Bypolls Election Results 2024 Highlights: BJP, allies make strong gains; Congress sees mixed results - The Economic Times

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The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. 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The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats&mdash;a loss of six from previous results." name="twitter:description"><meta content=",width-600,resizemode-4,imglength-64674/news/newsblogs/up-wayanad-bypolls-election-results-2024-live-updates-punjab-karnataka-west-bengal-uttarakhand-bypolls-vote-counts.jpg" name="twitter:image"><meta content="etapp://" property="al:ios:url"><meta content="474766725" property="al:ios:app_store_id"><meta content=" The Economic Times App" property="al:ios:app_name"><meta itemprop="name" content="Bypolls Election Results 2024 Highlights: BJP, allies make strong gains; Congress sees mixed results - The Economic Times"><meta itemprop="description" content="Bypolls Election Results 2024 Highlights: In the assembly bypolls held across 13 states, the BJP and its allies emerged as the dominant force, winning 26 out of 46 seats, including key victories in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats&mdash;a loss of six from previous results."><meta name="Last-Modified" content="26 Nov, 2024, 0216 hrs IST"><script> if( == "") { window.location.href = ""; } </script><script> function errorLogs(data, fallback) { if(data &&'utm_source') == -1) { try { var o = window.location.origin, isLive = (o.indexOf('dev') == -1 && o.indexOf('pwa') == -1 ? 1 : 0), url = data.href || data.src || '', type = (data.localName || data.tagName) + (data.attributes.fallbackfile ? ' fallbackfile': ''), ua = window.navigator && window.navigator.userAgent; var logdata = "logdata=" + JSON.stringify({mode: (isLive ? 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The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats—a loss of six from previous results. The BJP strengthened its position in Uttar Pradesh, securing seven of nine seats, and made gains in Rajasthan with five of seven seats. In Punjab, the AAP wrested key constituencies from Congress, while Bihar's NDA swept all four assembly segments, boosting the ruling alliance ahead of the 2024 elections. Other notable outcomes included Congress's victories in Karnataka, Kerala, and Meghalaya, while the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) won two seats unopposed in Sikkim. Despite setbacks in some states like Madhya Pradesh, where Congress retained Vijaypur, the bypolls underscored the shifting dynamics in the run-up to the next general elections.", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:29:00+05:30", "dateModified": "2024-11-24T00:52:00+05:30", "url":"", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "articleSection" : "News", "articleBody":"<ul><li>BJP and allies' performance:</li></ul>BJP and its allies won 26 out of 46 seats, gaining 9 seats compared to previous results.<br /><br />Uttar Pradesh: BJP secured 7 out of 9 seats, strengthening their hold ahead of upcoming state elections.<br />Bihar: NDA (BJP and allies) swept 4 assembly segments, retaining Imamganj (HAM) and winning Tarari (BJP), Ramgarh (BJP), and Belaganj (JD-U) from the INDIA bloc.<br />Rajasthan: BJP won crucial bypoll seats.<br />Trinamool Congress (TMC) wins in West Bengal: TMC swept all six contested seats, maintaining its dominance under Mamata Banerjee.<br /><ul><li>Other party performance:</li></ul><br />Congress: Won 7 seats, losing 6 compared to previous results.<br />Aam Aadmi Party (AAP): Won 3 seats.<br />Samajwadi Party (SP): Won 2 seats.<br />LDF (Kerala): Secured 1 seat.<br />BAP (Rajasthan): Won 1 seat.<br />Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM): W<span style='font-size: 16px;'>on both unopposed seats in Sikkim.</span><br /><ul><li>Lok Sabha bypolls:</li></ul>Priyanka Gandhi (Congress) won Wayanad seat in Kerala with over 4.1 lakh votes, defeating CPI(M)-led LDF’s Sathyan Mokeri.<br />Nanded (Maharashtra): BJP won, defeating Congress.<br />In the assembly bypolls held across 13 states, the BJP and its allies emerged as the dominant force, winning 26 out of 46 seats, including key victories in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats—a loss of six from previous results.<br /><br />The BJP strengthened its position in Uttar Pradesh, securing seven of nine seats, and made gains in Rajasthan with five of seven seats. In Punjab, the AAP wrested key constituencies from Congress, while Bihar's NDA swept all four assembly segments, boosting the ruling alliance ahead of the 2024 elections.<br /><br />Other notable outcomes included Congress's victories in Karnataka, Kerala, and Meghalaya, while the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) won two seats unopposed in Sikkim. Despite setbacks in some states like Madhya Pradesh, where Congress retained Vijaypur, the bypolls underscored the shifting dynamics in the run-up to the next general elections.<br /><br />The results of the bypolls for the Wayanad Lok Sabha seat and two Assembly constituencies in Kerala have provided a significant boost to the Congress-led UDF, offered some relief to the ruling CPI(M)-headed LDF, and delivered a setback to the BJP-led NDA.<br /><br />In a blow to the BJP, the Left improved its performance in Wayanad, narrowing the gap with the party. Additionally, in a key Assembly bypoll, CPI(M) candidate U R Pradeep triumphed in Chelakkara, defeating Congress-led UDF's Ramya Haridas by a margin of 12,201 votes, further strengthening the LDF's position.<br />The Trinamool Congress (TMC) triumphed in the West Bengal bypolls on Saturday, successfully retaining five of the six contested seats and securing a key victory in Madarihat, which it wrested from the BJP. The results further solidify the TMC's political dominance in the state, despite ongoing protests over the RG Kar incident failing to influence voters.<br /><br />The bypolls, held in six constituencies—Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, Sitai (SC), and Madarihat (ST)—were triggered by the resignation of MLAs who vacated their assembly seats after winning in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.<br />The BJP won three of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly bypolls—securing Ghaziabad, Khair, and Phulpur—while the Samajwadi Party (SP) claimed Sishamau and Karhal, according to the results announced on Saturday. Of the nine seats contested in the bypolls held on November 20, the ruling BJP is leading in three, with its ally RLD ahead in one, as per the Election Commission (EC).The BJP secured five out of the seven seats in the Rajasthan Assembly bypolls, the results of which were announced on Saturday. The Bharat Adivasi Party (BAP) claimed one seat, while the Congress was poised to win one, according to the Election Commission (EC). BJP candidates who triumphed included Rajendra Bhamboo in Jhunjhunu, Rajendra Gurjar in Deoli-Uniara, Rewant Ram Danga in Khinwsar, Shanta Amrit Lal Meena in Salumbar, and Sukhavant Singh in Ramgarh.The Aam Aadmi Party won three out of four byelection seats in Punjab on Saturday; while the INC won one. <br />AAP - Dera Baba Nanak, Chabbewal, Gidderbaha<br />INC - Barnala<br />'It is a very important day today. The results of Maharashtra, Jharkhand, and By-polls in many states have come. By-polls were held at 9 seats in UP, out of which, the BJP won seven seats. The credit goes to the leadership, and guidance of PM Modi. He inspires the double-engine government to provide security, governance, and implement the public welfare schemes on the ground. This is testimony to the leadership of PM Modi. They believe that his policies, and decisions are compatible to the society,' he said at a press conference.", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4,imgsize-64674/up-wayanad-bypolls-election-results-2024-live-updates-punjab-karnataka-west-bengal-uttarakhand-bypolls-vote-counts.jpg", "height": "900", "width": "1200" }, "author": { "@type": "Thing", "sameAs": "", "name": "Economic Times" }, "publisher": { "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization", "name": "Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": 600, "height": 60 } } } </script></head><body class="skip_cube"><section class="pageHolder skipStickyBand skip_popup skipLiveTv"><div class="band" id=""><div class="contentwrapper bandCont clearfix"><div class="flipWrapper"><div class="mkt_indices_band clearfix"><div class="band-items band-item-sm" id="S1_box"><div class="band-item clearfix"><div class="band-content"><div 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class="live_update_blog"><div class="flt layout2"><div class="live_head"><div class="live live_stock"><i class="lb-icon slide"></i> LIVE BLOG</div></div><div class="textDiv l1"><h1>Bypolls Election Results 2024 Highlights: BJP, allies make strong gains; Congress sees mixed results</h1><span class="time">24 Nov 2024 | 12:52:08 AM IST</span><div class="share dtShare"><span class="flr lbShare lSprit"></span></div><div class="lsocial_links flt100 hide"><a aria-label="facebook" class="fb lSprit" href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" data-dimension="1" data-ga-onshare="Facebook#Share#" data-src="" data-share-url="" data-share-title="" title="facebook"></a><a class="wa lSprit" href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" data-dimension="1" data-ga-onshare="Whatsapp#Share#" data-src="" data-share-url="" data-watext="Hey, This might interest you! %0A%0A" data-share-title="" aria-label="whatsapp" title="whatsapp"></a><a aria-label="linkedin" class="in lSprit" href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" 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Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats—a loss of six from previous results.<br/></p></div></div><div class="clr"></div><div class="prel lb_synop"><div data-length="1111" class="lbSyn short_synop">Bypolls Election Results 2024 Highlights: In the assembly bypolls held across 13 states, the BJP and its allies emerged as the dominant force, winning 26 out of 46 seats, including key victories in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats—a loss of six from previous results.<br /><br />The BJP strengthened its position in Uttar Pradesh, securing seven of nine seats, and made gains in Rajasthan with five of seven seats. In Punjab, the AAP wrested key constituencies from Congress, while Bihar's NDA swept all four assembly segments, boosting the ruling alliance ahead of the 2024 elections.<br /><br />Other notable outcomes included Congress's victories in Karnataka, Kerala, and Meghalaya, while the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) won two seats unopposed in Sikkim. Despite setbacks in some states like Madhya Pradesh, where Congress retained Vijaypur, the bypolls underscored the shifting dynamics in the run-up to the next general elections.<br /></div><span class="read_more"> Show more</span><span class="read_less hidden"> Show less</span></div><div class="clr"></div><div id="updateBox"><div id="updateInfo" data-count="121" data-latCount="121"><b>1 New Update</b><span class="lSprit refresh"></span></div></div><div class="clr"></div><div class="pageliveblog" id="contentBox" style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:10px"><div class="clearfix container hitDone" data-page="1"><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115608947"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:52:08 AM IST, 24 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h2 class="">Today's highlights</h2><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>BJP and allies' performance:</li></ul>BJP and its allies won 26 out of 46 seats, gaining 9 seats compared to previous results.<br /><br />Uttar Pradesh: BJP secured 7 out of 9 seats, strengthening their hold ahead of upcoming state elections.<br />Bihar: NDA (BJP and allies) swept 4 assembly segments, retaining Imamganj (HAM) and winning Tarari (BJP), Ramgarh (BJP), and Belaganj (JD-U) from the INDIA bloc.<br />Rajasthan: BJP won crucial bypoll seats.<br />Trinamool Congress (TMC) wins in West Bengal: TMC swept all six contested seats, maintaining its dominance under Mamata Banerjee.<br /><ul><li>Other party performance:</li></ul><br />Congress: Won 7 seats, losing 6 compared to previous results.<br />Aam Aadmi Party (AAP): Won 3 seats.<br />Samajwadi Party (SP): Won 2 seats.<br />LDF (Kerala): Secured 1 seat.<br />BAP (Rajasthan): Won 1 seat.<br />Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM): W<span style="font-size: 16px;">on both unopposed seats in Sikkim.</span><br /><ul><li>Lok Sabha bypolls:</li></ul>Priyanka Gandhi (Congress) won Wayanad seat in Kerala with over 4.1 lakh votes, defeating CPI(M)-led LDF’s Sathyan Mokeri.<br />Nanded (Maharashtra): BJP won, defeating Congress.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115605950"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:03:07 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP, allies make strong gains; Congress sees mixed results</h3><div class="blogSysn">In the assembly bypolls held across 13 states, the BJP and its allies emerged as the dominant force, winning 26 out of 46 seats, including key victories in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats—a loss of six from previous results.<br /><br />The BJP strengthened its position in Uttar Pradesh, securing seven of nine seats, and made gains in Rajasthan with five of seven seats. In Punjab, the AAP wrested key constituencies from Congress, while Bihar's NDA swept all four assembly segments, boosting the ruling alliance ahead of the 2024 elections.<br /><br />Other notable outcomes included Congress's victories in Karnataka, Kerala, and Meghalaya, while the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) won two seats unopposed in Sikkim. Despite setbacks in some states like Madhya Pradesh, where Congress retained Vijaypur, the bypolls underscored the shifting dynamics in the run-up to the next general elections.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115605862"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:54:39 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Maharashtra Bypoll Election Results 2024 Congress candidate Ravindra Chavan wins Nanded, defeating Santukrao Hambarde by 1,457 votes</h3><div class="blogSysn"><br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115603705"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:52:25 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Diplu Ranjan Sarmah wrests Samaguri seat from Congress, defeating Tanzil Hussain by 24,501 votes</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115602752"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:03:20 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Ramveer Singh wins Kundarki by defeating nearest rival Mohammad Rizwan of SP by margin of over 1.44 lakh votes.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115602353"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:42:37 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: Boost for UDF, relief for LDF, setback for BJP-NDA</h3><div class="blogSysn">The results of the bypolls for the Wayanad Lok Sabha seat and two Assembly constituencies in Kerala have provided a significant boost to the Congress-led UDF, offered some relief to the ruling CPI(M)-headed LDF, and delivered a setback to the BJP-led NDA.<br /><br />In a blow to the BJP, the Left improved its performance in Wayanad, narrowing the gap with the party. Additionally, in a key Assembly bypoll, CPI(M) candidate U R Pradeep triumphed in Chelakkara, defeating Congress-led UDF's Ramya Haridas by a margin of 12,201 votes, further strengthening the LDF's position.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601997"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:26:41 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Madhya Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP nominee Ramakant Bhargava defeats Congress rival Rajkumar Patel in Budhni</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601880"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:20:58 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP draws blank</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601735"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:13:40 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Shuchismita Maurya wins Majhawan by 4,922 votes</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601658"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:09:48 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">West Bengal Bypolls Election Results 2024: TMC dominates, retains five seats and captures Madarihat from BJP</h3><div class="blogSysn">The Trinamool Congress (TMC) triumphed in the West Bengal bypolls on Saturday, successfully retaining five of the six contested seats and securing a key victory in Madarihat, which it wrested from the BJP. The results further solidify the TMC's political dominance in the state, despite ongoing protests over the RG Kar incident failing to influence voters.<br /><br />The bypolls, held in six constituencies—Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, Sitai (SC), and Madarihat (ST)—were triggered by the resignation of MLAs who vacated their assembly seats after winning in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601607"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:06:38 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Dharmraj Nishad wins Katehari, defeats Samajwadi Party's Shobhawati Varma by a margin of 34,514 votes</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601588"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:06:11 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP bags three assembly seats, SP wins two</h3><div class="blogSysn">The BJP won three of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly bypolls—securing Ghaziabad, Khair, and Phulpur—while the Samajwadi Party (SP) claimed Sishamau and Karhal, according to the results announced on Saturday. Of the nine seats contested in the bypolls held on November 20, the ruling BJP is leading in three, with its ally RLD ahead in one, as per the Election Commission (EC).</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601304"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:52:06 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP wins five seats</h3><div class="blogSysn">The BJP secured five out of the seven seats in the Rajasthan Assembly bypolls, the results of which were announced on Saturday. The Bharat Adivasi Party (BAP) claimed one seat, while the Congress was poised to win one, according to the Election Commission (EC). BJP candidates who triumphed included Rajendra Bhamboo in Jhunjhunu, Rajendra Gurjar in Deoli-Uniara, Rewant Ram Danga in Khinwsar, Shanta Amrit Lal Meena in Salumbar, and Sukhavant Singh in Ramgarh.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601154"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:45:17 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Rashtriya Lok Dal's Mithlesh Pal wins Meerapur by 30,796 votes</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601013"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:39:20 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Deen Dayal wins Dausa assembly seat by 2,300 votes</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115600788"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:28:17 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi wins Wayanad by a margin of over 4.1 lakh votes against LDF's Sathyan Mokeri</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115600754"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:27:17 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: AAP shows significant strength</h3><div class="blogSysn">The Aam Aadmi Party won three out of four byelection seats in Punjab on Saturday; while the INC won one. <br />AAP - Dera Baba Nanak, Chabbewal, Gidderbaha<br />INC - Barnala<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115600683"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:23:31 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Deen Dayal wins Dausa assembly seat by 2,300 votes</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115599870"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>04:50:12 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Sukhavant Singh wins Ramgarh by 13,636 votes</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115599528"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>04:34:47 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: UP CM Yogi Adityanath congratulates BJP workers on winning 7 out of 9 seats in bypoll</h3><div class="blogSysn">"It is a very important day today. The results of Maharashtra, Jharkhand, and By-polls in many states have come. By-polls were held at 9 seats in UP, out of which, the BJP won seven seats. The credit goes to the leadership, and guidance of PM Modi. He inspires the double-engine government to provide security, governance, and implement the public welfare schemes on the ground. This is testimony to the leadership of PM Modi. They believe that his policies, and decisions are compatible to the society," he said at a press conference.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115599050"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>04:15:02 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: 'Fight against communalism will continue,' says Palakkad INC winner Rahul Mamkootathil</h3><div class="blogSysn">"I am very happy with the result. The people of Palakkad have made their decision very clear that their fight against communalism will continue. It is a setback for both communal organisations. One is communal organisation directly, the other communal organisation is using the mask of communism. Both are the same People understood that and they had reacted to that," he told ANI.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115598898"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>04:10:25 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Chhattisgarh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Sunil Kumar Soni wins Raipur City South assembly bypoll by a margin of 46,167 votes</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115598590"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:57:23 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP candidate Rewant Ram Danga wins Khinwsar seat by 13,901 votes.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115598501"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:54:36 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Gujarat Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Swarupji Thakor wins Vav assembly bypoll in Gujarat by margin of more than 2000 votes: ECI.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115598475"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:53:18 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: NDA-BJP candidates wining UP bypolls proof of people's faith in PM Modi: Yogi</h3><div class="blogSysn">UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: With the Uttar Pradesh assembly bypoll trends and results coming in favour of NDA-BJP candidates, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said these are proof of people's unwavering faith in the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The BJP and its ally RLD are leading in six of the nine seats where bypolls were held on November 20 this week. The votes are being counted on Saturday.<br /><br />"The victory of the BJP-NDA in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly by-elections is a proof of people's unwavering faith in the successful leadership and guidance of the esteemed Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi ji," he said in a post on X in Hindi.<br /><br />"This victory is the result of security, good governance and public welfare policies of the double engine government and the tireless hard work of dedicated workers," Adityanath added, expressing gratitude to the people of the state.<br /><br />"Hearty congratulations to all the winning candidates! If we are divided we will be cut. If we stay united we will be safe," he said.