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Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetratio ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">3.33 rating | 10,912 views | <a href="" title="Comments">Discuss this</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>9 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="Beer Consumption by Country"><img alt="Beer Consumption by Country" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="Beer Consumption by Country">Beer Consumption by Country</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This map shows per capita beer consumption by country. The Czech Republic led all other nations in per-capita beer consumption for the 20th consecutive ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.30 rating | 22,520 views | <a href="" title="Comments">Discuss this</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>10 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li class="no-right-margin"> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Homicide/Murder Rate"><img alt="Current Worldwide Homicide/Murder Rate" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Homicide/Murder Rate">Current Worldwide Homicide/Murder Rate</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This map shows homicide or murder rates per 100,000 population around the world. Homicide is defined as unlawful death purposefully inflicted on a person by anot ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.42 rating | 818,976 views | <a href="" title="Comments">79 Comments</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>14 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="Worldwide Lifetime Alcohol Abstention"><img alt="Worldwide Lifetime Alcohol Abstention" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="Worldwide Lifetime Alcohol Abstention">Worldwide Lifetime Alcohol Abstention</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This map shows worldwide lifetime alcohol abstention, which is the opposite of alcohol consumption. Current world lifetime abstention: 45% (men: 35%; women:55%) ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.28 rating | 35,500 views | <a href="" title="Comments">2 Comments</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>14 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="Most Consumed Alcoholic Beverage by Country"><img alt="Most Consumed Alcoholic Beverage by Country" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="Most Consumed Alcoholic Beverage by Country">Most Consumed Alcoholic Beverage by Country</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This map shows worldwide distribution of most consumed alcoholic (beer, wine, spirits or other alcoholic) beverages, in litres of pure alcohol. Key findings for ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.52 rating | 755,784 views | <a href="" title="Comments">3 Comments</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>14 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li class="no-right-margin ad"> <!-- home_page_300x250_6 --> <script type='text/javascript'> try{ GA_googleFillSlot("home_page_300x250_6"); }catch(e){} </script> </li> <li> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Alcohol Consumption Among Adults"><img alt="Current Worldwide Alcohol Consumption Among Adults" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Alcohol Consumption Among Adults">Current Worldwide Alcohol Consumption Among Adults</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This chart shows alcohol consumption among adults aged ≥ 15 years in litres per person per year. Current worldwide alcohol consumption among adults: 6.13 lit ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.48 rating | 234,990 views | <a href="" title="Comments">3 Comments</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>14 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="World Foreign Prisoners percentage within the Prison Population"><img alt="World Foreign Prisoners percentage within the Prison Population" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="World Foreign Prisoners percentage within the Prison Population">World Foreign Prisoners percentage within the Priso ...</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This map shows the percentage of foreign prisoners within each national prison population. Foreign prisoners includes men and women held in penal institutions, ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.29 rating | 46,485 views | <a href="" title="Comments">1 Comment</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>14 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li class="no-right-margin"> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="Human Trafficking in the World"><img alt="Human Trafficking in the World" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="Human Trafficking in the World">Human Trafficking in the World</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This map shows government action to combat human trafficking and modern slavery in 177 countries with Tier 1 ranking as the highest ranking. A Tier 1 indicates t ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.29 rating | 119,891 views | <a href="" title="Comments">6 Comments</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>14 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li class=" ad"> <!-- home_page_300x250_10 --> <script type='text/javascript'> try{ GA_googleFillSlot("home_page_300x250_10"); }catch(e){} </script> </li> <li> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="World Female Prisoners (percentage within the Prison Population)"><img alt="World Female Prisoners (percentage within the Prison Population)" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="World Female Prisoners (percentage within the Prison Population)">World Female Prisoners (percentage within the Priso ...</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This map shows the percentage of female prisoners within each national prison population. Female prisoners includes women and girls held in penal institutions, a ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.60 rating | 49,430 views | <a href="" title="Comments">Discuss this</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>14 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li class="no-right-margin"> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="World Prison Population Rates per 100,000 of the national population"><img alt="World Prison Population Rates per 100,000 of the national population" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="World Prison Population Rates per 100,000 of the national population">World Prison Population Rates per 100,000 of the na ...