Subespecialización en Innovación Tecnológica en Salud de la Knight Foundation | Baptist Health Innovations
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Knight Foundation, Baptist Health Innovations has launched the Knight Foundation Fellowship for Healthcare Technology Innovation. </p> <p>This competitive fellowship is designed to attract, train and empower healthcare visionaries and entrepreneurs to develop a diverse and connected community of innovators at Baptist Health and in South Florida.</p> <p>The yearlong fellowship has been adapted from distinguished programs that include the Stanford BioDesign program and graduate and professional courses taught by a world-renowned educator from Case Western Reserve University and Henry Ford Health System.</p> <p>The concepts, tools and network acquired by the fellows will lead to downstream entrepreneurial and innovation activities that can benefit patients, providers and our community.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <main id="main"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "Online Application & Information", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<style> .simple-cards__items .card { -webkit-box-flex: 0; -ms-flex: 1 1 30.666%; flex: 1 1 30.666%; margin: 0 4% 2em 0; } </style> <p>A rolling application process is now open. August 15, 2024, is the deadline to be considered for the September 2024 cohort. Submissions received after August 15, 2024, will be considered for the September 2025 cohort.</p> <p>In order to participate, applicants need to submit a cover letter, resume, letter of recommendation and signed intellectual property waiver documents. For this Fellowship, if you have a Baptist Health email address, please follow the instructions for an Internal Baptist Health Candidate.</p> <p>If you are a Baptist Health employee, select the link on the bottom right to be directed to the internal candidate application page. Once inside the application page, use the ‘Login using SSO Authentication’ link and enter your Baptist Health email and password.</p> <p>If you are an external candidate not employed at Baptist Health and do not have a Baptist Health email, select the link on the bottom left to complete a brief questionnaire. Please allow 24 hours to receive your login information, direct link to access the application and additional documentation via email. In addition, once you receive your login credentials you may also access the application using the link on the bottom right (Internal Baptist Health Candidate).</p> <p>If you have any questions on the application process, please contact our Innovations team at <a href=''></a>.</p> <p><strong>Internal Baptist Health Candidate</strong></p> <p> <a href=' '>Apply Here </a></p> <p><a href=''>Application Instructions</a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>External Candidate</strong></p> <p><a href=''>Apply Here</a></p> <p><a href=''>Application Instructions</a></p> <br />" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Curriculum", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>The fellowship employs an immersive environment to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the need and opportunity for developing new products, services and interventions in healthcare. The curriculum augments classroom discourse and presentations with multidisciplinary, team-based experiential projects focused on opportunities identified and selected by the teams. </p> <ul> <li><strong>Importance & Impact of Intellectual Property</strong></li> <li><strong>Regulatory Environments</strong></li> <li><strong>Investment Capital Sources</strong></li> <li><strong>Development of New Products</strong></li> <li><strong>Quantitative & Qualitative Methods</strong></li> <li><strong>Asset Management</strong></li> <li><strong>Innovation Skills</strong></li> <li><strong>Opportunity Assessment</strong></li> <li><strong>Economic Modeling</strong></li> </ul> <p>The multidisciplinary teams will ideate, assess and refine potential solutions to self-selected healthcare needs, culminating with an end-of-year presentation to a panel of professional innovators, executives, and investors.