SZWGroup | Anti-Corruption Compliance China 2021
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font-size: 30px;margin-bottom: 40px; color: #438af8">EVENT BACKGROUND</h1> <div class="container marketing" style="margin-bottom: 550px;padding-bottom: 50px;"> <div class="row featurette" style="height: 100px;"> <div class="col-md-8" style="height: 20px;" align="justify"> <ul class="lead" style="padding-left:3px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif, sans-serif; font-size:20px; line-height:26px;color: #000;height: 20px;width: 1100px;padding-left: 0px;margin-bottom:200px;margin-left: 80px;"> The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 brought dramatic changes in the international business environment, escalating frictions in international relations and escalating legal risks for enterprises. Alarm bells that enterprises must attach importance to compliance development have been sounded repeatedly. In the new stage of economic globalization, compliance management is the source power and fundamental guarantee for the sustainable development of international enterprises. At present, various countries are strengthening compliance supervision by means of legislation and international cooperation. The Chinese government is also paying more and more attention to law-based governance of enterprises and compliance supervision. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has comprehensively promoted the compliance management of central enterprises. At present, all central enterprises have set up compliance committees. The SPP is also advancing the pilot reform of corporate compliance in an orderly manner, and taking the lead in promoting the establishment of a third-party supervision mechanism for corporate compliance at the national level. When carrying out global investment and trade activities, enterprises must abide by the rules and requirements of the global market to further enhance the competitiveness of international compliance operation and management.<br /><br /> Anti-Corruption Compliance Forum 2021 is the most influential company compliance forum in Asia held by SZ&W Group .The forum will take the anti-corruption as the starting point and comprehensively discuss the experience and development of domestic and foreign enterprises in compliance management in the context of the international epidemic economy.More than 250 industry veterans and corporate compliance department heads as well as more than 150 well-known related corporations and associations will be invited to share opinions on the latest legal and policy interpretation, cross border business risk& compliance,corporate compliance system, third-party cooperation management and regulation technology and share successful compliance practices with mature companies to help creating a better business and market competitive environment in China.Forum aims to provide practical, innovative and comprehensive corporate compliance solutions for all attendees, so that all the participating companies can handle themselves in the new compliance era. </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="splitTitle2" id="slideSpeakers1"> <a href="#slideSpeakers1" class="slideIcon scrollbtn"></a> </div> <h1 class="block_title" style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size: 30px;margin-bottom: 60px;color: #438af8;margin-top: 50px;">HOT ISSUE</h1> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2"></div> <div class="col-md-8" style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif, sans-serif;font-size:18px;background: #fff; height: auto; padding: 20px 0px;"> <div style="background: #fff;color: #000; padding: 0px 150px;"> <li style="width: 1200px;">Authoritative interpretation of Law Countering Unfair Competition ,China Foreign Investment Law, Anti-Monopoly Law, Guiding <br /> Opinions on the Third Party Compliance Supervision and Evaluation Mechanism of the Enterprises Involved in the Case’ </li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Authoritative interpretation of Data Security Law,Cyber security Law, Personal Information Protection Law,GDPR </li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Data Security--The Impact of Data Security Law,Personal Information Protection Law, GDPR on Enterprises in China</li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Latest case study of FCPA and