Blissful Buddha-Bus takes to the streets | GuidedBy

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class="my-4 border-t-2 border-primary"> <div class="single_story_content"> <figure class="size-md "> <picture> <source srcset=" /img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9idWRkaGEtYnVzLmpwZw==?p=md 768w, /img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9idWRkaGEtYnVzLmpwZw==?p=lg 1280w, /img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9idWRkaGEtYnVzLmpwZw==?p=full 1680w" sizes="min-width: 1024px) 600px, (min-width: 768px) 55vw, 90vw" type="image/jpeg" > <img class="object-cover w-full h-full w-full" style="object-position: 50% 50%" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9idWRkaGEtYnVzLmpwZw==?p=sm" alt="Blissful Buddha-Bus takes to the streets" width="804" height="603" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>Buddha-Full’s Buddha-Bus has added a blissful new dimension to the growing North Shore vegan business.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>The renovation of a 1965 British double-decker bus gives founders Geremie Voigt and Kyla Rawlins a mobile restaurant to complement their two North Vancouver locations in Lower Lonsdale and Northwoods Village.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>The duo found their massive food truck on wheels resting in retirement up a mountain deep in the forest near Sooke on Vancouver Island.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:quote --></p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“It used to be a working bus in the U.K. during the’60s and ’70s,” says Voigt. “It was not in the best condition but it ran and that’s all we needed.”</p> </blockquote> <p><!-- /wp:quote --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>Originally red, the bus has seen a few colour changes over the years including white, maroon and then back to white for it’s current incarnation as a multi-purpose food truck.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>The process of converting the vehicle into Buddha-Full’s vision took 18 months to complete working with food truck specialists Apollo Custom Manufacturing.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:quote --></p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“It came from us really wanting to represent our store and our community in the best possible way,” says Voigt. “We didn’t just want to be a truck pumping out smoothies, we wanted to be something you noticed and you definitely notice a 14-foot bus rolling by.”</p> </blockquote> <p><!-- /wp:quote --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>Buddha-Full has installed a hydraulic roof which can be raised during the warm summer months and closed during winter.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>The upper deck also features a table running down the centre which can be removed in favour of seating along the sides with a pop-up bar depending on the event.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:image --></p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img src="!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_size/buddha-bus.jpg" alt="Buddha-Bus"/><figcaption>The Buddha-Bus includes a hydraulic roof which can be raised during warm weather. - Supplied, Buddha-Full</figcaption></figure> <p><!-- /wp:image --></p> <p><!-- wp:quote --></p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“Ambiance and feeling really go hand in hand with what our mission is,” says Voigt. “We want to inspire love and nourish health for every person, every being and every community and your environment plays a big part in that and we thought that the bus needed to have the same feeling that our stores do – that was a big motivation for us.”</p> </blockquote> <p><!-- /wp:quote --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>The downstairs includes a kitchen with all the fixtures needed to create Buddha-Full’s menu within the confines of a heritage bus. There were a lot of limitations about what could go where, but everything they needed for a full-service kitchen has been installed.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:quote --></p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“That was a big want for us,” says Voigt. “It can do everything we do in our stores but with a smaller menu. We got our freezer, we have our fridges, ovens. We don’t do hot beverages as of yet but we’re going to bring a steamer on for winter which will allow us to do our golden lattes, our chais and beetroot lattes and stuff like that.”</p> </blockquote> <p><!-- /wp:quote --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>Buddha-Full offers over 70 menu items in-house and that has been narrowed down to approximately 15 items on the Buddha-Bus, says Voigt.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:quote --></p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>&nbsp;“It will have our top selling Buddha Bowls, wraps, salads and smoothies. Usually we rotate our cold-press juices for the season – watermelon season is coming up now so we’re going to be doing a watermelon juice.”</p> </blockquote> <p><!-- /wp:quote --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>Saturdays throughout June the Buddha-Bus has been stationed at North Vancouver’s Capilano Mall as part of the month-long Nosh Foodie Fest. It will finish off its Nosh run this weekend on Saturday, June 29 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. On Sunday, June 30, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., the bus will be at Dollarton Plaza in front of Maa Yoga where all the profits are going to support a dog sanctuary called Swaroop Dog Sanctuary in Jaisalmer, India.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>Food truck events coming up include: Canada Day on Robson Street, North Vancouver Shipyards Grand Opening July 20 and the Shipyards Night Market July 19 and July 26.