Backup Migration Premium — BackupBliss

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earn cash</a> </div> </div> <div class="offer-detail__description"> <p>Welcome to the premium version of the (already very good) free Backup & Migrate plugin in the WP directory!</p><p><br></p><p>95% of planned premium-plugin features are <b>not ready yet</b>. That's why you can buy it now at a <b>significant discount </b>(of course you'll still benefit from the other premium features which will be added over time, as long as your license is still valid).</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p>Features already <u>available in premium</u>: </p><ul><li><b>Unlimited backup size</b>: While the free plugin is capped at 2GB, with the premium plugin you can take backups of any size</li><li><b>Google Drive</b> as an external storage location<br></li><li><b>Prioritized Support </b></li></ul><p><br></p><p>Features <b><u>not</u></b> yet ready in premium (but we aim to add them soon): </p><ul><li><b>External storage</b>: Save your backups on Dropbox, Google Cloud, OneDrive, and many more.</li><li><b>More zipping options</b>: Save your backups as tar or tar.gz files</li><li><b>Browse through files</b> to define which ones should (not) be included in the backup</li><li><b>Multiple configuration sets </b>and import/export them from one site to another</li><li><b>Apply smart exclusion rules</b>, e.g. exclude all spam comments</li><li><b>Encrypt & password-protect </b>your backups</li><li><b>More backup creation triggers</b>, e.g. trigger them by URI, or before updates are done on your site</li><li>...and much more to come!</li></ul><p><br></p><p>Learn more about it on the <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank" title="BackupBliss website" rel="nofollow">BackupBliss website</a>. </p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Other relevant points: </p><p><br></p><ul><li xss="removed"><b>Refunds</b>: We provide<span xss="removed"> </span><u>full refunds for 14 days</u> if you're not happy for any reason. There are no refunds on renewal payments so if you don't want to renew, just cancel before it renews, the plugin will still keep on working. </li><li xss="removed"><b>License types</b>: We offer a license for commercial sites, i.e. sites that are for businesses, or monetize in any way, and non-commercial sites (the plugin is the same, it's just that commercial sites tend to require more support). Please make sure you select the correct license when you buy. </li><li xss="removed"><b>License duration</b>: The license length you're buying with this product is 180 days. This means: support and updates are limited to half a year. However, should you wish not to renew the license, the plugin will not be disabled, you can just keep using it.<br></li><li xss="removed"><b>Discount</b>: The discount you benefit from (if you buy it now) will also apply <u>indefinitely into the future</u>. If you're a charity, we offer special discounts. To claim those, please get in touch with us. </li><li xss="removed"><span xss="removed"><b>Number of sites</b>: </span>You can use the plugin on <u>two websites</u>. Also, you can always transfer your licenses to other sites. </li><li xss="removed"><span xss="removed"><b>Affiliate marketing</b></span>: This product is available for affiliate marketing. If you share it with your friends & followers, you will earn 40% (!) of every sale you helped to generate. Just click on "Share & earn cash" next to the title above and follow the steps. <br></li></ul><p xss="removed"><br></p><p xss="removed"><br></p><p></p><p>Any other questions? Please contact us at <span xss="removed">"support (at) backupbliss (dot) com", we'll aim to respond quickly :) Thank you!</span></p><p><br></p><p></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="offer_detail__by col-md-4">By <b> <a class="offer_detail__by-link" href="">BackupBliss</a> (<span class="offer_detail__by-percent">94%</span>) </b></div> <div class="col-md-8"> <a class="offer_detail__tag" href="">Backup</a> <a class="offer_detail__tag" href="">Migration</a> <a class="offer_detail__tag" href="">Wordpress</a> <a class="offer_detail__tag" href="">Plugin</a> </div> </div> <div class="offer-reviews-title row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="offer-reviews-title__title">Reviews</div> <div class="offer-reviews-title__average offer-reviews-title__average_state_happy" data-original-title="Buyer’s ratings" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Buyer’s ratings"> <div class="offer-reviews-title__average-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="96" aria-valuemin="50" aria-valuemax="100" style="width:96%;"></div> 96% </div> </div> <form class="col-md-6 offer-reviews-title__filter-list" id="refine"> <input id="offer-filter-happy" class="offer-reviews-title__filter-input" autocomplete="off" data-id="514" data-review="5" data-url="" name="review[]" type="checkbox" value="5"> <label class="offer-reviews-title__filter-label offer-reviews-title__filter-label_state_happy" for="offer-filter-happy"> 24 </label> <input id="offer-filter-normal" class="offer-reviews-title__filter-input" autocomplete="off" data-id="514" data-review="3" data-url="" name="review[]" type="checkbox" value="3"> <label class="offer-reviews-title__filter-label offer-reviews-title__filter-label_state_normal" for="offer-filter-normal"> 1 </label> <input id="offer-filter-rood" class="offer-reviews-title__filter-input" autocomplete="off" data-id="514" data-review="1" data-url="" name="review[]" type="checkbox" value="1"> <label class="offer-reviews-title__filter-label offer-reviews-title__filter-label_state_rood" for="offer-filter-rood"> 1 </label> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class="offer-reviews"> <div class="container container_main"> <div id="reviews-listing"> <div> <div class="row offer-review"> <div class="col-lg-5 d-flex offer-review__meta"> <div class="offer-review__smile sc-smile sc-sm-smile_size_normal sc-smile_size_small sc-smile_state_happy"> <div class="sc-smile__icon"></div> </div> <img class="offer-review__user-image" src="" alt="User image"> <a class="offer-review__user-name" href=""> Driftdon423 </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 offer-review__text-block"> <p class="offer-review__text"> No comment given </p> <p class="offer-review__text