Authority search result › NUKAT catalog
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Ghost Dog the way of the samurai [Film] = Ghost Dog droga samuraja / dir. by Jim Jarmusch. - Warszawa, 2008. Aktor</li> <li>LCA online</li> </ul> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span><a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#notesModal_5429987">Notes</a></span> </div> <div class="standard_ids"> <span class="standard_ids">Control number: <span class="control_numbers">n 2008058119</span></span> </div> </td> <td><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/">Details</a> <td>Has艂o osobowe</td> <td> <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/,phr:5429987">16 records</a> </td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <!-- / .searchresults --> <div class="pages"></div> </div> <!-- / #userauthsearchresults --> </div> <!-- / .col-lg-10/12 --> </div> <!-- / .row --> </div> <!-- / .container-fluid --> </div> <!-- / .main --> </div> <!-- / #wrapper in --> <footer> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <div id="report-koha-url"> <div class="row justify-content-between"> <div class="col"> <ul class="nav" id="footernav"> <li id="cookieConsentFooter" class="nav-item noprint"> <a href="#">Cookies</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col"> <div id="koha_url" class="clearfix noprint"> <p>Powered by <a class="koha_url" rel="nofollow" href="">Koha</a> </p> </div> <!-- /#koha_url --> </div> <!-- /.col --> </div> <!-- /.row.justify-content-between --> </div> <!-- /#report-koha-url --> </div> <!-- /.col --> </div> <!-- /.row --> </div> <!-- /.container-fluid --> </footer> <!-- CookieConsentedJS code that may run --> <!-- JavaScript includes --> <script src="/opac-tmpl/lib/jquery/jquery-3.6.0.min_24.0505000.js"></script> <script src="/opac-tmpl/lib/jquery/jquery-migrate-3.3.2.min_24.0505000.js"></script> <script src="/opac-tmpl/lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min_24.0505000.js"></script> <script src="/opac-tmpl/lib/fontfaceobserver/fontfaceobserver.min_24.0505000.js"></script> <script src="/opac-tmpl/lib/enquire/enquire.min_24.0505000.js"></script> <script> let logged_in_user_id = ""; </script> <script src="/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/js/global_24.0505000.js"></script> <script> $(".print-large").on("click",function(){ window.print(); return false; }); $(".addtoshelf").on("click",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); Dopop( this.href ); }); $("body").on("click", ".addtocart", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var biblionumber = $(this).data("biblionumber"); addRecord( biblionumber ); }); $("body").on("click", ".cartRemove", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var biblionumber = $(this).data("biblionumber"); delSingleRecord( biblionumber ); }); $(".clearsh").on("click", function(){ return confirmDelete( _("Are you sure you want to delete your search history?") ); }); </script> <script src="/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/js/basket_24.0505000.js"></script> <script src="/opac-tmpl/lib/js-cookie/js.cookie-3.0.1.min_24.0505000.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { if($('#searchsubmit').length) { $(document).on("click", '#searchsubmit', function(e) { Cookies.remove("form_serialized", { path: '/'}); Cookies.remove("form_serialized_limits", { path: '/'}); Cookies.remove("search_path_code", { path: '/'}); }); } }); </script> <script src="/opac-tmpl/lib/dayjs/dayjs.min_24.0505000.js"></script> <script src="/opac-tmpl/lib/dayjs/plugin/timezone_24.0505000.js"></script> <script src="/opac-tmpl/lib/dayjs/plugin/utc_24.0505000.js"></script> <script> dayjs.extend(window.dayjs_plugin_utc); dayjs.extend(window.dayjs_plugin_timezone); </script> <!-- --> <script> (function() { var def_date_format = 'iso'; var def_time_format = '24hr'; var def_tz = 'Europe/Warsaw'; var get_date_pattern = function(format) { var date_pattern = 'YYYY-MM-DD'; if(format == 'us') date_pattern = 'MM/DD/YYYY'; if(format == 'metric') date_pattern = 'DD/MM/YYYY'; if(format == 'dmydot') date_pattern = 'DD.MM.YYYY'; return date_pattern; }; var get_time_pattern = function(format) { var time_pattern = 'HH:mm'; if(format == '12hr') time_pattern = 'hh:mm a'; return time_pattern; }; /* * A JS equivilent of the KohaDates TT Plugin. 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$('table.table-striped tbody tr').each(function () { const $row = $(this); const biblionumber = $row.find('input[name="biblionumber"]').val(); if (biblionumber) { biblionumbers.push(Number(biblionumber)); // Konwertowanie biblionumeru na liczb臋 } }); if (biblionumbers.length === 0) return; try { const itemsCountData = await fetchItemsCountForBiblionumbers(biblionumbers); // Przetwarzanie wszystkich wierszy i aktualizacja liczby dost臋pnych element贸w $('table.table-striped tbody tr').each(function () { const $row = $(this); const biblionumber = $row.find('input[name="biblionumber"]').val(); const $availabilityElement = $row.find('.results_summary.availability'); if ($availabilityElement.length > 0 && biblionumber) { const itemsCount = itemsCountData[biblionumber] || 0; // Tworzymy nowy div i wstawiamy go po elemencie .availability const librariesAvailableDiv = $(` <div class="results_summary libraries_available"> ${translations[currentLanguage]["libraries_available"]}: ${itemsCount} <p><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/${biblionumber}">${translations[currentLanguage]["see_more"]}</a></p> </div> `); $availabilityElement.after(librariesAvailableDiv); } }); } catch (error) { console.error('B艂膮d podczas aktualizacji liczby bibliotek:', error); } } updateLibrariesNumber(); } }); // ******************************************************WIDOK SZCZEG脫艁OWY************************************************** // Funkcja do pobierania biblionumber z adresu URL $(document).ready(function () { // Funkcja do pobierania biblionumeru z URL function getBiblionumber() { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const biblionumberFromParams = urlParams.get('biblionumber'); if (biblionumberFromParams) { return biblionumberFromParams; } const pathParts = window.location.pathname.split('/'); const lastSegment = pathParts[pathParts.length - 1]; const isBiblionumberValid = /^\d+$/.test(lastSegment); if (isBiblionumberValid) { return lastSegment; } return null; // Zwracamy null, je艣li nie znaleziono biblionumber } // Zmienna do przechowywania biblionumeru const biblionumber = getBiblionumber(); if (!biblionumber) return; // Usu艅 klas臋 'active' i ustaw 'aria-selected' na 'false' $('.nav-link').removeClass('active').attr('aria-selected', 'false'); $('.tab-pane[role="tabpanel"]').removeClass('active').attr('aria-selected', 'false'); console.log(`Pobieram dane dla biblionumber: ${biblionumber}`); // Zast膮pienie pierwszej zak艂adki (egzemplarze) na "Biblioteki udost臋pniaj膮ce tytu艂" const newNavItem = $('<li>', { class: 'nav-item', role: 'presentation' }) .append($('<a>', { class: 'nav-link active', id: 'libraries_info-tab', 'data-toggle': 'tab', href: '#libraries_info_panel', 'aria-controls': 'libraries_info_panel', role: 'tab', 'aria-selected': 'true', 'data-target': "#libraries_info_panel", text: translations[currentLanguage]["libraries_available"] })); $('.nav-tabs > *:first').replaceWith(newNavItem); // Zast膮pienie pierwszego panelu (egzemplarze) na "Biblioteki udost臋pniaj膮ce tytu艂" const newTabPanel = $('<div>', { class: 'tab-pane active', role: 'tabpanel', id: 'libraries_info_panel', 'aria-labelledby': 'libraries_info-tab' }) .append(`<div id="libraries_info"><p>${translations[currentLanguage]['loading']}...</p></div>`); $('.tab-content > *:first').replaceWith(newTabPanel); // Funkcja do pobierania symboli z API na podstawie biblionumeru async function fetchSymbols(biblionumber, page = 1, allLinks = []) { const perPage = 50; // Liczba element贸w na stronie const apiUrl = `/api/v1/contrib/nukat_symbols/symbols/${biblionumber}?_page=${page}&_per_page=${perPage}`; try { const response = await fetch(apiUrl, { headers: { 'x-koha-embed': 'library', // Dodanie nag艂贸wka } }); if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`B艂膮d podczas pobierania danych: ${response.statusText}`); const totalCount = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-Total-Count'), 10); const totalPages = Math.ceil(totalCount / perPage); const data = await response.json(); // Przetwarzanie danych const links = => { const { library, control_number } = item; const address3 = library?.address3 || ''; const prefix = address3.slice(0, 3); let url = address3.slice(3); if (prefix === "[R]" && control_number) { url = `${url}${control_number}`; // Dodajemy numer kontrolny do URL } // Tworzymy nazw臋 na podstawie zawarto艣ci prefixu const info = prefix === "[W]" ? ` (${translations[currentLanguage]['link_only_website']})` : prefix === "[K]" ? ` (${translations[currentLanguage]['link_only_catalog']})` : null; // Dodajemy city i state const city = library?.city || '-'; const state = library?.state || '-'; return { url: url || '#', // Je艣li brak URL, przypisujemy '#' name: library?.name, info: info, city: city, state: state }; }); // Sortowanie: najpierw po state, potem po city const sortedLinks = links.sort((a, b) => a.state.localeCompare(b.state) || || ); // Wy艣wietlanie link贸w w tabeli const librariesInfoDiv = $('#libraries_info'); librariesInfoDiv.empty(); // Opr贸偶niamy kontener przed dodaniem nowych danych if (sortedLinks.length === 0) { // Je艣li lista link贸w jest pusta, wy艣wietl informacj臋 o braku danych librariesInfoDiv.append(`<span>${translations[currentLanguage]['no_results']}</span>`); } else { // Tworzymy tabel臋 const table = $('<table>').addClass('table table-striped'); const tableHeader = $('<thead>').append( $('<tr>').append( $('<th>').text(translations[currentLanguage]["state"]), $('<th>').text(translations[currentLanguage]["city"]), $('<th>').text(translations[currentLanguage]["name"]), ) ); const tableBody = $('<tbody>'); // Dodajemy wiersze z danymi sortedLinks.forEach(linkData => { const row = $('<tr>'); const nameCell = $('<td>'); // Tworzymy link + info w tej samej kom贸rce if (linkData.url === '#') { nameCell.text(; // Je艣li nie ma URL, po prostu wy艣wietlamy nazw臋 } else { const linkElement = $('<a>', { href: linkData.url, target: '_blank', text: }); // Dodajemy do kom贸rki nazw臋 i info nameCell.append(linkElement).append( ? ` <i>${}</i>` : ''); } const cityCell = $('<td>').text(; const stateCell = $('<td>').text(linkData.state); // 艁膮czymy kom贸rki w jeden wiersz row.append(stateCell,cityCell, nameCell); tableBody.append(row); }); // 艁膮czymy nag艂贸wki i cia艂o tabeli table.append(tableHeader, tableBody); librariesInfoDiv.append(table); } // Je艣li s膮 kolejne strony, przejd藕 do nast臋pnej if (page < totalPages) { await fetchSymbols(biblionumber, page + 1, sortedLinks); } } catch (error) { console.error('Wyst膮pi艂 b艂膮d:', error); } } // Uruchomienie g艂贸wnej funkcji fetchSymbols(biblionumber); 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