Food Technology 2022 | Food Science Conference 2022 | Agri & Aqua Conferences | Innovative Food Packaging 2022 | Dubai | UAE | Italy | USA | Europe | 2022 | Inovine Conferences

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Technology</span> </h3> <h4 class="text-blue"><i class="fa fa-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></i> November 11-12, 2022 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></i> Hotel Artis, Rome, Italy</h4> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="p-t-34 p-b-60 respon3"> <div class="cd100"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <h4 class="widget-title line-bottom">Scientific Program<img src="images/new.gif"></h4> <p><a href="pdf/Food-Technology-2022-Scientific-Program.pdf" target="_blank"><img src="images/scientific_prg.gif" class="img-responsive thumbnail"></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="row"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="col-sm-4 header-cta-button cta-left"> <div class="cta-red"><a href="conference-brochure.php">Download 2022 Brochure <i class="fa fa-download"></i></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 header-cta-button cta-middle"> <div class="cta-purple"><a href="abstract-submission.php">Submit your Abstract</a> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 header-cta-button cta-right"> <div class="cta-dark-purple"><a href="registration.php">Avail EarlyBird registration</a> </div> </div> </div><br /> </div> </section> <section> <div class="col-md-12" id="about" style="background: #FFF;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="card"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"> <li role="presentation" class="active"><a href="#home" aria-controls="home" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"> <span>About the Conference</span></a></li> </ul> <!-- Tab panes --> <div class="tab-content"> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="home"> <p><a href=""><strong>Inovine Meetings LLC</strong></a> takes immense pleasure & feel honored in inviting the contributors across the globe to <a href=""><strong>“4th Euro Global Conference on Food Science & Technology”</strong></a> to be held during <strong>November 11-12, 2022, Rome, Italy</strong>.</p> <p><em>Theme: Foreground for Advanced Researches in Food Science & Technology</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Euro Food Technology Congress-2022</strong></a> is the premier event that brings together a unique and international mix of experts, researchers and decision makers both from academia and industry across the globe to exchange their knowledge, expertise and research innovations to build a world class Agri, Food & Aqua conference.</p> <p>This conference is comprised of scientific sessions, keynote forums, Exhibitions, workshops, symposia and poster presentations where the most recent developments will be discussed. Agriculture, food, and aquaculture are a significant source of national income for developing countries.</p> <h5>Speaker/Delegate /Poster Registration Benefits:</h5> <ol> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> 2 day conference pass </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Conference delegate bag </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Abstract publication with DOI </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Lunch and coffee break passes </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Exhibition are pass </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Participation and Poster presentation certificate </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> CPD Credits </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Scientific International Journals. </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Selected contributions will be published in following subject related international Journals </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Journal of Food and Nutrition</li> </ol> <h5>After the successful conference of </h5> <ol> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> <a href=""><strong>2nd Virtual conference on Food Science and Technology Feb23-24, 2022</strong></a> </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> <a href=""><strong>Webinar on Food Science & Food Safety, April 05-06, 2021</strong></a> </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> <a href=""><strong>Webinar on Agri, Food & Aqua, October 26-27, 2020</strong></a> </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> <a href=""><strong>World Congress on Food Science and Technology, July 15-17, 2019 Rome, Italy</strong></a> </li> </ol> <h5>We would like to know your interest of attendance for the following opportunities:</h5> <ol> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Speaker talk </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Delegate attendee </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Poster presenter </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Event Partner/ Association </li> </ol> <p> The conference was a congregation of eminent speakers from various reputed organizations with their paramount talks enlightening the gathering , The highlights of the meeting were the </p> <ol> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Alexander Sulakvelidze, Executive Vice-President, Intralytix, USA </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Nicola Antonio Uccella, IRESMO Foundation, Calabria University ,Italy </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Tomas Komprda Mendel, University in Brno, Czech Republic </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Aaron Tan, University College London </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Cecilia Silvestri ,University of Tuscia,Italy </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Elena Bartkiene, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Malgorzata Materska, University of Life sciences ,Poland</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Maria Teresa Pedrosa Silva Clerici, University of Campinas, Brazil</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Mwafaq Ibdah, NeweYaar Research Center, Agriculture Research Organization, Israel</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Jean-Baptiste Jentzer, Diana Pet Food, France</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Rosa Leonora Salerno Soares, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Rosangela Oliveira Soares ,Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro,Portugal</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Namhyeok Chung ,Kyungpook National University, Korea</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Eman El-Wazzan ,National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) ,Egypt</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Md. Abdul Hannan ,Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University ,Bangladesh</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Tommaso Nastro, Food Technologist / Quality Manager ,Italy</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Zied ZARAI, University of Sfax ,Tunisia</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Alessia Tropea, Department of Research and Internationalization ,Italy</li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span>Ikechi Kelechi AGBUGBA, Professor of Food Science & Agricultural, Marketing ,Nigeria </li> </ol> <h5>Why To attend?? </h5> <ol> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Educational opportunities </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Networking with peers </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Expand your Business </li> <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></span> Have fun </li> </ol> <p>Should you have any enquiries, please email us at <a href=""></a></p> <p>We hope this conference will play an important role in providing a platform in 2022 to exchange views and ideas on the theme that food technology should be for all. </p> <p>We wish to see you at Rome, Italy</p> <p> Thanks and regards <br /> <strong>Food Technology Congress-2022 </strong><br /> Organizing committee </p> </div> </div> </div> <p class="text-center"> <a class="btn btn-colored btn-theme-colored btn-lg text-uppercase smooth-scroll font-13 mt-30" href="abstract-submission.php" target="_blank">Submit Abstract</a> <a class="btn btn-dark-light btn-lg text-uppercase smooth-scroll font-13 mt-30" href="registration.php" target="_blank">Register Now</a> </p> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <h3 class="widget-title line-bottom"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i> Twitter</h3> <a class="twitter-timeline" data-width="350" data-height="400" href="">Tweets by InovineC</a> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section style="background: #fff url(images/patt.png) !important;"> <div class="clearfix">&nbsp;</div> <div> <div class="container-fluid pt-30 pb-0"> <h3 class="text-center">Conference Speakers</h3> <div> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="row wow zoomIn animatede animated SCMembers_all" style="visibility: visible;"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Anushka Akash Kanodia" title="Anushka Akash Kanodia" > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Anushka Akash Kanodia</h3> <span>National Sugar Institute <br /> Kanpur</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Yousef Naserzadeh" title="Yousef Naserzadeh" > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Yousef Naserzadeh</h3> <span>Friendship University <br /> Russia</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Leyla Nesrin Kahyaoglu" title="Leyla Nesrin Kahyaoglu" > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Leyla Nesrin Kahyaoglu</h3> <span>Middle East Technical University <br /> Turkey</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="William Kimaru" title="William Kimaru" > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>William Kimaru</h3> <span>Laboratory Analyst <br /> Kenya Bureau of Standards</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Ivana Sola" title="Ivana Sola" > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Ivana Sola</h3> <span>Department of Biology <br /> Croatia</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Muraleedhar S. Aski" title="Muraleedhar S. Aski" > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Muraleedhar S. Aski</h3> <span>Indian Agricultural Research Institute <br /> New Delhi, India</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Romuald Gaillard" title="Romuald Gaillard" > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Romuald Gaillard</h3> <span>Laval Unversity <br /> Canada</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Babacar DIOP" title="Babacar DIOP" > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Babacar DIOP</h3> <span>University Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Dakar <br /> Senegal</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Dante Betancourt" title="Dante Betancourt" > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Dante Betancourt</h3> <span>Nuevo Leon <br /> Mexico</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Flavia Aparecida Reitz Cardoso " title="Flavia Aparecida Reitz Cardoso " > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Flavia Aparecida Reitz Cardoso </h3> <span>Federal University of Technology <br /> Brazil</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Leila Larisa Medeiros Marques " title="Leila Larisa Medeiros Marques " > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Leila Larisa Medeiros Marques </h3> <span>Federal Technological University <br /> Brazil</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Marcia Regina Ferreira Geraldo Perdoncini " title="Marcia Regina Ferreira Geraldo Perdoncini " > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Marcia Regina Ferreira Geraldo Perdoncini </h3> <span>Federal University of Technology <br /> Brazil</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="ORE GUILLAUME" title="ORE GUILLAUME" > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>ORE GUILLAUME</h3> <span>Teacher of food engineering <br /> Ivory Coast</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Renata Rozylo " title="Renata Rozylo " > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Renata Rozylo </h3> <span>University of Life Sciences in Lublin <br /> Poland</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="team-member committee-members"> <div class="team-image"> <img src="" alt="Sylvie Assoi " title="Sylvie Assoi " > </div> <div class="team-desc"> <h3>Sylvie Assoi </h3> <span>Universite Peleforo Gon Coulibaly de Korhogo <br /> Ivory Coast</span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="text-center"> <a class="btn btn-colored btn-theme-colored btn-lg text-uppercase smooth-scroll font-15 mt-30" href="speakers-list.php" target="_blank">VIEW ALL SPEAKERS</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="col-md-12" style="background: #FFF;"> <h3 class="text-center">Conference Sessions &amp; Tracks</h3> <ul class="session_track_main"> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Science & Technology</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Nutrition & Health</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Malnutrition</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Human Nutrition</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Nutrition & Diabetes</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Microbiology & Food Toxicology</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Engineering & Processing</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Chemistry & Biochemistry</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Nutrition & Sensory Analysis</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Safety, Security and Control</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Preservation</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Packaging & Sustainable Food Manufacturing</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Product Design & Development</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Colloids and Polymer</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Junk Food and Diabetes</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Clinical and Pediatric Nutrition</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Agri Food Technology</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Diet & Obesity</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Sports & Nutrition</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Allergies</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Consumer Science</li> <li class="list-group-item"> COVID-19 and Food Security Challenges</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Enzymology in Food Processing & Technology</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Nutraceuticals & Nutrition Supplements</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Global Food Security</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Global Food Loses and Food Waste</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Biotechnology</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Nutrition and Diet Management</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Novel Food Processing Technologies</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Genetically Modified Foods</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Food Additives, Food Analysis, Safety and Health</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Agriculture & Food Security</li> <li class="list-group-item"> Sea Food Handling and Sustainability</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix">&nbsp;</div> </div> </section> <section id="sponsors" class="divider parallax layer-overlay overlay-deep" data-stellar-background-ratio="0.5" data-bg-img="images/bg/bg1.jpg" style="background-image: url(&quot;images/bg/bg1.jpg&quot;); background-position: 50% 30.2969px;"> <div class="container pt-30 section-title"> <div class="row"> <h2 class="title text-theme-colored text-center">Media Partners</h2> <div class="col-md-2"><img src="images/jaai.png" class="img-responsive" alt=""></div> 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<th class="time">Time</th> <th class="session">Session</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>08:30 AM - 09:00 AM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Registrations</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>09:00 AM - 09:30 AM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Opening Ceremony and Introduction</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>09:30 AM - 10:30 AM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Keynote Presentations</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>10:30 AM -11:00 AM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Group Photography and Refreshments II</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>11:00 AM - 12:30 PM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Keynote Presentations</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>12:30 PM - 13:30 PM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Lunch with Table Discussions</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>13:30 PM - 14:30 PM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Hands on Workshop</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>14:30 PM - 16:00 PM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Conference Sessions</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>16:00 PM - 16:30 PM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Evening Coffee Break and Networking</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>16:30 PM - 18:00 PM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Poster Presentations I</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="day-2"> <div class="schedule-table"> <table> <thead> <tr> <th class="time">Time</th> <th class="session">Session</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>09:00 AM - 10:30 AM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Keynote Sessions</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>10:30 - 11:00</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Coffee and Refreshment Break</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>11:00 - 12:30</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Keynote Sessions </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>12:30 - 13:30</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Lunch with Table Discussions</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>13:30 - 15:00</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Conference Sessions</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>15:00 PM - 16:00 PM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Young Research Forum</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>16:00 PM - 16:30 PM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Evening Coffee Break and Networking</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>16:30 PM - 17:30 PM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Poster Presentations II </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="time"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>17:30 PM - 18:30 PM</td> <td class="session"><span><i class="fa fa-list-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Closing Ceremony</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center sponsors-style2"> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding:0 10 0 0;"> <div class="attend aos-init aos-animate" data-aos="fade-right"> <h3>Who can Attend</h3> <ul class="attend-list"> <li class="list-group-item">Academicians</li> <li class="list-group-item">Researchers</li> <li class="list-group-item">Scientific Farmers</li> <li class="list-group-item">Agriculture, Food and Aquaculture Industries</li> <li class="list-group-item">Agronomist, Plant scientists.