Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma - Reviews -
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class="dark_text">Premiered:</span> <a href="">Spring 2020</a> </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Broadcast:</span> Saturdays at 01:23 (JST) </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Producers:</span> None found, <a href="">add some</a> </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Licensors:</span> <a href="/anime/producer/102/Funimation" title="Funimation">Funimation</a> </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Studios:</span> <a href="/anime/producer/28/OLM" title="OLM">OLM</a> </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Source:</span> Game </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Genres:</span> <span itemprop="genre" style="display: none">Adventure</span><a href="/anime/genre/2/Adventure" title="Adventure">Adventure</a>, <span itemprop="genre" style="display: none">Fantasy</span><a href="/anime/genre/10/Fantasy" title="Fantasy">Fantasy</a> </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Duration:</span> 24 min. per ep. </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Rating:</span> PG-13 - Teens 13 or older </div> <br /> <h2>Statistics</h2> <div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="" class="spaceit_pad po-r js-statistics-info di-ib" data-id="info1"> <span class="dark_text">Score:</span> <span itemprop="ratingValue" class="score-label score-6">6.52</span><sup>1</sup> (scored by <span itemprop="ratingCount" style="display: none">14404</span>14,404 users) <meta itemprop="bestRating" content="10"> <meta itemprop="worstRating" content="1"> <div class="statistics-info info1"> <small><sup>1</sup> indicates a <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="'/info.php?go=topanime','topanime','menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,width=500,height=380');">weighted score</a>. </small> </div> </div> <div class="spaceit_pad po-r js-statistics-info di-ib" data-id="info2"> <span class="dark_text">Ranked:</span> #6893<sup>2</sup> <div class="statistics-info 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Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded. </small> </div> </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Popularity:</span> #3093 </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Members:</span> 55,255 </div> <div class="spaceit_pad"> <span class="dark_text">Favorites:</span> 244 </div> <br /><h2>Available At</h2><div class="external_links"><a href="" target="_blank" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="external-links-anime-pc-official-site"><i class="link_icon fas fa-link"></i><div class="caption">Official Site</div></a></div><br /><h2>Resources</h2><div class="external_links"><a href="" target="_blank" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="external-links-anime-pc-anidb"><img src="" class="link_icon" alt="icon"><div class="caption">AniDB</div></a><a href="" target="_blank" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="external-links-anime-pc-ann"><img src="" class="link_icon" alt="icon"><div class="caption">ANN</div></a><div 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<div title="6:22 AM" class="update_at">Aug 16, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">KissTheShadows</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="1" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star"></i>Recommended</div></div> <div class="text"> It's definitely not an anime for those who are used to generic works that the industry has produced.<br /> <br /> The low number of reviews x the low rates that the anime has received shows how much of the audience only watched a few moments of the show, did not understand the narrative proposal and took their judgment. It's a pity to see something a bit out of the box being rejected immediately<br /> <br /> But for those who want a different experience, who are moved by the act of writing or creative production, just watch. This anime has definitely made my day's moments a lot more comfortable.<br /> <br /> -English is obviously not <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">my native language<br /> <br /> Definitivamente não é um anime pra quem está acostumado com obras genéricas que industria tem produzido<br /> <br /> O baixo número de reviews x As notas que o anime tem recebido, mostra o como boa parte dos expectadores apenas assistiram alguns momentos do show, não entenderam a proposta da narrativa e tomaram seu julgamento. É uma pena enorme ver uma proposta fora do eixo ser rejeitada imediatamente<br /> <br /> Mas pros que querem uma experiência diferente, que se sentem movidos pelo ato da escrita ou produção criativa, vejam. O anime definitivamente tem feito os momentos do meu dia serem muito mais confortáveis.</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">9</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="352675" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="352675" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="352675" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="352675" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="352675" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="352675" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="352675" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/KissTheShadows/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by KissTheShadows (<span class="num">1</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="352675" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:352675"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1"],"num":36,"count":["36","0","0","0","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="6:17 AM" class="update_at">May 10, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">JojoTakato</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="1" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star"></i>Recommended</div><div class="tag preliminary">Preliminary <span> (4/13 eps) </span></div></div> <div class="text"> Even after just watching four episodes, I'm convinced that this anime isn't for everyone.<br /> <br /> Bungou to Alchemist is a show about reincarnated famous Japanese writers and their adventure as they "delve" into tainted books and purify them thus giving its story a proper conclusion.<br /> <br /> <br /> Story: 7/10<br /> The whole setting of this show revolves around on the idea that "A world without literature must be a boring place" in which i personally agree because literature is the mirror of our society and without it, our culture, history, and even our very identity would cease to exist. The action part, in which the delvers purify the tainted, the ones that <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">want to ruin the whole plot, is very commendable.<br /> <br /> <br /> Art and Sound: 8/10<br /> The art of this anime is pretty good and decent. The soundtrack is pretty fair. Overall, it's pretty good and I have no problems whatsoever.<br /> <br /> <br /> Character: 6/10<br /> There are chances that you might find yourself dumbfounded when you watch this show as the characters in this show is based on the famous Japanese authors that you have no idea who the freak is. An extensive research on the Japanese authors and classics might help you in enjoying the show (But who in the right mind who will spend a lot of time reading a biography of a person just to watch a 13-episode anime)<br /> <br /> <br /> Enjoyment: 8/10<br /> Even without extensive knowledge about Japanese authors, or classics, I am currently enjoying this anime as it shows the struggle of an author to put a deserving end to their book, and it's the show isn't bad at all.