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We want to kick bias out of workplaces and everywhere, because no one should be treated unfairly because of who they are—and because inclusive workplaces bring out the best in everyone. Together, we can make work work for women in a way it never has before.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="oped-quote padding-yaxis-xl spacing-xl bg-salmon"> <div class="container"> <div class="flex-row flex-center"> <div class="flex-10 flex-md-11 flex-sm-12"> <blockquote class="margin-none text-center"> <p class="oped-quote-title color-secondary heading-1 font-team text-center"> “We need more women at every table where decisions are made. We need to push back against gender inequality in every form—now more than ever. A more equal workplace and world would be better in every way.” </p> <footer class="text-uppercase font-secondary color-secondary font-bold text-stretched margin-top-sm">Sheryl Sandberg, Founder & Board Chair</footer> </blockquote> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="team"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="text-center heading-mini-border heading-mini-border-top text-center spacing-xl"> <span class="heading-4 meet-team font-secondary spacing-sm text-uppercase display-block">Meet the team</span> <span class="sr-only"> - </span> <span class="heading-2 font-team color-dark display-block">Who we are</span> </h2> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center position-relative" data-module="Team"> <div class="slider-wrapper" data-name="wrapper"></div> <div class="slider flex-12 is-hidden" data-name="slider"> <div class="swiper-container" data-name="container"> <div class="swiper-wrapper" data-name="slidesContainer"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Andrea Ortiz"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Andrea Ortiz</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Associate, People & Operations</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Honolulu, HI, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Leaning in means showing up as your true self. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Who is a changemaker that you admire?</p> <p class="team-answer">My grandmother. She was both my mother and father figure and raised me to believe I could accomplish all my goals regardless of race, gender, and circumstances. I am who I am today because of her. </p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Archana Gilravi"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Archana Gilravi</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">SVP, Partnerships and Company Programs</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Sunnyvale, CA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Dreaming big, taking risks, stepping outside of your comfort zone. Leaning in is the pursuit of the life that you have envisioned for yourself across all dimensions—personal and professional.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Ask, ask, ask -- if you don't ask for what you want, you’ll never get it!</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Brandon McCormick"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Brandon McCormick</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">VP, Communications</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Castro Valley, CA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">When there is equity we can all realize our full potential - not just in what we achieve but, importantly, who we are. That's a world I want to live in. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">To me, leaning in means being your authentic self and being able to follow the path you want to create for your own life despite barriers that may be put in front of you.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Brittany Cornejo"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Brittany Cornejo</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Manager, Communications</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">San Jose, CA, US</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Everyone deserves a chance to thrive in life and no one group deserves opportunity more than another. To create an equal world, we all have to do our part and that starts by identifying privilege, challenging inequalities, and finding ways to support the underrepresented.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">It’s pushing past self doubt to recognize that your contributions are valuable and having the confidence to make your voice heard.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Caroline Fairchild"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Caroline Fairchild</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Editor in Chief, VP of Education</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Montclair, NJ, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Because I want my son to enter a world where gender does not define how he views leadership or advancement.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">Leaning in means picking your path to progress and having no barriers in your way to get there.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Chelsea Blumenthal"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Chelsea Blumenthal</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Manager, Goldberg Scholarship Program</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Glencoe, IL, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Everyone deserves a chance to thrive in life and no one group deserves opportunity more than another. To create an equal world, we all have to do our part and that starts by identifying privilege, challenging inequalities, and finding ways to support the underrepresented.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">No task is too small and no act of kindness is too little.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Christine Quintana"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Christine Quintana</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Director, Integrated Marketing</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Boise, ID, US</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Stepping outside of your comfort zone is critical for growth. Leaning in means getting comfortable with discomfort. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Something that has always stuck with me is the phrase, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” It’s a good reminder that curiosity leads to innovation, and asking questions is okay.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Deb Chong"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Deb Chong</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Executive Assistant to the CEO</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">West Covina, CA USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Because an equal world means happier and healthier communities where we can truly love, accept, and serve one another.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Ask questions, fail fast, learn from them and move on.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Emma Macan Roberts"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Emma Macan Roberts</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Sr. Director, Lean In Circles and Company Programs</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">London, UK</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Because it’s only by harnessing the full potential of women’s talents that we stand a chance of tackling the world’s largest problems that exist today. Equality can’t wait.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">“When you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship—get on!” - Eric Schmidt</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Emma Spitzer"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Emma Spitzer</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Lead, Design</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">San José, CA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Everyone benefits when all individuals have an equal opportunity to prosper. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">It means ensuring your voice is heard and your strengths are recognized. Become a force of nature, fight for what you believe in, and fiercely advocate for yourself and others.