TrakCel Celebrates 10 years of market leading Cell Orchestration Solutions by setting out future plans
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Orchestration Solutions by setting out future plans </h1> <byline> Published: 9-Sep-2022 </byline> <byline class="tags-byline"> <div class="tags-background"> <a href="/tag/manufacturing">Manufacturing</a> </div> </byline> <p>TrakCel, supplier of market leading Cell Orchestration Solutions for clinical trials and commercial therapies to the cell and gene therapy (CGT) industry, today is celebrating 10 years of supporting CGT developers, and shares its additional future plans to support the cell and gene therapy industry</p> </div> </div> <div class="column06 mob-order01"> <div class="featured-image"> <div class="featured-image-inner article-featured-image " data-bg="/article-image-alias/trakcel-celebrates-10-years-of-market.jpg"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> <div class="width-container"> <div class="padding"> <div class="article-wrapper flex-md-up justify-content-space-between-md-up"> <article class="article"> <p>“In the past decade, the CGT sector has grown from a futuristic concept to a complex sector that is developing therapies that have the potential to change the future prognosis for millions of patients. In turn, TrakCel is orchestrating the highest number of deployments in the widest range of therapeutic classes and has evolved from a first-mover to the market leader” said Dr Fiona Withey, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, TrakCel. “Having launched a second-generation software OCELLOS, to scale efficiently to meet therapy needs from clinical to commercial launch, TrakCel are currently supporting deployments across a range of therapies internationally. TrakCel continues to evolve and change as the CGT sector commercialises a wider group of therapies to a far greater number of patients and implements new and evolving technologies. TrakCel’s extensive experience allows our teams to take a consultative approach alongside customers in managing risk within supply and value chains.”</p> <p>Over the last decade, TrakCel has acquired vast experience of cellular orchestration in the CGT sector gained through the highest number of deployments in the most therapy classes which includes deployments to support multiple therapies for a number of developers. To date TrakCel products have also orchestrated the therapy supply chain for over 500 patients, which is forecasted to grow significantly as the industry matures and more therapies are commercialised.</p> <p>TrakCel’s focus is to further enhance its OCELLOS platform and range of products following extensive consultation periods with organisations across the entire CGT sector. This on-going consultation process has to-date revealed numerous challenges that will be addressed by building a wider network of integrations, as well as growing diversification within CGT supply chains to meet the needs of specific therapy types. This diversification means that there is additional demand to alter the supply chain process, adding or removing steps, suppliers and user profiles to adjust to support therapy needs.</p> <p>“TrakCel’s product roadmap will continue to develop to cater to industry demands. This includes improving the efficiency of scheduling to relieve the pressure on manufacturing facilities as the volumes of therapies increase and the need to manage a variety of scheduling requests and service provision from multiple developers is required. In addition, TrakCel is constantly developing its products to allow greater visibility to aid with forecasting, risk assessment and fault analysis for future use by the CGT industry of artificial intelligence and deep analytics of mature data sets” said Dr Fiona Withey.</p> <p>TrakCel is committed to ongoing technology development to improve supply chain efficiency and resource utilisation and patient experience. This includes investigating emerging technologies such as blockchain, enhancing access to information that can keep patients better informed about the progress of their treatment, support services, after-care and also the facilitation of outcome-based reimbursement models.