Miraculous Transformation - ZF
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A visit to the Czech location of Fr媒dlant exemplifies how ZF is giving a second life to different safety technology products through remanufacturing of used products.</div> <div class="zfcai-author-name"> Frank Thoma, </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcai-author-profile"> <div class="zfai-author-image"> <img src="" alt="author_image" /> </div> <div class="zfai-author-caption-wrapper"> <strong>Frank Thoma</strong> has been corporate editor at ZF since 2011. With a degree in journalism, he has been planning, writing and editing articles for all of the company鈥檚 internal, external media. <div class="zfai-social-media"> <div class="zfai-social-media-text-row"> </div> <div class="zfai-social-icons-row"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcai-author-intro"> Fr媒dlant is a tranquil town of 8,000 inhabitants in the northern Czech Republic. ZF has a remanufacturing plant here. Since 1999 its employees have been reworking on a wide variety of automotive safety technology products on 20,000 square meters. In contrast to conventional repair of individual products in workshops, remanufacturing is reconditioning of high-quality components on an industrial scale. It may differ from a new part in terms of price but not in quality. The ecological footprint is also good: compared to newly manufactured products, remanufacturing requires between 50 and 90 percent less raw materials and only about 1/10th the energy. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end stories_intro_part--> <!--end stories_intro--> <!--begin Text with Image Qoute--> <div class="zfcatm-article-text-media zfcatm-media-no-media" id="sec1_tiq_686774" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-title zfcatm-media-title"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcatm-text-content"> <div class="zfcatm-text"> <div>The remanufacturing portfolio in Fr媒dlant includes brake calipers for passenger as well as commercial vehicles, mechanical, hydraulic and electric passenger car steering systems, commercial vehicle steering systems, vane pumps, electrohydraulic steering system pumps, and mechatronic and electronic components. New products are added almost every year.</div><div><strong>Join us on a tour of the remanufacturing plant. </strong></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with Image Qoute--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="5756275789001" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> <span class="zfcfsv-video-title zfcui-prometo-medium">Remanufacturing at Fr媒dlant</span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator " id="related_div_686776"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Related Topics</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Tile Teaser--> <div class="zfctt-teasers " id="rel_tt_686777" > <div class="row zfctt-item-wrapper"> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-m" > <a href="" target="_self" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="" title="" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="" title="" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <h3 class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></h3> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> Sustainable Processes for Water: An Essential Resource </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div>Without water for flushing and cooling, many elements of production simply wouldn't function. To reduce consumption, ZF recycles water and uses modern manufacturing processes.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-category zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <span class="zfctt-category-label zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="40"> People & Culture</span> </div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="60"> Sustainable Processes for Water: An Essential Resource </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="400"> Without water for flushing and cooling, many elements of production simply wouldn't function. To reduce consumption, ZF recycles water and uses modern manufacturing processes. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-m" > <a href="" target="_self" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="" title="" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="" title="" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <h3 class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></h3> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> Powered by Sustainability </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div>ZF's products are famous for using as little energy as possible. The Group ensures sustainability and energy efficiency throughout, even in manufacturing.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-category zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <span class="zfctt-category-label zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="40"> Technology</span> </div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="60"> Powered by Sustainability </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="400"> ZF's products are famous for using as little energy as possible. The Group ensures sustainability and energy efficiency throughout, even in manufacturing. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> </div> </div> <!--end Tile Teaser--> </div> </div> <!-- googleoff: snippet --> </main> </div> </body> </html>