</p> <p>Experiences are broadened through interaction with <strong>healthcare subject matter experts and business leaders</strong> who share their respective personal and professional journeys.</p> <p>For more information, contact Baptist Health Innovations via email at <a href='mailto:'></a>.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Eligibility Criteria", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Applicants must meet the following qualifications:</p> <ul> <li>South Florida residency (applicant must currently reside in one of these four South Florida counties: Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Palm Beach County or Monroe County).</li> <li>Bachelor鈥檚 degree or higher required (at least three years of professional experience and/or graduate-level work).</li> <li>Employed full-time (at least three years post-academic enrollment).</li> <li>Passion or interest in healthcare, innovation and entrepreneurship.</li> <li>Support from immediate supervisor and, if applicable, external employer.</li> <li>Willingness and ability to attend 10 in-person, four-hour sessions scheduled from September to June in Miami, Florida, and to participate in hybrid team-based sessions approximately six hours per month.</li> </ul> <p><strong>The program is designed for physicians, healthcare professionals and administrators, researchers, IT professionals, designers, engineers and other professionals. Anyone with a dedicated interest in healthcare and entrepreneurship who fits the criteria is encouraged to submit an application for consideration.</strong></p> <p>Fellows will become part of an active and robust community of innovators at Baptist Health and in Miami and will be eligible to participate in a series of team-based innovation challenge programs.</p> <p>If you have any questions, please contact our Innovations team at <a href=''></a></p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Fellowship Calendar Schedule", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>All seminar sessions will be on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.</p> <ul> <li>Session 1: September 27, 2024</li> <li>Session 2: October 25, 2024</li> <li>Session 3: November 22, 2024</li> <li>Session 4: December 6, 2024</li> <li>Session 5: January 31, 2025</li> <li>Session 6: February 28, 2025</li> <li>Session 7: March 28, 2025</li> <li>Session 8: April 25, 2025</li> <li>Session 9: May 16, 2025</li> <li>Session 10: Graduation Ceremony - June 6, 2025</li> </ul>" } } ] } </script> <section class="section accordion-section "> <div class="container "> <div class="container--inner"> <header class="section-header "> </header> <div class="accordion"> <ul class="accordion__items"> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--0"> <button aria-controls="accordion--0" class="accordion__button ">Online Application & Information</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--0" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><style> .simple-cards__items .card { -webkit-box-flex: 0; -ms-flex: 1 1 30.666%; flex: 1 1 30.666%; margin: 0 4% 2em 0; } </style> <p>A rolling application process is now open. August 15, 2024, is the deadline to be considered for the September 2024 cohort. Submissions received after August 15, 2024, will be considered for the September 2025 cohort.</p> <p>In order to participate, applicants need to submit a cover letter, resume, letter of recommendation and signed intellectual property waiver documents. For this Fellowship, if you have a Baptist Health email address, please follow the instructions for an Internal Baptist Health Candidate.</p> <p>If you are a Baptist Health employee, select the link on the bottom right to be directed to the internal candidate application page. Once inside the application page, use the ‘Login using SSO Authentication’ link and enter your Baptist Health email and password.