Hindi Links

<html> <head> <title> Hindi Links</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <META Name="description" Content="Hindi language links and resources: Directory"> <META Name="keywords" Content="Quick Hindi,Academic Hindi Programs,Learning Hindi, Hindi Classes: Directory, Hindi Magazines, Indo-European Heritage,Word Lists, Devanagari Fonts,Indian languages and scripts,Hindi Humor, Sanskrit resources, Urdu resources"> <base font=3> <table border=0 width=100%> <tr align=center> <td colspan=2 ><font color="008888" size=+4> <img src=hindires.gif></font></td> <tr align=center><td colspan=2 > <table width=99% > <tr bgcolor="#dddddd"> <td align=left> <img src="a_left.gif"><A HREF= hindiint.html>Back</a> to Home page</td> <td align=left> <td align=left> <img src="a_right.gif">All about <A HREF= hindisongs.html>Hindi Songs</a></td> <td align=left> <img src="a_right.gif"><A HREF= hindipoets.html>Immortals:</a> Hindi Poets & Authors </td> </table> <tr align=top> <td align =left valign=top width=49%> <font size=2> <a name="lessons"></a> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Hindi Lessons on the Web</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <!-- --> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Hindi Alphabet, conversation</a> from Syracuse U.<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Script, dialogues</a> from LaTrobe<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Hindi lessons</a> from JNCC, Russia<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Learning Devanagari script</a> <img src=new.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Video lessons for Hindi Alphabet</a> from UPenn<br> <img src="redball.gif">Web lessons (UKIndia):<A HREF=>Learn to read Hindi</a>,<br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> English/Hindi Dictionary</a> download <img src=updated.gif> <br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Hindi/Russian Dictionary</a> download<img src=new.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Hindi Electronic Dictionary</a> from Japan<br> <img src="redball.gif">For Travellers <A HREF=> Words & expressions</a><img src=updated.gif>, <A HREF=>Phrases</a> <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Hindi: Introductory grammar</a><img src=newyellow.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Audio lessons</a><br> <img src="redball.gif">In many languages: Sounds<A HREF=> Greetings</a>. <br> <img src="redball.gif">In many languages: <A HREF=> Hello, Goodby, please, thank you</a>, <A HREF=>I love you</a><br> <p> <a name="wordlists"></a> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Word Lists</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Yoga terms</a> <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>Foods & Spices</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>Baby names</a> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=middlenames> Indian middle names</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Core words from Bhakti literature</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Tantric terms</a>. <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Indian words in English</a> <img src=new9.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Hindi-Urdu-Pashtu-English Word list</a> <p><a name="news"></a> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Hindi News</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <font color="#009900">Audio/Video:RealPlayer needed:</font><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> News from Akashvani</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> BBC</a> Hindi Audio Service<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Hindi Video Reports</a> (Aaj Tak) <img src=><br> <font color="#009900">Font download not needed for these::</font><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Nai Dunia</a> (Indore) <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> WebDunia</a> <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> IndiaInfo</a> <img src=new.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Dainik Jagaran</a> (UP)<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> NavBharat</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Chaupal</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Web search</a> <img src=new.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Rajasthan Patrika</a> (UP)<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A href=> Panchajanya magazine</a> <img src=new.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Bharat-Darshan</a> from New Zealand <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Kalayan</a> magazine <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Poems and Novels</a> by Ashwani Kapoor<br> <font color="#009900">Text: Fonts for each of these need to be downloaded and installed separately:</font><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>Amar Ujala</a> <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Milap</a> Hyderabad<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A href=> Parichayica magazine</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A href=> Anubhuti</a> & <A href=> Abhivyakti</a> magazines <img src=new.gif> <img src="redball.gif"><A href=> Lashkar magazine fro Lucknow</a> bad link?