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26.9495 36.5471 26.9509V26.9514C36.5471 26.9514 36.5471 26.9521 36.5471 26.9533C36.5471 26.9533 36.5471 26.9533 36.5471 26.9547C36.5471 27.0301 36.5474 28.2881 36.5474 29.9606C36.5474 31.7871 36.5471 34.1195 36.5471 35.9944C36.5471 37.0348 36.5471 37.9343 36.5471 38.529C36.0364 37.4044 34.9709 35.0573 33.9052 32.7102C33.1665 31.0838 32.4277 29.4574 31.8733 28.2375C31.5963 27.6274 31.3651 27.1192 31.203 26.7632C31.1217 26.5854 31.0583 26.4452 31.0147 26.3497C30.9927 26.3022 30.9761 26.2654 30.9647 26.2401C30.9589 26.228 30.9542 26.2186 30.9513 26.2118C30.9497 26.2083 30.9484 26.2055 30.9475 26.2034C30.9466 26.2018 30.9459 26.2006 30.9452 26.1985C30.7688 25.8067 30.4984 25.5761 30.1883 25.4687C29.877 25.3589 29.5363 25.3545 29.17 25.3538C28.7423 25.3545 28.3514 25.4224 28.0525 25.673C27.7529 25.9258 27.5875 26.3438 27.5716 26.9449L27.5693 27.0291L27.572 27.031C27.5725 27.4013 27.5727 29.0668 27.5727 31.2144" fill="black" /> </svg> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <svg width="107" 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1.53455V41.1614L16.1995 43.034V29.8573L37.6045 23.5286V63.2619L16.187 69.5987L1.10156 47.5097Z" stroke="#00308E" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" /> </svg> </a> </div> <p>DAAily platforms AG </p> <p>Terms of Use </p> <p>Version 3.0, valid from 23 April 2024</p> <p> These Terms of Use govern the relationship between you, the User, and DAAily platforms AG, the provider of digital offerings which it makes available for use. </p> <p> By using any of our websites, mainly <a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a>, and <a href=""></a>, respectively any subdomain and DAAily platforms AG's other digital offerings, you accept these Terms of Use as an integral component of any contractual relationship with us and agree to the following terms and legal information in connection with our products, as well as any third-party services and products offered by us in this context. </p> <p> Certain digital offerings are subject to specific Terms of Use, which are expressly referred to in the corresponding 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The invalid provision shall be replaced by a new provision which corresponds to the invalid provision in its economic and legal effect. </p> <p> DAAily platforms AG reserves the right to amend the provisions of these Terms of Use at any time and at its sole discretion. Such changes will be published by DAAily platforms AG on our digital offerings without delay. It is the User's responsibility to keep themself regularly informed about the currently applicable provisions of the Terms of Use. </p> <h3>4. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction</h3> <p> The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with these Terms of Use is Zurich, Switzerland, subject to any mandatory jurisdictions. Swiss law shall apply to the exclusion of the Swiss Federal Act on Private International Law (PILA) and the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). </p> </div> <div class="accordion-cont"> <div class="accordion-cont-oppener"> Imprint <svg width="15" height="16" viewBox="0 0 15 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path class="vertical" d="M7.5 0.5V15.5" stroke="#2A2A2A" /> <path class="horizontal" d="M15 8L-3.57628e-07 8" stroke="#2A2A2A" /> </svg> </div> <div class="accordion-cont-content hidden"> <div class="content-left"> <h4>DAAily platforms AG</h4> <p>Seehofstrasse 16</p> <p>CH 8008 Zurich</p> <p>Switzerland</p> <p>T +41-(0)44-297 20 20</p> <p>F +41-(0)44-297 20 21 16</p> </div> <div class="content-right"> <p><span class="font-bold">Managing Directors: </span><span>Stephan Bachmann, Volker Dietzel and Martin Zelger</span></p> <p><span class="font-bold">Chairman of the Board: </span><span>Dr. Felix Graf</span></p> <p><span class="font-bold">Company Registration Office: </span><span>Canton of Zurich</span></p> <p><span class="font-bold">Company Registration No.: </span><span>CH-</span></p> <p><span class="font-bold">VAT No.: </span><span>CHE-109.883.186</span></p> <div class="policy-terms"> <a target="_self" href="privacy-policy.html">Privacy Policy</a> <a target="_self" href="terms-conditions.html">Terms of Use</a> <a target="_self" href="cookie-policy.html">Cookie Policy</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="/js/main.js"></script> </body> </html>