</p> <p>If you are an external candidate not employed at Baptist Health and do not have a Baptist Health email, select the link on the bottom left to complete a brief questionnaire. Please allow 24 hours to receive your login information, direct link to access the application and additional documentation via email. In addition, once you receive your login credentials you may also access the application using the link on the bottom right (Internal Baptist Health Candidate).</p> <p>If you have any questions on the application process, please contact our Innovations team at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>Internal Baptist Health Candidate</strong></p> <p> <a href=" ">Apply Here </a></p> <p><a href="">Application Instructions</a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>External Candidate</strong></p> <p><a href="">Apply Here</a></p> <p><a href="">Application Instructions</a></p> <br /></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--1"> <button aria-controls="accordion--1" class="accordion__button ">Curriculum</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--1" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>The fellowship employs an immersive environment to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the need and opportunity for developing new products, services and interventions in healthcare. The curriculum augments classroom discourse and presentations with multidisciplinary, team-based experiential projects focused on opportunities identified and selected by the teams. </p> <ul> <li><strong>Importance & Impact of Intellectual Property</strong></li> <li><strong>Regulatory Environments</strong></li> <li><strong>Investment Capital Sources</strong></li> <li><strong>Development of New Products</strong></li> <li><strong>Quantitative & Qualitative Methods</strong></li> <li><strong>Asset Management</strong></li> <li><strong>Innovation Skills</strong></li> <li><strong>Opportunity Assessment</strong></li> <li><strong>Economic Modeling</strong></li> </ul> <p>The multidisciplinary teams will ideate, assess and refine potential solutions to self-selected healthcare needs, culminating with an end-of-year presentation to a panel of professional innovators, executives, and investors.</p> <p>Experiences are broadened through interaction with <strong>healthcare subject matter experts and business leaders</strong> who share their respective personal and professional journeys.</p> <p>For more information, contact Baptist Health Innovations via email at <a href="mailto:"></a>.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--2"> <button aria-controls="accordion--2" class="accordion__button ">Eligibility Criteria</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--2" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Applicants must meet the following qualifications:</p> <ul> <li>South Florida residency (applicant must currently reside in one of these four South Florida counties: Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Palm Beach County or Monroe County).</li> <li>Bachelor鈥檚 degree or higher required (at least three years of professional experience and/or graduate-level work).</li> <li>Employed full-time (at least three years post-academic enrollment).</li> <li>Passion or interest in healthcare, innovation and entrepreneurship.</li> <li>Support from immediate supervisor and, if applicable, external employer.</li> <li>Willingness and ability to attend 10 in-person, four-hour sessions scheduled from September to June in Miami, Florida, and to participate in hybrid team-based sessions approximately six hours per month.</li> </ul> <p><strong>The program is designed for physicians, healthcare professionals and administrators, researchers, IT professionals, designers, engineers and other professionals. Anyone with a dedicated interest in healthcare and entrepreneurship who fits the criteria is encouraged to submit an application for consideration.</strong></p> <p>Fellows will become part of an active and robust community of innovators at Baptist Health and in Miami and will be eligible to participate in a series of team-based innovation challenge programs.