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I noticed on the page for this image that there is not a proper source listed as to where these boundaries were discerned, i.e. a scholarly book or journal, preferably published by a university press. Do you remember exactly which source you used to create these borders in the map? Thanks.--<strong>[[User:PericlesofAthens|<font color="blue">Pericles of Athens</font>]]</strong><sup>[[User talk:PericlesofAthens|<font color="#0000CD">Talk</font>]]</sup> 18:38, 21 September 2008 (UTC) == Maps == So, what map from my list should I tackle next? [[User:Justinmorris|'''Justin Morris''']] <sup>([[User talk:Justinmorris|talk]], [[Special:Contributions/Justinmorris|contributions]])</sup> 17:46, 25 September 2008 (UTC) ==MfD nomination of [[Wikipedia:Graphic Lab/shortcut]]== [[Wikipedia:Graphic Lab/shortcut]], a page you substantially contributed to, has been nominated for [[WP:MfD|deletion]]. Your opinions on the matter are welcome; please participate in the discussion by adding your comments at [[Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Wikipedia:Graphic Lab/shortcut ]] and please be sure to [[WP:SIG|sign your comments]] with four tildes (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>). You are free to edit the content of [[Wikipedia:Graphic Lab/shortcut]] during the discussion but should not remove the miscellany for deletion template from the top of the page; such removal will not end the deletion discussion. Thank you.<!-- Template:MFDWarning --> -- [[User:Suntag|Suntag]] [[User talk:Suntag|<b><big><font color="#FF8C00">☼</font></big></b>]] 15:12, 29 September 2008 (UTC) == han dynasty map == um all you need to do i think is to type "han dynasty" and "tarim basin protectorate" in google and your bound to get reliable resources on its status.[[User:ㄏㄨㄤㄉㄧ|ㄏㄨㄤㄉㄧ]] ([[User talk:ㄏㄨㄤㄉㄧ|talk]]) 13:42, 30 September 2008 (UTC) == Articles you created : list == I eventually found the good tool ! there : Yug 18:36, 3 November 2008 (UTC) == Tang Taizong administration : some confirmations/anwsers need ... == Hello Nlu, I'm re-writing my French Tang Taizong article, to the feature article level, accordingly, I'm reading again and more deeply the ''Cambridge History of China'' (CHOC), Sui and Tang volume, Chap. Kao-tsung and Chap. T'ai-tsung .<br />Sorry if my questions seems basic -I some time just ask for confirmations- but I have some difficulties to draw clearly the shape of Taizong's central administration because of some unclear points in the CHOC, especially the following terms, (since either my English is not perfect or that those terms are use without more precisions) I don't clearly understand : :1. '[[chief minister (China)]]' 宰相 (ex. Xiao Yu, before 627, and in 630 = ‘chief minister’) - the CHOC use this term without saying which minister/departement he is the 'chief', what that ? leading which departement/ministers ? :2. 'Chancellery' (門下省 Menxià shĕng) and 'Chancellors', you seems to place the Chancelors (writing Imperial edict) as being the highest office, higher that Vice-presidents of the Department of State Affairs (leading administration and executive power), '''is there a reason ?''' :3. 'Vice-President of the Departement of State Affairs' (ex: Zhangsun Wuji, after 645): so, who is the president ? Taizong, '''right ?''' :4. '[[Censorate]]' (御史臺 yushitai) - I know what it is, but it '''seems (?)''' "out" of the [[:fr:Trois_départements_et_six_ministères|Three Departments and Six Ministries (fr)]] set of offices, '''have you some information on its place ?''' :5. School of Calligraphie (Shu Xué, create in 628), CHOC p.214, but CHOC's Glossary, p.831 wrote Shu Xue = "數学", then meaning School of Mathematics (!). Can you check on : JTS vol.3 and XTS vol.48 what is the State School create in Chang'an in 628 ? Waiting for some answer, Regards, [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 15:52, 15 November 2008 (UTC) :Hi... Thanks for writing. Remember that while I do consider myself sort of an expert on the subject (whereas there are many areas that I do ''not'' consider myself an expert at all!), I am not a professor and hold no graduate degree in history. (One of my undergraduate majors was history.) :* I do not remember much about the Cambridge History of China. However, I will say this; to the extent it appears to imply that Tang had a single chief minister, that is definitely wrong, and that is based on both how Tang Dynasty historians viewed their own governmental structure and also how subsequent Song Dynasty historians viewed it. (See further below.) :* Translating the ''Menxia Sheng'' as "chancellory" implies incorrectly that only the head of the ''Menxia Sheng'' (the ''Shizhong'') is a chancellor. That is not true. I don't know how well you read Chinese, but a fairly good (and not that difficult to understand even if you're not accustomed to reading classical Chinese) discussion of how the system works is in ''[[New Book of Tang]]'', [ vol. 46]. If you are better at modern Chinese, [[Bo Yang]]'s ''Zhongguoren Shigang'' (中國人史綱) provides a good discussion in its discussion on Tang Dynasty governmental structure. Bo translates ''Menxia Sheng'' into modern Chinese as ''Jiandu Yuan'' (the same title for the Republic of China [[Controll Yuan]], which might be imprecise, but that is in turn why I've further rendered "examination bureau" which might be imprecise as well. In any case, my translation of "chancellor" is meant to be a direct translation of ''Zaixiang'' (宰相). :* I assume, among the titles that they used for Zhangsun that they translated as "Vice-President of the Department of State Affairs" was ''Shangshu Pushe'' (尚書僕射). As Bo pointed out, that is a misleading translation because the original head position of ''Shangshu Sheng'' (尚書省, which I translate as "executive bureau" and which Bo translated as ''Guowu Yuan'' (國務院), the same translation as the [[State Council of the People's Republic of China]]), the ''Shangshu Ling'' (尚書令), was basically abolished after the start of [[Emperor Gaozu of Tang|Emperor Gaozu]]'s reign since [[Emperor Taizong of Tang|Emperor Taizong]] was the only person to have ever held it, thus rendering the ''Shangshu Pushe'', of whom there were two, to be the head of the ''Shangshu Sheng''. In this case, there is no ''Shangshu Ling''; the office is vacant. :* The ''Yushitai'' was independent (although persons holding ''Yushi'' offices often had other governmental titles as well, thus making them not completely independent). For more details on its structure, see the ''New Book of Tang'', [ vol. 48] if you can read classical Chinese. To tell the truth, I don't understand it well myself. It does ''not'' fall under the ''Shangshu Sheng'', ''Menxia Sheng'', or ''Zhongshu Sheng''. :* I am not familiar with the ''Shuxue''. But this is a term that means mathematics ''in modern Chinese''. Taken in isolation in classical Chinese, I'd interpret more as in the context of "multiple arts." :I'm sorry that I do not have more information on these things that you ask. I hope that these are helpful. --[[User:Nlu|Nlu]] ([[User talk:Nlu|talk]]) 18:21, 15 November 2008 (UTC) == Map == Hello Yug... Thank you for editing my map. It is progressive the history of my maps from this, because of your contribute. However, there are some of problem such as naming of sea of japan, which is called "East Sea", but this is not reflected on editing map and The map depend on only Chinese source. Except for this, I respect your contribute to my map. Please can you provide good advices and tools to me? especially, The line of troops' moves and style of font. teach me how to make it. Thanks~ --[[User:Historiographer|Historiographer]] ([[User talk:Historiographer|talk]]) 17:40, 25 November 2008 (UTC) ==Map== Hey Yug. I love your new map! I just don't know which specific history article will benefit from it, or where it will be relevant enough to place. [[Geography of China]] would be a good start, but perhaps even [[History of China]] is another article where it could best be used.--<strong>[[User:PericlesofAthens|<font color="blue">Pericles of Athens</font>]]</strong><sup>[[User talk:PericlesofAthens|<font color="#0000CD">Talk</font>]]</sup> 05:07, 3 December 2008 (UTC) ::I'll be rewriting the article on the Han Dynasty very soon, so I might need your services in creating a map sooner than you think. Cambridge is always a trustworthy source.--<strong>[[User:PericlesofAthens|<font color="blue">Pericles of Athens</font>]]</strong><sup>[[User talk:PericlesofAthens|<font color="#0000CD">Talk</font>]]</sup> 17:58, 3 December 2008 (UTC) : The TIMES Atlas of World History (third edition) {{ISBN|0-7230-0304-1}} is a trsutworthy source[[User:Julius Ceasarus From Primus|Julius Ceasarus From Primus]] ([[User talk:Julius Ceasarus From Primus|talk]]) 00:38, 4 December 2008 (UTC) Let's look at some already existing maps in the [[Han Dynasty]] article: * with source: [[:Image:Han commanderies and kingdoms CE 2.jpg|this map for the Han]] and the featured [[:Image:Han Civilisation.png]] use as source: Tan Qixiang, ed., Zhongguo lishi ditu (中国历史地图集), 1982 ; * no source: [[:Image:Han map.jpg|this other map]] as well as [[:Image:Han provinces.jpg|this map]] As for the two maps I just listed here that cite their sources, I think I will keep, but I would request (if possible) to replace those other two maps which do not city any sources. Once I start writing the article, I'll let you know what type of map will be sorely needed. Thanks Yug!--<strong>[[User:PericlesofAthens|<font color="blue">Pericles of Athens</font>]]</strong><sup>[[User talk:PericlesofAthens|<font color="#0000CD">Talk</font>]]</sup> 15:39, 6 December 2008 (UTC) :Yep : I'm admirative of the work done by Jack Yuan ([[user:Yu Ninjie]]). In fact, my aim is both to continue his work, a to create a set of SVG tools and icons for Chinese history maps. Time will say. -- Yug 17:11, 6 December 2008 (UTC) ::Awesome. I am also a fan of Yu Ninjie's maps. They are very professional, despite some of them lacking sources. As for intricate details about Yellow River course changes, you could try to do further research on the topic, but don't work harder than you should for a Wiki project. These things can take a long time if necessary. Just be patient; I'm sure you'll find a good source.--<strong>[[User:PericlesofAthens|<font color="blue">Pericles of Athens</font>]]</strong><sup>[[User talk:PericlesofAthens|<font color="#0000CD">Talk</font>]]</sup> 22:50, 10 December 2008 (UTC) == your tang dynasty map == if you don't mind i added two more reputable sources.