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Build facilities, develop the team over time and drive to the top. Customise your 10-year career mode, with a choice of F2™ Championship introduction options and season lengths to allow for a more exciting, multiple season, career. The addition of split-screen racing, a new steering assist and a more accessible race experience means that you can enjoy the game with friends, no matter what your skill level. F1® 2020 features all the official teams, drivers and 22 circuits, including two new races: Hanoi Circuit and Circuit Zandvoort. Online connection required to download the final teams’ 2020 cars (as applicable) and F2™ 2020 season content. </div> <div class="browse-score-clamp"> <div class="clamp-metascore"> <span class="title">Metascore:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">91</div> </a> </div> <div class="clamp-userscore"> <span class="title">User Score:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w user large game mixed">7.0</div> </a> </div> </div> <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <label for="553611" class="clamp-list-expand-label"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> <tr> <td colspan="5"> <div id="native_top" class="ad_unit product spacer"> <script type="text/javascript"> pushToDisplay('native_top', null, 'top', false, '2cd9a36b'), false; </script> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> <tr> <td class="clamp-image-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"><img src="" alt="Huntdown"/></a> </td> <td class="clamp-summary-wrap"> <input type="checkbox" id="507948" class="clamp-summary-expand"/> <div class="clamp-score-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">87</div> </a> </div> <span class="title numbered"> 2. </span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/" class="title"> <h3> Huntdown </h3> </a> <div class="clamp-details"> </div> <div class="clamp-details"> <span>May 12, 2020</span> </div> <div class="summary"> Challenge yourselves in this hard-boiled co-op arcade shooter! Run, jump, and take cover in the mayhem-filled streets of the future. Kill the henchmen, take their guns, and Huntdown the leaders! Collect the bounty, level by level, and make a healthy living by making living unhealthy. </div> <div class="browse-score-clamp"> <div class="clamp-metascore"> <span class="title">Metascore:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">87</div> </a> </div> <div class="clamp-userscore"> <span class="title">User Score:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w user large game mixed">5.9</div> </a> </div> </div> <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <label for="507948" class="clamp-list-expand-label"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> <tr> <td class="clamp-image-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"><img src="" alt="Desperados III"/></a> </td> <td class="clamp-summary-wrap"> <input type="checkbox" id="530701" class="clamp-summary-expand"/> <div class="clamp-score-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">85</div> </a> </div> <span class="title numbered"> 3. </span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/" class="title"> <h3> Desperados III </h3> </a> <div class="clamp-details"> </div> <div class="clamp-details"> <span>June 16, 2020</span> </div> <div class="summary"> On his epic journey through 1870s USA and Mexico, John Cooper will have to take responsibility for mistakes that have been made in the past. On his quest for redemption, Cooper joins forces with the runaway bride Kate O'Hara, shady Arthur "Doc" McCoy, the giant trapper Hector and a mysterious lady from New Orleans. They make their way from the mountains of Colorado to the heart of Louisiana, then finally to New Mexico, right back into Cooper's past. You take control of this ragtag band becoming a highly functional group of unlikely heroes and heroines. The leader of his team is Cooper, drifter and gunslinger, who can kill quietly with a knife or take out multiple foes with his revolvers. Strongman Hector carries a giant beartrap and can slay the toughest opponents with his trusty axe. Cold-blooded bounty hunter McCoy likes to be methodical, using lures, knockout gas, poison syringes and a custom long-range pistol. Kate can fool almost any man with the right outfit and kill discretely with her hidden gun. Combine your specialists to overcome tough challenges in many different ways. Plan your moves wisely and execute them perfectly in real-time to sneak past your enemies while remaining undetected. </div> <div class="browse-score-clamp"> <div class="clamp-metascore"> <span class="title">Metascore:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">85</div> </a> </div> <div class="clamp-userscore"> <span class="title">User Score:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w user large game positive">7.5</div> </a> </div> </div> <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <label for="530701" class="clamp-list-expand-label"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> <tr> <td class="clamp-image-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"><img src="" alt="Super Mega Baseball 3"/></a> </td> <td class="clamp-summary-wrap"> <input type="checkbox" id="557463" class="clamp-summary-expand"/> <div class="clamp-score-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">83</div> </a> </div> <span class="title numbered"> 4. </span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/" class="title"> <h3> Super Mega Baseball 3 </h3> </a> <div class="clamp-details"> </div> <div class="clamp-details"> <span>May 13, 2020</span> </div> <div class="summary"> Run up the score in a relaxed slugfest or push the limits of your reflexes in this refined baseball simulator. The third entry in the series features an all-new Franchise mode, major graphical enhancements, and on-field additions including pickoffs and situational player traits. </div> <div class="browse-score-clamp"> <div class="clamp-metascore"> <span