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>Other plans for the bus include music festivals (FVDED in the Park, July 5 and 6 at Surrey’s Holland Park) and pop-ups (Willowbrook Mall Pop-up, July 12-14). Catering for weddings, special events, such as beach parties with DJs and film location shooting are also planned.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>Weekends for the Buddha-Bus are fairly busy throughout the summer with a two-week stand at the PNE set for Aug. 16 to Sept. 3.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:quote --></p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“They have an initiative to bring healthy food options to the PNE,” says Voight. “They’re excited it’s a health-based food truck that people will have an option to have.”</p> </blockquote> <p><!-- /wp:quote --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>A filmmaking crew documented the entire retrofit with the finished film expected to be released by the end of the summer.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>Click&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">here</a>&nbsp;for the complete schedule.</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p>By: North Shore News</p> <p class="text-xs"> GuidedBy is a community builder and part of the Glacier Media news network. This article originally appeared on a Glacier Media publication.</p> </div> </section> <section class="col-span-12 md:col-span-4 md:col-start-9 text-primary"> <div class="mb-10"> <h2 class="mb-0">Guided By</h2> <a href="/publications/north-shore-news" class="py-5 inline-block"> <img src="/wp_uploads/PublicationLogos-NorthShoreNews-Logo.svg" alt="North Shore News"> </a> </div> <div class="mb-10"> <h2 class="mb-0">Location</h2> <ul class="list-none ml-0"> <li><a href="/locations/vancouver">Vancouver</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="mb-10"> <h2 class="mb-0">Topics</h2> <ul class="list-none ml-0"> <li><a href="/topics/food-drink">Food &amp; Drink</a></li> <li><a href="/topics/plant-based-food-drink">Plant Based</a></li> <li><a href="/topics/specialty-food-food-drink">Specialty Food</a></li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="col-span-12"> <h2>Related Stories</h2> <ul class="card-grid"> <li class=""><a href="/stories/healthy-meal-prep-ideas"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy80LWZlYXR1cmUtSGVhbHRoeS1NZWFsLVByZXAtSWRlYXMtLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Beauty &amp; Wellness </span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Healthy Meal Prep Ideas</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Salad Plate Healthy meal prep saves time and money and lets you fully enjoy cooking without feeling guilty about eating out....</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/amazing-and-easy-cocktail-recipes-for-spring-summer"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy83LWZlYXR1cmUtNS1BbWF6aW5nLWFuZC1FYXN5LUNvY2t0YWlsLVJlY2lwZXMuanBn?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Amazing and Easy Cocktail Recipes for Spring/Summer</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">As the weather starts to warm up, it's time to start thinking about delicious cocktails that will help you celebrate the...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/dishes-to-make-with-summer-peaches"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9KdW5lQmxvZy0yLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Abbotsford</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">4 Dishes to Make with Summer Peaches</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Summer is the perfect time of year to experiment with different ways to use peaches. 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In Vancouver at least, it’s typical that both parents work, which can make dinner time more than...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/dont-be-a-jerk-to-servers-be-a-good-egg"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9lZ2dzLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Casual Dining </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Burnaby</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Don't be a jerk to servers - be a good egg</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Everything we do is a choice. 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Council voted...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/this-burnaby-macaron-maker-will-steal-your-soul"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9tYWNhcm9uLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Dessert </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Burnaby</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">This Burnaby macaron maker will steal your soul</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Snoring might seem like a weird way to start a food blog about desserts, but trust me – there is a connection. See, I snore....</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/blog-eating-bugs-can-be-good-for-you"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9ncmFzc2hvcHBlci5qcGc=?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Delta</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Blog: Eating bugs can be good for you</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Eating ants and other insects could soon be recommended to protect against cancer, and it is believed that us Westerners will...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/think-plant-based-recipes-arent-worth-the-effort-think-again"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9wbGFudC1iYXNlZC1tZWFsLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Casual Dining </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Vancouver</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Think plant-based recipes aren't worth the effort? Think again</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Proponents of a plant-based diet tout its benefits for not only your health, but also the planet’s. But giving up meat can be...