Space exploration in 2025
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Do you know the status of a particular mission? Please help us to keep this page up to date! (We respect confidentiality of all sources.) Contact: <a href="">Anatoly Zak</a></em></p> <hr></td> <td align="left" valign="top" bordercolor="#CCCCCC" ><div align="center"><span class="mainHeadline">Planned Russian space missions in 2025 </span> </div> <p><a href="2024.html" class="navLine">For missions in 2024 click here</a></p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong><a name="progress_ms30"></a>February 12: </strong>A <a href="soyuz2-1a.html">Soyuz-2-1a</a> rocket to launch the <a href="progress-ms.html">Progress MS</a>-30 cargo ship from <a href="baikonur.html">Baikonur</a>. The assembly of the spacecraft at RKK Energia's ZEM plant in Korolev near Moscow was completed in September 2024, and, after a series of factory tests, ZKI, the vehicle was shipped to Kazakhstan by rail at the end of that month. The spacecraft was reported reaching its processing facility at <a href="baikonur_energia_254.html">Site 254</a> in Baikonur on Sept. 30, 2024.</p> <p align="center" class="bodyText"><img src="images/spacecraft/manned/space_stations/iss/progress_ms/progress_ms30/progress_ms30_kis_373780_1.jpg" alt="kis" width="730" height="487"></p> <p align="center" class="picCaption">The Progress MS-30 spacecraft is being prepared for shipment to Baikonur in September 2024.</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>March 16:</strong> A <a href="soyuz2_lv.html">Soyuz-2-1a</a> rocket to launch <a href="soyuz-ms.html">Soyuz MS</a>-27 crew vehicle from <a href="baikonur.html">Baikonur</a> carrying three members of Expedition 73 to the International Space Station, ISS. On Aug. 21, 2024, Roskosmos announced that Russian cosmonauts Sergei Ryzhikov and Aleksei Zubritsky would be accompanied by NASA astronaut Jonathan Kim aboard Soyuz MS-27. The US astronat will fly under an exchange agreement which also put Roskosmos cosmonaut Kirill Peskov on NASA's Commercial Crew 10, then scheduled for launch aboard a Crew Dragon spacecraft in February 2025. The launch was originally planned on March 20, 2025, but by the end of November 2024, it was re-scheduled for March 16.</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>March 17:</strong> A <a href="soyuz2_lv.html">Soyuz-2</a> rocket to launch <a href="aist2d.html">Aist-2</a>T No. 1 and No. 2 observation satellites and a cluster of secondary payloads from <a href="vostochny_soyuz.html">Site 1S</a> in <a href="vostochny.html">Vostochny</a>. As of September 2024. In 2021, the launch was promised in 2023. In February 2020, the mission was planned for November 2022 and was later re-scheduled for Dec. 25, 2024. By Oct. 15, 2025, the mission was postponed until at least March 17, 2025.</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>March:</strong> A <a href="soyuz2_lv.html">Soyuz-2</a> rocket to launch the <a href="bion_m.html">Bion-M</a> No. 2 satellite. (In 2013, the launch was expected in 2016-2017, however by mid-2014 it was delayed to 2019. In 2015, the mission was re-scheduled for 2021 and by the end of 2018, it was postponed until 2023. The 2023 launch date was reconfirmed in 2019. But by 2023, it was postponed until 2024. By May 2024, the launch date slipped from August to Sept. 1, 2024, and by July 2024, it was re-scheduled for March 2025.</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>First quarter: </strong>A <a href="soyuz2-1a.html">Soyuz-2.1a</a> rocket to launch the <a href="obzor_r.html">Obzor-R</a> remote-sensing satellite. In early 2024, the launch was expected in the second quarter of that year, but by August 2024, it was postponed until the fourth quarter of 2024 and by September 2024, it was postponed until the first quarter of 2025. The unboard payload for the first Obzor-R was delivered to RKTs Progress for final integration in April 2024, making it possible the shipment of the satellite to the launch site in December 2024 and its launch in the first quarter of 2025, according to RKTs Progress. However, unofficial sources said in the Fall of 2024, that the Kasatka-R radar payload had to be shipped back to its manufacturer, NII TP, for upgrades after failing tests, which was the main reason that pushed the mission from 2024 into 2025.