class="title">Metascore:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">83</div> </a> </div> <div class="clamp-userscore"> <span class="title">User Score:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w user large game mixed">6.2</div> </a> </div> </div> <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <label for="557463" class="clamp-list-expand-label"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> <tr> <td class="clamp-image-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"><img src="" alt="Deep Rock Galactic"/></a> </td> <td class="clamp-summary-wrap"> <input type="checkbox" id="510904" class="clamp-summary-expand"/> <div class="clamp-score-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">83</div> </a> </div> <span class="title numbered"> 5. </span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/" class="title"> <h3> Deep Rock Galactic </h3> </a> <div class="clamp-details"> </div> <div class="clamp-details"> <span>May 13, 2020</span> </div> <div class="summary"> Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. </div> <div class="browse-score-clamp"> <div class="clamp-metascore"> <span class="title">Metascore:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">83</div> </a> </div> <div class="clamp-userscore"> <span class="title">User Score:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w user large game positive">7.9</div> </a> </div> </div> <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <label for="510904" class="clamp-list-expand-label"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> <tr> <td class="clamp-image-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"><img src="" alt="Streets of Rage 4"/></a> </td> <td class="clamp-summary-wrap"> <input type="checkbox" id="530994" class="clamp-summary-expand"/> <div class="clamp-score-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">82</div> </a> </div> <span class="title numbered"> 6. </span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/" class="title"> <h3> Streets of Rage 4 </h3> </a> <div class="clamp-details"> </div> <div class="clamp-details"> <span>April 30, 2020</span> </div> <div class="summary"> Publisher Dotemu (Wonder Boy, Windjammers 1/2) and developers Lizardcube (Wonder Boy) and Guard Crush Games today revealed Streets of Rage 4, an all-new continuation of SEGA's iconic arcade brawler series known for its radical fights, jammin' '90s beats and dashing sparring gloves and bandanas. Streets of Rage, known as Bare Knuckle (Bea Nakkuru) in Japan, is a trilogy of beat 'em up games developed and published by SEGA in the 1990s. Famously known for its non stop action and electronic dance influenced music - scored by Yuzo Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima - the series has gained the status of cult classic throughout the years. It is considered one of the best beat 'em up series of all time. After many years, Axel and Blaze are finally picking up the fight where they left. Featuring hand-drawn visuals from the team behind 2017's gorgeous Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap remake, Streets of Rage 4 builds upon the classic trilogy's gameplay with new mechanics, a fresh story and a gauntlet of dangerous stages with a serious crime problem. Streets of Rage 4 recalls classic gameplay but it stands as an entirely original arcade-style romp thanks to the expertise of Guard Crush Games and Dotemu. Whether players gang up with a friend or clean up the city solo, Streets of Rage 4 is a skull-bashing, chicken-chomping delight all set to a thumping soundtrack sure to get your blood pumping. Features: * The comeback of the legendary Streets of Rage series. * Beautiful graphics fully hand-drawn animated by the studio behind Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap. * Classic gameplay enhanced with brand new mechanics. * Soundtrack by a wide line-up of world-class musicians. * Braised chicken served on a pristine plate. </div> <div class="browse-score-clamp"> <div class="clamp-metascore"> <span class="title">Metascore:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">82</div> </a> </div> <div class="clamp-userscore"> <span class="title">User Score:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w user large game positive">7.8</div> </a> </div> </div> <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <label for="530994" class="clamp-list-expand-label"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> <tr> <td class="clamp-image-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"><img src="" alt="MotoGP 20"/></a> </td> <td class="clamp-summary-wrap"> <input type="checkbox" id="556446" class="clamp-summary-expand"/> <div class="clamp-score-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">82</div> </a> </div> <span class="title numbered"> 7. </span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/" class="title"> <h3> MotoGP 20 </h3> </a> <div class="clamp-details"> </div> <div class="clamp-details"> <span>April 23, 2020</span> </div> <div class="summary"> Take control of your own career, switch from real teams to new teams created with sponsors from the world of MotoGP™, decide the development of the bike and manage your technical unit to win. Improved physics, with even more realistic and complex braking management. The tire has been divided into independent sectors for wear and temperature, and the fuel consumption can be managed with driving style and power maps. If you were looking for a challenge, this is definitely the one for you. Being a successful driver is much more than just keeping the throttle wide open. You also need to win with style! Unleash your creativity with 6 different graphic editors, including the new Suit and Livery editor for your bike. [Milestone] </div> <div class="browse-score-clamp"> <div class="clamp-metascore"> <span class="title">Metascore:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">82</div> </a> </div> <div class="clamp-userscore"> <span class="title">User Score:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w user large game