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margin-right: 1ex;"> <h3 style="margin-top: 24px;"><a href="notes/index.html">Featured This Week</a></h3> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <ul><li><a href="consider/Euphrates-boundary-of-the-promised-land/index.html" title="The events in Syria now have a history in Eden">The River Euphrates &ndash; the boundary of the Promised Land</a> <span class="listauth">gah.</span> <p class="listdesc">The events in Syria now have a history in Eden</p></li><li><a href="notes/events/Elizabeth-monarchy-to-kingdom-of-god.html" title="">Elizabeth 1 &amp; 11 The Oath of El</a> <span class="listauth">gah.</span> <p class="listdesc"></p></li><li><a href="consider/v12Sacrifice/index.html" title="A Sacrifice">ANZAC Day: The sacrifice at Gallipoli</a> <span class="listauth">hej.</span> <p class="listdesc">A Sacrifice</p></li></ul> <div style="height: 1em;"></div> <div class="greenb"><span>Columns</span></div> <div style="height: 1ex;"></div> <img src="notes/notes.jpg" alt="" style="float: left; margin-right: 1ex;"> <h3><a href="notes/index.html">BFn Notes</a></h3> <p class="small" style="color: #808080; margin-top: 1ex;">Latest: 15th Jan 2025</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <ul><li><a href="notes/events/isles-shall-worship-God.html" title="">Those in the Isles shall Worship Him</a> <span class="listauth">mgh.</span></li><li><a href="notes/events/new-york-quake-2024-israel.html" title="">Earthquake New York</a> <span class="listauth">hej.</span></li><li><a href="notes/events/news-watch-january-24.html" title="">New Watch January 2024</a> <span class="listauth">hej.</span></li><li><a href="notes/events/Isarel-fulfilling-Ezekiel-2023-Gaza-war.html" title="">Israel Prophecy fulfilled in our time &ndash;2023</a> <span class="listauth">hej.</span></li><li><a href="notes/events/Elgin-Marbles-Sons-of-Greece.html" title="">Elgin Marbles &amp; the Bible</a> <span class="listauth">hej.</span></li></ul><p class="small"><a href="notes/index.html" style="color: #808080">More...</a></p> <div style="height: 1em;"></div> <img src="consider/considerfl4i.png" alt="" style="float: left; margin-right: 1ex"> <h3><a href="consider/index.html">Consider !</a></h3> <p class="small" style="color: #808080; margin-top: 1ex;">Latest: 2nd Mar 2025</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <ul><li><a href="consider/Jews-gentiles-olive-tree/index.html" title="">Jews, Gentiles &amp; the Olive Tree</a> <span class="listauth">mgh.</span></li><li><a href="consider/Misinformation-and-disinformation/index.html" title="">Truth and Misinformation and Disinformation</a> <span class="listauth">gah.</span></li><li><a href="consider/Isarel-gaza-history-prophecy/index.html" title="">The power of the inspired word: Yahweh's commandments</a> <span class="listauth">mgh.</span></li><li><a href="consider/Isarel-gaza-history/index.html" title="">Searching For the Truth: Israel</a> <span class="listauth">mgh.</span></li><li><a href="consider/timespart3/index.html" title="times appointed">Times Appointed Part 3</a> <span class="listauth">hej.</span></li></ul><p class="small"><a href="consider/index.html" style="color: #808080">More...</a></p> <div style="height: 1em;"></div> <img src="quotes_cyan_i.png" alt="" style="float: left; 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Amos 3:3</a> <span class="listauth">hej.</span></li><li><a href="quote/Greater-love-has-no-man-John-15-13/index.html" title="Understanding the Greatest Love, John 15:13">The Greatest Love, John 15:13</a> <span class="listauth">hej.</span></li></ul><p class="small"><a href="quote/index.html" style="color: #808080">More...</a></p> </div> </div> <div style="clear: both;" class=spacer></div> <a name="whatsnew"></a> <div class=greenb><span>What's New</span></div> <img src="wheel1cs.jpg" alt="" class="bimg"> <div class="summarylist"><a href="/consider/Jews-gentiles-olive-tree/index.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/Olivetrees_240.jpg" alt=""></a><div class="summview1"><div><h3><a href="/consider/Jews-gentiles-olive-tree/index.html">Jews, Gentiles &amp; the Olive Tree</a></h3> <span class="detail">2nd&nbsp;March&nbsp;2025, mgh.</span></div> <p>As we see the rise of anti semitism in many countries daily in the protests, it alerts us to to Romans 11 where the Apostle Paul uses the combination of the Old testament and Yeshua&rsquo;s Prophecy in Luke 21 and the times of the Gentiles.</p> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/consider/Jews-gentiles-olive-tree/index.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/notes/events/isles-shall-worship-God.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/Lifeline_Chicago240.jpg" alt=""></a><div class="summview2"><div><h3><a href="/notes/events/isles-shall-worship-God.html">Those in the Isles shall Worship Him</a></h3> <span class="detail">15th&nbsp;January&nbsp;2025, mgh.</span></div> <p>They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of Yahweh</p> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/notes/events/isles-shall-worship-God.