{"title":"Low Complexity Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing System by Simultaneously Applying Partial Transmit Sequence and Clipping Algorithms","authors":"V. Sudha, D. Sriram Kumar","volume":100,"journal":"International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering","pagesStart":488,"pagesEnd":495,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10003337","abstract":"<p>Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing<br \/>\r\n(OFDM) has been used in many advanced wireless communication<br \/>\r\nsystems due to its high spectral efficiency and robustness to<br \/>\r\nfrequency selective fading channels. However, the major concern<br \/>\r\nwith OFDM system is the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR)<br \/>\r\nof the transmitted signal. Some of the popular techniques used for<br \/>\r\nPAPR reduction in OFDM system are conventional partial transmit<br \/>\r\nsequences (CPTS) and clipping. In this paper, a parallel<br \/>\r\ncombination\/hybrid scheme of PAPR reduction using clipping and<br \/>\r\nCPTS algorithms is proposed. The proposed method intelligently<br \/>\r\napplies both the algorithms in order to reduce both PAPR as well as<br \/>\r\ncomputational complexity. The proposed scheme slightly degrades<br \/>\r\nbit error rate (BER) performance due to clipping operation and it can<br \/>\r\nbe reduced by selecting an appropriate value of the clipping ratio<br \/>\r\n(CR). The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm<br \/>\r\nachieves significant PAPR reduction with much reduced<br \/>\r\ncomputational complexity.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] Han, Seung Hee, and Jae Hong Lee. \"An overview of peak-to-average\r\npower ratio reduction techniques for multicarrier transmission.\" Wireless\r\nCommunications, IEEE 12.2 (2005): 56-65.\r\n[2] Hwang, Taewon, et al. 2009. OFDM and its wireless applications: a\r\nsurvey. 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