</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>April: </strong>A <a href="soyuz2_lv.html">Soyuz-2</a> rocket to launch the second pair <a href="ionosfera-1-2.html">Ionosfera</a> satellites (No. 3 and No. 4) and a cluster of secondary payloads from <a href="vostochny.html">Vostochny</a>. (As of October 2024)</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>May 28: </strong>A <a href="soyuz2-1a.html">Soyuz-2-1a</a> rocket to launch the <a href="progress-ms.html">Progress MS</a>-31 cargo ship from <a href="baikonur.html">Baikonur</a>. </p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>August 13: </strong>A <a href="soyuz2-1a.html">Soyuz-2-1a</a> rocket to launch the <a href="progress-ms.html">Progress MS</a>-32 cargo ship from <a href="baikonur.html">Baikonur</a>. </p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>October 25:</strong> A <a href="soyuz2_lv.html">Soyuz-2-1a</a> rocket to launch <a href="soyuz-ms.html">Soyuz MS</a>-28 crew vehicle from <a href="baikonur.html">Baikonur</a> carrying three members of the International Space Station, ISS, crew.</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>November 20: </strong>A <a href="soyuz2-1a.html">Soyuz-2-1a</a> rocket to launch the <a href="progress-ms.html">Progress MS</a>-33 cargo ship from <a href="baikonur.html">Baikonur</a>. </p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>2025:</strong> A <a href="soyuz2_lv.html">Soyuz-2</a> rocket to launch five experimental satellites for the <a href="protected/marafon-iot.html">Marafon IoT system</a> (<a href="insider-content.html">INSIDER CONTENT</a>). (As of early 2023)</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>2025: </strong>A <a href="proton-m.html">Proton-M</a> rocket to launch a communications satellite for Iran from <a href="baikonur.html">Baikonur</a> to the geostationary orbit.</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>2025: </strong>Russia to launch Smotr-V and -R remote sensing satellites for Gazprom-SPKA. (As of 2023)</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>2025:</strong> A <a href="soyuz2_lv.html">Soyuz-2-1a</a> rocket to launch <a href="soyuz-ms.html">Soyuz MS</a>-28 crew vehicle from Baikonur carrying three members of Expedition 74 to the International Space Station, ISS. On Aug. 21, 2024, Roskosmos announced that Russian cosmonauts Sergei Kud'-Sverchkov, Sergei Mikaev and Oleg Platonov had been assigned to the Soyuz MS-28 crew.</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>2025:</strong> Russia to launch the first satellite in the <a href="protected/berkut.html">Berkut remote-sensing series</a> (<a href="insider-content.html">INSIDER CONTENT</a>). (As of 2024)</p> <hr> <p class="bodyText"><strong>Delayed from July 2024:</strong> A <a href="proton-m.html">Proton-M</a> rocket to launch the <a href="elektro.html">Elektro-M</a> No. 2-2 weather-forecasting satellite. </p> <p> </p> <p><a href="2026.html" class="navLine">For missions in 2026 click here</a></p> <p> </p> <p align="center" class="footerCredit">This page is compiled by Anatoly Zak</p> <p align="center" class="footerCredit">Last update: <!-- #BeginDate format:Am1 -->November 28, 2024<!-- #EndDate --> </p> <p align="center" class="footerCredit">All rights reserved</p></td> <td width="200" align="left" valign="top" bordercolor="#CCCCCC" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" ><p align="center"><a href="insider-content.html"><img src="images/logos/insider_content_200.jpg" alt="insider content" width="200" height="486" border="0"></a></p> <p align="center"> </p> <p class="picCaptionSidebar"><a href="javascript:;"><img src="images/spacecraft/science/bion_m/scale_front_2.jpg" alt="Bion-M" width="200" height="189" border="0" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('images/spacecraft/science/bion_m/scale_front_1.jpg','Bion','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=735,height=480')"></a></p> <p align="left" class="picCaptionSidebar">Scale model of the <a href="bion_m.html">Bion-M</a> satellite. 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