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315, 156, 312, 121" href="" shape="poly" title="Indiana" /> <area alt="Iowa" coords="239, 101, 280, 101, 282, 109, 290, 117, 290, 120, 286, 126, 283, 126, 283, 129, 285, 130, 281, 138, 278, 136, 245, 136, 239, 112, 239, 101" href="" shape="poly" title="Iowa" /> <area alt="Kansas" coords="193, 142, 248, 144, 252, 146, 251, 149, 255, 154, 255, 179, 191, 179, 193, 142" href="" shape="poly" title="Kansas" /> <area alt="Kentucky" coords="312, 167, 324, 165, 325, 163, 329, 164, 332, 157, 332, 155, 338, 153, 337, 150, 341, 150, 342, 153, 352, 154, 353, 152, 356, 155, 356, 159, 362, 166, 351, 177, 348, 178, 313, 181, 312, 183, 303, 183, 303, 176, 308, 176, 309, 174, 312, 167" href="" shape="poly" title="Kentucky" /> <area alt="Louisiana" coords="261, 228, 288, 228, 288, 233, 289, 235, 288, 236, 287, 240, 284, 247, 285, 252, 301, 251, 306, 260, 312, 274, 265, 272, 263, 268, 267, 250, 261, 241, 261, 228" href="" shape="poly" title="Louisiana" /> <area alt="Maine" coords="436, 26, 431, 56, 439, 79, 443, 69, 449, 66, 450, 59, 454, 61, 462, 52, 453, 42, 449, 27, 444, 24, 440, 27, 439, 25, 436, 26" href="" shape="poly" title="Maine" /> <area alt="Maryland" coords="392, 133, 410, 130, 413, 143, 419, 144, 425, 144, 444, 145, 442, 156, 426, 154, 417, 151, 413, 147, 408, 146, 404, 148, 401, 147, 402, 141, 392, 133" href="" shape="poly" title="Maryland" /> <area alt="Massachusetts" coords="423, 89, 438, 85, 440, 83, 470, 84, 470, 94, 443, 99, 438, 94, 436, 95, 423, 97, 423, 89" href="" shape="poly" title="Massachusetts" /> <area alt="Michigan" coords="302, 51, 325, 56, 336, 63, 339, 73, 346, 88, 350, 99, 350, 105, 345, 116, 318, 118, 308, 76, 305, 75, 305, 72, 285, 63, 302, 51" href="" shape="poly" title="Michigan" /> <area alt="Minnesota" coords="234, 34, 250, 29, 267, 38, 276, 44, 280, 43, 289, 44, 272, 61, 270, 62, 271, 69, 266, 75, 268, 76, 269, 86, 280, 96, 280, 101, 239, 100, 239, 78, 237, 76, 238, 74, 234, 34" href="" shape="poly" title="Minnesota" /> <area alt="Mississippi" coords="294, 204, 313, 202, 315, 257, 305, 258, 302, 250, 286, 251, 285, 249, 290, 236, 288, 223, 290, 213, 294, 204" href="" shape="poly" title="Mississippi" /> <area alt="Missouri" coords="246, 137, 278, 136, 281, 146, 289, 155, 292, 157, 291, 163, 299, 171, 300, 177, 302, 179, 302, 183, 299, 184, 298, 190, 293, 191, 295, 186, 256, 186, 255, 155, 251, 149, 253, 147, 252, 144, 249, 143, 246, 137" href="" shape="poly" title="Missouri" /> <area alt="Montana" coords="102, 19, 185, 32, 181, 79, 129, 73, 127, 78, 113, 77, 108, 61, 104, 62, 108, 49, 105, 48, 98, 30, 102, 19" href="" shape="poly" title="Montana" /> <area alt="Nebraska" coords="180, 105, 224, 108, 228, 111, 229, 109, 234, 110, 239, 114, 248, 143, 193, 141, 195, 131, 178, 128, 180, 105" href="" shape="poly" title="Nebraska" /> <area alt="Nevada" coords="52, 96, 98, 106, 84, 176, 79, 175, 78, 188, 43, 132, 52, 96" href="" shape="poly" title="Nevada" /> <area alt="New Hampshire" coords="429, 56, 431, 55, 438, 77, 450, 70, 464, 70, 465, 81, 440, 82, 437, 86, 427, 86, 427, 67, 429, 66, 430, 63, 429, 62, 429, 56" href="" shape="poly" title="New Hampshire" /> <area alt="New Jersey" coords="414, 108, 423, 111, 421, 117, 431, 123, 444, 124, 444, 134, 431, 133, 420, 135, 412, 135, 411, 127, 418, 122, 413, 118, 414, 108" href="" shape="poly" title="New Jersey" /> <area alt="New Mexico" coords="131, 173, 182, 179, 177, 238, 130, 236, 129, 241, 121, 240, 131, 173" href="" shape="poly" title="New Mexico" /> <area alt="New York" coords="415, 63, 422, 89, 423, 111, 413, 108, 408, 102, 373, 108, 372, 106, 375, 92, 403, 65, 415, 63" href="" shape="poly" title="New York" /> <area alt="North Carolina" coords="368, 176, 416, 168, 418, 189, 407, 202, 400, 204, 389, 194, 379, 195, 377, 192, 