Groundwater Daily Data — USGS Water Data for the Nation Help System
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The time-series data used to derive daily values, sometimes referred to as current condition or instantaneous values may be collected as often as every minute. These data are used to calculate daily data, such as the daily mean, median, maximum, minimum, and/or other derived values. Daily data include approved, quality-assured data that may be published, and provisional data, whose accuracy has not been verified.</div> <h2 id="_mcePaste">General steps to retrieve Groundwater Daily Data</h2> <div id="_mcePaste">Retrieving daily data is a multi-step process. The general steps are summarized here. These steps permit users to control the amount and types of data that are retrieved. A more detailed example and explanation follows.</div> <div></div> <div id="_mcePaste"><ol> <li><strong>Choose Site Selection Criteria</strong> – Identify the site-selection criteria that will be used to search for sites; for example, to obtain a particular Site type and County, check the Site type and County boxes. </li> <li><strong>Define the specific Site Selection Criteria</strong> – Define specific choices for site selection criteria. For example, if “County” were selected as a criterion, specify the desired county name(s). </li> <li><strong>Choose the Output format</strong> – Output options include either summaries or actual data for selected sites. </li> </ol></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="viewlet-below-content-body"> <div class="visualClear"><!-- --></div> <div class="documentActions"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="viewlet-below-content"><div id="category" class="documentByLine"> Filed under: <span> <a href="" class="link-category" rel="tag">daily data</a><span class="separator">,</span> </span> <span> <a href="" class="link-category" rel="tag">groundwater</a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="portal-footer-wrapper" class="row"> <div class="cell width-full position-0"> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <body> <!-- <div id="portal-footer" metal:define-macro="portal_footer" i18n:domain="plone"></div> --> <!-- BEGIN USGS Footer Template --> <div id="usgsfooter"> <p id="usgsfooterbar"> <a href="" title="Accessibility Policy (Section 508)">Accessibility</a> <a href="" title="plug-in available here">Plug-Ins</a> <a href="" title="Freedom of Information Act">FOIA</a> <a href="" title="Privacy policies of the U.S. Geological Survey.">Privacy</a> <a href="" title="Policies and notices that govern information posted on USGS Web sites.">Policies and Notices</a> </p> <p id="usgsfootertext"> <a href=""><img src="USGS_footer_graphic_usagov.jpg" alt=" logo" title="USAGov: Government Made Easy" width="90" height="26" /></a> <a href="">U.S. Department of the Interior</a> | <a href="">U.S. Geological Survey</a><br /> <b>Title: USGS Water Data for the Nation Help<br /> URL: <a href=""></a><br /><br /></b> Page Contact Information: <a href="">USGS Water Data Support Team</a> <br /> Page Last Modified: 2024-1-22<br /> nad2<br /> </p> </div> <!-- END USGS Footer Template --> </body> </html> <!-- <div id="portal-colophon" metal:define-macro="colophon" i18n:domain="plone"> <tal:comment replace="nothing"> Please keep the Plone Powered link (or the plone_powered.gif image) if you use Plone on your site. 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