India Leaders for Social Sector (ILSS) | Social Impact Program supported by Koita Foundation

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Through structured programs, expert mentorship, and access to technology resources, KCDT equips Social Sector Organizations (SSOs) with the knowledge and tools needed to integrate digital solutions effectively. By leveraging these technologies, SSOs can enhance data-driven decision-making, increase transparency, and create more scalable, sustainable impact.</p> <p class="pr-lg-3">The Digital Transformation for Social Impact (DTSI) Program, KCDT’s flagship initiative, is a blended, 10-week program that helps social leaders navigate the entire digital transformation cycle. With guidance from industry experts, participants gain insights into key areas, including design thinking, leveraging AI and data for service delivery, data security, budgeting, vendor management, and more. Case study presentations showcase real-world applications of technology in the social sector, helping participants understand its role in driving meaningful change. A key feature of the program is individual mentorship, ensuring that each participating organization receives tailored guidance to define and achieve its digital goals.</p> <p class="pr-lg-3">In December 2024, the ILSS team launched a compendium, DiTSI (Digital Toolbook for Social Impact). It is a handy toolbook for making informed decisions about beneficiary centred technology decisions and impact. </p> </div> <div class="col-lg-6"> <p class="font-weight-bold mb-2">Digital Transformation for Social Impact (DTSI) Program Overview</p> <ul class="pl-2 ml-4 font-weight-bold"> <li class="text-blue" style="padding-bottom:10px">10-week blended program with in-person sessions to foster peer learning and collaboration</li> <li class="text-blue" style="padding-bottom:10px">Industry expert-led sessions, covering key aspects of digital transformation</li> <li class="text-blue" style="padding-bottom:10px">Sector-agnostic selection of NGOs, ensuring diverse participation across regions and focus areas</li> <li class="text-blue" style="padding-bottom:10px">Detailed case studies from organizations that have successfully adopted technology</li> <li class="text-blue" style="padding-bottom:10px">Individual mentorship, enabling SSOs to define clear digital transformation goals</li> <li class="text-blue" style="padding-bottom:10px">Pilot cohort successfully concluded, with six NGOs selected for extended mentorship</li> <li class="text-blue" style="padding-bottom:10px">KCDT to conduct multiple cohorts in 2025</li> </ul> <p class="ml-3">To learn more about DTSI Program – <a class="text-decoration-underline" href="" target="_blank"><u>please visit here</u></a></p> <p class="ml-3">In addition, the DiTSI (Digital Toolbook for Social Impact) developed by KCDT is a practical resource to help SSOs make informed, beneficiary-centered technology decisions. DiTSI serves as a comprehensive guide to digital adoption, offering insights into best practices, technology tools, and vendor selection.</p> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="col-lg-12 "> <div class="box-pannel my-4"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="row mt-2"> <div class="col-md-4 mb-3 mb-md-0"> <div class="mb-4"> <img src="/src/images/ilss-pic-11.jpg" class="img-fluid " alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <img src="/src/images/ilss-pic-2.jpg" class="img-fluid " alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <img src="/src/images/ilss-pic-3.jpg" class="img-fluid " alt="" title=""> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8 content"> <h3 class="text-dark mb-2">State of the Sector Report on Digital Transformation for Nonprofits in India </h3> <p>The <b>State of the Sector Report on Digital Transformation for Nonprofits in India</b> was conducted by ILSS, supported by the Koita Foundation, between December 2023 and March 2024. The report aimed to understand the digital transformation needs of nonprofits in India, identifying the barriers they face and opportunities available. 40 nonprofit organizations and 15 experts were interviewed to gather insights into their technology journeys. The report explores challenges such as limited tech budgets, low digital literacy, data management struggles, and resistance to change within organizations.