363, 194, 357, 197, 348, 198, 348, 195, 368, 176" href="" shape="poly" title="North Carolina" /> <area alt="North Dakota" coords="185, 32, 235, 34, 238, 72, 183, 69, 185, 32" href="" shape="poly" title="North Dakota" /> <area alt="Ohio" coords="334, 118, 345, 117, 352, 119, 367, 109, 369, 138, 362, 145, 360, 148, 359, 154, 356, 155, 354, 152, 343, 151, 340, 149, 337, 149, 334, 118" href="" shape="poly" title="Ohio" /> <area alt="Oklahoma" coords="183, 179, 254, 180, 256, 220, 250, 217, 233, 219, 208, 209, 208, 186, 182, 184, 183, 17" href="" shape="poly" title="Oklahoma" /> <area alt="Oregon" coords="37, 38, 18, 84, 75, 100, 81, 74, 80, 70, 88, 57, 85, 53, 45, 49, 44, 40, 37, 38" href="" shape="poly" title="Oregon" /> <area alt="Pennsylvania" coords="371, 106, 376, 108, 408, 102, 414, 108, 413, 118, 417, 122, 410, 129, 371, 136, 370, 134, 367, 110, 371, 106" href="" shape="poly" title="Pennsylvania" /> <area alt="Rhode Island" coords="436, 96, 439, 94, 442, 99, 463, 100, 462, 115, 449, 112, 438, 102, 436, 96" href="" shape="poly" title="Rhode Island" /> <area alt="South Carolina" coords="356, 200, 364, 194, 377, 193, 380, 196, 389, 194, 400, 204, 397, 214, 382, 229, 356, 200" href="" shape="poly" title="South Carolina" /> <area alt="South Dakota" coords="183, 69, 238, 72, 237, 75, 239, 78, 239, 113, 234, 108, 180, 105, 183, 69" href="" shape="poly" title="South Dakota" /> <area alt="Tennessee" coords="302, 184, 314, 182, 367, 176, 347, 198, 295, 203, 297, 194, 299, 193, 302, 184" href="" shape="poly" title="Tennessee" /> <area alt="Texas" coords="182, 185, 208, 186, 208, 210, 232, 220, 249, 217, 260, 222, 261, 240, 267, 252, 263, 266, 241, 282, 230, 316, 213, 308, 191, 266, 179, 266, 174, 274, 160, 262, 144, 237, 178, 238, 182, 185" href="" shape="poly" title="Texas" /> <area alt="Utah" coords="99, 107, 122, 110, 121, 122, 136, 125, 129, 172, 87, 165, 99, 107" href="" shape="poly" title="Utah" /> <area alt="Vermont" coords="427, 87, 422, 88, 412, 56, 402, 44, 422, 40, 428, 58, 429, 66, 426, 67, 427, 87" href="" shape="poly" title="Vermont" /> <area alt="Virginia" coords="352, 177, 363, 166, 367, 169, 377, 164, 382, 150, 384, 151, 391, 137, 395, 139, 396, 137, 402, 142, 401, 147, 410, 152, 413, 167, 387, 173, 352, 177" href="" shape="poly" title="Virginia" /> <area alt="Washington" coords="39, 10, 55, 7, 93, 17, 87, 54, 49, 48, 44, 41, 38, 38, 39, 10" href="" shape="poly" title="Washington" /> <area alt="West Virginia" coords="369, 135, 392, 134, 395, 139, 390, 137, 382, 152, 377, 164, 366, 169, 356, 159, 356, 154, 359, 154, 360, 148, 369, 139, 369, 135" href="" shape="poly" title="West Virginia" /> <area alt="Wisconsin" coords="270, 62, 282, 58, 286, 63, 305, 73, 309, 83, 307, 110, 286, 111, 282, 108, 281, 97, 268, 86, 267, 75, 271, 69, 270, 62" href="" shape="poly" title="Wisconsin" /> <area alt="Wyoming" coords="130, 74, 181, 80, 177, 127, 122, 121, 130, 74" href="" shape="poly" title="Wyoming" /> </map> <br> </p> </div> <h4>Proudly Serving Free Genealogy Resources for Over <span class="textcolor-red">25</span> Years</h4> <p>The USGenWeb<sup>&#174;</sup> Project was established in 1996 by a group of genealogists who shared a desire to create free online resources for genealogical research. Originally beginning with online directories of text-based resources, their vision has grown into a network of over 3000 linked websites, all individually created and maintained by a community of volunteers. Today you may find a variety of unique county and state resources including photos, maps, transcriptions, historical documents, helpful links, and much more. </p> <h4>Nationally Recognized</h4> <p>Check out <a href="media.html">USGenWeb in the Media</a> to see our members in action through a variety of video and podcast channels. We are also very proud to be named one of Family Tree Magazine's 101 Best Websites since 2000, and mentioned as a recommended resource by the National Genealogical Society, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, Family History Daily, The Frugal Genealogist's Guide, Ancestral Findings, and Education World.