<br> <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF=> Dr. Anil Agrawal's crime detection page</a><br> <p><a name="academic"></a> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Academic Hindi Programs</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>Penn</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>Yale</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>Loyola, Chicago</a> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Washington</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><A> Duke</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Iowa</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Oregon</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Cornell</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=""> Mich.</a> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Columbia</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Hawaii</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=""> Illinois</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=""> Alabama</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> U. of Virginia</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> U. of Minnesota</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Florida Vedic College </a>,<br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Syracuse</a> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Berkeley</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=>Univ. of Texas, Austin</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=>Rutgers</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Emory</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> NC State</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> NYU</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Indiana</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=>UCLA</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=""> Manitoba </a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=""> La Trobe</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=""> Calgary</a>, <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF= 1>Uppsala Uni.</a>, <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF=> Kochin</a>, <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF=> London</A>, <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF=> Oslo</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=>Budapest</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=>Osaka</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Jagiellonian University, Poland</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><a href=<img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Gent</a>, Nether.,<br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Hindi Instruction and Internet</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href="">CARLA: North America </a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Int'l Programs in India</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Himalaya Hindi House</a><img src=new.gif> <br> <img src="redball.gif">Article <A HREF=> South Asian Studies for a Diasporic Age</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Hindi teachers LCTL mailing list</a> <p><a name="resources"> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Learning Hindi</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <img src="redball.gif">Software:<A HREF=>Akshar Animations</a>, <A HREF=> Visual Hindi</a>, <A HREF=> BharatVani Hindi Teacher</a>, <A HREF=> Hindi Guru CD</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF=> Hindi Learning books/CDs from</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Distance learning</a> course from La Trobe University<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> PC-HINDI - Hindi Vocabulary Practice Drill</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A href=>Anand School of Indian Studies</a>, Books, instruction (Houston, TX)<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Hindi-Urdu Bol Chaal</a> by BBC <br> <a href=>with cassette</a><img src=updated.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Outline of Hindi Grammar book/cassettes</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Vedic Uni. course </a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Language/30 Series cassette/Phrase book</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><b>Hindi Classes:<A HREF="hindiclassesdir.html"> Directory</a></b> (information invited)<br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=hindicurr.html> Organizing a Hindi class </a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Hindi Teaching Materials </a> <img src=updated.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=>Dictionaries</a> available<br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> CD-Rom - Hindi - English Dictionary </a> link invalid<br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Hindi World (Japan)</a> <img src=updated.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Baby Blankets in Hindi</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Hindi Translation services</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> NCSTC Hindi Magazine</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> PRAYAS</a>project journal of the Hindi students oF UIUC <img src=new9.gif><br> <p> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Hindi Magazines</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <img src="redball.gif">Published in USA: <A HREF="hindimags.html">Saurabh, Vishwa-Vivek, Vishwa</a><br> <img src="redball.gif">Published in India: <A HREF=> 1</a> <A HREF=> 2</a> (subscription)<br> <p> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Hindi: Points of view</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <img src="redball.gif">S. Sankaran:<A HREF=sankaranhindi.html> Hindi literature</a> <img src="redball.gif">P. Kekai:<A HREF=>Austric influence?