[[User:Julius Ceasarus From Primus|Julius Ceasarus From Primus]] ([[User talk:Julius Ceasarus From Primus|talk]]) 00:33, 4 December 2008 (UTC) :'ive noticed the above person posted unsourced links, i have a book myself which supports his links above, {{ISBN|978-1-84573-323-0}} MAPPING HISTORY WORLD HISTORY, by Dr. Ian Barnes, it matches exactly , i think all representations of the warring states and zhou are standard. the current maps on the articles are substandard.[[User:Historian of the arab people|Historian of the arab people]] ([[User talk:Historian of the arab people|talk]]) 17:24, 6 December 2008 (UTC) ::if you dont trust me can you at least make a map and put it on hold until you can see this book?[[User:Historian of the arab people|Historian of the arab people]] ([[User talk:Historian of the arab people|talk]]) 17:30, 6 December 2008 (UTC) :my source backs up every single link julius posted, i have another book at a library, the TIMES ATLAS OF WORLD HISTORY THIRD EDITION that even pinpoints which families ruled what states, like the zhou and shang families and others. {{ISBN|0-7230-0304-1}} [[User:Historian of the arab people|Historian of the arab people]] ([[User talk:Historian of the arab people|talk]]) 17:35, 6 December 2008 (UTC) :::my source is reliable. can you make a maps please. i want to throw up when i see the current maps on shang and zhou[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) 17:41, 6 December 2008 (UTC) ::User:Saperaud's maps are terrible. i hope you check my source , which backs up Juliu's links exactly to the zhou dynasty ,warring states, and shang dynasty.[[User:Historian of the arab people|Historian of the arab people]] ([[User talk:Historian of the arab people|talk]]) 17:38, 6 December 2008 (UTC) ::Actually those were yu ninjie's maps. they are extremely misleadding and make me want to throw up.[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) 17:50, 6 December 2008 (UTC) ---- I don't understand clearly what you want to say. Can you explain ''slowly''. (PS: I'm French, my English is not that good too) --[[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 18:02, 6 December 2008 (UTC) ::i have an .edu website that has a map that matches up with the maps in the links. [] edu is for top level domains for educational systems in the USa.[[User:Historian of the arab people|Historian of the arab people]] ([[User talk:Historian of the arab people|talk]]) 18:56, 6 December 2008 (UTC) :Oh, ok. :* [ This site and list of maps] is GREAT ! but without source. Who had draw these maps ? them ? or they have pic up this from ... where ? who ? :* [ "About these maps"] : this page don't say "Tang map, draw according to : EBREY, Cambridge Illustrated history of China, 1979, p.23". It say : ''"[the set of maps was draw] by consulting other reference works, such as the Zhongguo lishi ditu ji series."'' :* [ the main page] state : "Prepared by Patricia Buckley Ebrey" [a well know sinologist] ! This is encouraging ! I will try to contact her to get further informations about these/her? maps. [one by one] --[[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 19:14, 6 December 2008 (UTC) [], [], [] this is also an edu of the zhou dynasty, . edu's are reliable sources. [[User:Historian of the arab people|Historian of the arab people]] ([[User talk:Historian of the arab people|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Historian of the arab people|contribs]]) 18:59, 6 December 2008 (UTC) if i have a regional map of china saved i can draw out the ancient coastline, unless if someone already did it for every single dynasty.[[User:Historian of the arab people|Historian of the arab people]] ([[User talk:Historian of the arab people|talk]]) 19:24, 6 December 2008 (UTC) do you have the TIMES ATLAS OF WORLD HISTORY third edition?[[User:Historian of the arab people|Historian of the arab people]] ([[User talk:Historian of the arab people|talk]]) 19:27, 6 December 2008 (UTC) ---- I don't have the TIMES ATLAS OF WORLD HISTORY third edition. I really have to leave the web now : I will be back not before 5 or 7 days. (I leave France monday, I have to prepare my luggages). See you. --[[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 19:28, 6 December 2008 (UTC) == requested move for [[History of the Khitans]] == Hi, Yug. I noticed that you moved [[Khitan people]] to [[History of the Khitans]]. I disagree and requested to move it back. Please join the discussion at [[Talk:History of the Khitans]] if you are interested. Many thanks. --[[User:Neo-Jay|Neo-Jay]] ([[User talk:Neo-Jay|talk]]) 23:51, 13 December 2008 (UTC) :Thanks. Cheers! --[[User:Neo-Jay|Neo-Jay]] ([[User talk:Neo-Jay|talk]]) 05:58, 15 December 2008 (UTC) ::Hi, Yug. Thanks for your help. My [[Gmail]] account name is yananpeng. Many thanks!--[[User:Neo-Jay|Neo-Jay]] ([[User talk:Neo-Jay|talk]]) 10:22, 29 December 2008 (UTC) :::Thank you so much. I just downloaded all of them!--[[User:Neo-Jay|Neo-Jay]] ([[User talk:Neo-Jay|talk]]) 22:11, 29 December 2008 (UTC) ::<nowiki>;)</nowiki>[[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 09:15, 30 December 2008 (UTC) ==Map of Manchu Cities(or Eight Banners Provincial garrisons) in China proper== Hi, I like your maps so much that I copy/paste 2 maps onto my user page. If you have maps of Eight Banners Provincial garrisons in whole China that will be very nice, can be used on [[Qing]] and related articles. Thanks.<i><b><small><span style="border:1px solid black;padding:1px;">[[User:Arilang1234|<font style="color:white;background:#008000;"> Arilang </font>]]</span></small><font color="blue"> <sup>[[User talk:Arilang1234|''talk'']]</sup></font></b></i> 14:06, 18 December 2008 (UTC) Arilang's reply at my talk page.<i><b><small><span style="border:1px solid black;padding:1px;">[[User:Arilang1234|<font style="color:white;background:#008000;"> Arilang </font>]]</span></small><font color="blue"> <sup>[[User talk:Arilang1234|''talk'']]</sup></font></b></i> 14:53, 18 December 2008 (UTC) :My user page now provide my email. [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 15:25, 18 December 2008 (UTC) == Re: [[Tang Code]] == Thank you for ''your'' additions! The article looks much more substantial, now. I'm looking forward to all your maps on Chinese history. Cheers, [[User:Madalibi|Madalibi]] ([[User talk:Madalibi|talk]]) 02:38, 21 December 2008 (UTC) ==Latest Athens== This French guy just returned from Athens. Brilliant stuff! See: [] <small>Ne rien avoir emporté non plus, à l’heure de monter dans l’avion, lois d’exceptions permanentes, mesures anti-terroristes, quand un livre devient une pièce à charge et le numéro de téléphone d’un ami étranger la preuve d’un complot international. Ne pas avoir pris de notes, pendant ces quatre jours, des fois que… Ne rien avoir rapporté, sinon ces souvenirs aussi brumeux que les lacrymos faisant pleurer Athènes. Ces nuits où la Grèce n’aura jamais été aussi belle du deuil et de la rage, de la fureur et du mystère, du silence et des flammes. Athènes dont le plus beau marbre est celui jeté à la gueule des porcs assassins d’un gamin de quinze ans, d’un avocat véreux, d’un Etat qui vacille. Athènes où les applaudissements éclatent en même temps que les vitrines. Athènes qui brûle pour Alexis et s’en fait une joie.</small> ETC ETC [[User:Apostolos Margaritis|Apostolos Margaritis]] ([[User talk:Apostolos Margaritis|talk]]) 23:20, 21 December 2008 (UTC) == Location map Canada == Hello! [ Here] you say the map of Canada is wrong because of a wrong projection. I don't understand why you said so. This map works fine as a location map and is one of the first location maps in a conic projection. Conic projections are planned for all countries near to the poles and with a hugh west-eastern extension like Canada, Russia, USA or Greenland. Regards, --[[User:NordNordWest|NNW]] ([[User talk:NordNordWest|talk]]) 11:52, 30 December 2008 (UTC) ==Voting at wikisource== Hi, Chinese ''Charter 08'' is facing problem at wikisource, could you go over there and cast your vote?<br /> I have casted mine(user name阿拉伯王子), so had user Coppertwig.<i><b><small><span style="border:1px solid black;padding:1px;">[[User:Arilang1234|<font style="color:white;background:#008000;"> Arilang </font>]]</span></small><font color="blue"> <sup>[[User talk:Arilang1234|''talk'']]</sup></font></b></i> 04:19, 1 January 2009 (UTC) ==Map Requests == I don't approve of the archiving of all of the current map requests - I don't mind redirecting to a map lab, but if so lets start with the active requests - those articles still need maps. [[User:Kmusser|Kmusser]] ([[User talk:Kmusser|talk]]) 14:40, 23 January 2009 (UTC) :The previous project was death : 40edits a year, take a look at the French or German Maps labs : they created 2500 maps in 3 years (~3 maps a day). The English wikipedia alone can do the same, if well structured. :That's what I'm doing : I'm creating a new friendly place, based on German and French successful strategies. :The page have been archived, and it will be easy for us [and encouraged] to pick up request from this archive. You can help to this ! by picking up suitable request (1. have a source available ; 2. explain clearly the request ; 3. will fill an article need). :I do my best to wake up this side of Wikipedia, we can do better on the map side. [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 14:53, 23 January 2009 (UTC) ::My main concern is I don't want to hide the several thousand outstanding map requests - maybe just calling it something else, to me "archive" implies that there is nothing there still relevant, maybe calling it "old unfilled requests" - there should be a prominent link to the map requests category as well, I'll admit I pull more from the category than from that map request page, and currently map requests made directly to my talk page have been enough to keep me busy. [[User:Kmusser|Kmusser]] ([[User talk:Kmusser|talk]]) 16:11, 23 January 2009 (UTC) :::I understand your concern. The name is not important for me, you are free to rename the page if you want ;] But keep it as an old inactive page : the important now to successfully launch the Map lab. :::For users picking up requests on the Category:Map_request : I hope graphists, or users, will do so and bring requests back to the active Map lab ! All the move, here, is in fact to move from a cold and unencouraging request list, to a warm and active Map forum, where tips are share, and graphists have fun to learn a lot quickly. :::I hope that we will have enough success to do all of this : see the quick rising of a local Map lab ; and see users picking up old requests to satisfied them. Time will say. [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 16:20, 23 January 2009 (UTC) Ok, on thinking about it I'm fine with that as long as we say there are unfilled requests there, I tried to edit the Lab page but your syntax defeated me - I think there should be a link to the archive and the map request category fairly prominently on the lab page, the text I tried to add is: :Older unfilled requests can be found in the [[Wikipedia:Graphic Lab/Map workshop/Archive 01|Archive]] or in [[:Category:Wikipedia requested maps]] and can be brought forward to this page in order to be worked on. :[[User:Kmusser|Kmusser]] ([[User talk:Kmusser|talk]]) 15:10, 26 January 2009 (UTC) Thanks, and thanks for all the work you're doing on the Maps project page. For the clarification notes you put on the colors I can explain one of them - the secondary political borders is for if you're showing multiple levels of subdivisions on the same maps, for example I'd use the primary borders color for states and the secondary borders color for counties if both need to be on one map - feel free to rephrase the description - it's admittedly one that isn't adhered to much, many maps, mine included use gray borders of varying widths instead. I don't know what the 4-color map suggestions are for, we don't generally have 4-color type maps on wikipedia and I can't think of any examples using them.