UK Bribery Act </li> <li style="width: 1200px;">The impact of the intensifying Sino-US economic trade war on the compliance of Chinese enterprises</li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Inspiration of DOJ Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs Updated Guidance</li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Compliance risk management for cross-border business(Including export、overseas infrastructure business、cross-border mergers<br /> and acquisitions、cross-border e-commerce)</li> <li style="width: 1200px;">The latest progress of trial reform of SOE compliance</li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Compliance effectiveness: Difficulties and implementation in the construction of an anti-corruption compliance system</li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Practice sharing on establishing internal corporate compliance management system </li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Third-Party due diligence, the most profitable solutions</li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Case studies of third-party risk management in pharmaceutical enterprises</li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Case study: anti-corruption and internal investigations in internet company</li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Explore the challenges to traditional law enforcement and corporate compliance brought by new business forms such as platform <br /> economic and big data</li> <li style="width: 1200px;">Digitalization of compliance: Application of innovative technology in compliance management</li> </div> </div> </div> <div class="splitTitle2" id="slideSpeakers3"> <a href="#slideSpeakers3" class="slideIcon scrollbtn"></a> </div> <h1 class="block_title" style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px; color: #438af8;">WHO SHOULD ATTEND</h1> <div align="center" style="padding-bottom: 50px;"> <img src="images/Who-Should-Attend.gif"> </div> <div class="splitTitle2" id="slideSPONSERS"> <a href="#slideSPONSERS" class="slideIcon scrollbtn"data-scroll=""></a> </div> <h1 class="block_title" style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px; color: #438af8;">PART OF CONFIRMED SPEAKERS</h1> <div id="Speakers" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel"> <!-- Indicators --> <!--<ol class="carousel-indicators"> <li ng-repeat="d in Speakers" ng-class="{active:$index==0}" data-slide-to="{{$index}}" data-target="#Speakers"></li> </ol>--> <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="item" ng-class="{active:$index==0}" ng-repeat="d in Speakers" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="container"> <div class="row" ng-repeat="r in d.Rows"> <div class="col-lg-3" ng-repeat="dd in r.Items" ng-click="SpeakerDetail(dd)"> <img class="img-circle" src="{{dd.HeadImage}}" width="140" height="140" /> <h2>{{dd.Name}}</h2> <p> {{dd.JobTitle}}<br /> <strong style="color:#369fff;">{{dd.Summary}}</strong> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--<a class="left carousel-control" href="#Speakers" role="button" data-slide="prev"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> <a class="right carousel-control" href="#Speakers" role="button" data-slide="next"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a>--> </div> <p style="padding: 20px 10px 40px 10px; 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}; </script> <script src="//" async></script> <script type="text/javascript"> app.controller("IndexPageCtrl", function ($scope, $sce) { //演讲者集合 var spk = $scope.Speakers = []; //初始化演讲者数据 $scope.InitSpeakers = function () { spk.push({ Rows: [{ Items: [{ HeadImage: "images/speakers/1.png", Name: "Henry Chen", JobTitle: "Chairman", Role: "", Summary: "Compliance Culture Working Committee of China Enterprise Culture Improvement ", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Before joining Dentons, Henry Chen was AP Compliance Director of Ford Motor Company responsible for monitoring and managing compliance risks under various jurisdictions, and conducting investigations and compliance reviews on unusual events. Henry is able to provide clients with comprehensive and sophisticated international advice on resolving any type of commercial and regulatory issues and stand ready to apply his unique skills and understanding of the Chinese legal and regulatory systems to produce the best and most efficient resolution of the dispute or crisis at hand.