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Göstərilən səbəb: <i><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/NOP">Open proxy/Webhost</a>: See the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:WM:OP/H">help page</a> if you are affected </i>. </p> <ul><li>Blokun başlaması: 15:12, 27 avqust 2023</li> <li>Blokun bitməsi: 15:12, 27 avqust 2028</li></ul> <p>Cari IP-ünvanınız: Bloklanmış diapazon: Zəhmət olmasa, yuxarıda göstərilən bütün məlumatları edəcəyiniz müraciətlərə daxil edin. </p><p>Səhvən bloklandığınızı düşünürsünüzsə, əlavə məlumat və təlimatları <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/No open proxies">Açıq proksilərə yox</a> qlobal siyasətində tapa bilərsiniz. </p> Əks halda bloku müzakirə etmək üçün <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Steward requests/Global">Meta-Wiki-də sorğu göndərin</a>. Siz həmçinin <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards">stüardlar</a> <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/VRT">VRT</a> sorğu növbəsinə (<kbd></kbd>) yuxarıdakı bütün təfərrüatlar daxil olmaqla e-məktub göndərə bilərsiniz.</div></div><hr /> <p>Siz bu səhifənin məzmununu görə və köçürə bilərsiniz. </p><textarea readonly="" accesskey="," id="wpTextbox1" cols="80" rows="25" style="" class="mw-editfont-monospace" lang="en" dir="ltr" name="wpTextbox1">-- settings, may differ from project to project -- taken and adapted from ruwiki local fileDefaultSize = '267x400px'; local outputReferences = true; local moduleSources = require( 'Module:Sources' ) local WDS = require( 'Module:WikidataSelectors' ); local CONTENT_LANGUAGE_CODE = mw.language.getContentLanguage():getCode(); local p = {}; local config = nil; local formatDatavalue, formatEntityId, formatRefs, formatSnak, formatStatement, formatStatementDefault, formatProperty, getSourcingCircumstances, getPropertyDatatype, getPropertyParams, throwError, toBoolean; local function copyTo( obj, target, skipEmpty ) for k, v in pairs( obj ) do if skipEmpty ~= true or ( v ~= nil and v ~= '' ) then target[k] = v; end end return target; end local function min( prev, next ) if ( prev == nil ) then return next; elseif ( prev > next ) then return next; else return prev; end end local function max( prev, next ) if ( prev == nil ) then return next; elseif ( prev < next ) then return next; else return prev; end end local function getConfig( section, code ) if config == nil then config = require( 'Module:Wikidata/config' ); end; if not config then config = {}; end if not section then return config; end if not code then return config[ section ] or {}; end if not config[ section ] then return nil; end return config[ section ][ code ]; end local function getCategoryByCode( code, sortkey ) local value = getConfig( 'categories', code ); if not value or value == '' then return ''; end if sortkey ~= nil then return '[[Category:' .. value .. '|' .. sortkey .. ']]'; else return '[[Category:' .. value .. ']]'; end end local function splitISO8601(str) if 'table' == type(str) then if str.args and str.args[1] then str = '' .. str.args[1] else return 'unknown argument type: ' .. type( str ) .. ': ' .. table.tostring( str ) end end local Y, M, D = (function(str) local pattern = "(%-?%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T" local Y, M, D = mw.ustring.match( str, pattern ) return tonumber(Y), tonumber(M), tonumber(D) end) (str); local h, m, s = (function(str) local pattern = "T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)%Z"; local H, M, S = mw.ustring.match( str, pattern); return tonumber(H), tonumber(M), tonumber(S); end) (str); local oh,om = ( function(str) if str:sub(-1)=="Z" then return 0,0 end; -- ends with Z, Zulu time -- matches ±hh:mm, ±hhmm or ±hh; else returns nils local pattern = "([-+])(%d%d):?(%d?%d?)$"; local sign, oh, om = mw.ustring.match( str, pattern); sign, oh, om = sign or "+", oh or "00", om or "00"; return tonumber(sign .. oh), tonumber(sign .. om); end )(str) return {year=Y, month=M, day=D, hour=(h+oh), min=(m+om), sec=s}; end local function parseTimeBoundaries( time, precision ) local s = splitISO8601( time ); if (not s) then return nil; end if ( precision >= 0 and precision <= 8 ) then local powers = { 1000000000 , 100000000, 10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100, 10 } local power = powers[ precision + 1 ]; local left = s.year - ( s.year % power ); return { tonumber(os.time( {year=left, month=1, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0} )) * 1000, tonumber(os.time( {year=left + power - 1, month=12, day=31, hour=29, min=59, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 }; end if ( precision == 9 ) then return { tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0} )) * 1000, tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=12, day=31, hour=23, min=59, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 }; end if ( precision == 10 ) then local lastDays = {31, 28.25, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; local lastDay = lastDays[s.month]; return { tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0} )) * 1000, tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=lastDay, hour=23, min=59, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 }; end if ( precision == 11 ) then return { tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month,, hour=0, min=0, sec=0} )) * 1000, tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month,, hour=23, min=59, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 }; end if ( precision == 12 ) then return { tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month,, hour=s.hour, min=0, sec=0} )) * 1000, tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month,, hour=s.hour, min=59, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 }; end if ( precision == 13 ) then return { tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month,, hour=s.hour, min=s.min, sec=0} )) * 1000, tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month,, hour=s.hour, min=s.min, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 }; end if ( precision == 14 ) then local t = tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month,, hour=s.hour, min=s.min, sec=0} ) ); return { t * 1000, t * 1000 + 999 }; end error('Unsupported precision: ' .. precision ); end local function extractCategory( options, value ) if ( not options.category or options.nocat ) then return ''; end local propertyId = string.gsub( options.category, '([^Pp0-9].*)$', ''); local wbStatus, claims = pcall( mw.wikibase.getAllStatements,, propertyId ); if ( wbStatus ~= true or not claims ) then return ''; end allClaims = {} allClaims[ propertyId ] = claims claims = WDS.filter( allClaims, options.category ) if not claims then return ''; end for _, claim in pairs( claims ) do if ( claim and claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' ) then local catEntityId =; local wbStatus, catSiteLink = pcall( mw.wikibase.getSitelink, catEntityId ); if ( wbStatus == true and catSiteLink ) then return '[[' .. catSiteLink .. ']]'; end end end return ''; end local function toBoolean( valueToParse, defaultValue ) if ( valueToParse ~= nil ) then if valueToParse == false or valueToParse == '' or valueToParse == 'false' or valueToParse == '0' then return false end return true end return defaultValue; end -- @param value String value -- @param attributes Table of attributes -- @return string HTML tag with value local function wrapValue( value, attributes ) local tagName = 'span'; local spacer = ''; if ( string.match( value, '\n' ) or string.match( value, '<t[dhr][ >]' ) or string.match( value, '<div[ >]' ) or string.find( value, 'UNIQ%-%-imagemap' ) ) then tagName = 'div'; spacer = '\n' end local attrString = '' for key, value in pairs( attributes or {} ) do local _key = mw.text.trim( key ) local _value = mw.text.encode( mw.text.trim( value ) ) attrString = attrString .. _key .. '="' .. _value .. '" ' end return '<' .. tagName .. ' ' .. attrString .. '>' .. spacer .. value .. '</' .. tagName .. '>'; end -- Wraps formatted snak value into HTML tag with attributes. -- @param value String value of snak -- @param hash Snak hash -- @param attributes Table of extra attributes -- @return string HTML tag with value local function wrapSnak( value, hash, attributes ) local newAttributes = mw.clone( attributes or {} ) newAttributes['class'] = ( newAttributes['class'] or '' ) .. ' wikidata-snak' if hash then newAttributes['data-wikidata-hash'] = hash else newAttributes['class'] = newAttributes['class'] .. ' wikidata-main-snak' end return wrapValue( value, newAttributes ) end -- Wraps formatted statement value into HTML tag with attributes. -- @param value String value of statement -- @param propertyId String PID of property -- @param claimId String ID of claim or nil for local value -- @param attributes Table of extra attributes -- @return string HTML tag with value local function wrapStatement( value, propertyId, claimId, attributes ) local newAttributes = mw.clone( attributes or {} ) newAttributes['class'] = newAttributes['class'] or '' newAttributes['data-wikidata-property-id'] = string.upper( propertyId ) if claimId then newAttributes['class'] = newAttributes['class'] .. ' wikidata-claim' newAttributes['data-wikidata-claim-id'] = claimId else newAttributes['class'] = newAttributes['class'] .. ' no-wikidata' end return wrapValue( value, newAttributes ) end -- Wraps formatted qualifier's statement value into HTML tag with attributes. -- @param value String value of qualifier's statement -- @param propertyId String PID of qualifier -- @param attributes Table of extra attributes -- @return string HTML tag with value local function wrapQualifier( value, qualifierId, attributes ) local newAttributes = mw.clone( attributes or {} ) newAttributes['data-wikidata-qualifier-id'] = string.upper( qualifierId ) return wrapValue( value, newAttributes ) end local function getEntityFromId( id ) local entity; local wbStatus; if id then wbStatus, entity = pcall( mw.wikibase.getEntityObject, id ) else wbStatus, entity = pcall( mw.wikibase.getEntityObject ); end return entity; end local function throwError( key ) error( getConfig( 'errors', key ) ); end local function getEntityIdFromValue( value ) local prefix = '' if value['entity-type'] == 'item' then prefix = 'Q' elseif value['entity-type'] == 'property' then prefix = 'P' else throwError( 'unknown-entity-type' ) end return prefix .. value['numeric-id'] end local function getUserFunction( options, prefix, defaultFunction ) if options[ prefix .. '-module' ] or options[ prefix .. '-function' ] then if not options[ prefix .. '-module' ] or not options[ prefix .. '-function' ] then throwError( 'unknown-' .. prefix .. '-module' ); end local formatter = require( 'Module:' .. options[ prefix .. '-module' ] ); if formatter == nil then throwError( prefix .. '-module-not-found' ) end local fun = formatter[ options[ prefix .. '-function' ] ] if fun == nil then throwError( prefix .. '-function-not-found' ) end return fun; end return defaultFunction; end local function selectClaims( context, options, propertySelector ) if ( not context ) then error( 'context not