{"title":"The Challenges of Hyper-Textual Learning Approach for Religious Education","authors":"Elham Shirvani\u2013Ghadikolaei, Seyed Mahdi Sajjadi","volume":125,"journal":"International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences","pagesStart":1290,"pagesEnd":1294,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10007447","abstract":"<p>State of the art technology has the tremendous&nbsp;impact on our life, in this situation education system have been influenced as well as. In this paper, tried to compare&nbsp;two space of learning text and hypertext&nbsp;with each other, and some challenges of using hypertext in religious education. Regarding the fact that, hypertext&nbsp;is an undeniable part of learning in this world and it has highly beneficial for the education process from class to office and home. In this paper tried to solve this question:&nbsp;the consequences and challenges of applying hypertext in religious education.&nbsp;Also, the consequences of this survey demonstrate the role of curriculum designer and planner of education to solve this problem.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1]\tLandow, G, and Delany, P. (1991). Hypertext, Hypermedia and Literacy Studies: The State of Art. MIT Press. Cambridge. \r\n[2]\tWills, D. (1999) . the Nature of Hypertext: Background and Implication for Librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship.Vol. 25.No.2. \r\n[3]\tBarthes, R. (1977). From Work to Text\u2019.Image, Music, Text.Trans.S.Heath, Hill and Wang.New York. \r\n[4]\tMcKnight, C, Dillion, A, and Richardson, J. (1996) . User Centered Design of Hypertext and Hypermedia for Education. Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology. Macmillan. New York. \r\n[5]\tBerg, S and Watt, J.H. (1001) Effects of Educational Setting on Student Response to Structured Hypertext.Journal of Computer-Badsed Instruction.New York. \r\n[6]\tNielsen, J. (1990) .Hypertext and Hypermedia. Academic Press. Copenhagen .Denmark. \r\n[7]\tLandow, G. (1992). Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. John Hopkins University Press. Boltimore. \r\n[8]\tPopkewitz, T. (1991). A Political Sociology of Educational Reform. Teacher College Press. New York. \r\n[9]\tPoster, M. (1995) . the Second Media Age. Polity Press. Oxford. \r\n[10]\tMoulthrop, S. (1994) .Rhizome and Resistance: Hypertext and the Dream of a New Culture, in Hyper\/Text\/Theory. John Hopkins Press. Baltimore. \r\n[11]\tStaninger, S.W. (1994). Hypertext Technology: Educational Consequences\u201d.Journal of Educational Technology .Vol.July\/Aug. \r\n[12]\tBirkerts, S. (1994) . The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in the electronic Age.New York. \r\n[13]\tFoucault.M. (1977). What Is an Author\u201d.Language, counter-Memory, Practice.Ed. Donald F.Bouchard.Cornell University Press. \r\n[14]\tBolter, J. )1993(\u201dHypertext and the Classical Commentary.\u201dThe University of Arizona Press. Tucson and London. \r\n[15]\tLanham, R. (1993) .the Electronic Word: Democracy, Technology, and the Arts.University of Chicago Press.Chicago and London. \r\n[16]\tJoyce, M.(1988(.\u201dSiren Shapes: Exploratory and Constructive Hypertext\u201d. Academic Computing .London. \r\n[17]\tGerald, G. (1992). Beyond the Culture Wars: How Teaching the Conflicts Can Revitalize American Education. New York and London. \r\n[18]\tDuncan, B. (1997). \u201cHypertext and Education (Post?) Dtructural Transformations\u201d.Philosophy of Education.University of Illinois Press. \r\n[19]\tPagano, A.(1995) .\u201dMatters of the Mind\u201d.Critical Conversation in Philosophy of Education.ed.Wendy Kohli.Routledge.New York. \r\n[20]\tBurbules, C and Callister, T .(1996(\u201dKnowledge at the Crossroads: Some Alternative Futures of Hypertext Learning Environments.\u201dEducational Theory.Vol.47.No.1. \r\n[21]\tWhalley, P. (1990(. \u201cModels of Hypertext Structure and Learning.\u201dDesigning Hypermedia for Learning.New York. \r\n[22]\tDeleuze, G, and Guattari, F. (1987) A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.Trans.Brian Massumi.Minneapolis.University of Minnesota Press. \r\n[23]\tRoy.C. (2003). Teacher in Nomadic Space: Deleuze and Curriculum.New York.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 125, 2017"}