[[User:Kmusser|Kmusser]] ([[User talk:Kmusser|talk]]) 14:15, 27 January 2009 (UTC) :Ok, noticed. Thanks ;] [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 14:38, 27 January 2009 (UTC) ::If you need an example for the technical maps, we don't really have any standards for that but I'd nominate [[:File:Ph map manila.svg]] as something to aim for. [[User:Kmusser|Kmusser]] ([[User talk:Kmusser|talk]]) 16:12, 27 January 2009 (UTC) :Ok, noticed. The page [[:commons:User:MapMaster]] also have some interesting technical/archeolical maps. :If you want start the stub of the /Technical maps : you are free to do so ! :I need to go to walk ! Death to the web and computers ! [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 16:26, 27 January 2009 (UTC) :] ::Yeah, I like MapMaster's maps as well, sorry I haven't done much to help, the actual day job is keeping me too busy. [[User:Kmusser|Kmusser]] ([[User talk:Kmusser|talk]]) 17:24, 27 January 2009 (UTC) :Sounds good, I'm all in favor of more code generated maps, much better in the long run than having to custom make one for every article. [[User:Kmusser|Kmusser]] ([[User talk:Kmusser|talk]]) 14:00, 4 February 2009 (UTC) == Replaceable fair use Image:Russian Tame Silver Fox.jpg == [[Image:Ambox warning.svg|32px|left|Replaceable fair use]] Thanks for uploading '''[[:Image:Russian Tame Silver Fox.jpg]]'''. I noticed the description page specifies that the media is being used under a claim of [[Wikipedia:Non-free content|fair use]], but its use in Wikipedia articles fails our [[Wikipedia:Non-free content criteria|first non-free content criterion]] in that it illustrates a subject for which a freely licensed media could reasonably be found or created that provides substantially the same information. If you believe this media is not replaceable, please: # Go to [[:Image:Russian Tame Silver Fox.jpg|the media description page]] and edit it to add {{tlx|di-replaceable fair use disputed}}, '''without deleting the original replaceable fair use template'''. # On [[Image talk:Russian Tame Silver Fox.jpg|the image discussion page]], write the reason why this image is not replaceable at all. Alternatively, you can also choose to replace this non-free media by finding freely licensed media of the same subject, [[Wikipedia:Requesting copyright permission|requesting that the copyright holder release this (or similar) media under a free license]], or by taking a picture of it yourself. If you have uploaded other non-free media, consider checking that you have specified how these images fully satisfy our non-free content criteria. You can find a list of description pages you have edited by clicking on <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:Special:Contributions|target={{PAGENAMEE}}&namespace=6}} this link]</span>. Note that even if you follow steps 1 and 2 above, non-free media which could be replaced by freely licensed alternatives will be deleted 2 days after this notification (7 days if uploaded before 13 July 2006), per our [[Wikipedia:Non-free content criteria|non-free content policy]]. If you have any questions please ask them at the [[Wikipedia:Media copyright questions|Media copyright questions page]]. Thank you. <!-- Template:di-replaceable fair use-notice --> ~[[User:Mdd4696 |MDD]][[User talk:Mdd4696 |46]][[Special:Contributions/Mdd4696 |96]] 02:18, 27 February 2009 (UTC) == Tutoriels de Topo-Cartographie == Salut Yug! Merci pour ces mots gentils. J'ai ajouté un champ de pourcentage après chaque titre. Je n'ai pas beaucoup fait sur ces traductions ces derniers mois, mais j'espère maintenant pouvoir travailler dessus un peu plus. [[User:JaneVannin|JaneVannin]] ([[User talk:JaneVannin|talk]]) 11:33, 6 April 2009 (UTC) ==Swine influenza== Hey there. Yes, I do see your argument, but unfortunately with organisations like the CDC and WHO all referring to this as "swine influenza" (see [ WHO for example]) we have to do the same on Wikipedia. Once we have more information on this H1N1 strain we could split the articles into one on this human-transmissible strain and a second more general one about "swine influenza", but presently we're stuck with this nomenclature. [[User:TimVickers|Tim Vickers]] ([[User talk:TimVickers|talk]]) 23:05, 29 April 2009 (UTC) :I know, it is a problem but I'm not sure what to do about it. [[User:TimVickers|Tim Vickers]] ([[User talk:TimVickers|talk]]) 23:32, 29 April 2009 (UTC) ::OK, so split the article into [[Swine flu]] and [[swine flu (farming)]]? Then we can move all the purely pig-related material into the farming article. I don't think we can just redirect swine flu, since that article needs to discuss the previous "swine flu" human outbreaks. [[User:TimVickers|Tim Vickers]] ([[User talk:TimVickers|talk]]) 23:51, 29 April 2009 (UTC) Hi Yug. I sympathize with your frustration. [[Swine influenza]] should be quieter tomorrow, now that the "In the news" blurb on the [[Main Page]] no longer links to it. Also, you can help to innoculate the article against content about the human outbreak by adding more content about swine flu in swine. Are you up for that? --[[User:Una Smith|Una Smith]] ([[User talk:Una Smith|talk]]) 03:05, 30 April 2009 (UTC) :Nope, I'm student in Chinese asn History studies only ;) , and old wikipedian, that's all. I see that this articles is going in a bad direction, hour after hour overlapping more the [[2009 swine flu outbreak]]. I try to stop that now, that's all what I can do. Thanks for your support ![[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 03:13, 30 April 2009 (UTC) [and I have to sleep now to...] ==Pig image== I haven't seen nausea or vomiting listed as symptoms in pigs - I'm not sure how you could tell that a pig is feeling nauseous! I'd refer to [ this source] for symptoms. [[User:TimVickers|Tim Vickers]] ([[User talk:TimVickers|talk]]) 20:14, 1 May 2009 (UTC) ==China in Africa== I copyedited a lot. [[User:Badagnani|Badagnani]] ([[User talk:Badagnani|talk]]) 20:48, 28 May 2009 (UTC) :See and watch [[Talk:China in Africa]] for this talk. ;) [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 20:51, 28 May 2009 (UTC) + thanks ! ::I'm sure you can't tell, but the article (which you wrote the majority of) cannot be read as it is. I am not trying to sound mean, but your English is not good. So my goal with this article is to take the info that you put, try and interpret what you are trying to say, and rewrite the sentences so that they can be read by the average English speaking reader. I know that some facts got taken out (which is inevitable with such a long article) like the silk thing. However, it didnt make any sense in relation to its surrounding sentences, so it made more sense to take out that one sentence that to explain that Silk originated in China, how it got to Africa through Rome, etc. ::Your article is not about the US, the UK, and France in Africa, it is about the PRC in Africa. This means that you do ''not'' have to have an entire section dedicated to the USA, Taiwan, the UK and France, you just have to mention them, and they are. Thanks, [[User:Onopearls|'''<span style="color: silver">Ono</span><span style="color: #92000a">pearls</span>''']] <sup>([[User talk:Onopearls|t]]/[[Special:Contributions/Onopearls|c]])</sup> 16:11, 11 June 2009 (UTC) :::Not a problem. :) I don't have the time needed to dedicate myself to fixing the entire article in one sitting. However, I will work as much as I can on it when I get the chance, and hopefully it will be finished within the next week. Thanks, [[User:Onopearls|'''<span style="color: silver">Ono</span><span style="color: #92000a">pearls</span>''']] <sup>([[User talk:Onopearls|t]]/[[Special:Contributions/Onopearls|c]])</sup> 16:28, 11 June 2009 (UTC) Hello Yug, I see you have a deep interest in China in Africa. I want to invite you to our China in Africa discussion group that a group of us Tsinghua University and Cape Town University post-graduates have setup. Unfortunately I do not have your email address or I would send you an invitation directly. If you are interested you can join our group here at --[[User:Discott|Discott]] ([[User talk:Discott|talk]]) 16:25, 3 January 2010 (UTC) ==DYK nomination of The Energy and Resources Institute== [[Image:Symbol question.svg|25px]] Hello! {{#ifeq:yes|no|An article you have been editing &ndash;- {{#if:The Energy and Resources Institute|[[The Energy and Resources Institute]]&nbsp;}} &ndash;- was recently nominated by another user at [[T:TDYK|Did you know]], to be featured on the main page. The nomination has now been reviewed, and}}{{#ifeq:yes|yes|Your submission {{#if:The Energy and Resources Institute|of [[The Energy and Resources Institute]]{{#if:|&nbsp;and [[{{{extra}}}]]}}}} at the [[Template talk:DYK|Did You Know nominations page]] has been reviewed, and}} there still are some issues that may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) underneath {{#if:The Energy and Resources Institute|'''{{T:TDYK|The Energy and Resources Institute|your nomination's entry}}'''|your nomination's entry}} and respond there as soon as possible. {{#if:|</br>{{{2}}}|Thank you for contributing to Did You Know!}} <!