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115598437"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:52:01 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">West Bengal Bypolls Election Results 2024: TMC dominates Bengal bypolls; retains 4 seats, wrests one from BJP</h3><div class="blogSysn">West Bengal Bypolls Election Results 2024: In a major triumph, the Trinamool Congress is set for a clean sweep in all six bypolls, retaining four seats, wresting Madarihat from BJP, and leading in one, further cementing its political dominance in West Bengal, even as the ongoing protests over the RG Kar incident failed to sway voters. The bypolls were held in six constituencies - Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, Sitai (SC), and Madarihat (ST) - following the resignation of sitting MLAs who had vacated their assembly seats after securing victories in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.<br /><br />These elections held on November 13 were seen as a crucial test for the ruling party amid a politically charged atmosphere, with protests over RG Kar issue intensifying. However, despite these protests, the TMC emerged victorious across the board continuing its winning streak of 2024 Lok Sabha poll victory.<br /><br />Five of the six constituencies are located in South Bengal, a TMC stronghold, while Madarihat is in the northern part of the state, which the BJP had won in 2021. The by-poll results reinforce TMC's political dominance across West Bengal.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115598081"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:40:36 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: 'I will make sure that over time, you truly feel this victory has been your victory,' tweets Priyanka Gandhi Vadra</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860261035111854545" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115597728"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:27:15 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: AAP's Hardeep Singh Dimpy Dhillon wins Punjab's Gidderbaha assembly seat, defeats Congress' Amrita Warring.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115597051"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:18:05 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">UP Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Sanjeev Sharma wins assembly bypoll from UP's Ghaziabad, Surender Diler bags Khair seat.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115597017"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:17:02 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: LDF's UR Pradeep wins Chelakkara assembly segment in Kerala</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling LDF candidate U R Pradeep won the Chelakkara Assembly bypoll in Kerala on Saturday by defeating Congress-UDF's Ramya Haridas by a margin of 12,201 votes. Pradeep, who had maintained a steady lead since the beginning of the counting, garnered 64,827 votes, while Haridas had to settle for 52,626 votes, according to Election Commission figures.<br /><br />The BJP-NDA nominee, K Balakrishnan, finished in third position with 33,609 votes, the figures showed.<br /><br />Though six candidates were in the fray in Chelakkara, the main contest was between Pradeep and Haridas.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115596729"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:07:59 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: "BJP couldn't reach the level that we expected": BJP's Wayanad LS candidate Haridas</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Wayanad Lok Sabha candidate, Navya Haridas, on Saturday expressed her dismay over the current trends of the bye polls for the parliamentary constituency of Wayanad, where she has been trailing against the Congress candidate Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.<br /><br />Haridas said that the BJP had done development-oriented campaigning for the by-elections; despite that, election turnout was very low, and the BJP was not able to reach the level that they had expected.<br /><br />"While this counting started, we were having expectations because we approached the people by speaking only about the development of Wayanad. What we can do here... This development-oriented election campaign was being done during this election. We had hoped that people would be executing their minds accordingly for development. But unfortunately, the election turnout was very low. BJP couldn't reach the level that we expected," she said.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115596588"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:03:12 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypolls Election Results 2024: SP's Naseem Solanki wins UP's Sishamau seat, defeats BJP candidate by 8,564 votes</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypolls Election Results 2024: The Samajwadi Party on Saturday retained the Sishamau assembly seat in Uttar Pradesh with its candidate Naseem Solanki defeating her nearest rival by 8,564 votes. According to the Election Commission, Solanki secured 69,714 votes while the BJP's Suresh Awasthi got 61,150 and the Bahujan Samaj Party's (BSP) Virendra Kumar 1,410. <br /><br />Solanki's husband Irfan Solanki had won the seat in 2012, 2017 and 2022.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115596559"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:01:34 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP is moving forward towards a big win, says UP BJP President, Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypolls Election Results 2024: On Uttar Pradesh by-election, UP BJP President, Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary says "The way trends are being displayed, BJP is moving forward towards a big win. I congratulate the people of Uttar Pradesh who voted for peace, security, development and betterment of the state...The agenda is to weaken the country by dividing the society in the name of caste and language and the people of Uttar Pradesh rejected that agenda. Uttar Pradesh is moving forward on PM Modi's 'Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas' formula...When Samajwadi Party wins, they will not say anything and when they lose, they will raise questions on the constitutional bodies, blame the police administration..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115595924"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>02:38:09 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Rajendra Gurjar credits the public, workers and leadership for his historic victory from Deoli-Uniara</h3><div class="blogSysn">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: After winning from Deoli-Uniara, BJP's Rajendra Gurjar says, "I was hopeful of winning right from the day I got the ticket. People had made up their minds to send me to Vidhan Sabha this time and bring facilities to the people through schemes of State and Centre. I would like to give credit to the public, workers and top leadership of the party...I had said earlier too that we will register the biggest-victory ever..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115595768"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>02:38:21 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Bharat Adivasi Party candidate Anil Kumar Katara wins Chorasi seat in Rajasthan by margin of 24,370 votes.</h3><div class="blogSysn">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Bharat Adivasi Party candidate Anil Kumar Katara won the bypoll to Chorasi assembly seat in Rajasthan by a margin of 24,370 votes on Saturday. Katara secured 89161 votes while the BJP's Karilal secured 64,791 votes. Congress candidate Mahesh Roat got 73,246 votes.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115595739"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>02:28:56 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: AAP wins 3 seats, loses its stronghold to Congress</h3><div class="blogSysn">Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: Ruling Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab succeeded in winning three of the four assembly constituencies where by elections were held on November 20.The by elections were necessitated due to four sitting MLAs winning parliamentary elections earlier this year, vacating the assembly constituencies of Barnala, Chabbewal, Dera Baba Nanak, and Gidderbaha. Out of the four seats, two each were represented by AAP and Congress, and AAP succeeded in increasing its tally.AAP won from the Chabbewal, Dera Baba Nanak, and Gidderbaha assembly constituencies, while Congress succeeded in winning from Barnala, making the score 3-1.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115595439"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>02:17:29 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypolls Election Results 2024: 'I'm happy that people of the constituency have chosen me', says Congress leader E Annapoorna</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypolls Election Results 2024: On her victory in Sandur assembly bypoll, Congress leader E Annapoorna says, " I'm happy that people of the constituency have chosen me. I'll try to meet their expectations. I along with the MP (her husband E Tukaram) will work for the betterment of the constituency. People have voted not only over our guarantees, but they considered me as one of their own, and that's why they have chosen me."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115594797"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>01:50:13 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bihar Bypolls Election Results 2024: NDA wins Imamganj seat, leads in three others</h3><div class="blogSysn">Bihar Bypolls Election Results 2024: The ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) secured victory in the Imamganj assembly seat in the Bihar by-elections. The Election Commission's trends reveal that the NDA is also leading in the remaining three constituencies where bypolls were held.<br /><br />Hindustani Awam Morcha (Secular)'s Deepa Kumari won the Imamganj seat, defeating Raushan Kumar of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) by a margin of 5,945 votes.<br /><br />As per the latest Election Commission data, BJP candidates are leading in Tarari and Ramgarh constituencies with Vishal Prashant and Ashok Kumar Singh ahead respectively. In Belaganj, JD(U)'s Manorma Devi is currently leading.<br /><br />These by-elections were conducted on November 13th in Tarari, Belaganj, Imamganj, and Ramgarh. The seats became vacant after the sitting Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs) were elected to the Lok Sabha earlier this year.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115594745"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>01:48:27 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress won all 3 seats on basis of guarantees, development: Dy CM D.K. Shivakumar</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Thanking the voters on Saturday for the Congress party’s victory on all three Assembly seats in the bye-elections, Karnataka Congress President and Deputy Chief Minister D.K. Shivakumar stated that it was a victory for guarantees, development and the leadership of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah.<br /><br />Addressing the media at the Congress headquarters in Bengaluru, Shivakumar stated on Saturday that, “Now, our numbers have gone up from 136 to 138 in the state Assembly. I won’t discuss who extended support from the Opposition internally. That will project more numbers.”<br /><br />“Our guarantees and development played a major role in the bypolls. Ultimately, criticisms perish and work remains intact. This has been proved. The voters have given a message to the Opposition to shun criticism and false propaganda. They have also given a message not to play with the emotions of people. Politics has to be carried out on the lives and livelihood of people,” Dy CM Shivakumar stated.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115594671"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>01:46:00 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP retains Behali assembly seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: The BJP on Saturday retained the Behali assembly constituency in Assam bypolls with its candidate Diganta Ghatowal defeating his nearest Congress rival Jayanta Bora by 9,051 votes, officials said. Ghatowal polled 50,947 votes while Bora secured 41,896.<br /><br />There were four candidates in the fray in the constituency, including Lakhikanta Kurmi of the CPI(ML)-L and Ananta Gogoi of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) with both losing their deposits.<br /><br />The seat was earlier held by Ranjit Dutta who was elected to the Lok Sabha from the Tezpur parliamentary seat.<br /><br />The allies of the ruling NDA were leading in three other constituencies with the BJP in Dholai (SC), AGP in Bongaigaon and UPPL in Sidli (ST) while Congress was leading in Samaguri.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115594622"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>01:42:33 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Results 2024: Win for development": Uttarakhand CM Dhami on Kedanrath bypoll trend</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Results 2024: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Saturday expressed his gratitude towards the people of the Kedarnath constituency as the BJP candidate Asha Nautiyal is leading from the seat, as per the latest trend from the Election Commission.<br /><br />The Chief Minister thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the development work carried out in the area.<br /><br />The trends emerging amid the counting of votes for by-election in Uttarakhand's Kedarnath assembly constituency show Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Asha Nautiyal leading against Congress' Manoj Rawat. According to the Election Commission of India (ECI), all 13 rounds for counting votes have concluded, projecting Nautiyal as the winner.<br /><br />He said that this win was for development and nationalism as people have rejected the politics of "delusion and lies."<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115594569"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>01:40:30 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: Hindustani Awam Morcha (Secular)'s Deepa Kumari wins Imamganj Assembly by-elections, by a margin of 5945 votes.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115594554"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>01:38:52 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Meghalaya Bypoll Election Results 2024: Meghalaya CM's wife Mehtab Chandee Agitok Sangma wins Gambegre bypoll</h3><div class="blogSysn">Meghalaya Bypoll Election Results 2024: In a boost to the ruling National People's Party (NPP) in Meghalaya, party candidate and chief minister's wife Mehtab Chandee Agitok Sangma won the Gambegre constituency bypoll by a margin of over 4,500 votes. Chandee secured 12,679 votes while her nearest candidate Sadhiarani M Sangma of AITC manage to secure 8,084 votes, followed by Congress' Jingjang M Marak with 7,695 votes.<br /><br />With this win, the NPP strength in the House increased to 32 in the 60-member Meghalaya Legislative Assembly.<br /><br />BJP's Bernard N Marak secured 710 votes whereas two independent candidates, Jerry A Sangma and Sengkrabirth M Marak, bagged 706 and 147 votes, respectively.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115594519"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>01:37:13 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress' CP Yogeeshwara wins with over 20k votes in Channapatna</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress' C.P. Yogeshwara wins Channapatna Assembly by-elections in Karnataka, by a margin of 25,413 votes. <br /><br />JD(S) Nikhil Kumaraswamy loses.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115593484"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:56:37 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress leader Kuldeep Singh Kala Dhillon wins Barnala assembly bypoll</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115593451"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:54:44 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">West Bengal Bypoll Election Results 2024: TMC wins Sitai assembly seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">West Bengal Bypoll Election Results 2024: Trinamool Congress nominee Sangita Roy won the Sitai assembly seat in West Bengal bypolls, defeating her nearest BJP rival Dipak Kumar Ray by a margin of 1,30,636 votes on Saturday, the EC said. The TMC retained the seat.<br /><br />The TMC candidate bagged 1,65,984 votes, while Ray managed 35,348.<br /><br />Congress' Harihar Roy Singha secured the third position with 9,177 votes.<br /><br />Bypolls were held in five other seats Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, and Madarihat.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115592933"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:37:15 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Navya Haridas concedes defeat, criticizes Congress for lack of development</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress' Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is leading here by a margin of 3,19,199 votes. BJP candidate Navya Haridas is trailing in third position.<br /><br />Navya Haridas says, "While this counting started, we were having expectations because we approached the people by speaking only about the development of Wayanad... This development-oriented election campaign was being done during this election. We had hoped that people will be executing their minds accordingly for development. But unfortunately, the election turnout was very low. BJP couldn't reach the level that we expected...In the last 5 years, if we see, no work was done in any sector. People of Wayanad were longing for medical college for decades but that also was not implemented...Another 5 years will also be like that. Priyanka Vadra will also be in a visiting mode to Wayanad. So, in this campaign, we were asking the people to be with us. But we couldn't win this time..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115592466"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:22:00 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">West Bengal Bypoll Election Results: 'I feel that in two seats, Taldangra and Madarihat, we can have a close fight,' says State BJP President Sukanta Majumdar</h3><div class="blogSysn">West Bengal Bypoll Election Results: On counting for West Bengal by-elections, Union Minister and State BJP President Sukanta Majumdar says "It is too early to comment on by-elections. Only one round has been completed till now, so it is better not to comment. I feel that in two seats, Taldangra and Madarihat, we can have a close fight..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115592400"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:19:48 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Madhya Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP gains lead over Congress in Budhni, Vijaypur seats</h3><div class="blogSysn">Madhya Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: The BJP is leading in the Budhni and Vijaypur assembly constituencies in Madhya Pradesh, where by-elections were held on November 13, officials said. These trends were recorded in the initial rounds of counting.<br /><br />According to an election official, BJP's Ramakant Bhargava is leading by 1,809 votes against Congress candidate Rajkumar Patel in Budhni after three rounds of counting.<br /><br />Bhargava was earlier trailing by 953 votes after the second round of counting.<br /><br />BJP candidate Ramniwas Rawat is leading by 5,001 votes against Congress Mukesh Malhotra after ten rounds of counting in the Vijaypur assembly seat.<br /><br />The Budhni seat will see 13 rounds of counting, while there will be 21 rounds in Vijaypur.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115592380"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:18:42 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bypoll Election Results 2024: Results start trickling in; here's a look at all big news &amp; newsmakers</h3><div class="blogSysn">Bypoll Election Results 2024: Initial results from by-elections held concurrently with state elections in Maharashtra and Jharkhand are revealing a diverse political landscape. The by-elections, encompassing both Lok Sabha and Assembly seats, witnessed contests in various states including Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, West Bengal, and others.<br /><br />Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, in her maiden electoral battle, established a significant lead of over one lakh votes in the Wayanad Lok Sabha constituency. "As per latest EC updates, Priyanka received 1,65,487 votes with LDF's Sathyan Mokeri at second with 56,929 and BJP's Navya Haridas third with 31,018 votes," stated the Election Commission.<br /><br />The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) displayed early strength in Uttar Pradesh, leading in five assembly seats. Meanwhile, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Congress secured leads in two assembly seats each in Punjab. In Rajasthan, the BJP, Congress, and Bharat Adivasi Party (BAP) were ahead in two seats each.<br /> <br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="">Read full story</a><br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115591875"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:15:48 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: NDA candidates ahead in six seats, SP leads in three</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: The BJP and its ally RLD were leading in six of the nine Uttar Pradesh Assembly seats where bypolls were held earlier this week while the Samajwadi Party was ahead in the remaining three, Election Commission trends showed on Saturday. The BJP was in the lead in Kundarki, Khair, Ghaziabad, Phulpur and Majhawan seats, the Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) in Meerapur and the Samajwadi Party (SP) in Karhal, Katehari and Sisamau.<br /><br />In the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls, the BJP won Phulpur, Ghaziabad, Majhawan and Khair seats and the SP secured Sisamau, Katehari, Karhal and Kundarki.<br /><br />The RLD, which was an SP ally then, won the Meerapur seat. The party has since switched sides and is now part of the BJP-led NDA.<br /><br />The Congress did not contest the bypolls and extended support to the SP, its INDIA bloc ally.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115591524"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:07:59 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Bharat Bommai trails by close to 10,000 votes in Shiggaon</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Former Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai's son Bharat Bommai is trailing with a margin of 10,000 votes in Shiggaon in Karnataka. Congress' Yasir Ahmed Khan is likely to win the by-polls.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115591473"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:06:37 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP's Ishank Kumar is leading, Congress's Ranjit Kumar is trailing from Chabbewal constituency</h3><div class="blogSysn">Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP candidate for Chabbewal assembly bypoll, Ishank Kumar offered prayers at this residence today morning on counting day<br /><br />AAP's Ishank Kumar is leading, Congress's Ranjit Kumar is trailing from the Chabbewal constituency in bypoll results<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115591294"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:59:57 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">West Bengal Bypoll Election Results 2024: TMC takes massive lead in Bengal assembly bypolls, eyes clean sweep</h3><div class="blogSysn">West Bengal Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) candidates have taken an unassailable lead in the bypolls held in the six assembly constituencies in West Bengal, with counting underway since 8 am on Saturday. These results are drawing significant attention, especially in light of the ongoing protests related to the RG Kar Medical College incident, which has sparked public outcry in the state.