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Erikka Moreno"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Erikka Moreno</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Director, Lean In Girls Partnerships</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Villa Park, CA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Everyone deserves equal opportunity. Equity is not only a universal right, but by bringing all voices to the table (AND listening to them), we amplify the impact. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">To me, leaning in means getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, showing up as my authentic self, and knowing it's okay to not be perfect.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Hayley Brown"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Hayley Brown</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Manager, Qualitative Research</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Houston, TX, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Leaning in means digging deeper into a problem to identify and address root structural and systemic issues for the benefit of all. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Don't start with the job or career. Start with the tasks. Identify which daily tasks drain your energy and which bring you joy, then find the job or career that best aligns with those tasks.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Hope Allen"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Hope Allen</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Manager, Strategic Partnerships</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Pittsburgh, PA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">I believe the only way we will reach our collective potential to solve problems, improve our communities, and innovate is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive and the support she needs to seize that opportunity. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice/mantra do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Mary Oliver, The Summer Day </p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Jemma York"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Jemma York</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Director, Exec Comms</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Windsor, United Kingdom</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">When women and girls have the opportunity to reach their full potential, our communities are safer, our countries are stronger, and our entire world thrives. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What is your superpower at work?</p> <p class="team-answer">Turning big ideas into powerful prose. </p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Jill Malabed"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Jill Malabed</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Program Coordinator</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Vallejo, CA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Leaning in means taking bold steps towards my goals despite any challenges related to gender, age, or being a mom. It’s about overcoming self-doubt and working towards a world where everyone has the chance to achieve their dreams. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">An equal world is important to me because it gives everyone the chance to build the life they want, regardless of their background. </p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Julia Kung"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Julia Kung</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Manager, Performance Marketing</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Menlo Park, CA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Leaning In means creating the best world that you can </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">2 generations ago, the women in my family had bound feet and few rights. Change happens faster than we think. I'm working on making a better world for my daughter.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Kayla Leduc"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Kayla Leduc</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Program Success Manager</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Portland, OR</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Leaning in means advocating for yourself and others, and leveraging your strengths to be part of the solution.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice or mantra do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Always maintain a sense of curiosity. Ask questions. Keep learning and growing</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Katie DiClemente"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Katie DiClemente</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Chief of Staff, Office of the Founder</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Rochester, NY USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">We are stronger when everyone has a seat at the table. When voices are excluded from the conversation, we all feel it. But when our lived experiences are celebrated and invited in, we can make smarter decisions and build a better future.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What mantra do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">We show who we are in little ways - with the words we use, the decisions we make, and the small acts of kindness we perform.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Kelly Meredith"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Kelly Meredith</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Manager, Lean In Girls Partnership Development</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Barberton, OH USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Leaning in means living with authenticity and courage – being willing to learn, grow, take risks, speak up and speak out! </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">Because an equal world is a place where diverse voices and ideas are respected, innovation can thrive, and collectively we are able to tackle the world's toughest challenges to create a more vibrant and resilient future for all.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Latricia Barksdale"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Latricia Barksdale</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">VP, Lean In Girls</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Alexandria, VA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Appreciating my strengths and utilizing them to improve the world around me. It's about speaking up when something isn’t right. It means betting on myself and taking risks in order to achieve and experience more than I ever thought possible.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What is your superpower at work?</p> <p class="team-answer">My superpower at work is being able to anticipate problems or issues before they happen. I'm not saying I'm psychic but... </p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Lauren Lamorena"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Lauren Lamorena</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Marketing Manager</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Eden Prairie, MN, US</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Leaning in means being your authentic self and making sure that others can do the same. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">A more equitable world is critical to ensure that all individuals are given opportunities, support and space to thrive and to be well.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Lizbeth Kim"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Lizbeth Kim</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Research Project Manager</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Fullerton, CA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">In an equal world, we can grow up fully believing that all opportunities are within our grasp.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">Living and speaking your truth, and not being afraid to take up space.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Mackenzie Stasko"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Mackenzie Stasko</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Manager, Communications</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Cleveland/Lakewood, Ohio</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Silencing your self-doubt, taking a leap of faith to go after whatever it is you want, and trusting that you are ready and deserving!