<br /> <br /> <br /> Overall: 7/10<br /> As i said in the beginning, this show isn't for everyone. If you're looking for an interesting anime without bothering to look at the background of the characters then this anime is not for you, but if you're a sucker for Japanese literature with some action twist then you might give this one a try.<br /> </span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">7</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="339186" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="339186" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="339186" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="339186" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="339186" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="339186" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="339186" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/JojoTakato/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by JojoTakato (<span class="num">2</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="339186" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:339186"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1","2"],"num":22,"count":["20","2","0","0","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="9:38 AM" class="update_at">Oct 21, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">RokudoRena</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="1" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star"></i>Recommended</div></div> <div class="text"> A good anime that isn't for everyone. I found it very disappointing to see such low scores as 3 and 4... because imo the characters and animation itself are very well done. I have read few works and my bachelor degree was about Dazai Osamu, that's why I was very excited to see that he was in the main cast and I found the portraying done extremely well! The stories which were taken from works are shown shorty and with main point. This anime made me remember all of the authors and works I have read and made want to read it again, that's why <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">for me this anime reached it main purpose. I think the way it revived japanese literature is fine! Colorful animation and great seiyuus is a pleasant bonus. The only minus here is story because we never got to see alchemist himself and storytelling about saving literature was a little bit confusing. Also, never got fully explain how their world work, only few phrases covered that. The only thing I would justify is why there were two Akutagawas - I think the writers referred to Akutagawa having hallucinations at his late years. But overall for me it was a good anime and I enjoyed it!</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">7</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="360851" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="360851" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="360851" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="360851" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="360851" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="360851" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="360851" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/RokudoRena/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by RokudoRena (<span class="num">3</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="360851" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:360851"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1"],"num":15,"count":["15","0","0","0","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="7:13 AM" class="update_at">May 16, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">Pipi_chan</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag mixed-feelings btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="2" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star-half-stroke"></i>Mixed Feelings</div><div class="tag preliminary">Preliminary <span> (5/13 eps) </span></div></div> <div class="text"> Bungo and Alchemist was put on some delay from episode 4 for some time but now it's 5th episode has finally released and so I am here with its First Impression. The plot is different and concept is new. The basic idea of this anime is "The world would become barren without literature". A group of historical writers use their special abilities to rescue books that have been cursed by the 'taints'. Taints are evil force that take over the world inside the book and manipulates it at their own will, and make them disappear from the reality itself. The writer who have been reincarnated, <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">delve into these tainted books, and give it the proper conclusion that it deserves by fighting off the taints. <br /> <br /> This show focuses on Japanese historical writers, who have contributed a lot to the society in the form of their work in literature. The idea that this show focuses on is how the world will change if literature ceases to exist, in the episode 4, it is clearly shown how a book can effect the perspective of a person about oneself and the world he lives in. If you are a literature person then you would understand that there are so many books that change our lives for better, but what will happen if they just cease to exist?<br /> <br /> After watching 5 episodes of this show, I can clearly say that, this anime is not for everybody, though it gives a good message to its viewers, but as I said this show focuses on Japanese historical writers, so if you don't have idea about Japanese literature, you won't be able to connect with the story, basically this show demands some research on japanese classic literature, and nobody's gonna do that probably! and that is basically the reason why this show struggles to connect with its audience. Anime is watched all around the world but not many of them would have much idea about Japanese literature. <br /> <br /> Well, the animation is pretty decent and soundtrack is also okay. If you are a fan of Japanese literature or you have some idea about them and you like some action twist, you might enjoy this show, but if you are finding an interesting anime without bothering about the backgroud, this is not for you.</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">6</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="340084" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="340084" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="340084" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="340084" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="340084" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="340084" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="340084" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/Pipi_chan/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by Pipi_chan (<span class="num">5</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="340084" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:340084"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1"],"num":11,"count":["11","0","0","0","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="7:33 AM" class="update_at">Jul 11, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">Mara_Fey345</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="1" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star"></i>Recommended</div><div class="tag preliminary">Preliminary <span> (8/13 eps) </span></div></div> <div class="text"> I'm just going to outright say it, I love this anime! The art style is beautiful, along with the animation, the locations are rarely ugly to look at. They really give the different characters good personalities and unique looks to differentiate between different characters. The OP and EP are really good and the background music also fits with the show's atmosphere. Overall, I really love this show and want to watch it to its entirety.