.png"> <picture> <source srcset="images/webp/diagnostic-tools-proxy-ping.webp" type="image/webp"></source> <img title="Proxy Ping" src="/products/oputils/images/v1/diagnostic-tools-proxy-ping.png" alt="Proxy Ping" /></picture> </a></p> <h3 id="trace-route">Trace Route</h3> <p>The SNMP traceroute tool records the route followed in the network between the sender聮 computer and a specific destination computer. In traceroute diagnostic tool, the user can configure the settings such as number of hops and timeout.</p> <p><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/products/oputils/images/v1/diagnostic-tools-traceroute.png"> <picture> <source srcset="images/webp/diagnostic-tools-traceroute.webp" type="image/webp"></source> <img title="Trace Route" src="/products/oputils/images/v1/diagnostic-tools-traceroute.png" alt="Trace Route" /></picture> </a></p> <p>For more details on each of the tools, refer to the <a href="" target="_blank">Diagnostic Tools</a> section of the online help.</p> <!-- download section begin --> <div class="download-sec-fea mrg-bottom-md"> <h4 class="download-sec-fea-title">Diagnose network issues with OpUtils diagnostic tools</h4> <ul class="download-sec-fea-ul"> <li>Use the Ping tool for checking node connectivity status.</li> <li>SNMP Ping helps verify SNMP-enabled nodes.</li> <li>Employ Proxy Ping for remote device connectivity testing and</li> <li>Traceroute aids in tracking the path through network gateways.</li> </ul> <div class="thanks-message" id="thanks-message"> <div class="thanks-content"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 24.001C18.6274 24.001 24 18.6282 24 12.0005C24 5.3728 18.6274 0 12 0C5.37258 0 0 5.3728 0 12.0005C0 18.6282 5.37258 24.001 12 24.001Z" fill="#0DD10D"></path> <path d="M19.0847 7.8032C19.0847 8.08967 18.9755 8.37593 18.7569 8.59475L10.3626 16.9895C10.1498 17.2023 9.87186 17.3117 9.59268 17.3168C9.5764 17.3173 9.56035 17.3173 9.54408 17.3168C9.26489 17.3115 8.98742 17.2023 8.77418 16.9895L5.24305 13.458C4.80586 13.0208 4.80586 12.3121 5.24305 11.8751C5.46143 11.6567 5.74811 11.5473 6.03457 11.5473C6.32104 11.5473 6.6075 11.6567 6.8261 11.8751L9.5687 14.6178L17.1741 7.01207C17.6113 6.57508 18.32 6.57508 18.7569 7.01207C18.9755 7.23067 19.0847 7.51715 19.0847 7.80362V7.8032Z" fill="white"></path> </svg> <h6>Thank you for downloading.</h6> </div> </div> <form id="LicenseKeyForm" class="edi-btn" 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