</p> <h4>No Registration Needed</h4> <p>All USGenWeb state and county sites are freely accessible to researchers. You will never be asked to register and login, or provide personally identifiable information to access and use our websites. Simply select a state from the drop-down menu at the top of this page to get started, and from there you will find state-level resources and links to each county site.</p> <h4>Join our Volunteer Community</h4> <p>If you have an interest to support free genealogical research, we welcome you to join our community of volunteers. Opportunities for volunteers include contributing original content, answering researcher questions, providing assistance to find local resources, or maintaining a local website. To volunteer, simply contact the state coordinator for your area of interest.We hope you find clues in our websites that will help you with your journey to the past. Happy researching!</p> <p>Linda K. Lewis<br>National Coordinator<br>The USGenWeb<sup>&#174;</sup> Project</p> <table> <tr> <td width="5%">&nbsp;</td> <td width="10% "valign="middle"> <h4 class="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="images/logos/usgwarch.gif" class="img-hyper"></a> </h4> </td> <td valign="middle"> <h4 class="center"> Check out the <a href="" target="_blank">USGenWeb Archives</a> for a ton of useful FREE information!</h4> </td> <td width="5%">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> <!-- #EndEditable --><hr class="fancy"> <section class="contentBox25Left"> <h5>Quick Links</h5> <ul class="list1"> <li><a href="index.html" title="The USGenWeb Project">Home</a></li> <li><a href="about/index.html" title="About The USGenWeb Project">About Us</a></li> <li><a href="about/projects.html" title="Special Projects">Special Projects</a></li> <li><a href="research/index.html" title="Help for Genealogy Research">Research Tips</a></li> <li><a href="volunteers/index.html" title="USGenWeb Volunteer Support">Volunteer Support</a></li> <li><a href="tutorials/index.html" title="Website Support">Website Support</a></li> <li><a href="search.html">Search</a></li> </ul> </section> <section class="contentBox75Right"> <h5>Contact Us</h5> <p class="small"><img alt="The USGenWeb Project, Free Genealogy Online" src="images/usgenweb100x104.gif" class="img-left"></p> <p class="small">Contact the <a href="">National Coordinator</a> with Project questions, suggestions, or concerns.</p> <p class="small">Contact any <a href="about/webmasters.html">Web Management Team</a> member for <a href="index.html"></a> website questions, suggestions, or concerns.</p> <p class="small">Please include a link if your inquiry is about a specific page or Project website.</p> </section> <hr class="noshow"> </div> <footer> <p class="copyright">Copyright 1996 - <script type="text/javascript">document.write((new Date()).getFullYear());</script>&nbsp;<a href="index.html">The USGenWeb<sup>&#174;</sup> Project</a></p> </footer> <script src=""></script> <script src="javascripts/jquery.slimmenu.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="javascripts/main.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="javascripts/accordionscript.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> $('ul.slimmenu').slimmenu( { resizeWidth: '1024', collapserTitle: 'Main Menu', animSpeed: '200', easingEffect: null, indentChildren: true, childrenIndenter: '&nbsp;&nbsp;' }); </script> </body> <!-- #EndTemplate --></html>

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