Upgrade a Landscape 19.10 Manual Installation to Landscape 22.10 Beta - Landscape - Ubuntu Community Hub
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If you have compartmentalized the services responsible for operating Landscape, this guide will walk you through upgrading an individual Landscape Server (appserver), and then more specifically provide a checklist of tasks and commands for performing a manual upgrade. Upgrade via Appserver Replacement This approach is very basic – simply stop the Landscape Server 19.10 stable appserver, back up the rele..." /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The upgrade of a Manual Install can be repurposed to create steps to upgrade a Juju install. If you have compartmentalized the services responsible for operating Landscape, this guide will walk you through upgrading an individual Landscape Server (appserver), and then more specifically provide a checklist of tasks and commands for performing a manual upgrade. Upgrade via Appserver Replacement This approach is very basic – simply stop the Landscape Server 19.10 stable appserver, back up the rele..." /> <meta property="og:article:section" content="Project Discussion" /> <meta property="og:article:section:color" content="E95420" /> <meta property="og:article:section" content="Landscape" /> <meta property="og:article:section:color" content="8C6238" /> <meta name="twitter:label1" value="Reading time" /> <meta name="twitter:data1" value="2 mins 🕑" /> <meta name="twitter:label2" value="Likes" /> <meta name="twitter:data2" value="2 ❤" /> <meta property="article:published_time" content="2023-01-16T06:17:57+00:00" /> <meta property="og:ignore_canonical" content="true" /> <script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"","@type":"QAPage","name":"Upgrade a Landscape 19.10 Manual Installation to Landscape 22.10 Beta","mainEntity":{"@type":"Question","name":"Upgrade a Landscape 19.10 Manual Installation to Landscape 22.10 Beta","text":"The upgrade of a Manual Install can be repurposed to create steps to upgrade a Juju install. If you have compartmentalized the services responsible for operating Landscape, this guide will walk you through upgrading an individual Landscape Server (appserver), and then more specifically provide a che…","upvoteCount":1,"answerCount":0,"datePublished":"2023-01-16T06:17:57.531Z","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"rajanpatel","url":""}}}</script> </head> <body class="crawler browser-update"> <nav class="p-navigation--secondary"> <div class="u-fixed-width"> <a class="p-navigation--secondary__banner" href="/"> <h5 class="p-navigation--secondary__logo"> Discourse </h5> </a> </div> </nav> <header> <a href="/"> Ubuntu Community Hub </a> </header> <div id="main-outlet" class="wrap" role="main"> <div id="topic-title"> <h1> <a href="/t/upgrade-a-landscape-19-10-manual-installation-to-landscape-22-10-beta/33234">Upgrade a Landscape 19.10 Manual Installation to Landscape 22.10 Beta</a> </h1> <div class="topic-category" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="/c/project/landscape/89" class="badge-wrapper bullet" itemprop="item"> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #E95420'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name' itemprop='name'>Project Discussion</span> </span> </a> <meta itemprop="position" content="1" /> </span> <span itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="/c/project/landscape/89" class="badge-wrapper bullet" itemprop="item"> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #8C6238'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name' itemprop='name'>Landscape</span> </span> </a> <meta itemprop="position" content="2" /> </span> </div> </div> <div itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='headline' content='Upgrade a Landscape 19.10 Manual Installation to Landscape 22.10 Beta'> <link itemprop='url' href=''> <meta itemprop='datePublished' content='2023-01-16T06:17:57Z'> <meta itemprop='articleSection' content='Landscape'> <meta itemprop='keywords' content=''> <div itemprop='publisher' itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop='name' content='Canonical Inc.'> <div itemprop='logo' itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop='url' content=''> </div> </div> <div id='post_1' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=''><span itemprop='name'>rajanpatel</span></a> </span> <link itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href=""> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time datetime='2023-01-16T06:17:57Z' class='post-time'> January 16, 2023, 6:17am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2024-12-16T20:27:12Z'> <span itemprop='position'>1</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>The upgrade of a Manual Install can be repurposed to create steps to upgrade a Juju install. If you have compartmentalized the services responsible for operating Landscape, this guide will walk you through upgrading an individual Landscape Server (appserver), and then more specifically provide a checklist of tasks and commands for performing a manual upgrade.