--Template:DYKproblem--> {{#switch:yes|1|yes=[[User:Shubinator|Shubinator]] ([[User talk:Shubinator|talk]]) 21:38, 31 May 2009 (UTC)}} == Africa China references == Please note that footnotes are generally preferred to whole article references on Wikipedia, as are wholly self-contained inline citations, hence why I significantly tweaked the referencing in the article and reverted your recent edits which undid my edits. Note that no references were deleted or substantively altered through my initial edits, and that the changes were quite labor-intensive to do. --[[User:Cybercobra|Cybercobra]] ([[User talk:Cybercobra|talk]]) 12:41, 9 June 2009 (UTC) :Responded on article talkpage. Hopefully another active editor of the article will give their input and help resolve our dispute. --[[User:Cybercobra|Cybercobra]] ([[User talk:Cybercobra|talk]]) 13:04, 9 June 2009 (UTC) == You're welcome. == I'm glad to help out. Let me know if you need this kind of help in the future. [[User:Caeruleancentaur|Caeruleancentaur]] ([[User talk:Caeruleancentaur|talk]]) 14:00, 10 June 2009 (UTC) ==Arilang say Hi== If you are interested in this discussion, please leave some comments. [[commons:File talk:Flag of the Republic of China.svg]]<i><b><small><span style="border:1px solid black;padding:1px;">[[User:Arilang1234|<font style="color:white;background:#008000;"> Arilang </font>]]</span></small><font color="blue"> <sup>[[User talk:Arilang1234|''talk'']]</sup></font></b></i> 21:38, 16 June 2009 (UTC) * [ 1] * [ 2] * [,.Vol.12%EF%BC%9ARepublican.China,.1912-1949,.Part.1.pdf%22&cd=2&hl=fr&ct=clnk&gl=fr&client=firefox-a 3] * [ 4] == Popup Translation Tool == Thanks for the support about the Popup Translation Tool If you would tell me what happens to you when you use it perhaps I can help you to get it to work. What browser are you using? What is happening? Are there any popups? Does the "Translation Popup -ON/OFF" tab happen at the top right of the page? If the tab says "Translation Popup -- OFF" you need to click on the tab and turn on the effect. YOU NEED TO CLEAR THE CACHE before the tool will begin to work: Shift REFRESH for Firefox and CTRL REFRESH for IE. I'll look at your monobook.js file and see if I can see anything [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 07:08, 13 July 2009 (UTC) Hi there, You can include my monobook file within your monobook.js file by simply adding importScript('User:Endo999/monobook.js'); This will properly add the file and you only have one line in your monobook.js file instead of many [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 07:12, 13 July 2009 (UTC) I have also put this gadget up for consideration on the french wikipedia if you are interested in seeing that happen over there. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 08:21, 13 July 2009 (UTC) Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you got the tool to work. I'll put in some of your suggestions over the next couple of days and get back to you. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 19:56, 13 July 2009 (UTC) Will look at the icons when I get off work today. Did you know you can select up to 500 characters of text and then hover the cursor inside the selected text and the tool will translate that selected text. Lots of people don't pick that up when they first use the tool. Google only translates 500 characters of text at a time or I could have more text translated. Thanks for looking at the tool and supporting it. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 20:18, 14 July 2009 (UTC) I have looked at your comments and made the text within my popup window much simpler: 1) no 'close window' link 2) just '->French' instead of 'English:French' 3) just 'Source: Google' instead of 'Source: Google translate page?' 4) the arrangement of the text is slightly different. I think the Source has to stay in there since this is an encyclopedia and you always need to have the source of where you get the information from. Google also might not be too pleased if I didn't put it in. Thanks for the feedback. I'd like to make this a gadget in enwiki and appreciate your time on this matter. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 07:10, 18 July 2009 (UTC) Regarding your latest suggestions I will see what I can do in the next 2 or 3 days. I have to work this week so I don't have as much time to spend on popup translations as I would like. :1) I probably can't do multiple translations because I just call google.translate() services and they only give one translation. I'm aware the google toolbar will give several but I don't have a mechanism to do that with. :2) I can probably put the 'englishword: frenchtranslatedword' scheme in, for single words. A question to you: I have code in my own private stuff that does translation services for input fields and textareas. That is you can position the cursor over the input field and get a popup translation of the words within the input field. You can also, for input fields and textareas, replace the original text with the translated text. I use this to do google lookups on terms and words in languages other than English. You could, for instance, type in a word in French and have the English term replace the French term within the input field or textarea. Are you interested in such a service in your Wikipedia work. I could, given about a week, splice this code into the already existing translation popup code. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 17:08, 19 July 2009 (UTC) I have put the pretranslated word in the popup. This only happens for single word lookup. For selected text it still only puts the translation in. Can you get TheDJ to have another look at my gadget. He said he would put it up but then he would no longer answer any of my messages. I am blacklisted in Australia and I think it spread to him. He was very positive about the tool and then he would no longer respond to any messages. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 07:12, 20 July 2009 (UTC) Well, thanks for putting my case to TheDJ. Hopefully I'll get an answer. You can use this tool on the Chinese Wikipedia as well. For Chinese to French I believe it will translate all the Chinese the cursor points to up to a space or comma so it will not strictly do 1 word translations (since there is no real space character in that language). In your Chinese Wikipedia monobook page I believe the following will work: importScript('en:User:Endo999/monobook.js'); I mention this because I believe you are learning Chinese as well. <small><span class="autosigned">—Preceding [[Wikipedia:Signatures|unsigned]] comment added by [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Endo999|contribs]]) 20:28, 20 July 2009 (UTC)</span></small><!-- Template:Unsigned --> <!--Autosigned by SineBot--> == Degree == What are you taking in university?[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) 11:34, 15 July 2009 (UTC) :Currently double studies : Chinese (Master) and History (Bachelor). I'm French. :In september 2009 : Management, in Taiwan. Why ? [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 12:20, 15 July 2009 (UTC) ::Oh, just curious:)[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) 05:26, 16 July 2009 (UTC) :::« Just curious », oh, fine, you are in the good website. [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 12:31, 16 July 2009 (UTC) == Accounts == Your welcome; if you need more help, let me know. I used to have an account, but people were giving me a tough time.[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) 06:39, 16 July 2009 (UTC) ==[[Energy security of China]]== Thank you for all your hard work on improving this article. Please remember, though, to use [[Help:edit summary|edit summaries]] when making major additions or changes. Thanks, <b class="Unicode">[[User:Rjanag|r<span style="color:#8B0000;">ʨ</span>anaɢ]]</b>&nbsp;<small><sup>[[User talk:Rjanag|talk]]</sup>/<sub>[[Special:Contributions/Rjanag|contribs]]</sub></small> 18:22, 28 July 2009 (UTC) == Help for a new Wikipedia member == Hello Yug, Thank you for your message, I am not sure how to use these talk and user pages on Wikipedia. Can you help me? Am I messaging you in the right way here? What sort of thing should I put on my user page? Many thanks, Helen McCall <small><span class="autosigned">—Preceding [[Wikipedia:Signatures|unsigned]] comment added by [[User:Helen McCall|Helen McCall]] ([[User talk:Helen McCall|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Helen McCall|contribs]]) 21:49, 20 August 2009 (UTC)</span></small><!-- Template:Unsigned --> <!--Autosigned by SineBot--> == East Asian Calligraphy == Yug, I'm currently engaged in a discussion with user Asoer on whether East Asian Calligraphy is "calligraphy" or not. You've contributed to the article on East Asian Calligraphy before, so I wonder if you could have a look in. [] [[User:Bathrobe|Bathrobe]] ([[User talk:Bathrobe|talk]]) 05:31, 27 August 2009 (UTC) == OpenShot Editing == Hello Yug, Many thanks for your tip on <nowiki>{{Under Construction}}</nowiki> I am learning very fast! ;-) --[[User:Helen McCall|Helen McCall]] ([[User talk:Helen McCall|talk]]) 13:42, 29 August 2009 (UTC) == Help needed on Special Export to XML == Hello again Yug, I am trying to export the openshot page as XML. I tried using the <nowiki>Special:Export</nowiki> page, but when I pushed the button to export, the XML file did not appear anywhere. How do I download the XML export. Many thanks, --[[User:Helen McCall|Helen McCall]] ([[User talk:Helen McCall|talk]]) 13:48, 29 August 2009 (UTC) :Hello Helen, :Yes, nice to see you progress fast ;) :You want to get the OpenShot article into XML version ? I never seen such tool. But try [[Special:Export/OpenShot Video Editor]] (is this XML?) :The introduction is there : [[Special:Export]], they also say that some parameters are possible. :PDF ? a pdf version is available [ there] ([[OpenShot]] page > Find "PDF version"), which may be converte into XML... maybe (never tryed). :HTML ? like all web page => View > Page source. :Good luck O.o [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 19:45, 29 August 2009 (UTC) == Translation Popups -- SHIFT key down now necessary to get popup == Hi there, Due to some work that cacycle suggested it is now necessary to hold the SHIFT key down in order to get the popup to work. You can turn this new feature off by clicking on the '''Translation Popups''' tab at the top of the page and clicking on the relevant link within the popup that turns this feature off. Thanks for your suggestions on the system. I hope you are finding it useful if you are still using it. I had to make an item on Wikipedia:Alerts in order to get TheDJ to write back to me. He suggested I resubmit my proposal, which I did. From there cacycle said that after some changes he suggested he would really like to see the code become a gadget. However, after a day of communications, he seems to have stopped communicating with me too. I have code that makes the popup effect happen on input fields and/or textareas. With these two types of fields you have the option of replacing the text within the input areas with the translated text coming from Google. Please let me know if you are interested in such an extension to the system. It is quite good code and I don't really want to make it public domain if it is not going to be used. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 21:19, 4 September 2009 (UTC) Hi Yug, The google translation code of mine finally became a gadget under the name GoogleTrans. Thanks for your suggestions in simplying the popup window. Most of them got in. You'll have to tell me if you use the tool for Chinese, which you seem to study. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 00:53, 24 September 2009 (UTC) Hi Yug, Your suggestion to make the popup instantaneous has got in. The popup will happen now within 1/4 of a second of putting the shift key down, which is basically instantaneous from the users point of view. The tool is only a gadget on enwiki with earlier versions on eswiki and ptwiki. If you want to put it up on zhwiki then go right ahead. There will just be some string changes and changing the domainname from to and the thing should carry over okay. When translating chinese to english, because chinese doesn't have a space operator, text is translated in phrases between spaces and punctuation marks. The discussion page for the gadget is now [[User:Endo999/GoogleTrans]]. Thanks for your help again. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 00:23, 26 September 2009 (UTC) Hi Yug, You are supposed to control the popups by using the SHIFT key. When you don't want the popups you have the SHIFT key up, when you want them you hold the SHIFT key down. If you turn the SHIFT key option off then the interval for checking is still 1 second. Thanks for you feedback again. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 15:53, 26 September 2009 (UTC) == Request for graphic conversion help == Hi Yug. May I ask your help again with how to convert ancient Chinese characters? I was able to do it before using Adobe CS3 but now seem to have forgotten a step. I copy the original Richard Sears GIF, open it in Firefox and resize, open it in Illustrator, use Live Trace to clean up the image, and save as SVG. The result now has jagged rather than smooth lines. Would you have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Or can you tell me an easier way to convert to SVG? Thanks in advance. [[User:Keahapana|Keahapana]] ([[User talk:Keahapana|talk]]) 19:47, 22 September 2009 (UTC) == Hey == Thanks for the encouragement. I'm not too sure about you thinking its always better to have your own government; in fact, it is better for areas with the same culture to be integrated, so they don't tariff each other/have wars/no free movement, etc... In this way, it would be better for Taiwan to be integrated into China so they can have free trade with mainland like hong Kong.[[User:Teeninvestor|Teeninvestor]] ([[User talk:Teeninvestor|talk]]) 18:10, 3 October 2009 (UTC) == Locator map help == Hey Yug! Do you think you can do me a favour--it's probably really easy for you, but I just don't get it. I want to get up a marked location map for [[Serranilla Bank]] and [[Bajo Nuevo Bank]] in the Caribbean. The locator map needed is Colombia. The [ Spanish versions] of the articles have the two locations marked. If you show me on one I can do the other. It'd be a huge help, and then I'd know how to do it in the future. Thankyou! [[User:Rennell435|Rennell435]] ([[User talk:Rennell435|talk]]) 03:27, 2 November 2009 (UTC) :Ok. I think I understand your need. :You want add 2 dots, upon a Colombia map ([[:File:Mapa Localizador Colombia.svg]]). :You need the English-wikipedia template. :I think you need {{tl|Location map+}}. If not, please look within [[:Category:Location_map_templates]]. Regards. [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 11:42, 2 November 2009 (UTC) ::Thanks Yug!!! Good on ya! [[User:Rennell435|Rennell435]] ([[User talk:Rennell435|talk]]) 15:00, 3 November 2009 (UTC) == Graphics lab request == I've updated your request [[Wikipedia:Graphic_Lab/Photography_workshop]] --[[User:penubag|'''<span style="background:#00CCFF;color:#0066FF;font-size:84%">&nbsp;penubag&nbsp;</span>''']] ([[User talk:penubag|talk]]) 09:32, 7 November 2009 (UTC) ==Deletion== Did you really mean to delete 57,000+ characters on the [[Pandemic]] article? [[User:WBardwin|WBardwin]] ([[User talk:WBardwin|talk]]) 07:08, 9 November 2009 (UTC) :OUTCH ! XD ! I just checked the history before to believe it ! What that ? No, that was absolutely not my aim. I just added : {{tl|fact}}{{tl|why}}. (!!) Thanks for the undo. O.o --[[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 07:49, 9 November 2009 (UTC) == ITN for Forum on China-Africa Cooperation == {| class="messagebox standard-talk" |- |[[File:Gnome globe current event.svg|30px|Current events globe]] |On 10 November 2009, '''[[:Template:In the news|In the news]]''' was updated with a news item that involved the article '''''[[Forum on China-Africa Cooperation]]''''', which you recently nominated. If you know of another interesting news item involving a recently created or updated article, then please suggest it on the [[Wikipedia:In the news/Candidates|candidates page]]. |} <!--Template:UpdatedITN--> --[[User:BorgQueen|BorgQueen]] ([[User talk:BorgQueen|talk]]) 05:33, 10 November 2009 (UTC) ==Africa in China== Yug, I don't quite understand this. You support the democratization of Iran, yet you support Chinese involvement in Africa. Why is this? I'm not sure if you know, but China is a communist country that rejects (as stated in its Beijing Consensus) democracy as important. Also, the paragraphs I note, they aren't cited, aren't written in a neutral point of view and are written by somebody that isn't even proficient in English. [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) 19:07, 10 November 2009 (UTC) == MfD nomination of [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Khitan]] == [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Khitan]], a page you substantially contributed to, has been nominated for [[WP:MfD|deletion]]. Your opinions on the matter are welcome; please participate in the discussion by adding your comments at [[Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Wikipedia:WikiProject Khitan &#32; (3rd nomination)]] and please be sure to [[WP:SIG|sign your comments]] with four tildes (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>). You are free to edit the content of [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Khitan]] during the discussion but should not remove the miscellany for deletion template from the top of the page; such a removal will not end the deletion discussion. Thank you.<!-- Template:MFDWarning --> [[User:ArcAngel|ArcAngel]] ([[User talk:ArcAngel|talk]]) 00:56, 24 November 2009 (UTC) == Khitan == Hi, I've closed [[Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Wikipedia:WikiProject Khitan (3rd nomination)]], consensus was to userfy it into your userspace. It's now at [[User:Yug/Khitan]]. Let me know if you have any questions or anything. Peace, [[user:delldot|<span style="color:#990066;">delldot</span>]] <small>[[user talk:delldot|<span style="color:DarkRed;">&nabla;.</span>]]</small> 00:08, 5 December 2009 (UTC) == [[Talk:Characters and wildlife in Avatar#Change in Title]] == Hello, Yug. Would you mind commenting in the above linked discussion? Since you recently changed the title, your thoughts are needed. [[User:Flyer22|Flyer22]] ([[User talk:Flyer22|talk]]) 19:50, 19 December 2009 (UTC) == An article you have worked on is up for deletion == [[Characters and wildlife in Avatar]] is now sent to AFD. This message is being sent to everyone who worked on it, who isn't already there. [[User:Dream Focus | '''<span style="color:blue">D</span><span style="color:green">r</span><span style="color:red">e</span><span style="color:orange">a</span><span style="color:purple">m</span> <span style="color:blue">Focus</span>''']] 19:53, 24 December 2009 (UTC) == [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion|AfD]] nomination of [[Characters and wildlife in Avatar]] == [[File:Ambox warning pn.svg|left|48px|]]An editor has nominated one or more articles which you have created or worked on, for [[Wikipedia:Deletion process|deletion]]. The nominated article is [[Characters and wildlife in Avatar]]. We appreciate your contributions, but the nominator doesn't believe that the article satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion and has explained why in his/her nomination (see also [[Wikipedia:Notability]] and "[[WP:NOT|What Wikipedia is not]]"). Your opinions on whether the article meets inclusion criteria and what should be done with the article are welcome; please participate in the discussion(s) by adding your comments to [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Characters and wildlife in Avatar]]. Please be sure to [[WP:SIG|sign your comments]] with four tildes (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>). You may also edit the article during the discussion to improve it but should not remove the [[WP:AfD|articles for deletion]] template from the top of the article; such removal will not end the deletion debate. '''Please note:''' This is an automatic notification by a [[WP:BOT|bot]]. I have nothing to do with this article or the deletion nomination, and can't do anything about it. --[[User:Erwin85Bot|Erwin85Bot]] ([[User talk:Erwin85Bot|talk]]) 01:15, 25 December 2009 (UTC) :Hello, it helps to have bullet points instead of section headings for the fauna and flora. Usually, sections have multiple paragraphs, and it's not necessary to have headings here until we can add enough real-world context. One creature had too many paragraphs of in-universe detail, about half as long as the film's plot summary itself! Also, are the fan animal and ''moss'' sections really necessary? [[User:Erik|Erik]] ([[User talk:Erik|talk]]) 18:38, 27 December 2009 (UTC) == ITN for [[2009 Ashura protests]] == {| class="messagebox standard-talk" |- |[[File:Gnome globe current event.svg|30px|Current events globe]] |On 30 December 2009, '''[[:Template:In the news|In the news]]''' was updated with a news item that involved the article '''''[[2009 Asuta protests]]''''', which you recently nominated. If you know of another interesting news item involving a recently created or updated article, then please suggest it on the [[Wikipedia:In the news/Candidates|candidates page]]. |} <!