PV CYCLE - PV Compliance & Services Across Europe

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class="amoImgTextCardText flexAlignTop"> <h2>I put photovoltaic panels on the market – EU27</h2> <h4>COMPLIANCE WITH EXTENDED PRODUCER RESPONSIBILITY LEGISLATION</h4> <p> Below we explain you the main obligations a ‘Producer’ has related to Extended Producer Responsibility </p> </div> <div class="amoImgTextCardImg ratio9-16"> <img src="/theme_pvcycle_org/static/images/pvcycle-service-photovoltaic-panels-europe.png" alt="Consultancy by PV CYCLE" loading="lazy" class="imgContain max255 illustration1"/> </div> </div> <div class="allfaqsContainer" itemscope="1" itemtype=""> <div class="faqTitle">Centralized registration and reporting</div> <div class="amoCard faqContainer" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope="1" itemtype=""> <h5 itemprop="name" style="display: none">Centralized registration and reporting</h5> <div itemscope="1" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <p> ‘Producers’ or Companies placing for the first time PV Panels, Inverters, Electrical and Electronic Equipment or Batteries on the territory of a country in the EU-27 or UK must register and report the products they place on the market, and also the amounts of waste which have been collected, reused, recycled and treated. The reporting periods vary per country, from one month to each quarter. </p> <p> <strong>PV CYCLE offers a centralized registration and reporting platform for a range of products in the EU-27 countries and the UK.</strong> </p> <p> We register your company in the national WEEE or Battery register(s) and periodically report on your behalf the products you place on the market or the waste, which has been collected, reused, recycled and treated. </p> <p> We relieve you of the burden of keeping track of national deadlines, and we are the first point of contact towards the authorities. </p> <p> Organize your registration and reporting as smooth as possible: <strong>become a PV CYCLE member</strong> and benefit from instant access to our exclusive portal and simplifying all your procedures. </p> <p> In some cases, an Authorized Representative is or might be required, which is then represents the ‘Producer’. Through our partners across Europe, PV CYCLE is able to organize this. </p> <div class="buttonsContainer"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="amoBtn primary">I am a member</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="amoBtn secondary">I want to become a member</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faqTitle">Financing:</div> <div class="amoCard faqContainer" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope="1" itemtype=""> <h5 itemprop="name" style="display: none">Financing:</h5> <div itemscope="1" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <p> ‘Producers’ or Companies placing for the first time PV Panels, Inverters, Electrical and Electronic Equipment or Batteries on the territory of a country in the EU-27 or UK must finance the collection, waste treatment and recycling of the products which they place on the market. The financing covers not only the products placed on the market today, but also in the past and partly in the future. How the financing is organized differs per country due to the autonomy of each Member State of EU-27 and the UK. </p> <p> <strong>Our contribution fees cover the requirements of each Member State of the EU-27 and the UK.</strong> </p> <p> PV CYCLE applies a fair and transparent pricing policy taking into account the national requirements and when these are absent, we apply corporate governance. We stand for a reality check and we do not promise you fairytales regarding Extended Producer Responsibility. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faqTitle">Collection and Treatment:</div> <div class="amoCard faqContainer" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope="1" itemtype=""> <h5 itemprop="name" style="display: none">Collection and Treatment:</h5> <div itemscope="1" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <p> ‘Producers’ must organize the collection, preparation for reuse, recycling and treatment of the products they place or have placed on the market. </p> <ul> <li> <p> We offer a collection network throughout the European Union and the UK, consisting of our own private drop-off points and public, municipal collection points for small amounts, as well as a customized collection service for large amounts. </p> <p> For Belgium,Germany and Italy, we invite you to consult the dedicated PV CYCLE websites or the local Producer Responsibility Organization (in France and Netherlands). </p> <p> For all the other countries of the EU-27, contact us by e-mail at <a href=""></a> or <a href="/collection_form/form">fill in the form directly</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> PV CYCLE is known as a benchmark for all waste treatment activities related to photovoltaic solar panels, and ancillary products of a PV System. Within our team, we also have experts familiar with the waste treatment of Electronic waste, batteries and packaging. PV CYCLE strongly believes in Best Available Techniques Not Exceeding Excessive Costs (BATNEEC) when treating and processing PV Panels waste. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faqTitle">Informing end-users on how to handle their waste</div> <div class="amoCard faqContainer" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope="1" itemtype=""> <h5 itemprop="name" style="display: none"> Informing end-users on how to handle their waste </h5> <div itemscope="1" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <p>Informing end-users on how to handle their waste</p> <p> ‘Producers’ must inform their customers about the correct disposal of the products they have placed on the market. </p> <p> This must be done by displaying the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol on the product or the accompanying manual. This symbol indicates separate collection for Electrical and Electronic Equipment including for PV Panels and inverters. As from 18 August 2025, this symbol must also be displayed on batteries. The symbol must be printed visibly, legibly and indelibly. </p> <div class="downloadImg horizontal"> <img src="/theme_pvcycle_org/static/images/crossed-out-wheelie-bin-symbol.jpg" alt="trash symbol that must be printed" loading="lazy"/> <a href="/theme_pvcycle_org/static/images/crossed-out-wheelie-bin-symbol.jpg" download="true" class="amoBtn primary">Download</a> </div> <p> The ‘Producer’ can use for example the following statement to comply with this requirement: </p> <p> For residential owners: “For proper treatment, recovery and recycling, please take this product to designated collection points