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/heres-how-to-pair-beer-with-food-and-become-the-hero-you-were-destined-to-be"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9wYWlyaW5nLWJlZXItd2l0aC1mb29kLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Burnaby</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Here’s how to pair beer with food and become the hero you were destined to be</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Company’s coming, dinner’s almost ready, but you forgot to pop out to the liquor store to grab a bottle of wine. Obviously, you...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/chef-dez-i-survived-the-keto-flu-but-it-wasnt-pleasant"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9rZXRvLWRpZXQuanBn?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Vancouver</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Chef Dez: I survived the 'keto flu' but it wasn't pleasant</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">By now, I am sure you have heard of the keto diet - or at least have heard the term “keto.” But what is it and, more...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/this-is-the-best-pizza-in-burnaby-i-weep-for-those-who-havent-tried-it"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9zb3ByYS1zb3R0by5wbmc=?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Burnaby</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">This is the best pizza in Burnaby. I weep for those who haven't tried it</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Pizza is a touchy topic. Trying to get a group of people to agree on pizza can be like pouring gasoline on a...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/profiles-of-excellence-atlas-steak-fish"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9hdGxhcy1zdGVhay1maXNoLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Burnaby</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Profiles of Excellence: Atlas Steak + Fish</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Sponsored Content Atlas Steak + Fish may be the crown jewel at Gateway Casinos’ Grand Villa Casino in Burnaby, but it’s only...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/chef-dez-you-can-expand-your-home-menu-without-breaking-the-budget"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9jaGVmLWRlei1ob21lLW1lbnUuanBn?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Burnaby</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Chef Dez: You can expand your home menu without breaking the budget</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Household budgets are in the news now more than ever these days and everyone seems like they’re searching for ways to tighten...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/want-to-check-a-vancouver-restaurants-cleanliness-you-can-with-new-app-tomati"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy90b21hdGkuanBn?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Vancouver</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Want to check a Vancouver restaurant’s cleanliness? You can with new app Tomati</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Do you ever wonder how clean your local haunts are, or how they measure up to other establishments in the Lower Mainland? A...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/helicopter-tours-new-restaurants-lure-b-c-wine-tourists"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9saXF1aWRpdHktd2luZS10b3VyLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Okanagan</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Helicopter tours, new restaurants lure B.C. wine tourists</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">The Okanagan Valley’s continuing evolution into a wine-tourism hot spot is on full display this year with established wineries...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/im-an-atheist-but-this-burnaby-ramen-made-me-see-god"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9qaW55YS1yYW1lbi5qcGc=?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Burnaby</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">I’m an atheist, but this Burnaby ramen made me see god</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">There are times when a meal can feel like a religious awakening. That first bite hits your mouth and it’s so shockingly good,...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/new-restaurants-open-at-river-market"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9hbWFyYW50aHVzLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> New Westminster</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">New restaurants open at River Market</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">River Market has two new eateries for foodies to enjoy. Angelina’s Dutch Corner has taken up residence in River Market, after...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/survey-serves-up-snapshot-of-british-columbians-tastes-in-dining-out"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy93aW5lLWFuZC1kaXNoLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Casual Dining </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Vancouver</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Survey serves up snapshot of British Columbians’ tastes in dining out</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">The end of the holiday season brings British Columbians hurriedly back to the regular routine. After many days of homecooked...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/you-can-find-heart-and-heat-at-this-burnaby-restaurant"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9uYW5kby1zLWNoaWNrZW4tMi5qcGc=?