Bevy AI Terms of Service | Guidelines & Policies for AI Usage
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All capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Agreement.</p><p></p><p>By accessing or using the Al Functions, you agree to these Terms on behalf of the applicable entity or organization that you represent.</p><p></p><ol role="list"><li><strong>Al Functions</strong>. From time to time, Bevy may introduce features and capabilities as part of the Service that utilize artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, or similar technologies (the <strong>“AI Functions”</strong>). These Al Functions may be developed by Bevy and/or Bevy’s third-party providers, and are a part of the Service. These Terms only apply to Al Functions provided within the Service and not to any artificial intelligence, machine learning, or similar technologies provided by Third Party Services. Bevy and its licensors exclusively own all right, title, and interest in and to the Al Functions, including all associated intellectual property rights.</li><li><strong>Al Content</strong>. You may provide User Content for use with Al Functions (<strong>“Input”</strong>) and receive output generated and returned by the Al Functions based on the Input (<strong>“Output”</strong>, and together with Input, <strong>“Al Content”</strong>). When you use AI Functions, as between the parties and to the extent permitted by applicable law, you own the AI Content. You are solely responsible for your AI Content, including compliance with applicable laws and the Agreement. Other users providing similar Input to Al Functions may receive the same or similar Output. Responses received by other users are not your AI Content.</li><li><strong>License</strong>. You authorize Bevy and its third-party providers to process your AI Content to provide you with the Al Functions. To the extent your Input contains Personal Information (as defined in the<a href=""> </a>Data Processing Addendum, if applicable), you instruct Bevy and its third-party providers to process such Personal Information for the purpose of providing the Al Functions and Output. You agree that Bevy may use subprocessors to provide the Al Functions to you.</li><li><strong>Disclaimer</strong>. AI SERVICES ARE PROVIDED TO YOU ON AN “AS IS” BASIS. Bevy DOES NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTY REGARDING THE RESULTS OBTAINABLE FROM USING AI FUNCTIONS OR THE ACCURACY OR SUITABILITY FOR YOUR NEEDS OF ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED THROUGH AI FUNCTIONS. YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT ANY SUCH INFORMATION OBTAINED THROUGH USING AI FUNCTIONS IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. DO NOT RELY ON FACTUAL ASSERTIONS IN OUTPUT WITHOUT INDEPENDENT FACT-CHECKING. DO NOT RELY ON AI OUTPUT WITHOUT INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF FUNCTIONALITY AND SUITABILITY FOR YOUR NEEDS. NO SUCH INFORMATION, SUGGESTIONS, OR OUTPUT, OBTAINED BY YOU FROM Bevy OR THROUGH AI FUNCTIONS SHALL CREATE ANY WARRANTY NOT EXPRESSLY MADE HEREIN.</li><li><strong>Improvement of Services</strong>. Bevy may process, store, and otherwise use Al Content to further develop, enhance, and improve the Service and the Al Functions, and you expressly consent to Bevy’s usage therefor. We do not permit our third-party subprocessors of the Al Functions to use your User Content to train their Al models.</li><li><strong>Usage Restrictions</strong>. You may not use AI Functions or Output (a) to develop foundation models or other large-scale models that compete with Bevy or the AI Functions, (b) to mislead any person that Output from the Service was solely human-generated, (c) in a manner that violates any technical documentation, usage guidelines, or parameters, (d) to make automated decisions that may have a detrimental impact on individual rights without appropriate human supervision, or (e) in a manner that infringes, violates, or misappropriates any of our rights or the rights of any third party.</li><li><strong>General</strong>. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement not expressly modified by these Terms shall remain in full force and effect. The Agreement, together with these Terms, set forth the final, complete, and exclusive agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any other agreements or communications relating thereto.</li></ol><p></p><p><strong>Modifications</strong>. We may, in our sole discretion, modify, or update these Terms from time to time (including any documentation referenced in the Agreement), so you should review such terms periodically. Your continued use of the Al Functions after any such change constitutes your acceptance of any modifications to these Terms.</p></div></div></div></section><section class="section_footer"><div class="padding-global padding-section-small"><div class="container-large"><div class="footer-container"><a href="/b/book-a-demo" class="button is-secondary is-icon is-footer w-inline-block"><div>Schedule a Demo</div></a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="animated-logo"/><div class="footer-menu-group"><div class="footer-menu is-privacy"><a href="/b/privacy-policy" class="footer-menu-link is-footer w-inline-block"><div>PRIVACY POLICY</div></a><a id="w-node-_158065a5-8bd6-178a-84c9-b949bcbd5338-c73a7a28" href="/b/ai-terms" aria-current="page" class="footer-menu-link is-footer w-inline-block w--current"><div>AI TERMS</div></a><a id="w-node-_5c2094ad-b0c9-88d7-0ec4-267ac90a5394-c73a7a28" href="/b/security" class="footer-menu-link is-footer w-inline-block"><div>SECURITY</div></a><a id="w-node-_78692da6-0f04-6911-dd18-b76b7b24f108-c73a7a28" href="" target="_blank" class="footer-menu-link w-inline-block"><div>SUPPORT</div></a></div><div class="footer-menu is-right"><a href="/b/events" class="footer-menu-link w-inline-block"><div>EVENTS</div></a><a href="/b/discussions" class="footer-menu-link w-inline-block"><div>COMMUNITY</div></a><a id="w-node-_5edd6332-30d8-3499-de2a-641fb44641bb-c73a7a28" href="/b/discussions" class="footer-menu-link w-inline-block"><div>DISCUSSIONS</div></a><a href="/b/ai" class="footer-menu-link w-inline-block"><div>ANALYTICS</div></a><a id="w-node-_62b4af2d-85b8-0056-483f-7c12201626b6-c73a7a28" href="/b/pricing" class="footer-menu-link w-inline-block"><div>AI</div></a><a href="/b/book-a-demo" class="footer-menu-link w-inline-block"><div>PRICING</div></a><a id="w-node-e2f3a6fa-3416-fed7-4048-22e6c73a7a3a-c73a7a28" href="/b/customers" class="footer-menu-link w-inline-block"><div>CUSTOMERS</div></a><a id="w-node-_6cfe73bb-9c0f-bd5a-b9eb-7ee952853f44-c73a7a28" href="/b/blog" class="footer-menu-link w-inline-block"><div>BLOG</div></a><a id="w-node-_17d9eb1e-8e57-7f3e-5601-b93465643b2c-c73a7a28" href="/b/jobs" class="footer-menu-link w-inline-block"><div>JOBS</div></a><a id="w-node-e2f3a6fa-3416-fed7-4048-22e6c73a7a3d-c73a7a28" href="/b/pricing" class="footer-menu-link is-start w-inline-block"><div>START TODAY</div></a></div></div></div><div class="footer-copyright"><div class="copyright-text">Copyright © 2024 Bevy Labs, Inc. 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