The Moscow Times publishes commentary by Mark Rovinskiy on companies reassessing their presence in Cyprus - Insights - EPAM Law

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60.1542C94.8523 59.1911 95.0582 58.2335 95.4912 57.3722C95.9241 56.5109 96.5699 55.7744 97.3672 55.2325C98.6227 54.4215 100.095 54.01 101.589 54.0521C102.346 54.0719 103.099 54.1839 103.829 54.3856" fill="#5E5B5C"/> <path d="M126.19 54.4989C126.297 54.4989 126.404 54.8057 126.404 55.0124C126.404 55.2192 126.504 56.0928 126.504 56.3462C126.504 56.7731 126.337 57.0131 126.077 57.0131C125.93 57.0131 125.804 56.7197 125.764 56.573C125.655 56.055 125.367 55.5918 124.952 55.264C124.536 54.9362 124.019 54.7645 123.49 54.779C123.027 54.7807 122.583 54.964 122.254 55.2895C121.924 55.615 121.736 56.0567 121.729 56.5196C121.729 57.5867 122.202 58.1402 123.73 59.0138C125.604 60.0609 126.817 60.9612 126.817 62.7018C126.798 63.2033 126.657 63.6925 126.406 64.1271C126.155 64.5617 125.802 64.9286 125.377 65.196C124.596 65.625 123.721 65.8541 122.829 65.8629C121.885 65.8687 120.951 65.6564 120.102 65.2427C119.978 65.1452 119.88 65.0194 119.815 64.8759C119.612 64.3368 119.513 63.7645 119.522 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61.514 115.267 61.568C115.228 61.597 115.182 61.6133 115.133 61.6147C114.947 61.6147 114.8 61.4613 114.693 61.1479C114.634 60.9425 114.537 60.7501 114.406 60.581C114.289 60.468 114.135 60.4016 113.973 60.3943C113.473 60.3943 112.772 60.341 111.872 60.341C111.825 60.341 111.779 60.401 111.719 60.5143C111.672 60.6056 111.645 60.7055 111.639 60.8078C111.639 61.8148 111.639 62.7151 111.692 63.5287C111.706 63.7535 111.739 63.9767 111.792 64.1956C111.804 64.31 111.848 64.4187 111.919 64.5091C112.192 64.7558 112.899 64.8759 114.026 64.8759C114.481 64.8713 114.934 64.8086 115.373 64.6891C115.601 64.6259 115.81 64.5067 115.98 64.3423C116.198 64.1143 116.395 63.8665 116.567 63.6021C116.69 63.3632 116.84 63.1394 117.014 62.9352C117.068 62.8945 117.133 62.8713 117.201 62.8685C117.327 62.8685 117.407 62.9619 117.434 63.1553C117.474 63.3331 117.474 63.5176 117.434 63.6955C117.301 64.2397 117.113 64.7692 116.874 65.276C116.812 65.3981 116.708 65.4931 116.58 65.5428C116.481 65.5957 116.372 65.6296 116.26 65.6428H108.511C108.058 65.6428 107.844 65.5694 107.844 65.4294C107.844 65.1893 108.044 65.0226 108.444 64.9225C108.846 64.8577 109.233 64.7198 109.585 64.5157C109.681 64.421 109.756 64.3077 109.807 64.1827C109.857 64.0576 109.881 63.9236 109.878 63.7888C109.925 63.3487 109.952 62.7218 109.952 61.9082C109.952 58.218 109.92 56.1884 109.858 55.8194C109.856 55.7068 109.829 55.5962 109.778 55.4957C109.727 55.3952 109.654 55.3075 109.565 55.2392C109.296 55.0973 109.005 55.0004 108.704 54.9524C108.573 54.9272 108.449 54.8699 108.344 54.7857C108.309 54.7597 108.278 54.7268 108.256 54.689C108.233 54.6513 108.217 54.6093 108.211 54.5656C108.211 54.3722 108.371 54.2722 108.704 54.2722L115.653 54.2655Z" fill="#5E5B5C"/> <path d="M240.644 64.5357C240.643 64.2716 240.551 64.0158 240.383 63.8117C240.215 63.6076 239.982 63.4676 239.723 63.4153H239.65C238.533 63.0969 237.478 62.5918 236.529 61.9215C235.812 61.0929 235.264 60.1324 234.915 59.0939C234.75 58.6493 234.039 56.8086 232.781 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332.716 73.4989C332.716 72.832 332.669 72.0317 332.669 71.1714C332.676 71.0849 332.701 71.0008 332.742 70.9246C332.782 70.8246 332.829 70.7779 332.869 70.7779C333.634 70.7779 334.234 70.7913 334.67 70.8179C334.808 70.8261 334.939 70.8855 335.036 70.9847C335.15 71.1262 335.234 71.2896 335.283 71.4648C335.376 71.7316 335.497 71.865 