Directions to the libraries - Fordham University Libraries

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Walsh Family Library is located at the southwest corner of Rose Hill campus, 441 E. Fordham Road, Bronx, NY 10458. </p> <p><b>To Reach the Rose Hill Campus by Car </b></p> <p><em class="maroon">From Upstate NY and Rockland County:</em> <br> NY State Thruway South to the Tappan Zee Bridge. Take Exit 8 onto Rt. 287 (Cross-Westchester Expressway). Take Exit 3 onto the Sprain Brook Parkway South (to NYC). Sprain Brook Parkway turns into the Bronx River Parkway. Take Exit 7W / Fordham Rd. (US 1). Proceed west for approximately 1/4 mile. The New York Botanical Garden will be on your right. Stay to the right, avoiding the underpass. At the light, turn right onto Southern Blvd / Dr. Theodore Kazimiroff Blvd. After 1/4 mile, turn left into the University. </p> <p><em class="maroon">From New England Via I-84:</em> <br> Follow I-84 West to Brewster, NY. Exit to 684 South. 684 changes to the Hutchinson River Parkway South. Exit to Pelham Parkway West. Pass the exits to the Bronx River Parkway (the New York Botanical Garden will be on your right), and stay to the right, avoiding the underpass. At the light, turn right onto Southern Blvd / Dr. Theodore Kazimiroff Blvd. After 1/4 mile, turn left at the light into the University. </p> <p><em class="maroon">From New England Via I-95:</em> <br> Follow I-95 South to Exit 8C/Pelham Parkway West. Pass the exits to the Bronx River Parkway (the New York Botanical Garden will be on your right), and stay to the right, avoiding the underpass. At the light, turn right onto Southern Blvd. / Dr. Theodore Kazimiroff Blvd. After 1/4 mile, turn left at the light into the University. </p> <p><em class="maroon">From the George Washington Bridge:</em> <br> Off the bridge, take the exit for the Henry Hudson Parkway North (1st exit from the Bridge). Follow the Henry Hudson Pkwy North to Exit 24, Mosholu Parkway. Stay on the Mosholu Parkway to the end (the New York Botanical Garden will be in front of you). Take a right onto Southern Boulevard. Fordham's main entrance is at the third light. Turn right into campus. </p> <p><em class="maroon">From Long Island: </em><br> Take the Whitestone Bridge to the Hutchinson River Parkway North. Exit at Pelham Parkway West. Follow Pelham Parkway West for approximately 2 miles. Pass the exits to the Bronx River Parkway (Botanical Garden will be on your right), and stay to the right, avoiding the underpass. At the light, turn right onto Southern Blvd / Dr. Theodore Kazimiroff Blvd. After 1/4 mile, turn left into the University. </p> <p><strong>To Reach the Rose Hill Campus by Subway</strong></p> <p> The D subway line stops at Fordham Road, a few blocks from the University. </p> <p><strong>To Reach the Rose Hill Campus by Bus</strong></p> <p> For local bus service, take the Bx9, Bx12, Bx15, Bx22, Bx41, Bx55, W60 or W61 to the University. </p> <p><strong>To reach the Rose Hill Campus by Train</strong><span class="heading"> </span></p> <p><em class="maroon">From Grand Central: </em><br> Take the MetroNorth Commuter Railroad to the Fordham Road Station stop. Exit left out of the train station. The Fordham University Third Avenue gate will be a few steps ahead of you, on your left. </p> <p class="footnote" align="center"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b><font size="3"><a name="quinn"></a>The Quinn Library at Lincoln Center</font></b> (View Lincoln Center <a href="lccampus.html">campus map</a> and <a href="lcstreet.html">street map</a>)</p> <p>The Gerald M. Quinn Library is located at the first floor of Lowenstein Building, Lincoln Center campus, 113 West 60th Street, New York, NY 10023.</p> <p><strong>To Reach the Lincoln Center Campus by Car</strong><span class="heading"> </span></p> <p><em class="maroon">From Lincoln Tunnel: </em><br> Follow signs uptown. Take 10th Avenue uptown to 62nd Street. Turn right onto 62nd Street. The School of Law is on the right near the corner of Columbus Avenue. A public parking garage is located on 62nd Street across from the School of Law. To reach the main entrance to the rest of the Lincoln Center campus, proceed on 62nd Street to Columbus Avenue and turn right. Keep to the left side of Columbus Avenue and turn left onto 61st Street. A public parking garage is on the right. The main entrance to the University is across Columbus Avenue at the corner of 60th Street. </p> <p><em class="maroon">From Points North, via the George Washington Bridge I-95: </em><br> Join the Henry Hudson Parkway (Westside Highway)South. Exit at 79th Street. (Boat Basin). At the second traffic light, turn right onto West End Avenue. Continue south to 65th Street and turn left. Turn right onto Columbus Avenue. Keep to the left of Columbus Avenue and turn left onto 61st Street. A public parking garage is on the right. The main entrance to the University is across Columbus Avenue at the corner of 60th Street. </p> <p><em class="maroon">From East Side (Queensboro Bridge, Midtown