SA.GOV.AU - Save water and energy in the bathroom
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Replace your old hot water service for an efficient model with lower running costs.</p> </div> <h2 class="accordion" >Save hot water and save energy</h2> <div><p>About 60% of the water you use indoors is for the bath, shower and laundry.</p><div><img width="100%" src="" alt="Typical indoor water use in an average South Australian home. Bath and shower, 33 per cent. Laundry, 27 per cent. Toilet and other, 22 per cent. Kitchen, 18 per cent." /></div><p>You can save water and energy by:</p><ul><li>showering for four minutes or less – a shower timer can keep you on track</li><li>take a short shower instead of a bath</li><li>insulating external hot water pipes with foam tubing – it's easy to install and available at most hardware stores</li><li>installing your water heater close to your bathrooms, kitchen and laundry.</li></ul><h3>Don’t overheat your water</h3><p>Turn the temperature down a few degrees on your instantaneous hot water service.</p><p>If your hot water is stored, it must be kept<strong> at least 60<sup>o</sup>C. </strong>Lower temperatures could allow harmful bacteria to grow. But higher temperatures will use more energy - make the safest choice.</p><h3>Check your shower flow rate</h3><p>Some shower heads can use up to 25 litres of water a minute - one that uses 9 litres per minute will help you save.</p><p>To check your shower flow rate you will need:</p><ul><li>stopwatch - <a href="">available in the Home Energy Toolkit</a></li><li>bucket</li><li>cup with volume markings.</li></ul><p>Now check the flow rate:</p><ol><li>Turn the water on full and let it flow into a bucket for 10 seconds.</li><li>Use the cup to measure the amount of water collected in the bucket.</li><li>Multiply the amount of water you collected by 6.</li></ol><p>If your result is more than 9 litres per minute, consider installing a three-star rated efficient shower head.</p><p><a href="">How to save water and energy - video</a></p></div> <h2 class="accordion" >Buying a new water heater</h2> <div><p>Choose a water heater that suits the size of your home and the needs of your household. The manufacturer or supplier can give you advice on the right heater for your needs.</p><ul><li>Solar hot water will need enough north-facing, shade-free space on your roof. If the system has a tank, make sure your roof structure can support it.</li><li>Heat pump systems work when its colder outside, so you could connect it to the off-peak electricity meter. Installing a day/night switch means you can run the water heater overnight in warmer months, and during the day in cooler months.</li></ul><p><a href="">Use a licensed tradesperson</a> for all plumbing, gas and electrical work needed when installing your new water heater.</p></div> <h2 class="accordion" >Help with purchase costs</h2> <div><h3 id="waterheaterstcs">Small-scale technology certificates</h3><p>New solar or electric pump water heaters could mean you are eligible for small-scale technology certificates (STCs).</p><p>Each STC represents an amount of electricity in megawatt hours. You can use STCs to offset what your home would draw from the main electricity grid.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Find out more about STCs</a></p><h3>Instalment payments or repayment plans</h3><p>Some suppliers offer finance options, so you can install your water heater now and pay it off over time.</p><h3>No interest loans</h3><p>You can access interest free loans if you are on a low income or have experienced domestic violence through No Interest Loans (NILS).</p><p><a href="">Apply for a NILS loan</a></p></div> <h2 class="accordion" >Water heater safety</h2> <div><p>Follow the manufacturer's instructions to make sure your hot water service is safe and runs efficiently.</p><p><a href="">Use a licensed tradesperson</a> for all plumbing, gas and electrical work needed to maintain your water heater.</p><p>If you have a gas water heater, check that air can flow freely around the unit and keep the area around the heater and flue free of materials that could ignite, aerosol cans and chemicals.</p></div> <div id="new_content_container_411258_411258"> <div><div><div id="content_container_222471"><hr /><h2>Related information</h2><h3>On this site</h3><p><a href="" title="Hot water safety">Hot water safety</a></p><h3>Other websites</h3><ul><li><a href="">Reducing water demand</a> – Australian Government</li></ul></div></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="page_contents"><form id="form_email_2496" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post" ><input type="hidden" name="SQ_FORM_2496_PAGE" value="1" class="sq-form-field" id="SQ_FORM_2496_PAGE" /><input type="hidden" name="form_email_2496_referral_url" value="" /><!--noindex--> <style type="text/css"> .recaptcha__container { margin-bottom: 1rem; 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