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iter = iter + 1; } var tableString = "<table id='myTable' class='tablesorter' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1'><thead><tr><th class='header'>Date</th><th class='header'>Meet Name</th><th class='header'>Sport</th><th class='header'>State</th></tr></thead><tbody>"; var limit = 0; var flipFlop = 0; while (limit < results.length ) { if(flipFlop % 2 == 0){ tableString += "<tr class='odd'>"; } else { tableString += "<tr class='even'>"; } flipFlop += 1; tableString += "<td style='padding-left: 7px;'>" + dateFormatter(results[limit].date) + "</td><td><a class='meetLink' href='" + results[limit].url +"' " ; if (results[limit].tfrrs == 1) { tableString += " target='_new' "; } tableString += ">" + unescape(results[limit].name) + "</a></td>"; if(results[limit].sport == "track") { tableString += "<td>" + "TF"; } else if (results[limit].sport == "swimming") { tableString += "<td>" + "SW"; } else { tableString += "<td>" + "XC"; } tableString += "</td><td>" + results[limit].state + "</td></tr>"; limit += 1; } tableString += "</tbody></table>"; var target = document.getElementById('tableDiv'); target.innerHTML = tableString; $("#myTable").tablesorter(); infiniteScrollEnabled = 1; var inputContents = document.getElementById('inputSearch').value; if(inputContents) { $('#inputSearch').keyup(); } } function setHash(list1) { var h = {}; for (var k in list1) { var val = document.getElementById(list1[k]).checked; h[list1[k]] = val; //key value pair } return h; } function setFilters() { //lists of all filter element ids on page //var reg_filters = new Array("ind_f", "hs_f", "jhs_f", "col_f", "jcol_f", "club_f"); //var reg_status_filters = new Array("open_f", "future_f", "closed_f"); var sport_filters = new Array("xc_f", "tf_filter", "sw_f", "indoor_f", "outdoor_f"); //hash table of key (id) value (checked or not checked) pairs of filters var f = setHash(sport_filters); var filter_on_list = []; //handle reg_status filters if(f['open_f'] == 0 && f['closed_f'] == 0 && f['future_f'] == 0) { //don't filter anything [else there wouldn't be any results] } else { //remove where filter == 0 if(f['open_f'] == 0) { filter_on_list.push('open_f'); } if(f['closed_f'] == 0) { filter_on_list.push('closed_f'); } if(f['future_f'] == 0) { filter_on_list.push('future_f'); } } //handle sport filters if(f['xc_f'] == 0 && f['sw_f'] == 0 && f['tf_filter'] == 0) { //don't filter anything [else there wouldn't be any results] } else { //remove where filter == 0 if(f['xc_f'] == 0) { filter_on_list.push('xc_f'); } if(f['sw_f'] == 0) { filter_on_list.push('sw_f'); } if(f['tf_filter'] == 0) { filter_on_list.push('tf_filter'); } } //handle season filters if(f['indoor_f'] == 0 && f['outdoor_f'] == 0) { //don't filter anything } else { //remove where filter == 0 if(f['indoor_f'] == 0) { filter_on_list.push('indoor_f'); } if(f['outdoor_f'] == 0) { filter_on_list.push('outdoor_f'); } } //handle registration type filters if(f['ind_f'] == 0 && f['club_f'] == 0 && f['hs_f'] == 0 && f['jhs_f'] == 0 && f['col_f'] == 0 && f['jcol_f'] == 0) { //don't filter anything [else there wouldn't be any results] } else { //we only want to filter out results that do not allow the checked filter //so effectively these filters will work backwards if(f['ind_f'] == 1) { filter_on_list.push('ind_f'); } if(f['club_f'] == 1) { filter_on_list.push('club_f'); } if(f['hs_f'] == 1) { filter_on_list.push('hs_f'); } if(f['jhs_f'] == 1) { filter_on_list.push('jhs_f'); } if(f['col_f'] == 1) { filter_on_list.push('col_f'); } if(f['jcol_f'] == 1) { filter_on_list.push('jcol_f'); } } var moreResults = []; var x = 1; while(x < listSize - 1) { if(typeof meetsRaw[meetsRaw.length - x] != 'undefined') { if(notFiltered(meetsRaw[meetsRaw.length - x], filter_on_list) && stateCheck(meetsRaw[meetsRaw.length - x]) && datesRange(meetsRaw[meetsRaw.length - x])) { moreResults.push(meetsRaw[meetsRaw.length - x]); x = x + 1; } else { x = x + 1; listSize = listSize + 1; } } else { if(result_message == 1) { result_message = 0; // infiniteScrollEnabled = 0; // window.setTimeout(displayResultMessage, 1500); } break; } } return moreResults; } function stateCheck(meet) { var e = document.getElementById("state_filter"); var val = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value; if(val == "") { return true; } else if(meet.venue_state == val) { return true; } return false; } function datesRange(meet) { //check if date filters were even given, if they weren't do nothing if(document.getElementById("from").value == "" || document.getElementById("to").value == "") { return true; } var start_date = new Date(document.getElementById("from").value); var end_date = new Date(document.getElementById("to").value); var meet_date = new Date(meet.date_begin); if(meet_date > start_date && meet_date < end_date) { return true; } else { return false; } } function notFiltered(meet, filters) { for(var k in filters){ if (filters[k] == "closed_f") { if(meet.reg_status != "3" && meet.reg_status !="6") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "open_f") { if(meet.reg_status == "6") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "future_f") { if(meet.reg_status == "3") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "xc_f") { if( == "xc") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "tf_filter") { if( == "track") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "sw_f") { if( == "swimming") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "ind_f") { if(meet.public_registration == "0") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "hs_f") { if(meet.hs == "0") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "club_f") { if( == "0") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "jhs_f") { if(meet.jhs == "0") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "col_f") { if( == "0") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "jcol_f") { if(meet.jcollege == "0") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "indoor_f") { if(meet.outdoors == "0") { return false; } } else if (filters[k] == "outdoor_f") { if(meet.outdoors == "1") { return false; } } } return true; } function dateFormatter(date) { return date.substring(5,7) + "/" + date.substring(8,10) + "/" + date.substring(0,4); } //jquery UI date picker $(function() { $( "#from" ).datepicker({ defaultDate: "+1w", changeMonth: true, minDate: (new Date(2012, 1 - 1, 1)), maxDate: 0, numberOfMonths: 2, onClose: function( selectedDate ) { $( "#to" ).datepicker( "option", "minDate", selectedDate ); } }); $( "#to" ).datepicker({ defaultDate: "-1m", changeMonth: true, minDate: (new Date(2012, 1 - 1, 1)), maxDate: 0, numberOfMonths: 2, onClose: function( selectedDate ) { $( "#from" ).datepicker( "option", "maxDate", selectedDate ); } }); }); function meet(date, name, state, sport, meet_hnd, outdoors, meetpro,url,tfrrs) { = date; = name; this.state = state; = sport; this.meet_hnd = meet_hnd; this.outdoors = outdoors; this.meetpro = meetpro; this.url = url; this.tfrrs = tfrrs; } </script> </div> </div> </body> <style> .footer_links { line-height: 18px; float: right; color: #505050; text-align: right; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 400; background: #fff; padding: 0px 10px 0px; margin-left: 5px; clear: both; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 2px; border: 1px solid #eee; } .footer_links:hover { background: #eee; } </style> <div id="footer_div" style="padding-bottom: 100px; text-align: center;"> <table style="margin-left: 100px; width: 800px;"> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: top;"> <table id="footer_left_links" style="text-align: right; 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