</li> <li class="list-group-item">R&D Laboratories</li> <li class="list-group-item">Food technologists</li> <li class="list-group-item">Food laureates</li> <li class="list-group-item">Food safety officers</li> <li class="list-group-item">Food Industrialists</li> <li class="list-group-item">Microbiologists</li> <li class="list-group-item">Agricultural Students, Scientists</li> <li class="list-group-item">Food scientist and researchers</li> <li class="list-group-item">Biochemist and nutritionist</li> <li class="list-group-item">Aqua-culturists</li> <li class="list-group-item">Aquaculture researchers</li> </ul> <div class="brd-grdeint"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding:0 10 0 0;"> <div class="attend aos-init aos-animate"> <h3>Why Choose Us</h3> <ul class="attend-list"> <li class="list-group-item">Global &amp; Local expertise</li> <li class="list-group-item">Prospective attendees</li> <li class="list-group-item">Larger worldview of the profession</li> <li class="list-group-item">Open gateway towards innovation</li> <li class="list-group-item">Transparency communication</li> <li class="list-group-item">We focus on your career growth</li> <li class="list-group-item">We're passionate about what we do</li> <li class="list-group-item">Strong sense of identification</li> <li class="list-group-item">Quality without Compromise</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"><h3>Collaborated Journals</h3> <ul class="attend-list"> <li class="list-group-item"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong> International Journal of Food and Bioscience</strong></a></li> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="container p-0"> <div class="section-title"> <div class="container"> <div class="col-md-7 col-md-offset-3 text-center"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2 class="title text-theme-colored">Venue &amp; Hospitality</h2> <h4>Hotel Artis, Rome, Italy</h4> <h5>Address: Via Roberto Fancelli, 3, 00169 Roma RM, Italy</h5> </div> </div> </div> <p>Rome is the capital of Italy and a special comune. Rome also serves as the capital of the Lazio region. With 2,877,215 residents in 1,285 km2 (496.1 sq mi), it is also the country's most populated comune. It is the fourth-most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits. It is the centre of the Metropolitan City of Rome, which has a population of 4.3 million residents. Rome is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, within Lazio (Latium), along the shores of the Tiber. The Vatican City is an independent country inside the city boundaries of Rome, the only existing example of a country within a city: for this reason Rome has been often defined as capital of two states. Rome's history spans more than 2,500 years. While Roman mythology dates the founding of Rome at around 753 BC, the site has been inhabited for much longer, making it one of the oldest continuously occupied sites in Europe.</p> <h5 class="text-center">More Details <a style="color: #f60;" href="venue.php" target="_blank"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></h5> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 mb-sm-30"> <h4 class="text-uppercase">Tourist Places & Venue</h4> <div class="line-bottom mb-30"></div> <div id="venue" class="carousel slide"> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="item active"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"><a href="#" class="thumbnail"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/venue/Rome-1.jpg" alt="Cancer Summit 2019 Rome"></a> </div> <div class="col-md-3"><a href="#" class="thumbnail"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/venue/Rome-2.jpg" alt="Cancer Summit 2019 Rome"></a> </div> <div class="col-md-3"><a href="#" class="thumbnail"><img class="img-responsive" src="images/venue/Rome-3.jpg" alt="Cancer 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make this amazing, one of a kind conference such a success, Congratulations!!! I have also been very impressed regarding your prompt and courteous responses to my emails over the last few months</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Linley Leuthard</h3> <span class="post">Hands On Group Ltd., New Zealand</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <p class="description">This is my first participation online, and it was a great, inspired experience and motivated. The organizers did an excellent job and the speakers were very open to share their knowledge and expertise, the topics reflecting the challenges that healthcare professionals faced in these difficult times. Thank you for this great conference</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Hiriscau Elisabeta Ioana</h3> <span class="post">University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Mozhdeh Tahghighi"> </div> <p class="description">I enjoyed attending the conference and was such a pleasure to see other participants from other countries. Your team has been very organized. I hope the COVID-19 situation will finish soon and we can have face to face conferences. I like to be informed about your future conferences.</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Mozhdeh Tahghighi</h3> <span class="post">Curtin University of Technology, Australia</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Abdelaziz Ghanemi"> </div> <p class="description">It was nice taking part and making my presentation. Hope to be among you soon. When will be the next event?</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Abdelaziz Ghanemi</h3><br /> <span class="post">Laval University, Canada</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Tracey Long"> </div> <p class="description">Thank you for the opportunity to present my information it was nice conference</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Tracey Long</h3> <span class="post">Family Nurse Practitioner, Arizona College of Nursing, USA</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Sergio Bornengo"> </div> <p class="description">Preparing to join Virtual Physiotherapy Conference 2020 was right from the beginning a welcomed learning process, which concluded with my presentation itself and the chance to listen to other international professionals. All un all, a very interesting enriching experience for which I'am grateful and which I recommend to every colleague.