<br /> <br /> But even though I love this anime, if you don't like literature or shows relating to historical events or characters, I wouldn't recommend this to you. About half of the show <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">takes place inside books already written and sometimes, you might need prior knowledge of the character's real-life counterparts to get what's happening. If you're willing to do that, I definitely recommend this to you, but if you're not, then I would say try something else.</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">9</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="347899" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="347899" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="347899" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="347899" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="347899" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="347899" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="347899" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/Mara_Fey345/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by Mara_Fey345 (<span class="num">1</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="347899" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:347899"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1"],"num":9,"count":["9","0","0","0","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="7:00 AM" class="update_at">Aug 10, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">Ashed_13</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag not-recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="3" data-href=""><i class="far fa-star"></i>Not Recommended</div></div> <div class="text"> To be honest this show was a pain in the ass to watch.<br /> <br /> The story-3/10<br /> Before I say anything let me preface this.The concept is really interesting and unique.You have these historic Japanese authors all going into novels to fight supernatural creatures from destroying literature.So good so far right?Well it went pretty good for the first 2 or 3 episodes.The pacing was solid and actually really interesting but its after the first few episodes that it fall apart.After the a fore mentioned first few episodes begins the shitstorm. They have a episode about farming for no damn reason then have a weird yaoi romance arc for an <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">episode where the writers go to the real world or something.I am not sure as to whether that was a in a book but I do believe it was not and literally just took place on Earth.They constantly add new characters out of nowhere,something that mind you was an important part of the cohesion of the story.In 2 episodes they somehow managed to cram around 20 new characters all without descriptions.The pacing was almost like someone was forcefully trying to fit over sized gears into a complex clockwork mechanism.It all just fell apart from there.Although I say that I must admit the last few episodes were very good.The psychological and character drama was well represented and honestly carry the show.<br /> <br /> Art-8/10<br /> This is probably the place where the show really manages to shine.The character designs are really unique for the main cast.Specifically the designs of Akutagawa and Dazai were some that stuck to me.The contrasting colors between the two were a very pleasing aesthetic which means quite a bit because the two show up almost every episode.This doesn't apply to the sub cast.The designs at that point got really similar to the point of me constantly mixing them up.The weapon designs were over embossed and complicated with pointless decoration but cool I guess.The the side characters felt way too similar to each other.Besides that the only other shortcoming I feel was the overuse of flashy cuts and transitions during fights which is a damn shame.The animation is smooth and pretty.The fights are really well choreographed as well.All in all this show had some really amazing artwork that really grew on me.<br /> <br /> Sound-6/10<br /> The OST is really good.The sound direction and foley is very well done and there isnt anything I can call out the show for.The voice acting for the anime was also well done and gave the characters much needed life.<br /> <br /> Characters-2/10<br /> Oh boy.Theres just nothing to say here.The authors themselves were stereotyped to death,felt boring,were unoriginal and nothing worth remembering.Beyond all of that there is also the overly concentrated sub cast.Theres wayyyyyy too many side characters and they dont even get properly introduced properly.Some of them were extremely annoying too and the bromance was unnecessary.I swear the only good character is Akutagawa.<br /> <br /> Enjoyment-4<br /> As mentioned before there were a few episodes I really enjoyed but the horrible middle episode really threw a wrench in the works.The humor didn't work well for me other than the Bungou Gourmet sections.<br /> <br /> Overall-4/10<br /> I do think this is worth a watch if you have spare time but I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it to any body.There are way too many missed opportunities and much wasted potential which is really disappointing.All said and done this a below average show due to its crappy pacing and oddball humor.</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">4</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="351930" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="351930" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="351930" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="351930" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="351930" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="351930" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="351930" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/Ashed_13/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by Ashed_13 (<span class="num">7</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="351930" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:351930"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1"],"num":8,"count":["8","0","0","0","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="6:19 PM" class="update_at">Jul 15, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">Not_Much</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="1" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star"></i>Recommended</div><div class="tag preliminary">Preliminary <span> (9/13 eps) </span></div></div> <div class="text"> I found this while doing a random anime challenge with a friend, where you