</a> <img src="redball.gif">K. G. Singh:<A HREF=turkish.html> Turkish influence</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"> <> South Asia Indian PM urges widespread use of Hindi</a> BBC <br> <p> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Newsgroups, clubs, email-lists</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> alt.language.hindi</a> archives<br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Posts regarding Hindi</a> archives<br> <img src="redball.gif">Yahoo Clubs: <a href=>HindiClub </a>,<a href=>Hindi</a>, <a href=>World of Hindi</a>, <a href=>HindiBooksLovers</a>, <a href=>South American Hindi Club </a>, <a href=>Fijians</a> <a href=>Hindi Gujarati Chat</a> <img src=new.gif> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Posts regarding learning Hindi</a> archives<br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=>alt.movies.indian</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Hindi list</a> for learners <img src=new.gif><br> </td> <td align =left valign=top > <font size=2> <p><a name="fonts"> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Devanagari Fonts/Editors</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <font color="#009900"><a href=devafonts.htm> Devanagari Font Guide</a></font> <img src=new.gif><br> <p> <font color="#009900">ITRANS system</font>:<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>Itrans transliteration table</a>, <br> <img src="redball.gif">Web interface for generating gif: <A HREF=>SD's interface</a><img src=updated.gif>, <A HREF=> Sanghavi's</a> <img src="redball.gif">Web interface for generating Devanagari HTML: <A HREF=>Velankar's Dishaa interface</a><img src=new.gif><br> <!--<A HREF=> IITM Indian script interface</a> (experimental)--> <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> JTRANS wysiwig editor</a> Free.<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Itranslator</a> for Sanskrit. Free.<br> <!--<img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Jaadoo Editor</a> Free (experimental).<br>--> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> MS Office 2000</a> Hindi version. <img src=new.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> AksharaMala</a> Windows NT/2000/9x (based on Unicode)<br> <font color="#009900">LEAP system</font>:<br> <img src="redball.gif">CDAC LEAP Wordprocessing/Email: <a href=>Download iLEAP-Lite.</a> Free.<br> <font color="#009900">Other systems</font>:<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>BharatBhasha</a> fonts with easy mapping. Free.<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> IWrite32 system</a>. Includes maps for Shusha & Jagran fonts. <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Evarta</a>- Chat in Indian Languages<br> <img src="redball.gif">Hindi Email web interface: <A HREF=> Epatra</a>,<HREF=> Xdvng mail/chat interface</a>, <HREF=> langoo</a>, <HREF=> mailjol</a> <img src=new9.gif> <br> </a> <img src="redball.gif"><A> Woodward's Hindi Learning Zone</a> <img src=updated.gif><br> <br> <img src="redball.gif">Fonts: <A HREF=>Kohli</a>, <A HREF=> ilkbSoft</a>, <A HREF=>saralsoft</a>, <A HREF=>patelvk</a>, <A HREF=>unitype</a>, <A HREF=>ind list</a>, <A HREF=>Kanchi (Mac)</a>, <A HREF=>nl(Latex)</a>, <A HREF="">ecoling</a>, <A HREF=> tt</a>, <A HREF=>LaserHindi Sanskrit</a>, <A HREF=>hg</a>, <A HREF=>deodars</a>. <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> TIFR Hindi page</a><br> <img src="redball.gif">Other Word Processors: <a href=>Krishnasoft HWP</a> (free demo), <a href=> Jaspell Jaldi</a>, <a href=>Gujedit</a>. <p> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Indian languages</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <A HREF=scripts.html>Indian languages and scripts</a> <p><a name="sanskrit"> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Sanskrit resources</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> News in Sanskrit</a> Audio! from Germany <img src=new.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Sanskrit texts</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Sanskrit books</a> at <br> <img src="redball.gif">On line Sanskrit Dictionaries: <A HREF=> Shabda-Ratnakara-Manthana</a>, <A HREF=> sgi</a>,<A HREF=>Itrans interface</a> <br> <A HREF=> Capeller's On line Sanskrit Dictionary</a> <A HREF=> Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon</a> <br> <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF=> French-Sanskrit Dictionary</a> <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF=> Sanskrit Poster, T-Shirts</a>, <A HREF=> American Sanskrit Institute</a> <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Sanskrit lessons</a> from Chennai<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Dr. Mohan's</a> lessons. <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF=> Introduction to Sanskrit Grammar</a> <br> <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF=> Inflections and conjugations</a> (Taiwan)><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Sanskrit Bharati</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> List lessons</a> <br> <img src="redball.gif"> <A HREF=""> 37 Sanskrit teaching Inst.