{"title":"Addressing Security Concerns of Data Exchange in AODV Protocol","authors":"Monis Akhlaq, M Noman Jafri, Muzammil A Khan, Baber Aslam","volume":16,"journal":"International Journal of Information and Communication Engineering","pagesStart":677,"pagesEnd":682,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/8591","abstract":"<p>The Ad Hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol is designed for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). AODV offers quick adaptation to dynamic link conditions; it is characterized by low memory overhead and low network utilization. The security issues related to the protocol remain challenging for the wireless network designers. Numerous schemes have been proposed for establishing secure communication between end users, these schemes identify that the secure operation of AODV is a bi tier task (routing and secure exchange of information at separate levels). Our endeavor in this paper would focus on achieving the routing and secure data exchange in a single step. This will facilitate the user nodes to perform routing, mutual authentications, generation and secure exchange of session key in one step thus ensuring confidentiality, integrity and authentication of data exchange in a more suitable way.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] IEEE Computer Society, \"IEEE 802.11 Standard, IEEE Standard for\r\nInformation Technology\", 1999.\r\nhttp:\/\/\/catalog\/olis\/lanman.html.\r\n[2] S Corson and J. Macker. Mobile Ad hoc Networking (MANET):\r\nRouting Protocol Performance Issues and Evaluation Considerations.\r\nInternet Request for comment RFC 2501, Jan 1999.\r\n[3] Michael Jarrett, Paul Ward, \"Trusted Computing for Protecting Ad-hoc\r\nRouting,\" cnsr, pp. 61-68, 4th Annual Communication Networks and\r\nServices Research Conference (CNSR'06), 2006.\r\n[4] Muhammad O Pervaiz, Mihaela Cardei and Jei Wu: Routing security in\r\nad hoc wireless networks, Department of Computer Science and Engg,\r\nFlorida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431.\r\n[5] C. Perkins and P Bhagwat, \"Highly Dynamic Destination Sequenced\r\nDistance Vector Routing DSDV for mobile computers\". In ACM\r\nSIGCOMM-94 Conference on Communication Architectures, protocols\r\nand applications, 1994, pp. 234-244.\r\n[6] C.E. Perkins, E. Belding Royer, and S.R. Das, \"Ad hoc On demand\r\ndistance vector (AODV) routing\", IETF RFC 3561, July 2003.\r\n[7] Hao Yang, Haiyun Loo, Fan Ye, Sogwu Lu and Lixia Zhog: Security in\r\nmobile ad hoc networks, challenges solution, Wireless Communication,\r\nIEEE Volume I, issue I publication date Feb 2004.\r\n[8] Bingwen He, Joakin Hagglund, QingGu: Security in Ad hoc Network.\r\nhttp:\/\/\/~jie\/research\/publications\/Publication_files\/Sec\r\nureRouting.pdf\r\n[9] T Friiso, T Brekne, P Haaland, M Radziwill. Security challenges in self\r\norganizing wireless networks. Telenor No ISBN 82-423-0581-1, ISSN\r\n1500-2616, project No TFPFAN programme peer to peer computing\r\nsecurity Gr, Dec 2003.09.08.\r\n[10] Gustav J. Simmons. Symmetric and Assymetric encryption. ACM\r\nComputing surveys (CSUR). Volume 11, Issue 4 pp 305-330, Dec 1979.\r\n[11] Bruce Schneir: Applied Cryptography. John Wiley and sons inc, 1996.\r\n[12] M. G. Zapata, `Secure Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (SAODV)\r\nRouting', INERNET DRAFT, draft-guerrero-manet-saodv-00.txt, Aug.\r\n2001.\r\n[13] [13] Seung Yi, Prasad Naldrug, Robin kravets: A security aware\r\nrouting protocol for wireless ad hoc networks, In the proceedings of 3rd\r\nACM international of mobile ad hoc networking and computing pp 226-\r\n236, 2002.\r\n[14] [14] T. Dierks and C. Allen. The TLS protocol version 1.0 , RFC 2246,\r\nJan 1999.\r\n[15] Bing Wu, Jianmin Chen, Jie Wu, Mihaela Cardei: A survey of attacks\r\nand counter measures in mobile ad hoc networks, Department of\r\nComputer Science and Engg, Florida, Atlanta university.\r\nhttp:\/\/\/jchen8\/web\/papers\/SurveyBookchapter.pdf\r\n[16] S. Kent and R. Atkinson. Security architecture for the Internet Protocol.\r\nInternet Request for comment RFC 2401, Internet Engineering Task\r\nForce, Nov.1998.\r\n[17] C. R. Davis. IPSec: Securing VPNs. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000.\r\n[18] \"Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (FIPS PUB 197). \"National\r\nInstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST)\". Nov 2001.\r\n[19] Project No: IST-507102, Project full title: My Personal Adaptive Global\r\nNET (MAGNET).http:\/\/\/GetAsset.action?contentId=\r\n942902&assetId=943011","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 16, 2008"}