</p> <section class="article-footer"> <div class="social-share-nav"> <ul> <li><a href="" target="blank" title="Follow Manufacturing Chemist on X"><i aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="circle-icon large x-icon"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="M8 2H1L9.26086 13.0145L1.44995 21.9999H4.09998L10.4883 14.651L16 22H23L14.3917 10.5223L21.8001 2H19.1501L13.1643 8.88578L8 2ZM17 20L5 4H7L19 20H17Z"></path> </svg> </i><span class="visually-hidden">X</span></a></li> <li> <a href="" target="blank" title="Follow Manufacturing Chemist on LinkedIn"><i aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="circle-icon large ri-linkedin-fill"></i><span class="visually-hidden">LinkedIn</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="block block-companies large"> <div class="block-inner"> <div class="block-grid"> </div> <div class="seeAlso"> <ul> <li>Companies:</li> <li> TrakCel </li> </ul> </div> <a title="Directory" href="/directory"><span class="read-more arrow-link">See more</span></a> </div> </div> </section> </article> <sidebar class="sidebar"> <div class="block tip-trigger"> <h3 class="has-icon block-header"><i class=" ri-heart-line" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"></i>You may also like</h3> <div class="block-inner"> <a href="/tag/manufacturing" class="category-label">Manufacturing</a> <a href="/trakcel-autologous-allogeneic-cell-gene-therapy-supply-chain-it-solution-OCELLOS"> <div class="featured-image"> <div class="featured-image-inner" data-bg="/article-image-alias/trakcel-to-support-cell-and-gene.png"></div> </div> <h3>TrakCel to support cell and gene therapy orchestration with OCELLOS IT solution</h3> <span class="read-more arrow-link">Read more</span> <div class="tooltip">The IT system allows cell and gene therapy (CGT) manufacturers to track the progress of personalised CGTs in real-time, while also managing their supply chain </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="block block-top-five"> <h3 class="has-icon block-header"><i class=" ri-arrow-right-up-line" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"></i>Trending Articles</h3> <div class="block-inner"> <ol> <li> <div class="tip-trigger"> <a href="/sartorius-opens-bioprocess-innovation-centre-cell-gene-therapy-marlborough-us"> Sartorius Stedim Biotech supports bioprocess development with new Innovation Centre <span class="tooltip">The Massachusetts, US-based Centre for Bioprocess Innovation is a collaborative space designed to develop and optimise biomanufacturing processes </span> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="tip-trigger"> <a href="/imed-consultancy-helps-toby-orthopaedics-navigate-uk-regulations"> IMed Consultancy helps Toby Orthopaedics navigate UK regulations <span class="tooltip">Regulatory consultancy ensures compliance and confidence for Miami-based company </span> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="tip-trigger"> <a href="/aurobindo-pharma-signs-respiratory-drug-development-commercialisation-deal"> Aurobindo Pharma signs $25m respiratory drug development and commercialisation deal with global pharma company <span class="tooltip">The companies will co-develop and commercialise respiratory therapeutics, diversifying Aurobindo's current portfolio </span> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="tip-trigger"> <a href="/imed-supports-k2-medical-systems-in-their-eu"> IMed supports K2 medical systems in their EU MDR transition <span class="tooltip">Consultancy firm helps K2 navigate the complex regulatory process to achieve Article 97 compliance </span> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="tip-trigger"> <a href="/causes-and-solutions-for-dark-spots-in-tablet-manufacturing-159326"> Causes and solutions for dark spots in tablet manufacturing <span class="tooltip">Natoli Engineering examines the causes and solutions for dark spots that can halt production </span> </a> </div> </li> </ol> </div> </div> <div class="block block-event"> <h3 class="has-icon block-header"><i class=" ri-calendar-close-line" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"></i>Upcoming event</h3> <div class="block-inner"> <a href="/cphi-middle-east-and-africa-font-color-red-sup-i-postponed-i-sup-font--161475" class="block-inner event-block"> <span> <i class="ri-calendar-event-line ri-2x"></i> <h3>CPhI Middle East</h3> <byline>10–12 December 2024 | Conference | Riyadh, Saudi Arabia</byline> </span> </a> <a href="/events"><span class="read-more arrow-link">See all</span></a> </div> </div> </sidebar> </div> </div> </div> <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Replace in blockquote elements document.querySelectorAll("blockquote").forEach(function(blockquote) { blockquote.innerHTML = blockquote.innerHTML.replace(/ /g, ''); 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