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Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, during a Health and Human Services committee hearing on Feb. 19, 2013."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <cite>photo by: Marjorie Kamys Cotera</cite> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Sen. Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, during a Health and Human Services committee hearing on Feb. 19, 2013.</div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Rules Hurt Family Violence Programs, Nelson Says</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Eva Hershaw</a></li><li><time datetime="Wed, 1 Apr 2015 06:00:00 -0500" title="2015-04-01 06:00"> April 1, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">3</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <section class="summary"> <p><span><span><span>State regulations are unnecessarily holding up funds for shelters and programs that help victims of family violence, state Sen. <a href="">Jane Nelson</a> says. She wants to loosen the rules, even as she leads the charge to tighten other state contracting procedures.&nbsp;</span></span></span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> <aside class="related"> <header class="smallcaps"> <h2>Related</h2> </header> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">A&amp;M Hopes to Add Department of Forensic Nursing</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Sen. Nelson Looks to Strengthen Contracting Oversight</a></li> </ul> </aside> </div> </article> </section> <div class="mobile-only"> <div class="ad adunit mobile" data-dimensions="300x100" data-adunit="_TexasTribune_Content_Home_BetweenArticles_Top_300x100">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="grid"> <div class="cell w-8 main_column"> <div class="grid"> <div class="hide-for-medium-down"> <article class=" item_1"> <div class="media medium"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="State Rep. Chris Turner, D-Arlington, and other representatives on the House floor during budget debate March 31, 2015."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <cite>photo by: Bob Daemmrich </cite> </div> <div class="photo_caption">State Rep. Chris Turner, D-Arlington, and other representatives on the House floor during budget debate March 31, 2015.</div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">After 18-Hour Debate, House Gives Early Approval to Budget</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Aman Batheja</a></li><li><time datetime="Wed, 1 Apr 2015 05:52:18 -0500" title="2015-04-01 05:52"> April 1, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">6</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>After an overnight debate that veered from polite disagreements to an angry outburst, the Texas House tentatively passed a $210 billion two-year budget early Wednesday morning with a&nbsp;141 to 5 vote.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> <article class=" item_2"> <div class="media medium"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <cite>photo by: Stefan Kloo</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">A Closer Look at Local Texting-and-Driving Bans</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Alana Rocha</a> and <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Annie Daniel</a></li><li><time datetime="Wed, 1 Apr 2015 06:00:00 -0500" title="2015-04-01 06:00"> April 1, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">1</span><span class="label">Comment</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p><a href="" target="_blank">A bill that would enact</a>&nbsp;a statewide texting-while-driving ban is advancing in the Texas Legislature, and it could affect some local ordinances already in place. Here's a look at which municipalities currently have restrictions.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> <article class=" item_3"> <div class="media medium"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <cite>photo illustration by: Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Interactive: Demographics of State Doctors, Health Care Professionals</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Alexa Ura</a></li><li><time datetime="Wed, 1 Apr 2015 06:00:00 -0500" title="2015-04-01 06:00"> April 1, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">6</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p><span><span><span>Minorities are largely underrepresented among the state's health care professionals<strong>.</strong></span>&nbsp;</span>Use these interactives to explore the demographics of some health professions by race/ethnicity, gender and age.</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="show-for-medium-down"> <article class=" responsive-secondary"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">After 18-Hour Debate, House Gives Early Approval to Budget</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Aman Batheja</a></li><li><time datetime="Wed, 1 Apr 2015 05:52:18 -0500" title="2015-04-01 05:52"> April 1, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">6</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="State Rep. Chris Turner, D-Arlington, and other representatives on the House floor during budget debate March 31, 2015."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <cite>photo by: Bob Daemmrich </cite> </div> <div class="photo_caption">State Rep. Chris Turner, D-Arlington, and other representatives on the House floor during budget debate March 31, 2015.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p>After an overnight debate that veered from polite disagreements to an angry outburst, the Texas House tentatively passed a $210 billion two-year budget early Wednesday morning with a&nbsp;141 to 5 vote.