</p> <h1><a name="p-84039-upgrade-via-appserver-replacement-1" class="anchor" href="#p-84039-upgrade-via-appserver-replacement-1"></a>Upgrade via Appserver Replacement</h1> <p>This approach is very basic – simply stop the Landscape Server 19.10 stable appserver, back up the relevant files, then replace it with a Landscape Server 22.10 beta appserver with the backed-up files restored.</p> <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> for any steps below requiring domain names (such as self-signed cert and such), this guide takes the shortcut of editing <code>/etc/hosts</code> on various machines so that <strong>landscape-test.lxd</strong> always pointed at the “active” Landscape Server appserver.</p> <h2><a name="p-84039-setup-2" class="anchor" href="#p-84039-setup-2"></a>Setup</h2> <p>4 LXD containers</p> <ul> <li><strong>landscape-app-bionic</strong> (bionic) where Landscape 19.10 stable is running</li> <li><strong>landscape-app-focal</strong> (focal) where Landscape 22.10 beta is running</li> <li><strong>landscape-db</strong> (focal) where PostgreSQL is running</li> </ul> <p>1 LXD container that we are managing in Landscape, for demonstration purposes</p> <ul> <li><strong>landscape-client</strong> (focal) is a machine enrolled in Landscape</li> </ul> <h2><a name="p-84039-steps-3" class="anchor" href="#p-84039-steps-3"></a>Steps</h2> <ol> <li> <p>Follow the <a href="">install directions</a>, doing the PostgreSQL setup touches landscape-db, rabbitmq, and apache, and the Landscape setup touches <strong>landscape-app-bionic</strong>.</p> <ul> <li><strong>NOTE</strong>: in the “Configure PostgreSQL” step, this guide uses as the <code><IP-OF-APP></code> so that any of other LXD machines used in this guide have access to it</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Install the landscape-client package on the <strong>landscape-client</strong> machine and register it with Landscape</p> </li> <li> <p>Follow the <a href="">backup directions for Landscape config files</a>, skipping the logs and <code>/etc/postgresql</code> files</p> </li> <li> <p>Stop <strong>landscape-app-bionic</strong></p> </li> <li> <p>On <strong>landscape-app-focal</strong>, follow the <a href="">install directions</a>, starting at “Adding the Landscape package archive and installing the package”, only up to the end of “Configure rabbitmq”</p> </li> <li> <p>Push the backed up files from step 3 to <strong>landscape-app-focal</strong>, to the appropriate (identical) locations</p> </li> <li> <p>Continue following the install directions, starting at “Webserver configuration”, skip the step for creating the <code>sites-available</code> file, and proceed to the end of “Start Landscape Services”</p> </li> <li> <p>Update <code>/etc/hosts</code> file on landscape-client to point to the IP address of <strong>landscape-app-focal</strong></p> </li> <li> <p>Confirm that client is able to ping server. Confirm that server UI is accessible via browser</p> </li> </ol> <h1><a name="p-84039-upgrade-via-manual-installation-4" class="anchor" href="#p-84039-upgrade-via-manual-installation-4"></a>Upgrade via Manual Installation</h1> <p>This how-to is intended to guide the user through upgrading a manual installation of Landscape Server running on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (“bionic”) to a manual installation of Landscape Server running on Ubuntu 20.04 (“focal”) or Ubuntu 22.04 (“jammy”).</p> <h2><a name="p-84039-preparing-for-the-upgrade-5" class="anchor" href="#p-84039-preparing-for-the-upgrade-5"></a>Preparing for the upgrade</h2> <p>What you will need:</p> <ul> <li>Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (“focal”) or 22.04 LTS (“jammy”) install media.