watch 1 episode from a randomly chosen anime on MAL. I saw the score and immediately rejected it, so I went into the first episode expecting trash. However, maybe it's because I'm slightly familiar with the story they featured in the first episode or because of my inability to hate pretty anime boys, but a week later I found myself coming back to watch the next episodes. "And it went a little like this": *<br /> <br /> Story: Not going to lie, the whole "let's revive historical Japanese figures" has been done quite <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">a few times, and to a foreigner it loses some of the appeal as we don't know as much, if anything, about them. THAT SAID, I find the story of this anime very interesting. I'm not a huge book nerd, but I found the plot unique and intriguing. I appreciate the way it explores famous works, and the impact of that literature on the world and other authors of the time period. The plot twists and inter-character drama is very *cough* anime, but fun nonetheless. <br /> <br /> Art: If you want to know why I love the art in this, watch the opening. Its not mind blowing, but it's very pretty and the action scenes are pretty well done. And once you get to the 3rd episode or so, you just stop questioning the oddly idol-ish outfits these 1900s authors seem to wear, and chalk it up to the studio's decision to "make pretty anime boi look pretty", which is something I dont have any big issue with. <br /> Sound: I haven't really taken notice of it for anything in particular. :/ The OP and ED are pretty good. <br /> <br /> Characters: More than the books, the authors are really the center of this anime, adding another layer of interest but also confusion for those who don't know much about their history. However, I believe the way they present the author's characters using anime character archetypes makes it easier and more enjoyable to follow along with their interactions. However, I fear it has not allowed for much character development, as the characters just revert back to their cliches after any emotional arcs. Though they make good use of character comedy to keep the anime from dragging too much. <br /> <br /> Enjoyment: 9/10 I have enjoyed this more than other anime on my list that are rated MUCH higher. I learned a lesson about judging a book (lol) by its cover. And I will recommend it to friends who I think would enjoy this type of anime in the hopes that we can raise it above its current dreary 5.xx score. <br /> <br /> Overall: 7 Not the best anime out there, but definitely worth at least some of your time, in my opinion. :)</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">7</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="348602" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="348602" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="348602" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="348602" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="348602" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="348602" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="348602" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/Not_Much/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by Not_Much (<span class="num">2</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="348602" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:348602"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1","2"],"num":4,"count":["3","1","0","0","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="5:07 PM" class="update_at">Oct 18, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">MinTaiSan</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="1" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star"></i>Recommended</div><div class="tag preliminary">Preliminary <span> (10/13 eps) </span></div></div> <div class="text"> I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone that love literature and/or is interested in the authors' lives. I feel the characters are a closer representation of the authors, than Bungou Stray Dogs, especially because they really focused on the possible mindset of the authors.<br /> <br /> It shows very nicely the struggle that authors generally face when writing, the effects of criticism and the aftermath.<br /> <br /> On top of that, through the anime, I got to learn a bit more about the Japanese Literature and it's encouraging me to read more about their works.<br /> <br /> I guess in a sense, they are trying to promote Japanese literature through the <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">anime.<br /> <br /> The art style is immaculate, it just left me speechless an in love with it, especially for Akutagawa, Dazai, Oda and Sakaguchi.</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">9</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="360562" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="360562" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="360562" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="360562" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="360562" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="360562" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="360562" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/MinTaiSan/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by MinTaiSan (<span class="num">1</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="360562" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:360562"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1","2"],"num":4,"count":["3","1","0","0","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="9:18 AM" class="update_at">Apr 8, 2021</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">coravline</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="1" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star"></i>Recommended</div></div> <div class="text"> This anime is specific. It definitely won't appeal to everyone, as you can see from the 3/4 star ratings. But in my opinion, this anime is really well made.<br /> <br /> First of all, people's feelings towards books, which I thought was the main message of the anime, is portrayed incredibly beautifully. As a fan of the books, I was captivated. I even cried at episode 4 where it was depicted.<br /> <br /> Secondly, the presentation of the authors. I haven't read much about Oda or Ango, but I got into Dazai. It was really well and compositionally presented. We didn't play around with making the author shallow. We had the <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">whole thing presented here. <br /> <br /> The next thing, the animation and the line work. It was pleasing to the eye and the fight scenes were interesting and well done. The interior of the books and the landscapes in the nuch were beautiful. <br /> <br /> It's not perfect, nor is it the best anime I've watched. There is a lot of ambiguity and nonsense, but in my opinion it doesn't deserve such a low rating. But well, like I said it's not an anime for everyone.