335.657 71.865C335.697 71.8628 335.737 71.8489 335.77 71.8249C335.824 71.7798 335.864 71.7194 335.883 71.6515C335.905 71.5504 335.905 71.4459 335.883 71.3448C335.883 71.1714 335.883 70.8246 335.883 70.2911C335.883 70.1444 335.883 69.8909 335.923 69.5375C335.963 69.184 335.87 68.9106 335.67 68.9106C335.631 68.9118 335.593 68.9214 335.559 68.9386C335.524 68.9559 335.494 68.9805 335.47 69.0106C335.396 69.12 335.338 69.2389 335.296 69.3641C335.228 69.5736 335.086 69.7513 334.896 69.8643C334.578 69.9874 334.238 70.0463 333.896 70.0377H332.869C332.809 70.0377 332.762 69.9843 332.722 69.8776C332.69 69.7877 332.672 69.6931 332.669 69.5975C332.669 68.017 332.669 67.0299 332.729 66.6431C332.751 66.5832 332.777 66.5252 332.809 66.4697C332.856 66.3964 332.889 66.3564 332.909 66.3564H333.823H335.25C335.294 66.3487 335.339 66.3487 335.383 66.3564C335.458 66.3988 335.525 66.4528 335.583 66.5164C335.676 66.6123 335.753 66.7227 335.81 66.8432C335.916 67.0567 336.034 67.2638 336.163 67.4634C336.187 67.5177 336.226 67.5638 336.276 67.5959C336.326 67.6279 336.384 67.6445 336.443 67.6435C336.524 67.6435 336.601 67.6121 336.658 67.556C336.715 67.4999 336.749 67.4236 336.75 67.3434C336.735 67.0573 336.704 66.7723 336.657 66.4898C336.641 66.2413 336.59 65.9965 336.504 65.7628C336.459 65.7055 336.401 65.6601 336.335 65.631C336.268 65.6019 336.196 65.5899 336.123 65.5961H330.381C330.298 65.5961 330.219 65.6291 330.16 65.6879C330.101 65.7467 330.068 65.8264 330.068 65.9096C330.068 65.9747 330.088 66.0383 330.124 66.0919C330.161 66.1455 330.214 66.1866 330.275 66.2097C330.493 66.2581 330.703 66.3414 330.895 66.4564C330.971 66.5164 331.033 66.5922 331.077 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width="350" height="36" /></p> <p><strong>Havens Retain Allure For Firms Seeking Flexibility Offshore</strong></p> <p><strong>Depositors may be licking their wounds, and hoping for some kind of structured assistance by Russia to crippled Cypriot banks, but only a small number of Russian companies are leaving the island.</strong></p> <p>Lawyers told The&nbsp;Moscow Times that deposit and&nbsp;tax risks or the&nbsp;political environment are prompting companies to&nbsp;reassess their presence in&nbsp;Cyprus.</p> <p>"A lot are considering moving and&nbsp;some did move for&nbsp;various reasons but there is no marathon streaming towards the&nbsp;exit. It depends on&nbsp;the company's business," said <strong>Mark Rovinskiy, deputy head of&nbsp;tax practice at&nbsp;EPAM</strong>.</p> <p>"Some use Cyprus as a&nbsp;housing for&nbsp;Russian or other assets. They are not so much affected. If they have trading activities or have monetary funds there, they may have problems with bank transfers."</p> <p>As well as a&nbsp;levy on&nbsp;deposits over 100,000 euros, the&nbsp;corporate tax rate rose from&nbsp;10 to&nbsp;12.5 percent. To&nbsp;add to&nbsp;the noise, the&nbsp;past month has seen a&nbsp;flood of&nbsp;conferences and&nbsp;seminars by&nbsp;Cypriot lawyers and&nbsp;tax accountants trying to&nbsp;extinguish the&nbsp;panic, assuring investors that nothing really has changed.</p> <p>The&nbsp;decisions of&nbsp;Russian investors will be driven by&nbsp;their motives, which are exaggerated or misrepresented, not least by&nbsp;EU politicians who accused Cyprus of&nbsp;laundering Russia's "dirty money", lawyers say.