<br /><br />The bypolls were held in Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, Sitai (SC), and Madarihat (ST), following the resignation of sitting MLAs who had secured victories in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, thus vacating their assembly seats.<br /><br />These elections are seen as an important political test for the state's ruling party.<br /><br />In Sitai, a Scheduled Caste (SC) constituency, TMC's Sangita Roy is leading by 1,22,342 votes, 93,208 more than her nearest rival, Dipak Kumar Ray of the BJP, who has so far secured 29,134 votes.<br /><br />In Madarihat, a Scheduled Tribe (ST) seat, TMC's Jayprakash Toppo is leading by 66,315 votes, ahead of BJP's Rahul Lohar, who has received 25,165 votes. The seat was won by the BJP in the 2021 assembly polls.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115591035"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:48:53 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP leads in 2 seats</h3><div class="blogSysn">Bihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidates are leading in Tarari and Ramgarh constituencies, while the Hindustani Awam Morcha (Secular) is leading in Imamganj, and Janata Dal (United) in Belaganj, according to the information available on the Election Commission of India website.<br /><br />In Tarari, BJP's Vishal Prashant is leading by a margin of over 10,000 votes against.<br /><br />Ashok Kumar Singh is leading in Ramgarh by 705 votes over his nearest rival, Satish Kumar Singh Yadav of the BSP, after the completion of seven rounds of counting.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590987"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:46:37 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP leading in 3 seats, Congress in one</h3><div class="blogSysn">The Aam Aadmi Party was leading from Chabbewal, Gidderbaha and Dera Baba Nanak while the Congress was ahead in Barnala segment in Punjab, showed trends in the counting of votes bypolls to four Assembly segments in the state on Saturday. In Chabbewal, the AAP's Ishank Kumar Chabbewal consolidated his pole position as he was leading by 21,081 votes against his nearest rival and Congress candidate Ranjit Kumar after the 10th round of counting. The BJP's Sohan Singh Thandal was in the third spot.<br /><br />Sensing victory, Ishank's supporters have already started celebrating.<br /><br />In Gidderbaha, AAP's Hardeep Singh Dimpy Dhillon was leading by 5,976 votes against his nearest rival and Congress nominee Amrita Warring, the wife of Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh Raja Warring, after four rounds of counting.<br /><br />BJP candidate and former Punjab finance minister Manpreet Singh Badal was in the third spot.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590950"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:45:12 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Who is leading in Karnataka?</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress candidates Yasir Ahmed Khan Pathan, E Annapoorna and CP Yogeeshwara lead in Shiggaon, Sandur and Channapatna seats respectively, in Assembly by-polls in Karnataka.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590692"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:34:09 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: INC's CP Yogeeshwara leads from Channapatna by 22,063 votes</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590484"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:24:46 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress is now leading in all three seats of Karnataka</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: As per the latest trends at 11:15 am, the Congress party is leading at Channapatna, Shiggaon and Sandur assembly seats. BJP-JDS too is giving a tight fight with the leading candidates.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590461"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:23:15 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP takes lead again in Palakkad Assembly seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: The BJP-led NDA has again taken the lead from the Congress-led UDF which was ahead in the earlier rounds in the Palakkad Assembly bypoll as the counting of votes commenced on Saturday. With the counting of votes underway, BJP candidate C Krishnakumar is in the lead with 464 votes in the sixth round of the total 14 rounds of the counting, according to the Election Commission of India.<br /><br />Krishnakumar got 24,332 votes and Congress candidate Rahul Mamkootathil secured 23,868 votes.<br /><br />Mamkootathil was in the lead earlier.<br /><br />The Palakkad bypoll votes are being counted at Victoria College here, where the strong room was opened at 8 am.<br /><br />Among the 10 candidates contesting, the main contenders are Rahul Mamkootathil from the Congress-led UDF, C Krishnakumar from the BJP-led NDA, and P Sarin from the CPI(M)-led LDF.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590436"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:22:05 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: Deputy CM KP Maurya slams SP's 'PDA' as 'fraud,' predicts party's decline</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: On UP Assembly by-elections, UP Deputy CM KP Maurya says, "Akhilesh Yadav's PDA is fraud. It is 'Parivar Development Agency'. Their reality has come before the people. The lies and deceit they propagated in Lok Sabha won't work now. Samajwadi Party is going to become Samaptwadi Party. They do politics in the name of PDA. But the murderer of a Dalit daughter sits with them. This is unfortunate. So, this 2024 Vidhan Sabha by-elections are the indication of the end of a party like SP."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590382"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:20:32 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: Priyanka Gandhi leads with over 1 lakh votes in Wayanad</h3><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-219821/kerala-ls-bypoll-election-results-2024-priyanka-gandhi-leads-with-over-1-lakh-votes-in-wayanad.jpg" alt="Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: Priyanka Gandhi leads with over 1 lakh votes in Wayanad"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590252"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:15:34 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Maharashtra Bypoll Election Results 2024: As per Election Commission of India, BJP leader Dr. Santukrao Hambarde leads in Nanded parliamentary bypoll.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589682"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:51:47 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Annapoorna Tukaram is leading by 5,654 votes from Sandur</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589641"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:50:28 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bypoll Election Results 2024: Priyanka Gandhi Vadra arrives at her residence in Delhi's Khan market area</h3><div class="blogSysn">Congress leader and candidate from Wayanad parliamentary constituency, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra arrives at her residence in Delhi's Khan market area<br /><br />She is leading in Wayanad parliamentary bypoll in the constituency in Kerala<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589503"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:44:04 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Sanjeev Sharma is leading by 15,034 votes in Ghaziabad</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: In Ghaziabad, BJP's Sanjeev Sharma is leading by 15,034 votes, having secured 17,745 votes after four rounds. In Khair (SC), BJP's Surender Diler is leading by 9,120 votes, with 18,333 votes after five rounds. A total of 31 rounds remain.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589485"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:43:07 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: SP candidate Naseem Solanki is leading by 28315 votes from Sishamau seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: SP candidate Naseem Solanki is leading by 28315 votes from BJP candidate Suresh Awasthi in 8th round of counting in Sishamau seat.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589466"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:42:10 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Yasir Pathan gains small lead with 355 votes from Shiggaon</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: In the 9th round of counting for the Shiggaon bypoll, Congress candidate Yasir Pathan is leading by 355 votes. Pathan has secured 49,177 votes, while BJP's Bharath Bommai has 48,822 votes.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589407"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:40:33 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Ramveer Singh is leading by 10,968 votes from Kundarki</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: In Kundarki, BJP's Ramveer Singh is leading by 10,968 votes, having secured 13,149 votes after three rounds. A total of 32 rounds remain.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589273"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:36:05 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Tom Vadakkan accuses Congress of aligning with 'anti-national' groups amid Priyanka Gandhi's lead</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: On Wayanad Bypolls trends showing Congress' Priyanka Gandhi Vadra leading, BJP spokesperson Tom Vadakkan says, "It is not a question of who wins or loses in Wayanad. It's a question of whose support you take. Demographically, it is a particular community in strength there. Despite that, you take the support of PFI, of SDPI to win elections. These are anti-national organisations. The reality is, if you win or lose, you have done something which is anti-national because they are people who are divisive and want to create an India which is part of the deep-state plot. So, we appeal to these leaders of the Congress party - stop doing this because people of India have woken..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589222"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:33:20 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Maharashtra LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Dr Santuk Hambarde is leading</h3><div class="blogSysn">Maharashtra LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: In Maharashtra's Nanded lok sabha seat, BJP's Dr Santuk Hambarde is leading.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589130"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:30:51 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Chhattisgarh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidate leading in Raipur City South assembly bypoll</h3><div class="blogSysn">Chhattisgarh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidate Sunil Kumar Soni was leading by 785 votes over Congress rival Akash Sharma in the Raipur City South assembly bypoll in the first round of counting of votes, officials said. The counting of votes began at 8 am on Saturday, they said.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588704"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:13:24 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: Priyanka in lead by over 55,000 votes after close to 2 hrs of counting</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress-led UDF candidate Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Saturday extended her lead by over 55,000 votes after nearly two hours of counting of the ballots polled in the Wayanad Lok Sabha bypoll in Kerala, according to the Election Commission.<br /> However, TV channel reports showed Priyanka in the lead by over 70,000 votes.<br /><br /> According to figures released by the EC at around 9.50 am, Priyanka received 86,303 votes with LDF's Sathyan Mokeri at second with 26,245 and BJP's Navya Haridas third with 16,223.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588633"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:11:19 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidates ahead in four seats</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: The BJP was leading in four seats while the Samajwadi Party was ahead in two of the nine assembly seats for which bypolls were held, according to Election Commission trends on Saturday. The trends in the other three seats were yet to be reflected.<br /><br />While BJP candidates are leading in Kundarki, Khair, Sisamau and Majhawan seats, the SP candidates have an edge in Karhal and Phulpur.<br /><br />In the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls, the BJP won the Phulpur, Ghaziabad, Majhawan and Khair seats, while the SP secured victories in Sisamau, Katehari, Karhal and Kundarki.<br /><br />The Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD), which was an SP ally then, won the Meerapur seat. The party has since switched sides and is now a part of the BJP-led NDA.<br /><br />While the Congress did not contest the bypolls, it extended support to the SP, its INDIA bloc ally.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588617"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:10:08 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidate leading in Kedarnath</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Asha Nautiyal was on Saturday leading in the Kedarnath seat after the end of first round of counting, poll officials said. She was leading over Congress's Manoj Rawat<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588573"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:07:34 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling NDA allies secure early leads</h3><div class="blogSysn">Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: The ruling NDA alliance in Assam has secured early leads in four of the five assembly constituencies where bypolls were held recently, officials said on Saturday. In Behali, BJP's Diganta Ghatowal is leading by 1,091 votes over his nearest Congress rival Jayanta Bora while in Bongaigaon, AGP's Diptimayee Choudhury has taken a slender lead of 674 votes over her Congress opponent Brajenjit Singha.<br /><br />In Sidli (ST) constituency, United Peoples' Party Liberal (UPPL) candidate Nirmal Kumar Brahma is ahead of his BPF rival Suddho Kumar Basumatary by 1,089 votes.<br /><br />In Samaguri constituency, BJP's Diplu Ranjan Sarmah is leading by 1,048 votes over his Congress rival Tanzil Hussain.<br /><br />The trend of Dholai (SC) is yet to come in.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588532"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:06:29 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP leading in 3 seats, Congress ahead in one</h3><div class="blogSysn">Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: The Aam Aadmi Party was leading from Chabbewal, Gidderbaha and Dera Baba Nanak seats while Congress was ahead in the Barnala segment in Punjab, showed initial trends in the counting of votes bypolls to four Assembly segments in the state on Saturday. In Dera Baba Nanak, AAP's Hardeep Singh Dimpy Dhillon was leading by 1,044 votes against his nearest rival and Congress nominee Amrita Warring, the wife of Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh Raja Warring.<br /><br />BJP candidate and former Punjab finance minister Manpreet Singh Badal was in the third spot.<br /><br />In Chabbewal, AAP candidate Ishank Kumar Chabbewal was leading by 3,308 votes against his nearest rival and Congress candidate Ranjit Kumar after the second round of counting. The BJP's Sohan Singh Thandal was in the third spot.<br /><br />Congress candidate Kuldeep Singh Dhillon was leading by 360 votes against AAP's Harinder Singh Dhaliwal after the fourth round of counting. BJP's Kewal Dhillon was in the third spot.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588499"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:04:35 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala LS Election Results 2024: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi leads in Wayanad with over 50,000 votes</h3><div class="blogSysn">Early trend shows Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi is leading in Wayanad. As per Election Commission website, she crossed the 50,000 votes mark</div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-373291/kerala-ls-election-results-2024-congress-leader-priyanka-gandhi-leads-in-wayanad-with-over-50000-votes.jpg" alt="Kerala LS Election Results 2024: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi leads in Wayanad with over 50,000 votes"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588479"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:02:48 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: SP's Tej Pratap Yadav takes the lead by 5,670 votes over BJP's Anujesh Yadav in Karhal Assembly Bypoll</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588389"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:01:47 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: INC's Rahul Mamkootathil is leading in Palakkad with over 1176 votes</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: The Congress-led UDF has taken the lead from the BJP-led NDA which was ahead in the initial rounds in the Palakkad Assembly bypoll as the counting of votes commenced on Saturday, according to TV channels. Congress candidate Rahul Mamkootathil is in the lead with 1,228 votes as the counting entered the third round.<br /><br />However, there was no official confirmation from the Election Commission in this regard.<br /><br />BJP candidate C Krishnakumar was in the lead initially after the first round of counting, according to the Election Commission.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588350"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:57:13 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Nikhil Kumaraswamy now leading in Channapatna</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: In the 5th round of counting for the Ramanagara Channapatna by-election, JD(S) candidate Nikhil Kumaraswamy is leading with 25,649 votes, ahead of Congress candidate C.P. Yogeshwar, who has 24,343 votes. Nikhil's lead stands at 1,306 votes.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588238"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:53:00 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: On counting of votes in 9 bypolls seats in the state, BJP leader Dayashankar Singh says, "People have expressed their faith in double engine govt of PM Modi and Yogi ji. BJP is leading on 7 out of 9 seats..."</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860175820943425565" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588080"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:51:55 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends show NDA ahead in two seats, Congress in one seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypoll Election Result 2024: Shiggaon's early trends indicate that Bharat Bommai, son of former CM Basavaraj Bommai and BJP candidate, is ahead of Congress candidate Yasir Ahmed Khan Pathan.<br /><br />Congress seems to be maintaining its hold on Sandur, a constituency where the BJP has never won. Early numbers show Congress candidate Annapurna Tukaram leading BJP candidate Bangaru Hanumanthu by a significant margin.<br /><br />As per early trends, Congress' CP Yogeshwara is leading at Channapatna. Nikhil Kumaraswamy is trailing after the initial rounds of counting.<br /><br />The final results, expected by noon, are being closely watched by all major political parties in the state – Congress, BJP, and JD(S). The outcomes are expected to have implications for the ruling Congress government.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588017"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:42:15 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Punjab Bypoll Election Result 2024: AAP leading from two seats, Congress ahead in one</h3><div class="blogSysn">Punjab Bypoll Election Result 2024: The Aam Aadmi Party was leading from Barnala and Chabbewal seats while Congress was ahead in the Dera Baba Nanak segment in Punjab, showed initial trends in the counting of votes bypolls to four Assembly segments in the state on Saturday. In Chabbewal, AAP candidate Ishank Kumar was leading by 1,571 votes against his nearest rival and Congress candidate Ranjit Kumar. The BJP's Sohan Singh Thandal was in the third spot.<br /><br />The AAP's Harinder Singh Dhaliwal was leading by 846 votes against Congress candidate Kuldeep Singh Dhillon in the Barnala assembly segment. BJP's Kewal Dhillon was at the third spot.<br /><br />Congress candidate from Dera Baba Nanak Jatinder Kaur Randhawa was leading by 805 votes against her nearest rival and AAP nominee Gurdeep Singh Randhawa. BJP's Ravikaran Kahlon was at the third spot.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587956"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:39:49 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Result 2024: BJP's Asha Nautiyal is leading in the Kedarnath Assembly by-election.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587925"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:38:22 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: BJP's Rajendra Gurjar leads from Deoli-Uniara</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587873"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:36:47 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Sikkim Bypolls Election Result 2024: SKM secures uncontested wins from both seats, Namchi-Singhithang and Soreng-Chakung</h3><div class="blogSysn">Sikkim Bypolls Election Result 2024: In a rare political development, both assembly bypoll seats in Sikkim—Namchi-Singhithang and Soreng-Chakung—witnessed uncontested outcomes. Candidates Satish Chandra Rai and Aditya Golay (Tamang) of the ruling Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) emerged victorious without opposition. This significant political scenario reflects the regional party’s strong hold and the absence of competition from other political factions in the state.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587820"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:34:07 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: From Chorasi, Bharat Adivasi Party candidate, Anil Kumar Katara, has taken a strong lead against BJP's Karilal with gap of over 6000 votes.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587812"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:33:42 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: INC's Deen Dayal leads from Dausa, according to ECI</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587789"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:32:45 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: INC's Aryaan Zubair leads from Ramgarh with over 3586 votes</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587695"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:28:17 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Punjab Bypoll Election Result 2024: AAP candidate Dhaliwal leading from Barnala seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Punjab Bypoll Election Result 2024: AAP candidate Harinder Singh Dhaliwal was leading in the bypoll to Barnala assembly segment against his nearest rival the Congress' Kuldeep Singh Dhillon, the initial trend showed. Dhaliwal was leading by 634 votes while BJP's Kewal Dhillon was in the third spot.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587600"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:24:21 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: BJP's Rajendra Bhamboo leading in Jhunjhunu Assembly by-elections by a margin of 1018 votes, as per the official EC trends. Counting continues.