Faculty Position: RNA and CRISPR therapeutics, gene and cell therapy, and nanoparticle medicine job with Icahn Genomics Institute - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | 12832352
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and nanoparticle medicine</h1> <div class="mds-grid-row"> <div class="mds-grid-col-12 mds-grid-col-md-6 mds-grid-col-lg-8 mds-margin-bottom-b5 mds-margin-bottom-md-b0"> <dl class="mds-list mds-list--definition mds-list--border mds-margin-bottom-b0"> <dt class="mds-list__key">Employer</dt> <dd class="mds-list__value"> <a href="/naturecareers/employer/12830723/icahn-genomics-institute-icahn-school-of-medicine-at-mount-sinai">Icahn Genomics Institute - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai</a> </dd> <dt class="mds-list__key">Location</dt> <dd class="mds-list__value">New York City, New York (US)</dd> <dt class="mds-list__key">Salary</dt> <dd class="mds-list__value">$150K-$250K dependent on rank</dd> <dt class="mds-list__key">Closing date</dt> <dd class="mds-list__value">18 Jan 2025</dd> </dl> <div data-test="accordion-job-detail-categories" class="mds-padding-top-b3"> <details class="mds-accordion"> <summary class="mds-button mds-button--plain mds-padding-x-b0 "><svg aria-hidden="true" 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</div> </div> </div> <div class="mds-surface__inner"> <div class="mds-prose"><p>We are inviting applications for tenure-track faculty position (Assistant, Associate, Full Professor level) for scientists that are working to develop the next generation of gene and cell therapies and vaccines. This includes bioengineers and biochemists working on the fundamental technologies that power these therapies, especially those working on the development of new nucleic acid delivery technologies, such as lipid nanoparticles (LNP), adeno-associated vectors (AAV), novel CRISPR gene and base editing tools, mRNA formulations and oligonucleotide therapeutics, chimeric antigen receptors (CAR), and approaches for more sophisticated control of transgene expression, including for targeted brain delivery and immune cell control. We are also looking for scientists and clinicians applying DNA and RNA technologies and gene engineering to the treatment of disease, including cancer, inflammatory disease, brain disorders, and infectious disease.</p> <p>The Icahn Genomics Institute is a hub of gene therapy science and clinical practice, with a bench to bedside track record in RNA and DNA therapies, including one of the first approved RNAi drugs and notable advances in the development of delivery and targeting technologies. The candidate will join an outstanding team of scientists with world class expertise in a broad range of disciplines, such as gene and cell therapy, nanoparticle chemistry, immunology, cancer, genetics and genomics, neuroscience, cardiovascular biology, microbiotics, and infectious disease. The IGI philosophy is highly geared towards collaboration, inclusion, and cross-disciplinary interactions, particularly between basic scientists and clinicians, and we provide strong support to junior scientists. </p> <p>The Icahn Genomics Institute is part of the Mount Sinai Medical Center, which is one of largest hospital systems in the United States, and the Icahn School of Medicine, which includes outstanding departments in oncological sciences, immunology, stem cell biology, and experimental therapeutics, and over 5,000 faculty. The highly integrated structure of Mount Sinai's departments, institutes and clinical divisions provide a unique environment for scientific and medical collaborations that foster an ideal atmosphere for innovations aimed at addressing 21st century biomedical challenges. Mount Sinai is ranked as one of the nation’s top biomedical institutions in research, patient care, and education, and over the last 10 years has become a leader in biomedical data science. In addition to the IGI, faculty recruits will receive appointments to the Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences (GGS) or the Department of Immunology and Immunotherapy at Mount Sinai.