</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">8</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="390678" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="390678" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="390678" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="390678" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="390678" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="390678" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="390678" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/coravline/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by coravline (<span class="num">2</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="390678" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:390678"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1"],"num":4,"count":["4","0","0","0","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="5:44 PM" class="update_at">Aug 20, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">Balsamina</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag mixed-feelings btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="2" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star-half-stroke"></i>Mixed Feelings</div></div> <div class="text"> TL;DR -- this show's biggest problem is that it is boring.<br /> <br /> Art: 8<br /> Best point of the show really. The characters are generally not poorly proportioned or poorly colored. The color palette is generally pleasant. There is even some level of depth to the shading. It hardly if at all qualifies for action but the action scenes in it are decent.<br /> <br /> Sound: 5<br /> It's not terrible, it's not great. Nothing I will remember after the show but nothing that will make me watch the show muted either.<br /> <br /> Characters: 4<br /> The idea is to take historical writers (of Japan) and take an interesting spin on them. Having knowledge of Japanese literary <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">figures really help understand what they are talking about. Without them, you will be completely lost. Even having knowledge of some of the most prominent figures and their works, such as Akutagawa and his Rashoumon, however, I still feel that the characterization was bland at best. The characters didn't have any relatable growth. It felt like a shounen boyband.. . except without the coolness of a typical actual shounen boyband.<br /> <br /> Story: 3<br /> This was like a Sailor Moon of JP Writers and Boys. The conflicts were pretty much monster of the week, the final conflict not that far from just Big Bad at the End. We don't really see magical girl transformations but if it had that, it might as well be a Sailor Moon featuring boys. The sophistication of the the works by JP's classics writers were entirely not present, ironically.<br /> <br /> Overall: 5<br /> It's a show I can watch while I play some games on my PC or phone. In fact, mid way through this show, I picked up an investments book and just read that because studying finance was more interesting than the "plot", and since I understand spoken Japanese, I still was able to follow along. <br /> <br /> [No who it's for/not for section because for once I'm not sure who this is targeted towards.]</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">5</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="353193" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="353193" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="353193" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="353193" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="353193" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="353193" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="353193" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/Balsamina/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by Balsamina (<span class="num">68</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="353193" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:353193"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1","4"],"num":21,"count":["15","0","0","6","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="11:28 AM" class="update_at">Aug 7, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">KANLen09</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag not-recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="3" data-href=""><i class="far fa-star"></i>Not Recommended</div></div> <div class="text"> In literature, there are a lot of quotes that become lifelong mantras that we live by, and whether it is a novel that moves us to tears, a play that intrigues or a poem that rouses our passions, a piece of well-written literature can have an impact on our emotions and behaviour that become value-added systems in life. But adapting this into a medium can be the hardest thing to swallow. Literature, like a play, when done right, it can be an adventure worth the long journey, and in the case of this show, it has a promising start and build-up, only to let that <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">effect relinquish more on the enjoyment. Love of hate this show, this is side-cheddar compared to better ones out there (a.k.a Bungou Stray Dogs).<br /> <br /> “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”<br /> - Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr Seuss<br /> <br /> This show has a base story but there is no substance towards it. I mean, to put it simply, to resurrect past famous literature authors (Osamu Dazai, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke etc.) to save their books from a possible evil of wiping out their existence on the face of the Earth. Now tell me if that isn't the most generic of generic situations that game adaptations suffer from it being a constant theme that just went somewhere but with no end in mind. And even if it has an end, it's largely unsatisfying. Blame it on Psycho-Pass 2 scriptwriter Jun Kumagai for this.<br /> <br /> “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.”<br /> - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, J.K. Rowling<br /> <br /> Personally, I'm not very acquainted with Japanese literature, but I have read some well-known literature in the past that truly puts me in a trance about living in such worlds like that. The thought of living in different environments is a wonderful fantasy that can always be wished in dreams. But back to this show, the only relevancy going for it is the interpretation of these famous Japanese authors and the works they've done, to "delve" into these books to rid of evil Taints decimating their mark in history. Again, very generic.<br /> <br /> “Not all those who wander are lost.”<br /> - The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkein<br /> <br /> I haven't really watched much OLM shows (other than Pokemon and the decent 12-sai), but this is pretty much a studio where like Madhouse and Gainax, the better team staff branched out to create their own studios (e.g. OLM Team Iwasa who founded White Fox). This show created by Team Kojima, who also created Mix (the baseball anime), is not half-bad either on the visuals department. But as best as I can put it, it's only decently good.<br /> <br /> “We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.”<br /> - The Tempest, William Shakespeare<br /> <br /> The only good thing about this show is the OST, albeit with a very bias mindset, because while good music can't displace the shows negative points, as long as they're good for listening, it's all fine. Good songs for both OP and ED, but that's about it.