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587465"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:30:01 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypoll Election Result 2024: Priyanka Gandhi in lead by over 35,000 votes after one hour of counting</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala Bypoll Election Result 2024: Congress-led UDF candidate Priyanka Gandhi Vadra was in the lead by over 35,000 votes after one hour of counting of the ballots polled in the Wayanad Lok Sabha bypoll in Kerala on Saturday, according to TV channel reports. According to figures released by the Election Commission, Priyanka is leading by 4,374 votes. CPI's Sathyan Mokeri is trailing with 9,555 votes while the BJP's Navya Haridas is in the third spot with 3,984 votes.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587398"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:13:57 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends in UP shows BJP leading in 6 seats, as SP claws its way back with a lead in 3 seats</h3><div class="blogSysn">Times Now has reported, that BJP has a lead in 6 seats.<br /><br />BJP+: 6<br />SP: 3<br />Oth: 0<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587313"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:10:54 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: Congress' E Annapoorna leading in Sandur Assembly by-elections by a margin of 2715 votes, as per the official EC trends. Counting continues.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587279"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:08:32 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypoll Election Result 2024: Priyanka Gandhi takes big lead with over 24000 votes from Wayanad, says TV reports</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587205"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:10:34 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: INC's E Annapoorna leads from Sandur according to ECI early trends</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587147"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:05:23 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP's Bharat Bommai leads from Shiggaon assembly seat according to ECI early trends</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586595"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:59:33 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling LDF candidate UR Pradeep leads in initial trends from Chelakkara</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling LDF candidate U R Pradeep took an initial lead of over 1,500 votes as counting of votes for the Assembly bypoll began in Kerala's Chelakkara segment here on Saturday, according to TV channel reports. However, there was no official confirmation from the Election Commission in this regard.<br /><br />Pradeep, a former MLA of the CPI(M), got a lead as postal votes were counted initially, it said.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586589"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:58:31 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends in UP shows Yogi's BJP leading in 8 seats</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Times Now has reported, that BJP has gained a lead in 8 seats.<br /><br />BJP+: 8<br />SP: 1<br />Oth: 0<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586533"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:55:48 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: TMC ahead in three of six seats</h3><div class="blogSysn">Bengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: The TMC was ahead of its rivals in three of the six Assembly seats as counting of postal ballots for the West Bengal bypolls was underway, TV channels reported on Saturday. The counting of votes began at 8 am.<br /><br />The constituencies that went to the polls are Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, Sitai (SC), and Madarihat (ST).<br /><br />Bengali news channel ABP Ananda reported that TMC was leading in Naihati constituency in North 24 Parganas and Taldangra constituency in Bankura.<br /><br />Another Bengali news channel News 18 Bangla reported that TMC was leading in Naihati and Haroa seats.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586517"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:54:39 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: Congress takes lead by 2,586 votes in Sandur</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: In the first round of counting for the Sandur bypoll, Congress candidate Annapoorna Tukaram has taken the lead by 2,586 votes. The current tally stands at Congress: 6,959 votes, BJP candidate Bangaru Hanumanth: 4,373 votes.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586207"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:40:53 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypoll Election Results 2024: Counting of postal ballots underway in Dausa.</h3><div class="blogSysn">Rajasthan Bypoll Election Results 2024: Counting of postal ballots underway in Dausa. Polling was held on November 13 in Jhunjhunu, Ramgarh, Dausa, Deoli-Uniara, Khinvsar, Salumbar and Chaurasi and results will be declared after counting today.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586185"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:39:26 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">West Bengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting votes is underway for Naihati bypoll in North 24 Paraganas, West Bengal; Visuals from outside the counting centre</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860158413952680243" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586155"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:37:49 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends in UP shows Yogi's BJP leading in 6 seats</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: According to Times Now, Yogi's BJP has gained a lead in 6 seats<br /><br />BJP+: 6<br />SP: 3<br />Oth: 0<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586061"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:33:29 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: District administration and election officials all set for counting of votes for Channapattana constituency bypoll, at Government Engineering College, Ramanagara</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860156310924468514" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585893"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:33:45 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Times Now early trends show BJP, SP neck and neck</h3><div class="blogSysn">Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: According to Times Now<br /><br /><ul><li>BJP+: 4</li><li>SP: 4 </li><li>Oth: 0</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585842"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:23:01 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bihar Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes began for bypolls to four assembly constituencies in Bihar: Official</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585798"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:21:53 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes begins for bypolls on seven assembly seats in Rajasthan</h3><div class="blogSysn">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes for bypolls on seven assembly seats in Rajasthan began on Saturday amid tight security arrangements. The counting began at 8 am, an official of the election department said.<br /><br />Polling was held on November 13 in Jhunjhunu, Ramgarh, Dausa, Deoli-Uniara, Khinvsar, Salumbar and Chaurasi and results will be declared after counting today.<br /><br />The counting of postal ballot started first at 8 am. After this, counting of votes from EVM machines will start.<br /><br />Counting of EVM votes of Jhunjhunu and Salumbar assembly constituencies will be completed in 22 rounds each, Ramgarh in 21 rounds, Deoli-Uniara and Khinvsar assembly constituencies in 20 rounds each, Dausa and Chaurasi in 18 rounds each.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585761"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:20:41 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Assam Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes for five Assam assembly constituencies begins</h3><div class="blogSysn">Assam Bypolls Election Result 2024: The counting of votes for five assembly constituencies in Assam, where by-elections were held on November 13, began at 8 AM on Saturday, officials said.<br /><br />Additional security forces have been deployed outside the polling stations in Dholai, Samaguri, Behali, Bongaigaon and Sidli assembly constituencies Thirty-four candidates are in the fray.<br /><br />The counting of votes for the Dholai assembly constituency began at the Inter State Truck Terminal of Ramnagar, for Sidli at the District Centre of Kajalgaon, for Bongaigaon at Bongaigaon College, and for Behali and Samaguri constituencies at their respective district commissioner's Office.<br /><br />Bypolls were held in the five assembly constituencies as these fell vacant following the election of their MLAs to the Lok Sabha earlier this year.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585630"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:14:30 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bypolls Election Result Live Updates: Vote counting begins for crucial bypolls across 13 states</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585624"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:14:18 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">West Bengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: TMC candidate from Medinipur, Sujoy Hazra says "During the campaigning, we saw that the public was in our support. It is clear that we are going to win with a huge majority."</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115584983"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:42:33 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP's Navya Haridas highlights development agenda, criticizes Rahul Gandhi's exit</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala Bypolls Election Result 2024: Ahead of elections results, BJP candidate for Wayanad bypoll, Navya Haridas says, "...Last time Rahul Gandhi had won from Wayanad but he rejected this Mandal and retained Rae Bareli. This time the voting percentage came down as they were not in the mood to face the election after the landslide incident. If people need development in Wayanad, then they would select NDA..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115584921"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:38:25 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Chhattisgarh Bypolls Election Result 2024: Congress candidate Akash Sharma confident of winning on promise of change</h3><div class="blogSysn">Chhattisgarh Bypolls Election Result 2024: Ahead of the counting of votes for Raipur South Assembly by-elections, Congress candidate Akash Sharma says, "Since the day Congress gave me the ticket I have been saying just one thing - these elections will not decide the PM of the country or CM of the state but the MLA of Raipur South. These elections were an election of active vs dormant...In Raipur South, which has been the base of BJP, people are still devoid of basic facilities...I am confident that people have voted for change this time."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115584192"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:55:15 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Result 2024: "BJP will emerge victorious in the bypolls held in Rajasthan": Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Rajasthan Bypolls Election Result 2024: Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat on Friday expressed confidence in the BJP, asserting that the party would emerge victorious in the recently held bypolls in Rajasthan.<br /><br />The bypolls in Rajasthan, conducted on seven seats, including Jhunjhunu, Dausa, Deoli-Uniara, Khinwsar, Chorasi, Salumbar, and Ramgarh, took place on November 20. These elections were necessitated by the deaths of two MLAs and the election of five others to the Lok Sabha.<br /><br />Speaking to the media on Friday, Shekhawat said, "The double-engine government of the BJP has undertaken significant development work in the past year in Rajasthan. BJP will emerge victorious in the elections."<br /><br />Of these seven seats, five were previously held by the Congress and its allies (one by the Bharat Adivasi Party), while the BJP and Rashtriya Loktantrik Party (RLP) held one each.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115584018"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:43:40 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">UP Bypolls Election Result 2024: First major battle after Lok Sabha election</h3><div class="blogSysn">UP Bypolls Election Result 2024: The counting of votes for the bypolls to nine Assembly segments in Uttar Pradesh will be taken up at 8 am on Saturday amid tight security arrangements, officials said. While the results of the bypolls will not directly impact the composition of the 403-member state Assembly, the contest is being seen as the first major face-off between the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its political rivals since the Lok Sabha election held earlier in April-May.<br /><br />The nine constituencies -- ”Meerapur, Kundarki, Sisamau, Katehari, Phulpur, Majhawan, Ghaziabad, Karhal and Khair -- saw intense campaigning by the BJP, Samajwadi Party (SP) and other regional parties. Political tension has been running high in the run-up to the counting, with both the BJP and the opposition parties accusing each other of election malpractices.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115583998"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:42:27 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: Outcome crucial for both ruling and oppn camps</h3><div class="blogSysn">Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: The counting of votes for the high stake by-polls to three Assembly segments in Karnataka, which witnessed a fierce fight between the ruling Congress and a combative BJP-JD(S) alliance, will take place on Saturday. By-election to Sandur, Shiggaon and Channapatna Assembly segments were held on November 13 and the outcome is crucial for either camps.<br /><br />A Congress show will be seen as an endorsement of both Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and his deputy DK Shivakumar while BJP's good show would mean the silencing of its state president BY Vijayendra's critics within the saffron organisation fold.<br /><br />For JD(S) leader HD Kumaraswamy, it will be a battle of prestige as his son Nikhil is testing his electoral fortunes from Channapatna after tasting defeats in earlier contests. Kumaraswamy had vacated the seat after being elected to the Lok Sabha in this year's elections.<br /><br />The counting of votes will begin at 8 am in three centres (one each in three segments) and poll officials expect a clear picture about the outcome to emerge by mid-day.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115583975"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:41:31 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kerala Bypolls Election Result 2024: Priyanka Gandhi's electoral fortunes to be known today</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kerala Bypolls Election Result 2024: Elaborate arrangements have been made for the counting of votes polled in the three bypolls in the state-Wayanad Lok Sabha and the Palakkad and Chelakkara Assembly seats-scheduled for today, with all eyes on Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra who has made her electoral debut from the southern state. The counting will begin at 8 a.m. on November 23, with postal ballots being counted first, according to officials.<br /><br />The Wayanad seat has attracted national attention due to the electoral debut of Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who is contesting against CPI veteran Sathyan Mokeri and BJP's Navya Haridas.<br /><br />Vadra hopes to succeed her brother Rahul Gandhi, who vacated the seat following his decision to remain in the Rae Bareli constituency after winning the two seats in this year's elections. He had won from here in 2019 and his resignation necessitated the by-poll.<br /><br />The Palakkad bypoll votes will be counted at Victoria College, Palakkad.<br /><br />Among the 10 candidates contesting, the main contenders are Rahul Mamkootathil from the Congress-led UDF, C Krishnakumar from the BJP-led NDA, and P Sarin from the CPI(M)-led LDF.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115583905"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:36:47 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting for Wayanad Lok Sabha by-elections to take place today</h3><div class="blogSysn">Counting for Wayanad Lok Sabha by-elections to take place today. The constituency saw a contest between Congress' Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and BJP's Navya Haridas. <br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115583890"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:35:54 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP confident of victory amid shift in Christian minority votes, says BJP candidate C Krishnakumar</h3><div class="blogSysn">Bypolls Election Result 2024: Kerala: Ahead of the counting of votes for Palakkad Assembly by-election, BJP candidate C Krishnakumar says, "...It has created a very good thing in the favour of BJP. Christian minority usually votes for UDF in the past elections. Now, they have shifted their loyalty to BJP...I have been in the public field, so people know about me. They know about BJP in Palakkad...We will definitely win the election with a thumping margin."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115583849"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:31:50 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Bypolls Election Result 2024: Vote counting to begin for crucial bypolls across 13 states</h3><div class="blogSysn">Bypolls Election Result 2024: The counting of votes for bypolls to 46 Assembly seats in 13 states and two Lok Sabha constituencies, Wayanad in Kerala and Nanded in Maharashtra, will begin at 8 a.m. today. These bypolls, held in two phases, are considered a significant political exercise following the Lok Sabha elections earlier this year, as they reflect public sentiment ahead of future polls.<br /><br /><b>Spotlight on Wayanad: Priyanka Gandhi’s Electoral Debut</b><br />Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is making her electoral debut from the Wayanad Lok Sabha constituency, vacated by her brother Rahul Gandhi. Wayanad has historically been a Congress stronghold. Priyanka is contesting against CPI’s Sathyan Mokeri and BJP’s Navya Haridas. Both Rahul and Priyanka campaigned extensively in the region. The outcome here will be pivotal in shaping Congress’s influence in Kerala and the broader southern political landscape.<br /><br /><b>Uttar Pradesh: A Test of Strength for BJP and SP</b><br />Nine Assembly constituencies in Uttar Pradesh, including Ghaziabad, Karhal, and Phulpur, went to polls on November 20. While the results will not alter the composition of the 403-member state Assembly, this is the first major electoral battle between the BJP and the Samajwadi Party (SP) since the Lok Sabha polls.<br /><br />Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath led an intensive campaign to consolidate BJP’s voter base. Meanwhile, SP president Akhilesh Yadav expressed confidence, stating, “The bypoll results will be in favour of our party.” Accusations of electoral malpractices surfaced, with SP alleging that the BJP misused government machinery to hinder voters. Reports of voter suppression led to the suspension of five police officers.<br /><br /><b>Rajasthan: Litmus Test for Congress Government</b><br />Seven Assembly seats in Rajasthan, including Jhunjhunu and Salumbar, also went to bypolls. These elections are critical for Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot’s Congress government as it approaches state elections next year. A senior election official confirmed that a three-tier security arrangement was implemented for vote counting.<br /><br /><b>Punjab: AAP Faces Opposition Challenges</b><br />Four Assembly constituencies in Punjab, including Gidderbaha and Dera Baba Nanak, witnessed triangular contests among the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Congress, and BJP. The bypolls, necessitated after legislators were elected to the Lok Sabha, are seen as a performance test for AAP Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann’s government, which is midway through its term.<br /><br /><b>Other Key Contests Across States</b><br />In Karnataka, three Assembly seats, including Channapatna, were fiercely contested. The seat drew attention as Nikhil Kumaraswamy, son of JD(S) leader and former Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy, sought to reclaim political ground after earlier defeats.<br /><br />Bypolls were also held in six Assembly constituencies in West Bengal, where the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) sought to defend its stronghold, while BJP aimed to consolidate its presence in northern regions like Madarihat. Similarly, voters turned out for crucial elections in Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat.<br /><br />The bypolls covered 46 Assembly seats and two Lok Sabha constituencies, reflecting the diverse political dynamics across India. For instance, the BJP faced a setback earlier this year in Uttar Pradesh’s Lok Sabha polls, winning only 33 seats to SP’s 37. With an eye on 2027 state elections, both parties are keen to test their strategies.<br /><br />The Congress has extended support to the SP in Uttar Pradesh but did not field candidates there. Meanwhile, smaller parties like the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) contested independently in key constituencies, adding complexity to the multi-cornered battles.<br /><br />In Punjab, the bypolls have set the stage for a showdown between AAP, Congress, and BJP, with each party seeking to expand its influence. Rajasthan and West Bengal continue to be critical battlegrounds for state-level and national politics.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div></div></div><noscript><div class="clr"></div><div class="pagination1"><div class="pageno"><em class="active">1</em> <em><a href="/news/newsblogs/up-wayanad-bypolls-election-results-2024-live-updates-punjab-karnataka-west-bengal-uttarakhand-bypolls-vote-counts/liveblog/msid-115583827,curpg-2.cms">2</a></em> <em><a href="/news/newsblogs/up-wayanad-bypolls-election-results-2024-live-updates-punjab-karnataka-west-bengal-uttarakhand-bypolls-vote-counts/liveblog/msid-115583827,curpg-3.cms">3</a></em> </div><em class="last"><a href="/news/newsblogs/up-wayanad-bypolls-election-results-2024-live-updates-punjab-karnataka-west-bengal-uttarakhand-bypolls-vote-counts/liveblog/msid-115583827,curpg-2.cms">NEXT</a></em></div></noscript><div class="clr"></div><div class="clearfix relatedTopics"><b>Read more on</b><span class="readanchore"><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore1"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>bypoll results 2024</div><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore2"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>bypoll elections</div><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore3"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>bypolls election live updates</div><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore4"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>bypoll elections results live</div><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore5"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>punjab</div><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore6"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>west bengal</div><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore7"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>karnataka</div><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore8"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>assam</div><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore9"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>madhya pradesh</div><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore10"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>priyanaka gandhi</div></span></div><div id="defaultCommentForm" style="margin-left:0"><form method="post" class="cmtForm" id="commentOnArticle0" name="commentOnArticle0"><div class="subhead">Have something to say? 