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/consider/Misinformation-and-disinformation/index.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/Lifechoice240.jpg" alt=""></a><div class="summview1"><div><h3><a href="/consider/Misinformation-and-disinformation/index.html">Truth and Misinformation and Disinformation</a></h3> <span class="detail">1st&nbsp;October&nbsp;2024, gah.</span></div> <p>The United Nations has proclaimed Misinformation and Disinformation (MAD) as one of their priorities and are actively promoting strategies to counter its dissemination. Nations such as Australia are preparing legislation to combat MAD in the media, social media and on the internet.</p> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/consider/Misinformation-and-disinformation/index.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/consider/Isarel-gaza-history-prophecy/index.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/Jordan_River_240.jpg" alt=""></a><div class="summview2"><div><h3><a href="/consider/Isarel-gaza-history-prophecy/index.html">The power of the inspired word: Yahweh's commandments</a></h3> <span class="detail">5th&nbsp;May&nbsp;2024, mgh.</span></div> <blockquote>For the word of God is powerful, sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.. and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked to the eyes of him with whom we have to do (Hebrews 4:12-13 )</blockquote> <!--break--!> <p> ... <a class="detail" href="/consider/Isarel-gaza-history-prophecy/index.html">More</a></p></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/notes/events/new-york-quake-2024-israel.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/NewYorkQuake1.jpg" alt=""></a><div class="summview1"><div><h3><a href="/notes/events/new-york-quake-2024-israel.html">Earthquake New York</a></h3> <span class="detail">7th&nbsp;April&nbsp;2024, hej.</span></div> <p>We saw on the news that there was a quake of note while the UN was in session. Enquiry found that the UN was debating the war in Gaza. We have been waiting for matters to develop as expected in prophecy, where Israel dwells safely.</p> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/notes/events/new-york-quake-2024-israel.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/notes/events/news-watch-january-24.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/NewsWatch.jpg" alt=""></a><div class="summview2"><div><h3><a href="/notes/events/news-watch-january-24.html">New Watch January 2024</a></h3> <span class="detail">11th&nbsp;February&nbsp;2024, hej.</span></div> <P>Yet another year has gone and our Lord has not returned- yet as we see events we know that the time is ever closer, as we live in the era of fulfilling of long hoped for prophecy. We know the end, but we are often surprised at the manner of prophecy fulfilling.</P> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/notes/events/news-watch-january-24.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/notes/events/Isarel-fulfilling-Ezekiel-2023-Gaza-war.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/ashkelon1_ruins_240.JPG" alt=""></a><div class="summview1"><div><h3><a href="/notes/events/Isarel-fulfilling-Ezekiel-2023-Gaza-war.html">Israel Prophecy fulfilled in our time &ndash;2023</a></h3> <span class="detail">28th&nbsp;January&nbsp;2024, hej.</span></div> <p>Though the events of 1948 and 1967 in Israel were momentous in their day, in retrospect they are even more momentous. Already the events of 2023 are understood as momentous. There are many who speak of the 'right side of history' as if they see the future &ndash; but the Bible student knows the Heavens laugh.</p> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/notes/events/Isarel-fulfilling-Ezekiel-2023-Gaza-war.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/consider/Isarel-gaza-history/index.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/Jordan_River_240.jpg" alt=""></a><div class="summview2"><div><h3><a href="/consider/Isarel-gaza-history/index.html">Searching For the Truth: Israel</a></h3> <span class="detail">2nd&nbsp;December&nbsp;2023, mgh.</span></div> <p>The Bible gives a detailed history of Israel, the people, their strengths and failures, genealogies, invasions of Israel by other nations, prophecies the Psalms and more. The following quotation reveals the destiny of Israel and other nations.(Genesis 12:1-12)&rdquo;</p> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/consider/Isarel-gaza-history/index.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/notes/events/Elgin-Marbles-Sons-of-Greece.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/Athens240.jpg" alt=""></a><div class="summview1"><div><h3><a href="/notes/events/Elgin-Marbles-Sons-of-Greece.html">Elgin Marbles &amp; the Bible</a></h3> <span class="detail">30th&nbsp;November&nbsp;2023, hej.</span></div> <p>What have the Elgin Marbles to do with the Bible? The same question might be asked: why are the Elgin Marbles in the news <i>now</i> when Israel is in the news? They are in the news to the point of the disruption of National relations between Greece and UK &ndash; and so we take note as to what the Bible says &ndash; about Greeks.