</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This map shows world prison population rates per 100,000 of the national population. Current world prison population rate: 168 per 100,000 people Current world ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.42 rating | 109,727 views | <a href="" title="Comments">5 Comments</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>14 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Annual Prevalence of Cocaine among Adults"><img alt="Current Worldwide Annual Prevalence of Cocaine among Adults" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Annual Prevalence of Cocaine among Adults">Current Worldwide Annual Prevalence of Cocaine among Adults</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This chart shows current worldwide annual prevalence of cocaine in population aged 15-64. Number of people who used cocaine at least once in year: 15 - 19.3 mil ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.36 rating | 83,319 views | <a href="" title="Comments">3 Comments</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>15 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Illicit Cultivation of Coca Bush and Production of Cocaine"><img alt="Current Worldwide Illicit Cultivation of Coca Bush and Production of Cocaine" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Illicit Cultivation of Coca Bush and Production of Cocaine">Current Worldwide Illicit Cultivation of Coca Bush ...</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This chart shows current worldwide illicit cultivation of coca bush and production of cocaine. Total area under coca bush cultivation: 158,800 hectares (h ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">3.22 rating | 21,156 views | <a href="" title="Comments">Discuss this</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>15 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li class="no-right-margin"> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Illicit Cultivation of Opium Poppy and Production of Opium"><img alt="Current Worldwide Illicit Cultivation of Opium Poppy and Production of Opium" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Illicit Cultivation of Opium Poppy and Production of Opium">Current Worldwide Illicit Cultivation of Opium Popp ...</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This chart shows current worldwide illicit cultivation of opium poppy and production of opium. Total area under opium poppy cultivation in the major culti ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.19 rating | 182,897 views | <a href="" title="Comments">Discuss this</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>15 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Annual Prevalence of Opiates among Adults"><img alt="Current Worldwide Annual Prevalence of Opiates among Adults" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="Current Worldwide Annual Prevalence of Opiates among Adults">Current Worldwide Annual Prevalence of Opiates among Adults</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This chart shows current worldwide annual prevalence of opiates in population aged 15-64. Number of people who used opiates at least once in year: 12.8 - 21.9 m ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.56 rating | 45,101 views | <a href="" title="Comments">2 Comments</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>15 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li> <h4><a href="/graph/drugs_and_crime" title="Drugs & Crime">Drugs & Crime</a></h4> <div class="chart-image"><a href="" title="World's Top 10 Best selling Cigarette Brands - 2004 - 2007"><img alt="World's Top 10 Best selling Cigarette Brands - 2004 - 2007" src="" width="220" height="110"></a></div> <h3><a href="" title="World's Top 10 Best selling Cigarette Brands - 2004 - 2007">World's Top 10 Best selling Cigarette Brands - 2004 - 2007</a></h3> <div class="chart-detail"> <div>This chart shows world's top 10 best selling cigarette brands. Even with increasing restrictions on marketing, tobacco companies continue to compete fiercely fo ...</div> </div> <div class="chart-detail"> <div class="view-count">4.26 rating | 152,566 views | <a href="" title="Comments">1 Comment</a></div> <div><label>Last updated: </label>15 years ago</div> </div> </li> <li class="no-right-margin ad"> <!-- home_page_300x250_18 --> <script type='text/javascript'> try{ GA_googleFillSlot("home_page_300x250_18"); }catch(e){} </script> </li> </ul> <div class="prev-and-next" style="margin-bottom:10px"> <a class="next" href="/graph/drugs_and_crime?page=2&sortby=chart_featured"></a> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="ft"><div id="copyright">Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.</div><a title="About US" href="/about/">About</a> | <a title="Chat" href="">Chat</a> | <a title="Contact US" href="/about/contact">Contact</a> | <a title="Sign Up" href="/about/apply">Sign Up</a> | <a title="Privacy Policy" href="/about/privacy">Privacy</a> | <a title="Legal" href="/about/legal">Legal</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" title="Feedback">Feedback</a></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var _qevents = _qevents || [], _gaq = _gaq || [],_kmq = _kmq || [],secure = "http://",quantserveSSL = "edge", reinvigorateSSL = "",hasSVG = !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS("", "svg").createSVGRect; if(document.location.protocol == "https:"){ secure = "https://"; quantserveSSL = "secure"; reinvigorateSSL = "ssl-"; } _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-1842699-9'],['_setCustomVar', 1, 'hasSVG', hasSVG.toString(), 1 ],['_trackPageview'],['_trackPageLoadTime']); _qevents.push({ qacct:"p-c439YeBRW9Mx6" }); (function () { loadScript(secure + ""); loadScript(secure + quantserveSSL +""); loadScript(secure + reinvigorateSSL + ""); })(); setTimeout(function(){ try {reinvigorate.track("9t5z6-h1zo2a79q9");} catch(err) {} }, 1000); </script> <noscript><img src="//" style="display: none;" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast"/></noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { //loadScript(""); if($ || $.browser.safari){ $("#toplinks ul ul").css('left',"-167px"); } })(); $(window).load(function() { $("#fbpagelike").html('<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:100px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>'); }); </script> </body> </html>