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The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats—a loss of six from previous results.", "author": "Economic Times", "sameAs": "", "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "about": { "@type": "Event", "name": "Bypolls Election Results 2024 Highlights: BJP, allies make strong gains; Congress sees mixed results - The Economic Times", "startDate":"2024-11-23T06:31:49+05:30", "description":"Bypolls Election Results 2024 Highlights: In the assembly bypolls held across 13 states, the BJP and its allies emerged as the dominant force, winning 26 out of 46 seats, including key victories in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats—a loss of six from previous results.", "endDate": "2024-11-24T00:52:08+05:30", "eventStatus":"Over", "image":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4,imgsize-64674/up-wayanad-bypolls-election-results-2024-live-updates-punjab-karnataka-west-bengal-uttarakhand-bypolls-vote-counts.jpg", "location": { "address":"India", "name": "India" } }, "liveBlogUpdate": [ { "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Today's highlights", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-24T00:50:17+05:30", "articleBody": "Today's highlightsBJP and allies' performance: BJP and its allies won 26 out of 46 seats, gaining 9 seats compared to previous results. Uttar Pradesh: BJP secured 7 out of 9 seats, strengthening their hold ahead of upcoming state elections. Bihar: NDA (BJP and allies) swept 4 assembly segments, retaining Imamganj (HAM) and winning Tarari (BJP), Ramgarh (BJP), and Belaganj (JD-U) from the INDIA bloc. Rajasthan: BJP won crucial bypoll seats. Trinamool Congress (TMC) wins in West Bengal: TMC swept all six contested seats, maintaining its dominance under Mamata Banerjee. Other party performance: Congress: Won 7 seats, losing 6 compared to previous results. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP): Won 3 seats. Samajwadi Party (SP): Won 2 seats. LDF (Kerala): Secured 1 seat. BAP (Rajasthan): Won 1 seat. Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM): Won both unopposed seats in Sikkim. Lok Sabha bypolls: Priyanka Gandhi (Congress) won Wayanad seat in Kerala with over 4.1 lakh votes, defeating CPI(M)-led LDF’s Sathyan Mokeri. Nanded (Maharashtra): BJP won, defeating Congress." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-24T00:50:17+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP, allies make strong gains; Congress sees mixed results", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T22:03:07+05:30", "articleBody": "Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP, allies make strong gains; Congress sees mixed resultsIn the assembly bypolls held across 13 states, the BJP and its allies emerged as the dominant force, winning 26 out of 46 seats, including key victories in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats—a loss of six from previous results. The BJP strengthened its position in Uttar Pradesh, securing seven of nine seats, and made gains in Rajasthan with five of seven seats. In Punjab, the AAP wrested key constituencies from Congress, while Bihar's NDA swept all four assembly segments, boosting the ruling alliance ahead of the 2024 elections. Other notable outcomes included Congress's victories in Karnataka, Kerala, and Meghalaya, while the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) won two seats unopposed in Sikkim. Despite setbacks in some states like Madhya Pradesh, where Congress retained Vijaypur, the bypolls underscored the shifting dynamics in the run-up to the next general elections." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T22:03:07+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Maharashtra Bypoll Election Results 2024 Congress candidate Ravindra Chavan wins Nanded, defeating Santukrao H", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T21:54:39+05:30", "articleBody": "Maharashtra Bypoll Election Results 2024 Congress candidate Ravindra Chavan wins Nanded, defeating Santukrao Hambarde by 1,457 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T21:54:39+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Diplu Ranjan Sarmah wrests Samaguri seat from Congress, defeating Ta", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T19:52:24+05:30", "articleBody": "Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Diplu Ranjan Sarmah wrests Samaguri seat from Congress, defeating Tanzil Hussain by 24,501 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T19:52:24+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Ramveer Singh wins Kundarki by defeating nearest rival Mohammad Rizwan", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T19:03:20+05:30", "articleBody": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Ramveer Singh wins Kundarki by defeating nearest rival Mohammad Rizwan of SP by margin of over 1.44 lakh votes." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T19:03:20+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: Boost for UDF, relief for LDF, setback for BJP-NDA", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:42:37+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: Boost for UDF, relief for LDF, setback for BJP-NDAThe results of the bypolls for the Wayanad Lok Sabha seat and two Assembly constituencies in Kerala have provided a significant boost to the Congress-led UDF, offered some relief to the ruling CPI(M)-headed LDF, and delivered a setback to the BJP-led NDA. In a blow to the BJP, the Left improved its performance in Wayanad, narrowing the gap with the party. Additionally, in a key Assembly bypoll, CPI(M) candidate U R Pradeep triumphed in Chelakkara, defeating Congress-led UDF's Ramya Haridas by a margin of 12,201 votes, further strengthening the LDF's position." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:42:37+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Madhya Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP nominee Ramakant Bhargava defeats Congress rival Rajkumar Pat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:26:41+05:30", "articleBody": "Madhya Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP nominee Ramakant Bhargava defeats Congress rival Rajkumar Patel in Budhni" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:26:41+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP draws blank", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:20:58+05:30", "articleBody": "Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP draws blank" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:20:58+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Shuchismita Maurya wins Majhawan by 4,922 votes", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:13:40+05:30", "articleBody": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Shuchismita Maurya wins Majhawan by 4,922 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:13:40+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "West Bengal Bypolls Election Results 2024: TMC dominates, retains five seats and captures Madarihat from BJP", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:08:50+05:30", "articleBody": "West Bengal Bypolls Election Results 2024: TMC dominates, retains five seats and captures Madarihat from BJPThe Trinamool Congress (TMC) triumphed in the West Bengal bypolls on Saturday, successfully retaining five of the six contested seats and securing a key victory in Madarihat, which it wrested from the BJP. The results further solidify the TMC's political dominance in the state, despite ongoing protests over the RG Kar incident failing to influence voters. The bypolls, held in six constituencies—Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, Sitai (SC), and Madarihat (ST)—were triggered by the resignation of MLAs who vacated their assembly seats after winning in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:08:50+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Dharmraj Nishad wins Katehari, defeats Samajwadi Party's Shobhawati Va", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:06:38+05:30", "articleBody": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Dharmraj Nishad wins Katehari, defeats Samajwadi Party's Shobhawati Varma by a margin of 34,514 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:06:38+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP bags three assembly seats, SP wins two", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:06:10+05:30", "articleBody": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP bags three assembly seats, SP wins twoThe BJP won three of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly bypolls—securing Ghaziabad, Khair, and Phulpur—while the Samajwadi Party (SP) claimed Sishamau and Karhal, according to the results announced on Saturday. Of the nine seats contested in the bypolls held on November 20, the ruling BJP is leading in three, with its ally RLD ahead in one, as per the Election Commission (EC)." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:06:10+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP wins five seats", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:52:06+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP wins five seatsThe BJP secured five out of the seven seats in the Rajasthan Assembly bypolls, the results of which were announced on Saturday. The Bharat Adivasi Party (BAP) claimed one seat, while the Congress was poised to win one, according to the Election Commission (EC). BJP candidates who triumphed included Rajendra Bhamboo in Jhunjhunu, Rajendra Gurjar in Deoli-Uniara, Rewant Ram Danga in Khinwsar, Shanta Amrit Lal Meena in Salumbar, and Sukhavant Singh in Ramgarh." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:52:06+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Rashtriya Lok Dal's Mithlesh Pal wins Meerapur by 30,796 votes", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:45:17+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Rashtriya Lok Dal's Mithlesh Pal wins Meerapur by 30,796 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:45:17+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Deen Dayal wins Dausa assembly seat by 2,300 votes", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:39:20+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Deen Dayal wins Dausa assembly seat by 2,300 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:39:20+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi wins Wayanad by a margin of over 4.1 lak", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:28:17+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi wins Wayanad by a margin of over 4.1 lakh votes against LDF's Sathyan Mokeri" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:28:17+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: AAP shows significant strength", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:27:17+05:30", "articleBody": "Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: AAP shows significant strengthThe Aam Aadmi Party won three out of four byelection seats in Punjab on Saturday; while the INC won one. AAP - Dera Baba Nanak, Chabbewal, Gidderbaha INC - Barnala" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:27:17+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Deen Dayal wins Dausa assembly seat by 2,300 votes", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:23:31+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Deen Dayal wins Dausa assembly seat by 2,300 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:23:31+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Sukhavant Singh wins Ramgarh by 13,636 votes", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T16:50:11+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Sukhavant Singh wins Ramgarh by 13,636 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T16:50:11+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: UP CM Yogi Adityanath congratulates BJP workers on winning 7 out of 9 seats ", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T16:34:47+05:30", "articleBody": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: UP CM Yogi Adityanath congratulates BJP workers on winning 7 out of 9 seats in bypollIt is a very important day today. The results of Maharashtra, Jharkhand, and By-polls in many states have come. By-polls were held at 9 seats in UP, out of which, the BJP won seven seats. The credit goes to the leadership, and guidance of PM Modi. He inspires the double-engine government to provide security, governance, and implement the public welfare schemes on the ground. This is testimony to the leadership of PM Modi. They believe that his policies, and decisions are compatible to the society, he said at a press conference." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T16:34:47+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: 'Fight against communalism will continue,' says Palakkad INC winner Rahu", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T16:15:01+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: 'Fight against communalism will continue,' says Palakkad INC winner Rahul MamkootathilI am very happy with the result. The people of Palakkad have made their decision very clear that their fight against communalism will continue. It is a setback for both communal organisations. One is communal organisation directly, the other communal organisation is using the mask of communism. Both are the same People understood that and they had reacted to that, he told ANI." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T16:15:01+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Chhattisgarh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Sunil Kumar Soni wins Raipur City South assembly bypoll by a ", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T16:10:25+05:30", "articleBody": "Chhattisgarh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Sunil Kumar Soni wins Raipur City South assembly bypoll by a margin of 46,167 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T16:10:25+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP candidate Rewant Ram Danga wins Khinwsar seat by 13,901 votes.", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:57:22+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP candidate Rewant Ram Danga wins Khinwsar seat by 13,901 votes." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:57:22+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Gujarat Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Swarupji Thakor wins Vav assembly bypoll in Gujarat by margin of ", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:54:36+05:30", "articleBody": "Gujarat Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Swarupji Thakor wins Vav assembly bypoll in Gujarat by margin of more than 2000 votes: ECI." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:54:36+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: NDA-BJP candidates wining UP bypolls proof of people's faith in PM Modi: Yog", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:53:18+05:30", "articleBody": "UP Bypolls Election Results 2024: NDA-BJP candidates wining UP bypolls proof of people's faith in PM Modi: YogiUP Bypolls Election Results 2024: With the Uttar Pradesh assembly bypoll trends and results coming in favour of NDA-BJP candidates, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said these are proof of people's unwavering faith in the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The BJP and its ally RLD are leading in six of the nine seats where bypolls were held on November 20 this week. The votes are being counted on Saturday. The victory of the BJP-NDA in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly by-elections is a proof of people's unwavering faith in the successful leadership and guidance of the esteemed Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi ji, he said in a post on X in Hindi. This victory is the result of security, good governance and public welfare policies of the double engine government and the tireless hard work of dedicated workers, Adityanath added, expressing gratitude to the people of the state. Hearty congratulations to all the winning candidates! If we are divided we will be cut. If we stay united we will be safe, he said." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:53:18+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "West Bengal Bypolls Election Results 2024: TMC dominates Bengal bypolls; retains 4 seats, wrests one from BJP", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:52:00+05:30", "articleBody": "West Bengal Bypolls Election Results 2024: TMC dominates Bengal bypolls; retains 4 seats, wrests one from BJPWest Bengal Bypolls Election Results 2024: In a major triumph, the Trinamool Congress is set for a clean sweep in all six bypolls, retaining four seats, wresting Madarihat from BJP, and leading in one, further cementing its political dominance in West Bengal, even as the ongoing protests over the RG Kar incident failed to sway voters. The bypolls were held in six constituencies - Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, Sitai (SC), and Madarihat (ST) - following the resignation of sitting MLAs who had vacated their assembly seats after securing victories in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. These elections held on November 13 were seen as a crucial test for the ruling party amid a politically charged atmosphere, with protests over RG Kar issue intensifying. However, despite these protests, the TMC emerged victorious across the board continuing its winning streak of 2024 Lok Sabha poll victory. Five of the six constituencies are located in South Bengal, a TMC stronghold, while Madarihat is in the northern part of the state, which the BJP had won in 2021. The by-poll results reinforce TMC's political dominance across West Bengal." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:52:00+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: 'I will make sure that over time, you truly feel this victory has been y", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:40:35+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypolls Election Results 2024: 'I will make sure that over time, you truly feel this victory has been your victory,' tweets Priyanka Gandhi Vadra" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:40:35+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: AAP's Hardeep Singh Dimpy Dhillon wins Punjab's Gidderbaha assembly seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:27:14+05:30", "articleBody": "Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: AAP's Hardeep Singh Dimpy Dhillon wins Punjab's Gidderbaha assembly seat, defeats Congress' Amrita Warring." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:27:14+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "UP Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Sanjeev Sharma wins assembly bypoll from UP's Ghaziabad, Surender Diler", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:18:04+05:30", "articleBody": "UP Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Sanjeev Sharma wins assembly bypoll from UP's Ghaziabad, Surender Diler bags Khair seat." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:18:04+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: LDF's UR Pradeep wins Chelakkara assembly segment in Kerala", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:17:02+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: LDF's UR Pradeep wins Chelakkara assembly segment in KeralaKerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling LDF candidate U R Pradeep won the Chelakkara Assembly bypoll in Kerala on Saturday by defeating Congress-UDF's Ramya Haridas by a margin of 12,201 votes. Pradeep, who had maintained a steady lead since the beginning of the counting, garnered 64,827 votes, while Haridas had to settle for 52,626 votes, according to Election Commission figures. The BJP-NDA nominee, K Balakrishnan, finished in third position with 33,609 votes, the figures showed. Though six candidates were in the fray in Chelakkara, the main contest was between Pradeep and Haridas." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:17:02+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP couldn't reach the level that we expected: BJP's Wayanad LS candidate", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:07:58+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP couldn't reach the level that we expected: BJP's Wayanad LS candidate HaridasKerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Wayanad Lok Sabha candidate, Navya Haridas, on Saturday expressed her dismay over the current trends of the bye polls for the parliamentary constituency of Wayanad, where she has been trailing against the Congress candidate Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. Haridas said that the BJP had done development-oriented campaigning for the by-elections; despite that, election turnout was very low, and the BJP was not able to reach the level that they had expected. While this counting started, we were having expectations because we approached the people by speaking only about the development of Wayanad. What we can do here... This development-oriented election campaign was being done during this election. We had hoped that people would be executing their minds accordingly for development. But unfortunately, the election turnout was very low. BJP couldn't reach the level that we expected, she said." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:07:58+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypolls Election Results 2024: SP's Naseem Solanki wins UP's Sishamau seat, defeats BJP candidat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:03:12+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypolls Election Results 2024: SP's Naseem Solanki wins UP's Sishamau seat, defeats BJP candidate by 8,564 votesUttar Pradesh Bypolls Election Results 2024: The Samajwadi Party on Saturday retained the Sishamau assembly seat in Uttar Pradesh with its candidate Naseem Solanki defeating her nearest rival by 8,564 votes. According to the Election Commission, Solanki secured 69,714 votes while the BJP's Suresh Awasthi got 61,150 and the Bahujan Samaj Party's (BSP) Virendra Kumar 1,410. Solanki's husband Irfan Solanki had won the seat in 2012, 2017 and 2022." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:03:12+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP is moving forward towards a big win, says UP BJP President, B", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:01:34+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP is moving forward towards a big win, says UP BJP President, Bhupendra Singh ChaudharyUttar Pradesh Bypolls Election Results 2024: On Uttar Pradesh by-election, UP BJP President, Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary says The way trends are being displayed, BJP is moving forward towards a big win. I congratulate the people of Uttar Pradesh who voted for peace, security, development and betterment of the state...The agenda is to weaken the country by dividing the society in the name of caste and language and the people of Uttar Pradesh rejected that agenda. Uttar Pradesh is moving forward on PM Modi's 'Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas' formula...When Samajwadi Party wins, they will not say anything and when they lose, they will raise questions on the constitutional bodies, blame the police administration..