<br/><br/> Henry’s practice areas include compliance with FCPA and Chinese anti-bribery law, anti-fraud investigations, data privacy and security, anti-monopoly law, establishing compliance management system, and dispute resolution. <br/><br/>Henry is a multi-disciplinary expert on cybersecurity and data governance – he is a Certified Information Security Personnel (CISP) and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Personnel (CIIP). <br/><br/>Henry is the author of the book of Compliance Risks of Enterprises in Globalization: Outbreak and Control and the book Risk Management on Commercial Bribery in China and the Editor-in-Chief of The Compliance Reviews (www. compliance. reviews). <br/><br/>Henry is also a drafter of ISO 37301: 2021 Compliance management systems – Requirements with guidance for use. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/2.png", Name: "Fanley", JobTitle: "Chief Compliance Officer ", Role: "", Summary: "Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co.,Ltd", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Fanley, is now the Chief Compliance Officer of Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co.,Ltd. Responsible for comprehensive compliance system and mechanism construction and effective maintainance. He once was the Globle Compliance Director and Department Head of ECC Rule and Standard Department of ZTE, and the Chief Compliance Officer of Transsion Holdings Limited. He has rich theoretical and practical experience in the fields of standardization of compliance system construction, varing from enterprise to build effective compliance, and especially export control&sanctions personal privacy and data security compliance aera . He has led many compliance programs practically. He has embedded compliance standard and system into enterprises' procurement, manufacture, R&D, sales, logistics, after sales, investment, hr and finance, which is recognized by government supervision agencies. He successfully dealed with multiple international sanction incidents and he also has rich face to face practical experience in enterprises to respond to administrative supervision. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/3.png", Name: "Haibo Ye ", JobTitle: "Professer, Exective Dean,Institute of Compliance Study ", Role: "", Summary: "Shenzhen University", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("叶海波,法学博士,现为深圳大学法学院教授、深圳大学法学院副院长、合规研究院执行院长,兼任国务院发展研究中心港澳研究所高级研究员、深圳市人民检察院企业合规讲师团特聘讲师、广东省法学会香港基本法澳门基本法研究会秘书长、深圳大学港澳基本法研究中心(全国人大常委会基地)副主任、深圳大学港澳及国际问题研究中心(教育部基地)副主任、深圳大学党内法规研究中心(广东省人文社科研究基地)副主任、深圳大学廉政研究院(深圳市哲学社会科学研究基地)副院长等。主要研究宪法学与行政法学、党内法规、合规原理与实务、港澳基本法、国家监察等理论与实践问题,出版《反海外腐败合规实践指引》(主编)《国家察制度改革研究》(合著)等著作,在《法学家》等发表学术论文多篇,主持国家社科基金、教育部项目多项。") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/4.png", Name: "Xiaoju Feng", JobTitle: "General Counsel, Compliance Officer APAC Region", Role: "", Summary: "Saint-Gobain Asia Pacific", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("冯晓炬律师有逾二十年的执业经验,现负责法国圣戈班(Saint-Gobain)集团亚太区十多个司法管辖区的法务及合规事务。他曾就职于金杜律师事务所,专注于公用事业和基础设施类投资并购项目,后在德勤(Deloitte)作为首位中国律师支持其中国区总部及华东区各业务线。其后,一直在能源及材料制造行业财富500强企业任中国区法律总监和亚太区总法律顾问,同时负责合规事务。此前,他还曾在某大型国企就职多年,负责在中东、东南亚、非洲及美洲的成套设备出口及工程承包业务,具有丰富的国际商务和工程项目实务经验。曾多次获得Legal 500 中国总法律顾问强力榜单(“GC Power List China”),以及汤森路透《亚洲法律杂志》“ ALB中国年度十五佳总法律顾问”等奖项。 ") }] }, { Items: [{ HeadImage: "images/speakers/5.png", Name: "Yvonne He", JobTitle: "Senior Vice President, General Counsel", Role: "", Summary: "IMAX China ", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Ms. He is qualified in the PRC and the New York State of the USA. Prior to joining IMAX China, Ms. He worked with an international law firm in its Shanghai and Hong Kong offices and took Asia Pacific General Counsel and Compliance Officer roles with MNCs. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/6.png", Name: "Jason Jia", JobTitle: "Counsel", Role: "", Summary: "Zhong Lun Law Firm", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Jason Jia is counsel of Zhonglun law firm. His practice focuses on comprehensive management of compliance (building compliance programs; antitrust &competition law; trade compliance; data protection; trade secret protection; anti-bribery; national security review of foreign investment etc. ); outbound investment and litigation & arbitration. <br/><br/> In his over 15 years of practice, Jason has successfully addressed a wide array of complicated and high-profile cases across various sectors. With his accomplishments widely recognized in the fields of corporate compliance management and transnational regulatory and compliance, Jason was highly recommended in Cross-border Compliance and Technology& Telecoms by China Business Law Journal, 2020 and awarded Most Influential People (2020) by Legal Daily, China. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/7.png", Name: "Leo Chen", JobTitle: "Director, Mainland China/Hong Kong", Role: "", Summary: "Epiq", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("陈先生拥有15年的为跨国企业、金融及专业服务机构提供基于数据分析、技术解决方案的经验,主要应对治理、风险、合规(GRC)及法律相关的挑战。在埃贝科技,他主导中国内地的电子数据披露和法律科技转型业务的发展,帮助律所及大型企业应对跨境争议或域外监管下的数据披露(Discovery)、数据合规治理、隐私监管等风险。在埃贝之前,他领导某金融监管科技公司在亚洲的初创及业务发展,提供防止金融犯罪、洗钱、欺诈等的数据及技术解决方案。在此之前,他的任职经历还包括欧洲货币、BvD(现穆迪),GBG等跨国公司,均为金融机构或企业提供风险管理、反欺诈及合规方面的解决方案。Leo 拥有吉林大学学士及香港大学的工商管理硕士学位。 ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/8.png", Name: "Chi Chen", JobTitle: "Partner, Forensic & Integrity Services", Role: "", Summary: "Ernst & Young (China) Advisory Limited", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("陈炽是安永法证及诚信合规服务的合伙人,他在中国、美国、及澳大利亚有超过20年的合规、风控、及法证工作经验。陈炽专注于持续合规监控和管理体系的建设、贸易合规、数据合规、知识产权和隐私保护、反商业贿赂、反垄断、风险预测分析、 计算机取证和电子证据发掘。他服务的客户涉及消费品、医药卫生、汽车、工业品、高科技、物流、交通、能源、电信、房地产与建筑等行业。 ") }, ] }] }); spk.push({ Rows: [{ Items: [{ HeadImage: "images/speakers/9.png", Name: "Marina Li", JobTitle: "Assistant Director -Financial Crime Practice Lead for Greater China", Role: "", Summary: "Moody's Analytics", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Marina Li is an experienced compliance professional, with over 11 years experience in Financial Crime Compliance in the banking industry. She is managing the KYC solution for financial and non-financial institutions in Moody’s Analytics for Greater China and helping clients in customer due diligence, financial crime surveillance and AML investigations. Prior to joining Moody’s Analytics, Marina was working in both the first line and second line of defense in a foreign bank. Her specialties include AML, Sanctions, KYC, CDD and independent testing. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/10.png", Name: "David Tang", JobTitle: "Partner", Role: "", Summary: "JunHe LLP", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("David Tang has over 20 years of experience specialized in international trade, customs and trade controls. Chambers Global and Chambers Asia-Pacific have consecutively recognized David as a leading lawyer in international trade since 2012. <br/><br/>David is one of the very few practitioners in China who has deep understanding and extensive experience in economic sanctions and export controls. He advices multinational clients on Chinese sanctions and export controls. He represents U. S. companies in internal trade compliance audits, end user due diligence and verification since early 2004. In recent years he has helped many Chinese companies to develop their compliance programs for coping with U. S. sanctions and export controls, and assisted clients in assessing sanctions/export controls risks for their business involving sanctioned countries or restricted parties. <br/><br/> David also represents multinational clients on various customs issues, ranging from classification, valuation, country of origin, duty assessment, VAT refund, import and export licensing, to internal audits and compliance training, as well as customs audits and smuggling investigations. <br/><br/>Clients often seek for David’s very unique investigative and auditing expertise in finding facts for the purposes of internal investigations and government investigations related to FCPA and trade sanctions. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/11.png", Name: "Michael Yan", JobTitle: "Chief Compliance Officer, Data Protection Officer and Deputy GM of Risk Management Dep", Role: "", Summary: "Changan Automobile Company", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Mr. Michael Yan currently acts as the Chief Compliance Officer, Data Protection Officer and Deputy GM of Risk Management Dep of Changan Automobile Company. Before joining Changan, Michael was the Chief Compliance Officer of Midea Group where he spent two years to help Midea set up its global wide Compliance system in Export Control, Data Protection, FCPA and Antitrust. Before that, Michael has more than 20 year legal and compliance experience in both multinationals and law firms. Michael was educated in Japan and is a qualified PRC lawyer. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/12.png", Name: "Bin Luo", JobTitle: "General Counsel ", Role: "", Summary: "Baozun Inc.", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("LUO Bin, in his over 16 years’ experience in both private practice and in-house legal & compliance function, has served both multinational companies and China domestic company, covering both B2B and B2C sectors. Mr Luo is currently General Counsel of Baozun Inc. , a listed company in brand e-commerce service industry. In data protection area, Mr Luo used to serve as Asia-Pacific DPO for a multinational consumer brand and is a holder of CIPP/E Certification. ") }] }, { Items: [{ HeadImage: "images/speakers/13.png", Name: "Jacob Clark", JobTitle: "Foreign Counsel", Role: "", Summary: "YuandaWinston", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Jacob is a U. S. attorney licensed to practice in Michigan and the District of Columbia and whose extensive experience studying, living and working in China enable him to advise clients and conduct his legal practice entirely in Chinese. His practice focuses on cross-border and international legal issues, particularly in the context of complex disputes, litigation, and investigations. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/14.png", Name: "Benjamin Yin", JobTitle: "Partner", Role: "", Summary: "JunHe LLP", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Mr. Yin joined JunHe’s Shanghai office in 2014. Since then he has participated in many cases such as compliance investigation, anti-commercial bribery, customs and tax law, fraud targeting investment funds, contract fraud, and other criminal investigations against companies and/or individuals He has represented many Global Top 500 Corporations and other large/medium-size WOFEs and joint ventures, as well as local companies.<br/><br/> Mr. Yin was permitted to practice law in China in 2005 and has been a member of the California Bar Association since 2013. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/15.png", Name: "David Lin", JobTitle: "Legal Director", Role: "", Summary: "Desay SV", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Xianwei Lin, Legal Director at Huizhou Desay SV Automotive Co.,Ltd. <br/><br/>Mr.Lin has been engaged in the intelligent internet automobile industry for a long time and is deeply involved in global data protection, export control, intellectual property and other compliance projects. < br /> <br />He is good at domestic and foreign investment and overseas dispute resolution.The legal team led by Mr.Lin Xianwei won the ALB 2021 Top 15 Legal Team of New Economies. < br /> <br />Mr.Lin is a researcher of the Research Center for Public Lawyers and Corporate Lawyers of the Law School of Renmin University of China, an arbitrator of Huizhou Arbitration Commission and Member of the UK Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/16.png", Name: "Johnson Ma ", JobTitle: "Director of Risk & Compliance", Role: "", Summary: "Dow Jones ", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("马建新先生, 现任道琼斯公司(Dow Jones)风险合规中国区总监,近十多年来已为数百家金融机构和企业提供过全面风险管理、金融合规、企业合规、经济制裁合规、出口管制/贸易合规、反洗钱/反恐融资、跨境投资并购合规、专项尽职调查等专业服务。曾多次为国家发改委、国资委、商务部、中国贸促会/国际商会(ICC China)、中国人民银行、国务院发展研究中心、新华社,各省市地方政府,以及国内外的大中型企业、金融机构、大学院校等进行高管人员培训和专业咨询服务等。<br/><br/>在加入道琼斯公司之前,马先生曾在某知名金融科技公司负责全面风险管理,包括市场风险、操作风险、信用风险、流动性风险、经济资本的风险和价值管理等,以及全球金融市场的算法交易平台、资金管理平台(前台交易、中台风控、后台清算)等,曾为大型企业、银行、证券、保险、基金、期货、对冲基金、资产管理等提供过全球交易及风控服务等。<br/><br/>马先生还担任 CCPIT 中国贸促会经贸摩擦顾问委员会国际合规专家、全国企业合规专家委员会研究员、对外经贸大学金融硕士课外导师、前海“一带一路”法律联合会特聘专家、深圳国际商事调解中心调解员等社会职务。 ") },] }] }); spk.push({ Rows: [{ Items: [{ HeadImage: "images/speakers/17.png", Name: "Harry Liu", JobTitle: "Partner", Role: "", Summary: "King&Wood Mallesons", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("刘海涛律师的主要执业领域为商事诉讼和国际仲裁,具有20多年的诉讼仲裁经验。他曾经代表众多中、外企业进行商事诉讼和仲裁,涉及诸多商业领域。刘海涛律师处理复杂案件的技巧及专业精神受到当事人的好评。<br/><br/>自2006年以来,刘海涛律师处理过众多合规案件,涉及反海外腐败法事宜的咨询以及为客户进行合规案件的调查等。刘海涛律师也曾为具有中国背景的美国上市公司提供咨询意见,并曾参与一系列此类公司的独立调查。刘海涛律师曾办理过的合规案件客户涉及医药、医疗器械、顶尖运动品牌、奢侈品牌、广告、信息技术、石化及生化柴油等诸多行业。<br/><br/>刘海涛律师分别在南京大学和华东政法大学获得法学本科和硕士学位,并获得哥伦比亚大学法律硕士学位。