sc-text_color_grey"> Feb 28 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row offer-review"> <div class="col-lg-5 d-flex offer-review__meta"> <div class="offer-review__smile sc-smile sc-sm-smile_size_normal sc-smile_size_small sc-smile_state_happy"> <div class="sc-smile__icon"></div> </div> <img class="offer-review__user-image" src="" alt="User image"> <a class="offer-review__user-name" href=""> PoetPiper </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 offer-review__text-block"> <p class="offer-review__text"> Quick, efficient backups. A lifesaver! </p> <p class="offer-review__text sc-text_color_grey"> Feb 19, 2024 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row offer-review"> <div class="col-lg-5 d-flex offer-review__meta"> <div class="offer-review__smile sc-smile sc-sm-smile_size_normal sc-smile_size_small sc-smile_state_happy"> <div class="sc-smile__icon"></div> </div> <img class="offer-review__user-image" src="" alt="User image"> <a class="offer-review__user-name" href=""> Mirthful1 </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 offer-review__text-block"> <p class="offer-review__text"> Needs more storage options but great so far. </p> <p class="offer-review__text sc-text_color_grey"> Feb 15, 2024 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row offer-review"> <div class="col-lg-5 d-flex offer-review__meta"> <div class="offer-review__smile sc-smile sc-sm-smile_size_normal sc-smile_size_small sc-smile_state_happy"> <div class="sc-smile__icon"></div> </div> <img class="offer-review__user-image" src="" alt="User image"> <a class="offer-review__user-name" href=""> Quipster423 </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 offer-review__text-block"> <p class="offer-review__text"> Support is top-notch. </p> <p class="offer-review__text sc-text_color_grey"> Feb 1, 2024 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row offer-review"> <div class="col-lg-5 d-flex offer-review__meta"> <div class="offer-review__smile sc-smile sc-sm-smile_size_normal sc-smile_size_small sc-smile_state_happy"> <div class="sc-smile__icon"></div> </div> <img class="offer-review__user-image" src="" alt="User image"> <a class="offer-review__user-name" href=""> DigitalDrifter </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 offer-review__text-block"> <p class="offer-review__text"> Fantastic value. The discount is a huge plus. </p> <p class="offer-review__text sc-text_color_grey"> Jan 9, 2024 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row offer-review"> <div class="col-lg-5 d-flex offer-review__meta"> <div class="offer-review__smile sc-smile sc-sm-smile_size_normal sc-smile_size_small sc-smile_state_happy"> <div class="sc-smile__icon"></div> </div> <img class="offer-review__user-image" src="" alt="User image"> <a class="offer-review__user-name" href=""> Frolic8 </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 offer-review__text-block"> <p class="offer-review__text"> Anxiously waiting for the expanded feature set. </p> <p class="offer-review__text sc-text_color_grey"> Dec 28, 2023 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row offer-review"> <div class="col-lg-5 d-flex offer-review__meta"> <div class="offer-review__smile sc-smile sc-sm-smile_size_normal sc-smile_size_small sc-smile_state_happy"> <div class="sc-smile__icon"></div> </div> <img class="offer-review__user-image" src="" alt="User image"> <a class="offer-review__user-name" href=""> Zenyogy423 </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 offer-review__text-block"> <p class="offer-review__text"> Impressive features. Looking forward to what's next. </p> <p class="offer-review__text sc-text_color_grey"> Dec 20, 2023 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row offer-review"> <div class="col-lg-5 d-flex offer-review__meta"> <div class="offer-review__smile sc-smile sc-sm-smile_size_normal sc-smile_size_small sc-smile_state_happy"> <div class="sc-smile__icon"></div> </div> <img class="offer-review__user-image" src="" alt="User image"> <a class="offer-review__user-name" href=""> PixelPioneer423 </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 offer-review__text-block"> <p class="offer-review__text"> Simplifies routine tasks, saving time and worry. </p> <p class="offer-review__text sc-text_color_grey"> Nov 16, 2023 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row offer-review"> <div class="col-lg-5 d-flex offer-review__meta"> <div class="offer-review__smile sc-smile sc-sm-smile_size_normal sc-smile_size_small sc-smile_state_happy"> <div class="sc-smile__icon"></div> </div> <img class="offer-review__user-image" src="" alt="User image"> <a class="offer-review__user-name" href=""> Lark5423 </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 offer-review__text-block"> <p class="offer-review__text"> Cutting-edge </p> <p class="offer-review__text sc-text_color_grey"> Oct 26, 2023 </p> </div> </div> <div class="row offer-review"> <div class="col-lg-5 d-flex offer-review__meta"> <div class="offer-review__smile sc-smile sc-sm-smile_size_normal sc-smile_size_small sc-smile_state_happy"> <div class="sc-smile__icon"></div> </div> <img class="offer-review__user-image" src="" alt="User image"> <a class="offer-review__user-name" href=""> BookwormBree423 </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 offer-review__text-block"> <p class="offer-review__text"> Ensures your site's future is secure. </p> <p class="offer-review__text sc-text_color_grey"> Oct 1, 2023 </p> </div> </div> </div> <ul class="pagination"><li class="pagination__item pagination__item_activated">1</li><li class="pagination__item"><a data-page="10" href="">2</a></li><li class="pagination__item"><a data-page="20" href="">3</a></li><li class="pagination__item pagination__item_increased"><a data-page="10" href=""><span aria-hidden="true">»</span></a></li></ul> </div> </div> <sellcodes-checkout type="link" offer="oZxnXtc2" dcode="" offer-option="" show-price="1" action-class="mx-auto offer-button offer-button_size_big offer-button_width_wide" link-text="Buy from" /> <script src="/quick-checkout/sellcodes-checkout.js"></script> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // Reviews pagaination $(document.body).on('click', 'ul.pagination > li > a', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); 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