--Template:UpdatedITN--> -- I think the posting admin forgot these! [[User:HJ Mitchell|<font color="Teal" face="Tahoma">'''HJMitchell'''</font>]] [[User_Talk:HJ Mitchell|<font color="Navy" face= "Times New Roman">You rang? </font>]] 03:36, 1 January 2010 (UTC) ==File source and copyright licensing problem with File:Handala-edit.png== [[File:Copyright-problem.svg|64px|left|File Copyright problem]] Thanks for uploading '''[[:File:Handala-edit.png]]'''. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the [[copyright]] status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, then a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a restatement of that website's terms of use of its content, is usually sufficient information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, their copyright should also be acknowledged. As well as adding the source, we also need to know the terms of the license that the copyright holder has published the file under, usually done by adding a licensing tag. If you created/took the picture, audio, or video then the {{Tl|GFDL-self}} tag can be used to release it under the [[GFDL]]. If you believe the media meets the criteria at [[Wikipedia:Non-free content]], use a tag such as {{tlp|non-free fair use in|article name}} or one of the other tags listed at [[Wikipedia:Image copyright tags#Fair use]]. See [[Wikipedia:Image copyright tags]] for the full list of copyright tags that you can use. If you have uploaded other files, consider checking that you have specified their source and tagged them, too. You can find a list of files you have uploaded by following [ this link]. '''Unsourced and untagged files may be deleted one week after they have been tagged''', as described on [[wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion#Files|criteria for speedy deletion]]. If the file is copyrighted under a [[Wikipedia:Image copyright tags/Fair use|non-free license]] (per [[Wikipedia:Fair use]]) then '''the file will be deleted [[WP:CSD#I7|48 hours]] after 12:15, 9 January 2010 (UTC)'''. If you have any questions please ask them at the [[Wikipedia:Media copyright questions|Media copyright questions page]]. Thank you.<!-- Template:Di-no source-notice --> [[User:Sfan00 IMG|Sfan00 IMG]] ([[User talk:Sfan00 IMG|talk]]) 12:15, 9 January 2010 (UTC) == Fictional universe in Avatar == Yug, I removed the content because I thought it was a copyright violation. I've never really worked on Wikias except to know that they're generally places to contain in-universe information. Even if it is not a copyright violation, it is still excessive in-universe information (akin to the body when the article first started) and lacks real-world perspective. I ask you not to see me as destructive -- a good deal of what exists at [[Fictional universe in Avatar]] was written by me because I did not want the article-apparently-to-be-kept to look so shoddy. So I revised it to ring true with real-world context, and I proposed a move to "Fictional universe" so the sub-article's scope could cover Pandora and human technology. [[User:Erik|Erik]] ([[User talk:Erik|talk]]) 12:37, 11 January 2010 (UTC) == Maps userbox == Is the change to the "This user is interested in maps" userbox permanent? I went ahead and reverted the edit the first time, as I was not sure if it was vandalism or not, and I did not see any discussion relating to the edit. --[[User:Another Believer|<span style="color:navy;">Another Believer</span>]] <sub>([[User talk:Another Believer|<span style="color:#cc6600;">Talk</span>]])</sub> 06:26, 17 February 2010 (UTC) :Not, for sure this is not permanent. I specified in the history that I will let this message for one month only. The Map project and Map lab are nice places, which are sadly not really famous. This message aim to fill the gaps: make more people, interested by maps, aware of these places, where we can share map experiences and map making skills. [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 11:52, 17 February 2010 (UTC) ::Thanks for the response! --[[User:Another Believer|<span style="color:navy;">Another Believer</span>]] <sub>([[User talk:Another Believer|<span style="color:#cc6600;">Talk</span>]])</sub> 20:27, 18 February 2010 (UTC) Just a reminder to revert the maps userbox to its original appearance since the March 12 deadline has come and gone. :) --[[User:Another Believer|<span style="color:navy;">Another Believer</span>]] <sub>([[User talk:Another Believer|<span style="color:#cc6600;">Talk</span>]])</sub> 16:28, 18 March 2010 (UTC) : Actually, I went ahead and did the revert myself since I was at the page. Best wishes! --[[User:Another Believer|<span style="color:navy;">Another Believer</span>]] <sub>([[User talk:Another Believer|<span style="color:#cc6600;">Talk</span>]])</sub> 16:33, 18 March 2010 (UTC) ::Oh ! Yes ! that's true. Thanks for your initiative! I completely forgot this. I'm currently preparing my master thesis proposal (outline's draft #__#) and I completely forget everything. I also forgot to eat this evening @.@ Anyway, your initiative was right, thanks, and sorry for my forget #.# [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 16:56, 18 March 2010 (UTC) == SVG Help == I have little experience with vector graphics, and a decent amount in raster, but I'm just flat out confused. I am trying to do a request to vectorize an image. (request [[Wikipedia:Graphic_Lab/Map_workshop#Empire_of_Japan]]) I'm running into issues though. I can't seem to modify the paths to add color to the correct places in the image because of the way the points are set up. (I can't seem to connect two preexisting points) and I can't crop it. I'm following directions, but it's only cropping a tiny itsy bit, which is strange. I'm uploading the image so you can see if you can help, as I'm genuinely interested in helping if I can figure it out ;) Here is the image I've worked on... [[:File:Empire of Japan (1868-1945).svg]] Regards, ''<I>[[User:NativeForeigner|NativeForeigner]]</I>'' <sup>[[User talk:NativeForeigner|Talk]]</sup>/<sub>[[Special:Contributions/NativeForeigner|Contribs]]</sub>/<sup>[[User_talk:NativeForeigner/Restorationvote|Vote!]]</sup> 05:56, 13 April 2010 (UTC) ==Speedy deletion of [[:Spécial:Liste de suivi]]== [[Image:Ambox warning pn.svg|left|48px|]]<!-- use [[Image:Ambox warning yellow.svg|left|48px|]] for YELLOW flag -->A tag has been placed on [[:Spécial:Liste de suivi]], requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under the [[WP:CSD#Redirects|criteria for speedy deletion]], because it is a redirect to an article talk page, image description page, image talk page, mediawiki page, mediawiki talk page, category talk page, portal talk page, template talk page, help talk, user page, user talk or special page from the main/article space. If you can fix the redirect to point to a [[Wikipedia:Main namespace|mainspace page]], please do so and remove the speedy deletion tag. However, please do not remove the speedy deletion tag unless you are fixing the redirect. If you think the redirect should be retained as is for some reason, you can request that [[Wikipedia:Administrators|administrators]] wait a while before deleting it. To do this, affix the template '''<code>{{tl|hangon}}</code>''' to the page and state your reasoning on the article's [[Help:Talk page|talk page]]. Feel free to leave a note on my talk page if you have any questions about this.<!-- Template:Redirnone-warn --> [[User:DASHBot|DASHBot]] ([[User talk:DASHBot|talk]]) 20:18, 22 May 2010 (UTC) == [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion|Articles for deletion]] nomination of [[:Debate around East Asian calligraphy as an art]] == <div class="floatleft" style="margin-bottom:0">[[File:Ambox warning pn.svg|42px]]</div>I have nominated [[Debate around East Asian calligraphy as an art]], an article that you created, for [[Wikipedia:Deletion policy|deletion]]. I do not think that this article satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and have explained why at [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Debate around East Asian calligraphy as an art]]. Your opinions on the matter are welcome at that same discussion page; also, you are welcome to edit the article to address these concerns. Thank you for your time.{{-}}Please contact me if you're unsure why you received this message. <!-- Template:AFDWarning --> &mdash; <small>[[User:Timneu22|Timneu22]]<span style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;·</span>&#32; [[User talk:Timneu22|talk]]</small> 18:53, 1 June 2010 (UTC) ==biogeographical maps== Hi Yug. Hope you are feeling better. Have you had a chance to think about closing the discussion on these maps? Just wondering. [[User:Kahuroa|Kahuroa]] ([[User talk:Kahuroa|talk]]) 20:27, 5 June 2010 (UTC) == Nomination for deletion of [[Template:1/4]] == [[File:Ambox warning pn.svg|30px]][[Template:1/4]] has been nominated for deletion. You are invited to comment on the discussion at [[Wikipedia:Templates for discussion#Template:1/4|the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page]]. Thank you.<!--Template:Tfdnotice--> [[user:thumperward|Chris Cunningham (not at work)]] - [[user talk:thumperward|talk]] 19:08, 8 June 2010 (UTC) == You are now a Reviewer == [[File:Redaktor Wikipedia 600px.png|right|130px]] Hello. Your account has been granted the "{{mono|reviewer}}" userright, allowing you to [[WP:Reviewing|review other users' edits]] on certain flagged pages. Pending changes, also known as flagged protection, is currently undergoing a [[WP:Pending changes|two-month trial]] scheduled to end 15 August 2010. Reviewers can review edits made by users who are not [[wp:autoconfirmed|autoconfirmed]] to articles placed under pending changes. Pending changes is applied to only [[Special:StablePages|a small number of articles]], similarly to how semi-protection is applied but in a more controlled way for the trial. The list of articles with pending changes awaiting review is located at [[Special:OldReviewedPages]]. When reviewing, edits should be accepted if they are not obvious [[WP:VAND|vandalism]] or [[WP:BLP|BLP violations]], and not clearly problematic in light of the reason given for protection (see [[Wikipedia:Reviewing process]]). More detailed documentation and guidelines can be found [[WP:Pending changes|here]]. If you do not want this userright, you may ask any administrator to remove it for you at any time. <!