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class=" responsive-secondary"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">A Closer Look at Local Texting-and-Driving Bans</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Alana Rocha</a> and <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Annie Daniel</a></li><li><time datetime="Wed, 1 Apr 2015 06:00:00 -0500" title="2015-04-01 06:00"> April 1, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">1</span><span class="label">Comment</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <cite>photo by: Stefan Kloo</cite> </div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p><a href="" target="_blank">A bill that would enact</a>&nbsp;a statewide texting-while-driving ban is advancing in the Texas Legislature, and it could affect some local ordinances already in place. Here's a look at which municipalities currently have restrictions.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class=" responsive-secondary"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Interactive: Demographics of State Doctors, Health Care Professionals</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Alexa Ura</a></li><li><time datetime="Wed, 1 Apr 2015 06:00:00 -0500" title="2015-04-01 06:00"> April 1, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">6</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <cite>photo illustration by: Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p><span><span><span>Minorities are largely underrepresented among the state's health care professionals<strong>.</strong></span>&nbsp;</span>Use these interactives to explore the demographics of some health professions by race/ethnicity, gender and age.</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <div class="mobile-only"> <div class="ad adunit mobile" data-dimensions="300x100" data-adunit="_TexasTribune_Content_Home_BetweenArticles_Middle_300x100">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> <div class="cell w-6 gap hide-for-medium-down left_rail"> <section class="folder "> <div class="tab data"> <hgroup> <h1>Featured Data</h1> <h2> <a href=""> News App: Government Salary Database Updated </a> </h2> </hgroup> <div class="content"> <div class="media sidebar"> <a href=""> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> </div> <div class="ad adunit tablet standard" data-dimensions="200x38" data-adunit="TexasTribune_Content_FeaturedDataWidget_Bottom_Text_200x38">&nbsp;</div> <ul class="actions simple"> <li> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"><span>+</span> More Data</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <aside id="tweetwire" class="featurebox yella-box"> <header class="featurebox-header"> <h1><span>Tweet</span>Wire</h1> </header> <div class="featurebox-content tweetwire"> <a class="twitter-timeline" href="" data-widget-id="545984156623052800" data-chrome="nofooter noheader noborders" data-tweet-limit="1">TweetWire</a> </div> <footer class="clearfix featurebox-footer"> <div class="ad adunit tablet standard" data-dimensions="200x38" data-adunit="TexasTribune_Content_TweetWireWidget_Bottom_Text_200x38">&nbsp;</div> <a target="_blank" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <span>+</span> View All </a> </footer> </aside> <aside class="ad_container ad-mediumrectangle sidebar_block"> <div class="sponsor_image_holder"> <div class="ad adunit tablet standard" data-dimensions="300x250" data-adunit="TexasTribune_Content_Home_BTF_LeftRail1_TTRectangle_300x250">&nbsp;</div> </div> </aside> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">UH to Pay $135,000 for McConaughey Speech</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Matthew Watkins</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 17:02:50 -0500" title="2015-03-31 17:02"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">23</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="Matthew McConaughey at the Austin Club in Austin, Texas on Feb. 5, 2015."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Matthew McConaughey at the Austin Club in Austin, Texas on Feb. 5, 2015.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p>Call it the Houston Buyers Club: The University of Houston is paying $135,000 plus travel expenses to get&nbsp;Matthew McConaughey to speak at its spring commencement. The actor is donating the money to charity.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="line-height: 1.35;">&nbsp;</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="">The Texas Legislative Guide: Agreeing on the Budget</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Ayan Mittra</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 15:58:51 -0500" title="2015-03-31 15:58"> March 31, 2015 </time></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href=""> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p><span>As the Texas House discusses its budget plan Tuesday, you can use our </span><a href="" target="_blank">Texas Legislative Guide</a>&nbsp;to catch up on the budget process so far. <a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a> about what legislators have discussed, and get links to our past coverage.<span><br/></span></p> <a class="permalink" href=""> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">School Funding, Incentive Programs Are Hot Topics in House Budget Debate</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Aman Batheja</a> and <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Morgan Smith</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 14:55:22 -0500" title="2015-03-31 14:55"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">5</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="State Rep. John Otto, R-Dayton, carries literature laying out House Bill 1 as he prepares to discuss the appropriations bill on the House floor March 31, 2015."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> <div class="photo_caption">State Rep. John Otto, R-Dayton, carries literature laying out House Bill 1 as he prepares to discuss the appropriations bill on the House floor March 31, 2015.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p><span>With more than 350 proposed amendments before then, the Texas House is likely to go well into the evening before getting to a final vote on the $210 billion budget. Early discussions addressed school funding and incentives programs.