刘律师拥有中国和美国纽约州律师执业资格。刘海涛律师是中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会和上海国际仲裁中心的仲裁员。 ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/18.png", Name: "Kenneth Zhou", JobTitle: "Head of Legal & Compliance", Role: "", Summary: "SIG Combibloc in AP-North", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Kenneth Zhou is the Head of Legal & Compliance for SIG Combibloc in AP-North. He focuses on contract management, compliance control, anti-monopoly, Intellectual property rights management and personal information protection etc. Kenneth has more than twenty years experiences in general legal affairs and compliance, contract management and handled different types of disputes. Prior to SIG Combibloc, Kenneth worked for some multinational companies like Inter IKEA, Tetra Pak, Alcatel, Lucent as Head of Legal, Regional Counsel or Group Senior Legal Counsel. <br/><br/>Kenneth was invited by different organizations to give speech or training on contract management, IP strategy, trade secrets protection, dawn raids, compliance governance and data protection. <br/><br/>Kenneth obtained LLM from Renmin University of China. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/19.png", Name: "Ivy Ye", JobTitle: "Compliance Officer", Role: "", Summary: "Brookfield Properties in China", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Ivy Ye has been working in the areas of Compliance and Risk Control for around 15 years. Ivy was Senior Manager in pwc and then become responsible for Operation Risk Management for IKEA China. Now Ivy is the Compliance Officer of Brookfield Properties in China, responsible for Anti Bribery & Corruption, Crisis Management, and Safety, Health & Environment Program. During the working in Multi National Companies, Ivy is familiar with compliance regulation in different capital market, e. g. US, HK etc, and is dedicated to build up the compliance mechanism which suits China market. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/20.png", Name: "Cunchao Tu ", JobTitle: "Founder, CEO", Role: "", Summary: "PowerLaw AI", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Tu Cunchao, the founder as well as CEO of Power Law AI, has obtained bachelor and doctor from Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University and published over 20 papers in top-level international conferences as well as publications in the field of artificial intelligence, which has been cited by Google Scholar for over 1, 700 times. He has also been selected into the 'Post - doctoral Innovative Talent Support Plan', won the First Prize of‘ Qian Weichang Chinese - language Information Processing Science and Technology Award' and been awarded as the ‘Outstanding PhD Graduate of Tsinghua University’ as well as ‘Outstanding PhD Graduate of Beijing’. ") }] }, { Items: [{ HeadImage: "images/speakers/21.png", Name: "Ming Li", JobTitle: "General Manager,Intelligent Solutions Business Unit", Role: "", Summary: "INTSIG", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("李明,2013年加盟合合信息,负责智能移动解决方案事业部的总体市场拓展和行业赋能解决方案。<br/><br/>曾先后任职于Motorola、掌上灵通(NASDAQ:LTON)、华友世纪(NASDAQ:HRAY)、第九城市(NASDAQ:NCTY)。主导执行了多个客户营销,移动互联网平台化项目。在移动互联网领域有丰富的运营经验和人脉。 ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/22.png", Name: "Howard Luo ", JobTitle: "", Role: "", Summary: "PhD, GM of Intertek BA North China", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Howard Luo, PhD, compliance major graduate advisor of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, GM of Intertek BA North China, program manager of ISO37001/ISO19600/ISO55001/ISO39001, the sole tutor of ISO37001/ISO19600 Lead Auditor Training Course in China. Have run the first ISO37001 LAC (9 LACs so far) and first ISO19600LAC (11 LACs so far) in China, and developed ISO37001/ISO19600/ISO55001/ISO39001 related courses. Lead auditor and witness auditor, 10+ years management experience in a very large State-owned enterprise. Deep research on ABMS and CMS , have issued 15 articles on China Conformity Assessment Journal, e. g. Simple analysis of bribery risk identification, analysis and evaluation method, Principles of ABMS and logic relationship between elements of ABMS, Bribery risks indicators identification and monitoring is powerful weapon for bribery prevention, and Background and meaning of ISO37001 birth. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/23.png", Name: "Qian Zhang", JobTitle: "Initiator", Role: "", Summary: "iLAW Compliance", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("张骞,北京合规教育科技联合创始人,“iLAW合规”发起人。深耕法律合规科技行业多年,主导“Alpha 智能法律系统”的产品定位与内容设计,带领团队建立了专业度高、数据全面精准、广为专业人士认可的中国专业法律合规数据库;提出“合规+IT”一体化落地服务体系,主导研发了多款专业合规软件,为全国百家律所提供合规中台支持。 ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/24.png", Name: "Guan Wang", JobTitle: "APAC General Manager", Role: "", Summary: "Exterro", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("毕业于哈工大管理信息系统本科、墨尔本大学信息管理信息系统硕士研究生。曾任全球第一家做电子取证、隐私科技AccessData公司亚太区负责人,及全球最大信息治理Exterro公司亚太区首席代表。十余年电子取证、企业合规、隐私管理头部企业高管经验,是目前亚太地区深悉信息治理流程和产品的华人。 ") },] }] }); spk.push({ Rows: [{ Items: [{ HeadImage: "images/speakers/25.png", Name: "Timini Yu ", JobTitle: "Head of Legal APAC ", Role: "", Summary: "German company", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("于婷婷(Timini),某德国公司亚太区法务负责人 <br/><br/> 曾先后就职于外资律师事务所、美资公司、中法合资公司、德资公司。<br/><br/>担任公司法务负责人期间,Timini同时还负责公司合规业务,在公司内部反腐败、反舞弊调查方面经验丰富。<br/><br/>Timini是苏沪法律人俱乐部的发起人,公众号“见我”的主笔,“中国合同标准”联合起草专家,“中国合同50人”的采访人与特约撰稿人,“合同相对论”的联合发起人。 ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/26.png", Name: "Angela Yan", JobTitle: "Senior Counsel Manager", Role: "", Summary: "Texas Instruments", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Angela Yan is currently the Senior Counsel Manager of Texas Instruments, leading the legal team for Texas Instruments’ sales and manufacturing operations in China. Texas Instruments is a global semiconductor company that designs, manufactures, tests and sells analog and embedded processing chip. Before joining TI, Angela also worked with multiple MNCs covering the industries of electronics, energy, medical equipment etc. In her professional experiences in past years, she has supported the compliance system building for various times to ensure the healthy growth of company’s business. Angela is also experienced in handling third party’s due diligence and ethics cases. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/27.png", Name: "Henry Zhang", JobTitle: "Legal & Compliance Director, China", Role: "", Summary: "Lundbeck", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Henry ZHANG, Lundbeck China Legal & Compliance Director, is in charge of designing and implementing the strategy of legal and compliance risk management in China at Lundbeck Group. Henry has accumulated experiences in areas including legal, finance, compliance, corporate governance and operations from industries like international trading, pharma/medical device, professional services. Henry serves now also as Vice Chair of Legal and Competition Working Group of European Chamber of Commerce in China. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/28.png", Name: "Kok Shen Koh", JobTitle: "Senior Consultant", Role: "", Summary: "Global Law Office", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("许国盛律师的主要执业领域是反腐败/反商业贿赂、数据合规、网络安全、个人信息保护。其在金融服务、电信以及科技领域与合规官以及企业高管有丰富的合作经验,经常协助跨国公司进行内部敏感问题调查、管理检查、数据完整性问题和政府执法事务处理。<br/><br/>许国盛律师曾担任诺基亚(中国)的区域合规总监,以及迪堡公司的前亚太合规总监和中国地区总法律顾问,帮助公司建立合规计划,进行风险评估和内部调查,在数据保护规制以及中国监管事项方面有着多年经验,深受客户信赖。<br/><br/>许国盛律师曾负责管理整合 13 个国家及地区的合规项目,在亚洲进行并完成了 120 多次合规调查,熟悉美国、欧盟以及亚洲国家的复杂法律法规,对如何运行合规项目有着极其深入的了解。<br/><br/>在环球,许国盛律师曾为客户的海外扩张提供数据合规方面的建议,包括国际数据隐私政策的本地化,员工或客户数据出境和共享,以及数据泄露的管理与向监管机构的自我报告等。 ") }] }, { Items: [{ HeadImage: "images/speakers/29.png", Name: "Frank Wang", JobTitle: "Co-founder, COO", Role: "", Summary: "Yao Easier Technology Service Co. Ltd", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Frank has 25+ years experiences in China pharmaceutical industry mainly in MNCs. He is currently the cofounder of Yao Easier Technology Service Co Ltd, healthcare industry SaaS company. In the past decades, Frank headed various executive leadership positions, i. e. executive president, VP of commercial operation and Chief Marketing Officer etc. in MNCs leading pharma and local biopharma entrepreneur covering extensive therapeutic areas e. g. <br/><br/>CV, OAD, nephrology, surgery, oncology & specialties and gastroenterology etc. During the Millennium’s, Frank served in a German leading healthcare firm and grew up from a PM to VP as well as experienced oversea assignment in Asia Pacific. He started pharmaceutical industry career from sales and marketing functions to full-fledged commercial operation since mid of 1990‘s. Frank practiced as a cardiologist in China top cardiovascular special hospital for 2 years after graduated from the PKU Medical school and owned EMBA degree from CEIBS. ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/30.png", Name: "Xiaozhong Ye", JobTitle: "President ", Role: "", Summary: "SENIOR ", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("赛尼尔法务智库总裁、中国政法大学法学院企业法务研究中心执行主任,《中国企业法务观察》主编。现担任中国企业联合会维权委员会副主任委员,中国企业改革与发展研究会高级研究员,全国风险管理标准化技术委员会委员,中电联企业合规管理技术委员会委员,天津市国有企业改革法律专家委员会委员,北京仲裁委、上海国际仲裁中心、广州仲裁委、济南仲裁委等多家仲裁机构仲裁员,中国法学会网络与信息法学会理事、北京通信法制研究会理事、香港《商法》杂志编委。阿里巴巴、中粮集团、云南电网等多家企业专家顾问。<br/><br/>主持起草了企业法律领域第一个国家标准--《企业法律风险管理指南》(GB/T27913-2011),主持编制了中国上市公司法律合规风险指数,参与国务院国资委总法律顾问制度、企业法律顾问制度与公司律师、企业法务信息化、中央企业混改法律合规风险、世界一流法治工作等多项课题,主编《中国企业法务观察》、《企业法律风险管理体系建设的创新与实践》《合同审查的结构与方法》等。先后获得中央企业四五普法先进个人、中央企业法律事务先进工作者、国家级企业管理现代化创新二等奖、中国企业发展与改革研究会创新成果一等奖、中国标准创新贡献奖等。 ") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/31.png", Name: "Yuyang Lu", JobTitle: "Co-founder, Director & Vice President", Role: "", Summary: "Fagougou(Shenzhen)Technology Co.,Ltd.", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml(" Mr.Lu is master of International Law from Shanghai Maritime University,also the member of APEC Special Committee of IPBA and expert of think tank of provincial and ministerial project group of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. As an industry expert in intellectualization and digitalization of compliance application scenarios, Lu has leading and participating in many major intelligent compliance projects and cutting-edge insights into many application scenarios in the compliance industry.<br/><br/>During his practice as an attorney,he served as the permanent or special legal adviser for many well-known enterprises, and led the operation of many major investment, financing, mergers and acquisitions, and commercial dispute resolution projects.") }, { HeadImage: "images/speakers/32.png", Name: "Le Shi", JobTitle: "VP", Role: "", Summary: "PowerLaw AI", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("在自然语言处理 / 企业数字化领域 已有15年以上的工作经验<br/><br/>自2015年步入法律科技领域,作为iCourt首位技术合伙人,打造的Alpha产品已覆盖中国20%的律师;实现了团队从10人到700人,创收从3000万到5亿的裂变式发展。<br/><br/>于2020年7月加入幂律智能,开启了在合同数字化/智能化领域的实践与探索。 ") },] }] }); spk.push({ Rows: [{ Items: [{ HeadImage: "images/speakers/33.png", Name: "Jason zhao", JobTitle: "Senior counsel/Lawyer", Role: "", Summary: "Jingsh Law Firm, Shanghai Office ", Description: $sce.trustAsHtml("Author of Medicine and Compliance, a specialist book published by Law Press·China in October 2021, focusing on helping Chinese companies go abroad to participate in global competitions more steadily in a compliance manner and on a long-run basis. Previously specialized in Anti-dumping, Anti-subsidy, Anti-trust, Anti-bribery, Channel management, Export control & Financial sanctions as well as Project financing business fields in a couple of prestigious law firms and renowned Telecom Big Techs. ") }] }] }); } $scope.InitSpeakers(); $scope.SpeakerDetail = function (dd) { $scope.CurrentSpeaker = dd; $("#TipModal").modal({ show: true, backdrop: false, keyboard: true }); } $scope.onloading = false; $scope.subscribe = function () { if ($scope.subscribeInput == "" || $scope.subscribeInput == null) { $scope.Tip("Please Input Email Address。"); return; } var reg = /^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/; if (!reg.test($scope.subscribeInput)) { $scope.Tip("Email Address Is InVaild!"); return; } $scope.onloading = true; szwgroup.SiteService.Subscribe_Add($scope.subscribeInput, function (r) { $scope.onloading = false; $("#TipModal2").modal("show"); $scope.$apply(); }); } $scope.Tip = function (msg) { $scope.TipMessage = msg; $("#TipModal3").modal("show"); }; }); </script> <hr class="h" style="margin-top:0px;" /> <div class="container"> <footer style="font-size:14px; text-align:center;"> Anti-Corruption Compliance China 2021 | Copyright 2009~2021 SZ&W Group, All rights reserved | <a href="Privacy.aspx">Privacy</a> <a href="TC.aspx">T&C's </a> <a href="contact.aspx">Contact </a> <a href="">Brochure</a> <!-- <img src="images/btlogo.png" width="100px" />--> </footer> <!--<footer style="font-size:14px; text-align:center;"> 友情链接 <a href=" ">和讯</a> --> <footer style="font-size:14px; text-align:center;"> <p> 备案许可证编号:<a href="" target="_blank">沪ICP备2021019987号-1</a> </p> </footer> </div> </body> </html>