{"title":"Integrating Artificial Neural Network and Taguchi Method on Constructing the Real Estate Appraisal Model","authors":"Mu-Yen Chen, Min-Hsuan Fan, Chia-Chen Chen, Siang-Yu Jhong","volume":93,"journal":"International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering","pagesStart":3010,"pagesEnd":3019,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/9999425","abstract":"<p>In recent years, real estate prediction or valuation has<br \/>\r\nbeen a topic of discussion in many developed countries. Improper<br \/>\r\nhype created by investors leads to fluctuating prices of real estate,<br \/>\r\naffecting many consumers to purchase their own homes. Therefore,<br \/>\r\nscholars from various countries have conducted research in real estate<br \/>\r\nvaluation and prediction. With the back-propagation neural network<br \/>\r\nthat has been popular in recent years and the orthogonal array in the<br \/>\r\nTaguchi method, this study aimed to find the optimal parameter<br \/>\r\ncombination at different levels of orthogonal array after the system<br \/>\r\npresented different parameter combinations, so that the artificial<br \/>\r\nneural network obtained the most accurate results. The experimental<br \/>\r\nresults also demonstrated that the method presented in the study had a<br \/>\r\nbetter result than traditional machine learning. Finally, it also showed<br \/>\r\nthat the model proposed in this study had the optimal predictive effect,<br \/>\r\nand could significantly reduce the cost of time in simulation operation.<br \/>\r\nThe best predictive results could be found with a fewer number of<br \/>\r\nexperiments more efficiently. Thus users could predict a real estate<br \/>\r\ntransaction price that is not far from the current actual prices.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] J.F.C. Khaw, B.S. Lim, and L.E.N. Lim, \"Optimal design of neural\r\nnetworks using the Taguchi method,\u201d Neurocomputing, vol.7, no.3, pp.\r\n225-245, 1995.\r\n[2] A. Tortum, N. Yayla, C. \u00c7elik, and M. G\u00f6kda\u011f, \"The investigation of\r\nmodel selection criteria in artificial neural networks by the Taguchi\r\nmethod,\u201dPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol.386,\r\nno.1,pp. 446-468, 2007.\r\n[3] W.C. Chen, Y.Y. Hsu, L.F. Hsieh, and P.H. Tai, \"A systematic\r\noptimization approach for assembly sequence planning using Taguchi\r\nmethod, DOE, and BPNN,\u201d Expert Systems with Applications, vol.37,\r\nno.1, pp. 716-726, 2010.\r\n[4] K.Y. 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