</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">After Ebola Scare, Senate Moves to Bolster Disease Response</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Jim Malewitz</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 14:28:28 -0500" title="2015-03-31 14:28"> March 31, 2015 </time></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p>Months after three Ebola diagnoses stirred fears in Dallas, the Texas Senate on Tuesday approved legislation aiming to clarify how the state should respond to its next infectious disease outbreak.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Contracting Overhaul Sails Through Senate</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Jim Malewitz</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 13:11:09 -0500" title="2015-03-31 13:11"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">3</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="Senate Finance Committee Chairwoman Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, confers with Sen. Juan &quot;Chuy&quot; Hinojosa, D-McAllen, during a March 11, 2015, committee hearing on state contracting issues."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Senate Finance Committee Chairwoman Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, confers with Sen. Juan &quot;Chuy&quot; Hinojosa, D-McAllen, during a March 11, 2015, committee hearing on state contracting issues.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p>Amid an ongoing scandal over how the state awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to a private company, the Texas Senate on Tuesday unanimously approved a bill that would overhaul the state&rsquo;s contracting processes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-6 hide-for-medium-down mid_rail"> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">The Brief: April 1, 2015</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">John Reynolds</a></li><li><time datetime="Wed, 1 Apr 2015 05:59:00 -0500" title="2015-04-01 05:59"> April 1, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">1</span><span class="label">Comment</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="State Rep. John Otto, R-Dayton, carries literature laying out House Bill 1 as he prepares to discuss the appropriations bill on the House floor March 31, 2015."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> <div class="photo_caption">State Rep. John Otto, R-Dayton, carries literature laying out House Bill 1 as he prepares to discuss the appropriations bill on the House floor March 31, 2015.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p>It took more than 17 hours, but the House gave preliminary OK to a budget. Anticipated fights over vouchers and in-state tuition for undocumented students failed to materialize.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Efforts to Divert Border Security Funding Mostly Fall Flat in Budget Debate</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Julián Aguilar</a></li><li><time datetime="Wed, 1 Apr 2015 02:49:21 -0500" title="2015-04-01 02:49"> April 1, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">3</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="State Rep. Dennis Bonnen, R-Angleton, confers with State Rep. John Otto, R-Dayton, during a point of order called on House Bill 11 on March 18, 2015."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> <div class="photo_caption">State Rep. Dennis Bonnen, R-Angleton, confers with State Rep. John Otto, R-Dayton, during a point of order called on House Bill 11 on March 18, 2015.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p>House Democrats tried &ndash; and mostly failed &ndash; to divert funds &nbsp;allotted for border security and the Texas Department of Public Safety to other departments during Tuesday&rsquo;s budget debate.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Texas House Avoids Voucher Vote in Budget Debate</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Morgan Smith</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 22:27:52 -0500" title="2015-03-31 22:27"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">9</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p><span>The Texas House&nbsp;</span><a href="">was poised to take a vote</a><span>&nbsp;banning private school vouchers as it adopted the state budget Tuesday.&nbsp;</span><span>But about nine hours into the debate, the lawmaker carrying the measure withdrew it from consideration.</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Two Democrats in Runoff for HD-124 Seat</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Patrick Svitek</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 21:01:41 -0500" title="2015-03-31 21:01"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">2</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p><span>Two Democrats are advancing to a second round in the race to replace former state Rep. Jos&eacute; Men&eacute;ndez, likely adding a few more weeks to the last in a series of special elections.&nbsp;</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Tense Debate as House Shifts HIV Funding to Abstinence Education</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Eva Hershaw</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 20:15:03 -0500" title="2015-03-31 20:15"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">145</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="State Rep. Harold Dutton, D-Houston, in the Speaker's Committee Room Democratic caucus on May 17, 2013."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> <div class="photo_caption">State Rep. Harold Dutton, D-Houston, in the Speaker&#39;s Committee Room Democratic caucus on May 17, 2013.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p><span>Some of the most emotional, and uncomfortable, debate on the House budget Tuesday came when a state representative </span><span>asked fellow lawmakers to move money from HIV and STD prevention to abstinence education.