where it will be accepted free of charge.Alternatively, in some countries, you may be able to return your products to your local retailer upon purchase of an equivalent new product. </p> <p> For B2B-market owners: “If you wish to discard electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), please contact your dealer or supplier for further information.” </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faqTitle">Labelling your products</div> <div class="amoCard faqContainer" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope="1" itemtype=""> <h5 itemprop="name" style="display: none">Labelling your products</h5> <div itemscope="1" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <p> The products under Extended Producer Responsibility must display company information such as the brand name, a logo, an identification number or similar. The products must also display the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol on the product or the accompanying manual. The symbol must be printed visibly, legibly and indelibly. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faqTitle"> Inform processing facilities of materials and the presence of hazardous substances </div> <div class="amoCard faqContainer" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope="1" itemtype=""> <h5 itemprop="name" style="display: none"> Inform processing facilities of materials and the presence of hazardous substances </h5> <div itemscope="1" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <p> Inform processing facilities of materials and the presence of hazardous substances </p> <p> ‘Producers’ must provide waste treatment facilities information about the composition of their products, the usage of hazardous materials and where these hazardous materials are located in their products. </p> <p> PV CYCLE support its members by informing as collective scheme the waste treatment facilities with this information. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="amoSectionSpacing"> <div class="wbWidth"> <div class="amoImgTextCardContainer"> <div class="amoImgTextCardImg ratio9-16"> <img src="/theme_pvcycle_org/static/images/pvcycle-service-photovoltaic-waste.png" alt="Consultancy by PV CYCLE" loading="lazy" class="imgContain max255 illustration2"/> </div> <div class="amoImgTextCardText flexAlignTop"> <h2>I have photovoltaic waste - EU27</h2> <h4>WASTE MANAGEMENT</h4> <p> PV CYCLE is dedicated to responsible and efficient waste management of photovoltaic solar panels and any other waste. Our services include three fundamental aspects: collection, shipment or transportation and waste treatment. </p> <p> Our process begins with the careful collection of used photovoltaic solar panels directly on site or via our extensive network of collection points. </p> </div> </div> <p> In a second step, we organize the safe <strong>transport</strong> or shipment of this waste to specialized waste treatment facilities, where it is <strong>treated </strong>in compliance with the strictest environmental standards. This process consist of a first treatment process to recover a high quality of mono-materials or a mixture of materials; in a final treatment process at the same waste treatment facility or at another waste treatment facility specialized in recycling mono-materials or in distinguishing a mixture of materials into mono-materials such as copper, silicon, plastics, our partners generate as much as possible valuable materials and limit as much as possible the materials which shall have a final treatment cost. At PV CYCLE, organizing waste management activities is more than a service; it is our contribution to a circular economy and to the protection of our planet. </p> <p> Do you have photovoltaic solar panels waste to manage? Contact us now at <a href=""></a> or directly complete <a href="/collection_form/form">this form </a> to benefit from our services. </p> <p>Let's work together for a more sustainable future.</p> <div class="allfaqsContainer" itemscope="1" itemtype=""> <div class="faqTitle">COLLECTION – TRANSPORT</div> <div class="amoCard faqContainer" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope="1" itemtype=""> <h5 itemprop="name" style="display: none">COLLECTION – TRANSPORT</h5> <div itemscope="1" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <p> We offer several possibilities, depending on the country where the photovoltaic solar panels waste is generated or located; this also depends on the quantities of photovoltaic panels which one intends to dispose , or whether you are a private individual or a professional: </p> <ul> <li>Via a private PV CYCLE collection point</li> <li> On-site collection: when you have for example more than 40 used photovoltaic solar panels. </li> <li>Via municipal (public) collection points</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faqTitle">WASTE TREATMENT – REUSE, RECYCLING and FINAL TREATMENT</div> <div class="amoCard faqContainer" itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope="1" itemtype=""> <h5 itemprop="name" style="display: none"> WASTE TREATMENT – REUSE, RECYCLING and FINAL TREATMENT </h5> <div itemscope="1" itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <p>Reuse, recycling and final treatment.</p> <a href="/about-pv-recycle" target="_blank">Read more about recycling</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <section class="amoSectionSpacing"> <div class="wbWidth"> <div class="amoFullCardContainer"> <div class="amoCard yellowSvgRight" style=" background-image: url(/theme_pvcycle_org/static/images/pvcycle-calltoaction-recycling.jpg); "> <div class="amoCardText"> <h3> <span class="yellowTxt">What about recycling ?</span> </h3> <p> Waste treatment is typically a high-volume low-return process. A fixed or lowered base price, either for the incoming waste or for the recycled product, has placed the commercial emphasis on maximising throughput and reducing cost overheads. </p> <p> The cost of waste treatment is typically established on the basis of investments and running costs. </p> <p> For PV Panels – similar as for e.g. lighting bulbs – the waste management industry has a huge challenge to define when ramping up for photovoltaic (PV) Panels treatment. </p> <div class="buttonsContainer"> <a href="/about-pv-recycle" class="amoBtn primary">Read more about recycling</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <div id="o_shared_blocks" class="oe_unremovable"></div> </main> <footer id="bottom" data-anchor="true" data-name="Footer" class="pvcycle_footer"> <div class="wbWidth"> <div id="footerFirstContainer"> <div class="pvc_footer_subcontainer"> <div class="pvc_footer_subcontainer_title"> About </div> <div class="pvc_footer_subcontainer_link"> <a 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