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Casual Dining </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Burnaby</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">You can find heart and heat at this Burnaby restaurant</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Sponsored Content Just like Nando’s beginnings in South Africa, the story of how one of the world’s favourite restaurants...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/explore-the-mediterranean-one-bite-at-a-time-with-dinakis"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9kaW5ha2lzLW1lZGl0ZXJyYW5lYW4tZ3JpbGwuanBn?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Coquitlam</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Explore the Mediterranean one bite at a time with Dinakis</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">Sponsored Content Mouth-watering, well-seasoned, falling off the bone slow-roasted lamb served in its own juices; skewered...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/three-vancouver-brunch-spots-that-might-not-be-on-your-radar-but-should-be"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9idXJkb2NrLXN0dWZmZWQtc3F1YXNoLmpwZw==?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Brunch </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Vancouver</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Three Vancouver brunch spots that might not be on your radar, but should be</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">My husband and I love to go out for brunch. Our weekdays don’t allow us the time for a leisurely breakfast and we rarely go out...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/local-spot-makes-the-list-of-top-canadian-restaurants-to-enjoy-a-big-night-out"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9lbC1zYW50by5qcGc=?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> New Westminster</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Local spot makes the list of top Canadian restaurants to enjoy a Big Night Out</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">El Santo has made it onto a list of the 100 best restaurants in Canada to enjoy a Big Night Out. OpenTable, which provides...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/stories/burnaby-business-reaping-big-growth-in-oat-milk"> <div class="card h-full " > <div class="card__image"> <figure class="size-sm w-full h-full"> <picture> <img class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-125" src="/img/asset/d3BfdXBsb2Fkcy9vYXQtbWlsay5qcGc=?p=md" alt="GuidedBy" width="" height="" loading="lazy" > </picture> </figure> <div class="absolute bottom-1 left-1 flex flex-col space-y-1 items-start"> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Food &amp; Drink </span> <span class="px-2 py-1 text-sm text-white border-2 border-black bg-black rounded hover:bg-gray-700 hover:border-gray-700 transition-all duration-400 ease-in-out"> Burnaby</span> </div> </div> <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="bookmark absolute right-2 text-white top-2 p-1 bg-primary ml-auto rounded-full h-6 w-6" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="" > <path d="M3 0v16l5-5 5 5v-16z"></path> </svg> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="text-[1.0625rem] mb-2">Burnaby business reaping big growth in oat milk</h3> <p class="mb-0 text-base leading-5 bg-white text-neutral-dark">If you’ve heard of oat milk, you may be part of a minority of Canadians. If you’ve tried the dairy-alternative, you’re part of...</p> </div> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </article> </main> <footer class="w-full"> </footer> <script src="/livewire/livewire.js?id=90730a3b0e7144480175" data-turbo-eval="false" data-turbolinks-eval="false" ></script><script data-turbo-eval="false" data-turbolinks-eval="false" >window.livewire = new Livewire();window.Livewire = window.livewire;window.livewire_app_url = '';window.livewire_token = 'qN6wrPP758F6T66878W0DeBFv8aJ1jv9zUrYsUbj';window.deferLoadingAlpine = function (callback) {window.addEventListener('livewire:load', function () {callback();});};let started = false;window.addEventListener('alpine:initializing', function () {if (! started) {window.livewire.start();started = true;}});document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {if (! started) {window.livewire.start();started = true;}});</script> <script src="/js/site.js?id=28524754a22dff71386c594f88b1ca49" defer></script> <script type="text/javascript">(function() { var els = document.getElementsByClassName('nocache'); var map = {}; for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { var section = els[i].getAttribute('data-nocache'); map[section] = els[i]; } fetch('/!/nocache', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ url: window.location.href, sections: Object.keys(map) }) }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { const regions = data.regions; for (var key in regions) { if (map[key]) map[key].outerHTML = regions[key]; } for (const input of document.querySelectorAll('input[value="qN6wrPP758F6T66878W0DeBFv8aJ1jv9zUrYsUbj"]')) { input.value = data.csrf; } for (const meta of document.querySelectorAll('meta[content="qN6wrPP758F6T66878W0DeBFv8aJ1jv9zUrYsUbj"]')) { meta.content = data.csrf; } for (const input of document.querySelectorAll('script[data-csrf="qN6wrPP758F6T66878W0DeBFv8aJ1jv9zUrYsUbj"]')) { input.setAttribute('data-csrf', data.csrf); } if (window.hasOwnProperty('livewire_token')) { window.livewire_token = data.csrf } if (window.hasOwnProperty('livewireScriptConfig')) { window.livewireScriptConfig.csrf = data.csrf } document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('statamic:nocache.replaced')); }); })();</script></body> </html>

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