</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What mantra advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">“Everything you've ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” - George Adair</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Mary Noble-Tolla"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Mary Noble-Tolla</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Manager, Programmatic Content</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">London, UK</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">It means standing up against injustice, even if there’s a personal cost.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What is your superpower at work?</p> <p class="team-answer">Reading very fast.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Nikki Pawsey"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Nikki Pawsey</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Director, Network Leaders Program</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Cirencester, Gloucestershire, UK</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">It means not being alone, having like minded people to encourage and support you. It also means being active, helping others and in turn being brave and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What is your superpower at work?</p> <p class="team-answer">Inspiring and motivating people into action. </p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Nikki Tucker"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Nikki Tucker</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Manager, Head of Social</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Brooklyn, NY, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Leaning in looks different for me because I’m a Black woman. But if I have to narrow it down, it means staying true to myself, knowing my worth (and adding tax to it), and calling out gender bias and racial discrimination (see something, say something).</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Find a way or make one. (My HBCU’s motto. S/O to Clark Atlanta University)</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Priya Fielding-Singh"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Priya Fielding-Singh</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Manager, Writing & Research</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Tucson, Arizona</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Pushing back against the internal voices and external forces that tell women they aren't competent, deserving, or smart enough to dream big and pursue those dreams. It means relentlessly fighting to ensure all women can sit at the table and lead.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What mantra do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Approach everything with a growth mindset: embrace challenges, learn from failures, and always believe in your ability to succeed through hard work, feedback, and perseverance.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Rachel Thomas"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Rachel Thomas</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">CEO, Co-Founder</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Dallas, PA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Leaning in means ignoring the inner voice that says you’re not good enough—a result of years of biased messages and systemic barriers. It means silencing that voice—even though it can be hard—and believing in yourself. And it means taking a seat at the table, and making space for more women beside you.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Be clear about what really matters—to you, to your team, to your mission—and work tirelessly to do those things well.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Robin Wilson"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Robin Wilson</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">SVP, Operations</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Charleston, SC USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Dr. Maya Angelou said it best - no one can be free until all of us are free.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Ryan Hutson"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Ryan Hutson</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Lead, Design</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">San Carlos, CA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Leaning in to me is a continued perseverance to help advance the ambitions of yourself and those you care for.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What is your superpower at work?</p> <p class="team-answer">Not stressing out :)</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Sammy Goldstein"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Sammy Goldstein</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Chief of Staff and Director, Business Operations</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Palo Alto, CA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Advocating for, believing in, and investing in yourself while mentoring others so they can lead their own journeys. I wouldn't be where I am today without the women leaders who remembered the second half of that sentence!</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What is your superpower at work?</p> <p class="team-answer">I'm a human sponge (can absorb a lot of info) and a Swiss Army knife (can solve any problem)!</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Sarah Ferreiro Hand"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Sarah Ferreiro Hand</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Manager, Recruiting & People Operations</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Winchester, MA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">The more people I meet, the more I realize that, for many reasons, not everyone is empowered to use their voice or take up space or have dreams. That burns me. There is untapped power in the voices left behind and I am here to help them rise.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Invest in people and they will invest in you.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Shelley Ong Teshima"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Shelley Ong Teshima</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Director, Brand Strategy & Marketing</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Vancouver, BC, Canada</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">I see a world of abundance and innovation when everyone is afforded equitable access to opportunities, resources, and recognition. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Approach everything with curiosity and a growth mindset.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Sidney Lee"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Sidney Lee</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Lean In Programs Training Manager</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Fresno, CA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">How we look, where we grow up, and who we know shouldn’t matter. Bias, discrimination and exclusion are limiting people’s opportunity to thrive and promotes the same cyclical issues, generation after generation. Equality has to matter for change to happen.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Live life to the fullest: whether it’s work, school, or personal life. Live a life you are happy with and take opportunities that help you grow.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Steph Zibell"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Steph Zibell</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Director of Product</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Chicago, IL</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">It means bringing my full self to the conversation, both advocating for my worth and the worth of women around me while also keeping my eyes wide open to continue unlearning the systemic biases I was raised with.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What career advice or mantra do you live by?</p> <p class="team-answer">Stay curious.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Taylor Steinbeck"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Taylor Steinbeck</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Senior Lead, Social</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Laguna Niguel, California</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">All of our lives hold value, and yet not all human lives have historically been treated as though they have worth. People of all lived experiences deserve access to opportunities.