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:01:34+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Rajendra Gurjar credits the public, workers and leadership for ", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T14:36:52+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: BJP's Rajendra Gurjar credits the public, workers and leadership for his historic victory from Deoli-UniaraRajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: After winning from Deoli-Uniara, BJP's Rajendra Gurjar says, I was hopeful of winning right from the day I got the ticket. People had made up their minds to send me to Vidhan Sabha this time and bring facilities to the people through schemes of State and Centre. I would like to give credit to the public, workers and top leadership of the party...I had said earlier too that we will register the biggest-victory ever..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T14:36:52+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Bharat Adivasi Party candidate Anil Kumar Katara wins Chorasi seat in", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T14:30:25+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Bharat Adivasi Party candidate Anil Kumar Katara wins Chorasi seat in Rajasthan by margin of 24,370 votes.Rajasthan Bypolls Election Results 2024: Bharat Adivasi Party candidate Anil Kumar Katara won the bypoll to Chorasi assembly seat in Rajasthan by a margin of 24,370 votes on Saturday. Katara secured 89161 votes while the BJP's Karilal secured 64,791 votes. Congress candidate Mahesh Roat got 73,246 votes." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T14:30:25+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: AAP wins 3 seats, loses its stronghold to Congress", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T14:28:55+05:30", "articleBody": "Punjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: AAP wins 3 seats, loses its stronghold to CongressPunjab Bypolls Election Results 2024: Ruling Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab succeeded in winning three of the four assembly constituencies where by elections were held on November 20.The by elections were necessitated due to four sitting MLAs winning parliamentary elections earlier this year, vacating the assembly constituencies of Barnala, Chabbewal, Dera Baba Nanak, and Gidderbaha. Out of the four seats, two each were represented by AAP and Congress, and AAP succeeded in increasing its tally.AAP won from the Chabbewal, Dera Baba Nanak, and Gidderbaha assembly constituencies, while Congress succeeded in winning from Barnala, making the score 3-1." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T14:28:55+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Results 2024: 'I'm happy that people of the constituency have chosen me', says Cong", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T14:17:28+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Results 2024: 'I'm happy that people of the constituency have chosen me', says Congress leader E AnnapoornaKarnataka Bypolls Election Results 2024: On her victory in Sandur assembly bypoll, Congress leader E Annapoorna says, I'm happy that people of the constituency have chosen me. I'll try to meet their expectations. I along with the MP (her husband E Tukaram) will work for the betterment of the constituency. People have voted not only over our guarantees, but they considered me as one of their own, and that's why they have chosen me." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T14:17:28+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bihar Bypolls Election Results 2024: NDA wins Imamganj seat, leads in three others", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T13:50:13+05:30", "articleBody": "Bihar Bypolls Election Results 2024: NDA wins Imamganj seat, leads in three othersBihar Bypolls Election Results 2024: The ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) secured victory in the Imamganj assembly seat in the Bihar by-elections. The Election Commission's trends reveal that the NDA is also leading in the remaining three constituencies where bypolls were held. Hindustani Awam Morcha (Secular)'s Deepa Kumari won the Imamganj seat, defeating Raushan Kumar of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) by a margin of 5,945 votes. As per the latest Election Commission data, BJP candidates are leading in Tarari and Ramgarh constituencies with Vishal Prashant and Ashok Kumar Singh ahead respectively. In Belaganj, JD(U)'s Manorma Devi is currently leading. These by-elections were conducted on November 13th in Tarari, Belaganj, Imamganj, and Ramgarh. The seats became vacant after the sitting Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs) were elected to the Lok Sabha earlier this year." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T13:50:13+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress won all 3 seats on basis of guarantees, development: Dy CM D.", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T13:48:27+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress won all 3 seats on basis of guarantees, development: Dy CM D.K. ShivakumarKarnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Thanking the voters on Saturday for the Congress party’s victory on all three Assembly seats in the bye-elections, Karnataka Congress President and Deputy Chief Minister D.K. Shivakumar stated that it was a victory for guarantees, development and the leadership of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah. Addressing the media at the Congress headquarters in Bengaluru, Shivakumar stated on Saturday that, “Now, our numbers have gone up from 136 to 138 in the state Assembly. I won’t discuss who extended support from the Opposition internally. That will project more numbers.” “Our guarantees and development played a major role in the bypolls. Ultimately, criticisms perish and work remains intact. This has been proved. The voters have given a message to the Opposition to shun criticism and false propaganda. They have also given a message not to play with the emotions of people. Politics has to be carried out on the lives and livelihood of people,” Dy CM Shivakumar stated." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T13:48:27+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP retains Behali assembly seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T13:45:59+05:30", "articleBody": "Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP retains Behali assembly seatAssam Bypoll Election Results 2024: The BJP on Saturday retained the Behali assembly constituency in Assam bypolls with its candidate Diganta Ghatowal defeating his nearest Congress rival Jayanta Bora by 9,051 votes, officials said. Ghatowal polled 50,947 votes while Bora secured 41,896. There were four candidates in the fray in the constituency, including Lakhikanta Kurmi of the CPI(ML)-L and Ananta Gogoi of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) with both losing their deposits. The seat was earlier held by Ranjit Dutta who was elected to the Lok Sabha from the Tezpur parliamentary seat. The allies of the ruling NDA were leading in three other constituencies with the BJP in Dholai (SC), AGP in Bongaigaon and UPPL in Sidli (ST) while Congress was leading in Samaguri." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T13:45:59+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Results 2024: Win for development: Uttarakhand CM Dhami on Kedanrath bypoll trend", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T13:42:33+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Results 2024: Win for development: Uttarakhand CM Dhami on Kedanrath bypoll trendUttarakhand Bypoll Election Results 2024: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Saturday expressed his gratitude towards the people of the Kedarnath constituency as the BJP candidate Asha Nautiyal is leading from the seat, as per the latest trend from the Election Commission. The Chief Minister thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the development work carried out in the area. The trends emerging amid the counting of votes for by-election in Uttarakhand's Kedarnath assembly constituency show Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Asha Nautiyal leading against Congress' Manoj Rawat. According to the Election Commission of India (ECI), all 13 rounds for counting votes have concluded, projecting Nautiyal as the winner. He said that this win was for development and nationalism as people have rejected the politics of delusion and lies." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T13:42:33+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: Hindustani Awam Morcha (Secular)'s Deepa Kumari wins Imamganj Assembly by-", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T13:40:30+05:30", "articleBody": "Bihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: Hindustani Awam Morcha (Secular)'s Deepa Kumari wins Imamganj Assembly by-elections, by a margin of 5945 votes." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T13:40:30+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Meghalaya Bypoll Election Results 2024: Meghalaya CM's wife Mehtab Chandee Agitok Sangma wins Gambegre bypoll", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T13:38:52+05:30", "articleBody": "Meghalaya Bypoll Election Results 2024: Meghalaya CM's wife Mehtab Chandee Agitok Sangma wins Gambegre bypollMeghalaya Bypoll Election Results 2024: In a boost to the ruling National People's Party (NPP) in Meghalaya, party candidate and chief minister's wife Mehtab Chandee Agitok Sangma won the Gambegre constituency bypoll by a margin of over 4,500 votes. Chandee secured 12,679 votes while her nearest candidate Sadhiarani M Sangma of AITC manage to secure 8,084 votes, followed by Congress' Jingjang M Marak with 7,695 votes. With this win, the NPP strength in the House increased to 32 in the 60-member Meghalaya Legislative Assembly. BJP's Bernard N Marak secured 710 votes whereas two independent candidates, Jerry A Sangma and Sengkrabirth M Marak, bagged 706 and 147 votes, respectively." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T13:38:52+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress' CP Yogeeshwara wins with over 20k votes in Channapatna", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T13:37:13+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress' CP Yogeeshwara wins with over 20k votes in ChannapatnaKarnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress' C.P. Yogeshwara wins Channapatna Assembly by-elections in Karnataka, by a margin of 25,413 votes. JD(S) Nikhil Kumaraswamy loses." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T13:37:13+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress leader Kuldeep Singh Kala Dhillon wins Barnala assembly bypoll", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:56:37+05:30", "articleBody": "Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress leader Kuldeep Singh Kala Dhillon wins Barnala assembly bypoll" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:56:37+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "West Bengal Bypoll Election Results 2024: TMC wins Sitai assembly seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:54:43+05:30", "articleBody": "West Bengal Bypoll Election Results 2024: TMC wins Sitai assembly seatWest Bengal Bypoll Election Results 2024: Trinamool Congress nominee Sangita Roy won the Sitai assembly seat in West Bengal bypolls, defeating her nearest BJP rival Dipak Kumar Ray by a margin of 1,30,636 votes on Saturday, the EC said. The TMC retained the seat. The TMC candidate bagged 1,65,984 votes, while Ray managed 35,348. Congress' Harihar Roy Singha secured the third position with 9,177 votes. Bypolls were held in five other seats Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, and Madarihat." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:54:43+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Navya Haridas concedes defeat, criticizes Congress for lack of deve", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:37:15+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Navya Haridas concedes defeat, criticizes Congress for lack of developmentKerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress' Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is leading here by a margin of 3,19,199 votes. BJP candidate Navya Haridas is trailing in third position. Navya Haridas says, While this counting started, we were having expectations because we approached the people by speaking only about the development of Wayanad... This development-oriented election campaign was being done during this election. We had hoped that people will be executing their minds accordingly for development. But unfortunately, the election turnout was very low. BJP couldn't reach the level that we expected...In the last 5 years, if we see, no work was done in any sector. People of Wayanad were longing for medical college for decades but that also was not implemented...Another 5 years will also be like that. Priyanka Vadra will also be in a visiting mode to Wayanad. So, in this campaign, we were asking the people to be with us. But we couldn't win this time..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:37:15+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "West Bengal Bypoll Election Results: 'I feel that in two seats, Taldangra and Madarihat, we can have a close f", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:22:00+05:30", "articleBody": "West Bengal Bypoll Election Results: 'I feel that in two seats, Taldangra and Madarihat, we can have a close fight,' says State BJP President Sukanta MajumdarWest Bengal Bypoll Election Results: On counting for West Bengal by-elections, Union Minister and State BJP President Sukanta Majumdar says It is too early to comment on by-elections. Only one round has been completed till now, so it is better not to comment. I feel that in two seats, Taldangra and Madarihat, we can have a close fight..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:22:00+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Madhya Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP gains lead over Congress in Budhni, Vijaypur seats", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:19:48+05:30", "articleBody": "Madhya Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP gains lead over Congress in Budhni, Vijaypur seatsMadhya Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: The BJP is leading in the Budhni and Vijaypur assembly constituencies in Madhya Pradesh, where by-elections were held on November 13, officials said. These trends were recorded in the initial rounds of counting. According to an election official, BJP's Ramakant Bhargava is leading by 1,809 votes against Congress candidate Rajkumar Patel in Budhni after three rounds of counting. Bhargava was earlier trailing by 953 votes after the second round of counting. BJP candidate Ramniwas Rawat is leading by 5,001 votes against Congress Mukesh Malhotra after ten rounds of counting in the Vijaypur assembly seat. The Budhni seat will see 13 rounds of counting, while there will be 21 rounds in Vijaypur." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:19:48+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bypoll Election Results 2024: Results start trickling in; here's a look at all big news & newsmakers", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:18:42+05:30", "articleBody": "Bypoll Election Results 2024: Results start trickling in; here's a look at all big news & newsmakersBypoll Election Results 2024: Initial results from by-elections held concurrently with state elections in Maharashtra and Jharkhand are revealing a diverse political landscape. The by-elections, encompassing both Lok Sabha and Assembly seats, witnessed contests in various states including Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, West Bengal, and others. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, in her maiden electoral battle, established a significant lead of over one lakh votes in the Wayanad Lok Sabha constituency. As per latest EC updates, Priyanka received 1,65,487 votes with LDF's Sathyan Mokeri at second with 56,929 and BJP's Navya Haridas third with 31,018 votes, stated the Election Commission. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) displayed early strength in Uttar Pradesh, leading in five assembly seats. Meanwhile, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Congress secured leads in two assembly seats each in Punjab. In Rajasthan, the BJP, Congress, and Bharat Adivasi Party (BAP) were ahead in two seats each. Read full story" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:18:42+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: NDA candidates ahead in six seats, SP leads in three", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:15:47+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: NDA candidates ahead in six seats, SP leads in threeUttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: The BJP and its ally RLD were leading in six of the nine Uttar Pradesh Assembly seats where bypolls were held earlier this week while the Samajwadi Party was ahead in the remaining three, Election Commission trends showed on Saturday. The BJP was in the lead in Kundarki, Khair, Ghaziabad, Phulpur and Majhawan seats, the Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) in Meerapur and the Samajwadi Party (SP) in Karhal, Katehari and Sisamau. In the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls, the BJP won Phulpur, Ghaziabad, Majhawan and Khair seats and the SP secured Sisamau, Katehari, Karhal and Kundarki. The RLD, which was an SP ally then, won the Meerapur seat. The party has since switched sides and is now part of the BJP-led NDA. The Congress did not contest the bypolls and extended support to the SP, its INDIA bloc ally." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:15:47+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Bharat Bommai trails by close to 10,000 votes in Shiggaon", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:07:59+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Bharat Bommai trails by close to 10,000 votes in ShiggaonKarnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Former Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai's son Bharat Bommai is trailing with a margin of 10,000 votes in Shiggaon in Karnataka. Congress' Yasir Ahmed Khan is likely to win the by-polls." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:07:59+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP's Ishank Kumar is leading, Congress's Ranjit Kumar is trailing from C", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:06:36+05:30", "articleBody": "Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP's Ishank Kumar is leading, Congress's Ranjit Kumar is trailing from Chabbewal constituencyPunjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP candidate for Chabbewal assembly bypoll, Ishank Kumar offered prayers at this residence today morning on counting day AAP's Ishank Kumar is leading, Congress's Ranjit Kumar is trailing from the Chabbewal constituency in bypoll results" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:06:36+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "West Bengal Bypoll Election Results 2024: TMC takes massive lead in Bengal assembly bypolls, eyes clean sweep", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:59:56+05:30", "articleBody": "West Bengal Bypoll Election Results 2024: TMC takes massive lead in Bengal assembly bypolls, eyes clean sweepWest Bengal Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) candidates have taken an unassailable lead in the bypolls held in the six assembly constituencies in West Bengal, with counting underway since 8 am on Saturday. These results are drawing significant attention, especially in light of the ongoing protests related to the RG Kar Medical College incident, which has sparked public outcry in the state. The bypolls were held in Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, Sitai (SC), and Madarihat (ST), following the resignation of sitting MLAs who had secured victories in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, thus vacating their assembly seats. These elections are seen as an important political test for the state's ruling party. In Sitai, a Scheduled Caste (SC) constituency, TMC's Sangita Roy is leading by 1,22,342 votes, 93,208 more than her nearest rival, Dipak Kumar Ray of the BJP, who has so far secured 29,134 votes. In Madarihat, a Scheduled Tribe (ST) seat, TMC's Jayprakash Toppo is leading by 66,315 votes, ahead of BJP's Rahul Lohar, who has received 25,165 votes. The seat was won by the BJP in the 2021 assembly polls." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:59:56+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP leads in 2 seats", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:48:52+05:30", "articleBody": "Bihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP leads in 2 seatsBihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidates are leading in Tarari and Ramgarh constituencies, while the Hindustani Awam Morcha (Secular) is leading in Imamganj, and Janata Dal (United) in Belaganj, according to the information available on the Election Commission of India website. In Tarari, BJP's Vishal Prashant is leading by a margin of over 10,000 votes against. Ashok Kumar Singh is leading in Ramgarh by 705 votes over his nearest rival, Satish Kumar Singh Yadav of the BSP, after the completion of seven rounds of counting." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:48:52+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP leading in 3 seats, Congress in one", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:46:37+05:30", "articleBody": "Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP leading in 3 seats, Congress in oneThe Aam Aadmi Party was leading from Chabbewal, Gidderbaha and Dera Baba Nanak while the Congress was ahead in Barnala segment in Punjab, showed trends in the counting of votes bypolls to four Assembly segments in the state on Saturday. In Chabbewal, the AAP's Ishank Kumar Chabbewal consolidated his pole position as he was leading by 21,081 votes against his nearest rival and Congress candidate Ranjit Kumar after the 10th round of counting. The BJP's Sohan Singh Thandal was in the third spot. Sensing victory, Ishank's supporters have already started celebrating. In Gidderbaha, AAP's Hardeep Singh Dimpy Dhillon was leading by 5,976 votes against his nearest rival and Congress nominee Amrita Warring, the wife of Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh Raja Warring, after four rounds of counting. BJP candidate and former Punjab finance minister Manpreet Singh Badal was in the third spot." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:46:37+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Who is leading in Karnataka?", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:45:11+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Who is leading in Karnataka?Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress candidates Yasir Ahmed Khan Pathan, E Annapoorna and CP Yogeeshwara lead in Shiggaon, Sandur and Channapatna seats respectively, in Assembly by-polls in Karnataka." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:45:11+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: INC's CP Yogeeshwara leads from Channapatna by 22,063 votes", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:34:09+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: INC's CP Yogeeshwara leads from Channapatna by 22,063 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:34:09+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress is now leading in all three seats of Karnataka", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:24:46+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress is now leading in all three seats of KarnatakaKarnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: As per the latest trends at 11:15 am, the Congress party is leading at Channapatna, Shiggaon and Sandur assembly seats. BJP-JDS too is giving a tight fight with the leading candidates." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:24:46+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP takes lead again in Palakkad Assembly seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:23:14+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP takes lead again in Palakkad Assembly seatKerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: The BJP-led NDA has again taken the lead from the Congress-led UDF which was ahead in the earlier rounds in the Palakkad Assembly bypoll as the counting of votes commenced on Saturday. With the counting of votes underway, BJP candidate C Krishnakumar is in the lead with 464 votes in the sixth round of the total 14 rounds of the counting, according to the Election Commission of India. Krishnakumar got 24,332 votes and Congress candidate Rahul Mamkootathil secured 23,868 votes. Mamkootathil was in the lead earlier. The Palakkad bypoll votes are being counted at Victoria College here, where the strong room was opened at 8 am. Among the 10 candidates contesting, the main contenders are Rahul Mamkootathil from the Congress-led UDF, C Krishnakumar from the BJP-led NDA, and P Sarin from the CPI(M)-led LDF." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:23:14+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: Deputy CM KP Maurya slams SP's 'PDA' as 'fraud,' predicts party's ", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:22:05+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: Deputy CM KP Maurya slams SP's 'PDA' as 'fraud,' predicts party's declineUttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: On UP Assembly by-elections, UP Deputy CM KP Maurya says, Akhilesh Yadav's PDA is fraud. It is 'Parivar Development Agency'. Their reality has come before the people. The lies and deceit they propagated in Lok Sabha won't work now. Samajwadi Party is going to become Samaptwadi Party. They do politics in the name of PDA. But the murderer of a Dalit daughter sits with them. This is unfortunate. So, this 2024 Vidhan Sabha by-elections are the indication of the end of a party like SP." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:22:05+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: Priyanka Gandhi leads with over 1 lakh votes in Wayanad", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:20:32+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: Priyanka Gandhi leads with over 1 lakh votes in Wayanad" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:20:32+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Maharashtra Bypoll Election Results 2024: As per Election Commission of India, BJP leader Dr. Santukrao Hambar", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:15:34+05:30", "articleBody": "Maharashtra Bypoll Election Results 2024: As per Election Commission of India, BJP leader Dr. Santukrao Hambarde leads in Nanded parliamentary bypoll." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:15:34+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Annapoorna Tukaram is leading by 5,654 votes from S", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:51:46+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Annapoorna Tukaram is leading by 5,654 votes from Sandur" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:51:46+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bypoll Election Results 2024: Priyanka Gandhi Vadra arrives at her residence in Delhi's Khan market area", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:50:28+05:30", "articleBody": "Bypoll Election Results 2024: Priyanka Gandhi Vadra arrives at her residence in Delhi's Khan market areaCongress leader and candidate from Wayanad parliamentary constituency, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra arrives at her residence in Delhi's Khan market area She is leading in Wayanad parliamentary bypoll in the constituency in Kerala" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:50:28+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Sanjeev Sharma is leading by 15,034 votes in Ghaziabad", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:44:04+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Sanjeev Sharma is leading by 15,034 votes in GhaziabadUttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: In Ghaziabad, BJP's Sanjeev Sharma is leading by 15,034 votes, having secured 17,745 votes after four rounds. In Khair (SC), BJP's Surender Diler is leading by 9,120 votes, with 18,333 votes after five rounds. A total of 31 rounds remain." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:44:04+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: SP candidate Naseem Solanki is leading by 28315 votes from Sishama", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:43:06+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: SP candidate Naseem Solanki is leading by 28315 votes from Sishamau seatUttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: SP candidate Naseem Solanki is leading by 28315 votes from BJP candidate Suresh Awasthi in 8th round of counting in Sishamau seat." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:43:06+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Yasir Pathan gains small lead with 355 votes from S", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:42:10+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress candidate Yasir Pathan gains small lead with 355 votes from ShiggaonKarnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: In the 9th round of counting for the Shiggaon bypoll, Congress candidate Yasir Pathan is leading by 355 votes. Pathan has secured 49,177 votes, while BJP's Bharath Bommai has 48,822 votes." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:42:10+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Ramveer Singh is leading by 10,968 votes from Kundarki", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:40:33+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Ramveer Singh is leading by 10,968 votes from KundarkiUttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: In Kundarki, BJP's Ramveer Singh is leading by 10,968 votes, having secured 13,149 votes after three rounds. A total of 32 rounds remain." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:40:33+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Tom Vadakkan accuses Congress of aligning with 'anti-national' g", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:36:05+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Tom Vadakkan accuses Congress of aligning with 'anti-national' groups amid Priyanka Gandhi's leadKerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: On Wayanad Bypolls trends showing Congress' Priyanka Gandhi Vadra leading, BJP spokesperson Tom Vadakkan says, It is not a question of who wins or loses in Wayanad. It's a question of whose support you take. Demographically, it is a particular community in strength there. Despite that, you take the support of PFI, of SDPI to win elections. These are anti-national organisations. The reality is, if you win or lose, you have done something which is anti-national because they are people who are divisive and want to create an India which is part of the deep-state plot. So, we appeal to these leaders of the Congress party - stop doing this because people of India have woken..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:36:05+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Maharashtra LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Dr Santuk Hambarde is leading", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:33:20+05:30", "articleBody": "Maharashtra LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Dr Santuk Hambarde is leadingMaharashtra LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: In Maharashtra's Nanded lok sabha seat, BJP's Dr Santuk Hambarde is leading." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:33:20+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Chhattisgarh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidate leading in Raipur City South assembly bypoll", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:30:50+05:30", "articleBody": "Chhattisgarh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidate leading in Raipur City South assembly bypollChhattisgarh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidate Sunil Kumar Soni was leading by 785 votes over Congress rival Akash Sharma in the Raipur City South assembly bypoll in the first round of counting of votes, officials said. The counting of votes began at 8 am on Saturday, they said." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:30:50+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: Priyanka in lead by over 55,000 votes after close to 2 hrs of counting", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:13:23+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: Priyanka in lead by over 55,000 votes after close to 2 hrs of countingKerala LS Bypoll Election Results 2024: Congress-led UDF candidate Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Saturday extended her lead by over 55,000 votes after nearly two hours of counting of the ballots polled in the Wayanad Lok Sabha bypoll in Kerala, according to the Election Commission. However, TV channel reports showed Priyanka in the lead by over 70,000 votes. According to figures released by the EC at around 9.50 am, Priyanka received 86,303 votes with LDF's Sathyan Mokeri at second with 26,245 and BJP's Navya Haridas third with 16,223." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:13:23+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidates ahead in four seats", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:11:19+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidates ahead in four seatsUttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Results 2024: The BJP was leading in four seats while the Samajwadi Party was ahead in two of the nine assembly seats for which bypolls were held, according to Election Commission trends on Saturday. The trends in the other three seats were yet to be reflected. While BJP candidates are leading in Kundarki, Khair, Sisamau and Majhawan seats, the SP candidates have an edge in Karhal and Phulpur. In the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls, the BJP won the Phulpur, Ghaziabad, Majhawan and Khair seats, while the SP secured victories in Sisamau, Katehari, Karhal and Kundarki. The Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD), which was an SP ally then, won the Meerapur seat. The party has since switched sides and is now a part of the BJP-led NDA. While the Congress did not contest the bypolls, it extended support to the SP, its INDIA bloc ally." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:11:19+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidate leading in Kedarnath", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:10:08+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP candidate leading in KedarnathUttarakhand Bypoll Election Results 2024: BJP's Asha Nautiyal was on Saturday leading in the Kedarnath seat after the end of first round of counting, poll officials said. She was leading over Congress's Manoj Rawat" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:10:08+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling NDA allies secure early leads", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:07:34+05:30", "articleBody": "Assam Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling NDA allies secure early leadsAssam Bypoll Election Results 2024: The ruling NDA alliance in Assam has secured early leads in four of the five assembly constituencies where bypolls were held recently, officials said on Saturday. In Behali, BJP's Diganta Ghatowal is leading by 1,091 votes over his nearest Congress rival Jayanta Bora while in Bongaigaon, AGP's Diptimayee Choudhury has taken a slender lead of 674 votes over her Congress opponent Brajenjit Singha. In Sidli (ST) constituency, United Peoples' Party Liberal (UPPL) candidate Nirmal Kumar Brahma is ahead of his BPF rival Suddho Kumar Basumatary by 1,089 votes. In Samaguri constituency, BJP's Diplu Ranjan Sarmah is leading by 1,048 votes over his Congress rival Tanzil Hussain. The trend of Dholai (SC) is yet to come in." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:07:34+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP leading in 3 seats, Congress ahead in one", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:06:29+05:30", "articleBody": "Punjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: AAP leading in 3 seats, Congress ahead in onePunjab Bypoll Election Results 2024: The Aam Aadmi Party was leading from Chabbewal, Gidderbaha and Dera Baba Nanak seats while Congress was ahead in the Barnala segment in Punjab, showed initial trends in the counting of votes bypolls to four Assembly segments in the state on Saturday. In Dera Baba Nanak, AAP's Hardeep Singh Dimpy Dhillon was leading by 1,044 votes against his nearest rival and Congress nominee Amrita Warring, the wife of Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh Raja Warring. BJP candidate and former Punjab finance minister Manpreet Singh Badal was in the third spot. In Chabbewal, AAP candidate Ishank Kumar Chabbewal was leading by 3,308 votes against his nearest rival and Congress candidate Ranjit Kumar after the second round of counting. The BJP's Sohan Singh Thandal was in the third spot. Congress candidate Kuldeep Singh Dhillon was leading by 360 votes against AAP's Harinder Singh Dhaliwal after the fourth round of counting. BJP's Kewal Dhillon was in the third spot." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:06:29+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala LS Election Results 2024: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi leads in Wayanad with over 50,000 votes", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:04:34+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala LS Election Results 2024: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi leads in Wayanad with over 50,000 votesEarly trend shows Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi is leading in Wayanad. As per Election Commission website, she crossed the 50,000 votes mark" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:04:34+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: SP's Tej Pratap Yadav takes the lead by 5,670 votes over BJP's Anujesh Yad", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:02:47+05:30", "articleBody": "Bihar Bypoll Election Results 2024: SP's Tej Pratap Yadav takes the lead by 5,670 votes over BJP's Anujesh Yadav in Karhal Assembly Bypoll" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:02:47+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: INC's Rahul Mamkootathil is leading in Palakkad with over 1176 votes", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:59:00+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: INC's Rahul Mamkootathil is leading in Palakkad with over 1176 votesKerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: The Congress-led UDF has taken the lead from the BJP-led NDA which was ahead in the initial rounds in the Palakkad Assembly bypoll as the counting of votes commenced on Saturday, according to TV channels. Congress candidate Rahul Mamkootathil is in the lead with 1,228 votes as the counting entered the third round. However, there was no official confirmation from the Election Commission in this regard. BJP candidate C Krishnakumar was in the lead initially after the first round of counting, according to the Election Commission." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:59:00+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Nikhil Kumaraswamy now leading in Channapatna", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:57:13+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: Nikhil Kumaraswamy now leading in ChannapatnaKarnataka Bypoll Election Results 2024: In the 5th round of counting for the Ramanagara Channapatna by-election, JD(S) candidate Nikhil Kumaraswamy is leading with 25,649 votes, ahead of Congress candidate C.P. Yogeshwar, who has 24,343 votes. Nikhil's lead stands at 1,306 votes." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:57:13+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: On counting of votes in 9 bypolls seats in the state, BJP leader Da", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:53:00+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: On counting of votes in 9 bypolls seats in the state, BJP leader Dayashankar Singh says, People have expressed their faith in double engine govt of PM Modi and Yogi ji. BJP is leading on 7 out of 9 seats..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:53:00+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends show NDA ahead in two seats, Congress in one seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:45:22+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends show NDA ahead in two seats, Congress in one seatKarnataka Bypoll Election Result 2024: Shiggaon's early trends indicate that Bharat Bommai, son of former CM Basavaraj Bommai and BJP candidate, is ahead of Congress candidate Yasir Ahmed Khan Pathan. Congress seems to be maintaining its hold on Sandur, a constituency where the BJP has never won. Early numbers show Congress candidate Annapurna Tukaram leading BJP candidate Bangaru Hanumanthu by a significant margin. As per early trends, Congress' CP Yogeshwara is leading at Channapatna. Nikhil Kumaraswamy is trailing after the initial rounds of counting. The final results, expected by noon, are being closely watched by all major political parties in the state – Congress, BJP, and JD(S). The outcomes are expected to have implications for the ruling Congress government." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:45:22+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Punjab Bypoll Election Result 2024: AAP leading from two seats, Congress ahead in one", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:42:14+05:30", "articleBody": "Punjab Bypoll Election Result 2024: AAP leading from two seats, Congress ahead in onePunjab Bypoll Election Result 2024: The Aam Aadmi Party was leading from Barnala and Chabbewal seats while Congress was ahead in the Dera Baba Nanak segment in Punjab, showed initial trends in the counting of votes bypolls to four Assembly segments in the state on Saturday. In Chabbewal, AAP candidate Ishank Kumar was leading by 1,571 votes against his nearest rival and Congress candidate Ranjit Kumar. The BJP's Sohan Singh Thandal was in the third spot. The AAP's Harinder Singh Dhaliwal was leading by 846 votes against Congress candidate Kuldeep Singh Dhillon in the Barnala assembly segment. BJP's Kewal Dhillon was at the third spot. Congress candidate from Dera Baba Nanak Jatinder Kaur Randhawa was leading by 805 votes against her nearest rival and AAP nominee Gurdeep Singh Randhawa. BJP's Ravikaran Kahlon was at the third spot." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:42:14+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Result 2024: BJP's Asha Nautiyal is leading in the Kedarnath Assembly by-election.", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:39:49+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttarakhand Bypoll Election Result 2024: BJP's Asha Nautiyal is leading in the Kedarnath Assembly by-election." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:39:49+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: BJP's Rajendra Gurjar leads from Deoli-Uniara", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:38:21+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: BJP's Rajendra Gurjar leads from Deoli-Uniara" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:38:21+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Sikkim Bypolls Election Result 2024: SKM secures uncontested wins from both seats, Namchi-Singhithang and Sore", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:36:47+05:30", "articleBody": "Sikkim Bypolls Election Result 2024: SKM secures uncontested wins from both seats, Namchi-Singhithang and Soreng-ChakungSikkim Bypolls Election Result 2024: In a rare political development, both assembly bypoll seats in Sikkim—Namchi-Singhithang and Soreng-Chakung—witnessed uncontested outcomes. Candidates Satish Chandra Rai and Aditya Golay (Tamang) of the ruling Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) emerged victorious without opposition. This significant political scenario reflects the regional party’s strong hold and the absence of competition from other political factions in the state." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:36:47+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: From Chorasi, Bharat Adivasi Party candidate, Anil Kumar Katara, has ta", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:34:07+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: From Chorasi, Bharat Adivasi Party candidate, Anil Kumar Katara, has taken a strong lead against BJP's Karilal with gap of over 6000 votes." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:34:07+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: INC's Deen Dayal leads from Dausa, according to ECI", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:33:42+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: INC's Deen Dayal leads from Dausa, according to ECI" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:33:42+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: INC's Aryaan Zubair leads from Ramgarh with over 3586 votes", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:32:44+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: INC's Aryaan Zubair leads from Ramgarh with over 3586 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:32:44+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Punjab Bypoll Election Result 2024: AAP candidate Dhaliwal leading from Barnala seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:28:17+05:30", "articleBody": "Punjab Bypoll Election Result 2024: AAP candidate Dhaliwal leading from Barnala seatPunjab Bypoll Election Result 2024: AAP candidate Harinder Singh Dhaliwal was leading in the bypoll to Barnala assembly segment against his nearest rival the Congress' Kuldeep Singh Dhillon, the initial trend showed. Dhaliwal was leading by 634 votes while BJP's Kewal Dhillon was in the third spot." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:28:17+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: BJP's Rajendra Bhamboo leading in Jhunjhunu Assembly by-elections by a ", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:24:21+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Result 2024: BJP's Rajendra Bhamboo leading in Jhunjhunu Assembly by-elections by a margin of 1018 votes, as per the official EC trends. Counting continues." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:24:21+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypoll Election Result 2024: Priyanka Gandhi in lead by over 35,000 votes after one hour of counting", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:16:57+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypoll Election Result 2024: Priyanka Gandhi in lead by over 35,000 votes after one hour of countingKerala Bypoll Election Result 2024: Congress-led UDF candidate Priyanka Gandhi Vadra was in the lead by over 35,000 votes after one hour of counting of the ballots polled in the Wayanad Lok Sabha bypoll in Kerala on Saturday, according to TV channel reports. According to figures released by the Election Commission, Priyanka is leading by 4,374 votes. CPI's Sathyan Mokeri is trailing with 9,555 votes while the BJP's Navya Haridas is in the third spot with 3,984 votes." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:16:57+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends in UP shows BJP leading in 6 seats, as SP claws its wa", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:13:57+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends in UP shows BJP leading in 6 seats, as SP claws its way back with a lead in 3 seatsTimes Now has reported, that BJP has a lead in 6 seats. BJP+: 6 SP: 3 Oth: 0" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:13:57+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: Congress' E Annapoorna leading in Sandur Assembly by-elections by a ma", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:10:53+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: Congress' E Annapoorna leading in Sandur Assembly by-elections by a margin of 2715 votes, as per the official EC trends. Counting continues." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:10:53+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypoll Election Result 2024: Priyanka Gandhi takes big lead with over 24000 votes from Wayanad, says TV", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:08:32+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypoll Election Result 2024: Priyanka Gandhi takes big lead with over 24000 votes from Wayanad, says TV reports" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:08:32+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: INC's E Annapoorna leads from Sandur according to ECI early trends", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:05:14+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: INC's E Annapoorna leads from Sandur according to ECI early trends" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:05:14+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP's Bharat Bommai leads from Shiggaon assembly seat according to ECI", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:03:44+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP's Bharat Bommai leads from Shiggaon assembly seat according to ECI early trends" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:03:44+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling LDF candidate UR Pradeep leads in initial trends from Chelakkara", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:59:33+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling LDF candidate UR Pradeep leads in initial trends from ChelakkaraKerala Bypoll Election Results 2024: Ruling LDF candidate U R Pradeep took an initial lead of over 1,500 votes as counting of votes for the Assembly bypoll began in Kerala's Chelakkara segment here on Saturday, according to TV channel reports. However, there was no official confirmation from the Election Commission in this regard. Pradeep, a former MLA of the CPI(M), got a lead as postal votes were counted initially, it said." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:59:33+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends in UP shows Yogi's BJP leading in 8 seats", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:58:31+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends in UP shows Yogi's BJP leading in 8 seatsUttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Times Now has reported, that BJP has gained a lead in 8 seats. BJP+: 8 SP: 1 Oth: 0" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:58:31+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: TMC ahead in three of six seats", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:55:48+05:30", "articleBody": "Bengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: TMC ahead in three of six seatsBengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: The TMC was ahead of its rivals in three of the six Assembly seats as counting of postal ballots for the West Bengal bypolls was underway, TV channels reported on Saturday. The counting of votes began at 8 am. The constituencies that went to the polls are Naihati, Haroa, Medinipur, Taldangra, Sitai (SC), and Madarihat (ST). Bengali news channel ABP Ananda reported that TMC was leading in Naihati constituency in North 24 Parganas and Taldangra constituency in Bankura. Another Bengali news channel News 18 Bangla reported that TMC was leading in Naihati and Haroa seats." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:55:48+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: Congress takes lead by 2,586 votes in Sandur", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:54:38+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: Congress takes lead by 2,586 votes in SandurKarnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: In the first round of counting for the Sandur bypoll, Congress candidate Annapoorna Tukaram has taken the lead by 2,586 votes. The current tally stands at Congress: 6,959 votes, BJP candidate Bangaru Hanumanth: 4,373 votes." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:54:38+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Results 2024: Counting of postal ballots underway in Dausa.", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:40:53+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypoll Election Results 2024: Counting of postal ballots underway in Dausa.Rajasthan Bypoll Election Results 2024: Counting of postal ballots underway in Dausa. Polling was held on November 13 in Jhunjhunu, Ramgarh, Dausa, Deoli-Uniara, Khinvsar, Salumbar and Chaurasi and results will be declared after counting today." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:40:53+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "West Bengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting votes is underway for Naihati bypoll in North 24 Paraganas,", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:39:25+05:30", "articleBody": "West Bengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting votes is underway for Naihati bypoll in North 24 Paraganas, West Bengal; Visuals from outside the counting centre" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:39:25+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends in UP shows Yogi's BJP leading in 6 seats", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:37:38+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Early trends in UP shows Yogi's BJP leading in 6 seatsUttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: According to Times Now, Yogi's BJP has gained a lead in 6 seats BJP+: 6 SP: 3 Oth: 0" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:37:38+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: District administration and election officials all set for counting of", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:33:13+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: District administration and election officials all set for counting of votes for Channapattana constituency bypoll, at Government Engineering College, Ramanagara" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:33:13+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Times Now early trends show BJP, SP neck and neck", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:26:10+05:30", "articleBody": "Uttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: Times Now early trends show BJP, SP neck and neckUttar Pradesh Bypoll Election Result 2024: According to Times Now BJP+: 4 SP: 4 Oth: 0" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:26:10+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bihar Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes began for bypolls to four assembly constituencies in Bih", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:23:01+05:30", "articleBody": "Bihar Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes began for bypolls to four assembly constituencies in Bihar: Official" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:23:01+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes begins for bypolls on seven assembly seats in Rajast", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:21:52+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes begins for bypolls on seven assembly seats in RajasthanRajasthan Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes for bypolls on seven assembly seats in Rajasthan began on Saturday amid tight security arrangements. The counting began at 8 am, an official of the election department said. Polling was held on November 13 in Jhunjhunu, Ramgarh, Dausa, Deoli-Uniara, Khinvsar, Salumbar and Chaurasi and results will be declared after counting today. The counting of postal ballot started first at 8 am. After this, counting of votes from EVM machines will start. Counting of EVM votes of Jhunjhunu and Salumbar assembly constituencies will be completed in 22 rounds each, Ramgarh in 21 rounds, Deoli-Uniara and Khinvsar assembly constituencies in 20 rounds each, Dausa and Chaurasi in 18 rounds each." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:21:52+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Assam Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes for five Assam assembly constituencies begins", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:20:40+05:30", "articleBody": "Assam Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting of votes for five Assam assembly constituencies beginsAssam Bypolls Election Result 2024: The counting of votes for five assembly constituencies in Assam, where by-elections were held on November 13, began at 8 AM on Saturday, officials said. Additional security forces have been deployed outside the polling stations in Dholai, Samaguri, Behali, Bongaigaon and Sidli assembly constituencies Thirty-four candidates are in the fray. The counting of votes for the Dholai assembly constituency began at the Inter State Truck Terminal of Ramnagar, for Sidli at the District Centre of Kajalgaon, for Bongaigaon at Bongaigaon College, and for Behali and Samaguri constituencies at their respective district commissioner's Office. Bypolls were held in the five assembly constituencies as these fell vacant following the election of their MLAs to the Lok Sabha earlier this year." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:20:40+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bypolls Election Result Live Updates: Vote counting begins for crucial bypolls across 13 states", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:14:30+05:30", "articleBody": "Bypolls Election Result Live Updates: Vote counting begins for crucial bypolls across 13 states" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:14:30+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "West Bengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: TMC candidate from Medinipur, Sujoy Hazra says During the campaignin", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:14:18+05:30", "articleBody": "West Bengal Bypolls Election Result 2024: TMC candidate from Medinipur, Sujoy Hazra says During the campaigning, we saw that the public was in our support. It is clear that we are going to win with a huge majority." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:14:18+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP's Navya Haridas highlights development agenda, criticizes Rahul Gandh", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T07:42:33+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP's Navya Haridas highlights development agenda, criticizes Rahul Gandhi's exitKerala Bypolls Election Result 2024: Ahead of elections results, BJP candidate for Wayanad bypoll, Navya Haridas says, ...Last time Rahul Gandhi had won from Wayanad but he rejected this Mandal and retained Rae Bareli. This time the voting percentage came down as they were not in the mood to face the election after the landslide incident. If people need development in Wayanad, then they would select NDA..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T07:42:33+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Chhattisgarh Bypolls Election Result 2024: Congress candidate Akash Sharma confident of winning on promise of ", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T07:38:24+05:30", "articleBody": "Chhattisgarh Bypolls Election Result 2024: Congress candidate Akash Sharma confident of winning on promise of changeChhattisgarh Bypolls Election Result 2024: Ahead of the counting of votes for Raipur South Assembly by-elections, Congress candidate Akash Sharma says, Since the day Congress gave me the ticket I have been saying just one thing - these elections will not decide the PM of the country or CM of the state but the MLA of Raipur South. These elections were an election of active vs dormant...In Raipur South, which has been the base of BJP, people are still devoid of basic facilities...I am confident that people have voted for change this time." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T07:38:24+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP will emerge victorious in the bypolls held in Rajasthan: Union Min", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:55:14+05:30", "articleBody": "Rajasthan Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP will emerge victorious in the bypolls held in Rajasthan: Union Minister Gajendra Singh ShekhawatRajasthan Bypolls Election Result 2024: Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat on Friday expressed confidence in the BJP, asserting that the party would emerge victorious in the recently held bypolls in Rajasthan. The bypolls in Rajasthan, conducted on seven seats, including Jhunjhunu, Dausa, Deoli-Uniara, Khinwsar, Chorasi, Salumbar, and Ramgarh, took place on November 20. These elections were necessitated by the deaths of two MLAs and the election of five others to the Lok Sabha. Speaking to the media on Friday, Shekhawat said, The double-engine government of the BJP has undertaken significant development work in the past year in Rajasthan. BJP will emerge victorious in the elections. Of these seven seats, five were previously held by the Congress and its allies (one by the Bharat Adivasi Party), while the BJP and Rashtriya Loktantrik Party (RLP) held one each." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T06:55:14+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "UP Bypolls Election Result 2024: First major battle after Lok Sabha election", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:43:40+05:30", "articleBody": "UP Bypolls Election Result 2024: First major battle after Lok Sabha electionUP Bypolls Election Result 2024: The counting of votes for the bypolls to nine Assembly segments in Uttar Pradesh will be taken up at 8 am on Saturday amid tight security arrangements, officials said. While the results of the bypolls will not directly impact the composition of the 403-member state Assembly, the contest is being seen as the first major face-off between the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its political rivals since the Lok Sabha election held earlier in April-May. The nine constituencies -- ”Meerapur, Kundarki, Sisamau, Katehari, Phulpur, Majhawan, Ghaziabad, Karhal and Khair -- saw intense campaigning by the BJP, Samajwadi Party (SP) and other regional parties. Political tension has been running high in the run-up to the counting, with both the BJP and the opposition parties accusing each other of election malpractices." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T06:43:40+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: Outcome crucial for both ruling and oppn camps", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:42:26+05:30", "articleBody": "Karnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: Outcome crucial for both ruling and oppn campsKarnataka Bypolls Election Result 2024: The counting of votes for the high stake by-polls to three Assembly segments in Karnataka, which witnessed a fierce fight between the ruling Congress and a combative BJP-JD(S) alliance, will take place on Saturday. By-election to Sandur, Shiggaon and Channapatna Assembly segments were held on November 13 and the outcome is crucial for either camps. A Congress show will be seen as an endorsement of both Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and his deputy DK Shivakumar while BJP's good show would mean the silencing of its state president BY Vijayendra's critics within the saffron organisation fold. For JD(S) leader HD Kumaraswamy, it will be a battle of prestige as his son Nikhil is testing his electoral fortunes from Channapatna after tasting defeats in earlier contests. Kumaraswamy had vacated the seat after being elected to the Lok Sabha in this year's elections. The counting of votes will begin at 8 am in three centres (one each in three segments) and poll officials expect a clear picture about the outcome to emerge by mid-day." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T06:42:26+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kerala Bypolls Election Result 2024: Priyanka Gandhi's electoral fortunes to be known today", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:41:30+05:30", "articleBody": "Kerala Bypolls Election Result 2024: Priyanka Gandhi's electoral fortunes to be known todayKerala Bypolls Election Result 2024: Elaborate arrangements have been made for the counting of votes polled in the three bypolls in the state-Wayanad Lok Sabha and the Palakkad and Chelakkara Assembly seats-scheduled for today, with all eyes on Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra who has made her electoral debut from the southern state. The counting will begin at 8 a.m. on November 23, with postal ballots being counted first, according to officials. The Wayanad seat has attracted national attention due to the electoral debut of Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who is contesting against CPI veteran Sathyan Mokeri and BJP's Navya Haridas. Vadra hopes to succeed her brother Rahul Gandhi, who vacated the seat following his decision to remain in the Rae Bareli constituency after winning the two seats in this year's elections. He had won from here in 2019 and his resignation necessitated the by-poll. The Palakkad bypoll votes will be counted at Victoria College, Palakkad. Among the 10 candidates contesting, the main contenders are Rahul Mamkootathil from the Congress-led UDF, C Krishnakumar from the BJP-led NDA, and P Sarin from the CPI(M)-led LDF." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T06:41:30+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting for Wayanad Lok Sabha by-elections to take place today", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:36:47+05:30", "articleBody": "Bypolls Election Result 2024: Counting for Wayanad Lok Sabha by-elections to take place todayCounting for Wayanad Lok Sabha by-elections to take place today. The constituency saw a contest between Congress' Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and BJP's Navya Haridas." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T06:36:47+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP confident of victory amid shift in Christian minority votes, says BJP candid", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:35:53+05:30", "articleBody": "Bypolls Election Result 2024: BJP confident of victory amid shift in Christian minority votes, says BJP candidate C KrishnakumarBypolls Election Result 2024: Kerala: Ahead of the counting of votes for Palakkad Assembly by-election, BJP candidate C Krishnakumar says, ...It has created a very good thing in the favour of BJP. Christian minority usually votes for UDF in the past elections. Now, they have shifted their loyalty to BJP...I have been in the public field, so people know about me. They know about BJP in Palakkad...We will definitely win the election with a thumping margin." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T06:35:53+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Bypolls Election Result 2024: Vote counting to begin for crucial bypolls across 13 states", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:31:49+05:30", "articleBody": "Bypolls Election Result 2024: Vote counting to begin for crucial bypolls across 13 statesBypolls Election Result 2024: The counting of votes for bypolls to 46 Assembly seats in 13 states and two Lok Sabha constituencies, Wayanad in Kerala and Nanded in Maharashtra, will begin at 8 a.m. today. These bypolls, held in two phases, are considered a significant political exercise following the Lok Sabha elections earlier this year, as they reflect public sentiment ahead of future polls. Spotlight on Wayanad: Priyanka Gandhi’s Electoral Debut Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is making her electoral debut from the Wayanad Lok Sabha constituency, vacated by her brother Rahul Gandhi. Wayanad has historically been a Congress stronghold. Priyanka is contesting against CPI’s Sathyan Mokeri and BJP’s Navya Haridas. Both Rahul and Priyanka campaigned extensively in the region. The outcome here will be pivotal in shaping Congress’s influence in Kerala and the broader southern political landscape. Uttar Pradesh: A Test of Strength for BJP and SP Nine Assembly constituencies in Uttar Pradesh, including Ghaziabad, Karhal, and Phulpur, went to polls on November 20. While the results will not alter the composition of the 403-member state Assembly, this is the first major electoral battle between the BJP and the Samajwadi Party (SP) since the Lok Sabha polls. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath led an intensive campaign to consolidate BJP’s voter base. Meanwhile, SP president Akhilesh Yadav expressed confidence, stating, “The bypoll results will be in favour of our party.” Accusations of electoral malpractices surfaced, with SP alleging that the BJP misused government machinery to hinder voters. Reports of voter suppression led to the suspension of five police officers. Rajasthan: Litmus Test for Congress Government Seven Assembly seats in Rajasthan, including Jhunjhunu and Salumbar, also went to bypolls. These elections are critical for Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot’s Congress government as it approaches state elections next year. A senior election official confirmed that a three-tier security arrangement was implemented for vote counting. Punjab: AAP Faces Opposition Challenges Four Assembly constituencies in Punjab, including Gidderbaha and Dera Baba Nanak, witnessed triangular contests among the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Congress, and BJP. The bypolls, necessitated after legislators were elected to the Lok Sabha, are seen as a performance test for AAP Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann’s government, which is midway through its term. Other Key Contests Across States In Karnataka, three Assembly seats, including Channapatna, were fiercely contested. The seat drew attention as Nikhil Kumaraswamy, son of JD(S) leader and former Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy, sought to reclaim political ground after earlier defeats. Bypolls were also held in six Assembly constituencies in West Bengal, where the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) sought to defend its stronghold, while BJP aimed to consolidate its presence in northern regions like Madarihat. Similarly, voters turned out for crucial elections in Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat. The bypolls covered 46 Assembly seats and two Lok Sabha constituencies, reflecting the diverse political dynamics across India. For instance, the BJP faced a setback earlier this year in Uttar Pradesh’s Lok Sabha polls, winning only 33 seats to SP’s 37. With an eye on 2027 state elections, both parties are keen to test their strategies. The Congress has extended support to the SP in Uttar Pradesh but did not field candidates there. Meanwhile, smaller parties like the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) contested independently in key constituencies, adding complexity to the multi-cornered battles. In Punjab, the bypolls have set the stage for a showdown between AAP, Congress, and BJP, with each party seeking to expand its influence. Rajasthan and West Bengal continue to be critical battlegrounds for state-level and national politics." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T06:31:49+05:30" }] }</script><script> if(window.location.href.indexOf('.com/liveblog/') != -1){ grxEvent('event', {'event_category': 'liveblog', 'event_action': 'url_issue referrer: ' + document.referrer, 'event_label': window.location.href}); } </script><script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Bypolls Election Results 2024 Highlights: BJP, allies make strong gains; Congress sees mixed results - The Economic Times", "url": "", "description" : "Bypolls Election Results 2024 Highlights: In the assembly bypolls held across 13 states, the BJP and its allies emerged as the dominant force, winning 26 out of 46 seats, including key victories in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) also delivered a strong performance in West Bengal, securing six seats. Meanwhile, Congress saw a decline, winning only seven seats—a loss of six from previous results.", "publisher": { "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization", "name": "Economic Times", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg" } } } </script></body></html>

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