</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Book: Teach Yourself Sanskrit</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Gandharva Sanskrit site</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Sandhi: MS Thesis</a> (ps)<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Article: Language of the Rigveda</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> maanvaadhikaaraH</a><br> <img src="redball.gif">Newsgroup: <A HREF="news:humanities.language.sanskrit"> humanities.language.sanskrit</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> DESIKA - A Natural Language Understanding System</a><img src=new9.gif><br> <p><a name="urdu"> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Urdu resource</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <a a href=>Hugo's Urdu alphabet</a><br> <img src="redball.gif">Urdu alphabet <A HREF=> pronunciation key</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=>Learn to Read Urdu</a> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Learning Urdu Alphabets</a> (shockwave)<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Urdu-English Dictionary</a>, <A HREF=> English-Urdu Dictionary</a> <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> History of Urdu poetry</a><img src=new9.gif> <img src="redball.gif">Poetry: <A HREF=>Priyanka</a>, <A HREF=>Syed</a>, <A HREF=> Abhay</a>, <A HREF=> Shoeb</a>, <A HREF=>Kasif</a>, <A HREF=>, Asad</a>, <A HREF=>Safi</a>, <A HREF=>Adil</a>, <A HREF=> Shakil</a>, <A HREF=>Shantanu</a>, <A HREF=>Khanani</a> <A HREF=> Nita's Urdu Poetry Collection</a>. . <br> <img src="redball.gif">Ghazals sung by <a href=>Jagjit and Chitra</a> <img src=newyellow.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> Urdu magazine "Phool"</a><br> <img src="redball.gif">Urdu Poetry with English <a href=>translations</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Farsi script interface</a>, <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> FarsiBanner Java Applet</a> <img src=newred.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Urdu</a> and <A HREF=> Hindi-Urdu</a> teaching institutions. <br> <img src="redball.gif"> Urdu <a href=>Ethnologue</a>, <A HREF=> Urdu, a graceful language</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><a href=> A Nazm A Month</a><img src=new9.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Hindi/Urdu Phrasebook</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>fonts</a><br> <img src="redball.gif">Newsgroup: <A HREF=news:alt.language.urdu.poetry>alt.language.urdu.poetry </a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF= <!-- -->> Origin of "Urdu"</a> Discussion</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Urdu and its Contributions</a> Discussion</a><img src=updated.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Classic Iranian literature</a><img src=new9.gif><br> <p><a name="Indo-European"> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Indo-European Heritage</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Indo-European Language Family</a> UTexas <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Indo-European Chronology</a><img src=new9.gif> <br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> In Search of the Indo-Europeans</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Relations between Sanskrit, Pali, the Prakrits and the Modern Vernacalars</a> Bhandarkar, 1883 (scanned images)<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Everything you ever wanted to know about Proto-Indo-European</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Dictionary of most common AVESTA words</a><img src=new9.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Avesta language information: cognates and mnemonics</a><img src=new9.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Indo-European Home page</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Indo-European Languages</a> (Part of the Ethnologue)<br> <img src="redball.gif">Distribution of <A HREF=> The largest language families</a> and <A HREF=> The Indo-European Languages</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Khowar, The Language of Chitral</a>, <a href=> Kalasha words</a>, <A HREF=> Kalasha People in Chitral</a>, <A HREF=> Nuristan</a> .<br> <A HREF=> The Gypsies</a>, <A HREF=> Romany / English dictionary</a>, <A HREF=>History</a>.<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Early History of Indo-European Languages</a> (Armenian view) <img src=new9.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Brief history of Hindi (in French)</a><br> <p><a name="humor"> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#99cccc"><td width="100%"><nobr><b><font size=+2 face="Arial,Helvetica"> Hindi Humor</font></b></nobr></td></tr></table> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Desi Hindilish</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Dialogs, cliches and insults</a><img src=new9.gif><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>Pant's Filmi Dialogs & Ajit Jokes</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=>Pant's Urdu Humor : Shayari </a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Bombay Hindi</a> and <a href=>other things</a>.<br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Proverbs in Hindi</a><br> <img src="redball.gif"><A HREF=> Amitabh says</a><img src=newyellow.gif><br> </td> </table> <table width=99% > <tr bgcolor="#dddddd"> <td align=left> <img src="a_left.gif"><A HREF= hindiint.html>Back</a> to Home page</td> <td align=left> <td align=left> <img src="a_right.gif">All about <A HREF= hindisongs.html>Hindi Songs</a></td> <td align=left> <img src="a_right.gif"><A HREF= hindipoets.html>Immortals:</a> Hindi Poets & Authors </td> </table> <!-- Dec. 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Oct 1998, Compiled 30. Dec 1999, Total : 54761. Top day : 29. Nov 1999 with 201 perweeK maxes: Nov 2nd w, 98, 1000 DEc 2ndw, 99, 1100 min:feb 2w, 98, 700 also at -n -n --> </body> </html>

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