&nbsp;</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Aiming for Upset, Cruz Brings Presidential Campaign Home</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Patrick Svitek</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:40:28 -0500" title="2015-03-31 19:40"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">36</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz speaks to supporters with his father Rafael, his wife Heidi and their children outside his new presidential campaign headquarters in Houston on Tues. March 31, 2015."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> <div class="photo_caption">U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz speaks to supporters with his father Rafael, his wife Heidi and their children outside his new presidential campaign headquarters in Houston on Tues. March 31, 2015.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p><span>Ted Cruz returned home Tuesday evening to a hero's welcome, rallying hundreds of supporters outside the headquarters of his week-old presidential campaign with an impassioned plea to replicate the energy that propelled him to Congress in 2012.&nbsp;</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Video: Rep. Gonzales on the House Budget Process</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Alana Rocha</a> and <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Justin Dehn</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 18:08:34 -0500" title="2015-03-31 18:08"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">2</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p>With more than 350 amendments filed for debate, House members are in the midst of a budget discussion that will stretch well into Tuesday night. State Rep. <a href="">Larry Gonzales</a>, R-Round Rock, sheds some light on the process.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Analysis: Budget Debate is About More Than Money</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Ross Ramsey</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 18:07:08 -0500" title="2015-03-31 18:07"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">4</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="House Appropriations Committee chair John Otto, R-Dayton,l, and State Rep. Drew Springer, R-Gainesville, listen to amendments on the budget March 31, 2015."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> <div class="photo_caption">House Appropriations Committee chair John Otto, R-Dayton,l, and State Rep. Drew Springer, R-Gainesville, listen to amendments on the budget March 31, 2015.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p>The House is working on the budget, the only bill lawmakers have to pass. And that's why there are 354 proposed amendments: If you can get your idea attached to the only bill that has to pass, your chances get much better.&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-6 show-for-medium-down"> <ul class="mobile_headlines"> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">The Brief: April 1, 2015</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Efforts to Divert Border Security Funding Mostly Fall Flat in Budget Debate</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Texas House Avoids Voucher Vote in Budget Debate</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Two Democrats in Runoff for HD-124 Seat</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Tense Debate as House Shifts HIV Funding to Abstinence Education</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Aiming for Upset, Cruz Brings Presidential Campaign Home</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Video: Rep. Gonzales on the House Budget Process</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Analysis: Budget Debate is About More Than Money</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">UH to Pay $135,000 for McConaughey Speech</a></li> <li><a href="">The Texas Legislative Guide: Agreeing on the Budget</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">School Funding, Incentive Programs Are Hot Topics in House Budget Debate</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">After Ebola Scare, Senate Moves to Bolster Disease Response</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Contracting Overhaul Sails Through Senate</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Campus Carry Bill Headed to House</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Texas a Key Host for 2016 Fundraising Scramble</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Grand Jury Recommends UT Regent&#39;s Removal</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Former Railroad Commissioner Lands Job at Law Firm</a></li> </ul> <ul class="actions simple" 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<div class="favicon"> <img src="" width="16" height="16" alt=""/> </div> <div class="text pcolumn"> <p class="headline"><a href="" class="external"> Pre-K funding debated as Texas House works to finalize $210B budget </a></p> <ul class="meta separator relative-time"> <li class="byline"> <a href="">Dallas Morning News</a> </li> <li> <time datetime="Wed, 1 Apr 2015 05:10:53 -0500" title="2015-04-01 05:10"> April 1, 2015 </time> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <div class="favicon"> <img src="" width="16" height="16" alt=""/> </div> <div class="text pcolumn"> <p class="headline"><a href="" class="external"> Texas House targets sex ed in hours-long budget debate </a></p> <ul class="meta separator relative-time"> <li class="byline"> <a href="">Austin American-Statesman</a> </li> <li> <time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 23:43:52 -0500" title="2015-03-31 23:43"> March 31, 2015 </time> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <div class="favicon"> <img src="" width="16" height="16" alt=""/> </div> <div 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class="ad adunit tablet standard" data-dimensions="200x38" data-adunit="TexasTribune_Content_TheMostWidget_Bottom_Text_200x38">&nbsp;</div> </footer> </aside> <div class="right_rail"> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Campus Carry Bill Headed to House</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Ryan McCrimmon</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 13:07:26 -0500" title="2015-03-31 13:07"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">30</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p>The Texas&nbsp;Senate has already passed a bill&nbsp;allowing handguns on college campuses.