specified' ); end; if ( not options ) then error( 'options not specified' ); end; if ( not options.entity ) then error( 'options.entity is missing' ); end; if ( not propertySelector ) then error( 'propertySelector not specified' ); end; result = WDS.filter(, propertySelector ); if ( not result or #result == 0 ) then return nil; end if options.limit and options.limit ~= '' and options.limit ~= '-' then local limit = tonumber( options.limit, 10 ); while #result > limit do table.remove( result ); end end return result; end local function getPropertyInBoundaries( context, entityId, boundaries, propertyIds, selectors ) if (type(entityId) ~= 'string') then error('type of entityId argument expected string, but was ' .. type(entityId)); end local results = {}; if not propertyIds or #propertyIds == 0 then return results; end for _, propertyId in ipairs( propertyIds ) do local selector = selectors[_]; local propertyClaims = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements( entityId, propertyId ); local fakeAllClaims = {}; fakeAllClaims[propertyId] = propertyClaims; local filteredClaims = WDS.filter( fakeAllClaims, selector .. '[rank:preferred, rank:normal]' ); if filteredClaims then for _, claim in pairs( filteredClaims ) do if not boundaries then table.insert( results, claim.mainsnak ); else local startBoundaries = p.getTimeBoundariesFromQualifier( context.frame, context, claim, 'P580' ); local endBoundaries = p.getTimeBoundariesFromQualifier( context.frame, context, claim, 'P582' ); if ( (startBoundaries == nil or ( startBoundaries[2] <= boundaries[1])) and (endBoundaries == nil or ( endBoundaries[1] >= boundaries[2]))) then table.insert( results, claim.mainsnak ); end end end end if #results > 0 then break; end end return results; end function p.getTimeBoundariesFromQualifier( frame, context, statement, qualifierId ) -- only support exact date so far, but need improvement local left = nil; local right = nil; if ( statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers[qualifierId] ) then for _, qualifier in pairs( statement.qualifiers[qualifierId] ) do local boundaries = context.parseTimeBoundariesFromSnak( qualifier ); if ( not boundaries ) then return nil; end left = min( left, boundaries[1] ); right = max( right, boundaries[2] ); end end if ( not left or not right ) then return nil; end return { left, right }; end function p.getTimeBoundariesFromQualifiers( frame, context, statement, qualifierIds ) if not qualifierIds then qualifierIds = { 'P582', 'P580', 'P585' }; end for _, qualifierId in ipairs( qualifierIds ) do local result = p.getTimeBoundariesFromQualifier( frame, context, statement, qualifierId ); if result then return result; end end return nil; end local getLabelWithLang_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = {--[["P1813", "P1705",--]] "P1448"}; local getLabelWithLang_DEFAULT_SELECTORS = { --'P1813[language:' .. CONTENT_LANGUAGE_CODE .. '][!P3831,P3831:Q105690470]', --'P1705[language:' .. CONTENT_LANGUAGE_CODE .. '][!P3831,P3831:Q105690470]', 'P1448[language:' .. CONTENT_LANGUAGE_CODE .. '][!P3831,P3831:Q105690470]' }; local function getLabelWithLang( context, options, entityId, boundaries, propertyIds, selectors ) if (type(entityId) ~= 'string') then error('type of entityId argument expected string, but was ' .. type(entityId)); end if not entityId then return nil; end local langCode = CONTENT_LANGUAGE_CODE; -- name from label local label = nil; if ( options.text and options.text ~= '' ) then label = options.text; else if not propertyIds then propertyIds = getLabelWithLang_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES; selectors = getLabelWithLang_DEFAULT_SELECTORS; end -- name from properties local results = getPropertyInBoundaries( context, entityId, boundaries, propertyIds, selectors ); for _, result in pairs( results ) do if result.datavalue and result.datavalue.value then if result.datavalue.type == 'monolingualtext' and result.datavalue.value.text then label = result.datavalue.value.text; langCode = result.datavalue.value.language; break; elseif result.datavalue.type == 'string' then label = result.datavalue.value; break; end end end if (not label) then label, langCode = mw.wikibase.getLabelWithLang( entityId); if not langCode then return nil; end end end return label, langCode; end local function formatPropertyDefault( context, options ) if ( not context ) then error( 'context not specified' ); end; if ( not options ) then error( 'options not specified' ); end; if ( not options.entity ) then error( 'options.entity missing' ); end; local claims; if then if options.rank then claims = context.selectClaims( options, .. options.rank ); else claims = context.selectClaims( options, ); end end if claims == nil then return '' end local formattedClaims = {} for i, claim in ipairs(claims) do local formattedStatement = context.formatStatement( options, claim ) if ( formattedStatement and formattedStatement ~= '' ) then formattedStatement = context.wrapStatement( formattedStatement,, ) table.insert( formattedClaims, formattedStatement ) end end local out = mw.text.listToText( formattedClaims, options.separator, options.conjunction ) if out ~= '' then if options.before then out = options.before .. out end if options.after then out = out .. options.after end end return out end -- create context local function initContext( options ) local context = { entity = options.entity, extractCategory = extractCategory, formatSnak = formatSnak, formatPropertyDefault = formatPropertyDefault, formatStatementDefault = formatStatementDefault, wrapSnak = wrapSnak, wrapStatement = wrapStatement, wrapQualifier = wrapQualifier, } context.cloneOptions = function( options ) local entity = options.entity; options.entity = nil; newOptions = mw.clone( options ); options.entity = entity; newOptions.entity = entity; newOptions.frame = options.frame; return newOptions; end; context.formatProperty = function( options ) local func = getUserFunction( options, 'property', context.formatPropertyDefault ); return func( context, options ) end; context.formatStatement = function( options, statement ) return formatStatement( context, options, statement ) end; context.formatSnak = function( options, snak, circumstances ) return formatSnak( context, options, snak, circumstances ) end; context.formatRefs = function( options, statement ) return formatRefs( context, options, statement ) end; context.parseTimeFromSnak = function( snak ) if ( snak and snak.datavalue and snak.datavalue.value and snak.datavalue.value.time ) then return tonumber(os.time( splitISO8601( tostring( snak.datavalue.value.time ) ) ) ) * 1000; end return nil; end context.parseTimeBoundariesFromSnak = function( snak ) if ( snak and snak.datavalue and snak.datavalue.value and snak.datavalue.value.time and snak.datavalue.value.precision ) then return parseTimeBoundaries( snak.datavalue.value.time, snak.datavalue.value.precision ); end return nil; end context.getSourcingCircumstances = function( statement ) return getSourcingCircumstances( statement ) end; context.selectClaims = function( options, propertyId ) return selectClaims( context, options, propertyId ) end; return context end local function formatProperty( options ) local entity = getEntityFromId( options.entityId ) if not entity then return -- throwError( 'entity-not-found' ) end if ( == nil) then return '' --TODO error? end -- improve options options.frame = g_frame; options.entity = entity; options.extends = function( self, newOptions ) return copyTo( newOptions, copyTo( self, {} ) ) end if ( options.i18n ) then options.i18n = copyTo( options.i18n, copyTo( getConfig( 'i18n' ), {} ) ); else options.i18n = getConfig( 'i18n' ); end local context = initContext( options ); return context.formatProperty( options ); end function formatStatement( context, options, statement ) if ( not statement ) then error( 'statement is not specified or nil' ); end if not statement.type or statement.type ~= 'statement' then throwError( 'unknown-claim-type' ) end local functionToCall = getUserFunction( options, 'claim', context.formatStatementDefault ); return functionToCall( context, options, statement ); end function getSourcingCircumstances( statement ) if (not statement) then error('statement is not specified') end; local circumstances = {}; if ( statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers.P1480 ) then for i, qualifier in pairs( statement.qualifiers.P1480 ) do if ( qualifier and qualifier.datavalue and qualifier.datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' and qualifier.datavalue.value and qualifier.datavalue.value['entity-type'] == 'item' ) then table.insert(circumstances, end end end return circumstances; end function formatStatementDefault( context, options, statement ) if (not context) then error('context is not specified') end; if (not options) then error('options is not specified') end; if (not statement) then error('statement is not specified') end; local circumstances = context.getSourcingCircumstances( statement ); options.qualifiers = statement.qualifiers; local result = context.formatSnak( options, statement.mainsnak, circumstances ); local qualifierValues = {}; if ( options.qualifier and statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers[ options.qualifier ]) then qualConfig = getPropertyParams( options.qualifier, nil, {}) if options.i18n then qualConfig.i18n = options.i18n end for _, qualifierSnak in pairs( statement.qualifiers[ options.qualifier ] ) do local snakValue = context.formatSnak( qualConfig, qualifierSnak ); if snakValue and snakValue ~= '' then table.insert( qualifierValues, snakValue ); end end if ( result and result ~= '' and #qualifierValues ) then if qualConfig.invisible then result = result .. table.concat( qualifierValues, ', ' ); else if not statement.qualifiers[ options.secondqualifier ] then result = result .. ' <span style="font-size:95\%">(' .. options.frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'delink', args = {table.concat( qualifierValues, ', ' )}} .. options.qualifierseparator .. ')</span>'; else result = result .. ' <span style="font-size:95\%">(' .. options.frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'delink', args = {table.concat( qualifierValues, ', ' )}}; end end end end if ( options.secondqualifier and statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers[ options.secondqualifier ]) then qualConfig = getPropertyParams( options.secondqualifier, nil, {}) if options.i18n then qualConfig.i18n = options.i18n end local secondqualifier = {}; for _, qualifierSnak in pairs( statement.qualifiers[ options.secondqualifier ] ) do local snakValue = context.formatSnak( qualConfig, qualifierSnak ); if snakValue and snakValue ~= '' then table.insert( secondqualifier, snakValue ); end end if ( result and result ~= '' and #secondqualifier ) then if qualConfig.invisible then result = result .. table.concat( secondqualifier, ', ' ); else if not statement.qualifiers[ options.qualifier ] then result = result .. ' <span style="font-size:95\%">(' .. options.qualifierseparator .. options.frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'delink', args = {table.concat( secondqualifier, ', ' )}} .. ')</span>'; else result = result .. options.qualifierseparator .. options.frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'delink', args = {table.concat( secondqualifier, ', ' )}} .. ')</span>'; end end end end if ( result and result ~= '' and options.references ) then result = result .. context.formatRefs( options, statement ); end return result; end function formatSnak( context, options, snak, circumstances ) circumstances = circumstances or {}; if snak.snaktype == 'somevalue' then if ( options['somevalue'] and options['somevalue'] ~= '' ) then result = options['somevalue']; else result = options.i18n['somevalue']; end elseif snak.snaktype == 'novalue' then if ( options['novalue'] and options['novalue'] ~= '' ) then result = options['novalue']; else result = options.i18n['novalue']; end elseif snak.snaktype == 'value' then result = formatDatavalue( context, options, snak.datavalue, snak.datatype ); for _, item in pairs(circumstances) do if options.i18n[item] then if result then result = options.i18n[item] .. result; end end end else throwError( 'unknown-snak-type' ); end if ( not result or result == '' ) then return nil; end return context.wrapSnak( result, snak.hash ) end local function formatGlobeCoordinate( value, options ) if options['subvalue'] == 'latitude' then -- широты return value['latitude'] elseif options['subvalue'] == 'longitude' then -- долготы return value['longitude'] elseif options['nocoord'] and options['nocoord'] ~= '' then return '' else coord_mod = require( "Module:Coordinates" ); local globe = options.globe or '' if globe == '' and value['globe'] then globes = require( 'Module:Wikidata/Globes' ) globe = globes[value['globe']] or '' end local display = 'inline' if options.display and options.display ~= '' then display = options.display elseif ( == 'P625' ) then display = 'title' end local format = options.format or '' if format == '' then format = 'dms' if value['precision'] then local precision = value['precision'] * 60 if precision >= 60 then format = 'd' elseif precision >= 1 then format = 'dm' end end end g_frame.args = { tostring(value['latitude']), tostring(value['longitude']), globe = globe, type = options.type and options.type or '', scale = options.scale and options.scale or '', display = display, format = format, } return coord_mod.coord(g_frame) end end local function formatCommonsMedia( value, options ) local image = value; local caption = ''; if options[ 'caption' ] and options[ 'caption' ] ~= '' then caption = options[ 'caption' ]; end if caption ~= '' then caption = wrapQualifier( caption, 'P2096', { class = 'media-caption', style = 'display:block' } ); end if not string.find( value, '[%[%]%{%}]' ) and not string.find( value, 'UNIQ%-%-imagemap' ) then image = '[[File:' .. value .. '|frameless'; if options[ 'border' ] and options[ 'border' ] ~= '' then image = image .. '|border'; end local size = options[ 'size' ]; if size and size ~= '' then if not string.match( size, 'px$' ) then size = size .. 'px' end else size = fileDefaultSize; end image = image .. '|' .. size; if options[ 'alt' ] and options[ 'alt' ] ~= '' then image = image .. '|alt=' .. options[ 'alt' ]; end if caption ~= '' then image = image .. '|' .. caption end image = image .. ']]'; if caption ~= '' then image = image .. '<br>' .. caption; end else image = image .. caption .. getCategoryByCode( 'media-contains-markup' ); end return image end local function formatMath( value, options ) return options.frame:extensionTag{ name = 'math', content = value }; end local function formatExternalId( value, options ) local formatter = options.formatter; if not formatter or formatter == '' then local wbStatus, propertyEntity = pcall( mw.wikibase.getEntity, ) if wbStatus == true and propertyEntity then local isGoodFormat = false; local statements = propertyEntity:getBestStatements( 'P1793' ); for _, statement in pairs( statements ) do if statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then local pattern = mw.ustring.gsub( statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value, '\\', '%' ); pattern = mw.ustring.gsub( pattern, '{%d+,?%d*}', '+' ); if ( string.find( pattern, '|' ) or string.find( pattern, '%)%?' ) or mw.ustring.match( value, '^' .. pattern .. '$' ) ~= nil ) then isGoodFormat = true; break; end end end if ( isGoodFormat == true ) then statements = propertyEntity:getBestStatements( 'P1630' ); for _, statement in pairs( statements ) do if statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then formatter = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value; break end end end end end if formatter and formatter ~= '' then local encodedValue = mw.ustring.gsub( value, '%%', '%%%%' ) local link = mw.ustring.gsub( mw.ustring.gsub( formatter, '$1', encodedValue ), '.', { [' '] = '%20', ['+'] = '%2b', ['['] = '%5B', [']'] = '%5D' } ) local title = options.title if not title or title == '' then title = '$1' end title = mw.ustring.gsub( mw.ustring.gsub( title, '$1', encodedValue ), '.', { ['['] = '(', [']'] = ')' } ) return '[' .. link .. ' ' .. title .. ']' end return value end local function formatQuantity( value, options ) local amount = string.gsub( value['amount'], '^%+', '' ); local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage(); local langCode = lang:getCode(); local function formatNum( number, sigfig ) local multiplier = '' if options.countByThousands then local powers = options.i18n['thousandPowers'] local pos = 1 while math.abs(number) >= 1000 and pos < #powers do number = number / 1000 pos = pos + 1 end multiplier = powers[pos] if math.abs(number) >= 100 then sigfig = sigfig or 0 elseif math.abs(number) >= 10 then sigfig = sigfig or 1 else sigfig = sigfig or 2 end else sigfig = sigfig or 12 end local mult = 10^sigfig; number = math.floor( number * mult + 0.5 ) / mult; return string.gsub( lang:formatNum( number ), '^-', '−' ) .. multiplier; end local out = formatNum( tonumber( amount ) ); if value.upperBound then local diff = tonumber( value.upperBound ) - tonumber( amount ) if diff > 0 then local integer, dot, decimals, expstr = value.upperBound:match( '^+?