</p> <p>Applicants should hold a Ph.D., M.D., or M.D./Ph.D., and are expected to develop independent research programs. Senior applicants are expected to have a national or international reputation in their research fields and successful track records of research funding. We offer highly competitive recruitment packages, strong institutional commitments to faculty support, comprehensive benefits, relocation services, and a rewarding work and life environment. The Icahn School of Medicine is located in the heart of Manhattan, one block from Central Park.</p> <p>Applicants should prepare the following materials and <b>submit the application at </b><a href="" rel="no-follow"><b></b></a><b>.</b></p> <ol> <li><b>Cover letter </b>(Please clearly state your area of research interest; please name the file as: <b>ApplicantLastName.ApplicantFirstName.pdf </b></li> <li><b>CV </b>(Name the file as: <b>ApplicantLastName.ApplicantFirstName.CV.pdf</b>)</li> <li><b>Research plan </b>(3-page max without references; please name the file as: <b>ApplicantLastName.ApplicantFirstName.ResearchPlan.pdf</b>)</li> </ol> <p>Review of applications will begin immediately, and will remain open until positions are filled.</p> <p>The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Educational Institution and Employer. <b><i>Women and members of underrepresented minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply. </i></b>In addition, 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0 0-.5.5v19a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h15a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5V8h-4a2 2 0 0 1-1.995-1.85L14 6V2Zm5.173 4L16 2.828V6h3.173Z" fill-rule="nonzero"/></symbol><symbol id="icon-email" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M11.114 14.556 1.43 4.87a.5.5 0 0 1 .281-.849C1.807 4.007 1.903 4 2 4h20c.096 0 . 0 0 1 .281.849l-9.686 9.686a1.252 1.252 0 0 1-1.768 0Zm12.774-8.724A.181.181 0 0 1 24 6v12a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6c0-.073.045-.138.112-.166a.18.18 0 0 1 .2.039l6.2 6.2a.251.251 0 0 1 0 .354L1.469 17.47a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06 1.061l5.043-5.043a.251.251 0 0 1 .354 0l2.131 2.127a2.75 2.75 0 0 0 3.888 0l2.129-2.129a.25.25 0 0 1 .354 0l5.043 5.043a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06-1.061l-5.043-5.043a.251.251 0 0 1 0-.354l6.2-6.2a.182.182 0 0 1 .2-.039Z" fill-rule="nonzero"/></symbol><symbol id="icon-external" viewBox="0 0 30 32"><path d="M28.594 14.125c-.379 0-.716-.154-.972-.394-.007-.007-.019-.007-.026-.015l-3.495-3.498-8.85 8.85c-.916.912-2.4.912-3.316 0a2.345 2.345 0 0 1 0-3.315l8.847-8.847-3.498-3.502c-.008-.008-.008-.02-.015-.026a1.412 1.412 0 0 1-.394-.972c0-.776.63-1.406 1.406-1.406h9.844C29.159 1 30 1.84 30 2.875v9.844c0 .775-.63 1.406-1.407 1.406ZM3.75 9.437v16.876c0 .517.42.937.938.937h16.875c.517 0 .937-.42.937-.938V16l3.75 3.75v7.5A3.746 3.746 0 0 1 22.5 31H3.75A3.749 3.749 0 0 1 0 27.25V8.5c0-2.07 1.68-3.75 3.75-3.75h7.5L15 8.5H4.687a.937.937 0 0 0-.937.938Z" fill-rule="nonzero"/></symbol><symbol id="icon-flag" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M1.788.293a.977.977 0 0 1 1.392 0c. 2.095.054 3.995.536.972.292 1.985.474 3.012.543a8.99 8.99 0 0 0 2.625-.5 1.15 1.15 0 0 1 1.024.05c. 0 0 1 .094.372v8.08c0 .504-.388.688-.814.83a10.25 10.25 0 0 1-3.229.623 14.196 14.196 0 0 1-3.177-.542c-1.855-.445-2.56-.598-3.811-.502V15c0 .265-.104.52-.289.707a.977.977 0 0 1-1.392 0A1.008 1.008 0 0 1 1.5 15V1c0-.265.104-.52.288-.707Z"/></symbol><symbol id="icon-information" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M8 0a8 8 0 1 0 0 16A8 8 0 0 0 8 0Zm.167 3.333a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 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