&nbsp;Now the House is poised to consider its own measure.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a 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href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Grand Jury Recommends UT Regent&#39;s Removal</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Matthew Watkins</a> and <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Terri Langford</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:22:56 -0500" title="2015-03-31 10:22"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">28</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="UT Regent Wallace Hall on April 28, 2014. Lawmakers admonished and censured Hall, who was waging a personal investigation into lawmaker influence in the UT-Austin admissions process."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> <div class="photo_caption">UT Regent Wallace Hall on April 28, 2014. Lawmakers admonished and censured Hall, who was waging a personal investigation into lawmaker influence in the UT-Austin admissions process.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p><span>In an unusual, strongly worded report,&nbsp;</span>a Travis County grand jury recommended this week that University of Texas System Regent Wallace Hall be removed from office.&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="line-height: 1.35;">&nbsp;</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> <article class="small "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150401165955/">Former Railroad Commissioner Lands Job at Law Firm</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Jim Malewitz</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:03:23 -0500" title="2015-03-31 10:03"> March 31, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150401165955/"><span class="value">8</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media small"> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"> <img src="//" alt="Chairman Barry Smitherman of the Railroad Commission of Texas in his office, May 31, 2013."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Chairman Barry Smitherman of the Railroad Commission of Texas in his office, May 31, 2013.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p><span>Barry Smitherman, the only person to serve both on the Texas Railroad Commission and the state&rsquo;s Public Utility Commission, will practice energy law at Vinson and Elkins, the international law firm announced Tuesday.</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150401165955/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> </div> <ul class="actions simple"> <li> <a href="/web/20150401165955/"><span>+</span> More News</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper-r"> <footer id="site_footer" class="wrapper-r"> <div class="hide-for-medium-down"> <div class="ad adunit tablet standard" data-dimensions="728x90" data-adunit="TexasTribune_Content_Home_BTF_Footer_Leaderboard_728x90">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div id="footer" class="grid"> <dl id="staff_writers" class="cell w-3"> <dt>Writers</dt> <div class="cell w-6"> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Becca Aaronson</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Julián Aguilar</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Christine Ayala</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Aman Batheja</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Bobby Blanchard</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Annie Daniel</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Justin Dehn</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Rodney Gibbs</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Eva Hershaw</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">John Jordan</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Terri Langford</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Abby Livingston</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Corrie MacLaggan</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Jim Malewitz</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Ryan McCrimmon</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Jolie McCullough</a> </dd> </div> <div class="cell w-6"> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Ayan Mittra</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Ryan Murphy</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">David Muto</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">David Pasztor</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Ross Ramsey</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Emily Ramshaw</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">John Reynolds</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Alana Rocha</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Jay Root</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Neena Satija</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Evan Smith</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Morgan Smith</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Patrick Svitek</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Alexa Ura</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Edgar Walters</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/web/20150401165955/">Matthew Watkins</a> </dd> </div> </dl> <div id="footer_topics" class="cell w-3"> <h6>Sections</h6> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/" data-section="economy"> Economy </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/" data-section="education"> Education </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20150401165955/" data-section="energy-and-environment"> Energy &amp; 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