mixed">6.8</div> </a> </div> </div> <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <label for="556446" class="clamp-list-expand-label"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> <tr> <td class="clamp-image-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"><img src="" alt="Yakuza Kiwami"/></a> </td> <td class="clamp-summary-wrap"> <input type="checkbox" id="552151" class="clamp-summary-expand"/> <div class="clamp-score-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">81</div> </a> </div> <span class="title numbered"> 8. </span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/" class="title"> <h3> Yakuza Kiwami </h3> </a> <div class="clamp-details"> </div> <div class="clamp-details"> <span>April 22, 2020</span> </div> <div class="summary"> In 2005, a legend was born on the PlayStation 2 - the legend of Kazuma Kiryu, the Dragon of Dojima, in his video game debut with Yakuza. Now, 11 years after that release, a new generation of players will be able to experience the incomparable action and drama of the Yakuza series with the rebuilt-from-scratch HD remake exclusive to PlayStation 4, Yakuza Kiwami. "Kiwami" means Extreme, and the game takes that concept to heart. It's not an HD-remaster or up-rezzing of PS2-era textures. Yakuza Kiwami was recreated from the ground up exclusively for the PlayStation 4. That means every visual element was optimized for the 1080p/60fps environment, every line of the script was re-recorded by series actors and for the first time in the West, gamers will be able to hear the original Japanese language track. Then there's the game itself! The PS2-era brawling gameplay is refined for the current gen with Kazuma Kiryu fighting his way through the ranks of Yakuza, only to wind up protecting a young girl whose aunt (who also happens to be Kiryu's childhood sweetheart) is missing...along with 10 billion yen. </div> <div class="browse-score-clamp"> <div class="clamp-metascore"> <span class="title">Metascore:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">81</div> </a> </div> <div class="clamp-userscore"> <span class="title">User Score:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w user large game positive">7.9</div> </a> </div> </div> <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <label for="552151" class="clamp-list-expand-label"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> <tr> <td class="clamp-image-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"><img src="" alt="SnowRunner"/></a> </td> <td class="clamp-summary-wrap"> <input type="checkbox" id="548284" class="clamp-summary-expand"/> <div class="clamp-score-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">81</div> </a> </div> <span class="title numbered"> 9. </span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/" class="title"> <h3> SnowRunner </h3> </a> <div class="clamp-details"> </div> <div class="clamp-details"> <span>April 28, 2020</span> </div> <div class="summary"> SnowRunner puts you in the driver's seat of powerful vehicles as you conquer extreme open environments with the most advanced terrain simulation ever. Drive 40 vehicles from brands such as Ford, Chevrolet, and Freightliner as you leave your mark on an untamed open world. Overcome mud, torrential waters, snow, and frozen lakes while taking on perilous contracts and missions. Expand and customize your fleet with many upgrades and accessories including an exhaust snorkel for heavy waters or chain tires to battle the snow. </div> <div class="browse-score-clamp"> <div class="clamp-metascore"> <span class="title">Metascore:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">81</div> </a> </div> <div class="clamp-userscore"> <span class="title">User Score:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w user large game mixed">7.2</div> </a> </div> </div> <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <label for="548284" class="clamp-list-expand-label"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> <tr> <td class="clamp-image-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"><img src="" alt="SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE"/></a> </td> <td class="clamp-summary-wrap"> <input type="checkbox" id="564126" class="clamp-summary-expand"/> <div class="clamp-score-wrap"> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">81</div> </a> </div> <span class="title numbered"> 10. </span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/" class="title"> <h3> SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE </h3> </a> <div class="clamp-details"> </div> <div class="clamp-details"> <span>July 16, 2020</span> </div> <div class="summary"> ONE OF US. ONE OF US. Still outnumbered, still outgunned. Enemies swirl around you in a storm of slow motion violence. Battle after battle, each fallen foe pushes you closer to the secrets hiding in the game and each secret gives you more powers to fight the System’s unending opposition. </div> <div class="browse-score-clamp"> <div class="clamp-metascore"> <span class="title">Metascore:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w large game positive">81</div> </a> </div> <div class="clamp-userscore"> <span class="title">User Score:</span> <a href="/web/20200718195245/"> <div class="metascore_w user large game tbd">tbd</div> </a> </div> </div> <i class="fa fa-caret-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <label for="564126" class="clamp-list-expand-label"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="spacer"></tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pre_foot"><div class="filter_message_wrap"><p class="filter_message">Games filtered by release date to the last 90 days.</p></div></div> <div class="foot"> <div class="foot_wrap"> <div class="more"> <span class="more_item"><a href="/web/20200718195245/">See all »</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mc_obbtm"> <div id="taboola-below-content-thumbnails"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var placement = 'desktop section_door Below Content Thumbnails'; 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