<br /> <br /> “The Answer to the ultimate question of Life, The Universe and Everything is…42!” <br /> - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams<br /> <br /> All in all, a really poor show that with the Bungou name attached, it sounds like it'll be a decent one, but nope. Even with the COVID situation delaying this show, it's in no hurry by anyone to catch. Even more baffling is that game adaptations usually are 12 episodes, and this has 13, so to spend another 24 mins watching a boring show that's as sluggish as molasses, I have lost hope for this show.<br /> <br /> But not to persuade you to skip this, 'coz try this for yourself and see how you'd feel about it. Experience, not opinion, is the crux of this show and it is as every bit as sleeping on a couch and forgetting what even happened in the first place.</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">3</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="351594" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="351594" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="351594" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="351594" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="351594" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="351594" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="351594" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/KANLen09/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by KANLen09 (<span class="num">656</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="351594" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:351594"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions='{"icon":["1"],"num":1,"count":["1","0","0","0","0","0","0"]}'><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="1:11 AM" class="update_at">May 22, 2022</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">alasitar</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="1" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star"></i>Recommended</div></div> <div class="text"> I'm probably being biased because I watched this when I was in the hospital and it was one of my only sources of entertainment at the time.<br /> When I watched it first I didn't really get a lot of it but i really like all of the characters and the concept so I rewatched it once again and this time i looked more into it <br /> I liked how there were small details relating to the actual authors and stuff like that since i also like reading japanese authors books, my personal favourite author/poet being Chuya nakahara. <br /> After reading alot of reviews here i realized <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">that this anime is not really for those type of anime fans if you know what i mean.... I overall give this anime a 8/10 not the best anime I watched but still one of my favorites !<br /> (Sorry if i made any grammatical mistakes i suck at spelling really)</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">8</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="445505" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="445505" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="445505" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="445505" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="445505" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="445505" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="445505" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/alasitar/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by alasitar (<span class="num">3</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="445505" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas 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class="body"> <div title="8:02 AM" class="update_at">Aug 15, 2020</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">Dauphine</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="1" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star"></i>Recommended</div><div class="tag preliminary">Preliminary <span> (7/13 eps) </span></div></div> <div class="text"> THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS, IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED UP TO THIS POINT, TURN BACK NOW!!!!<br /> <br /> <br /> Ok, this is only my second ever review on the site and i'm only writing this because this anime just made me that angry, yes, even worse than Meiji Tokyo Renka did!!!!<br /> <br /> Ok, let's start this off:<br /> <br /> Art: 9/10<br /> <br /> Character design is for the most part good, Dazai's eyes might be too big in comparison to how he looks like in the game and Shuusei looks weird to say the least but everyone else is good looking and not far off from their game counterpart.<br /> <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;"><br /> The battles are alright, definitely much better than the embarrassing light show clashes that were in the adaptation of Namu Amida Butsu!: Rendai Utena!<br /> <br /> Sound: 7/10<br /> <br /> The OP & ED are ok but nothing that amazing, i wish they would have made it like in Touken Ranbu Hanamaru where each episode, the ending song is sung by different character(s) seiyuu, would have been much better and more appreciated by the fans i think, potential wasted here....then again they didn't do this for the adaptation of Namu Amida Butsu!: Rendai Utena! either, which i think is a real shame....<br /> <br /> The seiyuu's did a good job vocing the characters, especially Dazai, hilarious as always whatever he's voiced by Mamoru Miyano or Yuuichi Nakamura(here)!<br /> <br /> Characters: 9/10<br /> <br /> All the writers are great, and of course Odasaku is still the greatest friend anyone could ever hope for, whatever that be in Bungou Stray Dogs, Bungou to Alchemist and i'm sure was in real life as well!<br /> <br /> Story: 5/10<br /> <br /> I admit, it had potential, the fact that we get to relive the stories writen by the writers by delving inside the books is a great idea, i actually liked that, but.....that's where it stops. <br /> <br /> It's pretty poorly executed, you are just thrown inside the episode with absolutely no explanation whatsoever and are expected to just go along with it, even from the very first episode, this can at times be confusing and it won't tell you anything untill near the end of the episode if at all.<br /> <br /> One episode took place in the "real" world with some no name characters going about their daily lives and i began to wonder if i accidentally somehow clicked on the wrong anime by that point....this episode felt just like a blatant embarrassing advertizing attempt at making people interested in literature(if they weren't already) a waste of an episode that could have actually been used to move the story further along but nooooo.....<br /> <br /> Enjoyment: 2/10<br /> <br /> They took huge liberties with this adaptation by making it almost completely different from the original game it originated from, basically pissing on everything that made the game enjoyable, this anime feels as cold and distant as the alchemist in this anime is(player character)<br /> <br /> There's no connection of the player character to the writers at all, unlike in Touken Ranbu Hanamaru, here it's like both parties don't give a shit about each other(the writers trying to constantly escape from the library and being unhappy there and the Alchemist not caring for their well being nor happiness at all, even denying them proper food for God's sake!!!!!<br /> <br /> That was not the case in the game at all, they had different meals every day(with changes during the summer and winter months) and you could interact with them and give them gifts to raise your relationship with them!!!!! The writers also do NOT think poorly of the player in the game and aren't trying to escape like in the anime!!!!