Tunnel):</em> <br> Uptown to 66th Street and turn right. Transverse through Central Park. Continue on 66th Street to Columbus Avenue. At Columbus Avenue, turn left. Keep to the left of Columbus Avenue and turn left at 61st Street. A public parking garage is on the right. The main entrance to the University is across Columbus Avenue at the corner of 60th Street. </p> <p><em class="maroon">From Brooklyn: </em><br> Brooklyn Queens Expressway to Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. Out of the tunnel, bear left, then turn right onto West Street. Follow West Street to the Henry Hudson Parkway North (West Side Highway). Exit at 54th Street. Take 10th Avenue uptown to 62nd Street. Turn right onto 62nd Street. The School of Law is on the right near the corner of Columbus Avenue. A public parking garage is located on 62nd Street across from the School of Law. To reach the main entrance to the rest of the Lincoln Center campus, proceed on 62nd Street to Columbus Avenue and turn right. Keep to the left side of Columbus Avenue and turn left onto 61st Street. A public parking garage is on the right. The main entrance to the University is across Columbus Avenue at the corner of 60th Street. </p> <p><em class="maroon">From Long Island: </em><br> Long Island Expressway to the Midtown Tunnel, to 34th Street West. Turn right onto 10th Avenue. Take 10th Avenue uptown to 62nd Street. Turn right onto 62nd Street. The School of Law is on the right near the corner of Columbus Avenue. A public parking garage is located on 62nd Street across from the School of Law. To reach the main entrance to the rest of the Lincoln Center campus, proceed on 62nd Street to Columbus Avenue and turn right. Keep to the left side of Columbus Avenue and turn left onto 61st Street. A public parking garage is on the right. The main entrance to the University is across Columbus Avenue at the corner of 60th Street.</p> <p><strong>To Reach the Lincoln Center Campus by Subway</strong></p> <p>The A, B, C, D, 1, and 9 subway trains all stop at 59th Street/Columbus Circle. The campus is located one block west. </p> <p><strong>To Reach the Lincoln Center Campus by Bus</strong></p> <p>For local bus service take the M5, M7, M10, M11, M31 M57, or M104. All stop close to Columbus Circle or Lincoln Center. </p> <p class="footnote" align="center"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p> <br> <p><b><font size="3"><a name="west"></a>The Westchester Campus Library</font></b> </p> <p><strong>To Reach the Westchester Campus Library by Car</strong></p> <p><em class="maroon">From the north (via I-684 S):</em> </p> <ol> <li>Turn right onto SR-120 / Purchase St,</li> <li>Take ramp right and follow signs for Hutchinson River Pkwy S,</li> <li>At exit 26W, take ramp right for CR-62 West / Westchester Ave toward White Plains,</li> <li>Arrive at 400 Westchester Ave, West Harrison, NY 10604-2908</li> </ol> <p><em class="maroon">From the south (via I-95 / New England Throughway N):</em> </p> <ol> <li>At exit 21, take ramp right for I-287 West / Cross Westchester Expy toward White Plains / Tappan Zee Br,</li> <li>At exit 9N-S, take ramp right for CR-62 West / Westchester Ave toward Hutchinson Pkwy / Whitestone Br / Merritt Pkwy,</li> <li>Arrive at 400 Westchester Ave, West Harrison, NY 10604-2908</li> </ol> <p><em class="maroon">From the east (via I-287 W / Cross Westchester Expy):</em></p> <ol> <li>At exit 9N-S, take ramp right for CR-62 West / Westchester Ave toward Hutchinson Pkwy / Whitestone Br / Merritt Pkwy,</li> <li>Arrive at 400 Westchester Ave, West Harrison, NY 10604-2908</li> </ol> <p><em class="maroon">From the west (via I-287 E / Cross Westchester Expy):</em> </p> <ol> <li>Follow I-287 to Exit 8E - Westchester Avenue (CR-62) East bound</li> <li>Follow Westchester Avenue (CR-62) East to the second traffic light</li> <li>Turn left at second traffic light onto the Wm. Butcher Bridge</li> <li>At light on other side of bridge, continue straight across road</li> <li>Continue up hill for campus parking and Fordham Westchester </li> <li>Arrive at 400 Westchester Ave, West Harrison, NY 10604-2908</li> </ol> <p class="footnote" align="center"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p> <!-- #EndEditable --></td> </tr> <tr> <td><br> <table width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td class="footnote" align="center"><a href="contact.html">Contact Library</a> | <a href="faqs.html">Library FAQ</a> | <a href="">University Home</a><br> <script language="JAVASCRIPT"> <!-- document.write("Last modified: ") document.write(document.lastModified) // --> </script> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <!--END_CONTENT_AREA_0--> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="foot-in_container"> <!--IM_FOOTER--> <!--START_FOOTER--> <table id="ftr" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="771" align="center" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="footer"><img height="25" alt="New York is My Campus. 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