-- Template:Reviewer-notice --> [[User:Courcelles|Courcelles]] ([[User talk:Courcelles|talk]]) 18:37, 17 June 2010 (UTC) == Re: Maps == A bit of a good news/bad news situation I'm afraid with respect to the maps. First the bad news: I've been working ''manually'' (with a few tedious steps) to convert the OS-supplied shapefiles into SVG output. The end result of that process is the blank files such as [[:File:East Sussex UK district map (blank).svg]], but the manual process ensures I get what I want. Now the good news: That part of the process is not the part best suited to bot work. The bot work would be in producing the thousands of area maps from the location/locator maps, and as I can provide the blank maps with sub-district names encoded in the markup (look at in a text editor), bots could easily insert the highlighted colour and do the bulk uploading. Bots might also be able to handle some optimisation of the source. As for the colour schemes, I'm not sure what's best and I'll happily defer to editors like you who have much more experience of this stuff :)--[[User:Nilfanion|Nilf]][[commons:User:Nilfanion|anion]] ([[User talk:Nilfanion|talk]]) 22:23, 23 June 2010 (UTC) == [[T:ITN|ITN]] for [[Coronal mass ejection]] == {{tmbox |tyle = notice |small = |image = [[File:Gnome globe current event.svg|30px|Current events globe]] |text = On 4 August 2010, '''[[:Template:In the news|In the news]]''' was updated with a news item that involved the article '''''[[Coronal mass ejection]]''''', which you recently nominated ''and'' substantially updated. If you know of another interesting news item involving a recently created or updated article, then please suggest it on the [[Wikipedia:In the news/Candidates|candidates page]]. }}<!--Template:UpdatedITN--> --[[User:HJ Mitchell|<span style="color:Teal; font-family:Tahoma;">'''HJ&nbsp;Mitchell'''</span>]] &#124; [[User talk:HJ Mitchell|<span style="color:Navy; font-family:Times New Roman;">Penny for your thoughts? </span>]] 01:08, 4 August 2010 (UTC) == CME article == Hey, I just re-did the update on CME so it would be MP eligible. I hope you like it, as you seemed rather invested in the story. I'll admit I'm not an expert, so if there is an error I'll happily fix it. Otherwise happy editing and I look forward to working with you in the future. Cheers! [[User:Cwill151|Cwill151]] ([[User talk:Cwill151|talk]]) 02:14, 4 August 2010 (UTC) == ITN: [[Economy of the People's Republic of China]] == {{tmbox |tyle = notice |small = |image = [[File:Gnome globe current event.svg|30px|Current events globe]] |text = On 17 August 2010, '''[[:Template:In the news|In the news]]''' was updated with a news item that involved the article '''''[[Economy of the People's Republic of China]]''''', which you recently nominated. If you know of another interesting news item involving a recently created or updated article, then please suggest it on the [[Wikipedia:In the news/Candidates|candidates page]]. }}<!--Template:UpdatedITN--> -- '''[[User:Tariqabjotu|<span style="color:black;">tariq</span><span style="color:gray;">abjotu</span>]]''' 09:24, 17 August 2010 (UTC) == Thank you for deleting spam links. == I noticed that you recently deleted many spam links. Thank you. [[User:Asoer|Asoer]] ([[User talk:Asoer|talk]]) 22:56, 22 August 2010 (UTC) == DYK nomination of [[word lists by frequency]] == Greetings. Leaving you this message regarding your [[T:TDYK#Word lists by frequency|DYK nomination]] of the article [[word lists by frequency]], which you yourself approved. Please note: you cannot approve an article you nominated yourself. Neither are you allowed to "move this proposal up" just because we haven't selected it for review yet. I have struck the approval symbol, but left your comments unstruck. [[User:Strange Passerby|Strange Passerby]] ([[User talk:Strange Passerby|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Strange Passerby|c]] • [[User:Strange Passerby/status2|status]]) 12:54, 7 October 2010 (UTC) :Ok, I was not aware. But then who do so (approval) ? This proposal have been slowed down several days because of a "citation format" critic, but the user then retracted. It seems that we have here all the elements for an approval but just no one to approve it. That's quite embarrassing for wikipedia, and -yes- time wasting for Quadzilla99 and myself. [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 14:14, 7 October 2010 (UTC) ::How is that "embarrassing" at all? When we have a backlog noms can go up to 10 days before being approved. You need to exercise patience here. Someone will review it in due course. [[User:Strange Passerby|Strange Passerby]] ([[User talk:Strange Passerby|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Strange Passerby|c]] • [[User:Strange Passerby/status2|status]]) 14:30, 7 October 2010 (UTC) :::If that's work this way, then you are right: I need to wait. Thanks for your explanations~ [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 17:46, 7 October 2010 (UTC) ==DYK for Word lists by frequency== {{tmbox |style = notice |small = |image = [[Image:Updated DYK query.svg|15px|Updated DYK query]] |text = On [[Wikipedia:Recent_additions#10 October 2010|10 October 2010]], '''[[:Template:Did you know|Did you know?]]''' was updated with a fact from the article '''''[[Word lists by frequency]]''''', which you created or substantially expanded. You are welcome to check how many hits the article got while on the front page <small>([[User:Rjanag/Pageview stats|here's how]], [ quick check] )</small> and add it to [[WP:DYKSTATS|DYKSTATS]] if it got over 5,000. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the [[:Template talk:Did you know|Did you know? talk page]]. }} <span style="font-family:Verdana,sans-serif"> — [[User:Rlevse|<b style="color:#060;"><i>R</i>levse</b>]] • [[User_talk:Rlevse|<span style="color:#990;">Talk</span>]] • </span> 12:03, 10 October 2010 (UTC) :Congrats! [[User:Quadzilla99|Quadzilla99]] ([[User talk:Quadzilla99|talk]]) 21:22, 12 October 2010 (UTC) ==[[Wikipedia:Proposed deletion|Proposed deletion]] of [[Luis Urzúa]]== [[Image:Ambox warning yellow.svg|left|48px|]] The article [[Luis Urzúa]] has been [[Wikipedia:Proposed deletion|proposed for deletion]]&#32; because of the following concern: :'''Not notable [[WP:BLP1E]], either for a create and redirect''' While all contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be [[WP:DEL#REASON|deleted for any of several reasons]]. You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the <code>{{tl|dated prod}}</code> notice, but please explain why in your [[Help:edit summary|edit summary]] or on [[Talk:Luis Urzúa|the article's talk page]]. Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing <code>{{tl|dated prod}}</code> will stop the [[Wikipedia:Proposed deletion|proposed deletion process]], but other [[Wikipedia:deletion process|deletion process]]es exist. The [[Wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion|speedy deletion process]] can result in deletion without discussion, and [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion|articles for deletion]] allows discussion to reach [[Wikipedia:Consensus|consensus]] for deletion.<!-- Template:PRODWarning --> [[User:Tbhotch|<font color="#4B0082">Tb</font><font color="#6082B6">hotch</font>]]<sup>[[User talk:Tbhotch|<font color="#0F0F0F">Ta</font><font color="#DAA520">lk</font>]]</sup> <sup>[[Special:Contributions/Tbhotch|<font color="#2C1608">C.</font>]]</sup> 06:24, 13 October 2010 (UTC) == Create a book == * [[Help:Books]] == December 2010 == [[Image:Information.svg|25px|alt=|link=]] Welcome to Wikipedia! Thank you for your comments, which you added in discussion at [[:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Operation Leakspin]]. Please note that on Wikipedia, [[Wikipedia:Consensus|consensus]] is determined by [[Wikipedia:Polling is not a substitute for discussion|discussion, not voting]], and it is the quality of arguments that counts, not the number of people supporting a position. Consider reading about the [[Wikipedia:Deletion policy|deletion policy]] for a brief overview for the deletion process, and how we decide what to keep and what to delete. We hope you decide to stay and contribute even more. Thank you! <!-- Template:Uw-notvote --> ''<br> *[[Image:Nuvola apps important green.svg|50px]]This talk page is becoming '''very long'''. Please consider [[Wikipedia:How_to_archive_a_talk_page|archiving]]. <!-- Template:Utverylong -->'' [[User:Beeblebrox|Beeblebrox]] ([[User talk:Beeblebrox|talk]]) 00:14, 22 December 2010 (UTC) == User:NNW == Hello! I suppose it's you who created that account []. [ This] is a nice idea, thank you. Would you mind to give me the password so I can occupy this account? I would like to have such a redirect at some other projects, too, but only if I am the owner of that account. Best regards, [[User:NordNordWest|NNW]] ([[User talk:NordNordWest|talk]]) 11:28, 13 January 2011 (UTC) :Oh god... Yes, I created this account of your NNW shortpseudo to avoid that someone take it. You are a key user on graphism, I wanted to avoid confusion. I'm surprised I didn't informed you about that and didn't gave you the password. Now, as a matter of fact, I forgot the password. I tries my usual password, none working. But I may support your account merging request if need. Indeed, the 2 edits I made have nothing special/controversial, so its safe to just give them to you. You want this NNW account ? [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 13:25, 13 January 2011 (UTC) ::Well, if you forgot the password it's a gone account. My usual account is an SUL account so there is nothing that could be merged. [[User:NordNordWest|NNW]] ([[User talk:NordNordWest|talk]]) 13:43, 13 January 2011 (UTC) :::I just tried, just for fun, your password for that account and it was quite simple. :o) Now I have occupied it. I hope it's okay. [[User:NNW|NNW]] ([[User talk:NNW|talk]]) 13:50, 13 January 2011 (UTC) (aka NordNordWest) :::If you are curious what it was: "NordNordWest". :o) [[User:NordNordWest|NNW]] ([[User talk:NordNordWest|talk]]) 13:53, 13 January 2011 (UTC) :hahahaha ! I tried "nordnordwest" unsuccessfully. Ok, so... you hacked your-mine account. Quite strange. [[user:Yug|Yug]] ([[User talk:Yug|talk]]) 15:08, 13 January 2011 (UTC) == Stroke (CJK character) == As per your post on my talk page, I am now at the end of my flurry of updates to the [[Stroke (CJK character)]] page. You are of course, free to improve or correct as I defer to your expertise. I look forward to watching future updates. If I can be helpful in any way let me know. [[User:Missylou2who|Missylou2who]] ([[User talk:Missylou2who|talk]]) 02:47, 12 February 2011 (UTC) == libyan protests == [] restores uncited info that is editorlaisting. pelase cite it.