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As a result, online library card registration is unavailable until <strong>February 2025</strong>. <br><br> In the meantime, you can visit your nearest EPL branch to register for a library card in person. Please bring valid ID (e.g., Driver鈥檚 License, Alberta Health Care Card) and proof of your Edmonton address. <br><br> If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to <a href="">contact your local branch</a>. <br><br> </main><! .w2Contents--> <!-- Page contents go above here --> <!-- START FOOTER --> <footer class="text-stone-700 dark:text-stone-200 dark:bg-stone-950 dark:border-blue-400 p-4 mb-12 font-sans bg-white border-t-[3px] border-blue-700 shadow"> <div class="max-w-screen-xl m-auto"> <div class="sm:space-x-0 sm:mt-4 sm:w-8 sm:mr-4 sm:float-left sm:flex-col sm:space-y-2 flex justify-center m-auto space-x-4"> <a href="" class="inline-block rounded-full" aria-label="Edmonton Public Library on Facebook" style="background-color:#1877F2;"> <svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" class="sm:w-8 sm:h-8 w-10 h-10" viewBox="-7 -7 32 32"> <path d="M12.9023 9.00001L12.5033 11.6016H10.4062V17.8907C14.7088 17.2155 18 13.4922 18 9C18 4.02944 13.9706 3.38232e-06 9 3.38232e-06C4.02943 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