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">To me, it means advocating for myself and using the privileges I have to amplify the voices of those who have most often been silenced.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Thamara Jean"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Thamara Jean</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Research Lead, Gender and Intersectionality</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Brooklyn, New York, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">An equal world is the foundation we need to unlock the potential existing in and around us every day. People thrive when given a fair share of resources and opportunity, and when people thrive, communities everywhere reap the benefits.</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">To me, leaning in means being brave enough to face the challenges and barriers that hold us all back from experiencing a more equitable world.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="flex-row flex-wrap flex-center-center flex-md-center-top flex-sm-center-center"> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 position-relative text-center"> <img class="img-fluid swiper-lazy display-inline-block" data-src="" alt="Yesenia Nuñez Nelson"> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="flex-5 flex-sm-11 font-large font-secondary member-profile"> <h3 class="heading-3 member-profile-name font-team spacing-xs">Yesenia Nuñez Nelson</h3> <p class="spacing-md color-muted">Lean In Programs Manager</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Hometown</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">Oakdale, CA, USA</p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">Why is an equal world important to you?</p> <p class="spacing-md team-answer">An equal world is an enabled world. Where everyone is respected, valued and included; without barriers to thrive. </p> <p class="color-black font-bold spacing-xs">What does leaning in mean to you?</p> <p class="team-answer">It means, saying YES to following your passions with confidence and purpose. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <button type="button" class="swiper-button swiper-button-prev" data-name="prev" aria-label="Previous slide"> <svg class="svg-icon display-block flex-no-shrink" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" width="14" height="28" viewBox="0 0 14 28" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M-.004827 1.466668L1.360295.005011l11.632681 10.864401L1.373435 22.122873l-1.391401-1.436664 10.108974-9.790485z"/></svg> </button> <button type="button" class="swiper-button swiper-button-next" data-name="next" aria-label="Next slide"> <svg class="svg-icon display-block flex-no-shrink" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" width="14" height="28" viewBox="0 0 14 28" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M-.004827 1.466668L1.360295.005011l11.632681 10.864401L1.373435 22.122873l-1.391401-1.436664 10.108974-9.790485z"/></svg> </button> </div> </div> <div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="0"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Andrea Ortiz</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Senior Associate, People & Operations</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="1"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Archana Gilravi</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">SVP, Partnerships and Company Programs</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="2"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Brandon McCormick</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">VP, Communications</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="3"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Brittany Cornejo</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Senior Manager, Communications</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="4"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Caroline Fairchild</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Editor in Chief, VP of Education</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="5"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Chelsea Blumenthal</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Manager, Goldberg Scholarship Program</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="6"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Christine Quintana</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Director, Integrated Marketing</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="7"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Deb Chong</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Executive Assistant to the CEO</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="8"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Emma Macan Roberts</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Sr. Director, Lean In Circles and Company Programs</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="9"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Emma Spitzer</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Lead, Design</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="10"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Erikka Moreno</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Director, Lean In Girls Partnerships</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="11"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Hayley Brown</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Senior Manager, Qualitative Research</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="12"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Hope Allen</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Senior Manager, Strategic Partnerships</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="13"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Jemma York</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Director, Exec Comms</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="14"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Jill Malabed</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Program Coordinator</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="15"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Julia Kung</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Senior Manager, Performance Marketing</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="16"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Kayla Leduc</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Program Success Manager</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="17"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Katie DiClemente</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Chief of Staff, Office of the Founder</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="18"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Kelly Meredith</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Senior Manager, Lean In Girls Partnership Development</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="19"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Latricia Barksdale</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">VP, Lean In Girls</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="20"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Lauren Lamorena</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Marketing Manager</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="21"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Lizbeth Kim</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Research Project Manager</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="22"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Mackenzie Stasko</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Manager, Communications</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="23"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Mary Noble-Tolla</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Senior Manager, Programmatic Content</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="24"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Nikki Pawsey</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Director, Network Leaders Program</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg team-member"> <a class="display-block" href="#" data-action="select" data-action-member="25"> <img class="img-fluid spacing-xs" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> <p class="member-name font-bold color-black">Nikki Tucker</p> <p class="member-title color-muted font-secondary">Senior Manager, Head of Social</p> </a> </div><div class="flex-3 flex-md-6 text-center margin-yaxis-lg 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