</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Sergio Bornengo</h3> <span class="post">Argentine Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Association, Argentina</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Abdul Hannan"> </div> <p class="description">"I’m really grateful to the Inovine authority for giving me the chance to present my research topics “Identification of the pathogens Proteus mirabilis associated with black spot disease in shrimp and its control through medicinal plant extract” held on October 26, 2020 on the webinar (Online Event) Agri, Food & Aqua 2020. It was really good and I feel proud to take part in this scientific event and hope to continue this event every year.</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Md. Abdul Hannan</h3> <span class="post">Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Aiman Niaz"> </div> <p class="description">"Team of Virtual Physiotherapy conference is one of the growing trustworthy that has many speakers in the bucket. They are very recognized speakers focuses on quality of knowledge with publication ethics. I had recently speaker about my article and the way the host manager deal with me was very humble and supportive. I encourage everyone to consider “Inovine” for their upcoming scientific conferences . Thanks a lot and looking forward to work even more</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Theeb Naif S Alsalem</h3> <span class="post">King Abdulaziz Medical City, KSA</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Inovine Food Conference 2021"> </div> <p class="description">I hope to be help writing my feedback regarding web conference. Thus, I am very happy to have attended this event and for people I found in INOVINE. They helped me very much and have been always available for every my doubts or necessity .Personally, it has been an amazing experience because I had the opportunity to talk a bit of my job with people coming over all world. Thank you very much for everything.</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Tommaso Nastro</h3> <span class="post">Food Technologist / Quality Manager, Italy</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Inovine Food Conference 2021"> </div> <p class="description">Thank you Inovine conference for a great session. It was delightful to be a part of it. Thank you for the appreciation and sharing your proceedings with us.Looking forward for further collaboration in future</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Anushka Agarwal</h3> <span class="post">Senior Research Scholar, National Sugar Institute, India</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Inovine Food Conference 2021"> </div> <p class="description">I am very grateful of inovine for giving me this opportunity. Interacting and listening to the presentations from all around the globe has truly increased my knowledge base.</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Jeslyn Manuvel</h3> <span class="post">NIFTEM, India</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Inovine Food Conference 2021"> </div> <p class="description">Thank you. The pleasure is mine. Thank you for the opportunity</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Fidele El Achkar</h3> <span class="post">CEO of FoodSight, Lebanon</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Aiman Niaz"> </div> <p class="description">Thank you for making me part of this conference. It was very informative event</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Aiman Niaz</h3><br /> <span class="post">Riphah International University, Pakistan</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Aiman Niaz"> </div> <p class="description">I would like to thank you for the opportunity to present my work at this event so important for a rehabilitation area</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Jose Carlos Bomfim Lima</h3> <span class="post">Sao Judas Tadeu University, Brazil</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Aiman Niaz"> </div> <p class="description">It was nice conference with good participation certificate</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Sarah Key</h3><br /> <span class="post">Sarah Key Education, Australia</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt="Aiman Niaz"> </div> <p class="description">I am very happy to be able to join this conference, I can get a lot of knowledge from various great sources hopefully in the future we can join in the next conference I hope all of us will always be given health</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Bela Novita Amaris Susanto</h3> <span class="post">YATSI College of Health Sciences, Indonesia</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <p class="description">The presenters who attended did a great job; presenting excellent material, the networking opportunity was quite significant, and the certificates provided were stellar! Everyone who received them were very well pleased. Last, but not least, the breakfast and lunch meals provided were excellent!</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Geneva M Edwards MD BAI RN</h3> <span class="post">Legal Nurse Consultant, Board Accredited Investigator, USA</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src=""> </div> <p class="description">The Congress in Paris, November 18-19, 2019 was an unforgettable event in our professional careers and personal lives. It was a unique opportunity to meet different Health Care Professionals and share experiences as well as to learn from each other. We look forward to attend future conferences as presenters, please notify as</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Vladimir Aizikov</h3><br /> <span class="post">Director Staffmed Solutions Inc., USA</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <p class="description">Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of the conference. It was an amazing experience to meeting such an expert presenters all over the world</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Najlaa Siddiq</h3> <span class="post">King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, KSA</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <p class="description">Speakers were highly specialized nurses in their specialty. Topics were cutting edge research and stimulated conversations among nurses among different countries with similar issues and interests</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Pasqua T. Spinelli</h3> <span class="post">Mather Hospital-Northwell Health, USA</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src=""> </div> <p class="description">I enjoyed learning so much from the other speakers.