<br /> <br /> But this last episode was the last drop that broke the camels back........i never thought that they would actually go there.....but they sure did!!!!!!!<br /> <br /> I blame all the people that complained that Katsugeki Touken Ranbu was apparently NOT "dark" enough for them, so DMM games took their "suggestions" more like finger pointing and calling them cowards, weak and whatnot and implemented them into Bungou to Alchemist instead, thinking that this was a "good" idea, fucking no!!!!!! IT WAS NOT!!!!!!!!!<br /> <br /> I won't continue watching this and neither any sequels it may have because i absolutely despise the direction this anime is heading and i sure as hell don't want to see THAT again!!!!!<br /> <br /> Unless they are making a new Bungou to Alchemist anime handled by a different staff and studio and is more aking to Touken Ranbu Hanamaru, i'm done with the anime!!!!!!!! >:(</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">7</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="352554" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="352554" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="352554" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="352554" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="352554" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="352554" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="352554" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/Dauphine/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by Dauphine (<span class="num">2</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="352554" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:352554"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions=''><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="11:46 AM" class="update_at">Mar 15, 2022</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">Firechick12012</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag mixed-feelings btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="2" data-href=""><i class="fas fa-star-half-stroke"></i>Mixed Feelings</div></div> <div class="text"> Over the course of anime's existence, every few years or so, depending on the current landscape, anime likes to explore trends or capitalize on what's popular. Back in the 2000s, this was visual novel adaptations and ecchi stuff. In the 2010s, isekai stuff began saturating the market, and still does to this day, and as of recently, the newest trend comes in the form of cellphone games. Naturally, anime is made to promote the source material they're adapted from, be it a manga, game, or a light novel, with Bungo and Alchemist: Gears of Judgment being no different. Mobile games have gotten immensely popular as <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">of late, bringing in millions of dollars, so it's no surprise corporations would want to capitalize on this success and adapt some famous games into anime, even if said anime are just glorified commercials for the game in question. There are some mobage anime that I like, such as Kemono Friends and Granblue Fantasy (Still waiting for the second season to get dubbed!), and there are just as many that are good, bad, average, mediocre, or just...dull. Unfortunately, Bungo and Alchemist has mobage game adaptation written all over it, and I don't mean that as a compliment.<br /> <br /> The story takes place in a labyrinthine library where the world's greatest writers are reincarnated and...basically made into pretty boys. Their mission is to delve into the stories of old in order to protect them from evil beings known as the Taints. Yes, that's the name they went with, and it's as stupid as it sounds. The Taints corrupt books and intend on either changing the stories completely or outright erasing literature forever, so it's up to the authors to put a stop to them. The premise of jumping into books and saving their content is nothing new, but is actually one I like. There are even some books I've read that have used this to great effect, such as Anna James' The Bookwanderers series, and some that don't do it as well, such as James Riley's Story Thieves series. I've always been of the mind that it doesn't matter how unoriginal or cliche your story is, as nowadays it's impossible to make something original, so long as you create good, deep, interesting characters that can drive the story and are passionate about what you create.<br /> <br /> But passion project, Bungo and Alchemist is not. All the characters save for one are just static archetypes that you've seen in pretty much every other anime before this, all made to look like generic over-designed bishounen made solely to make girls squeal. None of them change or grow over the course of the series, and the show itself is fairly formulaic on principle: Characters go into a book, find the author of the book, fight and purify them, bring them to the library, rinse and repeat. There's just no reason for me, and by extension the audience, to really care about them as characters other than what's on the surface. None of them really stand out, nor do the writers really try to make them interesting and three-dimensional in any way. Not helping matters is that the cast itself is pretty large, and if there's one thing Lapis Re:Lights taught me, is that if you want to have a show with 20-something characters in it or more, 11-13 episodes is absolutely NOT the best length for a series with that big a cast.<br /> <br /> That being said, Bungo and Alchemist does have its good points. For one, the animation is solid, but nothing to really write home about. Would you believe that this was actually done by the same production company that worked on Pokemon, OLM? Seriously, I had no idea until I looked it up. Also, it seems like the show's budget went into the opening at the expense of everything else, because not only is that opening theme really creative in its animation and imagery, it is amazingly well done. Why the hell is this better animated than the entire series?! Why couldn't the entire show been as creative and fluidly animated as the friggin' opening?! Don't have much to say about the soundtrack, other than that it really likes to abuse one particular instrument that I don't even know the name of. You'll know it when you hear it. As far as good things go, there is one thing that I really liked about Bungo and Alchemist: A certain revelation behind one of the protagonists and his connection with the villain. I really liked the twist about him, and it actually made the final two episodes somewhat better...though not by much.<br /> <br /> In the end, Bungo and Alchemist just comes and goes, yet another mobage game adaptation that's just there to promote the game and not much else. It's not offensively bad, nor does it really reach any highs. It's fine if you want a nice little time killer, but you're not going to find anything groundbreaking with this one, and there are lots of other things that tackled the same ideas and concepts much better.