</p> <p>If you have any questions, please contact our Innovations team at <a href=""></a></p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--3"> <button aria-controls="accordion--3" class="accordion__button ">Fellowship Calendar Schedule</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--3" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>All seminar sessions will be on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.</p> <ul> <li>Session 1: September 27, 2024</li> <li>Session 2: October 25, 2024</li> <li>Session 3: November 22, 2024</li> <li>Session 4: December 6, 2024</li> <li>Session 5: January 31, 2025</li> <li>Session 6: February 28, 2025</li> <li>Session 7: March 28, 2025</li> <li>Session 8: April 25, 2025</li> <li>Session 9: May 16, 2025</li> <li>Session 10: Graduation Ceremony - June 6, 2025</li> </ul></p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <script src="/content/assets/js/accordioncomponent.js?v=20241120044044"></script> <div><div style="padding-top: 2em; padding-bottom: 2em;" class="container container--inner"> <figure class="inline-video"> <div class="inline-video-container"> <iframe title="My Video Title" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" src=""></iframe> </div> </figure> </div></div> <section class="section simple-cta simple-cta--inverted-colors"> <div class="container "> <header class="section-header section-header--centered"> <h2 class="section-header__heading">Contact Us</h2> </header> <div class="simple-cta__wrap"> <div class="simple-cta__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta__heading heading--h3"></h2> <div class="simple-cta__desc typeset"> <p>Please visit this page regularly for updates on programmatic information. For more information, contact Baptist Health Innovations via email at <a href = "mailto:"></a>.</p> </div> </div> <footer class="simple-cta__footer"> <a class="button button--secondary" href="" ></a> </footer> </div> </div> </section> </main> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $(".header__brand-link:not(.blog)").attr("href", currentLangCode === 'en' ? 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0-5.234 7.018-6.086 10.255-7.12 0-4.413-.782-5.195-2.992-5.195-1.887 0-2.21.892-2.21 2.526 0 1.334-.853 1.926-1.887 1.926s-1.887-.592-1.887-1.926c0-2.747 3.347-4.01 6.552-4.01 3.56 0 6.694 1.445 6.694 5.605v9.449h.008Zm-4.27-6.75c-2.85.814-5.984 1.927-5.984 4.674 0 1.555.995 2.668 2.526 2.668 1.247 0 2.566-.892 3.458-1.855v-5.486ZM103.475 41.317c0 1.966.253 2.187 2.881 2.298v.963h-9.33v-.963c1.926-.11 2.17-.332 2.17-2.298v-18.18c0-1.784-.426-2.155-2.17-2.155v-.963c1.065-.181 5.983-1.334 6.197-1.334.181 0 . 3.134-2.708 5.163-2.708 3.386 0 6.165 3.52 6.165 8.123 0 5.455-3.418 10.2-7.476 10.2-1.957 0-2.92-.703-3.844-1.414v5.723h-.008Zm0-11.801c0 4.452 1.137 6.007 3.347 6.007 2.14 0 3.703-1.705 3.703-7.05 0-4.822-1.856-6.978-4.097-6.978-1.421 0-2.313.964-2.953 1.595v6.426ZM126.415 20.982H122.5v10.91c0 1.413.355 2.155 1.279 2.155.892 0 1.5-.632 2.494-1.634l.71.742c-1.318 1.926-2.565 3.86-5.202 3.86-2.565 0-3.56-1.555-3.56-4.342V20.99h-2.14v-1.263c2.598-.41 4.595-2.526 5.274-6.457h1.137v5.857h3.915v1.855h.008ZM127.63 36.565v-.963c1.856-.15 2.172-.813 2.172-2.376v-9.275c0-2.487-.64-2.898-2.171-2.898v-.963c2.029-.15 5.802-1.413 6.126-1.413.323 0 .323.26.323.671v13.878c0 1.555.64 2.376 2.1 2.376v.963h-8.55Zm1.817-23.224c0-1.445 1.136-2.597 2.494-2.597 1.35 0 2.495 1.152 2.495 2.597 0 1.373-1.137 2.597-2.495 2.597s-2.494-1.224-2.494-2.597ZM137.562 30.629h.923c.71 2.297 2.313 4.894 5.234 4.894 1.318 0 2.455-.67 2.455-2.226 0-1.634-1.066-2.187-2.708-3.118l-2.636-1.524c-1.674-.963-3.063-2.005-3.063-5.154 0-2.527 1.958-4.824 5.305-4.824 2.565 0 2.96.963 3.884.963.607 0 .71-.37.852-.892h.924v5.937h-1.137c-.71-2.376-2.14-4.524-4.776-4.524-1.216 0-2.14.671-2.14 2.298 0 1.042.395 1.634 1.856 2.407l2.992 1.555c2.384 1.224 3.915 2.408 3.915 5.345 0 3.41-2.352 5.233-5.589 5.233-1.279 0-2.14-.15-2.81-.331-.924-.26-1.39-.632-1.926-.632-.355 0-.569.41-.64.963h-.923v-6.37h.008ZM160.754 20.982h-3.915v10.91c0 