Apache Ozone
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This event was live streamed on LinkedIn and on YouTube. <a href="">Meetup link</a> <a href="">YouTube recording</a> <a href="/assets/Ozone_meetup_Nov102022.pdf">Slide deck</a></p> <p>The following was the list of agenda:</p> <ul> <li>Opening, Karthik Krishnamoorthy <a href="">Recording</a></li> <li>Apache Ozone - Scalable, redundant distributed object store <a href="">Recording</a></li> <li>Bucket types and FSO improvements, Ethan Rose <a href="">Recording</a></li> <li>Apache Ozone snapshots - new design, Prashant Pogde, Siyao Meng <a href="">Recording</a></li> <li>Apache Ozone Performance, Ritesh Shukla, <a href="">Recording</a></li> </ul> <div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden;"> <iframe src="" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border:0;" allowfullscreen title="YouTube Video"></iframe> </div> <h1 id="past-conference-talks">Past Conference Talks</h1> <h1 id="2022">2022</h1> <ul> <li>ApacheCon North America 2022: Reduce Your Storage Footprint with Apache Ozone Erasure Coding. Uma Maheswara Rao Gangumalla. <a href="/assets/Apache%20Ozone%20Erasure%20Coding%28EC%29.pdf">Slides</a></li> <li>ApacheCon North America 2022: Inside an Apache Ozone Upgrade. Ethan Rose. <a href="">Slides</a></li> <li>ApacheCon North America 2022: Apache Ozone - State of the Union. Siyao Meng, Ethan Rose. <a href="">Slides</a></li> <li>ApacheCon North America 2022: Performance of Apache Ozone on NVMe. Wei-Chiu Chuang, Ritesh Shukla. <a href="/assets/04_Chuang_Performance_of_Apache.pdf">Slides</a></li> <li>China Apache Hadoop Meetup 2022: What’s new in Apache Ozone 1.3. Sammi Chen. <a href="/assets/What%27sNewInApacheOzone-v3.pdf">Slides</a></li> <li>ApacheCon Asia 2022: <a href="">Sharing Of Recent Progress And Practices In Apache Ozone</a>. Yan Liu, Sammi Chen. <a href="/assets/ApacheConAsia2022_Yan_Sammi.pdf">Slides</a></li> <li>ApacheCon Asia 2022: <a href="">Disaster Recovery In Apache Ozone</a>. Sadanand Shenoy, Rakesh Radhakrishnan.</li> <li>ApacheCon Asia 2022: <a href="">Apache Ozone Behind Simulation And Ai Industries</a>. Kota Uenishi.</li> <li>ApacheCon Asia 2022: <a href="">Apache Ozone: Multi-Protocol Aware System Handles Both Files And Objects Efficiently</a>. Radhakrishnan Rakesh, Singh Mukul Kumar.</li> <li>SDC India 2022: <a href="">Apache Ozone: Multi-protocol aware system handles both files and objects efficiently</a>. Radhakrishnan Rakesh, Singh Mukul Kumar.</li> </ul> <h2 id="2021">2021</h2> <ul> <li>ApacheCon@Home 2021: <a href="">Secure Apache Ozone with High Availability</a>. Bharat Viswanadham, Xiaoyu Yao.</li> <li>ApacheCon@Home 2021: <a href="">Apache Ozone - State of the Union</a>. Dinesh Chitlangia, Aravindan Vijayan</li> <li>ApacheCon@Home 2021: <a href="">Balancing data in Apache Ozone</a>. Lokesh Jain, Siddhant Sangwan.</li> <li>ApacheCon@Home 2021: <a href="">Ozone - Performance at billions’ scale</a>. Lokesh Jain.</li> <li>ApacheCon Asia 2021: <a href="">How Security Is Implemented In Apache Ozone</a>. Bharat Viswanadham, Shashikant Banerjee.</li> <li>ApacheCon Asia 2021: <a href="">Apache Ozone: A High Performance Object Store For Analytics Workloads</a>. Rakesh Radhakrishnan, Mukul Kumar Singh.</li> <li>ApacheCon Asia 2021: <a href="">How Apache Ozone Builds Up High Availablity With Raft Protocol</a>. Shashikant Banerjee, Nandakumar Vadivelu, Li Cheng.</li> <li>SDC India 2021: <a href="">Apache Ozone: A High Performance Object Store For Analytics Workloads</a>. Rakesh Radhakrishnan, Mukul Kumar Singh.</li> <li>SDC India 2021: <a href="">Apache Ozone - Balancing and Deleting Data At Scale</a>. Lokesh Jain. <a href="">Link</a></li> <li>SDC India 2021: <a href="">Architecture and Performance at billions’ scale</a>. Lokesh Jain. <a href="">Link</a></li> <li>COSCUP Taiwan 2021: <a href="">My Journey with Apache Ozone</a>. Yi-Sheng Lien.</li> </ul> </div> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="col-md-12 trademark"> <p>© 2025 The Apache Software Foundation <a href="">The Apache Software Foundation</a>,<br/> Apache, Apache Hadoop, Apache Ozone, the Apache feather logo, are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. <p> </div> </div> </footer> <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script> </body> </html>