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Harp</a></span> <time itemprop="dateCreated" datetime="2015-05-20:13:00 BST">Wednesday, May 20 2015, 13:00 BST</time> </hgroup></div><div class="social-sharing"><div class="social-count channel heading"><span class="count js-share-count"></span><span class="js-share-label"></span></div> <button class="facebook" title="Share on Facebook" onclick="AWESM.share.facebook_share({'url':'','title': '10 of David Letterman鈥檚 most shocking interviews, from Cher and Howard Stern to Madonna and Bieber'})">Share on Facebook</button> <button class="twitter" title="Share on Twitter" onclick="AWESM.share.twitter({'url':'','text': '10 of David Letterman鈥檚 most shocking interviews, from Cher and Howard Stern to Madonna and Bieber'})">Share on Twitter</button> <button class="google" title="Share on Google+" onclick="AWESM.share.googleplus({'url':''})">Share on Google+</button></div> </header><div class="article_content"><div class="content">When <a href="/web/20150524030903/" title="More David Letterman articles"><strong>David Letterman</strong></a> takes his final bow on the CBS <em>Late Show</em> tonight (May 20), it truly will be the end of an era. In the time before late-night was overcrowded with comedians skewering the news on a nightly basis, Letterman was a beacon in the darkness for speaking truth to power.<br/><br/>Over the course of 33 years on the air at NBC and CBS, Letterman took many celebrities down a peg or two for being insufferable on his couch. He really was the first of his kind - a late-night host who was never interested in making his guests feel comfortable. Letterman's sharp tongue and laser-like precision in calling BS on his preening guests set the standard for modern talkshow hosts like Chelsea Handler, Jon Stewart and Jimmy Kimmel.<br/><br/><div id="articleimage" class=" centerimgfloat "><div class="image" style="width: 618px"> <img src="" alt="David Letterman and Howard Stern on the Late Show with David Letterman" width="618" height="473"/><div class="imgcaption imgcaption_large"><p>© Getty Images / John P. Filo/CBS</p></div></div></div> <br/>To commemorate Letterman's retirement, we look back at 10 of his most shocking celebrity interviews:<br/><br/><font size="4"><strong>1. Jerry Lawler and Andy Kaufman (1982)</strong></font><br/><br/><iframe width="618" height="378" src="" 0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>The first segment to attract mainstream attention on Letterman's NBC <em>Late Night</em> series came when he welcomed comedian Andy Kaufman and wrestling champion Jerry Lawler on July 28, 1982. Ever unpredictable, Kaufman was spending more time in Memphis than Hollywood in 1982 as he fulfilled his lifelong fantasy of becoming a professional wrestler.<br/><br/>Kaufman had earned his fair share of complaints for wrestling women on <em>Saturday Night Live</em>, but now it was time for him to take on someone his own size... actually, someone much larger. That opponent was local Memphis wrestling headliner Lawler, who had sent Kaufman to the hospital after their bout. The duo brought their rivalry onto Letterman's fledgling NBC series for a segment where Kaufman's obscene language would be heavily censored and Lawler would slap the comedian in a fit of anger.<br/><br/>Was it real or was it just an act? That question raged for many years until biopic <em>Man on the Moon</em> revealed that Kaufman and Lawler had, in fact, pulled the wool over the eyes of Dave and his television viewers. The look of pure exasperation on Letterman's face as his show spiralled out of control is simply priceless.<br/><br/><font size="4"><strong>2. Howard Stern (1984)</strong></font><br/><br/><iframe width="618" height="378" src="" 0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>If Letterman was the bad boy of NBC in the mid 1980s, shock jock Howard Stern wasn't far behind. Stern was working for NBC's flagship New York radio station - and earning complaints from listeners for his drive-time antics like 'Lesbian Dial-A-Date' and on-air strip-o-grams. The executives at NBC must have been sweating bullets when their two most controversial on-air personalities met on TV.<br/><br/>The appeal of Stern as a guest on Dave's late-night shows over the years has been that neither ever pulled punches with the other. In this early appearance, Letterman slyly referred to his guest as "New York's mad dog disc jockey" and feigned disgust when Stern dropped his bulge-enhancer on his <em>Late Night</em> table. In later years, the two would spar on the air over Letterman's ratings woes and Stern's jokes about the host's wife. The duo had an undeniable chemistry, which was clearly still on display when <a href="/web/20150524030903/">Stern had his final interview with Letterman</a> last week.<br/><br/><font size="4"><strong>3. Cher (1986)</strong></font><br/><br/><iframe width="618" height="378" src="" 0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>Letterman had a lot of fun at pop icon Cher's expense because of her relationships with younger men like bagel chef Rob Camilletti, Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise and Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora. Never one to be outspoken, Cher made her first ever appearance with Letterman a memorable debut. It turned from a promotional chat into a frank discussion on why she'd refused to come on <em>Late Night</em> for four years.