</li> <li>A backup of all of the files in <code>/etc/landscape</code> on your current Landscape Server machine</li> <li>The Server X509 certificate file and key file issued for the FQDN hostname of the application server. These should be on your current Landscape Server machine at <code>/etc/ssl/certs/landscape_server.pem</code> and <code>/etc/ssl/private/landscape_server.key</code>, respectively. (If you are using a self-signed certificate, you will also need <code>/etc/ssl/certs/landscape_server_ca.crt</code>)</li> <li>A copy of your Landscape Server default configuration file. This should be on your current Landscape Server machine at <code>/etc/default/landscape-server</code></li> </ul> <p>If your PostgreSQL installation is running on the same machine as your Landscape Server installation:</p> <ul> <li>A backup of all of the files in <code>/etc/postgresql/<pg-version>/main</code></li> </ul> <p>If your Apache web server installation is running on the same machine as your Landscape Server installation:</p> <ul> <li>A copy of <code>/etc/apache2/sites-available/server-name</code>, the Landscape Apache vhost config file, usually named after the FQDN of the server</li> </ul> <h2><a name="p-84039-stop-landscape-server-6" class="anchor" href="#p-84039-stop-landscape-server-6"></a>Stop Landscape Server</h2> <p>Stop the Landscape Server services on your existing installation to prevent changes from occurring during the migration:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo lsctl stop </code></pre> <p>To prevent maintenance tasks from occurring, you can also move or remove the <code>/etc/cron.d/landscape-server</code> file.</p> <h2><a name="p-84039-backing-up-and-restoring-the-database-7" class="anchor" href="#p-84039-backing-up-and-restoring-the-database-7"></a>Backing Up and Restoring the Database</h2> <p><strong>NOTE</strong>: If your Landscape PostgreSQL database is not running on the same machine as your Landscape Server, it is very likely that you can skip this section.</p> <ol> <li> <p>Backup your database server using <code>pg_dumpall</code>, for example:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall > backup.sql </code></pre> </li> <li> <p>Install PostgreSQL and required libraries on your new machine:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo apt install postgresql-12 python3-apt postgresql-plpython3-12 postgresql-contrib-12 postgresql-12-debversion </code></pre> </li> </ol> <p><strong>NOTE</strong>: If using Ubuntu 22.04, the PostgreSQL and related package versions should be at version 14</p> <ol start="3"> <li> <p>Replace existing files in <code>/etc/postgresql/<pg-version>/main</code> with those previously copied</p> </li> <li> <p>Copy the backup file from your previous installation and restore it on the new installation:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo -u postgres psql -f backup.sql postgres </code></pre> </li> </ol> <h2><a name="p-84039-installing-landscape-server-beta-8" class="anchor" href="#p-84039-installing-landscape-server-beta-8"></a>Installing Landscape Server Beta</h2> <p>Landscape Beta is distributed in a public PPA.</p> <ol> <li> <p>Add the PPA on your target machine:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo add-apt-repository ppa:landscape/self-hosted-beta </code></pre> </li> <li> <p>Install the server package:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo apt install landscape-server </code></pre> </li> <li> <p>Replace the files in <code>/etc/landscape</code> with the ones you copied earlier from your previous Landscape installation (and ensure they are owned by the landscape user, and the root group)</p> </li> <li> <p>Replace <code>/etc/default/landscape-server</code> with the version you copied earlier from your previous installation (ensure it is owned by the <strong>landscape</strong> user and the <strong>root</strong> group)</p> </li> <li> <p>Add <code>/etc/ssl/certs/landscape_server.pem</code>, <code>/etc/ssl/private/landscape_server.key</code>, and <code>/etc/ssl/certs/landscape_server_ca.crt</code> as needed. Ensure that the .key is owned by the <strong>landscape</strong> user and the <strong>www-data</strong> group.</p> </li> </ol> <p>If you previously had Apache installed on the same machine as Landscape Server, perform these additional steps.</p> <ol> <li> <p>Install Apache:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo apt install apache2 </code></pre> </li> <li> <p>Add the <code>/etc/apache2/sites-available/<server-name></code> file you copied earlier from your previous installation</p> </li> <li> <p>Configure apache and restart it:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">for module in rewrite proxy_http ssl headers expires; do sudo a2enmod $module; done sudo a2dismod status sudo a2dissite 000-default sudo a2ensite landscape.conf sudo service apache2 restart </code></pre> </li> </ol> <p>If you previously had RabbitMQ installed on the same machine as Landscape Server, perform these additional steps.