1.413.355 2.155 1.279 2.155.892 0 1.492-.632 2.494-1.634l.71.742c-1.318 1.926-2.565 3.86-5.201 3.86-2.566 0-3.56-1.555-3.56-4.342V20.99h-2.14v-1.263c2.597-.41 4.594-2.526 5.273-6.457h1.137v5.857h3.915v1.855h.008ZM178.31 24.772v7.79c0 2.638.68 2.93 2.993 3.04v.963h-10.831v-.963c2.313-.11 2.992-.41 2.992-3.04V15.347c0-2.637-.68-2.929-2.992-3.04v-.962h10.83v.963c-2.312.11-2.991.41-2.991 3.039v7.35h10.617v-7.35c0-2.637-.679-2.929-2.992-3.04v-.962h10.831v.963c-2.313.11-2.992.41-2.992 3.039v17.217c0 2.637.679 2.929 2.992 3.04v.962h-10.83v-.963c2.312-.11 2.991-.41 2.991-3.04v-7.79h-10.617ZM202.032 26.627c0 4.523 1.642 7.12 4.808 7.12 2.1 0 3.56-1.074 4.918-2.968l.679.631c-1.208 2.637-3.174 5.605-7.231 5.605-4.595 0-7.444-3.931-7.444-8.573 0-5.826 3.134-9.757 7.412-9.757 4.342 0 6.694 3.56 6.907 7.942h-10.049Zm5.77-1.484c0-2.116-.496-4.753-2.88-4.753-2.456 0-2.882 2.637-2.882 4.753h5.763ZM227.822 33.747c0 .482.182.813.568.813.356 0 .821-.37 1.066-.592l.569.671c-.853 1.445-2.424 2.376-4.129 2.376-2.068 0-2.352-1.334-2.352-2.597-1.713 1.484-3.348 2.597-5.771 2.597-2.495 0-4.484-1.113-4.484-4.523 0-5.234 7.018-6.086 10.262-7.12 0-4.413-.781-5.195-2.991-5.195-1.887 0-2.21.892-2.21 2.526 0 1.334-.853 1.926-1.887 1.926-1.035 0-1.887-.592-1.887-1.926 0-2.747 3.347-4.01 6.552-4.01 3.56 0 6.694 1.445 6.694 5.605v9.449Zm-4.278-6.75c-2.85.814-5.984 1.927-5.984 4.674 0 1.555.995 2.668 2.526 2.668 1.247 0 2.566-.892 3.458-1.855v-5.486ZM230.459 36.565v-.963c1.926-.11 2.17-.742 2.17-3.118v-17.43c0-1.855-.426-2.226-2.17-2.226v-.963c1.065-.19 5.983-1.555 6.197-1.555.181 0 . 2.376.253 3.008 2.171 3.118v.963h-8.62v-.008ZM250.186 20.982h-3.915v10.91c0 1.413.355 2.155 1.278 2.155.892 0 1.5-.632 2.495-1.634l.71.742c-1.318 1.926-2.565 3.86-5.202 3.86-2.565 0-3.56-1.555-3.56-4.342V20.99h-2.14v-1.263c2.598-.41 4.595-2.526 5.274-6.457h1.137v5.857h3.915v1.855h.008ZM257.67 33.305c0 1.966.252 2.187 2.068 2.297v.963h-8.407v-.963c1.815-.11 2.068-.331 2.068-2.336V14.714c0-1.634-.537-1.894-2.068-1.894v-.963c1.997-.3 5.88-1.555 6.094-1.555.181 0 . 3.419-2.297 5.092-2.297 3.6 0 5.163 1.855 5.163 5.786v8.834c0 1.965.252 2.187 2.068 2.297v.963h-8.407v-.97c1.815-.111 2.068-.332 2.068-2.298v-9.126c0-2.376-.924-2.968-2.14-2.968-1.641 0-2.778.742-3.844 1.484v10.61h-.007ZM46.006 46.346H0V0h46.006v46.346ZM1.61 44.736h42.786V1.61H1.61v43.126Z"></path> <path d="M23.059 14.999a10.677 10.677 0 0 0-9.694-6.181c-1.516 0-2.96.315-4.271.884a9.598 9.598 0 0 1 9.362 5.297h4.603ZM36.257 9.67c.26 0 .513.008.766.032a10.709 10.709 0 0 0-4.27-.884 10.69 10.69 0 0 0-9.694 6.18h4.602a9.598 9.598 0 0 1 8.596-5.328Z"></path> <path d="M30.747 6.355a6.956 6.956 0 0 0-1.01-.221c-.166-.024-.332-.048-.497-.056a8.078 8.078 0 0 0-.624-.023 7.58 7.58 0 0 0-5.565 2.44v-.001a7.483 7.483 0 0 0-4.729-2.392 7.33 7.33 0 0 0-.837-.047c-.213 0-.418.008-.623.023-.166.016-.34.032-.498.056a7.193 7.193 0 0 0-1.01.22c-.324.095-.64.214-.947.348. 10.673 0 0 1 8.257 5.896A10.673 10.673 0 0 1 31.3 6.742c.126-.016.252-.032.379-.04a6.87 6.87 0 0 0-.932-.347Z"></path> <path d="M23.059 6.718a7.394 7.394 0 0 1 5.849-2.424 6.734 6.734 0 0 0-1.618-.442 6.184 6.184 0 0 0-.853-.055 5.78 5.78 0 0 0-.64.032 5.903 5.903 0 0 0-1.547.355 7.202 7.202 0 0 0-2.383 1.46c.418.316.828.68 1.192 1.074ZM21.066 29.483l2.765-3.43 3.43 2.765-2.765 3.43zM22.006 38.23l2.764-3.43 3.43 2.765-2.765 3.43zM20.126 20.736l2.765-3.43 3.43 2.765-2.765 3.43zM25.912 33.383l2.764-3.43 3.43 2.765-2.764 3.43zM14.817 24.44l-2.029-1.634a14.996 14.996 0 0 1 2.14-3.94l2.66 2.14-2.77 3.434ZM16.227 25.577l2.764-3.43 3.43 2.764-2.765 3.43zM12.32 30.423l2.764-3.43 3.43 2.765-2.765 3.43zM20.872 39.644l3.37 2.715c-.363.024-.726.04-1.112.04-1.492 0-2.834-.197-4.026-.568l1.768-2.187ZM12.212 24.677l1.46 1.176-1.965 2.44c.055-1.256.229-2.472.505-3.616ZM17.166 34.323l2.764-3.43 3.43 2.765-2.764 3.43zM30.755 37.291l2.763-3.433.442.355c-.41 1.579-1.042 2.968-1.894 4.136l-1.31-1.058ZM34.41 26.587c.103.79.158 1.61.158 2.44 0 .22 0 .434-.008.655l-1.318 1.634-3.434-2.763 2.763-3.434 1.84 1.468ZM29.618 38.704l1.256 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