</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">6</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="437934" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="437934" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="437934" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="437934" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="437934" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="437934" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="437934" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/Firechick12012/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by Firechick12012 (<span class="num">291</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="437934" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:437934"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review-element js-review-element" data-reactions=''><div class="thumbbody mt8"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-pic"> <img src="" data-src="" class="lazyloaded" width="48"> </a> </div> <div class="body"> <div title="1:15 PM" class="update_at">Apr 14, 2022</div><div class="username"> <a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer">bufi_</a> </div><div class="tags"><div class="tag not-recommended btn-label js-btn-label" data-id="3" data-href=""><i class="far fa-star"></i>Not Recommended</div></div> <div class="text"> I've seen that people giving this show higher ratings tend to think its low overall ratings come from it appealing to a specific audience only, an while I do agree it's not for the big masses, that's definitely not the actual reason (the current rating is 6.46). Bungou to Alchemist has some big, too hard to ignore flaws.<br /> <br /> The story has potential, and I would have loved to see how the biggest classics in Japanase literature fight for its existence, but the execution was just horrific. I don't think the writers knew from the start where the whole plot is going at all. Aside that, they <span class="js-visible" style="margin-left: -4px;">...</span> <span class="js-hidden" style="display: none;">didn't even know what kind of anime did they want it to be; at first, you'd think it's the episodic type (I mean, there was a farming episode with no action just because), but then they quickly throw all the ideas in at the same time in the second half. It's very messy and it just kinda dulles the enjoyment for the most part.<br /> <br /> The art was fine, the action scenes are animated properly. Good work on it.<br /> <br /> The sound was alright as well, the voice actors did their job properly. The OP and ED were actually pretty good.<br /> <br /> The characters are the other major flaw of the show. The fact that there are a lot for just 13 episodes aside, they are just too shallow, especially for such praised intellectuals. Their chemistry isn't really that great either, and the relationship of the two that are the highlights of the show, Osamu Dazai and Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, isn't any better. The characters themselves are all, or most of them, undeveloped, and the ones that get the chance of being something by having more screen time end up as failures. They feel more like some cheap copies that the writers tried helplessly to make more interesting by giving them personalities that don't really seem to suit them. The number of characters and the lenght of the anime aren't a good match at all, so it's kind of understandable; however, that doesn't make it better.<br /> <br /> Overall, Bungou to Alchemist is another failed show with potential. I didn't even get to enjoy it since it was just bad, so I don't have any reason to recommend it.</span> </div> <div class="rating mt20 mb20 js-hidden" style="display: none;"> Reviewer’s Rating: <span class="num">4</span> </div> <div class="notice mb12 js-hidden" style="display: none;">What did you think of this review?</div> <div class="reaction-box mb8 js-hidden" style="display: none;"><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction nice ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-nice" data-id="441554" data-val="1" data-more="true"> Nice <img src="" alt="Nice"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction loveit ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-loveit" data-id="441554" data-val="2" data-more="true"> Love it <img src="" alt="Love it"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction funny ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-funny" data-id="441554" data-val="3" data-more="true"> Funny <img src="" alt="Funny"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction confusing ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-confusing" data-id="441554" data-val="4" data-more="false" style="display: none;"> Confusing <img src="" alt="Confusing"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction informative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-informative" data-id="441554" data-val="5" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Informative <img src="" alt="Informative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction well-written ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-well-written" data-id="441554" data-val="6" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Well-written <img src="" alt="Well-written"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="btn-reaction js-btn-reaction creative ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reaction-creative" data-id="441554" data-val="7" data-more="true" style="display: none;"> Creative <img src="" alt="Creative"><span class="num">0</span></div><div class="more_reviews js-more_reviews" style="display: none;"><a href="/profile/bufi_/reviews" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-anime-reviewer-all-reviews"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>More reviews by bufi_ (<span class="num">52</span>) </a></div><div class="btn-showall js-btn-showall"><i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>Show all</div></div><div class="bottom-navi"><div class="icon-reaction js-icon-reaction" data-id="441554" data-pagename="anime-title-reviews"></div><div class="readmore"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-readmore" data-ga-click-type="review-readmore"><i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>Read more</a></div><div class="showless" style="display: none;"><a href="#" class="ga-click js-showless" data-ga-click-type="review-showless"><i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>Show less</a></div><div class="open"><a href="" class="ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-permalink"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up-right"></i>Open </a></div><div class="gift"><a href="" class="ga-click ga-impression" data-ga-click-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-impression-type="gift-entry-anime-title-reviews" data-ga-click-param="rid:441554"><i class="fas fa-gift"></i>Gift </a></div><div class="menu"><a href="#" class="btn-popup js-btn-popup"><i class="far fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><div class="menu-block js-menu-block"><a href="" class="link ga-click" data-ga-click-type="review-report">Report</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt4"><div class="ml4 mb8"></div></div></div> <div class="mauto clearfix pt24" style="width:760px;"> <div class="fl-l"> </div> <div class="fl-r"> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript" src="//" data-pin-hover="true"></script></div><!-- end of contentHome --> </div><!-- end of contentWrapper --> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $(window).scroll(function() { var cHeight = $("#myanimelist").height(); 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