</p> <ol> <li> <p>Install RabbitMQ:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo apt install rabbitmq-server </code></pre> </li> <li> <p>set up the new installation using a password of your choice:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo rabbitmqctl add_user landscape <password> sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost landscape sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p landscape landscape ".*" ".*" ".*" </code></pre> </li> <li> <p>Edit <code>/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf</code>:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">NODE_IP_ADDRESS= </code></pre> </li> <li> <p>Restart rabbitmq-server</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo systemctl restart rabbitmq-server </code></pre> </li> <li> <p>Update the <code>[broker]</code> section of <code>/etc/landscape/service.conf</code> to use your new password</p> </li> </ol> <h2><a name="p-84039-configuring-landscape-server-9" class="anchor" href="#p-84039-configuring-landscape-server-9"></a>Configuring Landscape Server</h2> <p>Landscape Server will need to check that your database has an up-to-date schema. If it does not, it will perform a schema migration. Depending on what version of Landscape Server you are upgrading from, this may be a backwards-incompatible change. Make sure that you are able to restore your previous setup before performing this step.</p> <p>On your new Landscape Server Beta installation, run the setup:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo setup-landscape-server </code></pre> <p>Then start the Landscape services:</p> <pre><code class="lang-plaintext">sudo lsctl restart </code></pre> <p>Make sure that your Landscape installation is working satisfactorily before performing any deletions of your previous installation.</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="1" /> <span class='post-likes'>1 Like</span> </div> <div class='crawler-linkback-list' itemscope itemtype=''> <div itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <a itemprop='url' href="">How-to: Upgrade Landscape Server 19.10 Stable to Landscape 22.10 Beta</a> <meta itemprop='position' content='3'> </div> </div> </div> <div id='post_2' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=''><span itemprop='name'>azzopardim</span></a> </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2023-03-10T11:52:23Z' class='post-time'> March 10, 2023, 11:52am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2023-03-10T11:52:23Z'> <span itemprop='position'>2</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>I just installed 22.10 on a Hyper-V VM and trying to get Landscape self-hosted but constantly getting Repository kinetic Release does not have a Release file and hence cannot update securely</p> <p>Would appreciate some help</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="1" /> <span class='post-likes'>1 Like</span> </div> </div> <div id='post_3' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=''><span itemprop='name'>rajanpatel</span></a> </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2023-03-10T12:17:43Z' class='post-time'> March 10, 2023, 12:17pm </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2023-03-10T12:17:43Z'> <span itemprop='position'>3</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>Landscape can only be installed on an Ubuntu LTS release, which is why you are encountering this error. I will add clarifying statements in the documentation to convey the Ubuntu LTS requirement more clearly.</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="container wrap"> <nav class='crawler-nav'> <ul> <li itemscope itemtype=''> <span itemprop='name'> <a href='/' itemprop="url">Home </a> </span> </li> <li itemscope itemtype=''> <span itemprop='name'> <a href='/categories' itemprop="url">Categories </a> </span> </li> <li itemscope itemtype=''> <span itemprop='name'> <a href='/guidelines' itemprop="url">Guidelines </a> </span> </li> <li itemscope itemtype=''> <span itemprop='name'> <a href='' itemprop="url">Terms of Service </a> </span> </li> <li itemscope itemtype=''> <span itemprop='name'> <a href='' itemprop="url">Privacy Policy </a> </span> </li> </ul> </nav> <p class='powered-by-link'>Powered by <a href="">Discourse</a>, best viewed with JavaScript enabled</p> </footer> <footer class="d-footer"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="contents"> <p>© 2024 Canonical Ltd.</p> <div class="d-footer__links"> <a href="">Legal information</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Privacy policy</a> <a href="#" class="js-revoke-cookie-manager">Manage your tracker settings</a> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <div class="buorg"><div>Unfortunately, <a href="">your browser is unsupported</a>. 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