<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/> <title>FocusWriter</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="News Feed" href=""/> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href=""/> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href=""/> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="48x48" href=""/> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="192x192" href=""/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" type="image/png" sizes="180x180" href=""/> <meta property="og:type" content="website"/> <meta property="og:title" content="FocusWriter"/> <meta property="og:image" content=""/> <meta property="og:image:width" content="1920"/> <meta property="og:image:height" content="1080"/> <meta property="og:url" content=""/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Gott Code"/> </head> <body> <header id="site-header"> <nav class="navbar container"> <p class="home-link"><a href=""><img class="logo" src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x, 3x" alt="Site logo" height="64" width="64"/>Gott Code</a></p> <ul id="navbar-links"> <li class="navbar-link"><a href="">Projects</a></li> <li class="navbar-link"><a href="">Blog</a></li> <li class="contact-link"><a href="" title="Email Me"><img src="" alt="Email Me"></a></li> <li class="contact-link"><a rel="me" href="" title="Follow Me on Mastodon"><img src="" alt="Follow Me on Mastodon"></a></li> <li class="contact-link"><a href="" title="News Feed"><img src="" alt="News Feed"></a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <main> <div id="info" class="container columns"> <p id="preview" class="column"><img class="preview-image" src="" width="480" height="270" alt="Preview image of FocusWriter"/></p> <div id="about" class="column"> <h1 class="page-title"><img class="logo" src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x, 3x" height="64" width="64" alt="FocusWriter logo"/> FocusWriter</h1> <p>FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free word processor. It utilizes a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen, allowing the program to have a familiar look and feel to it while still getting out of the way so that you can immerse yourself in your work.</p> <p>FocusWriter allows you to customize your environment by creating themes that control the font, colors, and background image to add ambiance. It also features on-the-fly updating statistics, daily goals, multiple open documents, spell-checking, and much more.</p> <p>Additionally, when you open the program your current work in progress will automatically load and position you where you last left off so that you can immediately jump back in.</p> <p class="page-actions"><a class="button" href="#download">Download</a></p> </div> </div> <img id="screenshot" class="screenshot-hide" src="" onclick="hideScreenshot();"/> <img id="screenshot-close-button" class="screenshot-hide" src="" alt="Close" title="Close" onclick="hideScreenshot();"/> <div id="screenshots"> <div class="container"> <a title="About text with default theme" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="56" alt="About text with default theme"/></a> <a title="About text with space theme" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="56" alt="About text with space theme"/></a> <a title="About text with blue theme" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="56" alt="About text with blue theme"/></a> <a title="About text with retro theme" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="56" alt="About text with retro theme"/></a> <a title="Theme management" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="81" alt="Theme management"/></a> <a title="Creating a theme" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="60" alt="Creating a theme"/></a> <a title="Adding a timer" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="92" height="100" alt="Adding a timer"/></a> <a title="Timer finished and expanded" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="56" alt="Timer finished and expanded"/></a> <a title="Daily progress dialog" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="84" alt="Daily progress dialog"/></a> <a title="General preferences" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="90" alt="General preferences"/></a> <a title="Session management" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="85" alt="Session management"/></a> <a title="Symbols dialog" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="70" alt="Symbols dialog"/></a> <a title="Find dialog" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="100" height="53" alt="Find dialog"/></a> <a title="Check spelling dialog" href="" onclick=", '');"><img class="thumbnail" src="" srcset=" 2x" width="75" height="100" alt="Check spelling dialog"/></a> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div id="download" class="section"> <div class="section-header"> <div> <h2 class="version-number">Version 1.8.11</h2> <p class="date">Released on March 7, 2025, under the <a href="">GPL version 3</a>.</p> </div> <p><a href="">Previous Versions</a></p> </div> <div class="section-contents columns"> <div class="release-notes column"> <h3>Bug Fixes</h3> <ul> <li>FIXED: Find button was not default in find dialog</li> </ul> </div> <div class="assets column"> <details class="asset"> <summary class="asset-os"><a class="button" href="">Linux</a><span class="info-button" title="Details"><img class="info-icon" src="" alt="Details"/></span></summary> <p class="asset-info"><b>Dependencies:</b> Qt and hunspell</p> </details> <details class="asset"> <summary class="asset-os"><a class="button" href="">Linux (Ubuntu PPA)</a><span class="info-button" title="Details"><img class="info-icon" src="" alt="Details"/></span></summary> <p class="asset-info"><b>Dependencies:</b> Qt and hunspell</p> </details> <details class="asset"> <summary class="asset-os"><a class="button" href="">Windows 10 x64</a><span class="info-button" title="Details"><img class="info-icon" src="" alt="Details"/></span></summary> <p class="asset-info"><b>Size:</b> 53.4 MB<br/><b>SHA256:</b> e707b40b99bcd94498513c75bd4279427ed6436d83d645c825802d8ce3c4a772<br/><b>PGP:</b> <a href="">ASCII armored signature</a><br/><b>Includes:</b> Qt 6.8.2 and hunspell 1.7.2</p> </details> <details class="asset"> <summary class="asset-os"><a class="button" href="">Windows 10 x64 (Portable)</a><span class="info-button" title="Details"><img class="info-icon" src="" alt="Details"/></span></summary> <p class="asset-info"><b>Size:</b> 75.4 MB<br/><b>SHA256:</b> 259e94c813d01f4f6cfa73c50ed07bd8c691eed84edff7fc0dd9c39840694176<br/><b>PGP:</b> <a href="">ASCII armored signature</a><br/><b>Includes:</b> Qt 6.8.2 and hunspell 1.7.2</p> </details> <details class="asset"> <summary class="asset-os"><a class="button" href="">Source Code</a><span class="info-button" title="Details"><img class="info-icon" src="" alt="Details"/></span></summary> <p class="asset-info"><b>Size:</b> 10.5 MB<br/><b>SHA256:</b> 89db786aa6919962068971defd8106da4a4decd43f2525dce48bc9f95bbfd3f7<br/><b>PGP:</b> <a href="">ASCII armored signature</a><br/><b>Dependencies:</b> Qt 6.2 and hunspell</p> </details> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="extra" class="container columns"> <div id="tipjar" class="section column"> <p>Please send me a tip if you like FocusWriter! The more tips I get, the more time I can work on it.</p> <p>You can use a credit card, debit card, or PayPal account.</p> <ul class="tip-links"> <li><a class="button" href="">$5</a></li> <li><a class="button" href="">$10</a></li> <li><a class="button" href="">$20</a></li> <li><a class="button" href="">Other</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="related-links" class="section column"> <h3>Related Links</h3> <ul> <li><a href="[]=50">LibreOffice dictionaries</a></li> <li><a href="">Apache OpenOffice dictionaries</a></li> <li><a href="">Report a bug</a></li> <li><a href="">Help translate FocusWriter</a></li> </ul> <h3>Development</h3> <p>This project is stored in a <a href="">git repository</a>. You can learn how to use git on its <a href="">website</a>.</p> </div> </div> </main> <footer id="site-footer"> <div class="container"> <p>Copyright 漏 2025 Graeme Gott. All rights are reserved. <a href="">Privacy policy</a>.<br/>This site resides happily on <a href="">DreamHost</a>.</p> </div> </footer> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>