</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Lili Silumesii</h3><br /> <span class="post">Physiotherapist, Zambia</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src=""> </div> <p class="description">Thank you for your conference.I got the opportunity to learn a lot from this attendance. It was a very happy time. </p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Namhyeok Chung</h3> <span class="post">Kyungpook National University, South Korea</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src=""> </div> <p class="description">Thank you for the opportunity granted to us all the presenters. The origination was good and the time allocation was adequate. </p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Rethabile Nkuna</h3> <span class="post">Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, South Africa</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src=""> </div> <p class="description">Thank You For Giving Me Platform To Share My Study And Giving Me Opportunity To Present</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Shweta Sachin Ramteke</h3> <span class="post">Karama Medical Center, UAE</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src=""> </div> <p class="description">I met wonderful people though, and am having a great time</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Rachel Colletta, BSN</h3> <span class="post">Director of Professional Education, USA</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src=""> </div> <p class="description">Thanks for your work. The conference is wonderful! The way you organized</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Li Lynette</h3><br /> <span class="post">Sichuan University, China</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src=""> </div> <p class="description">The conference was a wonderful opportunity to network with healthcare professionals from across the country. Everyone who attended exuded excitement about making a positive impact of global healthcare. It was an honour to be present. Thank you for support and positive encouragement!. </p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Catherine M. Griswold</h3> <span class="post">Healthcare Educators & Leagal Nurse Consultants, Inc., USA</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="pic"> <img src=""> </div> <p class="description">It was nice conference everyone accommodation</p> <div class="testimonial-content"> <div class="testimonial-profile"> <h3 class="title">Jennifer Joy R. Olivar</h3> <span class="post">St. Paul University Manila, Philippines</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <footer id="footer" class="footer" data-bg-color="#121212"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3 text-center"> <p class="font-14 mt-20 mb-20" style="color: #FFF;">Theme: Foreground for Advanced Researches in Food Science & Technology</p> <ul class="social-icons flat medium list-inline mb-40"> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a> </li> <li><a href=""><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> </li> <li><a href=""><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a> </li> <li><a href=""><i class="fa fa-youtube"></i></a> </li> <li><a href=""><i class="fa fa-telegram"></i></a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="widget dark"> <h6 class="widget-title line-bottom">UPComing Conferences</h6> <ul class="list-border list theme-colored angle-double-right"> <li><a href="" target="_blank">World Nursing Congress 2022, Rome, Italy</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Physiotherapy Congress 2022, Dubai, UAE</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">World Diabetes Congress 2022, Dubai, UAE</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Materials Science 2022, Rome, Italy</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">World Catalysis Congress 2022, Rome, Italy</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Public Health Congress 2022, Dubai, UAE</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">World Cancer Summit 2022, Bangkok, Thailand</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">World Pharma Congress 2022, Bangkok, Thailand</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#f60;">More Upcoming Events <img src="images/new.gif"></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3"> <div class="widget dark"> <h6 class="widget-title line-bottom">Contact us at</h6> <div class="latest-posts"> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li style="color:#FFF;"><strong>USA</strong>: <a href="tel:+14086482233">+1-408-648-2233 </a></li> <li style="color:#FFF;"><strong>What's app</strong>: <a href=" Inovine Conferences" target="_blank">+1-662-601-4174 </a></li> <li style="color:#FFF;"><strong>What's app</strong>: <a href=" Inovine Conferences" target="_blank">+44-772-372-5001 </a></li> <li style="color:#FFF;"> <i class="fa fa-envelope-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp; 24 × 7 &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-volume-control-phone" aria-hidden="true"></i></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5"> <div class="widget dark"> <h6 class="widget-title line-bottom">Mail us at</h6> <ul class="tags"> <li>For Program Enquiry: <a href=""></a></li> <li>Exhibitors/Sponsors: <a href=""></a></li> <li>General Queries: <a href=""></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Past Conferences Gallery <img src="images/new.gif"></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">25% Discount On Group Registration <img src="images/new.gif"></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-fluid p-20" data-bg-color="#181818"> <div class="row text-center"> <div class="col-md-12"> <p class="font-13 m-0" style="color: #FFF;">Copyright &copy;2022-2024 <a href=""><strong>Inovine Meetings LLC</strong></a>. 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