</p> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/notes/events/Elgin-Marbles-Sons-of-Greece.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/notes/events/jordan-valley-of-Archor-sovereignty.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/WallsofJerusalem_240.JPG" alt=""></a><div class="summview2"><div><h3><a href="/notes/events/jordan-valley-of-Archor-sovereignty.html">Hosea Valley of Achor Door of Hope</a></h3> <span class="detail">5th&nbsp;November&nbsp;2023, hej.</span></div> <p>As Israel battles Hamas, which in Hebrew translates as violence, we see Israel in the valley of Achor which means 'Trouble'. Through this trouble there is a door of Hope. </p> <!--break--!> <BLOCKQUOTE> Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)</BLOCKQUOTE> ... <a class="detail" href="/notes/events/jordan-valley-of-Archor-sovereignty.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/notes/events/ezekiel-war-in-Israel.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/WallsofJerusalem_240.JPG" alt=""></a><div class="summview1"><div><h3><a href="/notes/events/ezekiel-war-in-Israel.html">Israel at War: Ezekiel Warned of These Dark Days</a></h3> <span class="detail">10th&nbsp;October&nbsp;2023, mgh.</span></div> <P>We are living in the days spoken of by Ezekiel:</P> <BLOCKQUOTE>Son of man, prophesy unto the mountains of Israel, and say, Ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of Yahweh: Thus saith the Lord Yahweh; Because the enemy hath said against you, Aha, even the ancient high places are ours in possession: Therefore prophesy and say,</BLOCKQUOTE> <!--break--!> <BLOCKQUOTE>Thus saith the Lord Yahweh; Because they have made you desolate, and swallowed you up on every side, that ye might be a possession unto the residue of the heathen, and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers, and are an infamy of the people: (Ezekiel 36:1-3)</BLOCKQUOTE> ... <a class="detail" href="/notes/events/ezekiel-war-in-Israel.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/notes/events/50-Yom-kippur-Camp-David.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/WallsofJerusalem_240.JPG" alt=""></a><div class="summview2"><div><h3><a href="/notes/events/50-Yom-kippur-Camp-David.html">1948, Yom Kippur War, Camp David &amp; Daniel</a></h3> <span class="detail">23rd&nbsp;September&nbsp;2023, hej.</span></div> <p>As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War in the 75th year of Israel as a nation, 56 Years to the Reunification of Jerusalem and the return to the mountains of Israel, we can look forward and back. </p> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/notes/events/50-Yom-kippur-Camp-David.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><div class="summview1"><div><h3><a href="/consider/timespart3/index.html">Times Appointed Part 3</a></h3> <span class="detail">21st&nbsp;September&nbsp;2023, hej.</span></div> <P>This section examines the prediction of Messiah's first comming of Daniel 9, the meaning of the 'week', the jubile. The historical fulfillment of the times of the desolator of the Holy Land in Daniel 12. We also analyse the Olivet prophecy and the signs in the sun and the moon. ... <a class="detail" href="/consider/timespart3/index.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/notes/events/how-did-it-happen.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/DividedAmerica.jpg" alt=""></a><div class="summview2"><div><h3><a href="/notes/events/how-did-it-happen.html">How Did&rdquo; IT&rdquo; Happen?</a></h3> <span class="detail">11th&nbsp;September&nbsp;2023, mgh.</span></div> <p>The question is, what does the &ldquo;<b>IT</b>&rdquo; represent? Many Americans realise that the USA is facing a decline with a collapse in its power, lifestyle and recognition as a world leader.</P> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/notes/events/how-did-it-happen.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div><a href="/consider/grieved-at-heart/index.html"><img class="thumbicon" src="thumb96/ScrollIsaiah_240.jpg" alt=""></a><div class="summview1"><div><h3><a href="/consider/grieved-at-heart/index.html">Grieved at the hardness of their heart</a></h3> <span class="detail">24th&nbsp;August&nbsp;2023, hej.</span></div> <P>We might tend to think that our Creator watches as if detached, but there is abundant evidence that this is not the case. At the very least Y'shua Messiah was grieved to his heart by the souls he could not save.</P> <!--break--!> ... <a class="detail" href="/consider/grieved-at-heart/index.html">More</a></div><div class="divider"></div></div> <div class="spacer"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var n='genesis'; var d=''; var a=n+'@'+d; document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + a + '\">'+a+'</a>');</script> <div style="height: 50px;"></div> <div class="footer"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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