</p> <p>From&nbsp;a purely tax perspective, the&nbsp;only logic of&nbsp;going offshore is deferral of&nbsp;tax, said Boris Bruk, Of&nbsp;Counsel at&nbsp;Dentons. "When you pump out the&nbsp;profits from&nbsp;a Russian company to&nbsp;any other jurisdiction the&nbsp;lowest applicable rate under the&nbsp;treaty will be at&nbsp;least 5 percent witholding tax. If you do the&nbsp;same to&nbsp;a Russian individual you will pay 9 percent. To&nbsp;the extent you want to&nbsp;reinvest money, you will be paying 4 percent less. But if any money taken out of&nbsp;the business goes back to&nbsp;Russian citizens they will have to&nbsp;pay 9 percent." More, in&nbsp;total, than the&nbsp;rate of&nbsp;Russian income tax.</p> <p>Andrey Goltsblat, managing partner, Goltsblat BLP, the&nbsp;Russian practice of&nbsp;BLP, said the&nbsp;case for&nbsp;paying taxes through Cyprus had not altered. "I would even say the&nbsp;argument never disappeared as the&nbsp;corporate and&nbsp;tax structure hasn't been changed. They just raised corporate tax, which will have no impact on&nbsp;business, which uses Cyprus as an&nbsp;investment vehicle."</p> <p>Some investors are thinking about opening new structures in&nbsp;different jurisdictions rather then changing the&nbsp;existing ones, Goltsblat said. Companies can, of&nbsp;course, be registered in&nbsp;Cyprus but open accounts in&nbsp;non-Cypriots banks.</p> <p>If companies are seeking somewhere with greater stability, it may not be the&nbsp;conventional tax havens. Malta recently agreed a&nbsp;double taxation treaty (DDT) with Russia but is still on&nbsp;the Ministry of&nbsp;Finance offshore blacklist. Jersey does not have a&nbsp;DDT with Russia. Cyprus has an&nbsp;advantage, Goltsblat said, so long as its DDT with Russia remains in&nbsp;force.</p> <p><strong>Rovinskiy</strong> said that for&nbsp;those who run businesses through Russia there was no other jurisidiction that provided the&nbsp;same conditions as Cyprus. "Still they could go to&nbsp;Switzerland, Singapore, or the&nbsp;Netherlands. Companies without significant operations in&nbsp;Russia could go to&nbsp;Malta. They might want to&nbsp;avoid the&nbsp;EU zone, however. It is an&nbsp;EU crisis not just one of&nbsp;Cyprus."</p> <p>Anti laundering regulations and&nbsp;the obligation to&nbsp;disclose beneficial owners exist in&nbsp;some jurisdictions but they would not worry a&nbsp;businessperson who was not trying to&nbsp;hide assets, he said.</p> <p>Bruk said the&nbsp;unratified double taxation treaty ruled out Malta, leaving Switzerland, the&nbsp;Netherlands, Luxembourg and&nbsp;Ireland as options. "It is also important to&nbsp;consider their taxation of&nbsp;Intellectual Property. Some countries in&nbsp;Europe compete to&nbsp;get IP management companies onshore. These are Luxembourg, Cyprus, Ireland and&nbsp;a couple of&nbsp;others. This is helpful to&nbsp;normal companies that possess and&nbsp;manage intellectual property, software, and&nbsp;exclusive rights on&nbsp;their IP objects."</p> <p>If companies are considering moving, experts said they could implement one of&nbsp;several scenarios: Change the&nbsp;country of&nbsp;tax residence but not the&nbsp;country of&nbsp;incorporation; merge their Cyprus assets into&nbsp;a sister company in&nbsp;another jurisdiction; transfer the&nbsp;legal seat of&nbsp;the company so it changes nationality; or simply move bank accounts to&nbsp;another country.</p> <p>Most governments are highly suspicious of&nbsp;asset transfers. "Assets and&nbsp;capital are flowing away from&nbsp;their sovereignty and&nbsp;it is their last chance to&nbsp;tax them. This will be considered as capital gains. It is really an&nbsp;issue of&nbsp;tax competition between states," said <strong>Rovinskiy</strong>.