</p> <p class="mb-lg-4"> The findings emphasize the need for a holistic capacity-building program to address these challenges. Key statistics include 67.5% of nonprofits having tech/data teams, but 65% citing a lack of skilled personnel as a major barrier to effectively utilizing data. Additionally, 90% of nonprofits expressed the need for more technology support. Recommendations include fostering leadership buy-in, improving digital literacy through training, and adopting a collaborative approach to technology integration. Embracing human-centered design, enhancing data-driven decision-making, and developing a sustainable digital transformation roadmap were also critical takeaways. </p><h3 class="text-dark mb-1">India Leaders for Social Sector</h3> <p class="mb-lg-4">India Leaders for Social Sector (ILSS), established in 2017, builds leadership capacity in India’s social sector. Incubated by Central Square Foundation, ILSS offers programs like the flagship Leadership Program, Fundraising Program, and Board Governance Program, empowering leaders with skills to tackle complex social challenges. Their programs target diverse areas such as digital transformation, board leadership, and fundraising. ILSS also supports women and young leaders in advancing their roles within the sector, fostering innovation, sustainability, and collaboration to achieve large-scale social impact.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Breadcrumb --> <nav aria-label="breadcrumb" class="breadcrumbs-panel"> <ol class="breadcrumb justify-content-center"> <li class="breadcrumb-item"> <a href="../"> <i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </li> <li class="breadcrumb-item" aria-current="page"><a href="../ngo-transformation/">NGO Transformation</a></li> <li class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="page">ILSS</li> </ol> </nav> <!-- Breadcrumb --> <div class="push"></div> </div> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/css/accordian.css" /> <!-- footer --> <footer class="home-footer bg-light"> <hr class="m-0" /> <a href="#" class="scrollup" title="Scroll Back to Top"> <i class="fa fa-arrow-up"></i> </a> <!-- Contact Us --> <div id="contact" class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center align-items-lg-end my-lg-4 py-lg-2 pb-3"> <div class="col-lg-12 text-center mt-3 mt-lg-0"> <h5 class="font-weight-bold text-center text-uppercase mb-2">Koita Foundation</h5> <p class="mb-1">A1710, One Lodha Place, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013.</p> <a href="tel:+912235123309">+91-22-35123309</a> / <a href=""></a> <ul class="social_media mt-4"> <li class="m-0"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow, noreferrer"> <svg xmlns="" width="35" height="35" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-linkedin" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M0 1.146C0 .513.526 0 1.175 0h13.65C15.474 0 16 .513 16 1.146v13.708c0 .633-.526 1.146-1.175 1.146H1.175C.526 16 0 15.487 0 14.854V1.146zm4.943 12.248V6.169H2.542v7.225h2.401zm-1.2-8.212c.837 0 1.358-.554 1.358-1.248-.015-.709-.52-1.248-1.342-1.248-.822 0-1.359.54-1.359 1.248 0 .694.521 1.248 1.327 1.248h.016zm4.908 8.212V9.359c0-.216.016-.432.08-.586.173-.431.568-.878 1.232-.878.869 0 1.216.662 1.216 1.634v3.865h2.401V9.25c0-2.22-1.184-3.252-2.764-3.252-1.274 0-1.845.7-2.165 1.193v.025h-.016a5.54 5.54 0 0 1 .016-.025V6.169h-2.4c.03.678 0 7.225 0 7.225h2.4z" /> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="m-0 mx-2"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow, noreferrer"> <svg xmlns="" width="35" height="35" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-twitter-x" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M12.6.75h2.454l-5.36 6.142L16 15.25h-4.937l-3.867-5.07-4.425 5.07H.316l5.733-6.57L0 .75h5.063l3.495 4.633L12.601.75Zm-.86 13.028h1.36L4.323 2.145H2.865l8.875 11.633Z" /> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Contact Us --> <div class="copy-footer bg-blue d-flex align-items-center"> <div class="container text-center text-white" id="copyright"> &copy; <script>document.getElementById('copyright').appendChild(document.createTextNode(new Date().getFullYear()))</script>. 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