[[User:Lihaas|Lihaas]] ([[User talk:Lihaas|talk]]) 12:52, 22 February 2011 (UTC) :Clans?: Information still there, just moved down. Please look slowly. :Younths: the demographic shape of Libya is quite well know (see image). [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 12:58, 22 February 2011 (UTC) ::1. added and kept in ::2. still need a cite. "common knowledge" is not an excuse. :::[] --> [[Talk:2011_Libyan_protests#background.2Fearly_protests]] before restoring.([[User:Lihaas|Lihaas]] ([[User talk:Lihaas|talk]]) 13:15, 22 February 2011 (UTC)). ==Merge discussion for [[ Monitor hypothesis]]== [[Image:Information.svg|25px]] An article that you have been involved in editing, [[ Monitor hypothesis]], has been proposed for a [[Help:Merging and moving pages|merge]] with another article. If you are interested in the merge discussion, please participate by going {{ #if: Talk:Comprehensible input |[[ Talk:Comprehensible input |here]]|to the article and clicking on the (Discuss) link at the top of the article}}, and adding your comments on the discussion page. Thank you. <font face="Palatino"> — [[User:Mr. Stradivarius|<font color="#194D00">Mr. Stradivarius</font>]] <small><i>([[User talk:Mr. Stradivarius|<font color="#0F0073">drop me a line</font>]])</i></small></font> 05:11, 24 March 2011 (UTC) <!-- Template:mergenote --> == Re: Standard for Dry Water Bodies == Hello, I had decided on the map I'm working on to do the following for dry water bodies. [[File:Dry water convention example.svg]] I took the normal fill color for water bodies (c6ecff) and reduced alpha to hex 66. This will show any objects under the dry water body but, I feel, help conveys the sense of "dryness" or transience of a dry water body. I also changed the outline to a dashed stroke which seems to be common in other atlases and topographical maps I've seen. For rivers, I suppose the same rule would apply. Let me know what you think. Thanks for the response. [[User:Ixnayonthetimmay|Ixnayonthetimmay]] ([[User talk:Ixnayonthetimmay|talk]]) 11:15, 24 March 2011 (UTC) == [[Wikipedia:Templates for discussion|Nomination for deletion]] of [[Template:Cultural macroregions of the world]] == [[File:Ambox warning pn.svg|30px|link=]][[Template:Cultural macroregions of the world]] has been nominated for deletion. You are invited to comment on the discussion at [[Wikipedia:Templates for discussion#Template:Cultural macroregions of the world|the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page]].<!--Template:Tfdnotice--> [[User:Mootros|Mootros]] ([[User talk:Mootros|talk]]) 17:19, 9 April 2011 (UTC) == GoogleTrans now does Karaoke Text To Speech == Hi there Yug, Thanks again for your support several years ago for my GoogleTrans gadget on the enwiki. It's on 13 wikis now so it has had moderate success. I have a private (non wikipedia) version of the gadget which I may have mentioned to you before at: [[]] The reason I am writing to you now is that you have an interest in second language acquisition and I have recently put in karaoke Text To Speech on this version of GoogleTrans. ; To run the karaoke text to speech: :;Start: :1) Page: :2) From there on, the Speaker can work in all links starting from this page. :3) Compatibility: IE9 & Firefox 3.5+. Audio bar: a html5 (FF), or flash toolbar (IE8 and less, needing flash) :-- :;Usage: :1) select some text (< 4000 characters) :2) overfly with you cursor :3) hold the ESC key : a sound bar appear :4) play it : speak out the selected text :note: '''a tracker enlighten the word currently spoken''' ;Interested by your opinion '''Interest:''' Do you think it will help early learners of a language to understand the spoken language as opposed to the written language. I am interested in what you think about the karaoke text to speech. '''Next sentence:''' There is also a next sentence link in the sound popup. '''(Word) Tracker:''' the tracker enlightening the word currently spoken is often be 1 word behind or 1 word ahead. However, the selected word will be close enough to the actual word spoken to give the viewer a good idea which word is actually being spoken at the time. ;Personally The English and Spanish (which uses Festival TTS) is good, and the French (which uses ESPEAK) is acceptable. The other languages may not be that great. I can read French and Spanish but cannot understand spoken Spanish or French. I am using this tool and I think I am slowly gaining in my comprehension of spoken French and Spanish. What do you think of karaoke text to speech and its applicability to learning to understand spoken languages without the need of a speaker of that tongue around. Thanks Again [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 17:17, 30 April 2011 (UTC) :Hello Endo, nice to hear from you !! That's nice. :I reworded your post to make it more "human friendly" (you are too technical), you can copy freely ;) :'''Naming suggestion :''' "Speaker", or "Reader", ReadOut, seems to me (non English native speaker) better. Karaoke being connected with singing. :'''Next sentence:''' make a shortcut, [SPACE] key ?. :'''Outlook:''' just include a link "[[credit tools used|credit]]" or "About". Some apps do so. Otherwise that's really too much [[Chartjunk]]. Or a link '<small>(about)</small>' with 3 columns/paragrph: Manual ; Shortkeys ; Sources. :'''Word tracker:''' adapt your definition. "Word tracker: the word tracker indicates <s>the word</s> '''the area''' were the Speaker is working" :'''Interest:''' I'm personally lowly interested because of the uncomfortable sound of this kind of devices (the 'robot voice'). I'm not patient enough ;( . I think it's hardly possible to automatically speak out smoothly for latin languages. Latin langauges HAVE TO links phonemes of DIFFERENTS words together "make an answer" => "mak'an'nanswer", and NOT "make + an + answer', and thus have tens of thousands of several-words sound units to records to output a smooth pronunciation. BUT ! A such speaker is indeed a kind of device I dream of ! :Should work fine for syllabic languages, clearly cut, like Chinese. But it put other trouble : the conversion Chinese characters -> alphabetic phonetic ([[Hanyu pinyin]]) => sound. nb: I can give you several starting point if you are interested by this Chinese way. :'''In short:''' the principle is VERY interesting for language learning, that's getting a native speaker in your bedroom for free. But that's hardly doable (smooth pronunciation) for latin language. :[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) 14:59, 1 May 2011 (UTC) == Question == i moved it to [[Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Humanities#WB_elections]]([[User:Lihaas|Lihaas]] ([[User talk:Lihaas|talk]]) 21:30, 15 May 2011 (UTC)). == Yug == {{Talkback|Captain Screebo}} {{Talkback|Captain Screebo}} == GoogleTrans-Speak now does Chinese == Hi Yug, Thanks for your feedback last time I messaged you. I put a 'source' link in the popup hiding the sources, as you suggested. I'm currently using my private version of the gadget, which now has karaoke text to speech. It now does Chinese, so I was wondering if you'd give me some feedback, since you know Chinese. I'm interested in knowing: is it in sync? It seems to be when no numbers or only a few punctuation letters are in the text. But I'm not so sure since I don't know Chinese. To test, go to [[]] and click on the Chinese Wikipedia link on the right middle side of the text page. Then select some text (>4000 characters) and hit the esc key. The Word Track/Karaoke should happen from that point on. Thanks for your feedback previously. It has been helpful [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 01:43, 22 May 2011 (UTC) == Chinese Text to Speech feedback == Thanks Yug for the feedback. It's always appreciated. I'll look into the website of Chinese sound that you have cited. [[User:Endo999|Endo999]] ([[User talk:Endo999|talk]]) 20:02, 22 May 2011 (UTC) == Re: Map Drawing Tutorial == Hi Yug, I'm not convinced that the orthographic map page is the best place for a tutorial. My biased opinion would be to see my [[User:Gringer|user page]], where I have a section on my attempts to create maps. I have [[User:gringer/perlshaper|a script]] that has been designed specifically for creating maps of various types for Wikipedia. Every map generated with this script produces (as SVG comments) a command line that can be used to generate the map, something like the following: <!-- Created using David Eccles' (gringer) script, version 1.4, --> <!-- Command line: -type location 50m_cultural/50m_admin_0_countries 50m_cultural/50m_admin_0_tiny_countries -res 0.25 -centre 10,0 -psize 0.25 -round 2 -v --> I will add a tutorial, of sorts, to my user page in the next day or so, and I guess I could put a link to that on the [[Wikipedia:WikiProject_Maps/Conventions]] page. [[User:Gringer|gringer]] ([[User talk:Gringer|talk]]) 08:10, 6 June 2011 (UTC) : Alternatively, see [[Wikipedia:Graphic_Lab/Resources/Tutorials|here]]. [[User:Gringer|gringer]] ([[User talk:Gringer|talk]]) 08:36, 6 June 2011 (UTC) == My response about GIS template == is here: []. [[User:LADave|LADave]] ([[User talk:LADave|talk]]) 00:35, 12 June 2011 (UTC) :Saw. Thanks for your answer, I thus move toward a new template ! [[User:Yug|Yug]] [[User talk:Yug|<small><span style="color:green;">(talk)</span></small>]] 05:40, 12 June 2011 (UTC) == QGis lesson 1 == {{talkback|Wikipedia talk:Graphic Lab/Resources/QGis lesson 1: Create a topographic background|ts = [[User:MissMJ|MissMJ]] ([[User talk:MissMJ|talk]]) 23:19, 15 June 2011 (UTC)}} == Shuo Wen radicals == dear Yug, In your [[Shuowen radicals]] list there are four duplicate radicals and the total is 542, so when I remove the duplicates, only 538 radicals remain. Can you please add the missing ones? Is there some authoritative resource for the choice of Unicode characters representing the radicals? Thank you in advance <small><span class="autosigned">— Preceding [[Wikipedia:Signatures|unsigned]] comment added by [[User:Yannis1962|Yannis1962]] ([[User talk:Yannis1962|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Yannis1962|contribs]]) 19:20, 17 June 2011 (UTC)</span></small><!-- Template:Unsigned --> <!--Autosigned by SineBot--> == TUSC token a6777bd2af554d07358f42796771c4b7 == I am now proud owner of a [ TUSC] account! </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" title="Help:Transclusion">help</a>)</span>:</span> </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Yug/Archives" title="User talk:Yug/Archives">User talk:Yug/Archives</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Yug/Archives&action=edit" title="User talk:Yug/Archives">edit</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:-" class="mw-redirect" 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