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Blair</h3> <p><p>the charitable foundation (<em>abwāb al-berr</em>) established by the physician, vizier, and historian Rašid-al-Din Fażl-Allāh in an eastern suburb of Tabriz.</p></p> </li> <li > <h2><a href="/articles/rabatak-inscription-crossref">RABATAK INSCRIPTION</span></a></h2> <h3>Cross-Reference</h3> <p><p class="p1">in the Bactrian language. See <a href="/articles/kushan-02-inscriptions"><strong>KUSHAN DYNASTY ii. Inscriptions of the Kushans</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p></p> </li> <li class="odd"> <h2><a href="/articles/rabban-shapur">RABBAN ŠĀPUR</span></a></h2> <h3>Florence Jullien</h3> <p><p>East Syrian monk (7th century CE); the monastery he founded in Ḵuzestān, in the mountains of Šuštar, exercised <span class="s1">noteworthy influence on monastic practice in the Persian Gulf area and Fārs, as well as Beth Huzāye, during the 7th century.</span></p></p> </li> <li > <h2><a href="/articles/rabet">RĀBET, ʿABD-AL-AḤAD</span></a></h2> <h3>Mohammad Baqir</h3> <p><p>19th-century Indian author of Persian works (d. 1268/1851-52).</p></p> </li> <li class="odd"> <h2><a href="/articles/rad">RAʿD</span></a></h2> <h3>Nasreddin Parvin</h3> <p><p>(Thunder), the name of a newspaper published by Sayyed Żiyāʾ-al-Din Ṭabāṭabāʾi in Tehran, 1913-1921, with interruptions.</p></p> </li> <li > <h2><a href="/articles/radi-azarakhshi">RAʿDI AZARAKHSHI, Gholam-ʿAli</span></a></h2> <h3>Kāmyār ʿĀbedi</h3> <p><p>(1909-1999), prominent poet.</p></p> </li> <li class="odd"> <h2><a href="/articles/radi-akbar">RADI, AKBAR</span></a></h2> <h3>Farindokht Zahedi</h3> <p><p>(1939-2007) dramatist, short story writer, university lecturer, and an influential figure in popularizing theatre as an art in modern Iran, whose incorporation of colloquial Persian in his works, has contributed to the preservation of the dialects of the northern provinces.</p></p> <small><em>This Article Has Images/Tables.</em></small> </li> <li > <h2><a href="/articles/rafat-gholam-jilani">RAFʿAT (REFʿAT)</span></a></h2> <h3>Gregory Maxwell Bruce</h3> <p><p>(d. 1819), pen name of Ḡ<span class="s1">OLĀM</span> J<span class="s1">ILĀNI</span>, scholar of Arabic and Persian literature, teacher at Rampur, and author of <em>Dorr-e ma</em><span class="s1"><em>nẓum</em></span>.</p></p> </li> <li class="odd"> <h2><a href="/articles/rageb-esfahani">RĀḠEB EṢFAHĀNI</span></a></h2> <h3>Geert Jan van Gelder</h3> <p><p>(d. early 5th/11th cent.), scholar, littérateur, and author of works on Islamic ethics, Qurʾanic exegesis, Islamic theology, and Arabic philology, as well as anthologies.</p></p> </li> <li > <h2><a href="/articles/rahavard-persian-quarterly">RAHAVARD</span></a></h2> <h3>Ḡafur Mirzāʾi</h3> <p><p>one of the first Persian periodicals published by the Iranian community in the United States after the Iranian revolution of 1979.</p></p> </li> </ul> <div class="pagination"> <ul class="per-page"> <li>VIEW PER PAGE:</li> <li class="here"><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:10" rel="nofollow">10</a></li> <li ><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:20" rel="nofollow">20</a></li> <li ><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:50" rel="nofollow">50</a></li> <li ><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:1000">ALL</a></li> </ul> <ul class="pages"> <li><span class="current">1</span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:10/page:2" rel="nofollow">2</a></span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:10/page:3" rel="nofollow">3</a></span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:10/page:4" rel="nofollow">4</a></span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:10/page:5" rel="nofollow">5</a></span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:10/page:6" rel="nofollow">6</a></span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:10/page:7" rel="nofollow">7</a></span></li> <li class="more"><a href="/articles/index/R/limit:10/page:8" rel="nofollow">Â </a></li> </ul> SHOWING 1-10 of 78</div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="copy">©2025 Encyclopædia Iranica Foundation, Inc. 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