The Austin Common Standards Revision Group - Login
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>The Austin Common Standards Revision Group - Login</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="red"> <CENTER> <h2>The Austin Common Standards Revision Group</h2> [ <a href="/austin/">Index</a> | <a href="/austin/docreg.html">Documents</a> | <a href="/austin/docs/austin_1329.txt">Status</a> | <a href="/austin/login.html">Login</a> | <a href="/austin/links.html">Resources</a> | <a href="/austin/calendar/">Calendar</a> | <a href="/austin/defectform.html">Aardvark</a> | <a href="/austin/lists.html">Mailing Lists</a> | <a href="/austin/lists.html">Join the group</a> | <a href="">Mail Archives</a> ] <br clear=both> </CENTER> <hr size=1 noshade> <center> <H3><font face="helvetica">Austin Group Member Login</font></H3> <br clear=both> </CENTER> <blockquote> <em> In order to download drafts from this web site, Austin Group members need to login using their individual web accounts and passwords. For information on joining the Austin Group or how to recover a lost password, please see <a href="lists.html">the mailing list</a> information page. </em> <P> <B>Documents are made available under the following terms and conditions. Downloading of the draft Austin Group documents is taken as acceptance of these terms and conditions.</B> <P> <div align="left"><table border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="90%"> <tr> <td width="100%"><blockquote> © 2000-2024 The Open Group, <br> © 2000-2024 The Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers Inc, <br> All rights reserved. <p> Except as permitted below, no part of these publications may be reproduced, stored in a a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying , recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holders. <p> These are unapproved draft documents, subject to change. Permission is granted to Austin Group participants to download and reproduce these documents for the purposes of Austin Group standardization activities. Other entities or persons seeking permission to reproduce these documents, or to reproduce portions of the document for any purpose must contact the copyright owners for express written permission. Use of information contained in these unapproved drafts is at your own risk. <P> Downloading these documents is taken as agreement to abide by the above notice. If you do not agree, do not proceed. <P> <FORM method="GET" action=""> <B><p>I understand and <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="accept"> the terms for accessing these documents.</B> </FORM></td> </tr> </table> </div> <P> If you need to contact a human, direct your mail to <A HREF=""></A>. <P> </blockquote> </BODY> </HTML>