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<a href="#" onclick="MM_openBrWindow('','Mailfriend','width=500,height=220')" class="toplink">EMAIL STORY</a> <br> <table> <tr><td> <!-- BITSPrintFriendlyStart --> <span class="storyHeadline"> <!-- BITSHeadlineStart -->MIA TAKES OVER<!-- BITSHeadlineEnd --> </span> <br><span class="byline">Published on: 1/20/08.</span> <p> <table><tr> <td> <img class="picBorder" src="/web/20080623012730im_/" height="215"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <span class="byline">From one leader to another: former Prime Minister Owen Arthur (right) congratulating Mia Mottley, the new political leader of the Barbados Labour Party and the incoming Leader of the Opposition. (Picture by Charles Pitt-Grant.)</span> </td> </tr> </table> </p> <!-- BITSMailPreviewStart --> <p class="storyText"><p>by TREVOR YEARWOOD </p></p> <!-- BITSMailPreviewEnd --> <p class="storyText"><p> </p> <p><uppercase>BARBADOS </uppercase>has a new Opposition Leader and the Barbados Labour Party (BLP), a new political leader. </p> <p>She is former Deputy Prime Minister Mia Mottley who becomes the first woman to hold those posts. </p> <p>As political leader, the 43-year-old Mottley replaces former Prime Minister Owen Arthur, who said yesterday he was looking forward to being "just an ordinary citizen", but will serve the full five years as a Member of Parliament. </p> <p>In making the announcement, four days after the BLP's 10-20 seat defeat in the general election, Arthur told the media and about 22 other successful and unsuccessful BLP candidates, at BLP headquarters, Roebuck Street, The City: </p> <p>"I have made a decision to lay down the mantle of leadership of the Barbados Labour Party. </p> <p>"I believe that it would be in the very best interest of the future development of the party and also the development of democracy in our country if the transition to a new leadership in the Barbados Labour Party is made immediately. </p> <p>"I have therefore . . . demitted the office of political leader of the Barbados Labour Party . . . ." </p> <p>The BLP's parliamentary group had earlier decided on Mottley's appointment as party leader and agreed to recommend to Governor-General Sir Clifford Husbands that she be appointed Leader of the Opposition. </p> <p>The group also picked former Attorney-General Dale Marshall, one of the successful candidates, as deputy leader of the party. </p> <p>"This effectively brings to an end my involvement in Barbados' political affairs at the national and at the party level in a leadership capacity," Arthur said. </p> <p>Mottley pledged that Barbados would have a "very vigilant", "very active" Opposition. </p> <p>"We have a responsibility to continue to work in the cause of all Barbadians to keep democracy strong and alive and at the same time to ensure that the prosperity to which [Barbadians] have become accustomed is not in any way withered away over the course of the next few years," she told reporters. </p> <p>She spoke about continuing the party's "aggressive communications stance through our website and through other media", as well as moves <br> "to rebuild a party that will continue to be relevant to its times". </p> <p>Mottley was first elected to Parliament in September 1994. One of the youngest persons ever to be assigned a ministerial portfolio at age 29, she was appointed to the Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Culture. </p> <p>After a Cabinet reshuffle in February of 2006, she was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs and Development. </p> </p> <!-- BITSPrintFriendlyEnd --> <div align="right"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7911311403855459"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; google_ad_format = "300x250_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel ="8336219506"; google_color_border = "DDB7BA"; google_color_bg = "FFF5F6"; google_color_link = "0000CC"; google_color_url = "008000"; google_color_text = "6F6F6F"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </div> <p> <script language="JavaScript">poll();</script> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <div align="right"> |&nbsp;<a href="/web/20080623012730/" target="_blank" class="toplink">PRINTER FRIENDLY FORMAT</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; 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