</p> <p>Fortunately for&nbsp;the owners of&nbsp;such assets, the&nbsp;Cypriot authorities have a&nbsp;relaxed attitude towards taxation of&nbsp;dividends or capital gains and&nbsp;since 2006, Cyprus has allowed redomicile, as opposed to&nbsp;closing a&nbsp;company and&nbsp;reopening it elsewhere.</p> <p>The&nbsp;EU-sponsored levy on&nbsp;deposits of&nbsp;more than 100,000 euros will be the&nbsp;subject of&nbsp;international arbitration in&nbsp;the European courts. Depositors have petitioned the&nbsp;Cyprus supreme court to&nbsp;rule whether the&nbsp;action was constitutional.</p> <p>This is moot for&nbsp;many wealthy Russians. "Some of&nbsp;our clients had inside information that the&nbsp;crisis would happen a&nbsp;year ago and&nbsp;they shifted money to&nbsp;Switzerland and&nbsp;other places," said Bruk.</p> <p>Russia may have the&nbsp;last laugh. Having refused to&nbsp;contribute to&nbsp;the bail out of&nbsp;Cypriot banks (though it it did lend the&nbsp;country three billion euros) Russia may extend further loans in&nbsp;return for&nbsp;assets such as natural gas, Cypriot finance minister Michael Sarri told reporters last month.</p> <p>There could even be advantages to&nbsp;remaining in&nbsp;Cyprus, said Boris Bruk of&nbsp; Dentons. "Cyprus realizes it is vulnerable in&nbsp;terms of&nbsp;the psychology of&nbsp;businesses. Cypriot tax authorities are very relaxed about how they audit companies and&nbsp;what they pay attention to. Probably they will be more flexible than ever."</p> <p>Cyprus offers the&nbsp;benefits of&nbsp;English common law, which businesses often consider to&nbsp;be more flexible when drawing up contracts. "Russia should be blamed for&nbsp;not allowing people the&nbsp;level of&nbsp;comfort they wish," said&nbsp; Bruk. "As with high tax countries like Germany or France, if you pressure people to&nbsp;pay high levels of&nbsp;tax, why blame Cyprus for&nbsp;creating a&nbsp;low-tax jurisdiction? The&nbsp;way to&nbsp;stop cash outflow is to&nbsp;make tax legislation fair and&nbsp;easy to&nbsp;deal with."</p> <p>Vladimir Gidirim, partner, International Tax, Ernst &amp; Young, said companies would take the&nbsp;risk of&nbsp;a further deterioration in&nbsp;the Cyprus tax system but&nbsp;&nbsp; smaller and&nbsp;medium-sized companies in&nbsp;particular would not leave the&nbsp;jurisdiction. However larger companies might make use of&nbsp;holding companies in&nbsp;additional jurisdictions.</p> <p>"There is no alternative to&nbsp;Cyprus as a&nbsp;jurisdiction. The&nbsp;tax system for&nbsp;holdings is far too advanced and&nbsp;flexible. The&nbsp;Netherlands and&nbsp;Luxembourg do contain some features, but those conditions are still not as favorable for&nbsp;investors. There is no direct matching. You cannot simply take a&nbsp;Cyprus company and&nbsp;replace it like a&nbsp;piece of&nbsp;Lego in&nbsp;Luxembourg. You would need to&nbsp;use several jurisdictions, with several layers of&nbsp;holding companies in&nbsp;order to&nbsp;achieve a&nbsp;cascading system of&nbsp;tax distributions."</p> <p><em>By Mark H. Gay</em></p> </div> <div class="attachments"> </div> </div> <div id="socialnet" class="clearfix"> <div> <div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="90" data-show-faces="false"></div> </div> </div> <div class="back-box"> <a href="" class="back">Back to media coverage</a> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="percent clearfix"> <div class="small-text"> The contents of this information resource ( website‎), including any information and intellectual property, are protected by the Russian legislation and international treaties. 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