<br/><br/>"I thought that I would never want to do this show with you," Cher explained. When pressed further on her reluctance to meet Dave, the 'If I Could Turn Back Time' singer joked that Letterman was an "asshole". The quip received a rapturous ovation from the studio audience - and even quite a few boos as Cher and Letterman laughed. "They're of course not booing - they're just shouting 'CHERRRRR'," Letterman replied as he puffed on one of his trusty cigars. <br/><br/><font size="4"><strong>4. Crispin Glover (1987)</strong></font><br/><br/><iframe width="618" height="378" src="" 0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/><em>Back to the Future</em> star Crispin Glover's brief and bizarre trip to <em>Late Night</em> made Andy Kaufman's 1982 tirade look tame by comparison. Glover was ostensibly appearing to promote <em>River's Edge</em>, but things got off to a bad start when he wandered on set wearing a terrible wig and gave a series of rambling answers to Letterman's questions. He soon stopped co-operating altogether and challenged the host to an arm wrestling match. When a bemused Dave began openly mocking Crispin, the actor flung his foot at Letterman and shouted: "I'm strong... I can kick!"<br/><br/>This was about all Letterman could handle as he walked off his own show, telling the audience: "I'm going to check on the Top 10." Glover would later claim that he was playing his <em>Rubin and Ed</em> character in his bizarre encounter with Letterman, despite the fact that the film had not yet been released. Glover returned to <em>Late Night</em> one month later, coyly making reference to his previous outburst by denying that he'd ever actually met Letterman.<br/><br/><font size="4"><strong>5. Madonna (1994)</strong></font><br/><br/><iframe width="618" height="378" src="" 0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>The most memorable moment from Letterman's early years on CBS came in 1994 when he invited Madonna on his new <em>Late Show</em>. What followed was the most censored talk show episode ever aired on US television. Letterman fired the first shot with his introduction of the pop diva: "Our first guest tonight is one of the biggest stars in the world, and in the past 10 years she has sold over 80 million albums, starred in countless films and slept with some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry." A giggly Madonna, in turn, would answer each of Letterman's questions with risqu茅 double entendres.<br/><br/>She would go on to utter the world "f**k" 14 times, and repeatedly ask Dave to smell a pair of her underwear. Things degenerated further with Madonna refusing to leave the <em>Late Show</em> set when Dave tried to usher her away, instead asking him if he'd ever smoked the "endo" strain of marijuana. "Oh, I see we've been cancelled, there is no show tomorrow night," Letterman finally deadpanned.<br/><br/>Madonna and Letterman would mock the national scandal that erupted from their 1994 interview at the year's MTV Video Music Awards by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">walking arm-in-arm onto the stage</a> for all to see.<br/><br/><font size="4"><strong>6. Drew Barrymore (1995)</strong></font><br/><br/><iframe width="618" height="378" src="" 0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>Drew Barrymore tried to one-up Madonna with her own scandalous appearance on <em>The Late Show</em>. Drew was in the <em>Poison Ivy</em>/<em>Bad Girls</em> phase of her career - and clearly distancing herself from being the girl from <em>ET</em>. Barrymore and Letterman's birthdays fall within six weeks of each other, so naturally the actress wanted to give Dave a birthday present of epic proportions.<br/><br/>A conversation about nude nightclub dancing quickly inspired Barrymore to strip down herself. The actress climbed atop Letterman's desk and bared her nude breasts to a gawking Dave with her back turned to the audience. All a shocked Letterman could muster was: "Remember the night Morley Safer [from CBS News] was here and pulled the same thing?" It was a birthday gift that Dave would never forget.<br/><br/><font size="4"><strong>7. Michael Richards (2006)</strong></font><br/><br/><iframe width="618" height="378" src="" 0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>There are two kinds of car-crash TV. There's the kind of public embarrassment that is fun to watch in a kitschy way, and there's the uncomfortable kind that compels you to look away. Michael Richards's entry on this retrospective is most definitely that cringey, 'I must turn the channel' kind of car-crash TV. For those who've forgotten, Michael Richards got in serious trouble when an audience member at West Hollywood's Laugh Factory recorded him going on a racist rant during a stand-up set.