-?(%d*)(%.?)(%d*)(.*)' ) local prec if dot == '' then prec = -integer:match('0*$'):len() else prec = #decimals end bound = formatNum( diff, prec ) if string.match( bound, 'E%-(%d+)' ) then digits = tonumber( string.match( bound, 'E%-(%d+)' ) ) - 2 bound = formatNum( diff * 10 ^ digits, prec ) bound = string.sub( bound, 0, 2 ) .. string.rep( '0', digits ) .. string.sub( bound, -string.len( bound ) + 2 ) end out = out .. '&nbsp;± ' .. bound end end if options.unit and options.unit ~= '' then if options.unit ~= '-' then out = out .. '&nbsp;' .. options.unit end elseif value.unit and string.match( value.unit, '' ) then local unitEntityId = string.gsub( value.unit, '', '' ); if unitEntityId ~= 'undefined' then local wbStatus, unitEntity = pcall( mw.wikibase.getEntity, unitEntityId ); if wbStatus == true and unitEntity then if and[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' and not value.upperBound and options.siConversion == true then conversionToSIunit = string.gsub([1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount, '^%+', '' ); if math.floor( math.log10( conversionToSIunit )) ~= math.log10( conversionToSIunit ) then outValue = tonumber( amount ) * conversionToSIunit if ( outValue > 0 ) then local integer, dot, decimals, expstr = amount:match( '^(%d*)(%.?)(%d*)(.*)' ) local prec if dot == '' then prec = -integer:match('0*$'):len() else prec = #decimals end local adjust = math.log10( math.abs( conversionToSIunit )) + math.log10( 2 ) local minprec = 1 - math.floor( math.log10( outValue ) + 2e-14 ); out = formatNum( outValue, math.max( math.floor( prec + adjust ), minprec )); else out = formatNum( outValue, 0 ) end unitEntityId = string.gsub([1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.unit, '', '' ); wbStatus, unitEntity = pcall( mw.wikibase.getEntity, unitEntityId ); end end local writingSystemElementId = 'Q8209'; local langElementId = 'Q7737'; local label = getLabelWithLang( context, options,, nil, { "P5061", "P558", "P558" }, { 'P5061[language:' .. langCode .. ']', 'P558[P282:' .. writingSystemElementId .. ', P407:' .. langElementId .. ']', 'P558[!P282][!P407]' } ); out = out .. '&nbsp;' .. label; end end end return out; end local function formatUrlValue( context, options, value ) if not options.length or options.length == '' then options.length = 25 end local moduleUrl = require( 'Module:URL' ) return moduleUrl.formatUrlSingle( context, options, value ) end local DATATYPE_CACHE = {} --[[ Get property datatype by ID. @param string Property ID, e.g. 'P123'. @return string Property datatype, e.g. 'commonsMedia', 'time' or 'url'. ]] local function getPropertyDatatype( propertyId ) if not propertyId or not string.match( propertyId, '^P%d+$' ) then return nil; end local cached = DATATYPE_CACHE[propertyId]; if (cached ~= nil) then return cached; end local wbStatus, propertyEntity = pcall( mw.wikibase.getEntity, propertyId ); if wbStatus ~= true or not propertyEntity then return nil; end mw.log("Loaded datatype " .. propertyEntity.datatype .. " of " .. propertyId .. ' from wikidata, consider passing datatype argument to formatProperty call or to Wikidata/config' ) DATATYPE_CACHE[propertyId] = propertyEntity.datatype; return propertyEntity.datatype; end local function getDefaultValueFunction( datavalue, datatype ) if datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' then -- Entity ID return function( context, options, value ) return formatEntityId( context, options, getEntityIdFromValue( value ) ) end; elseif datavalue.type == 'string' then -- String if datatype and datatype == 'commonsMedia' then -- Media return function( context, options, value ) return formatCommonsMedia( value, options ) end; elseif datatype and datatype == 'external-id' then -- External ID return function( context, options, value ) return formatExternalId( value, options ) end elseif datatype and datatype == 'math' then -- Math formula return function( context, options, value ) return formatMath( value, options ) end elseif datatype and datatype == 'url' then -- URL return formatUrlValue end return function( context, options, value ) return value end; elseif datavalue.type == 'monolingualtext' then return function( context, options, value ) if ( options.monolingualLangTemplate == 'lang' ) then if ( value.language == CONTENT_LANGUAGE_CODE ) then return value.text; end return options.frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'dil-' .. value.language, args = { value.text } }; elseif ( options.monolingualLangTemplate == 'ref' ) then return '<span class="lang" lang="' .. value.language .. '">' .. value.text .. '</span>' .. options.frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'ref-' .. value.language }; else return '<span class="lang" lang="' .. value.language .. '">' .. value.text .. '</span>'; end end; elseif datavalue.type == 'globecoordinate' then return function( context, options, value ) return formatGlobeCoordinate( value, options ) end; elseif datavalue.type == 'quantity' then return function( context, options, value ) return