<br/><br/>Richards's old friend Jerry Seinfeld tried to make the whole furore go away by inviting Michael to join him via satellite on a previously-scheduled visit to <em>The Late Show</em> for a public apology. To put it mildly, it did not go well. Michael's use of outdated terminology like "Afro-Americans" and a rather rambling apology had the exact opposite reaction that Jerry wanted. The audience laughed, prompting an annoyed Seinfeld to chide the crowd: "Stop laughing, it's not funny." "I'm not even sure this is where I should be addressing the situation," a clearly dismayed Richards admitted. Right on the money, Michael.<br/><br/><font size="4"><strong>8. Paris Hilton (2007)</strong></font><br/><br/><iframe width="618" height="378" src="" 0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>Remember how we mentioned that Michael Richards's public mea culpa was cringeworthy? A tense chat between Dave and Paris Hilton following her recent release from jail also garnered its fair share of winces back in 2007. Hilton was fresh out of a stint in jail for a probation violation when she made her television comeback on <em>The Late Show</em>. Things immediately got off to a rocky start with Letterman's first question: "Uh, how'd you like being in jail?" An audible gasp from the audience was followed by a timid answer from Hilton. "Not too much," she replied.<br/><br/>"Not too much" was about all Paris Hilton was willing to say about life behind bars, but the tenacious Letterman would not let the topic rest. He relentlessly prodded the socialite with question after question about being jailed - none of which she was prepared to answer. Hilton's insistence that she did not want to discuss her prison term any further was met with a sarcastic: "This is where you and I are different. Because this is all I want to talk about."<br/><br/>Letterman hadn't taken a celebrity down this harshly in a decade, and the tension was evident as Hilton grew more unsettled and Dave grew more gleeful. "I'll buy you a parakeet," the host quipped - trying to ease the tension. We're pretty sure Paris never took Dave up on that offer.<br/><br/><font size="4"><strong>9. Joaquin Phoenix (2009)</strong></font><br/><br/><iframe width="618" height="378" src="" 0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>Letterman must have assumed that the days of being pranked by his guests were long gone by the time he was late-night's elder statesman in 2009. If so - he was very, very wrong. Joaquin Phoenix set tongues wagging and social media ablaze by showing up on <em>The Late Show</em> looking dishevelled and sounding incoherent that February. The live crowd were uneasy, Letterman was on edge and Phoenix didn't even seem as if he was on planet earth.<br/><br/>Dave was completely confused by the Academy Award nominee utterly failing to string together more than one coherent sentence at a time. It was definitely one of television's all-time most awkward moments. As it turns out, it was also a hoax. Phoenix would later reveal that <a href="/web/20150524030903/">his rambling <em>Late Show</em> spot was actually a performance</a> to create controversy for his mockumentary <em>I'm Still Here</em>. Thankfully, <a href="/web/20150524030903/">Phoenix has since resumed his acting career</a> with <em><a href="/web/20150524030903/">The Master</a></em>, <em><a href="/web/20150524030903/">Her</a></em> and <em><a href="/web/20150524030903/">Inherent Vice</a></em> - apparently content to leave pranks to the professionals.<br/><br/><font size="4"><strong>10. Justin Bieber (2012)</strong></font><br/><br/><iframe width="618" height="378" src="" 0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>While the Paris Hilton takedown was awkward, it's impossible to muzzle a smile while watching Dave run circles around Justin Bieber. Whether it was quizzing the young popstar on US and Canadian politics or grilling him on his education goals, Bieber was always two or three steps behind Letterman in this 2012 interview. <br/><br/>The laugh-out-loud moment came when Dave made a joking reference Bieber's tattoos looking like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. A confused Bieber wondered aloud: "I'm not going for the 16th chapel look." Letterman simply retorted: "Canadian high school!" It's a shame that Bieber isn't scheduled for a rematch during Dave's final episode. Although... 'Never Say Never'.<br/><br/><div id="articleimage" class=" centerimgfloat "><div class="image" style="width: 618px"> <img src="" alt="David Letterman and Justin Bieber on the Late Show with David Letterman" width="618" height="460"/><div class="imgcaption imgcaption_large"><p>© Getty Images / John P. Filo/CBS</p></div></div></div> <br/><strong>What was your favourite David Letterman moment from the last 33 years? Let us know in the comment box below:</strong><div id="adtext"> <script>googletag.display('adtext');</script> </div><div class="padding-top-5 padding-bottom-5"><br/><a href="/web/20150524030903/" title="The Police frontman sings a barbershop quartet version of his hit song. 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