formatQuantity( value, options ) end; elseif datavalue.type == 'time' then return function( context, options, value ) local moduleDate = require( 'Module:Wikidata/date' ) return moduleDate.formatDate( context, options, value ); end; else throwError( 'unknown-datavalue-type' ) end end function formatDatavalue( context, options, datavalue, datatype ) if ( not context ) then error( 'context not specified' ); end; if ( not options ) then error( 'options not specified' ); end; if ( not datavalue ) then error( 'datavalue not specified' ); end; if ( not datavalue.value ) then error( 'datavalue.value is missng' ); end; context.formatValueDefault = getDefaultValueFunction( datavalue, datatype ); local functionToCall = getUserFunction( options, 'value', context.formatValueDefault ); return functionToCall( context, options, datavalue.value ); end local DEFAULT_BOUNDARIES = { os.time() * 1000, os.time() * 1000}; function formatEntityId( context, options, entityId ) local boundaries = nil if options.qualifiers then boundaries = p.getTimeBoundariesFromQualifiers( frame, context, { qualifiers = options.qualifiers } ) end if not boundaries then boundaries = DEFAULT_BOUNDARIES; end local label, labelLanguageCode = getLabelWithLang( context, options, entityId, boundaries ) local category = context.extractCategory( options, { id = entityId } ) local link = mw.wikibase.sitelink( entityId ) if link then if mw.ustring.match( link, '^' ..[ 14 ].name .. ':' ) then link = ':' .. link end if label and not options.rawArticle then if labelLanguageCode ~= CONTENT_LANGUAGE_CODE then label = '<span lang="' .. label .. '">' .. label .. '</span>' end local a = '[[' .. link .. '|' .. label .. ']]'; if ( CONTENT_LANGUAGE_CODE ~= labelLanguageCode and 'mul' ~= labelLanguageCode ) then a = a .. getCategoryByCode( 'links-to-entities-with-missing-local-language-label' ); end return a .. category; else return '[[' .. link .. ']]' .. category; end end local link = mw.wikibase.sitelink( entityId ) if link then if label and labelLanguageCode == 'az' then -- Az article and Az label return '[[' .. link .. '|' .. label .. ']]' .. cat else -- Az article but no Az label return '[[' .. link .. ']]' .. cat end end if label and labelLanguageCode == 'az' then -- No Az article but Az label return '<span class="plainlinks">' .. label .. '</span><sup>[[:d:' .. entityId .. '|[d]]]</sup>' .. category; else -- No Az article and no Az label return '' end return nil end function p.formatStatements( frame ) return p.formatProperty( frame ); end function getPropertyParams( propertyId, datatype, params ) local config = getConfig(); local propertyParams = {}; if params then for key, value in pairs( params ) do if value ~= '' then propertyParams[ key ] = value; end end end if config[ 'properties' ] and config[ 'properties' ][ propertyId ] then for key, value in pairs( config[ 'properties' ][ propertyId ] ) do if propertyParams[ key ] == nil then propertyParams[ key ] = value; end end end if propertyParams[ 'preset' ] and config[ 'presets' ] and config[ 'presets' ][ propertyParams[ 'preset' ] ] then for key, value in pairs( config[ 'presets' ][ propertyParams[ 'preset' ] ] ) do if propertyParams[ key ] == nil then propertyParams[ key ] = value; end end end local datatype = datatype or params.datatype or propertyParams.datatype or getPropertyDatatype( propertyId ); if propertyParams.datatype == nil then propertyParams.datatype = datatype; end if datatype and config[ 'datatypes' ] and config[ 'datatypes' ][ datatype ] then for key, value in pairs( config[ 'datatypes' ][ datatype ] ) do if propertyParams[ key ] == nil then propertyParams[ key ] = value; end end end if config[ 'global' ] then for key, value in pairs( config[ 'global' ] ) do if propertyParams[ key ] == nil then propertyParams[ key ] = value; end end end return propertyParams; end function p.formatProperty( frame ) local args = copyTo( frame.args, {} ) if not then throwError( 'property-param-not-provided' ) end local override; local propertyId = mw.language.getContentLanguage():ucfirst( string.gsub(, '([^Pp0-9].*)$', function(w) if string.sub( w, 1, 1 ) == '~' then override = w; end return ''; end ) ) if (override) then args[override:match('[,~]([^=]*)=')] = override:match('=(.*)') args['property'] = propertyId end p_frame = frame while p_frame do if p_frame:getTitle() ==[10].name .. ':Wikidata' then copyTo( p_frame.args, args, true ); end if p_frame.args and p_frame.args.from and p_frame.args.from ~= '' then args.entityId = p_frame.args.from; end p_frame = p_frame:getParent(); end args = getPropertyParams( propertyId, nil, args ); local datatype = args.datatype; args.plain = toBoolean( args.plain, false ); args.nocat = toBoolean( args.nocat, false ); args.references = toBoolean( args.references, true ); if args.value and args.value ~= '' then if args.value == '-' then return '' end local value = args.value if args.plain then return value end local context = initContext( args ); local wrapperExtraArgs = {} if args['value-module'] and args['value-function'] and not string.find( value, '[%[%]%{%}]' ) then local func = getUserFunction( args, 'value' ); value = func( context, args, value ); elseif datatype == 'commonsMedia' then value = formatCommonsMedia( value, args ); elseif datatype == 'external-id' and not string.find( value, '[%[%]%{%}]' ) then wrapperExtraArgs['data-wikidata-external-id'] = mw.text.killMarkers( value ); value = formatExternalId( value, args ); elseif datatype == 'url' then value = formatUrlValue( context, args, value ); end if string.match( propertyId, '^P%d+$' ) then value = mw.text.trim( value ) local allowTables = getPropertyParams(propertyId, nil, {})['allowTables'] if ( not allowTables and string.match( value, '<t[dhr][ >]' ) -- and not string.match( value, '<table[ >]' ) -- and not string.match( value, '^%{%|' ) ) then value = value .. getCategoryByCode( 'value-contains-table', propertyId ) else value = wrapStatement( value, propertyId, nil, wrapperExtraArgs ); end end return value end if ( args.plain ) then local callArgs = { propertyId }; if args.entityId then callArgs.from = args.entityId; end return frame:callParserFunction( '#property', callArgs ); end g_frame = frame return formatProperty( args ) end function isReferenceDeprecated( snaks ) if not snaks then return false end if snaks.P248 and snaks.P248[1] and snaks.P248[1].datavalue and snaks.P248[1] then local entityId = snaks.P248[1] if getConfig( 'deprecatedSources', entityId ) then return true end elseif snaks.P1433 and snaks.P1433[1] and snaks.P1433[1].datavalue and snaks.P1433[1] then local entityId = snaks.P1433[1] if getConfig( 'deprecatedSources', entityId ) then return true end end return false end function formatRefs( context, options, statement ) if ( not context ) then error( 'context not specified' ); end; if ( not options ) then error( 'options not specified' ); end; if ( not options.entity ) then error( 'options.entity missing' ); end; if ( not statement ) then error( 'statement not specified' ); end; if ( not outputReferences ) then return ''; end local references = {}; if ( statement.references ) then local allReferences = statement.references; local hasNotDeprecated = false; local displayCount = 0; for _, reference in pairs( statement.references ) do local entityId = nil; if not isReferenceDeprecated( reference.snaks ) then hasNotDeprecated = true; end end for _, reference in pairs( statement.references ) do local display = true; if ( hasNotDeprecated ) then if isReferenceDeprecated( reference.snaks ) then display = false; end end if ( displayCount >= 2 ) then if ( options.entity and ) then local propertyID = mw.ustring.match(, '^[Pp][0-9]+' ) local moreReferences = '<sup>[[d:' .. .. '#' .. string.upper( propertyID ) .. '|[…]]]</sup>'; table.insert( references, moreReferences ); end break; end if ( display == true ) then local refText = moduleSources.renderReference( g_frame, options.entity, reference ); if ( refText ~= '' ) then table.insert( references, refText ); displayCount = displayCount + 1; end end end end return table.concat( references ); end return p </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>Bu səhifədə istifadə edilmiş şablon: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Modul:Wikidata/doc&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Modul:Wikidata/doc (səhifə mövcud deyil)">Modul:Wikidata/doc</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Modul:Wikidata/doc&action=edit" class="new" title="Modul:Wikidata/doc (səhifə mövcud deyil)">redaktə</a>) </li></ul></div><p id="mw-returnto"><a href="/wiki/Modul:Wikidata" title="Modul:Wikidata">Modul:Wikidata</a> səhifəsinə qayıt.</p> <!--esi <esi:include src="/esitest-fa8a495983347898/content" /> --><noscript><img src="" alt="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; position: absolute;"></noscript> <div class="printfooter" data-nosnippet="">Mənbə — "<a dir="ltr" href=""></a>"</div></div> <div id="catlinks" class="catlinks catlinks-allhidden" data-mw="interface"></div> </div> </main> </div> <div class="mw-footer-container"> <footer id="footer" class="mw-footer" > <ul id="footer-info"> </ul> <ul id="footer-places"> <li id="footer-places-privacy"><a href="">Gizlilik siyasəti</a></li> <li id="footer-places-about"><a href="/wiki/Vikikitab:Haqq%C4%B1nda">Vikikitab haqqında</a></li> <li id="footer-places-disclaimers"><a href="/wiki/Vikikitab:M%C9%99suliyy%C9%99td%C9%99n_imtina">Məsuliyyətdən imtina</a></li> <li id="footer-places-wm-codeofconduct"><a href="">Davranış Kodeksi</a></li> <li id="footer-places-developers"><a href="">Tərtibatçılar</a></li> <li id="footer-places-statslink"><a href="">Statistikalar</a></li> <li id="footer-places-cookiestatement"><a href="">Kuki məlumatı</a></li> <li id="footer-places-mobileview"><a href="//" class="noprint stopMobileRedirectToggle">Mobil versiya</a></li> </ul> <ul id="footer-icons" class="noprint"> <li id="footer-copyrightico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button.svg" width="84" height="29" alt="Wikimedia Foundation" loading="lazy"></a></li> <li id="footer-poweredbyico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/w/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki.svg" alt="Powered by MediaWiki" width="88" height="31" loading="lazy"></a></li> </ul> </footer> </div> </div> </div> <div class="vector-settings" id="p-dock-bottom"> <ul></ul> </div><script>(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.config.set({"wgHostname":"mw-web.codfw.main-7bbfc6c4f5-2ckr7","wgBackendResponseTime":388,"wgPageParseReport":{"limitreport":{"cputime":"0.004","walltime":"0.005","ppvisitednodes":{"value":17,"limit":1000000},"postexpandincludesize":{"value":816,"limit":2097152},"templateargumentsize":{"value":0,"limit":2097152},"expansiondepth":{"value":2,"limit":100},"expensivefunctioncount":{"value":0,"limit":500},"unstrip-depth":{"value":0,"limit":20},"unstrip-size":{"value":0,"limit":5000000},"entityaccesscount":{"value":0,"limit":400},"timingprofile":["100.00% 0.000 1 -total"]},"cachereport":{"origin":"mw-web.codfw.main-7bbfc6c4f5-2ckr7","timestamp":"20241211122453","ttl":2592000,"transientcontent":false}}});});</script> </body> </html>